vigilant news transcripts

READ TRANSCRIPT TO 69MIN PODCAST Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week 6-24-24 

#10 - Kansas sues Pfizer for misleading the public on COVID-19 injections. 

#9 - Democrat insiders reveal secret plot to replace feeble Joe Biden. 

#8 - Ex-CDC director unequivocally predicts there “will be a bird flu pandemic.” 

#7 - The Great Reset has BACKFIRED, says esteemed broadcaster. 

#6 - Senior Disney VP caught on camera admitting to discriminatory hiring practices against white men. 

#5 - Vaccine-injured pharmacist delivers heartbreaking testimony before the Ohio State Senate.

#4 - Michigan Senator goes off on Democrat bill that makes it “impossible” for citizens to challenge election fraud.

#3 - We now have proof that the COVID “vaccines” damage cognition. 

#2 - Groundbreaking peer-reviewed study finds infants who received multiple vaccines at once have ‘exponentially’ greater risk of developmental delays. 

#1 - Explosive undercover footage catches US official admitting the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL. 

Plus, the COVID shots are “weapons of mass destruction.” Top law professor Dr. Francis Boyle explains. (Watch)

Kansas sues Pfizer for misleading the public on the COVID 19 injections. Democrat insiders reveal a secret plot to replace feeble Joe Biden. And ex CDC director, doctor Robert Redfield, has issued a chilling bird flu prediction. Those stories and more tonight. I'm maria z of and this is Vigilant Fox's Media Blackout.

Welcome back to another list of huge stories on this week's media blackout. Well, it's just hit after hit for the criminal pharmaceutical companies these past 2 weeks. Last week, we reported on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the COVID 19 injections are not vaccines. A monumental ruling that will no doubt have incredible consequences for the injection pushes in government, health care, media, and all the other groups guilty of pushing this dangerous and deadly product onto the people of the world in what is undoubtedly the largest crime against humanity in history. And now the COVID criminal cabal is facing fresh new fears as Kansas sues Pfizer for misleading the public about adverse effects of the COVID 19 injection.

The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for violations related to its COVID 19 injection product, claiming the company marketed the shot as safe despite knowing the so called vaccine was linked to serious adverse events. The 179 page lawsuit filed on Monday by Republican Attorney General Kris Kovach in the District Court of Thomas County alleges Pfizer misled the public that it had a safe and effective COVID 19 injection. Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive public about its vaccine, quote unquote vaccine, at a time when Americans needed the truth, Kovac told reporters Monday, adding that Pfizer's misrepresentations resulted in record company revenue of approximately 75,000,000,000 in just 2 years. You can watch that announcement from the attorney general there linked on the vigilant news network which has gone absolutely viral on social media. The lawsuit alleges Pfizer said its COVID nineteen injection was safe even though it knew its COVID nineteen vaccine was connected to serious adverse events including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths.

Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public. Pfizer said its COVID 19 vaccine was effective even though it knew that the product waned over time and did not protect against COVID 19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public, the lawsuit says. It also alleges that the pharmaceutical giant's actions and statements relating to its COVID 19 quote unquote vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer's COVID 19 vaccine. Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID 19 vaccine while It also goes It also goes out on to point out that millions of Kansans heard Pfizer's misrepresentations about its COVID 19 vaccine.

For example, Pfizer administered over 3,000,000 Pfizer vaccine doses in Kansas as of February 7, 2024. This accounted for more than 60% of all vaccine doses in Kansas, the filing states, citing the State Department's health data. Additionally, the lawsuit accuses Pfizer of working to conceal critical data using various methods related to the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA injection. Quote because Pfizer unblinded the original control group and allowed them to receive Pfizer's COVID nineteen vaccine, Pfizer, government regulators and independent scientists cannot fully compare the safety and efficacy of Pfizer's COVID 19 injection against unvaccinated individuals, the lawsuit alleges. Pfizer's extensive and aggressive efforts to keep its COVID injection information hidden conflict with its public transparency pledges and raise serious questions about what Pfizer is hiding and why that it is hiding it.

The actions by Pfizer suggest it had knowledge of safety issues with the COVID 19 injection. When Pfizer announced that the FDA had authorized Pfizer's COVID injection for emergency use, Pfizer did not disclose that its trial included only healthy individuals and excluded unhealthy individuals, the suit claims. Pfizer made representations about its COVID 19 injection safety knowingly or with reason to know that it did not possess a reasonable basis to represent that it was safe for individuals who'd been diagnosed with COVID 19 who were immunocompromised or who were pregnant or breastfeeding. It continued adding that Pfizer maintained its own adverse events database separate from the VAERS database. Upon information and belief, Pfizer's adverse events database contained more adverse event data than VAERS because it included both information in VAERS and information not in VAERS.

That's per the lawsuit. Pfizer responded to the state's lawsuit in a statement on Monday defending its mRNA injection and insisting that its product save lives. Quote, the representations made by Pfizer about its COVID 19 vaccine have been accurate and science based, a Pfizer spokesperson wrote. The company believes that the state's case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course. Well, this comes after the the days after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that COVID 19 vaccines don't meet the legal definition of a vaccine since actual vaccines demonstrate proven effectiveness in preventing disease spread by stimulating the immune system to produce immunity.

You can read the Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer link there. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Pfizer who is currently already the record holder for the largest criminal fine in US history for intent to deceive and mislead the public. Maybe they're trying to beat their top score. You would recall that last week we covered this story. Doctor Francis Boyle, a Harvard trained professor and the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act which was unanimously approved by both houses of the US Congress and signed into law by President George H.

W. Bush issued an affidavit declaring COVID 19 mRNA vaccines as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction in Florida. Doctor Boyle is also the author of 2 important books, Biowarfare and Terrorism and Resisting Medical Tyranny. He says that whilst these civil cases are important, we need to be moving towards criminal proceedings and he joins us now to discuss. Doctor Francis Boyle, thank you so much for joining us today.

We appreciate you being here. Wow. Thanks, Marie, and my best to all my friends out there in Australia. We have a lot to discuss today. We have some very interesting action happening in the United States.

Last week, we reported on your affidavit that these injections are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. This is certainly a huge, huge bombshell that has hit the injection market. What do you think that, may happen now that we're seeing Kansas City suing Pfizer I mean, Kansas, sorry, as a state suing Pfizer. We're seeing more of these actions. What are your thoughts on this?

Well, Maria, we've discussed this before, and you've been so kind to have me on your, program repeatedly. But the house of cards is collapsing here, around the entire COVID pandemic itself. Most people now have come around to my original position that COVID 19 is an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that leaked out of the, Wuhan BSL 4 with the cooperation of the University of North Carolina BSL 3. And at the very beginning of the pandemic, based on my, previous experience dealing with, so called vaccines for biological warfare weapons resulting in the Gulf forces, sickness, I said quite clearly that, these vaccines would be quote more dangerous than useless, unquote. And then, when the, m r a mRNA technology, was released, as being behind them.

I I said that not even knowing what the technology was going to be. When the technology was released, I said that, you know, quote mRNA is very powerful stuff to inject into your body, close quote, and, quote, it could discombobulate your entire genetic system, unquote. Well, that is what is happening now. And, regrettably, that is what we are seeing now with an explosion of sudden deaths and, disabilities. I believe you're now having that, in in Australia from, headlines I've read.

Absolutely. It's basically the same across every single country, and and it's not getting any better. We just had an excess deaths report released in Australia. And when you go into the methodology, basically skewing, the the reporting methods so that they can present that there's been no issue with excess deaths. And this is now, they're now covering up the excess deaths just like they covered up the fact that majority of people in hospital were injected people.

What do you make of this of this Kansas suing Pfizer? Doctor Boyle, do you think that that is a a good way that states should go about this? Well, first, Maria, I want to commend you personally for giving me these interviews to explain to the Australian people what was going on out there, and and to give them the best advice I could. And, Yeah. I I certainly hope some Australians did listen to what I had to say.

There are a variety of legal actions now being taken. This latest, lawsuit in Kansas there by the attorney general was promising. But it's a civil lawsuit, not a criminal, which we have discussed before. And I would hope the attorney general there, would move into criminal prosecutions of everyone involved, in the development of COVID 19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon and also everyone involved in the, manufacturer of these, COVID 19, I call them Franken shots, that clearly violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation. It was a Nuremberg crime and a crime against humanity.

And as I outlined in my book, resisting medical tyranny, you can get it at Amazon, murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Everyone involved here. I believe I common law, Anglo American Principles of criminal law, which I was originally hired to teach here at the University of Illinois College of Law and taught for, about 8 years. And it's the same out there in Australia. You're a common Anglo American common law country.

The people involved in in all of this are guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. And in my book there, I outline, in detail going through the, Anglo American common law definition of murder, why they are guilty. And, of course, this would also, include you know, the greater includes the lesser. We're talking about, at least mayhem, and, assault and battery here as well. Well, I I know that certainly fucking haunts us now.

I'm sorry. Go ahead. No. That's quite alright. Doctor Joseph Sansone's, writ of mandamus that was filed in Florida, actually lists all of these, laws, you know, relating to terrorism, murder, genocide, very, very serious charges there, by the way, charges I agree with, or accusations, if you will.

Maybe charges isn't the right word. Do you believe that everyone needs to follow this course? We need to actually I mean, I I agree with you, doctor Boyle. We need criminal proceedings. How do we move from civil proceedings to criminal?

Well, of course, I'm I'm not an expert on, Australian law and, procedure. I have done one anti nuclear case, out there. It's quite alright. This is predominantly a US broadcast, so it's it applies to us all. Okay.

Well, then you, have to get, victims or I would say relatives of victims who are dead, and or disabled and, with a lawyer, go into a local prosecutor and demand the local prosecutor convene a grand jury and present the evidence, surrounding both the COVID 19 pandemic and the, COVID Franken shots. Right now, this is happening in Florida. Governor DeSantis has convened a, grand jury, down there. It is currently, meeting. They do have all of my arguments, on why, indictment should be returned in Florida.

But I and I have agreed to testify down there in Florida before the grand jury if if they want me to come and testify. So it it's a slow process. We'll we'll you know, we'll have to take it one step at a time. But I have to say that the then attorney general of, Louisiana Landry, who is now the governor, I spent 45 minutes with him going through their homicide statutes. And at the end of the 45 minutes, he did agree with me that everyone involved here was could could be indicted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

Wow. And then I had a 35 minute, conversation with the deputy attorney general of, South Carolina going through his, homicide statutes. And at the end of that, he did agree with me that the, everyone involved here should be indicted for, murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Now I did not have time, Maria, to research all the laws applicable in all the states of the union in the United States of America. But doctor Sansone has the additional statutes, that would apply, in Florida.

And there are now, legal proceedings filed by a law firm in Florida, outlining that. There's just been, legal action being taken again in Louisiana with, now governor Landry, asking that, he convene a grand jury and citing, numerous statutes in addition to murder and conspiracy to commit murder. So, yes, that would be that that's how we're proceeding here in the United States, Marie. Well, that is absolutely phenomenal, and it's exactly what needs to happen. I wanna ask you, doctor Boyle.

We now have situation where they're pushing for bird flu injections. Of course, you know, Europe's ordered 40,000,000 injections. The US plans on ordering them, and and they want to they're talking about preemptively, mandatorily injecting all farm workers. Of course, they wanna introduce mRNA into farm animals as well. It it's quite serious.

I believe they're coming after the food supply. What are your thoughts on this? I mean, really, it's a race right now. We need these legal proceedings to ramp up before they go ahead and poison our food supply. Would you agree?

Right. All these, globalists have said the, next pandemic is coming because they know it's coming out of their own biological warfare laboratories, BSL threes, BSL fours. We've discussed this, before. Yes. And it's now been documented that, doctor Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin, north, of New Year, he's the Pentagon's leading on weaponizing bird flu.

And it's been reported now Bill Gates was paying for him to do gain of function work at the University of North Carolina to, weaponize bird flu. And, that's, you know, making it more lethal, more infectious. So we do have a serious problem on our hands here. And, certainly, again, the mRNA, vaccines, you'll be injecting live cells of an offensive biological warfare weapon into the victim to replicate. And you'll see the same consequences now, we've been seeing with these COVID 19 Franken shots.

I don't call them vaccines because I I I'm not a member of any any vax movement. So the these collier are not legitimate vaccines at all. It's a fraud to call. Any of the vaccines, Maria. Absolutely agree with you, doctor Boyle.

It's really fascinating watching the the establishment using PCR tests yet again, a fraudulent testing method to determine that we have a bird flu pandemic. They're killing millions of chickens around the world. It's it's very serious. I I can tell you on on our home shores, we're already seeing shelves emptied of eggs. It's it's getting quite serious.

So, really, like I said before, Doctor Boyle, I believe we're in a race against the clock here. Before they try this again, we need to see criminal charges, and I think that that you made that point very very clear today. Doctor Boyle, please let people know where they can find you and follow your work. Oh, sure. If you just hit, Google under my name, my, books and everything will come up, under there and how to contact me.

And my my latest book is, the, resisting, medical tyranny, why the COVID 19, mandates are criminal. And I've I sum up the first two years of my opposition to the COVID 19 pandemic and and the Franken shots in there. And then I have a new book, coming up that, will follow-up also with the same publisher, that will update it for for the last 2 years. Wonderful, doctor Boyle. We look forward to it, and I'm sure we'll speak again very soon.

Thank you so much for your time and all of your work. Sure. Well, again, thank you for having me on Marie and letting me, get the message out there for people who want to listen and and act upon it. Thank you. I've said this before, but I'll say it again.

What do criminals do when they're backed into a corner? Well, they usually fight harder and double down and considering that governments colluded with Pfizer and other pharmaceuticals to deliver these lethal injections and weapons of mass destruction through mandates, you can expect the fight to intensify as the heat on them increases. Now we shouldn't be deterred by this, we should be ready to fight even harder but we also need to prepare for any situation that they may throw at us. America is facing real danger, the kind of danger only real Americans are ready for. What makes a real American?

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Free shipping is included. Stock up on these essential food kits at prepare with That's prepare with Democrat insiders have revealed a secret plot to replace Feeble Joe Biden. Democrat insiders have blown the whistle on a secret plan to replace feeble Joe Biden if he falters in his initial debate with Trump or if his poll ratings continue to decline, the Daily Mail first reported.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Florida rep Anna Paulina Luna says she is hearing on Capitol Hill that Joe Biden will likely be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee by November. Luna discussed the matter during an appearance on Thursday's episode of Jesse Watters' Primetime. The congresswoman told Watters, a lot of people realise that Joe Biden's likely not going to be the nominee which is from what we're hearing on Capitol Hill, Jesse. You know, Representative Kylie had reported that Kamala Harris is actually eyeing a run for California governor because of it. There have long been rumors and rumblings that California governor Gavin Newsom will replace Biden but he has maintained that that is not his plan.

So you're hearing also in DC that Joe Biden isn't going to be the Democrat nominee? Watt has asked. Correct, Luna replied. It appears that our colleagues are trying to put guardrails on a 2024 presidential election with President Trump, Luna said. And also what you're seeing is according to our polling, you know Jesse as well as I do that they've been trying to really paint Republicans as anti woman and they're trying to push an abortion crisis right now with the election and I don't think that that's the case.

Luna continued, a lot of the American people know that really. This is a state rights decision and so I think that they know they're losing. It's very evident at this point. Now it appears that there may be a secret plot brewing within the Democratic Party to replace Joe Biden. The plan is allegedly being orchestrated by influential figures including former President Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, former house speaker Nancy Pelosi, and senate majority leader Chuck Schumer.

The Daily Mail reported, according to democratic bigwig Obama campaign guru David Axelrod, the Biden team scheduled one of its earliest presidential debates in history, June 27 on CNN, to prove to naysayers that Joe's not going anywhere. But the gambit carries tremendous risk while an efficient debate performance by Biden could help rally Democrats behind him, a significant misstep would only stoke more replacement chatter. Former Clinton adviser and polling expert Mark Penn suggested the CNN debate will be Biden's last chance to reassure voters he's fit for the job. Now has learned that if Joe stumbles in that first face off with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it'll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel. The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, one democratic strategist told

It would have to be the 4 of them collectively and the process would be high risk. However, there is another potential complication. Biden could stubbornly refuse to step down and continue his campaign until election day. If Biden refuses to step down, it would put the Democratic Party in a difficult position. They would have to contend not only with a stubborn incumbent but also with potential backlash from leftists if Kamala Harris is passed over for the nomination.

That person would not be vice president Kamala Harris according to sources who observed that Harris has already had to fend off a push to replace her on the ticket the Daily Mail reported. Strategists theorized that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power to the new candidate. Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee, the news outlet added. Well those in the establishment are back at it again stoking fears of another pandemic something that went from being a 1 in a 100 year event to, I don't know, daily now. That's right.

The ex CDC director has declared there will be a bird flu pandemic. Yes. He really did say this. The bird flu chilling forecast on NewsNation. Doctor Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, has warned that a bird flu pandemic is not just a possibility but an imminent reality.

He suggested that bird flu could make COVID look like a little pandemic and that it's not a question of if, it's more of a question of when. Redfield's ominous prediction painted a grim picture of what's ahead. It's going to be quite complicated, he stated because bird flu has, when it does enter humans, a significant mortality probably somewhere between 25 50% mortality. Let's take a listen to his comments first. I remember you told Chris not long ago, that the bird flu could make COVID COVID look like a little pandemic, which was quite alarming.

I mean, is that really the case? Yes, Brian. I really do think it's very likely that we will at some time it's not a question of if. It's more of a question of when. We will have a bird flu pandemic.

And, as you mentioned, unfortunately, bird flu, has, when it does enter humans, has a significant mortality. Probably somewhere between 25 50% mortality. So it's gonna be quite complicated. Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor, and then go human to human, that's when you're gonna have the pandemic. And as I said, I think it's just a matter of time.

Right. Redfield's alarming statements follow the news that the European Union has secured more than 40,000,000 bird flu vaccinations. Whether Redfield is fearmongering or providing an honest assessment is unclear. What is certain, however, is that far too much money is invested in bird flu countermeasures for those who would benefit from another pandemic to give up on the power grab and money that comes with it. You can watch that full video linked on the Vigilant News Network there.

Perhaps the most ridiculous part about the b roll used on that report was the inclusion of the PCR test footage. Yes. The same PCR that depending on the cycles it's run at can create as many false positives as you want. Millions. Just like they did during COVID when all of a sudden there were 0 cases of influenza which then mysteriously resurrected from the dead after COVID injection mandates were complete.

It's amazing how intelligent these viruses are getting isn't it? Well apart from the issue of the false positives there's the inventor of the PCR test Carrie Mullis who died mysteriously right before the COVID so called outbreak who testified to the fact that the PCR could find anything in any body because it was not designed for or capable of diagnostic testing. But let's look at some simple so called bird flu facts. Per the CDC's own website, from 1997 through late April 2024, a total of 9 cases of bird flu in humans have been reported. That's a total of 909 alleged cases in 27 years.

How does something that is so unlikely, so rare suddenly become a certain pandemic? Well, either there has been another round of gain of function weaponisation of the virus as doctor Francis Boyle said, aka another bioweapon, or they're simply lying and this is just another way to destroy the food supply whilst mandating mRNA injections all over again which they're already considering doing in Europe, Canada and the United States. The WHO was recently forced to admit they lied when they admitted that the man from Mexico they initially declared had died from the bird flu actually died from other completely unrelated medical conditions. Already, governments around the world have begun killing animals in the name of saving the world from the bird flu, innocent animals and members of our food supply being destroyed based on continuous fraud. We simply cannot let them get away with these lies again.

And with these lies, they've gone on to comprehensively destroy people's lives, income, achieve off the charts government spending and a cost of living crisis in every country. It's not just the effects of these lies will on health and the food supply. It's also the devastating impacts that another manufactured pandemic will have on people's bottom line. A debt. You go to bed thinking about it.

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That's done with The great reset has backfired and Neil Oliver explains why brilliantly. The powers that be wanted to enslave humanity, but instead, they caused a great awakening. It seems that they fumbled the ball when they pushed too hard and gave the people nothing in return. Neil Oliver, a prominent Scottish broadcaster explained this to Tucker Carlson brilliantly.

Now the overreach of the COVID era has sparked widespread skepticism about various subjects including central bank digital currencies, digital IDs, 15 minute cities, the prevailing climate change narrative, anti meat messaging, conventional medicine, all vaccines and the integrity of the electoral process itself. Take a look. Everything that the people all of these all of the inducements to be law abiding peaceful citizens is being taken away for and and and and what what do I get in return? Nothing. You're gonna get a digital ID.

You're gonna get central bank digital currencies. You're gonna live in 15 minute cities. You know, you're gonna have your we'll tell you what to eat. Your your currency will be programmable, so we'll have complete moment to moment in real time control of everything you do, everything you want to do. Now, that's a heck of a gamble for for a very narrow group of people to take with billions of people.

Because there's nothing in it for the people. There's nothing in it for them. And I think I think they have fumbled to the ball. I think that's where there's hope because not 50%, not 51% of the people have realized that and would do anything about it. But history shows that it never it never requires it only takes 5% or 10% of people to cotton on and do something about it and make the difference.

And I think that on the in the final moves towards this kind of Neo feudalism they have exposed themselves. They've gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it. Really brilliant interview and we encourage everyone to watch that full interview linked on the Vigilant News Network article. James O'Keefe drops bombshell undercover video of senior VP at Disney and you won't believe what he said out loud. James O'Keefe strikes again.

The O'Keefe Media Group or OMG on Thursday released an undercover video of the senior vice president at the Walt Disney Company detailing discriminatory hiring practices. The senior VP told OMG's undercover journalist that Disney is not considering any white men for the job. 'Nobody else is going to tell you this but they're not considering any white males for the job, says Michael Giordano, vice president of business affairs and he goes on to say there's no way we're hiring a white male. Giordano revealed Disney uses code words and buzzwords to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admitted that Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing diversity, equity and inclusion or DEI agreeing that quote diversity helps with financial incentives.

We wanted to hire somebody in the department a few years ago now who was half black but didn't like appear half black and there was a creative executive who was like we're not that's not that no, that's not what we wanted, Giordano said. They wanted somebody in meetings who would appear a certain way and he wasn't gonna bring that to the meeting, he says. The Disney VP said there would be a lawsuit at some point over the company's discriminatory hiring practices. Some of the possible code words or buzzwords quote, they might say something like, we're not looking for the usual suspects for the job so it's not like a legally actionable thing but everybody knows what it means or I'm looking to hire writers and actors who bring diversity. I'm not looking to bring on any more clients who are white.

Michael Giordano also told OMG's reporter that he's been denied promotions due to his race. You can watch that full video linked on the Vigilant News Network article. Everybody's talking about those weight loss injections because the results are so dramatic. They work by lowering blood sugar and reducing appetite. But what if you need to lose weight but you don't have the money and don't like weekly shots?

That's why doctors created a weight loss supplement called Lean and the results are remarkable. The studied ingredients in lean have been shown to lower your blood sugar, burn fat by converting it into energy and curb your appetite and cravings so you're not as hungry. But listen, lean is not for the casual dieter with only a few pounds to lose. The doctors at Brick House Nutrition created Lean for frustrated dieters with 10 or more pounds to lose. Let's get you started with 15% off and free rush shipping so you can add lean to your healthy diet and exercise plan.

Visit and enter promo code vnn for your 15% discount. That's promo code A vaccine injured pharmacist has broken down into tears testifying before the Ohio State Senate and the clip is absolutely heartbreaking. He says he was a father, a husband pharmacist and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID injection. Yoha, once a vibrant and healthy pharmacist, suffered from Ghislain Barre syndrome, a severe neurological disease that left him paralyzed after being coerced into taking the COVID shot.

His testimony before the Ohio State Senate was a harrowing account of personal loss and violated freedoms. Take a listen to some of this. Thank you for hearing my support has testimony for 85319. I wish to have the Lord allow me to apex souls with words. I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine.

I understood that attending my daughter's volleyball game would require the vaccine. As a doctor or pharmacy, I had negative opinions about COVID prevention. I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily. My last healthy memories involved enjoying Christmas time with my family. The next memory I have is awakening to ICU at Ohio State University, completely paralyzed and unable to speak or even close my mouth due to the ventilator.

Communication involved a cat laser, which was taped to a hat in an alphabet board. My family informed me that I tested positive that Christmas for COVID. Impossible as I had been mandated to take the very safe and also effective vaccine. COVID was only found in my spinal fluid. My diagnosis was COVID and long COVID.

At that time, institutions were given federal kickback and worse, they were given immunity. He continues to say that his liberty was violated when vaccine status discrimination forced him into taking a medical intervention that almost cost him his life. Quote if we do not have the right to decline a known risk of death without facing discrimination or loss of employment then we are no longer free. I implore the community, community, sorry, to vote yes on HB 319. Ohio House Bill 319, also known as the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, aims to end No Jab No Job policies for good.

The proposed legislation is a beacon of hope against future violations of bodily autonomy. The bill states unequivocally that businesses, employers, health care providers and other institutions cannot deny or terminate employment, deny services or otherwise treat individuals differently based on their refusal of any biologic, vaccine, pharmaceutical or gene editing technology for reasons of conscience. Ohio needs to pass this bill and Mike Yoha's testimony is a powerful reminder of the stakes. Thank you Mike for your courage in speaking out and you can watch the rest of that powerful testimony linked on the Vigilant News Network. Michigan Senator goes off on dirty democrat bill making it impossible for citizens to challenge election fraud.

Michigan Republican senator Jim Roonstad is a true warrior for election integrity in the state of Michigan. Rooonstad and a handful of Republicans in the Michigan legislature have been ringing the alarm bells in Michigan as they recognize the serious potential for mass voter fraud in future elections thanks to the passage of 1 radical election related bill after another by Democrats since they gained majorities in the House and Senate in 2022 after 40 years of republican control. On May 1st, Michigan Democrat senators passed senate bills 603 and 604. Senator Roonstad has been ringing the alarm bells ever since warning that it would be a disaster for election integrity if these bills passed in the house. Yesterday, senator Runstead went off on his democrat opponents after the democrat majority in the house ran through legislation that will prevent the board of canvases in Michigan from investigating voter fraud and strip them of subpoena power related to questionable or fraudulent elections.

The bills would require the board of canvases to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor rather than conducting a recount. In many cases, prosecutors in the state are highly partisan and the fear is that the result may look the same as in 2020 where legitimate evidence of fraud was mocked and discounted. According to the newly passed bills, only alleged errors could merit a recount and only when the alleged errors could potentially change election results. Senator Roonstad condemned the actions of the radical democrat lawmakers in Michigan in a tweet that read, today the Michigan State Democrats overturned 70 years of election law in order to commit a disgusting gutting of our election recount protections. The passage of this bill is a complete disgrace.

The senate democrats concurred with the house version of a bill that guts our bipartisan board of canvases current ability to conduct fraud investigations. The bill also strips the board of subpoena power and only allows fraud over the hyperpartisan Democrat Michigan Attorney General and the hyperpartisan Democrat them to refer prosecutors in the Democrat controlled cities where the fraud is most likely to occur. If the Democrats vote to restart the session and make these changes effective before our elections this year, it could have national implications should Michigan require a recount. Michigan voters should be outraged at the Democrats for passing this election corruption enabling bill today. Take a listen to this short version of his speech.

After 70 years of this bill, the Democrats have stripped out the ability of the board of canvassers to investigate fraud in a recount and to get subpoena power. And now you refer off to these hyperpartisan individuals who will never prosecute this. This is an outrage that we have had this bill passed. We encourage everyone to read the full article on the Vigilant News Network as it details how serious and widespread the problems that this bill will create are. Well we now have proof that the COVID injections damage cognition.

In this highly detailed report, a midwestern doctor examines the causes and treatments of common neurological injuries caused by vaccination. The story at a glance and it is incredibly detailed so we'll take you through some of it and we encourage everyone to read it in full but basically we have subtle and overt neurological injuries which are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury. The COVID-nineteen injections excel at causing damage to cognition and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address. For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccine's impaired cognition was anecdotal because it was based on individuals observing it in their peer group or patients. Recently, large data sets emerged which show this phenomenon is very real and that the severe injuries we've seen from the vaccines e.

G sudden death are only the tip of the iceberg. He says in this article we will review the proof vaccines are doing this and explore the mechanisms which allow it to happen so we can better understand how to treat it. The article covers extensively patterns of vaccine injury and again I'm encouraging everyone to read it in full but I wanted to highlight this section specifically. It says, 'Colleagues who treated vaccine injury patients told me cognitive impairment was one of the most common symptoms they saw and was particularly noteworthy because they had never seen anything like that happen to young adults. To quote Pierre Corrie, In my practice of treating vaccine injuries, one of the 3 most common symptoms I see is brain fog.

So many of my patients had been in the prime of their lives, can now barely function, have significant cognitive impairment, and need a lot of help from our nurses to carry out their treatment plans. I never imagined I would see any of this in people far younger than me and instead I see it every day. I bear witness to an immense amount of suffering on a daily basis that is hard to put into words. The author then talks about the over diagnosis of Alzheimer's in America and how it's often, the the blanket diagnosis, if you will, for anytime a patient shows signs of impaired cognition. Says this, I in turn would argue, has been because there is minimal interest in understanding the causes and treatments of Alzheimer's disease as there's so much money in research for it and productive expensive but useless and harmful drugs for it.

Onto the evidence of cognitive impairment. It says at the same time I was observing these effects, many rumors were also swirling around online that these vaccines would cause severe cognitive impairment and that we would witness a zombie apocalypse from the vaccine injuries. Of course, that zombie apocalypse per se never occurred and highlights the importance of us being accurate with our, assessments and predictions and of course that's true, but he wants to point to a recent article from Igor Trudeau and it's quoted, I own a small business and deal with many people and other small businesses. Most provided reliable service, would remember appointments, followed up on issues and so on. I noticed that lately some people have become less capable cognitively.

They forget essential appointments, cannot concentrate, make crazy stupid mistakes and so on. In my own case, in addition to poorly performing colleagues, the most evident change I noticed was a worsening of drivers around me and had quite a few near misses from impaired driving. The article says the great challenge with these situations is that it's very hard to tell if something's actually happening or your perception is simply a product of confirmation bias. For this reason, while I was comfortable asserting my belief the covid 19 vaccines were causing the severe injuries on either end of the bell curve, I avoided doing so for many of the less impactful injuries in the middle where it was much more ambiguous if what I was observing was real or simply my own biased perception of the events around me. But he says because of this I never mentioned the changes in driving that he observed, but then he pointed to this data set after publishing that original article which suggests this issue was happening but it's difficult to properly assess because Covid-nineteen can also cause cognitive impairment unless people were driving in 2020 and because the data set still has not been updated since 2022.

But recently, Igor Trudeau was able to identify another data set from the Netherlands which further corroborated that we were indeed facing a massive cognitive decline. Primary care data for January to March 2023 showed that adults visited their GP more frequently for a number of symptoms compared to the same period in 2019. Memory and concentration problems were significantly more common last year and in the period before COVID-nineteen where these symptoms are concerned, the difference compared to 2019 is growing steadily in each quarter. In the Q1 of 2023, there was a 24% increase in GP visits related to memory and concentration problems amongst adults that were aged 25 years or older compared to the same period in 2020. This is evidenced by the latest quarterly research update from the GOR network.

The increase in memory and concentration problems of adults seems to be a longer term effect of the coronavirus measures as well as COVID infections. More specifically, they found no increase was observed in adults under 25 whereas a 31% increase observed in those 24 to 44 years old, 40% increase observed in those 45 to 74 years old and an 18% increase was observed in those over 75 years old. Finally, Ed Dowd has identified numerous government data sets demonstrating that widespread impairment and disability has occurred since the vaccine rollout. Likewise, VAERS detected a massive spike in cognitive issues being reported to it after the Covid injections hit the market and you can see that data there. Furthermore, 2 weeks ago the first was published in Nature one of the top medical journals It found that COVID vaccination resulted in a 68% increase in depression, a 44% increase in anxiety, dissociative, stress related and somatoform disorders, a 93.4% increase in sleep disorders, a 77% decrease in schizophrenia that's interesting and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorder.

The doctor says I was really surprised to see this to be published and took it as a sign there may have been a decision made to begin disclosing some of the harms of vaccination in the official medical publication. It analyzed individuals over 65 and found COVID publication, it analyzed individuals over 65 and found COVID vaccination increased the risk of mild cognitive impairment 138% and the risk of Alzheimer's by 23% and a smaller increase in vascular dementia and parkinson's disease the authors did not deem to be significant. So why are the vaccines causing cognitive impairment? The author says my specific interest in studying spike protein vaccine toxicity arose because I suspected I would see many similarities to other pharmaceutical industries I'd observed previously and treatments that had developed for those injuries that could be used to treat COVID-nineteen injection injuries. On Substack, I've tried to focus on explaining the areas that I believe are the most important to understanding this.

The author cites zeta potential, the cell danger response and the treatments for Alzheimer's disease. You can read the author's full explanation of that on the article as well as the conclusion linked on the Vigilant News Network. In closing, the author states quote furthermore I took the bell curve theory into account and assumed that if I was seeing occasional deaths or severe cognitive degeneration following vaccination, it was likely that far more cases of cognitive impairment were occurring and as this recent Korean study which is linked in the article shows that is indeed the case. And now a message from our sponsor The Wellness Company. Everyone knows the next medical crisis is just around the corner whether it comes in the form of a pandemic or something much more mundane like a tick bite you and your family need to be prepared that's where the wellness company comes in.

The wellness company and their doctors are medical professionals that you can trust and their new medical emergency kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy. Be ready for anything this medical emergency kit contains an assortment of life saving medications including Ivermectin and Z Pak. The medical emergency kit provides a guidebook to aid in the safe use of all of these life saving medications. From anthrax to tick bites to COVID and even to a bioweapon like the plague, the Wellness Company's medical emergency kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared. Rest assured knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and antiparasitics on hand to help keep you and your family safe.

Go to twc.healthforward/blackout today and order. That's twc.healthforward/blackout and use the promo code blackout to save 10%. Alarming news for infants who receive multiple vaccines at once the first peer reviewed study on the effects of multiple vaccines at once was published this week. Quote, if safety signals sounded alarms, the results would be deafening, said Karl Jablonowski PhD, senior research scientist at Children's Health Defence, co author along with CHD chief scientific officer Brian Hooker PhD of a study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research. The more vaccines an infant receives at once, the greater the chance the infant will develop an infection, a respiratory illness, or developmental delays following their shots according to a peer reviewed study published on Wednesday.

Again that quote if safety signals sounded alarms the results would be deafening following the sheer number of diseases increases exponentially with every added vaccine. Jablonowski and CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker analysed 20 years worth of data from over 1,500,000 vaccine combinations administered to infants under the age of 1. The data collected from July 1, 1991 to May 31, 2011 came from the publicly available Florida Medicaid database which contains more than 460,000,000 billing claims from over 10,000,000 people. The researchers examined the medical diagnoses given to vaccinated infants within 30 days after vaccination. They excluded diagnoses made on the day the babies received the shots to eliminate any possible pre existing conditions.

The study compared babies who received 3 base vaccines to babies who received those same vaccines plus others in a single pediatrician visit. The control group consisted of over 200,000 cases of infants who in one visit only received the DTP, HIV and the inactivated poliovirus vaccine or the IPV. They compared medical outcomes among that group to outcomes for cohorts of infants who also received either the Hep B vaccine, the PCV or the Rotavirus vaccine or different combinations of 2 or 3 of those vaccines administered together. The researchers found 7 cohorts of infants in the database who received different vaccine combinations ranging for example from base vaccines plus hep B to base vaccines plus hep B, PCV and rotavirus and compared those to the control group. They use the Fisher's exact test statistical model to compare the frequency of a particular statistical tool to eliminate any random results and implemented a high bar for identifying statistical significance.

Quote with any statistical test you can never be 100% confident of your results, Jablonowski said. However, we set our bar so high that we are 99.9 percent 99% confident, the diseases we report are associated with vaccine combinations. They identified 45 different statistically significant diagnoses for respiratory, developmental and suspected infectious disease following the different vaccine combinations. They summarise the illnesses and their relative risk or the likelihood they would occur in the group exposed to excess vaccines for the various cohorts. Overall, they found that as the number of shots given to infants in a single doctor's visit increased, the number of developmental respiratory or infectious disease diagnoses within 30 days of the shots increased exponentially.

Each additional shot more than doubled the number of those different disease diagnosed. For example, one additional vaccine resulted in an average of 7 additional illnesses occurring at statistically significant rates in a given cohort of babies, 2 additional resulted in an average of 15 diseases and 3 vaccines administered resulted in an additional 35 diseases. Respiratory diseases including cough, asthma, obstructive bronchitis and many others were the most common recurring conditions following any different combination of vaccines. Jablonowski and Hooker said respiratory illnesses likely occurred due to vaccine induced maladapted immune response and a poor adaptation to environmental factors. Developmental conditions like failure to thrive where a child's physical, mental or social development is delayed, abnormal or ceases occurred in 4 cohorts.

The researchers suggested it was a result of the vaccines causing dysregulation in the respiratory and immune systems. One common infection is listed there which is a high white blood cell count that can indicate a range of infections, inflammations or immune system disorders. Another serious example included sepsis which occurred in the cohort that received the most shots at once. The base shots plus Hep B, PCV and Rotavirus. They say it's shockingly reckless that studies on effects of multiple vaccines were not done until now.

The CDC 2024 childhood vaccination schedule includes 77 total vaccine doses for children ages 0 to 18. The 2024 schedule was expanded to include the pneumonococcal and, COVID 19 vaccines and monoclonal antibodies which are not technically vaccines but are included on the schedule. By comparison, the CDC in 1986 recommended 11 doses of 7 vaccines by age 16 including the MMR, DTP and polio vaccines. With the exception of the Hep B vaccine recommended for infants in their first 24 hours of life, infants rarely receive a single vaccine at a time. Many vaccines like the DTP combine different vaccines for multiple illnesses into a single shot.

Also to adhere to the CDC schedule, pediatricians commonly administer 5 or 6 vaccines and vaccine combinations to babies at each 2 month, 4 month and 6 month visit. Yet the author said no appropriate studies have been conducted to assess the effects of combining vaccines. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of research completed on the administration of multiple vaccines as recommended by the CDC schedule. Hooker told the defender, 'vaccines are magic so no one questions adding more to the schedule.' While more studies certainly should be done there is no doubt about the rise of autism, ADHD and various other conditions increasing in children as more vaccines vaccines have been added to the childhood schedule. I'm sure some of our mature aged listeners would struggle to remember the rates of autism ever being as high as they are now.

The official numbers per the World Health Organization state that 1 in 100 children has autism now. That's already astronomical but some have suggested it's even 1 per in the single digits. Hooker said it was notable that neither the US FDA nor the CDC which makes the schedule recommendations has ever done these studies. We plan on continuing to complete this type of research given the huge void of accurate and relevant vaccine safety science, he said, and we're grateful for it. Conspiracy no more explosive undercover footage reveals US official admitting the great replacement theory is real.

Oh my goodness. Who would have known? A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the great replacement theory. This theory is often dismissed by the far left as one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there. They argued that the great replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist xenophobic and in their so called home countries.

The footage recorded by Project Veritas exposes a chilling reality. The Biden regime is knowingly criminals into the United States to change the country's demographics. The video showcases Dan Fitzgerald, a country coordinator for the US State Department discussing the motivations behind the immigration strategies being pushed on Capitol Hill. Quote the big issue for the hill for our region is immigration, Fitzgerald states. He reveals that despite significant investments in Central America, approximately 4,000,000,000 over 4 years, immigration patterns have shifted with a growing number of migrants now arriving from places like Venezuela.

Project Veritas reported, Daniel Fitzgerald, a state department official responsible for allocating US foreign aid across the Western Hemisphere, told a Veritas investigative journalist that the US State Department will be forced to answer to congress for its failure to slow migration from Central America. He describes failed efforts to pour 4,000,000,000 over 4 years into Central America as part of the Biden administration's roots root causes strategy. And under this plan Washington provides foreign assistance to Latin American countries in order to preemptively relieve hardships that would trigger migrants to abandon their countries for the US. However Fitzgerald shares that the plan isn't working because migrants are now coming from new countries they didn't account for. Migrants are coming from elsewhere like Venezuela.

So where like this, the root cause of strategy doesn't solve that problem. Fitzgerald admits that while he didn't originally see illegal immigration as a concern, his mind has changed and those who raise issue with unchecked immigration are onto something. Quote in my mind I'm like oh it's not that much' meaning illegal immigration and then I see the chart I'm like, oh that's a lot compared to 20 years ago' and here's the chart that he's referencing. Absolutely shocking. Since by, President Biden's election, growth in the foreign born population has been unprecedented in the millions.

As the US faces an unprecedented surge in illegal border crossings, Fitzgerald admits that he and his colleagues are at a loss for solutions. There's no clear answer, he said. Fitzgerald concedes that the negative optics surrounding immigration could jeopardize Biden's chances of reelection. It looks bad for any administration because no one solves migration. It's like the end all be all kill pill for politics, he said.

The Project Veritas journalist asked Dan Fitzgerald, 'Secretary Blinken, how close are you to him?' Fitzgerald responded, '5 degrees of separation. This is such a niche industry that it flies under the radar so the average American does not know. Most people don't know what we do. In another clip, an official from the US State Department's Consular Office chillingly admitted the truth is that they want to change the demographic of the United States. Even more alarmingly, the official alleged that the US is selectively allowing criminals to cross the border.

Oh, there's a lot of things, mostly mostly with immigration. I wish people knew we were letting criminals in daily, the official said. When pressed for confirmation the official affirmed oh yeah so all the good honest hard working Mexicans stay in Mexico and all the pieces of garbage come to the United States and the Mexican government has no reason to stop it because their garbage goes to another country and sends money back to them. When asked about the ultimate goal behind such policies, the officials response was chillingly clear, quote they want to change the demographics of the United States. Traditional standard Americans are not leftists.

Latin Americans are all leftists. It literally is. It's just it literally is essential to try to change the demographics in the United States, he says. You can see this very very important clip and we encourage everyone to watch it on the Vigilant News Network article. I wanted to show you a graph included in the article.

The whole thing's vital for everyone to see but this the new face of Texas, Latinos now outnumber non Latino white people. Take a look at those numbers with Latino at 40.2 percent, white non Latino 39.8 percent. Of course, the great replacement theory is not a theory. It's a published document by the United Nations. You can find it via a simple Google search.

Just type in United Nations replacement migration. It is an official agenda of the United Nations and the agenda is in the name. It is to replace you. With all of the evidence of the constant lies of the deep state, the globalists and those who wish to accelerate the new world order, be it the pharmaceutical industry with special focus on the dangers of all vaccines, the crumbling financial system, election corruption, bio warfare, war on dissidents, digitization of the human, transhumanism. I mean, the list really does go on but the point is that it's all being exposed and it's thanks to all of you who choose to watch broadcasts like this one that will tell you the truth rather than comforting yourselves with a lie that we will get out of this mess together.

We thank you all for your courage. Well, that's all that we have time for this evening. Thank you all for joining us and for your continued support. Our Rumble channel is growing and we are so excited to be promoters of Rumble that has freely allowed people to speak their minds and tell the truth. Please go and follow us there and let everyone else know to do the same.

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We'll be back next Sunday at 6 PM EST with the truth the mainstream media desperately does not want you to know but you can be sure we'll be here to tell you all about it. Until then, stay informed, stay vigilant. Good night.


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (6/16/24)

#10 - Top law professor labels mRNA COVID-19 injections “weapons of mass destruction.”

#9 - Joe Biden’s daily pharmaceuticals have reportedly been revealed.

#8 - Joe Rogan now questions if elections are even “real.”

#7 - Candace Owens destroys Piers Morgan in a one-on-one debate about the COVID shots.

#6 - Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels explodes on California’s woke policies. “You’ve lost your f*cking mind!”

#5 - The US-Saudi petrodollar deal ends after fifty years, and nobody’s talking about it.

#4 - Senator Lindsay Graham gives away the neocon playbook to the war in Ukraine.

#3 - Actor Kevin Spacey breaking his silence on  Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton.

#2 - Newly-surfaced video exposes Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for unprotected US Capitol on January 6.

#1 - European elections see a dramatic shift to the right across the entire continent.

Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin. (Watch)

read transcript to vigilant fox 64min podcast Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (6/16/24) 

A top law professor labels the mRNA COVID 19 injections weapons of mass destruction. Senator Lindsey Graham gives away the neocon playbook to the war in Ukraine and actor Kevin Spacey breaking his silence on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton. Those stories and more tonight. I'm maria z of and this is Vigilant Fox's media blackout. Welcome back to another jam packed week of media blackout, and let me tell you our first story tonight is one that should be on the front cover of every single news outlet in the world.

The COVID injections have been hit by a new bombshell with the top law professor labeling them as weapons of mass destruction. Doctor Francis Boyle, a Harvard trained professor and the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act which was unanimously approved by both House of the US Congress and signed into law by President Bush, has issued an affidavit declaring COVID 19 mRNA injections as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. This was first reported by doctor Joseph Sansone. Doctor Boyle's affidavit, which was submitted as part of an emergency petition for a writ of mandamus in Florida, argues that the distribution of COVID 19 injections violates several statutes including the US Code on Biological Weapons and Florida's Statutes on Weapons and Firearms. This petition aimed squarely at Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody calls for an immediate halt to the distribution of these injections in Florida and demands the confiscation of existing vaccine supplies.

According to Doctor Sansone, the original emergency petition for a writ of mandamus was filed on March 3, 2024 in the Florida Supreme Court. It was later transferred to the circuit court in Leon County on March 20th, and after the circuit court dismissed the case on April 9th, it moved to the appellate court. The appellate brief was filed on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024. Doctor Boyle, one of the world's leading legal experts on biological weapons, has added considerable weight to the case with his affidavit. The case already boasts a substantial body of evidence provided in the writ of Maendamas including affidavits from both med legal adviser and biotech analyst Karen Kingston and doctor Anna Mahaechar.

According to doctor Sansone, the pleadings claimed that the distribution of these injections violates several laws including, and we'll just read you the highlights, biological weapons laws, federal crime of treason, treason, domestic terrorism, terrorism, murder and genocide, Florida Drugs and Cosmetic Act, fraud, accessory after the fact and Florida Medical Consent Law. Doctor Boyle's signed affidavit reads pursuant 228 USC 1746, I, Francis a Boyle, declare under penalty of perjury that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. He then goes on to list his credentials, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, also a an AB 1971 in political science from the University of Chicago, then a JD degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard Law School and he is a PhD in political science from Harvard University. He says, I've advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy and bio warfare. In 1985, I publicly called for and then drafted the US domestic Implementing Legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both houses of the US Congress and signed into law by President George H W Bush with the approval of the United States Department of Justice.

He references his book on biowarfare and terrorism there. He says, it is my expert opinion that COVID 19 Nanoparticle Injections or mRNA Nanoparticle Injections or COVID 19 Injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC 175 weapons and firearms and the rest of the reference is there. The Gateway Pundit also previously reported that the Florida Supreme Court approved Governor Ron DeSantis' request to impanel a grand jury to investigate COVID injection manufacturers. This bombshell also follows an historic ruling just this past week by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the mRNA COVID nineteen injection is not a vaccine under traditional medical definitions. Needless to say, the dam has broken and more people are starting to call these injections what they actually are.

Biological weapons and per doctor Francis Boyle, weapons of mass destruction. Doctor David Martin is the founding CEO of MCAM Inc. MCAM is the international leader in intellectual property based financial risk management, and doctor Martin has been on the forefront of speaking out from the beginning of this crime against humanity, has spoken at government hearings and inquiries and has been tracking all the patents of DARPA and NIAID funding for injection toxins. We're very honored as he joins us now to discuss. Doctor David Martin, thank you for joining us today.

We appreciate your time. Maria, it is lovely to see you. Well, this is a an historic ruling right now. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the mRNA injection, the COVID injection, is not actually a vaccine under traditional medicine definitions. Can you talk us through this case and this ruling, please?

Well, yeah, let's go back to 1905, the very famous Jacobson case, which tragically has been misquoted by almost everybody for the last now a 120 years, and we need to unpack what that case actually was. As much as the incumbency would like to tell you that it was a means by which the civil liberties of the individual can be overruled by the common interest allegedly of disrupting infection or transmission during a smallpox outbreak, which is what the Jacobson case actually was, was was first argued around. The the real question in Jacobson was whether you could actually have to still pay a fine if you refuse taking the shot. It it was not a mandatory vaccine ruling. It was a you know, the state interest has an interest in you getting the shot.

If you don't and they fine you $5 or $10, then you pay a fine. And that's what the case was. So for for over a 120 years, that case has now been misrepresented to be a pro vaccine determination. What it in fact was was a a case that said that if the state determines that you're not compliant, you can actually have a fine levied against you, and that's what it is. Now the the truth is that both the vaccine promoters as well as the individuals who are quite, quite thriving on this anti vaxx movement, Ironically, both use the term vaccine for something that should never have been called a vaccine.

And so this is where it's actually quite comical to see that that, ironically, the left mainstream media and some of the alleged medical freedom movement are in lockstep on continuing to assert that somehow or another, this thing is a vaccine. So let's start with the facts that are obvious. First of all, in April of 2020, both Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, in their SEC filings, unambiguously stated that mRNA is a, and I quote, experimental gene therapy. That comes right out of their Securities and Exchange Commission filings. That is not Dave Martin's opinion.

That's not somebody else's opinion. It is unambiguously what they said, which means that at the time that they were promoting what they were calling a vaccination, what in fact was happening was rather than promoting a vaccination, they were in fact promoting crime that is actually domestic terrorism that was used to force people to take something that they would not otherwise take. That's the definition of domestic terrorism, and that's what it is. Now I have said many times, Maria, as you know, that this was a bioweapon because in 2,005, at the DARPA MITRE conference where Ralph Barrick made the statement that synthetic coronavirus fragments were, and I'm quoting right off of his CV, biowarfare enabling technology. Maria, I don't know if down under you guys have a problem with a common use of English language, but biowarfare enabling technology sounds to me like Biowet.

Bioweapons. Yes. And and so it turns out that when you go and look at not only that, but then you go and look at the 7 CFR part 3 31, definition of what selected agents and toxins are, which is the schedule of what a biological weapon is, it turns out that on that list, the spike pre spike protein associated with any modification of coronavirus is in fact a biological weapon. That's the definition of the ruling. And so this is where I I wanna point out something very specific.

Since this ruling came out, as I said, fact checkers wanna say, oh, you know, the 9th Circuit Court ruling didn't actually rule that it wasn't a vaccine. What they actually said was that Jacobson case was misapplied because Jacobson relies on the disruption of infection or transmission, which is actually true. Those were the presumptions inside of Jacobson. But the 9th circuit ruling actually ironically triggered some responses, which were very fascinating, where there were a number of people who said, well, even if the 9th circuit ruled the way it was, that liability protections were still in place because of the emergency use authorization. Famously, Aaron Siri of of, Del Big Tree's, platform was was quite, prolific on x saying exactly that point.

But here's the problem. The problem is this is actually a biological weapon. And the emergency use authorization, the EUA, under a PREP Act construction, which means the 2,005 PREP Act, under that construction, you are not authorized to use an experimental gene therapy or a scheduled biological toxin regardless of what you call it, whether you call it a vaccine, whether you call it a genetic therapy, whether you call it anything, you are never authorized under the PREP Act to inject an untested scheduled toxin into the human body. And, And, Maria, the most important point we have to reinforce, and this is something, by the way, the 9th Circuit Court did get correct, This does not stimulate immunity. The injection that was put into people's arms around the world, whether it came from Moderna or it came from Pfizer, instructs the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin.

And then the hope is that you have a robust immune system that after having told your body to create a bioweapon, your body then complies with creating an immunity to the thing you told your body to make. And this is where Aaron Seres' interpretation is entirely in error. Because the fact of the matter is, unlike the other things that he talks about in terms of injections, in this particular case, the injection is instructions to make the toxin, not instructions to stimulate an immune response. And this is the subtle difference that I think the 9th circuit got very correct in their majority opinion. So the I I agree with you, and this is so so vital, doctor Martin, that we use the correct language.

I just wanna bring up this, just recently, law professor Doctor Francis Boyle who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Anti Terrorism Act says that the COVID 19 mRNA injections are weapons of mass destruction in a new affidavit. I know this is something that you've been saying for quite some time, Doctor Martin. I don't know. Do you think that people are starting to become more accustomed to calling this what it actually is, a bioweapon? Well, I think that those of us who are actually pursuing the defense of humanity are in fact very much aligned with that.

And there are a number of people who are actually starting to take this on board. You know that I have been very active in encouraging people not to use the term vaccine in this particular instance because it is a mislabeling of what the thing is. And and and we need to go back to the fact checkers on this. Fact checkers at Reuters, the AFP, everybody else is getting this wrong. The facts are that in their SEC filings and in the FDA records, there is no question that the official designation of mRNA is an experimental gene therapy.

It is not a vaccine, and it has no vaccine properties whatsoever. Furthermore, everyone can download, and I have this so that people can have a look at it. Everyone can download the HHS and US USDA select agents and toxins list. This is not hard to access. And what you'll see on this list, number 20 on the list is SARS CoV and SARS CoV 2 chimeric viruses resulting from any deliberate and this is why that line is so important.

In 2016, in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ralph Baric made the statement that the modification of the spike protein from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1, Let's get really clear. He didn't say any SARS coronavirus. He specifically said the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1, the spike protein derived from that was, and I quote from his paper, poised for human emergence. That was published in 2016, which means we know that the weapon was not only built, but the switch for the weapon was turned on in 2016. We know it was put into living systems.

We know that it was tested, and we know its virulence factors were documented. We know, for example, that it targeted heart tissue. We know that it targeted respiratory tissue. We know that it had increased toxicity in humans. All of this was known in 2016.

And in November of 2019, 1 month 1 month before we allegedly had patient 1 in Wuhan, China, Ralph Baric, by his own written admission, transferred the sequence for the spike protein stimulation from mRNA to the vaccine research center at NIAID and in so doing, disseminated the biological weapon 1 month before the propaganda show started in Wuhan. Let's get abundantly clear. This never was a virulent pathogen. This was the dissemination of a weapon that weaponizes the human body to make spike protein, which is a scheduled toxin, not an immune trigger. So I wanna ask you in relation to the the 9th Circuit Court of, appeals decision, what does that enable people to do now, doctor Martin?

Because I've heard commentary that it it enables people. It may give people grounds for battery now. I mean, how far can people go with this? Yeah. So let's bet let's be clear on the practice of law versus the letter of the law.

The 9th circuit, technically has now remanded the case back to the lower courts saying that the Los Angeles Unified School District teachers can in fact bring lawsuits with respect to the vaccine mandate. That is what the technical letter of the law is. The opinion, which is actually part of precedent setting opinion, and this is the key distinction I wanna make, the opinion makes it unambiguous that the 9th circuit has determined that Jacobson is misapplied in this particular instance. And what that suggests is that for the first time, the illusion that public health interest was being served has finally been pierced by an appellate court, and that is a watershed moment. Because now what we can do is we can now bring legitimate statements that say that the manufacturers willfully misled the public by mislabeling these things and calling them a vaccine.

And, by the way, that's a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the United States, and it's a violation of the deceptive medical practices acts that are largely in every civilized country. So the good news is we have that veil to Pierce. But more importantly, and this is the very important piece, with the 9th circuit unambiguously saying the Jacobson waiver is not going to pass muster in their view, What this also does is, to your point, starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people. For the first time, we actually now have the ability to say that the 9th circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission. And as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime.

And under the criminal statute, Maria, all the liability shields fall away, which means Pfizer and Moderna are both financially and criminally liable for deceiving the public. That is fantastic news. I think, we need to see more of that action happening from now. Doctor doctor Martin, I think the public is ready. The I think they depended on people just sort of forgetting about this, but it's certainly not going away.

People want justice. Yeah. And let's just point out very briefly that the the myth that the World Health Organization has been circulating that h five n two avian flu is the new disease x that we're all supposed to fear. I wanna be abundantly clear for everybody. H five n two was available for sale from BEI Resources, which is NIAID's commercial arm that sells biologic agents.

And there are a series of patents that make reference to people who have acquired h five n two from NIAID. So before anybody falls for this nonsense headline that somehow or another avian influenza, h five n two, is is this new thing that just showed up, It's literally purchasable from a catalog at NIAID. So let's be abundantly clear. Before they try to terrorize us again, there is no disease x. There is another willful crime where Union has just purchased another 50,000,000 doses of allegedly another vaccine.

It's not a vaccine. It's another biological weapon. Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it.

Absolutely agree with you there, doctor Martin. Essentially, whatever happens next don't comply. They've already killed half a 1000000 animals in Australia, and it's just come out that there was actually no evidence that these animals were even sick. And so they are coming after the food supply now that is absolutely abundantly clear. Doctor Martin, we're out of time today, but we'll definitely get you back on.

Can you please let people know where they can follow you? Yeah. I'm on x at doctor dmartin world. I am online at, and Kim and I are always online trying to keep connected with people at Maria, it's always good to see you.

Likewise. Thank you for your time. You bet. What do criminals do when they're about to be caught? Well, they usually double down.

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As Gateway Pundit readers know, Joe Biden continues to decline mentally every day, although there are times when he suddenly gets a bolt of energy. This has led many to wonder what drugs Biden is actually on. Just just this last week, Biden was caught wandering off during a skydiving event at the G7 summit before Attendant Prime Minister Georgia Maloney retrieved the doddering fool. Investigative journalist Paul Sperry says he has uncovered the whole cocktail of drugs Dementia Joe is allegedly ingesting to keep himself going in and you can see those listed there on Sperry's ex post. Eliquis is an anti coagulant medication used to treat and prevent blood clots and strokes.

Back in 1988, Biden suffered a blood clot in his lung and was sent to Walter Reed Medical Centre for treatment. Crestor is a drug that's used to lower bad cholesterol levels while Pepcid helps control heartburn and stomach ulcers. Demisto is, used to treat seasonal allergies. Biden has suffered from sinus issues throughout his life but arguably the most interesting drug on the list is Cominady. This drug is found in Pfizer's COVID shots suggesting that Biden is still addicted to the Fauci ouchie.

Some ex posters though were skeptical that this was the complete list of drugs that Biden was taking. Adderall was among the most popular mentions and you can see some of those x posts there. The only way we will all know for sure if this is the complete list is if Biden submits to a drug test in public but that will almost certainly never happen. Joe Rogan has dropped massive concerns about the 2024 election and he makes a fair point. The world's most popular podcaster has once again sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

This time, he's questioning the legitimacy of the electoral process itself. In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan experience, comedian Tim Dillon boldly predicted Trump will beat him, meaning Biden, from jail, to which Rogan agreed, yeah, 100%. Take a listen. Trump will beat him, I think, from jail. Yeah.

100%. Trump will win. Yeah. But I don't know if it's real. Yeah.

I don't know. I mean, look, I don't wanna cry election fraud, but why would I imagine that they would manipulate everything openly except the election. But this is what I you know what I'm saying? But this Very interesting. Well, Rogen added questioning elections were never stigmatised until Donald Trump did it.

Nobody cared when Hillary went on forever questioning the elections. Rogen also said that the amount of election fraud isn't 0. Listen to his further arguments here. If they're willing to deceive us with the Steele dossier, they're willing to deceive us with what they did with Bernie and the what they what they did with RFK Junior and the primary. If they're willing to do all that, why would we think that they wouldn't fuck with the election?

Like, this is the one thing that they wouldn't fuck with. And then if you question it at all Yeah. Especially Trump, because nobody really cared when everybody else questioned the elections. Right. Nobody cared when Hillary went around forever questioning the elections.

Nobody cared. Every everybody has questioned elections in this country for a very long time. Standard move. Bush v Gore. Remember the court case?

Remember that? Yes. It's kind of a standard move. Standard move. It's been getting more and more, malevolent in the sense that, you know, people you know, after Trump won, it was it was a whole thing with Russia.

Yeah. And then I don't know. I haven't looked at any specific evidence for the fuckery, but I think there's probably fuckery all over the place. There's probably fuckery in every election. There's gotta be some.

It's not 0. The amount of election fraud isn't 0. Very interesting. Well, a ballot fraud study reported on by The Epoch Times from early 2024 concluded that Trump almost certainly won the 2020 election despite claims by a DHS sub agency that the 2020 election was the quote most secure in American history, the Heartland Institute study suggests otherwise. You can watch a quick clip there on the Vigilant News Network article, embedded in there.

The authors wrote, after analyzing a, the raw survey data, we were able to conclude that 28.2% of respondents who voted by mail admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud. Those votes should have been thrown out. The authors also noted if the male in fraud levels were between 4 5% then Trump wins enough of the swing states to actually force a tie at the electoral college. Don't forget the survey analysis that this was based on had about 28% of the respondents admitting to at least one kind of ballot fraud. This is well beyond the 6% threshold so the claim is correct.

Trump almost certainly won the 2020 election. You can watch that full episode of the Joe Rogan Experience' linked on our article. Likely some of the most top of mind issues as per a lot of recent polls for Americans is the country's debt, inflation, and people's personal finance. Well, we have a solution for you. Debt.

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That's done with Nothing could be more satisfying than watching injection pushers get their butts handed to them on a silver platter and that's exactly what Candace Owens just did as she snapped on Piers Morgan for wrongly pushing the COVID shots. In a heated exchange, Candace Owens confronted Piers Morgan over his stance on COVID-nineteen injections, accusing him of promoting misinformation. The clash erupted when Morgan attempted to downplay the mistakes he made with his prior statements. Do not take my one clarification about the ability of a vaccine to prevent transmission should not be seen as some great mea culpa, Morgan stated.

Owens was quick to counter. That's a huge mea culpa, Pierce. Let's take a listen to the whole exchange. Do not take my one clarification about the ability of a vaccine to prevent transmission as being some great mea culpa that I see That's a huge mea culpa, Pierce. That's a that's a it's a huge mea culpa.

Absolutely. There's a huge mea culpa. Because that means that you you need people to go out and get an experimental vaccine in their arm Yeah. And encourage them not to listen to independent voices that were saying hold on. That's a huge mea culpa.

People died from the vaccines. You're talking about who that died from not getting it. There have been scores of people who died from the vaccine. There have been scores of people like my grandfather who got the vaccine and then were dead within 1 year because it it led to their dementia suddenly spreading in in their organ band rather in a way. Stop.

Stop. I let you I let you You do not know that that was down to the vaccine, do you? Okay. Do you? First and foremost, they have admitted so much.

They lied about the 6 feet social distancing that just came out 2 weeks ago. And you were on the side of all of these people. So don't pretend that that's a small mea culpa. People died from blood clots pertaining to the vaccines that you were telling them to rush out and get. Okay?

People died. Had they have waited and perhaps listened to the great voices of what they understood that there was some government. No. I like to talk I want you talk about Jermaine Coppell. Had they have paused and listened to independent voices who have, I think, probably a greater strength when it comes up to standing up to government initiatives.

Mhmm. Because we recognize that the government is not our friend, and we recognize that the government is not trying to save our lives. Mhmm. Maybe those people would be alive. Maybe my friends who had miscarriages and my friends who were saying that it was impacting their menstruation until the government was ready to admit that 7 months later.

If you had listened to people that were telling you their own experiences. Someone that went completely blind in one eye because of some weird ocular clots. So don't pretend that's a small thing. Not at all. Say, I'm happy to accept that you changed your mind may respond.

But don't pretend it's a small thing. People will die from the vaccine. Let me respond. And then, by the way, I wanna be clear for people watching this. He's saying still get it.

I'm saying still don't. Just so you can hear a different opinion, do not allow the government to put that in your arm. Okay. God's system works. The government is not fixing you in any regard.

And do you feel the same way about the flu shot? Yes. You know, it's really fascinating watching Pierce defend a globalist depopulation agenda when he so fiercely at times stands up to the leftist brainwashed by the same agenda. Perhaps sitting on the fence when it comes to big pharma seems to be the only option when you are part of the reason that millions of people are now dead or permanently disabled from these injections and your promotion of them. Not only did he promote those shots, but he persistently, even up until recently, publicly mocked injection skeptics.

Those same skeptics, as Candace rightly points out, are suffering immensely as a result of a government mandated, media promoted, many times lethal injection that still to this day is largely ignored by folks like Pierce. It's people like Pierce Morgan that we should probably be the most mindful of analyzing his thoughts and opinions carefully. In this so called left right paradigm, he doesn't necessarily sit on the fence. He would jump to an extreme so called left when it comes to injections, gun rights, Alex Jones and any of these other so called conspiracy theories. On the other hand, he'll tickle the ears of conservatives when it comes to free speech, although he seems to have limits.

Alex Jones commenting once on Sandy Hook, that's not allowed. Pierce offending LGBT trans unicorn identifying tree stumps every day, that's good and allowed. Well until he acknowledges a lot of this overwhelming information that's been coming out since day 1 about the injections it seems that the title of his show uncensored at least where the truth about the COVID injections are concerned remains to be challenged. Jillian Michaels announces leaving California due to what she says is absolute effing madness and a real testament to the democratic policies and laws in the state. She's a prominent fitness trainer and California native and she's made a bold statement about why she decided to leave the state.

In a candid and impassioned video, Michaels describes her frustration and disillusionment with California's direction citing absolute effing madness as the driving force behind her departure. Michaels highlighted several controversial laws and policies that she believes are undermining the safety and well-being of children as a society and society as a whole. She expressed outrage over a law that in her view effectively permits adults to have inappropriate relationships with minors without facing serious legal consequences. We're gonna pass a law for LGBTQ rights so that 24 year old men can sleep with 14 year old boys and not have to register as a sex offender because it's just not fair to the gays she said expressing her anger. Take a listen to some of this clip.

California got too crazy for me. Why? Okay. This is my parting line. I grew up here.

I'm a woman. I'm a gay woman. My mom's a Jew. My dad's an Arab. I have a black kid.

And believe it or not, my son is half Latin even though he doesn't look like it. I hold a 1000000 cards in your game of woke victimology poker. And when I leave California, maybe you've lost your fucking mind. Just maybe. Another point of contention for Michaels is the state's approach to gender and medical treatments for minors.

She criticized the policy allowing young children to undergo significant medical procedures such as hormone treatments without adequate safeguards. If my son came to me and said, 'Mum, my daughter, I think I'm trans,' I'd say, 'Okay. Explore it. I love you. I'm cool.

But we're not changing your body until it's fully developed. You can't get an effing tattoo. Exactly. Crazy. Her comments reflect a broader sentiment among some Californians including liberals like herself who feel increasingly alienated by the state's progressive agenda.

This sense of alienation is not limited to conservatives but extends to those who once supported the state's liberal policies but now see them as extreme and unbalanced. The departure of high profile individuals like Michaels underscores a growing trend of discontent among Californians who are frustrated with what they see as the state's overreach and the erosion of common sense. For many, the tipping point comes when these policies start to affect their personal lives and families directly. California, long seen as a bastion of progressive values, is now facing a reckoning as more residents question whether the state has gone too far. The exodus of figures like Jillian Michaels serves as a powerful statement about the current state of affairs and the need for a more balanced approach to governance.

As California continues to push the boundaries of progressive legislation, it must grapple with the consequences of alienating not just conservatives, but also those within its own liberal base who feel that the state has lost its weight. The bottom line is it's bad news for the Democrats and bad news for the globalist agenda that less and less people are supporting. Everybody's talking about those weight loss injections because the results are so dramatic. They work by lowering blood sugar and reducing appetite. But what if you need to lose weight, but you don't have the money and don't like weekly shots?

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The original BRICS nations included Brazil, Russia, India and China and South Africa. In March of 2023, South Africa's foreign minister Naledi Pandor announced that multiple other countries were interested in joining the alliance. Take a listen. But how many countries have sent you the invite that you On my desk, I think I have 12 letters. Twelve letters?

And I suspect other foreign ministers have had approaches from their own regions. Yeah. Any any names who you like to say? Indeed. Those they've come out publicly.

Saudi Arabia is 1, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina. So it's a growing list. Mexico, Nigeria. So there's huge interest. Well, Jimmy Dawes says what this means is the end of the USA as a superpower.

This story should be the top story on every newscast and front page headline of every newspaper but it's not even being talked about. You can see his full tweet there. Was this always the plan for the Obama Biden regime to take down US dominance on the global stage? Because that is taking place on a rapid scale Under Biden who is openly mocked in on the international stage, traditional US allies are now aligning with China. Saudi Arabia announced in March of 2022 it was considering accepting the Chinese yuan instead of the US dollar in future transactions.

Last week, Joe Biden allowed the 50 year old petrodollar agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia to expire. TipRanks reported the term petrodollar refers to the US dollar's role as the currency used for crude oil transactions on the world market. This arrangement has its roots in the 1970s when the United States and Saudi Arabia struck a deal shortly after the US went off the gold standard that that would go on to have far reaching consequences for the global economy. In the history of global finance, few agreements have wielded as many benefits as the petrodollar pack did for the US economy. The petrodollar agreement formalised after the 1973 oil crisis stipulated that Saudi Arabia would price its oil exports exclusively in US dollars and invest its surplus oil revenues in US Treasury Bonds.

In return, the US provided military support and protection to the kingdom. This arrangement was a win win situation for both. The US gained a stable source of oil and captive market for its debt, while Saudi Arabia secured its economic and overall security. Oil being denominated in US dollars alone has significance beyond the categories of oil and finance. By mandating that oil be sold in US dollars, the agreement elevated the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

This in turn has profoundly impacted the US economy. The global demand for dollars to purchase oil has helped to keep the currency strong making imports relatively cheap for American consumers. Additionally, the influx of foreign capital into US Treasury Bonds has supported low interest rates and a robust bond market. But But that is all ending now thanks to Joe Biden and his reckless economic and foreign policy. The petrodollar's expiration could weaken the US dollar and by extension the US financial markets.

If oil were to be priced in a currency other than the dollar, it could lead to a decline in global demand for the greenback. This in turn could result in higher inflation, higher interest rates, and a weaker bond market in the United States. It's hard to describe how destructive Joe Biden has been to American life. It's as if he's purposely trying to bring down our economy. BRICS News also reported on it.

Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, euros, yen and yuan instead of exclusively in US dollars. The Biden agenda. Top neocon, Lindsey Graham, has just revealed the real reason for the Ukraine war and it doesn't look too good for Graham. Senator Graham gave away the neocon playbook on Sunday admitting that the US must win the Ukraine proxy war against Russia to control Ukraine's vast resources worth 1,000,000,000,000 of dollars. They're sitting on 10 to $12,000,000,000,000 of critical minerals in Ukraine.

They could be the richest country in all of Europe, Graham said on CBS News Face the Nation. Have a listen to this. What did Trump do to get the weapons flowing? He created a loan system. They're sitting on 10 to $12,000,000,000,000 of critical minerals in in Ukraine.

They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don't wanna give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of. That 10 to $12,000,000,000,000 of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the west, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends.

Mhmm. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war, but they're sitting on a gold mine to give Putin 10 or $12,000,000,000,000 of critical minerals that he will share with, China is ridiculous. I'm Wow. Wow.

Well, it's funny how Graham never mentioned this crucial strategic development until 2 years into the conflict when it's becoming increasingly likely that Russia will defeat Ukraine despite 100 of 1,000,000,000 of dollars of Western financial and military assistance. Graham's comments are a major departure from his previous talking points that Ukrainian victory over Russia is a victory for democracy itself. America is by nature a non interventionalist nation, Graham claimed in a 2022 statement arguing for military aid to Ukraine. However, America has historically been the arsenal of democracy and stood up for freedom with when very few could. It is in our national security interest to stand up for freedom for the Ukrainian people and send a signal to other bad actors like Iran and China that we have the resolve necessary to push back against civil aggression,' he added.

Notably absent from Graham's 2022 statement is any mention of minerals or valuable resources. Graham received widespread condemnation on X for revealing the purpose of the Ukraine war is for resources, not freedom, just like the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria over the last 20 years turned out to be, and you can see the various tweets there. Someone saying we need to kill a 1000000 Ukrainians because we want their natural resources referring to essentially what Graham just said there. This is just unbelievable and of course approximately half a 1000000 Ukrainians have reportedly died since the beginning of its conflict with Russia in February of 2022. Tragic, tragic numbers lying that this was somehow about democracy.

It turns out the US and NATO had no issue sacrificing them and risking nuclear war with Russia to not so much protect freedom and democracy but really just to acquire minerals for corporate interests. You can watch Graham's full remarks linked on the Vigilant News Network. Kevin Spacey breaks his silence on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton. The article says, don't let them get away with it. In the interview he gave to British host, Piers Morgan, disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has tried to, as he sees it, set the record straight in multiple issues in his life that have attracted huge media interest and generated a great deal of public outrage over the years.

One of the most controversial subjects was perhaps his 2002 Clinton Foundation Tour of Africa. In this series of trips, Spacey was joined by Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and as he candidly admits, young girls. While I always give people the benefit of the doubt the author says, I found his explanations not to be entirely convincing so I'll present it with just a few pertinent comments of mine between brackets. This is what Spacey said on Piers Morgan uncensored quote I started seeing reports online, things on my Twitter account that I'd flown to this guy Jeffrey Epstein's Island and I'd abused young girls. I mean if you'd asked me in 2015 maybe even if you'd asked me in 2,002 did I know a guy named Jeffrey Epstein?

I probably would have said no. Well of course I've since learned who he is and I've since been able to go back and find out that airplane that we flew on for his humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein and to then learn oh he was actually on some of those flights and this Maxwell woman was on some of those flights. I didn't know him. I've never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton Foundation people.

That's who I was with, he says. Well, the author notes on this point as Spacey tries to make it seem like the Clinton Foundation people and the Epstein crowd didn't mix, it bears mentioning that both Epstein and Maxwell in court documents have stated that they were part of the team that envisioned and implemented the Clinton Foundation and neither was contradicted by the foundation. Kevin Spacey then goes on to say, quote, now what I understand is that he didn't start to be investigated until 2,000 and 5 by authorities in Florida, so here's what I can tell you. This Maxwell woman, she was one of many people that sat down next to me in that throne room. I have no relationship with her.

I had no relationship with him. Well the author says, in this case, Spacey's account is corroborated by Prince Andrews as the Duke of New York said that the then movie star was the guest at the throne and Maxwell was kind of crushing the event. Andrew seems to have little regard for the truth but that also matches the way Maxwell apparently inserted herself on an Elon Musk picture at a party. Kevin Spacey then says, 'I mean he's not my friend. I'm not a confidant.

I've never spent time with him. Do you know who I never asked for anything? It was Jeffrey Epstein. I didn't want to be around this guy because I felt he put the president at risk on that trip to South Africa because there were these young girls and we were like who is this guy? So I will say this, there were young girls on those flights.

There were young girls on those flights. Yeah. Well, at this point, that spacey is making us remind the readers of this picture. Look how uncomfortable Bill was. You can watch that full clip of Spacey talking Jeffrey Epstein, and, of course, x users are reminding us of this picture of Maxwell and Spacey in Buckingham Palace and Kevin Spacey with Bill Clinton during the trip to South Africa with Jeffrey Epstein.

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That's twc.healthforward/blackout and use promo code blackout to save 10%. New footage shows Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for unprotected US capital on Jan 6. The article says it was always the Pelosi Insurrection. New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6th 2021 protests and rioting at the US Capitol. Take a listen.

We have responsibility, Terry. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous. You're gonna ask me in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the the, inaugural stuff that that, should we the Capitol Police? I mean, the, National Guard?

Why weren't the National Guard there to begin with? They thought that they had sufficient No. There was not a question of how they had been. They don't know. They clearly didn't know and I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.

Lucky there are subtitles. You can barely hear her through her muzzle. Well, as the Gateway Pundit previously reported, former speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down national guard troops at the US Capitol that day. Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of national guard troops at the capitol on January 6th for political reasons. Chris Wray's FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believe there could be violence like the mass protests at the capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to politics but that's just her excuse. What did she know in advance? Well, Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the DC National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup but they both turned him down. Pelosi was not honest about their communications. John Solomon from Just the News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protest 2 weeks before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It's as if they'd hoped for a quote unquote insurrection. Solomon says that the DHS and District of Columbia were made made aware of online threats of violence 2 weeks before the protests and rally. Nancy Pelosi later refused to turn over her communications surrounding January 6th and Democrats later destroyed evidence from their interviews with officials involving the Jan 6 riots. According to PJ Media, the US Senate knew Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the US Capitol breach on Jan 6th than anything President Trump did that day.

Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day. Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to quote unquote 'insight' his huge crowd of supporters. And in April, DC National Guard Whistleblowers testified that the Pentagon, under the direction of Mark Milley, refused to deploy the National Guard that day until after 5 pm. Pelosi blocked the National Guard from protecting the capital that day, Mark Milley blocked the National Guard from deploying until after 5 pm. It was always the Pelosi Insurrection, the article says.

You can imagine what we have yet to learn about Pelosi and Milley's actions that day that left the US Capitol open and unprotected. Well there is a strong seemingly populist election wave happening in Europe. As the results of the European parliamentary elections are tabulated, a shift toward right and centre right parties is being seen across the continent but do they really represent what they claim to? Well let's take a look at some of the wins first In France, where Macron's renaissance party suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen's national rally, which won in a landslide. The stunning defeat forced French president Emmanuel Macron to dissolve parliament and to call snap elections.

The article says much like Brexit in 2016, this could be a harbinger of things to come in the United States this fall. The article goes on to say another devastating blow to the left came in Germany where Prime Minister Olaf Scholz's Social Democratic Party suffered a humiliating defeat coming in 3rd behind the centre right Christian Democratic Union and the Patriotic Party Alternative for Germany which finished second for the first time. Schultz's ruling partner, the Greens, suffered a devastating collapse due to the rise in energy prices following the invasion of Ukraine, their support of the war, and their role in an unpopular Schultz government. Austria also saw huge gains for the right as for the first time ever, the Freedom Party finished first in the voting. The Freedom Party, led by Harald Walimsky opposed EU immigration policy as well as the war in Ukraine advocating for a peaceful settlement to the crisis.

The right also made significant gains in the Netherlands where Geert Wilder's Freedom Party made a strong showing. Italy also remained firmly on the right with Georgia Maloney's party winning a decisive victory. The main success of the globalist left came in Romania, which has been completely corrupted and purchased by globalist interests. The ruling coalition of the Social Democratic Party, the successor of the Romanian Communist Party and their allies in the National Liberal Party won a convincing victory. The right wing opposition party, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians finished a disappointing second with only 14% of the vote.

Romania saw a record turnout for European parliamentary elections with over 50% of the population voting. Viktor Orban's Fidesz party won elections handily in Hungary but with few votes than in previous elections. Peter Magyar's Titsa party, a new political formation finished a distant second. Magyar's party was born out of Fidesz and is considered centre right. You can see some of the headlines reporting on the far right gains in Europe.

The globalist control of seemingly opposition political parties, especially in 2 party systems, has long been known and has never been more evident than in recent times. We know that there is a strong resistance forming all over the world to nonsensical policies and what many perceive as left wing, so naturally more people are moving to the right. Well guess who else knows that? The people that control politics. What better way to gain control of populations who are increasingly turning against government than to give the people government they perceive is with them?

We're not saying that that's what's happening here but we are going to present some facts that should be very carefully considered. Let's start with France. A national rally controlled parliament, national rally being the party of Marine Le Pen, would most likely result with the 28 year old party president Jordan Bardella as prime minister. Jordan Bardella has previously made this statement quote if humans are responsible for what seems to be climate change, our economic model depends on it', end quote. Interesting.

During the general debate on the 2024 budget, party leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Friedrich Merz, accused the German government of mismanaging its energy and climate policy. This policy, he said, was based primarily on extensive support programs and state subsidies. He said, quote, the path to a climate neutral economy and the infrastructure required for this cannot be achieved through state subsidies alone, end quote. Sounds a bit like Javier Malay's comments at the World Economic Forum where he told the globalist corporate entities that are responsible for the implementation of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and control of populations through their corporate mandates that they have the full support of Argentina. It can't be achieved through the state alone, you see.

The New World Order needs the corporations. The leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Harald Walimsky, is recorded as having voted against the ratification of the Paris Agreement, which is a very good sign. Georgia Maloney, on the other hand, is recorded as wanting to make climate change a right wing issue. So the question I'd like to ask is what does far right actually mean? Is it just stopping kids cutting off their body parts or does it mean exiting the globalist agenda altogether?

What do the people want to see most? Will they be satisfied as long as someone is calling out the left wing lunatics without actually inspecting their policies and alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals AKA enslavement of all of humanity? As we previously reported, the world was celebrating the election of Javier Malloy who was perceived as sticking it to the man. He ran his presidential campaign on being against the quote unquote left wing lunatics promising to exit Argentina out of the Paris Agreement. However, he betrayed his citizens and on day 1 of his presidency during his inauguration, he sent a representative to the climate conference in Dubai to tell them that Argentina is still fully on board.

A grave lie, he told his people. A promise was broken before Argentina could even blink. He's recently essentially declared martial law following chaotic protests across the nation as he has plunged it into complete decline with now approximately 50% of people at or below the poverty line. What has he publicly called those desperate protesting citizens whose lives he seems to have ruined? Terrorists.

A favorite line of tyrants who turn against their own citizens. And my point is this. We question every election because we don't trust our globalist controlled governments. Our globalist controlled governments know this. So it seems like a fair assumption would be that their play could be installing leaders who seem to be aligned with what the majority of populations want only to destroy them later just like Harvey Amelie.

The World Economic Forum's Yuval Noah Harari has openly stated that 2024 will be the last year of elections. After that, he says AI will decide for us. Do we really think they would so easily give up control of the last year of elections? It is wise for people to inspect every single running candidate under a microscope and furthermore demand that they denounce the United Nations' agenda for enslavement masquerading as the sustainable development goals or climate change the main vehicle of the new world order otherwise we're not in the clear yet Well, that's all that we have time for this evening. Thank you all for joining us and for your continued support.

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Visit the Vigilant News Network website for regular updates and find me on X also at z_media. That's ztriplee_media. We'll be back next Sunday at 6 pm Eastern with the stories that the mainstream media desperately does not want you to know but you can be sure that we will be here to tell you all about it. Until then, stay informed, stay vigilant. Good night.