David Skripac Transcripts

Transcript of 70min  video David Skripac_ A Global Empire is Emerging Catalyzed by COVID1984

Geopolitics and Empire is joined by David Skripats, who served as a captain in the Canadian forces for 9 years. During his two tours of duty in the air force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia as well as in Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. He's been writing, a lot for Michel Trosidovsky's global Research, and elsewhere. Welcome to the podcast, David. Honored.

Honored. I thank you very much for having me. It's a it's a pleasure to be here. It's it's a it's a great, to have you, and, I've been reading, some of your jaw dropping, articles over at Global Research, and and they're posted all over the Internet and, really good stuff. And, I really you know, your view, I I feel, is very close to my, analysis and and and paradigm.

But before maybe getting into your writing, I was listening to some of your prior interviews, and you describe how you sort of snapped out of the matrix, the lies. Part of it was thanks to the nudging of your, father who, you know, having grown up under Yugoslav communism, has a keen understanding of totalitarianism, but you also the things you witness in the field, because of your work, how western powers were creating you know, right before your eyes, you saw them, creating financing, Al Qaeda and ISIS and all this stuff. So if you wanna before getting to your articles, you know, anything you wanna tell us about, your background and then how you sort of woke up? Yeah. No.

Excellent. Herve. Because it's it's very tempting today to get, kind of angry or frustrated with people that are asleep, that are unaware of the the grand agenda unfolding around us. Right? Sometimes you think, my god.

Can't you see it? But then but then I step back myself and say, wait a second. Woah. Woah. I can't I can't criticize them because 30 years ago, I was there as well.

I would listen and to CNN. I would believe everything that was on the, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or Communist Broadcasting Corporation, now the CBC. Right? And my and my father would say, look. Look, son.

Things are not as they appear. Okay? They they are lying to us, but that that why why would these people be lying? I mean, they're honest people. Like like, we are they can't be a hidden agenda.

There's there's no you know, what what what would be influencing them? My father was always telling me, when you're looking at history, please get 3 different sources and try to look at them and come in the middle, there will be a a conclusion of some sort or some picture will will appear. And above all else, follow the money trail. Money trail, all it never lies. It always tells you where the key actors are, the the people that are pulling actually pulling the strings.

So, again, we would have many arguments like this over the years and and and going through high school and and my father was telling me even World War 1, World War 2, everything we've been taught about World War 1, the origins origins of World War 2 is a pack of lies. That's not the truth. Wars are always about economics. It's not about spreading freedom and democracy. The moment the state says to its people, we're doing this out of moral character.

We're doing it for freedom and democracy. You know, something is wrong. Something's very wrong here because no no no state in history has ever done that. We can just look at the Roman Empire versus the Carthaginian Empire. Right?

265 BCE to 145 BCE. It was the most epic struggle, Titanic struggle the world had ever seen till that time. And Rome was fighting for hegemony over the Mediterranean. So they were on the Rome would call it Mare Nostrum, our sea. That was the Mediterranean that and and Carthage was saying, no.

No. No. This is our our economic sphere of influence. Don't you dare come here, and that that's called the battles. 3 Punic battles then ensued.

What was Rome doing there? It was battling for economics. It was not for there to spread Roman ideals or or the Roman legal system or anything. No. It's purely economics.

Carthage Cartagio dellendes. Carthage had to be destroyed as as, Roman senator Cato always said, and then that's what happened. So it it we jump forward now to the modern era, to our world today. It's the same thing. It's all about economics, so and that's where the light slowly started to come on when I joined the Canadian Forces.

And then I was in service flying all over Yugoslavia, flying from Italy, from Manukone Falcunara to to Split, Croatia, to other, parts in Croatia, or that time still Yugoslavia has this collapsing, bringing food, logistics. We're bringing blankets, not weaponry. We're bringing blankets and first aid supplies for the for the poor Bosnian people and for the Croatian suffering, the innocent people suffering in battle. Okay. So we landed in Split one day in Split, Croatia on the Riviera there where I'm offloading my aircraft, and along comes a 747 with Saudi Arabian registration.

That's a 747 freighter. It lands, taxis in, comes right beside us. NATO troops are there, American guys, unloading the aircraft, and I'm asking them, well, what's what's on all these boxes and crates and everything? He said, no, this is for Muslim Brotherhood, across the mountains there. They're, fighting right now in Bosnia against the Serbs.

And I go, oh my god. Okay. Now we have to look at the backdrop here. There was a UN's arms embargo on the form of Yugoslavia, so that no arms could come to any of the belligerent parties at that time in 1991, 1992, 1993. And here we are sitting on the ramp in Split, watching the 747 offload all this weaponry.

I go, that's when the light came on. Okay. I think my data saying is absolutely correct. Things are not as they appear. And, of course, this was never mentioned on on CNN or anywhere.

Right? It's it's so there was only one one side with the bad guys. Only the Serbs are the evil ones, and that's that's why we have to the the destroy them. Right? So so that that that was my slow, slow learning curve, and and and learning history, World War 2 history as well, everything has started to make sense then.

It's Germany had to be destroyed for economic reasons in World War 1. It was not to spread freedom and democracy because Germany posed an economic threat to the British Empire. No difference in World War 2. Germany had to be destroyed for economic reasons because of autarky. Hitler chose autarky, so the German would be self sufficient economically.

That's a big mistake in the eyes of the City of London, the Washington establishment. Yes. Of course, Germany the the national sources were racist, but but then so were the British, so were the Americans. It was perfectly legal to lynch an, a black African American until 1967 in the United States, in the southern states. So to say that, well, we were the good guys.

We are not racist, but but they were. So there's more involved to it. Again, we could go a whole hour into that. We won't move it to I don't wanna go there ready. We're we're gonna flash forward to to where we are today, but that was all part of my learning process.

So along comes then 2019 the end of 2019 and early 2020, what we have on, all of a sudden this this pandemic emerging. So on March 9th, what happened was the, several cruise ships. Between March 7 March 9th, 3 passenger cruise ships docked in Asia. Another one in, in Oakland, California on March 9th, the Grand Princess with 37100 people on board. So if the the the cruise ship is is a is a beautiful analogy because it's it's, kind of a Tesla border.

You have 3,700 people locked on a ship in contact with each other every day. And if there there is some kind of virus that's killing killing these people, I mean, it's gonna be devastating on the ship. There there there's no way to go. You cannot hide if that's the case. So there's the 37100 on the Grand Princess.

Okay? They tested a 100 of them with the fall fraudulent PCR test, 3 tested positive. Okay? And and and, weeks later after the ship docked, 3 people died. Okay?

All all why we we we don't know exactly. So from that, they concluded, well, it's a 30 per 30% infection mortality rate. So a 33% infection mortality rate. I mean, how from 37100 people, the 3 died weeks later after the ship docked. How did you get 3%?

That's what the media was telling us. So right away, something else is going on. In the age of 57, a 100 people were on board those ships. No one no one died, and they were tested by the fraudulent PCR test. There were some positive cases, but no one died.

But yet mainstream media says, no. This dev this devastating. It's 3% mortality rate. Like, we have to watch out. So that was that was the first first light that came on for me.

Okay. Something is wrong. And then, weeks later, John Ioannidis, epidemiologist at the, Stanford University came out and said to the world now, ladies and gentlemen, nothing to worry about here. We are seeing from the latest data, we have about 0.1 to 0.2 0.1 to 0.2 infection mortality rate or whatever's going on here in line with the seasonal flu. So, okay, that that's that was good news.

That was all good news. But media still keeps going on. No. No. No.

It's a global pandemic global pandemic. And then all of a sudden, the glow world leaders, maybe Andrew Merkel, Justin Trudeau, everyone was saying, this is the new normal until a vaccine can be developed. So that that that's that's why I knew, okay. Why why are they saying that? Some something's wrong.

We we've known vitamin d for over 50 years. We've known vitamin d as as excellent at at, strengthening the human body. Vitamin c, take your zinc, exercise, eat right, you know, go go out in nature, be one with nature with the microbiome. But, no, the the default position was immediate all the time, constantly. Now this is the new norm until vaccine can develop.

So that's when the light came on for me. That's when I knew, okay, Something's wrong here. So everything my father said to me is, has come to operation, then you start to follow the money trail. Riots across Europe, unprecedented food and energy inflation, increasing military conflict around the globe, and a rising digital police state. The 4th turning is here, and so is the Expat Money Summit.

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You know, as you said, we don't have, as much time. I I'd probably throw in there in part of your awakening process, you know, things like 911, and and and other things. Yeah. But, you know, I think it's we gotta look at what's happening now because this is COVID 911. This is even worse.

It's it's like part part 2. You know, but in January of 2020, I I did this interview that blew up with the author of the Bioweapons Act, Francis Boyle, and he contended at the time that, corona was a offensive biological warfare weapon. My view from the beginning, I'm very close to the view of JJ Cooley and people like that. He's been a guest of mine. From the get go, I said there never was by by definition, there was never a a pandemic.

By definition. You know, I've I've been at the WHO during the swine flu, pandemic. They've changed they they they've been committing this fraud for the long time, you know, even in 2009 with the swine flu. I mean, they changed all the definitions of pandemic. And and now with immunity and and vaccines, they've changed the definition of a definition, I think, and I don't know anymore.

But they they keep moving the goal posts. So my view that is that there's never been a pandemic that they may have used some low yield type of bio weapon, which, as you mentioned, did not again, was not as dangerous. It was the protocols that was killing people, so they were creating this image of a pandemic. And the main goal of all of this was to bring in bring us into this biosecurity digital, technocracy. I I do have an issue.

I mean, I don't know what you believe. I I respect other people's beliefs. There are people saying that, you know, contagious infectious disease don't ex doesn't exist. The viruses don't exist. I don't go that far.

My view is that I just don't yeah. I'm not afraid of people who are infected with some disease. You know? Like, we can still believe that stuff exists, but we don't have to be afraid of people who got the flu or something. So what do you think, really happened with, COVID 19 94?

And it seems like gover all the governments of the world participated. No? Yes. Absolutely. They're all working in lockstep as the Rockefeller project would say.

They were working in lockstep in synchronicity because all the govern at at at this global empire that's emergent. We have the the the Hydra at the top. The head is the Bank of International Settlements that working along with the policymakers such as Rockefeller Institute, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is now known as Chatham House. These are the policy makers. They work along them with the policy distributors at the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the IPCC.

We'll we'll get into that too with the with the climate change aspect to it. So that that's how then all the governments are co opted. If if you follow the money trail, then money makes the world go round. And the governments, by various means, have either been bought out or coerced, blackmailed, so that this agenda was uniformly floating around. If anything, the this could have happened in 2017.

2017, if if we look at the World Health Organization actual data, the the seasonal flu of 2017 had an infection mortality between 0.7 and 0.9, far greater than than this COVID COVID, scandemic. So why weren't we in 2017 wearing masks? Why why why aren't we, isolated and separated? Approximately 45,000,000 people died globally in 2017. It was devastating.

I I never heard anything about it. It could be again, the vast majority of these people were over the age of 70 with underlying conditions, typical of of of again, was it a virus going around with? Again, we could debate that for for hours, but we do know there's many other elements in in the environment. It could be arsenic that we're breathing in right now. It could be a mercury that's that's in the atmosphere that's causing us to fall ill.

It could be the new 5 g, technology rolling out in 6 g that's coming around the corner. It could be glyphosate that's in the environment. For example, 75% of our rainfall now that's been tested falling in the United States, not just United States, they found 75% of it. They found 70, trace traces of glyphosate in in the water in the rainfall. So could, that that's definitely the atmosphere.

We're breathing that in and causing us some of us to fall ill? Absolutely. So if if there was some bioweapon that was designed, again, for the 2020 scenario, it's it it it's nowhere near as effective as whatever happened in 2017, fortunate fortunate. But, again, by by by just by gaining the numbers, presenting the false picture, like I said, with the cruise ship analysis, where there was really there was no 3% infection mortality at all. But, when they declared a global pandemic, 40 people out of 8,000,000,000 were actually infected by this so so called, they had, symptoms displaying COVID 19.

40 out of 8,000,000,000, and we have a whole pandemic. How how is that possible? Right? Yeah. And you you it's you you mentioned the Royal Institute.

I actually had on the podcast couple years back, one of the previous directors of the Royal Institute For International Affairs, Victor Bulmer Thomas. So that that that's an interesting interview back in in in in the archives. And, you know, this sort of brings us towards your article, which I absolutely, loved. And, you know, we don't have to go into some of the details. I the link is in the description.

There's so people I urge people to go and read it and get that initial context where you detail your parents' escape, which was a life or death situation when they escaped, Yugoslavia in in the early Yugoslavia years. It was less dangerous towards the end, but in the early years of Yugoslavia, it was life or death, and they managed to escape to Austria and then make their way to Canada. So, people should read that. But I think, you know, the the point of that is to show back then in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, wherever, North Korea, you know, you could escape to Europe, to the United States, to Canada, to parts of Latin America. And now the I mean, this is unprecedented.

It's literally global. I've had some of my past guests on famous Swiss millionaire investor who's in Thailand, Mark Faber, when I talked about this with him a couple years back. Even from a secular perspective, he said he studies deep history. Like, this has never happened before in all of history. You know?

My my my perspective of the Bible, you know, talks about there's gonna be a global government where all countries will participate, and, you know, there's gonna be, like, a mark of the beast system where you won't be allowed to, you know, have sovereignty or agency. You'll if if you don't do what the system says, you'll be, you know, shut off, and that's starting to happen now simultaneously. These two systems of this global system and the global control system. And for me, that was the whole point of it as you talked about the risk government response. You know, I was living in Kazakhstan at the time, and then it was like masks, obligatory, injections, obligatory, QR codes, digital passports.

I barely made it back to mess Mexico avoiding all of that. And so for me, like, that is the goal of all of this, to to push us into this digital control system. And so your article again is and it's very much like Patrick McGoughan's the prisoner. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that, but a cult, British, TV classic. And so your article is moving toward a global empire, humanity sentenced to a unipolar prison and digital gulag.

So if you wanna tell us more about about that and what do you think you know, what was the real purpose of of operation COVID? Yes. So, operator, the the purpose is to erode our individual freedoms, erase national, sovereignty. Nationalism, yes, I I know nationalism and worshiping the state is is not a not a good idea, but it's still it it's it's moving away from the the the globalist agenda from the cabal. And so it's moving away from that.

Ultimately, what the the the cabal, what they really hate is individual freedom. That's what it's all about, destroying our inalienable rights and and taking away individual freedoms. That's the ultimate goal. And how do they do that? Well, by controlling the information.

If you control the information flow of the data, you you won. But but then many people say, oh, no. No. Wait a second. No.

No. They didn't win. For example, Russia. You know, Russia, or they they they they are the star war. They are they're fighting against this global agenda.

Mister Putin, he's on our side. No. Where's the evidence to support this? I would encourage your viewers after, to view go on, Substack to look at, Substack. It does amazing, excellent work.

Riley Vageman, AKA Edward Slav Squad as well. Been producing some excellent stuff about what's really going on in Russia, and then mister Putin is not against the the Golovaz agenda. Right? It's all working together, and it's it's like communism on a on a on a macro scale. For example, let's draw back to what you said about Yugoslavia.

Okay? Yugoslavia, it's under communism or East Germany, Romania, whatever you have. They had collectivism. That was the that was the objective of their society, to collect the bias, erase the family unit, erase family values, erase with any religious, organized religion that had to be destroyed, and collectivize. So now but now we have collectivization on an international scale, which is globalization.

And then when you hitch globalization to AI, to technology, to every aspect of technology where you're being monitored, controlled, told what to eat, where to go, what to buy, what to inject into your bodies, surveil 247. That is then technocracy. So we have elements of communism in the the way they collectivized and try to erase the individual and the individual freedom, So that aspect is definitely there, but when you marry that to technology, you have then technocracy, which Patrick Wood does does an amazing job at explaining all that. And where do we have a prime example of that? In in today's world, it's China, People's Republic of China, which is really not the People's Republic.

It is the globalist Republic of China. It is a as Patrick would correctly, describe it as a full fledged technique. If we wanna see what the future could be for us, all we have to do is just look at China, where every single aspect of your life is surveilled 247 and monitored, where social credit ratings are in, where QR codes are there, where digital currency is being implemented, where if you speak out against the government, you're immediately your your your face is put up on the main square. You're you're mocked. You're ridiculed.

You're, prevented from traveling, etcetera, etcetera. So all what we've been discussing, what may be coming our way, that's that's already there in China, and that was all enabled by the Rockefellers. When Henry Kissinger went there in 1971 to establish relations with the communist government in China, he wasn't sent there by Nixon. People have to understand. He was sent there by the Rockefellers.

He was not working for president Nixon. He was working for the Rockefellers to establish this massive laboratory because here you have billions of people that you could mold and manipulate that are hardworking, will will not really go against the government unless really, really bad things happen. So it was a amazing laboratory to bring out the the technocracy, which was already being formulated in 1938 at Columbia University by, by individuals, by Howard Scott, for example. Yeah. And you you mentioned, a number of great names, you know, Roloslawski.

He's I've interviewed him on my AT and T radio show last year. You know, I I I I try to get early. I I I, you know, I'm I I'm early in being one of the first to interview some of these fascinating folks that are coming up. And Ryan, he just shouted out. He gave a shout out to me.

He he took one of my guests, Yuri Roshka, and interviewed Yuri and Riley. I had him on since last year on this podcast, and Patrick Wood has been been on. People can check the archives. But let let let's go back for a second to the Putin aspect. You write in your article, quote, countless pundits and journalists in the alternative media have opined that the BRICS nations, particularly Russia, China, and India, are leading the charge in an anti globalist and anti global governance anti single global empire crusade.

On the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth. There's no way to justify calling the BRICS economic model a nonglobalization alternative to the West's globalization push when in reality, it is just another form of globalization, a different approach to globalization. And a few things have been occurring just in the past, week weeks and and and and in months, and I totally, agree with you. There are a number of things here. First of all, I discovered that the BRICS paradigm or framework was first was created.

The idea was coined by a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, some Indian woman whose name I can't recall right now Yeah. Together with a Goldman Sachs, I believe it was Goldman Sachs, a banker. That's one thing there. And then you've got, for the longest time studying globalism, the plan is to, as you said, get rid of nation states to create supranational entities. The EU is de facto the model for this anti democratic, totalitarian, technocratic, globalist system where you unify 30 nations into 1 and then replicate that model to North America, Central America, South America, Africa, so on.

And so what what do we see? In my research so, I'm a I'm a national of Mexico. So the Mexican president last year, In the official transcripts, he was talking to Blinken, and he literally said, let's integrate Canada, USA, and Mexico based on the EU model. You had last week, El Salvador Buikele come out and say, let's integrate all 7 central American nations into the Central American Union based on the EU model. He literally said that.

You had last year ex president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, say, let's integrate South America South American Union based on the EU model. He said that. And then I used to work technically for Nur Sultan Nazarbay of of Kazakhstan. Supposedly, his idea it was his idea, the Eurasian Union. So Putin has been spearheading the Eurasian Union.

I did a quick search. Klingendale, which is this globalist European think tank, published an article 3 years ago saying that the Putin's Eurasian Union is based on the EU model. So, and then, anyways, if you look at what's actually being done, the results of BRICS and multipolarity, it's actually integrating the planet, you know, politically, economically through infrastructure. So it's it's decentralizing. And so it's almost like they're tricking us.

It's it's like a trap. The the globalists are tricking us to to come into the farm, and then they're gonna lock us in. So do you have any further thoughts on my little rant there? And then just just, you know Go ahead. No.

That that that that's beautiful. Yeah. Because you you nailed it there. So we'll look at both the European aspect, and then we'll go back to Russia again. So we have so that that, your listeners and viewers know the European Union, the way it was set up, the, European Commission is the executive branch.

We have the European Union. It is made up of non elected unaccountable officials. That's what everybody has to understand. So whenever they try to emulate that or or replicate it in Latin America or whatever, you are, again, creating an completely undemocratic institution. So in the EU, we have the European Commission.

The executive branch made it unlikely official that dictate policy. The European Parliament members, typically, what they've been doing up to now is just rubber stamping. Whatever comes out of there, they just rubber stamp it and okay, and that's it. It's a completely autocratic system modeled very closely, again, to the communist, to communist China, government. The the Chinese government operates in the same day.

Right? You have the summer central committee of unelected members that dictate policy. So it mirrors the Chinese government or the communist system in in that re regard. So there we have and then we have the European Central Bank. So we have the EU, which is completely undemocratic, the the parliament, the system, and then we have the European Central Bank, which was created by the Bank of International Settlements, another completely secretive, dictatorial institution that no one even knows how how it operates.

And this is supposed to be European Central Bank is somehow going to be a savior to the European people to help them. Absolutely not. It's a part of the enslavement agenda. And then now let's go to to Russia. Again, if if we look at every aspect that we were inflicted with during the past 3 years during this pandemic, the lockdowns, the QR codes, the contact tracing, the injections of the biomedical experimental injections.

Russia has done exactly the same thing. There's there's no difference. So to say now that Putin's someone no. He's he's he's doing a secret judo job to the to the, western elites. You know?

He's he's just playing along with them for now, and then then he's gonna strike. No. That that's fantasy. It's pure illusion. Putin is a charlatan.

He is not a patriot. I support the Russian people. It's the Russian people we have to support. Putin is is selling them out completely. Same with because they say, Shoigu, there's there's no difference.

And real patriots, just last week, real patriots like, Igor Strelkov. Igor Strelkov, our true patriot, who was a military commander in in the Donetsk People's Republic. He's being arrested. So that's again, we could look at that as, wow, this is this is devastating. It's bad news.

Okay. Temporary for circle, but it's showing that the Russian government, specifically Putin, is is acting out of weakness. When you have to arrest true patriots in your country, that is not a sign of strength. That is a sign of weakness. The Russian government is now operating from from a weaker standpoint, and they're worried.

They're worried. These things are thing things are not the Russian people are slowly waking up. True patriots are speaking up more and more. So it's it's not going to work well in the long run for Russia. Even if Putin plays along, he thinks maybe by playing along with the with the with the cabal in the west, and and there's Luciferian elements in this cabal, which we can go into if you wish.

But by by playing along with him, he thinks that somehow they will spare Russia in the long run. That that's will not happen. If if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, it it will be devastating. Russia will be sub cut to pieces and or turned into a a warring fiefdom or where one group is combating against another against another to grab the resources. Meanwhile, BlackRock and other investment firms are just gonna be laughing all the way to their bank as they are right now with the with the conflict in Ukraine.

There are innocent Ukrainian people suffering. Innocent Russian people are suffering on the ground right now as we speak, but the oligarchy on both sides are are laughing all the way to their bank. They're the weapon sales and and so on and so on. And and to that, last point, like I had Yuri Roshka on, and, you know, I I I want there to be some independent poll of resistance. You know?

But this is I and I've there I've had guests on the people that I respect immensely, western analysts that are, you know, pro, anti western Davos, you know, diabolical satanic system and pro Russian conservatism and all of that. But what we're just discussing, I mean, these are cold, hard facts. And some of these people have this myopia. They're ignoring it. I I cannot ignore this, and, you know, Yuri Roshka talked about it.

And just this week, you know, we saw Putin sign into law the Russian algorithm ghetto, as I call it, the digital ruble CBDC. 2 weeks ago, he gave a talk where he's saying he he even used 2030. He said we have this. We we should have this goal by 2030 to implement smart cities and digital twinning and all this crazy stuff in Russia. You've got heran her Hermann what's his name?

Heran Graf of of Sberbank. Yeah. They they brought in the 4th industrial revolution center in Moscow. I mean, it's happening. There's so you you cannot unsee that.

So my question maybe for you is, like, why Yuri Yuroshka touched on this, but I haven't you know, he's, like, the only one who so far in the podcast has brought this up. Why are some, I think, some western analysts who are pro Russia or pro China or pro multi polar world, ignoring this. You know? You Yuri has implied that some of them are just happy to to get famous as analysts and make money. Some of them, I think, are well meaning or were, well meaning, and I think others maybe, they kinda don't wanna believe that there is no resistance at, you know, like, the state, level to globalism.

What are your thoughts on why people are don't wanna look at this? Yes. You're right. It's a combination of all that. Most people love to live in a binary world.

It's it's black. It's either black or white, right, or good versus evil. They don't understand it. It's all like my father was always telling me, it's one gray zone. It's one big gray zone, and we have to pierce through that and and decipher the information that we're getting and and decode the propaganda that we're getting.

So, but I believe, for example, like someone like Pepe Escobar. Okay? His heart is in the right place. Okay? He he's a brilliant man, and he's he's trying to do but it's still it must be very hard for for people like that to understand.

No. There there is no savior that's going to come from a government to to to save us. If one man does come along, let's say, hey, gentlemen, people of the world, don't worry. I have the answer. I have the answer, and we'll solve everything.

Buy or beware because that is not gonna be the case. It is up to us, the individuals, all of humanity, all billion 8,000,000,000 of us to come with this, with this solution. So that's why I think many people have a really hard time with understanding that the BRICS is not an alternative. It's two sides of the same point as we talked about. Russia is not at all going against the agenda.

They are lockstep 100% in line with the goal position, with the WEF. Even though Putin was never a young global leader as Klaus Schwab has claimed. But he might as well be because he he's formulating his plans exactly and copying exactly agenda 2030, the 4th industrial revolution. As you say, it's all it's all rolling out with with with virtually no difference. And now, as you say, last week, without any fanfare in the west, yeah, the Russian digital ruble is on the way.

It's coming actually even faster than the American digital currency that the Fed is trying to roll out, than the Canadian government is rolling out. So the Putin is actually trying to trip over. They're trying to trip over each other to see who is gonna be first at the line to enslave their their respective nation. How would you so just, you know, one more thing. I always ask my guests, this contradiction where, as you and I just explained, all of the nations and and corporations are working on this globalist project.

And, you know, even Francis Boyle, who who I had on last time, he he agrees. He says the Chinese elites and the American elites and all, you know, Russian elites are working together against their own population. So many of us can see this, but there is this contradiction having been in the Canadian forces yourself. How do you then explain? So there is this global network between these cartels, let's say mafia states, Russian, Chinese, European, American, whatever.

But they are there is actual, you know, conflict geopolitically between them, you know, in Ukraine, and and it seems like the US does wanna go to war with China. My only way of trying to explain that is it's like cartels in Mexico. They'll work together or make peace treaties for a while, But then when a tomato hits the fan, when one of them gets greedy, they'll try to take out the other cartel. And it's kinda thing what what you were saying earlier that Russia is fighting for a a better seat at the table of of world government. I mean, just your thoughts on how to explain they're working together, but they're fighting against each other at the same time.

Yeah. That that's right. Yes. No. That's a very good point, Jorge.

It's we have to explain that. It's yes. They they are Russia will try to look after its own interest. For example, maybe some mineral wealth or whatever, what's happening in Syria, how Russia is defending Bashar al Assad, to defend their bases there, their naval base and their air force base in the human main air base in, Latakia province. Okay?

That's at a two dimensional level. Yes. Russia is trying to protect the sphere of influence there, but on the grander scale, though, it's they are all working together. Like, you see a mafia group, meeting at the table. And, again, are they all unified in their policy?

Perhaps not. Right? To to, we we have to acknowledge that, yes, there's a global cabal working here, but dude, are there separate agendas within the cabal? There may be. And then then they'll work that out.

So that's why I mentioned that if, Putin is playing along with him, trying to create favor with him, that's only gonna take him so far. Because if he doesn't play along fully, then he will be removed just like they are trying to do with Bashar al Assad, as they did with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. They they succeeded there. I firmly believe he was murdered, but, again, that's that that is a conspiracy theory. That's purely theory.

That's conjecture on my part, but I believe he was murdered. But that that's that's all part and parcel. So are they unified as a one single body? No. No.

They're not. And I'm sure within the echelons there there, you know, there's conflict and that there's arguments in there. And on the ground, though, for example, in the Ukraine, yes, there we have an innocent people suffering. That's that's where we see the 2 dimensional aspects of the warfare. Right?

Group a against group a b or empire a against empire b. That's the 2 dimension, but at the three-dimensional level, the over the macro level, looking at it from 65,000 feet down, no, I'm sorry. Unfortunately, they're all playing along. And even even the climate agenda, for example, if if we look at some of the the statements coming out from Moscow, the same thing, or definitely China, they don't care that much about it. They're continually producing their coal power plants, but in in Russia, they're talking about we are we have to do our contribution to global warming.

Again, we look at that agenda. That's also part and parcel of the the biosecurity state agenda. Right? And the the the enslavement of all of us. If if you look at it on an individual basis, yes.

Okay. You think the IP the global warming, climate change agenda is is separate. It's no no. It's nothing to do with Ukraine or the woke agenda with the LGBQ, the icon the alphabet people, that that's some separate agenda. No.

It's not. The the it's all part and parcel of the bigger picture. For for example, if we look at the global warming, okay, to our sorry, climate change. So the your viewers probably have the $1,000,000 question, is climate change real? Yes.

It is. Is it caused by man made activity, though, human activity? No. It is not. That's the big difference.

So climate change is real. It's been happening since the Earth started. It's, it's a part of the process with solar activity interacting with water vapor. The most important greenhouse gas on Earth is water vapor, not c o two, not methane, not nitrous oxide. But again but that's, again, that's what the, disinformation people in the media will tell you, and the and the politicians will say, oh, no.

No. No. It's it's it's, c o two is the most important greenhouse gas. No. It's not.

Your viewers could look afterwards on, YouTube. It's still there. Professor, Ian Clark from University of Ottawa, addressing the Canadian Senate in 2011. There's an amazing video of professor Ian Clark there. Jan Weitzer, Timothy Patterson, University of Carleton, along with 30,000 other climatologists.

Like, these are real climatologists. Like, Ian Clark is a climatologist, not a chemical engineer or an engineer talking about climate. Like, these are real people who know all this stuff, and all of them say the solar activity as it increases, there's temperature increases as it interacts with water vapor. Water vapor makes up, by volume, 95% of the greenhouse gases. C02 makes up 0.04%.

So it is minuscule, but they're saying, no. No. This corporate is CO 2, which is actually the lifeblood of the planet. Plants actually need CO 2. It's a it's a, a life generating gas, not killing gas.

Yeah. And yeah. I I I've had, way back in the day, lord Christopher Moncton, on the program, Mark Marrano, and then on my radio show, TNT, a a number of others. So, and as you say, that's all it's all this plan. We talked about the elites and maybe a little more on on this agenda, which I I pretty much because I had Edwin Black, in 2020, the Jewish historian, and I just his term for me is my is the favorite.

You know, peep you can call it cyber gulag, electronic concentration camp, digital concentration camp, algorithm ghettos. So he he used the example of, you know, the Jews in Nazi Germany were sent in these physical ghettos, walled off. And then he says, well, what they're building now is this cashless system. It's it's an algorithm ghetto. And so we've seen, you know, Nigel Farage was debanked recently.

Just just yesterday, doctor Mercola, and his employees and his employees' children were debanked. Jeremy McKenzie, a military veteran in Canada, was debanked from Scotiabank. Maria Zadich out in Australia, was debanked. Last year, the Department of Homeland Security killed my PayPal forever. I was taken off of Patreon.

And so this is the algorithm. Get them. I'm and it seems like their goal is to create one global digital ID, that's gonna contain your all of your biometrics and, DNA, and it's gonna be linked to, you know, their geolocation, geotracking so they know where you are. Mexico just unveiled Plan Angel, Angel, which should be called Plan Satan, Plan Diablo, and I couldn't believe it. They're talking about we're gonna create this the most important thing is this ecosystem based on AI, and it's we're gonna roll out vehicle tracking, morphological detection so they can just, on your body, detect who who you are nationwide.

Right? Drone tracking. All this insane stuff. So Mexico's doing it. America, Europe, Russia, China, as you say.

And so this is their goal. And, you know, Worldcoin was just rolled out, and they explicitly say we want it's gonna be a global digital ID. Get a scan in your eyeball. That's gonna be you're gonna you won't be able to access the Internet, without this. So they know exactly who you are, what you're doing on the Internet, where you are.

And so do do you have any further thoughts on for for me, this seems like this is the big enchilada. This is the the principal core of this system going forward. You know, your thoughts? Absolutely. As I I referred to in my article, the digital gulag.

That's what I call digital gulag, because that's where we will be. And as as I said at the beginning, if we wanna know what it's even remotely like, just look at China. What what you just described, that that's what's happening in China right now, where every single aspect of our lives will be tracked through and powered, mean, enabled by AI. For example, the digital currencies. AI will just help to, roll that around to to monitor everyone, and it'll all be powered by 5g6g, technology that's coming around the corner.

And that will be the complete enslavement of us all. Because like you say, they will monitor every aspect of you, and and we see it already. We even saw it in the Freedom Convoy, in 2020, at the beginning of 2020 here in Canada, when when certain members of who organized the Freedom Convoy, their bank accounts were frozen. So that that's a prime example. That was the first example right now, and now as you've mentioned these other examples.

So if people in one way, again, this sounds bad, but I'm glad that this is happening so more important. People are gonna wake up and see this, this aspect. This is the end game. The their end game, their goal is to enslave us all, to remove our individual freedoms. They've already removed the individual, nation's sovereignty.

Sovereignty is a thing it's a from a bygone era. That's gone. All governments are now working in lockstep to instate their own populations in in varying different degrees. For example, the, central bank digital currency of India that they're planning to work, it will have an expiry date. Same with the Chinese one.

It'll have an expiry date, which I mentioned in my article as well. So it's it's it's it's all it's all happening. So, yes, it this this may seem very depressing, right, as we look at this, but, okay, now let's look at look at the solutions. Yeah. Be be be be be be be before getting to to to that, let me ask you about, Bitcoin.

You're probably familiar with our fellow, Croatian broadcaster, Andrea Klaric, who's doing, great work. He he if he does interviews in Croatia, he'll put English subtitles. If he he does interviews in English, so with the Croatian subtitles. And he, recently interviewed someone. I don't know who he is.

James Patrick. But, you know, on the question of bitcoin, my view has always been people will disagree. I I've had Bitcoin Maxis, that I've interviewed. I I respect people's views. My view is that it's been a global globalist Trojan horse, and James Patrick came out and said, quote, this makes me look at this digital money issue differently.

At first, I was believing the idea of Bitcoin might be a good thing. Now I'm kind of suspicious that that could have been a pilot project for these new CBD systems. So I was always suspicious of Bitcoin. You had the 20, you know, 1988 economist cover that had a all the you know, a phoenix sitting on the ashes of all fiat paper money and a coin, which looked very much like like the Bitcoin symbol, saying this would be, like, the new world currency. You had the NSA, MIT, I think, technical white paper in 1996 talking about electronic currency.

It's hard for me to believe that just one individual, you know, with little resources creates this, you know, amazing project like Bitcoin or or or whatever. And we've seen, you know, the the Pentagon, DARPA created the Internet. They created GPS. They created Facebook, DARPA Lifelog. They've create Tor was created by US military signal.

You know, all of the all of these supposed, you know, freedom tools Yeah. Created by them. So do do you have any thoughts on on Bitcoin? Yeah. That's that's a very good question.

It's, I mean, right now, we know that many people are comparing Bitcoin. They're saying it's the same thing as the central bank digital currency. It's the same thing. You know? But they don't realize there are big differences right now.

Bitcoin is decentralized. Central backed digital currencies are fully centralized and controlled by one entity. Bitcoin is not. It is decentralized, a peer to peer method of exchange. Monero as well is excellent.

With Bitcoin, I understand that they can peer into it and see where the transactions are going even though they can't, tamper with the ledger, but they can see what's happening, whereas Monero right now is invisible, and it is also a peer to peer decentralized method of exchange. Could bit could Bitcoin been created by, an anonymous entity? Because we we still don't know really who created Bitcoin, do we? Right? So it's you're you're right.

It's possible. I wouldn't I would I would not rule it out. I would not rule it out because, like you say, for all these other things, if I would if I put my deep state hat on for a moment and and plan like they do, that's exactly what I would do. I would make them think that this is something decentralized. It really works well, and get get them to use it just like they have with Facebook.

Right? Let let's market that. Let let's get as many people onto this so we can track and trace and see what their spending habits are like, how they interact, where do they go, what do they do, what do they spend their money on, and then and then sell that to to private corporations as personal data that they can use. So, yeah, I think I you're you're right. You're right, Herb.

I I wouldn't I wouldn't rule anything out. You never know. Yeah. I said, like I said, I I don't know. That's my the working hypothesis, which does change.

And so you mentioned so, solutions. You know? What are some you know, talking to people for years, going to conferences, events, Greater Reset, and all of that. And just instinctively, it's like once, you know, instinctively, you think looking at every all of this, what we've talked about is get out of Dodge, get out of urban areas, buy a farm in rural area, have some self sufficiency. You know, the the very basics to live if you're locked out of the system, and land.

And the most important that, you know, I've talked to James Walt Rawls of Survival Blog. I heard Gerald Celente mentioned this recently and others. Network, community network. You can't do anything by yourself. You can't live on a bunker fully prepped up.

If if if, you know, all and a lot of us don't have much money, and it's like seems like community. Net and Yugoslav, communist Yugoslavia and and Soviet Union, you know, Christians in the 1st century, they were moving about, foraging, living in forests. Together, though, the key element was having a community, and so that's sort of one of my big number ones is focus first on your local physical analog community. Digital virtual network is is good too, but your thoughts on on solutions. Throughout history, empires have risen and fallen.

Some of the most successful empires were those that offered people a reason to come, often lower taxes, and the prospect of citizenship. In ancient times, empires would say foreigners can become one of us and prosper through business and trade. Throughout history, people have gravitated to jurisdictions that have given them the best conditions to do business. So if you run a business, you should consider Nomad Capitalists because they help entrepreneurs and investors relocate to parts of the world where they can keep more of their wealth. They literally wrote the book on it, the best selling nomadic capitalist to find it on Amazon.

If you're an entrepreneur or investor and believe you're paying too much in tax or if you'd like to get a second passport or a third passport like I have to expand your options and not have to be relying on one government, there are legal ways to do this. Nomad Capitalist has been assisting over a 1000 clients for the last 10 years. You can check out their 2,000 plus educational YouTube videos and nearly 2,000 blogs. Just go to nomadcapitalist.com. Learn how they can help you legally reduce your tax bill, expand your options globally, and navigate the algorithm ghetto.

Yes. No. I totally agree. A 150,000 years ago, Homo sapiens were working together as cohesive units to go hunting. We've known now and that from archaeological, digs and research that we've done.

Otherwise, we would not be here talking right now. We we would have perished. If we were at war with one another constantly, for for through the millennia, we would not be here right now. So that that is the way networking, coming together at a municipal level, at a local level, That that is how we start. And as Patrick would have said many times as well, spread the information out which is why I love your your podcast, Horatio.

It's it's beautiful. You're you're one of, like, the like, James Corbett and many others, from, TLav. Ryan Christian? Ryan Christian. Yes.

From Latin American Vagabond. Right? It's it's this first, we gotta get the information to as many people as we can, and that's why I'm writing my my, essays as well on global research, and I published my first book in 2021, about about this pandemic just to warn people. So that's the first thing, Pierce through the propaganda so that we can inform people, and we have to do it in a humble and a patient way by by yelling and people say, you're like, don't you see? You're stupid.

Can't you wake up? That's not how we're gonna do it. We just have to drop a kernel just to see when I speak to people, and I just say, well, in 2017, the infection mortality rate of the flu was, you know, 0.7, 0.9, and one was a very massive. We were not a lockdown. There was no biomedical injections being issued to everyone, But yet, here we have an infection mortality rate according to Stanford University.

It's approximately 0.2. So that that's how I I dropped in just to have them think. I I pose questions to them so that they're they get the gears more. Alright? And keep going, and then and just leave it to them, and you plant the seed that way.

And by by being humble and patient, and then as you're organizing at a local level, trying to fight, like, find like minded people. Or as, Derek Brosse would say, freedom cells dot org, to find your own create your own freedom cell. That's that's a wonderful idea. And at at a municipal level, at a local level in government, we can prevail. People are doing that.

There's already, areas in the United States where they have successfully, on a municipal level, stopped and rolled out of the injections in their area, Right? The the biomedical experimental injections. So that's at at a federal level, it it's gone. The higher up the ladder you go, the more permeated by big money, the the the sphere is there, so you we cannot but but at the local level, municipal level, even the European Parliament, some part of the politicians are starting to wake up and say, hey. No.

This is getting bad. We we have to speak up. So we have certain members at that at the lower level of the parliament they're speaking up. So that that that is the way to go about this, and we have to move away from the element of fear because many people think, well, the opposite of love is hate. It's not.

The opposite of love is fear. It is the lowest frequency. Love is the highest frequency, and we know that. Fear leads then to anger, which leads to hate, which leads then to violence and suffering. So and that's where the cabal and the Luciferians, that's where they wanna operate is the fear level.

Because even even if they don't roll out into this pandemic in the next few years, just by saying they're constantly saying, like, Bill Gates said, oh, the next one's gonna be much worse. It'll get your attention. Just by saying that, they're they're just holding that element of fear over everyone's head even if they don't really launch anything. But just by saying that, if all the world leaders say, oh, yes. The next one's gonna be worse.

That but that's what they want. So they will be cowering in fear. Oh, yes, sir. Okay. We'll do exactly as you say.

Once we realize that is their modus, apparen'ti, that is how they operate in the realm of fear, we move away from that, from the low energy. And also by being humble and patient, we don't contribute to that negative energy, to that negative field. By us getting angry and and starting to go in a violent direction, that that's never gonna work. We we tried that through the millennia. Humanity has tried that.

Violence has not succeeded. But by by love, going the opposite spectrum to fear, then then we will prevail. And it's 12 approximate if we look at the the at the hydro, as I said, the Bank of International Settlements and the policy makers and policy distributors. We're looking in that sphere of the the cabal and their their empire, about 8 to 12000 people that are really in charge of everything. So it's 8 to 12000 against 8,000,000,000 of us.

That that that's what we we will prevail. We have to remember we are 100% percent spiritual beings. How do we know that? Because of NDEs, near death experiences people have had through the millennia. Going back 1000 of years.

There's literally documented thousands of cases where people have NDEs where they've crossed over to what we've we call heaven and come back. They've been clinically diagnosed as dead and come back. In the United States, for example, approximately 8,000,000 people a year die, natural causes. That's just the United States. Sorry.

I think it could be 8,000,000,000. I'm I'm not sure, but, I think it's 8,000,000. And out of those, several 100 have NDEs, near death experiences. This is becoming such a serious topic that you have researchers from Harvard and Oxford that are actually looking into NDEs. So there's something to this.

So the for them to start looking and saying, acknowledging, holy cow. Okay? There's something to this. So when a person has an NDE, that when you look at their recollections, university, all of them say when I crossed and came back, all I felt on the other side was unconditional love. That is it.

So it's it's it's it's beautiful. They said some who have been in hospice care and, were said to be dying of cancer or whatever, They passed away, and they came back having an NDE. And many of them say, why did you bring me back? It was it was so beautiful there. All there was was unconditional love.

I was accepted for who I am with all my quirks and and problems that I have. There was unconditional love, and we are 1. All of them come back and say, we are 1. We are part of the 1. So that that that gives me hope.

As spiritual beings, we will prevail. Love, this higher vibration will prevail, and their lower vibration, the negative the fear, love, and truth will prevail. And it always develops a crack. It finds a crack where the light of love, principle, and truth will shine through and prevail, and that's what we're doing. That's why you and I are here for a very good reason right now.

There were interviews you've had in the past with wonderful people. It's all happening for a reason, and it's a good reason so that the message of truth and love will get out. And and and and and maybe just your thoughts on on the road ahead because as as you say, regardless of what, you know, in in in the long term, you're you're you're talking about. But, nevertheless, you know, even recent guests I can't even remember everyone that I mean, it's it's different, but they say, nevertheless, this near term is gonna be a a diff hard and difficult, road. So, you know, if you have any further thoughts on that.

I I I do feel they might go to a 3rd world, war. There was a book that I had ordered. It never came. I'm a have to try to order it again. It cost, like, $70.

It was from, like, the 19 eighties, an academic book which was talking about world government, and it was saying that for the final play, the elites would would launch a military conflict, but it would be very targeted using nukes. Like, it would target just a few cities or regions to create enough of fear in people to finally relinquish their remaining sovereignty and accept world government. So I could see that as a scenario. I don't really buy the nuclear winter hype. I have, stepped on ground 0 at the principal nuclear Soviet, test site where Stalin dropped the first bomb, so I have visited the Polygon.

So I I I do think nukes could be launched, and it would be devastating to those regions. We know, hit wipe out cities and millions of people, but I don't I don't believe it'd be the end of the, the world. I think we'd be able to rebuild, but, there's that. There's them attempting to implement this dystopian. So do you have any thoughts on, you know, what it might look like until 2030?

Might they launch a a third world war? Will we end up in a in a mad max scenario if these systems, fail, and and any way thoughts on how to prep? You know, for me, it's like a lot of basics that everyone talks about, having physical assets, gold, silver, food, maybe some crypto, property, you know, community. So, you know, any any other thoughts along those lines? Yes.

Yes. No. Excellent points you brought up, Roy. Yeah. Definitely, in terms of diversity, spreading your assets, yes.

It's it's good to have property. Like, don't have everything in one basket. Like, some people put everything in one basket, for example, Bitcoin. That that that could be very dangerous. So I I diversify a little bit of gold, a little bit of silver, some property, a little bit of Bitcoin, right, a little bit of Monero, that that aspect to cover yourself.

And the most for me, the most uplifting thing for me and, elevating experience for me was planting my own food. That that was an amazing experience. So I have a little garden even though it's not much. In in Canada in the Canadian winter. You can't grow that much during the winter seasons, but still it it's it's just an uplifting feeling to say, you know, yeah, we we don't need big agriculture, you know, and and, there are GMO seeds and everything.

So, that that is another aspect. Try to grow your own food. And now come going back to your original, idea there about a limited nuclear war, it's that definitely the nuclear winter is not gonna happen because the people in charge, like Klaus Schwab and and his ilk, his minions, they are cowards. They are cowards to the core. They will not jeopardize their lives, for a nuclear winter.

So you're you're right. That's not that's not gonna happen. They may have limited, hopefully not, heaven forbid, limited, nuclear engagement of some sort to try to terrify us even more, but that'll have huge ramifications even there if a nuclear blast occurs. Let let's say, for example, someone in Ukraine, the way the prevailing northern winds will go, well, that's gonna go right across Russia. It'll go into China, and then go into Japan and then cross over to North America.

We can't escape it. Is the cabal willing to risk that even if they're in their mansions? So it's it it's it's hard to tell. You're you're you're right. They may they may think about it, but at heart, what what motivates the cabal is their their fear of death.

They are afraid of dying because they are atheists. Like, for example, Karl Schwab's one of his number one advisors, Yuval Anur Harari. Right? It's about atheists. He say he said so many times.

Okay. And that that's why they are afraid of the other side. They're trying to preserve their life here on on Earth as long as they can by monopolating monopolizing the world's resources for the benefit of themselves, the very, very few, the point 0.0001%, that 12,000 I was talking about. That's what they're trying to do, to monopolize the resources and and so they will have more, we will have less, and get rid of the refuse then, the the unnecessary population on earth. Right?

But but that that's what's driving them. Their their fear they they fear the other side because or or death at all because they they can't comprehend that there is something else. All they would have to do is read about NDEs. For example, one of the most famous ones in the United States is, doctor, David Alexander, one of America's leading neurosurgeon. He had an NDA.

Again, people can look on his YouTube videos. They're absolutely amazing. He's written books on it. And then and going back now again to the cabal and for example, someone like, you know, Biwa Harari. K?

He is showing us indirectly, even if he doesn't realize, how not to be. Klaus Schwab is showing us how not to be. I I believe that's why they're here in this Earth to so that humanity will learn from them. They're indirectly showing us, no. This is not the direction you wanna go, where we're gonna marry ourselves, the human body, to digital AI.

Now we should be divorcing ourselves from that and marrying ourselves to mother Earth, going back to the microbiome, going back to, a re rejuvenated farming, to nurturing soil systems, and removing glyphosate from the environment. Right now, approximately 3 to 4 metric tons of arable soil is being destroyed per acre on an annual basis on an American farm. That's a farmer doing conventional farming. Right? So 3 to 4 tons, variable soil is being destroyed by the chemical farming process with glyphosate would round up with the active ingredient of glyphosate in it.

So we have to remove that, get away from that, and marry ourselves back to the microbiome, back to the Earth, and back to cooperating with one another. So in in that regard, like, I used to be angry at people like Klaus Schwab or Iwan or Harari. Right? But I'd say, no. No.

It's they're they're showing us how not to be. They're being the example. They they they are they are fools, and I would agree with you that by by and large, they are, cowards. And so, we've covered the waterfront pretty much, David. Again, I urge people to read your articles, especially your last one.

I I I I read it multiple times. I I you know, there was the part where you mentioned as well. There's there's nowhere to run now. It's a global system. You know, I'm here as I joke.

I I I was a big fan of Akira Kurosawa films and, Spaghetti Westerns, Clint Eastwood and and and and others. And, I'm making my last Mexican stand, my last stand here in Mexico because as you point out, as your father points out, there's there's nowhere to go, so I might as well stay here. Although I I I would my only my only other option would be, Croatia, my ethnic homeland, so I wouldn't mind dying slowly in the algorithm ghetto in the beautiful land of my forefathers. You know, from there while watching the Adriatic Sea as I slowly my my body slowly dies because I can't buy bread or water, anymore. And it will be, illegal to fish in the Adriatic because the drones would I'm I'm I'm being kinda silly now.

But, any final, thought for us then? No. You're right. It's it's it's it's coming down to us. That's all it is.

It's it it the answers lies lies within us, within all of us to come together and and and come up with with different solutions and new ideas because waiting for someone in government at the federal level to to bring us the answers, it's it's never gonna work. It's never gonna work because they've been bought out and and paid for a 100 times over to even get to that level. So the answer, the solutions lie within us, as Derrick Rose has said, and and with with with going back to basics to farming, networking, and and sharing ideas, and we will prevail. We will prevail as 8,000,000,000 of us against approximately 12,000 of them. Hopefully, you know, one day, I get to have some, rakia and Yanyatina with you somewhere, in in, Dalmatia, but I'll include, your links.

Is there a best place for people to follow you online? I I don't have any. Yeah. All of my work is on global research. My first book that I published, We Are Being Genetically Modified, it's an ebook for free.

People can download and look there. So all my work is there, and some some, other articles have gone other to, Off Guardian, etcetera. But but that's the main place, globalresearch.ca. Well, David, keep speaking, up. Keep, talking.

You know, for a veteran like yourself, being brave like that, people like yourself are, an encouragement for, a lot of us. So so so don't stop. Keep speaking truth, to power courageously and and and bravely, and and thank you for being on geopolitics and empire. Thank you for having me. Honor honor her.

It was an honor. Thank you. Hopefully, we'll do this in Croatia one day. I hope you enjoyed this Geopolitics and Empire podcast. The website is geopoliticsandempire.com, and I encourage you to sign up for the free email list that goes out with each podcast and every weekend with a collection of news headlines.

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You can find the video broadcast now on 5 platforms, Odysee, Rockfin, Rumble, Bitchute, and Bryteon. You can find the audio broadcast on the podcast ecosystem, SoundCloud, Apple, Spotify, and so on. My current favorite social media channels are Twitter and Telegram, but you can also find us on Gab, MiWi, Minds, Float, VK, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Finally, geopolitics and empire is in dire need of funding to continue. You can leave a donation, purchase a consultation with the host, or become a member to receive additional benefits.

We also produce a weekly broadcast called Dissonant Thinker for members and Rockfin subscribers only. We will continue to fight the good fight come hell or high water. Thank you for listening.