Rabbi Alon Anava Transcripts


read transcript to 3hr Rabbi Alon Anava  Podcast
Why does G-d allow evil to exist? Corruption, conspiracies, religions, evil... - Where is G-d

So lately, I got a lot of emails. Whatsapps, SMS, Facebook Messenger, pigeons, people knocking on my doors. I got the same form of the question from thousands of people, why aren't you saying anything about what's going on in the world right now? Because I said that a year ago, nothing changed. No but why aren't you saying anything?

Then why not giving any updates? World something's going on. The Americans left Afghanistan. Who cares what the Americans did in Afghanistan? They invaded there for whatever purposes they had there to put down a line of gas across the the the land and then they they did what they did.

They did the damage and left. But the reality is that a lot of things are going on in the world and I'm now up to now I said that in a form of a joke. But, I am getting a lot of messages from people saying, why don't you, you know, you always have what to say. I have a lot of what to say. The question is who wants to listen?

Very few people wanna listen. So but there's a lot of what to say and I, refrain from talking too much because I think I said enough. My opinions are pretty, clear and and now we just need to do, not to talk. That's the problem with most people that people talk and they say in America talk is cheap. Maybe they said in England too.

I don't know. I didn't check. But they say they said in England too. Okay. So they say talk is cheap.

Or what they say talk the talk but do you walk the walk? So in Hebrew, they say something similar but in in the more holy language, it says the action is what counts. Not how much you talk. And I have said not once and not twice that when you learn Torah, a lot of people learn Torah all day long. But our sages say the the learning becomes great when you're able to transform it into an action.

If you learn all day long Torah, nothing happens. So what did you do? Very nice that you learn Torah but what's the bottom line? So So the problem is that most people talk and nothing happens. So that's why I don't talk much because I rather do than talk.

Okay. You heard me enough. You know what I think about everything. Nothing changed from a year and a half ago. I still think the exact same and worse.

I mean, more extreme. Because now at least, 90% of what I said a year ago, 2 years ago is starting to come up to the surface and proven to be right. You know how many emails I got? Oh, it ended up you were right. Really?

Thank you for telling me that. I knew that I was right also 2 years ago when I said that. So I rather not talk. I rather do actions, and I also rather the people who listen to me talk, not talk, and do actions. And, but, you know, for the, respect of many who requested for me to talk, then I'll talk.

So many things are going in the world. Yeah. That's a side note that the Americans left Afghanistan. Mehmet, who cares if they left Afghanistan? It's now your issue.

You care if they left Afghanistan or if they stay there. Was it your issue the last 10 years that they were there? I didn't hear any many people complaining. Oh, you know what? I can't take it when the Americans are in Afghanistan.

They're in Afghanistan for 20 years. It didn't seem like you were bothered with it the last 20 years. So suddenly, people care the Americans left Afghanistan. Okay. There are much more greater things that are happening in the world right now than Americans leaving Afghanistan.

I'm not gonna even talk about that. It's irrelevant. People So tell me what do you think it means? It means that they left Afghanistan. You know, that's it.

There are things that are much more, concerning in the world where you see the the the all these decrees and the insanity and the chaos and everything that's going on in the world, I would say that's a little bit more relevant to talk about. But, Afghanistan and many other things, Whatever. That's all news, you know. And it's not gonna change and many other things are gonna happen. And it really doesn't matter right now.

If we want to talk about something, okay. I understand. Many people are very scared with what's going on in the world. Some people are scared because they think that the new variant of the Delta is worse than the fake first one, then the the Nazis scared of a nonsense. There are people who are legit in a in a right way are scared because it seems like the situation is getting much worse in regards to all these decrees.

Then you have a good reason to maybe scared be scared for 3 seconds. But to be scared about the nonsense, that's that's, just shows to how much the person is sunk into the bubble of the deception. And you know what? Not that I ever give up but whoever's asleep, he's asleep. You know, whoever's out for lunch, it doesn't matter how much you're gonna drill in the information.

It's not gonna change much. Somebody sent me the other day like a sticker. Don't try to wake up the sleeping sheep. Sheep. Meaning all the people who are like sheep.

And then it had another, passage saying wake up the lions. The ones who will actually fight. So the ones who are asleep, they're asleep and unfortunately, there are many of them. Most people are asleep. They don't see the deception in front of their eyes.

They believe everything that they've been told. Everything that they both the government tells them to do, they do. Whatever a rabbi tells them, they say, amen. I believe my rabbi. How many people tell me I got the vaccine?

Why? I my rabbi told me. Your rabbi told you to get the vaccine? How come you didn't ask your rabbi to any other advice? Just the vaccine, you went to ask your rabbi.

To buy a house, to find your other half, to invest in a business, to move or relocate, dad you didn't ask your rabbi, but to get a vaccine you asked your rabbi. I actually heard a very interesting, Torah explanation how the rabbi has no say with getting or not getting the vaccine. The rabbi is not here to to advise you if to take a vaccine or not. The rabbi is here to inspire you spiritually and to answer halacha question. That's it.

You've got a rabbi to ask him to take a vaccine. So what would be the the What would be instead of the rabbi then go to a doctor? Then if you believe a doctor then you have already a problem. So you you you do your own research. I'll tell you why in regards to the Torah it's a problem because the Torah doesn't say anywhere that the rabbi has to be your guide if you take a vaccine or not because he has not know what you're talking about.

You think Rabbi Kanevski was knows what's in the vaccine when people are throwing his name? Rabbi Kanevski said to get vaccinated. He never said it in his life, by the way. And I challenge anyone to show me to show me the psalakha, the ruling where he signed that he said to take the vaccine. I'm challenging anybody that wants us to do that.

There's a video going on online when they're whispering something in his ear and they're asking him specifically about a specific woman and for her he told her to take the vaccine. And of course, you wouldn't see in that video that him saying, can I hear both sides? Can I hear Okay? You're telling me one side is telling me to take the vaccine. Then in order to give a good real true Halaka ruling, I have to hear the other side.

There's no other side. There's no ruling here. Right? Have you ever seen such a thing? You have many thousands of messages I get from people.

Rabbi Kanevsky said to get vaccinated. Okay. So show me. Show me the ruling. I want to see it.

It's called the bsakalaka. I want to see it. I want to see that they presented to the rabbi, both sides, the the the research and on based on what you are saying, it's okay to take it. If you can't show me that, he didn't say that. Sorry to say that.

And you know what? There's no any rabbi in the world that actually has a psalm din for that. And there's a few maybe that come, but they really didn't do a research because if you wanna do a real PSAGdim, PSAGdim means a halakhah ruling. Then you have to hear both sides. And knee neither one of the authorities who are coming and promoting the vaccines will are willing to talk with the other side.

And believe me, we tried a lot. So as long as the halacha ruling individuals did not see the other side other side means one is pro, one is against. I'm sorry to tell you there's no halacha ruling here. So first of all, according to the Torah, you know, you're not supposed to go to a rabbi to ask if you take a vaccine or not. You go to a rabbi for spiritual enlightenment, for halakha, for teaching, not to get a vaccine.

Now who do you go to? You have to go to a doctor. Then the Torah tells you, if the doctor is suspected for murder, you can hear what he has to say. I'm sorry to tell you most of the doctors are suspected in murder, especially the vaccine companies, Pfizer, Moderna, and so forth. That's it.

End of story. You kinda put it in a in a corner. So I don't even I didn't even intend to talk about that. I sidetracked, but that's what Hashem wants me to talk about. Then we're gonna, as they say, go with the flow.

So I would say that if people are afraid of the fake news that they're being, fed, then that's almost a lost case. That's I'm saying almost. That's almost a lost case. If somebody still believes that it's a deadly virus, then it's a lost case. Because for 2 years, you weren't able to convince them, You know that there's not not even such a thing as called a virus by the way.

It's all one big invention. Virus is a Latin word for poison. That's it. There's no such thing. If you wanna talk about something, there's a bacteria, not a virus.

But we we already went through this many, many, many times. If people still believe that this is a deadly virus, okay. So I can't help you. I'm not gonna try. This is Mehmeda lost case.

Slippers and he's completely hypnotized, brainwashed. That's what they believe. Okay. No. What can you do?

It doesn't say anywhere that everybody has to be awoken. But if people are afraid of what is going on, that's already concerning me. If you people come and tell me I'm afraid because they're threatening me that if I don't get vaccinated, I'll be fired. I can't finish my degree. I can't go into a a shopping center.

If you're afraid of that, that's concerning me because at least you are aware that the danger is not the fake virus rather the evil individual, the individuals that are running the show. Then that's already a concern. A concern that means that needs to be addressed. That's why for so long, a lot of people told me why don't you talk? I don't wanna talk.

You know what I think. I don't need to repeat that even though all the videos got removed but they got reposted. And then nothing changed my opinion. So what I wanna talk about today about, you know, you know that sticker that I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. People send it all day long on WhatsApp and Facebook with all these stickers.

Right? It's like I don't know if it's called a sticker. It's like a picture and some text in it. So the picture has a picture of 2 lions with their mouth open and their fangs all out. And it says, don't bother waking up the sleeping sheep.

Go wake up the lions. So the sleeping sheep will stay sheep and they will stay in mitzrayim. Mitzrayim means Egypt, but not Egypt the country. Rather the state of limitation which mitzrayim comes from the the the the nation of Israel left Egypt. Carbon copy, 3,334 years forward.

That's what's gonna happen before the redemption. And you see it parallel. Then there was a leader who came. You think somebody listened to Moshe Raben? You think he was popular?

Nobody listened to him. 80% of the nation didn't even listen to him. 20% went out of Mitzrayim. 18 80%. You're talking about about about 15,000,000 people didn't vote for Moshe Rabaynu.

They didn't believe. They actually went against him. And they died died in Mitsrayim. They were so sunk in the impurity of Egypt. And I'm saying it a lot but don't imagine Egypt, some camels and like a pyramid and, and, some Egyptians with a mini skirt and whip with whips with their, you know, they put it in the Haggadah for Pesach and the modern ones that you see like the the Jews are slaves and they're carrying bricks and some, evil Egyptians.

That's not what it was by the way. That's what That's not what it was at all. Egypt at the time was the the metropolitan of the world. They had more technology than what we have now. We think we have technology.

They had a little then more technology then. And not only that, they were all so involved in witchcraft and sorcery and magic. They were doing things that we can't even imagine. Little kids would learn in school how to turn a staff into a snake. So when Moshe came and turned his staff into a snake, everybody was laughing.

That's that's your trick. You're coming with that trick. Let's see you do something serious here. So nothing changed. 80% of the nation didn't listen then.

And now we see a huge part of our nation not listening. Now nothing really changed. People were cheering for then. They didn't see him as a tyrant or as an evil ruler. They they voted for They were they they didn't even think that they're in slavery.

You go now to any average individual in our generation and ask him, are you a slave? Mom, what are you talking about? I make a $150,000 a year. I'm not a slave. I have a Maserati and a beautiful iPhone and I go twice a year on vacations.

Well, you are a slave to your mortgage, to your lease, to your bank, to your credit cards, to your job, etcetera. You are a slave. It's just a in a very numb state so you don't even know that you're a slave. That's the problem in the western and modern world or what they call in our generation democracy. They're making people think that they're free.

They're not. You are a slave to the system. You're not your own individual. You have been told what to do. You're thinking that you made the decision and you chose it.

So really nothing changed then. Everything is carbon copy now. So really what's concerning me is not the ones who are afraid of the nonsense. I see people going with the mask. What are you doing?

You really? You still think that this diaper is gonna make much of a difference on your face? You have to be a psychopath to really think that a piece of cloth is gonna stop a deadly virus. It's such it's so deadly that it doesn't know how to go from this side. Right?

Very. I I don't know how educated people and they go like this. Why are you doing that? Why don't you go here? I mean can't it go from here?

Can't go from here. I know You know what concerns me? The walls with the with the diapers with the the mask? If it was such a vital protection and this virus everywhere, Won't they command us to dispose the masks in a bio disposal where they put needles in? Right?

How do you call it? The buys bio trash when you put it in? I don't know how it's called. Biohazard trash. You see them on the floor.

And you really think it's gonna stop a deadly virus? Nothing makes sense here. So when you see the people walking in the street, the mask everywhere, you really think that's going to make a difference if you're standing 2 feet or 3 feet or 7 feet? What? If there would be a deadly virus, I'm sorry to tell you, people would be dead on the floor, in the streets.

Have you ever seen somebody die from corona on the street? They all die in a hospital. Very interesting. If it was a deadly virus the virus, well people will die at home. Right?

People will die on the street. I didn't see dead people on the street. Somebody argued with me the other day. I told him I I I couldn't stand it when the with the mask. He told me, put a mask.

Put the mask. And I told him, do I tell you what to do? Do I tell you take off the mask? You want to put the mask on. Leave me alone.

What do you want from me? No. It's more protection. It's 65% when it's only me wearing the mask, 95% when both wearing the mask. Wow.

I didn't know there's mathematics in the virus. 95%. The 65%. And then I told him, listen. Listen.

Leave me alone. He said, oh, you're Macrisht Corona. You are denial of I don't deny anything. I'm just saying it's not deadly. Why?

You were you afraid in the last 50 years of the flu? Walking with a mask, it's just as deadly. No. What are you talking about? Thousands of dead people.

I said, 1,000? I I I don't know. Maybe something's wrong with your counting. You know, go don't go to the hospitals because the hospitals are bribed. Go to the group in Israel, at least it's called Chevrick Hadisha.

The group, it's not really a company, but the organization that is in charge of burial in the country and the land of Israel. Go and ask them how many dead bodies did they bury in the last month. I mean, you can't lie with the numbers. I mean, do you see it on the ground? According to the Jewish custom, you don't cover the grave for the 1st 30 days.

Go now to the cemeteries in Israel and count how many fresh graves are there. If there would be a pandemic, they would have 50,000 fresh graves. If there's 300 fresh graves, 503,000, I'm sorry to tell you that's the amount of dead people last year, the year before, the year before, the year before. So where's the deadly pandemic? And then of course you get the excuse.

No. Because of the vaccines and the mask, we were able to control it. Oh, okay. So the point is that when, you know, if there's nobody to talk to, okay, so there's no point of talking to. I'm less concerned about these individuals.

Hashem will help them. I'm more concerned of the ones who are awake. They see the danger and they don't know what to do. If I would be able to show you how many messages I'm getting, emails, WhatsApps, with the same idea of the question, what to do? They're forcing me to take the vaccine.

I have to I'm gonna lose my job. What they're gonna do? What's gonna happen? Now, of course, my simple question is get up and leave. What's the big what's the big deal?

Get up from where you are and leave. Find a new job. Relocate. You might have to live in a big city. And of course, listen, I'm not expecting people to do it.

I am expecting. But it's not so easy for an individual to just get up and leave. So that's not what I wanted to talk about by the way. I got very carried away but, it's very important. That's what's concerning us.

That's what should concern us right now in this day of age, not the Americans leaving Afghanistan. If they wanna leave Afghanistan, let them leave Afghanistan. It's not gonna change anything in the status of the redemption. It's another maneuver. Whatever it is, it's irrelevant.

90% of what's happening in front of us, it's a waste of time, waste of your energy, 90% of what's happening in front of us, it's a waste of time, waste of your energy, takes you away from the focus of what really need what you need to be focused on. If you need to be concerned about one thing is how the governments are slowly slowly closing down, manipulating and forcing individuals to get vaccinated. Forcing and threatening kids to get tested for what sorts of nonsense what they're doing now in Israel. Never heard of such insanity. Since when do I have to prove that I'm healthy?

I have to prove if I'm sick. Now if I don't have any symptoms, why don't I have to take a test all the time? And And you know what's the joke in Israel? They wanna do a, that test when you do a prick on the finger? You know what's the fraud here?

That what's the point of this test? To see if you have antibodies. Right? Ask any normal doctor and they would tell you that you cannot find antibodies from blood that came out of a muscle. It has to come out of a vein, not out of a muscle.

So how are you testing the antibodies? What is this? A test for how do you call it? Diabetes? And I'm no genius medical doctor.

I just consult real doctors and real doctors will tell you, you cannot find antibodies from a prick, a blood that came from a little needle. It has to be drawn out of the blood, out of a vein. And now you have 1,000, tens of thousands, 100 of thousands. Oh, poor kids, 7 years old. And people are proudly putting it on Facebook.

The kid is like standing like this with a test. That's what you're proud of. That you're suffocating your kid with a mask and they're standing in line. It's insanity. That's what you need to be concerned of.

Not the not the evil government. That's not concerning me. It's the stupidity of people is what's concerning me. The fact that the government is evil, I know that. The fact that we are controlled by evil psychopaths, we know that.

What has changed? Nothing changed. The fact that people comply, that's a cause for concern. And you know why? Because these are the people who are gonna go after you at some point.

Not the government. The Nazis said we're not gonna do another holocaust the same way. We're gonna do another holocaust. We are in a holocaust but not the same way that it was brutal and forced. You're gonna voluntarily go into the gas chamber.

Like you see these long lines in Tel Aviv. People are just waiting in line. 5,000 people are waiting in line to get vaccinated. They're not even forced. There's no dogs.

There's no no SS officers. So the Nazis became more, complex. We don't need to force you. We're gonna manipulate you that you're gonna choose to do that. Now what's gonna happen is that these are the people who are so brainwashed that if you're not gonna comply with the evil orders, they're gonna go after you.

These are the people you have to be concerned from. And you see sometimes, you see these horrible videos of civilians violently attacking people because they didn't wear a mask. I saw a video the other day in Israel. An older man violently beating a girl in a mall because she wasn't wearing a mask. Who are you to take the law to your hand?

It's not even a law. It's illegal. But who are you to violently attack a young girl because she's not wearing a mask? I mean that's insanity already. So with that short preparation, the this intro, first I wanna I got a little bit sidetracked.

My intro is pretty short. I hope this lecture is not gonna be 5 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds. But I wanna dedicate this class to a special soul, Hannah Hannah Suzanne, Margaret, but Ferguson who unfortunately died 2 years ago on Rosh Hashanah. May her soul have an elevation. The family should only know happiness and peace.

And, the entire world should really have a refuah, healing to their soul, to their to their mind, to their body. It's not a shame we should be blessed to see the truth. Now with that said, it's not really what I wanted to talk about today, but somehow I got, carried away. But it's close to the to what we need to know. What I wanted to talk about is a few concerning things that need to concern you too and then hopefully, you can, transform that into an action.

So I don't know if you noticed. I'm sure you did. But I don't know. I don't think many people really stop to think about it. And, I'm just gonna say a disclaimer as I usually say before these classes.

What I have to say is not only concerning the nation of Israel, Jews, it has to concern every individual in the world. Jews, non Jews, the redemption is for everybody. Moshiach is for everybody, and Hashem is the master of the universe for everybody. So it has nothing to do with Jews and non Jews, but we're gonna talk a lot about what has to do with the Jews. And what I noticed that some of the most evil individuals, the most crazy psychopaths in history, somehow are related to us.

And somehow, for whatever reason, came from our nation. You would think that the ones who want to destroy us will come from outside. Right? But haven't you noticed that the majority of the psychopaths, evil, deranged, all sorts of individuals in history, they're actually Jews. Or if they're not Jews, they came.

I mean, I don't really shouldn't even be using the word Jews, but we are gonna use the word Jews. Some of them are Jews up until today by the way. And you know, there's a prophet from the ones who will destroy you will come from within you. But a lot of these individuals, okay, maybe we can't call them Jews. Really, we are not called Jews.

We are called the The sons of Israel, of Ne Yaakov, Hebrews, Korah, Sarvih 1. The really though the first reference in in the Tanakh that you see the word Jews is in the Megillah of Esther and Purim. When it's talking there was a Jewish man in Shushan Avira. Other than that, there's no reference anywhere that we are called Jews. Rather after the distraction of the temple and we were exiled to Babylon, which is Iraq, then the residents there used to call us because it was the tribe of Yehuda.

They used to call us Yehud because it was the tribe of Yehuda. Some of the other tribes, we don't know there where they are. I mean, what is known as the lost tribes. We don't know where they went, where they ended up. So you see that a lot of the evil individuals actually came from within us.

Now more than that, the real evil ones came from the same father and from the most holy of all. Abraham, Yitzhak, And the wives, Sarah and Rivka. I mean, look who came out from Avraham, Ishmael. Ishmael came out of Avraham, and Asav came out of a Itzak. These are very evil individuals that up until today we are suffering from their descendants and their offsprings.

And then you know what? Some people might say, okay. You know, ASAP. You're talking about, 1000 of years ago. What do we just, learned and we've not done by the way with the whole series where we mentioned over and over the same nation of Amalek than up until today.

Amalek is here to get us. Hitler is a descendant of Amalek. Haman is a descendant of Amalek and many others. And you know who Amalek is? He's the great grandson of Yitzhak.

So he's family. He's really family, Amalek. It's not a nation that came from outside. Amalek is the son of Elipaz, who is the son of a salve, who is the son of Eitzhak. That's Amalek.

So Amalek really is a distant cousin. Now I'm not only talking about the Amalek that came to attack us when we came out of Up until now, we are fighting with Amalek and dealing with Amalek. I know a lot of people say, listen, you know, Amalek, it sounds biblical and historical. No. No.

No. Hitler is a descendant of Amalek. Besides the fact that Hitler has Jewish blood in him and many other psychopaths that are Jewish. I know a lot of people are gonna say the Rothschilds. Well half of the Rothschilds are not even Jewish.

But that's irrelevant. You know how many psychopaths, evil individuals that came to destroy us? Maybe not with spears, guns, and weapons, But they came from our nation and destroy our spirits. I heard not too long ago, certain individuals saying that the holocaust was terrible of course, but the worst holocaust was what came after the holocaust is that, you know, this state of Israel is not a religious state. It's was created to destroy Judaism.

It was created to uproot the Torah. The state of Israel, I'm talking about. I'm talking about the land. I'm talking about the state of Israel that was created 73 years ago, was created by Zionists, by Nazis, by the new world order. What do you think they were so patriotic to bring us out to this land?

They said, let's kill them. It would be much easier to kill them all in one place. Why go and look for them? And you know, why why gas them? Let's them let's make them heretics.

Let's get a Shem out of the picture. That's much better. That's a bigger holocaust by the way. The land of America is a greater holocaust with 90, 80, 90 percent assimilation, people don't even know the Jewish. So we don't have to go so far.

But even Amalek, you know, was turning on that. A lot of people don't know the lineage of Amalek. Amalek, you have to understand. I I explained one of the classes. I told you, Amalek is the grand great grandson of Yitzhak.

He's the son of Elipaz. Asav had a son, Elipaz, when Yaakov ran away to to Haran. Then, if you remember the whole story with Asav, then Asav sent to get him and then, Jacob told him, came to to kill him. Asav sent Lipaz to kill his uncle, a a Yaakov, who was really his teacher, and he said listen, I have to do kibudav. I have to listen to my father to kill you.

And Yaakov says take all my money. I'll be poor, you know, and poor is considered dead and take my money. Now later on, this had a a wife. His name is Ada And then he had a few kids. And one of the kids of a a Velipas is Amalek.

Now Amalek, by the way, is not the son of Adah because a Elipaz had a daughter called Timna. So the father, Elipaz, had an in intercourse with his daughter, Timna, and from that came a a Amalek. So really Amalek is also Amazir. That's that's a malek by the way. So a father had intercourse with his daughter and had a child and that is a malik.

Now you can understand a little bit the the craziness. But you know, I can sit here now for another hour and give you a whole list of history how, so many evil people are related to us, one way or another. You know that Balak Balak came to destroy us. You know Balak is is a a family with Ito. And Ito maybe is not really blood family, but he's Moshe Rabenu's father-in-law.

That's family. So how could it be? So such evil. Not asking how could it be that such evil came to the world. How can it be that such evil came from the nation, our nation that really wants to kill us?

And I don't think many people try to analyze that or even thought about that. Okay. So I will agree with the statement that that Hashem created everything with a polarity. So the same way that Hashem created good, he had to create bad. Fine.

I agree with that. Not only that, our sages will say If a person is very great in his, attributes, in his level of Torah, whatever, then his yetzerah has to grow with him. So a lot of people say they look sometimes at big rabbit and says, I wish I had your yetzerah. Why would wish to have my yetzerah? No.

You know, it seems like you you have it under control. People don't understand that the more you grow spiritually, the Yetzerah grows with you. When you are a world class champion in, MMA, they don't put in the ring some little boy with you. They put the same class. So if you grow spiritually, your has to match you.

Some other people think that, you know, scholars, big rabbis, they don't have a Yetzerah. Who do they have a Yetzerah? Greater than what you think. And other people came and told me I'll switch I would wish I had your Yetzerah. You can take my Yed Sarah any day.

I'll switch with you any day. So our sages says the more you climb higher spiritually, then your answer has to be in your level. Who fought with a with a with a Yaakov? The. Yaakov was in a very high level.

The the devil himself had to go and fight with him. That had who who's the in front of him? Moshe Rabenu was the greatest of all prophets. Who had to come and become his polarity? Bilam, the greatest prophets against Moshe Rabenu.

There's always a polarity. So you can unsay from that. Okay. Since the Jews or the nation of Israel were chosen by the master of the universe with great potential, then because the potential is so great, then the enemy has to be in that level. Right?

Okay. You can explain that. But this is the simple explanation that you can look at things. And it's very important before we dive in to understand what are we trying to realize now. Because right now, what we need to deal with is not the fact that the Americans left Afghanistan.

As I said before, I don't care. You shouldn't care. What we need to deal with is who is the evil regime that is controlling us right now and sabotaging the entire world, creating chaos all around the world. Whoever doesn't see it as a danger, that's a sleeping sheep. Let them sleep.

You're not gonna be able to wake them up. And whoever sees the danger, that's what needs to concern to you. Now we need to understand, what do I need to do? Now I don't Do I look concerned to you? Do I look like I lose sleep over the matter?

No. I don't care. Business as usual. It shouldn't scare you or bother you, all these thousands of great people who are concerned. So we need to analyze what's going on here.

So I told you on the surface, when we're looking at our enemy, the ones who are coming to destroy us, and I said that not once and not twice. If the nation of Israel goes down, everything goes down with it. By the way, that's how it works. It's not that we're so special but that's how it works. Whenever we are after, whenever we are target, everybody suffers.

I spoke about it yesterday that the time of King Solomon, Melench Shlomo, there was peace in the entire world. When we are doing great as a nation, the entire world benefits from that. That's it. End of story. It's not about being antisemite, hating the Jews.

We're all in the same place. We're all here to help each other. When we go down, we, the nation of Israel, everything will collapse. That's how it works. Now on the surface, like I told you, I can understand explain that, okay.

You know, we are coming with great potential. Our enemy has to be in the same level. But let's now go a little bit deeper to understand really what's going on here. And after this short intro that I did, now let's start the class. So who started the mess?

We spoke about it yesterday. His name is Adam. If you didn't see the lecture if you weren't here or if you didn't see it, go and look at the lecture then make pause and catch up, see the lecture yesterday and listen to the one today. If you didn't listen, Adam is where it all started. Not Adam.

He was an American. His name is Adam. He started everything. We're not blaming anybody right now. His fault, not his fault.

That's where it started. In the the way of expression that the holy book says, they say He made the whole world crumble down. Right? Because he made a sin. He did a sin.

He brought, death to the world, curses into the world, and that's where it all started. Now very interestingly, I don't like reusing the word ironic. Nothing is ironic. Everything is divine and everything has a time and a purpose. Happens to be that Adam was created on Rosh Hashanah.

Right? Next week is Rosh Hashanah. And yesterday I said that, I will repeat myself for the ones who weren't present. Rosh Hashanah is not only a Jewish holiday. Rosh Hashanah should be celebrated by every individual.

Because Rosh Hashanah is not the beginning of the year. I mean, we're not going by the Gorgian calendar. We're going by a Jewish calendar. The beginning of the year is the 1st day of Nissan. That's the beginning of the year.

Tishrei is the 7th month, but it's called Rosh Hashanah. I didn't say is the beginning of the year. This is the head of the year. So next week, we're gonna be celebrating the head of the year, and you know how it's called in Hebrew? Yom Hadin.

It's not called Rosh Hashanah, by the way. It's called Yom Hadin, judgment day. And that's the day that the entire world is being judged. So the Gentiles and animals and everything else are being judged on that day. So really it should be celebrated by everybody.

Now, Adam was created on Rosh Hashanah. Now, why would he would be created on the 6th day and not on the 1st day? So there's an argument in the Talmud why Adam Arjushan was created last and not first because technically, if he's the superior to all creations, he would should be created on the first day. So one explanation says, no. He was created last, so he will walk in to a ready made world.

How would it look that he's created and then have to go through construction and go through all the headache and then he has to wait and let's create the entire world, then he is gonna waltz into already made world. That's one opinion. Another opinion says, for him to understand that he came last, that even a cockroach was created before him. So I don't have such of an ego and know that you came last. But this is something else that I want to talk about that he was created the same day that he sinned.

Now there is an argument in the Talmud what age he was created. He wasn't created a baby, he was created a man. Was he 18, 20, 45? There is an argument which we don't really know because we don't have his social security number to check with mister Ablim. But nevertheless, he was created an adult and the same day that he was created, and it's very important that you know he was created.

He wasn't born. He was created The same day he sinned. And that same day, he brought down the world into a state of darkness. Because before that, the world was created and was in a state of light. You know how that light is called?

Like in Hebrews, oh. But the light that shined in the 6 days of creation is called the hidden light. Now there is an argument whether that light was shining the whole 6 days till the world was darkened or it was only shining for 3 days. Now why is that argument? Because if you remember in the 1st day, there was created light.

Right? Not the sun. Sun was created on the 4th day. So the light was created on the 1st day. If it says in many holy books that the light was shining for 36 hours, so that's the first day and half of the second day.

But the light was only shining for 12 hours. Right? Half the day is light, half the day is darkness, Which means 36 hours is 3 days. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. You follow?

And then when it was removed, then the artificial light was supposed to be created. That's the 1st day which the sun and the moon was created, the 2 great illuminators. Right? So one argue says, no. The organ was this hidden light was shining for 3 days, and then it was hidden.

Another opinion says, no, it was shining all the way till Shabbat. And when Adam sinned, then the light had to be removed. Why? The Hasid Shalom, it shouldn't be touched or damaged. Hashem removed it and concealed it.

When to when Moshiach comes to be given to the ones who will survive the redemption, and then we will experience what's called the organoz. This hidden light. So some people interpret it in different ways but when Moshiach is gonna come, there's gonna be this great revelation of light. And unfortunately, the wicked people are gonna be killed by it and the righteous people are gonna be healed by it. Righteous, I'm not talking about the Rabbi Nachman from Bresley.

Righteous, I mean that they're good people. The ones who will survive the redemption. And note not me, not anybody else can tell you who's gonna survive or who's not gonna survive. If somebody tells you who's gonna survive or not, you can't believe them. Who are you to tell me who's gonna survive?

Do you really think that the rabbis of the time of Mitsrayim went out of Mitsrayim? Who said that they left Mitsrayim? I can tell you already it's gonna be the simple people who are gonna survive the redemptions. Not the the ones that you think that they're so great. But again, I don't even know.

We don't we don't even know. But I can tell you for sure, not everybody will survive. When people are holding by the opinion that everybody will survive the redemption, it's real. It's not true. And I know the Lubavitch the Lubavitch Rebbe said that all the nations will, be part of the redemption.

If you look really in his text, he's talking about. He's talking about the resurrection of the dead, not at the time of the gura. Not everybody will survive the coming of Moshiach, by the way, and we don't know if it's us and if I have enough merits to survive. And you see with your own eyes that many great scholars, rabbis and righteous people died in the last 2 years and obviously, they didn't have the merit to see the coming of Moshiach. So we don't know who's the ones who are gonna survive.

But the point is that this hidden light, this over the nose is taken away from us and that's the light that was used to create the world, viyi. Oh, there should be light, and that's the light that we're gonna see, not light. And and I said that many times, I don't wanna elaborate on that now. When we keep saying the word light, we're imagining a light coming from the light bulb. That's not what we're talking about.

We're talking about a a enlightenment. A godly revelation that like a light bulb that turns into in your mind. It's not a physical light. But nevertheless, going back to what we're talking about, the day that Adam HaShoam was created, that's the day that he died that he sinned and that's the day that he brought the world in a state of darkness. And now I'm gonna use the word ironically, that's the day when we're celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

That shouldn't be a day of celebration. But as I said, it's not called Rosh Hashanah. It's called Yom Hadin. The judgment day. Where the attribute of judgment is in control and in power.

This is not a day of celebration. And why are we calling it that judgment day? Not only because we are judged because that's when judgment started because of the sin of Adamarishon. And we're always gonna go back to the sin of Adamarishon. Now, if you remember a few months ago, I gave a lecture where I explained just text, not coming with any claims of prophecy, but I explained that the acronym of the word adam is adam sorry, adam David Remember that?

And then I gave a whole calculation how David is exactly the middle between Adam and Mashiach. Therefore, that we know more or less when Moshiach has to come and according to the calculation is was is this coming year, paid bills. If you remember, I had gave a whole lecture about it and we're not gonna elaborate on that if you didn't see go to the lecture. But I the the the the the equation that I gave is adam is the acronym of adam, David Mashiach, which means that between Adam and Mashiach has to be David David Americh. So David has to be in the middle.

Let's take the years when he was born, and we came to the conclusion that the year that he was born is the is the the exact middle or the double will be 1948, which is also pretty amazing because that's when we came back to the land of Israel. But when we added the 37 years when he was king over the entire Israel, then the half brought us to the number of 5,782. Okay. So just a calculation. Right?

Now if we're looking at Adam Harishon who brought the world to a state of darkness and then we're looking at Moshiach who's gonna redeem the world and then we're looking at the certain individual in the middle, that's David Ameliech. Okay? Now I'm sure you've been once to a bar mitzvah and you heard the famous song David Right? Everybody sings that. Bar mitzvahs, weddings, and other events.

Why you sing on him You know what means? Means alive and exists. Why why are we calling him? Why don't you call Rabbi Shimon Or any other individual for that explanation. Why David Amelech Chayveh kayam?

Well, first of all, let's not take from the respect, the honor, and the status of David Amelech who is a leader, not only to the Jews by the way, he's a pillar in the history of the entire world. He's an example for any individual that wants to follow the gods of the world. Gentiles see David Amalek as a hero, as a pious individual, as a leader, as a teacher. Really David Amalek is the model, if that's the word that you would use. Maybe there's a different word.

In Hebrew, you would call it a model, a symbol. If you wanna mimic something, that's the human model for the entire world. If you want to look at a certain individual, that is the the model to mimic, it's the. Why? Because he was able to to connect both worlds.

The world below to the world above, and the world above to the world below. Right? Not only look at the at the Jewish faith, look go to any Gentile. They'll hold by David de Millech as a as a great individual, great warrior, great man of faith, an artist, a musician, everything. Right?

Let's not say don't have to elaborate too much. David Amalek is a symbol of I don't want to say perfection, but a very powerful symbol. And I don't wanna elaborate on that too too much, but David Amalek for us at least as Jews and to everybody else, that's David Amalek. It's the king. King David.

And you know what? For at least for us, David Amalek, it's a symbol that the kings all the kings had to come after from his lineages. Especially king Moshiach has to be from Beth David. He's the beginning. He's the start.

Now let's make a quick analogy. Where does David Amalek come from? Where does he come from? If you track the lineage. Right.

If you're looking at both sides, the mother and the father where David comes from. So you mentioned root. You're right. From the side of the mother, he comes from roots. We call her root not roots.

Root Where does Moab come from? From lots. From incest. So our leader, our king and his mother, I mean great grandmother, comes I mean, is by the way called by the way. We're not gonna talk in, higher level terms, but the Kabbalistic term she's called, the mother of the.

Needless to say, she's the only one who was actually able to convert from the nation. We don't accept converts from Moab. Men for sure know. She was the only one who was able to convert. Now if you go and analyze Moab, Moab is a nation, but really Moab is a child who came from incest when and marital relations or intercourse with his daughter.

And you have to understand that it's a nation that, forget about now where it came from, it's one of the most hateful nations against our nation. Amalek, we know, has a lot of issues with us but Moab, they despise the Jews. They hate our nation. You know where you see the proof how much they hate us? Because at the time of the destruction of the first temple, when an army goes and conquers the land, usually what would the army do?

The soldiers will go and rape the women. They'll go and steal any valuable that they see. Right? What did the nation of Moab did in the destruction of the temple? They didn't go and rape anybody.

They didn't go and steal anything. They went straight into Bethanygdash. Right away took the Sifrei Torah out, stepped on it, made their business on it, urinate on it, what just to mock the Torah. They didn't have an issue with that. They didn't want they didn't care of raping women, which you would think that's what a conquering army would do.

They hate the nation so much that they wanted to degrade the Torah. That's true hate. To a point that we do not accept gerim converts from the nation of Moab. How do you prove that? I don't know.

But a man who's a a a descendant of from the nation of Moab cannot convert. Women can. Was able to somehow get in. So really when you're looking at the ancestry of David Amalek from the mother's side, look where it's coming from. From one of the most disgusting, dark, evil thing.

One of the things that Hashem cannot handle even. And that's the interest, ancestry of David Amalek from the mother's side. Now really when you're looking at it, if you analyze which she is a hero, is the daughter of an individual called Eglon, and he was the king of Moab. Now the this Eglon is a descendant of Balak. And I told you already, Balak is a a family member of Itro.

So we're looking here, not only that she came from the nation, that's one thing, her father was the king of the nation who is a descendant of Balak. Another great, individual. Look from what darkness she came from. And that's just the mother's side of David Amalek. Now let's look at the father's side.

What's the lineage of the father's side of David Amalek? So who does he come from? He's come from Yehuda. Yehuda, you know the story, he was traveling. He saw a woman.

He thought she was a a prostitute, not knowing it's his daughter-in-law. And of course, took over and blame him. We're meant to. We know how it goes. And he had a sin with her.

He had intercourse with his daughter-in-law. Doesn't matter if he thought it's a prostitute or not. It's irrelevant. He had intercourse with her. And from her came an individual called Perez.

From Perez came another individual called, and then it continues going till it gets to who is the, the son of and then So even in the father's side, comes from a sin. Now okay. You know, if you you we can continue analyzing the family tree, but, you know, the the the from David de Melech comes of great grandfather is Boaz. Boaz is the grandson of, Nakhshon ben Amin Adav. Nakhshon ben Amin Adav Nadav.

Nachshon Ben Amin Nadav is an individual who jumped into the water the first. And he has a son, Salmon. We has a son Boaz. So look where it all comes back to the same place. So the father's side of David Amalek is also coming from a very dark place.

So the redeemer of the world is coming from the most disgusting, dark place of our history. You know why by the way? Because the greatest lights is always gonna be hiding in the darkness. That's how it works. That's how it is.

That's the rule. The greatest of all lights, which is called the organo that we spoke about, can only be found in the darkness. And we're gonna explain soon why. But let's first understand what's going on here. So how can it be that this great individual, King David, that later on, the redeemer of the world I'm not talking about the redeemer of our nation because Mashiach is gonna redeem the entire world.

So the redeemer of the entire world is coming really when you go all the way up from two sides from a very dark place. Why? Because in the darkness will always be hidden the greatest of all lights. Save that as a rule. Put it on your stick on a sticker on your refrigerator and memorize it and always understand and know that the greatest of all light was always gonna be a light hidden in the biggest darkness.

Now that we understand that, now let's go back to the first question. Why would our forefathers bring forth good and evil out of them? Why? Why? Why does Abraham Avinu bring 2 kids into the world?

Well, Abraham Avinu has many kids. The ones that you know of because after Sarah died, he got married to again and had many other kids. But the first two that he waited for so long, one is good, one is evil. And then the same thing with Itzak. One good, one evil.

He has Jacob and he has Asav. Why would our fathers, which it's not in their hand but let's try to understand what's going on here. Why would they would bring out from them good and evil? If you want to ask this question. And the question is I mean the answer is is that the evil should hide the good.

That the evil and the bad shall hover over and will hide in it the good. Now let's say you would have now $5,000,000 in cash. Would you put it here on the table? No. You put it in a safe.

Your jewelry, you put in a safe. Now that's a bad example. We have the Torah. Where do we put it? We put it on the table.

No. We put it, we hide it in a very honorable place, in the ark. Not because we're ashamed of it, because it's so special. It's so holy. I'm just gonna put it on the table here for anybody to come and touch it.

Now it's gonna be hidden in the most holy of all places. Same thing with the tablets. They're placed right away in the our own Kodesh, in the ark. And where there was the ark? In Kodesh Hakadashim, in the holy of holies.

Nobody was able to see it. They saw the Beit HaMikdash from outside. Only the Kohen Galah was able to go into Kodesh Hakod Hashim. So when something is so great and so holy, you hide it. So why did our forefathers agree so to say on a more cosmic level to have come out of them good and bad so the bad could cover the evil.

With that said, now we can understand a little bit more what we're trying to get. Now now we have to present another question. Why would the light want to be hidden in darkness? Hide it like we just said in our own Put it in an ark. There's no darkness in the Holy of Holies where the ark was.

There's no darkness in a a ark in our synagogue where we put the Torah. So why would the light choose or agree to be hidden in darkness? Now, we don't understand why by the way but at least we understand that that's the concept. So as they say, let's agree to disagree. So we're we all agree that the light is hidden in darkness.

We don't know why but we understand that pretty clearly that the light is hidden in darkness. Now we can understand why our sages that teach kabbalah call the evil and darkness. Is a translation of a is a hask or a shell or a peel. And for whatever reason, the masters of Kabbalah teach us that evil or negative energy or everyone to relate with is called And again, the translation for can be a husk, can be a peel, can be a shell. The peel protects the fruit.

How many fruits do you eat the peel? Kiwi? You have to peel it. Mango? You have to peel it.

Banana? Apple? Well, apple you can eat to peel. I know people like dipping the apple and the honey and the the Well, maybe before Rosh Hashanah. I think I explained that already a few times before.

Other Rosh Hashanah, why we do apples. By the way, why we put the apple and the honey. But nevertheless, that's probably one of the only fruit that we eat with the peel. You can eat, pears. But most of the fruit, we don't eat the peel.

Same with the vegetables and same with other things. Because the peel covers the fruit. It protects it. Now does the peel know that it's protecting the fruit, the edible part? I don't know.

I never talk to a peel. But really what it does, it's protecting the fruits. So the evil or bad or whatever you want to call it, the evil forces, powers in the world, what they do is they're covering really the light of the redemption. They don't know that. Even if they're listening out to the video, they don't realize that.

But evil in the world, all the evil that you see really is covering the light that is called the light of the redemption, which is called Another way to explain it how did Hashem bring us into this country? I'm not talking about 3000 years ago with Yeshua. I'm talking about 73 years ago. How did Hashem bring us to this country? You know by how?

It's so made a deal. Thank you. Herzl. So who brings us to this country? An anti Zionist.

A Zionist. A Zionist. A Zionist. An anti God. Anti God.

An anti God Yeah. Brings us to this country. Him, Ben Gurion, Balfour, Amin. Deals. Making deals that aren't good for the The ideals that aren't good for the Jews.

Yeah. The Baal Shem Tov didn't bring us here. The God from Vilna didn't bring us here. Helsel brings us here. That's what brings us here.

An individual that despise God, that all his kids converted to Christianity, He didn't circumcise his kid. He celebrated Christmas. He renowned his Judaism. That's what brings us to this country. Him and Ben Gurion and many other stars.

And here in Israel, you'll tell an average Israeli, anything bad about one of these people, oh, they'll choke you. Every government office, every school, every As any institute there's a picture of, Look what came out of my mouth. Hitler. A picture of Herzl and a picture of all other heroes. If the Israelis would know exactly who's Ben Gurion, they would spit on his grave.

And in Jerusalem, there's a mount. They should spit on this mountain. Where's the land? The point is that look who brought us to this country? Evil individuals.

Jews, non Jews is irrelevant right now. Individuals that despise the Torah, they go against the Torah, they go against God, they brought us to this country with a plan to uproot the Torah. That's where you see already the they have a plot. Hashem says, you wanted to destroy them in Israel? I'll build Yeshivot in Israel.

2,000,000 orthodox Charedi in Israel. You wanted to destroy the Torah? I'll make it 10 times stronger than what it was. But who brought us to this country? Evil individuals and many other things.

Okay. I know a lot of people say. I know I'm very cautious in saying that, but some people say from the darkness of the Holocaust, the state of Israel was born, which is not far from the truth. We came from darkness even though the the state was established the wrong way based on the wrong principles, but we're still here and we're still inhabiting the land and we're still here. That's a great thing.

That's a huge miracle that Hashem did. Started the kibbutz galoyot. The redemption started. Kibbutz galoyot is the gathering of all corners of the world. Say however you want.

We're here. I don't care if the UN said it, the Henson said it's irrelevant. Hashem brought us here, but he brought us through darkness. Through a holocaust, and through individuals that brought us here to destroy us. That's another way of showing you how evil covers good.

The evil covers the light of the. They didn't plan on having a redemption here by the way, the Zionists. They brought us here to destroy us. To destroy the Torah, to uproot the Torah, to kill the Torah. That's what that's what they wanted.

They didn't care if you stay a lot of it. It's the same decrees of by the way. The same thing the the the culture of Greek of Greece. We know what? Says, I'm not coming to kill you.

I just don't want you to believe in the God of Israel. So they did the exact same thing. Now all this is why. Not just because coming to the land of Israel. This whole concept that the darkness covers over the light.

Why? For one thing. And this one thing is called Sodhaemona. The secrets of faith. Many great sages, great scholars, great rabbi, all say in their holy text that the challenge that will be before the coming of Moshiach is.

Now, the translation is faith. I don't like so much the translation, but because the is also to believe. We are called an. We are, believers, sons of believers. Do you believe there's a god?

Of course. I can say the same question to a Muslim now and he will tell me, of course. And to a Christian, and to a Catholic, and to Most people believe in God. Even the ones who say they're atheist, they believe in God. Even the secular Israelis.

Well, some maybe will tell you they don't but at the end of the day, most people say, of course, they believe in a creator. The sad reality that many Jews will tell you, I believe there's a God. I don't believe in the Torah. I don't believe in the rabbis. I don't wanna follow it.

I believe there's a God. But that's not the emunah that we're talking about. We all have emunah. You also have emunah. Millions of people who believe in God still standing in line to get a vaccine.

So what? They don't see a connection between one to the other. So there's one hidden secret that was given to us in generations and generations. It's called the secret of faith and that's what we are being challenged for years and that's really our challenge before the Moshiach is going to come is how much emunah? Now, let me explain to you.

It says in the Midrash, specifically Midrash Raba, that a person was created The person was created in order of him to acquire faith. What do you go to faith school? They teach you in Yeshiva how to have faith. You either believe or you don't believe. That's that's a munah comes from your neshama, from your soul.

So how does the midrash say that a person was created to acquire a munah? So if a person is gonna say, I believe, that's not really believing. That's all I'm sorry to tell you. So what if you say I believe? I know a lot of people say I believe in God.

So why do you gossip? Why do you say loshom halah? Why do you steal? Why do you cheat? If you believe in God, don't you believe in what in his commandments?

Hashem says don't don't slander. Oops. So why do you slander? Why do you stop Loshonara? So, how does that come with your?

You you do believe? If you believe, then follow what Hashem tells you. So the excuses, I have a Yed Sera. Okay. But the reality is saying I believe, that's not believing.

You know what's the real belief? The real emunah is that I believe that Hashem not only exists in the world, Hashem God, that he exists and he's specifically in in darkness. Why is Hashem hiding in the darkness? Because he's preparing the redemption. When the army is preparing a secret mission, they're posting it on YouTube.

No. They're in a bunker. They don't want the enemy to know that they're planning a secret mission. So Hashem is planning a secret mission, the redemption of the world, so he hides himself in darkness. Where are you gonna find Hashem?

In the most darkest place in the world. They made a song on it. No. Right? Am I right?

Yeah. I'm right. The real is not that I believe that God exists. That's not a big deal. That I believe that Hashem exists in darkness and preparing the redemption in darkness.

Now how is that applying to me? Then we we have challenges on a daily basis. Every day, I have a challenge. Challenge to wake up in the morning to go and pray. Challenge to wake up in the morning and we just wake up good, I get out of bed.

Challenge with my with my livelihood. Challenge with my wife, with my marriage marriage, challenge with my kids, chat all day long, I have challenges. I don't know. I don't I know. There's no one person in this planet that doesn't have challenges.

Everybody has challenges. So one person has money, so he doesn't have a good relationship with his wife. The other one has a good relationship with the wife but has bad health. Everybody has challenges. I told you that already once and not twice that the problem with the the status of the most of the world right now is that they're calling it, how are they calling it?

Democracy, they're calling it. And people love to say it's a democratic state. Which state is democratic exactly? Israel? Israel is not a democratic state.

Not at all. They I mean, they advertise it as a democratic state. It's not. At all. There's no democracy here at all.

America is the democracy? Really? No. They're just selling you that. No wonder they're really selling you.

They're selling you what power all sold you. Thinking that you are free, but really you are a slave. The fact of the matter is that when you're born, you know what you're given? A number. You are a slave my friend.

Doesn't matter if it's a 2. That's the oath of social security. You have a number, you're marked. You're a slave. That's what did.

Think. Was not looked upon as a tyrant. Was very cheered and loved by his people, including the nation of Israel. He didn't pretend that he's evil. He actually went out to work with everybody.

Like Bibi getting the first I'm getting the first shot. Did the exact same thing. Was walking out with a shovel. Hey, let's go and work. Socialism.

So baby got a shot pretending he's getting a shot. Baby and the rest of the democratic state officials. So there's no democracy. Democracy is the most evil thing because it makes you think that you actually are in control and that you are free and really you're not. Oh, you're right.

You don't have any rights. You're a slave to the system, but you think you are free. So the problem is why did I brought this up because if you ask an average American Jew and even an American regular and a gentle American, let's say go 15 years ago or you will ask a Berliner Jew 90 years ago, and American Jew will tell you I have everything here. I have a nice car. I have a nice house.

My refrigerator is always full. I go twice a year on a vacation. Why? Because it's a great state. They wouldn't allow that in Iran.

No? There's no hotels in Iran? There is, by the way. So when somebody thinks everything is good, then you don't have any challenges. Right?

If you have money and everything is comfortable and you have a nice car and you can get what you want, there's really not a lot of challenges then really how you are spiritually developing yourself. How you fulfilling your mission as a human being in fighting the challenge. You're not. So this whole idea of this democracy is to numb everybody that you have everything. Look at America.

What an abundance. People are so fat because such an abundance. Everything you buy for a dollar. That was the whole idea as you know to, you know, in Hebrew it's called is that you stuff the person with so much food that they feel that they're so full they don't even know that they're suffocating from their own food. That's the problem with the Western culture.

Trust me, it's much better to live in a state than the dictator. At least you know what's the intentions. People think that they live here in a democratic state. They don't understand that you are being controlled. You have no freedom here.

You have been told what to do. So why am I saying that? Because we are created to to to, I don't know if to say, develop my emunah, but how do I bring forth this Because we just quoted the it says, no. A person was created, that she would acquire a How would you acquire that? It's very fun by the way so maybe just, give it to her or close it or throw it in the pond or How do you acquire through a challenge?

If there wouldn't be a challenge, how would you acquire any level of emunah? I spoke about it so many times that our great sages, they were able to do such miraculous acts because they have a very high level of. The sages of Kabbalah, the sages of the Talmud, they were able to walk through walls. Can you walk through a wall? No.

Not yet. Not yet. Why can't you walk through a wall? Because you believe there's a wall. But I will tell you there's no wall there.

You believe there's a wall there but you should believe really that there's no wall there and you can walk through the wall. How did Morpheus tell, Neil when he taught him to fly? Let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Shouldn't be quoting the matrix.

But he told him to, you you you don't believe that you can fly. I'm telling you you can fly. I'm telling you you can fly. You can do whatever you want but you don't believe that. So great sages, you know that the great Talmid of the Rizal, he would teleport himself.

He didn't have a passport. Everything everywhere that he went was teleporting himself. It's called saying a few holy words, boom, you're somewhere else. Why can't you do it? Because you don't believe so.

Because you want to go through the airport and show a corona test, and stick a q tip in your nose, and take your shoes off, and your belt off, and take your laptops out, and just say a holy word in the name of Hashem, and teleport yourself to the next place you need to go. Eliezer was able to do that, the servant of Abraham Avino, and many others. So if you have you do whatever you want. How many people have Very few people. So So we have to acquire their How do we acquire their Through the challenges that we go through.

Now how do you say a challenge in Hebrew? Is a test really. What do you have to do when you have a challenge of a power? Now what would you consider as a challenge? Something that is, you know, an obstacle.

Something that you can't overcome. Something that for you would be considered as darkness, lack of money, horrible divorce, loss of a loved one, abused individual, it's darkness. And what did I just tell you? Where does Hashem hide? In the darkness.

So when you overpower the challenge, when you go over that, you know what happens to you? If you take the word challenge or test enabled, it's called The root of it is. Is a miracle. If you are able to overpower the challenge, then a miracle happens. You know what's the miracle?

Not only did you release the light, you exposed to yourself your true potential. You are able to bring forth to the world your true light. That you are able to overpower a challenge. I was able to jump over the obstacle. And what do you do?

You release this light, The light of Hashem. The light of the redemption that is hidden in the darkness. So why you losing your faith? Why are you losing your hope? Why are you losing anything?

It's a challenge. It's a ladder to step higher. Now really, what is this challenge about? That I can reveal my true power. My real power.

You have such powers, you don't even know how much powers you have. Your powers are above nature. That's why I told you before that our sages were above nature. They were able to do things that you said, that's not normal. And I will go again to the matrix when they jumped over the buildings and what did the police say?

That's impossible. No, it's not. For you, it's impossible. So our sages when I'm talking about sages, I'm talking about the great sages of the Talmud, great, Kabbalah sages, Rabi Shimon Bar Yochaim. That was about nature.

They were able to do things that we would say that's impossible. Don't ever say it's impossible. Everything is possible because Hashem gave you that power. You have a problem with your child? I can't deal with him.

Who says you can't deal with him? Maybe you don't want to deal with them but you have all the powers in the world to deal with your spouse, with your boss, with the psychopaths that are running in the streets and are telling you all sorts of things to do? So the challenge will come to expose the real power in you. The real faith where you understand and believe and you know that Hashem hides in darkness. You're not gonna find him in, I don't know where, in some beautiful island in the Caribbeans.

Hashem is gonna hide in the most disgusting, horrible, dark place in the world. Now go and look for him. Now what causes a person to become a great individual? When we're looking at our history, we see some great individuals. David Amalek, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rabbi Akiva, and many others.

I'm not gonna start naming them because people get touchy. Why didn't you mention my rabbi? All the rabbis that are great, they're great. Okay? One time I said Rabbi Nachman from Brezsef Alaba with your friend of mine says, why didn't you say Alaba with your rabbi?

Well they're all great. I'm not taking sides here. But how do you become such a great individual? Is that you're able to survive the challenges that Hashem gave you. That's what it is.

You don't leave the world with a certificate of being a great individual. If it's a tzadik, and some of them we mentioned, it's tzadik. As simple people, what makes you great? That you are able to sustain and survive and stand firm against all your challenges. That's what makes you great.

If you're looking for a certificate of what what makes you great when you leave the world, I was able to fight all my challenges. I didn't whine. I didn't cry. I didn't complain. I took it with a grain of salt, with a smile.

I fought my challenges. I did my best. Sometimes I failed. Sometimes I didn't. That's what makes you a huge individual.

But in order to do that, you have to have complete. What's called means it's complete, hope. That everything that you see that is a challenge or darkness or suffering, it's just an external cover. That's it. Anything that you see in the world that is evil, anything that you see in the world that is dark, anything that is bad, that comes to you as a challenge, it's just a cover.

It's the it's the the external part. Because inside is the holy light of Hashem and Hashem himself is hiding there. So as I said before so we can start concluding, faith is not believing that Hashem is in the heavens. Everybody will have a father in heavens. Why are you pushing him up there?

Isn't he here? So believing is not saying God in heavens. He's there too, by the way. He's everywhere. Up, down, here, there.

But the real emotion is not to believe that there's a God in the heavens. It's to believe that God is here inside the most evil dark places. That's the real emunah. And when you cross that barrier of emunah, the screen of deception disappears and suddenly you see that all the evil that was in front of you was a cloud of smoke. Really.

So you have the nerve, the chutzpah to be afraid of anything that represents evil? No. Now we can understand something very simple Why King David, David Melech, and his offspring, our new king, Melech Hamashiach. King Mashiach, they're coming from such darkness. They can only come from such darkness.

All the evil forces in the world is only to hide and conceal the light of the redemption. End of story. There's no other word of explaining it. And Hashem is using all these forces of evil to bring the redemption. They don't even know that.

They don't even know that they are a tool to bring forth the redemption. The evil, even if they're looking now at the video, they don't know that they are the clippa that hides the light. They can worship whoever they want. They can believe whatever they want. Hashem is using them like a puppet.

You think somebody in this world has a say to anything? Hashem runs the show. Even the Samikmem, you call him Lucifer, Satan, call him everyone. He works for Hashem. And by the way, if we're already on the topic, many individuals who represent evil worship the Lucifer, the satan, the devil.

They don't understand that he's a double agent and he works for Hashem to gather all the idiots in one place so he will be able to destroy them himself. And they worship him. And they don't understand that he works for the master of the universe, and he's decepting all of them, deceiving all of them, and they worship him. So Hashem is using all these evil forces, evil individual, evil governments for his own gain, for his own good. So when you see all these evil decrees, it's Hashem's decrees.

It's Hashem manipulating the situation in order to start building the redemption. When Moshiach is gonna come here, there's not gonna be an economy. We're not gonna work. We're not gonna have money. How we're going to work is everybody's gonna be bartering.

We're gonna be going back to to the, how they say it old school. We'll farm our own food. Countries will barter with each other. One country will give rice to the other country that will give them tomatoes and potatoes and oranges. We're not gonna have stock market and all this nonsense.

It's not gonna be currency when Moshiach comes. So Hashem is already showing us through evil that the economy has to be completely destroyed. A great reset. Now you are afraid of a few clowns? It's a sham manipulating it, telling us in other words, in order to be redemption, we have to completely crash the economy.

And The son of David, King Moshiach cannot come till we're not gonna have money in our pockets. There you have it. Digital money. You're afraid because they're telling you we're not going to have a cashless society? Good.

I don't want to have cash anymore. I don't want to have credit cards. I wanna grow tomatoes and I'll give you my tomatoes and you'll give me some eggs and potatoes. How about that? So Hashem is using evil for his own good, and that was all history.

And I'm gonna say something that is a little bit sensitive. People don't like hearing it, because a lot of people say, where was Hashem in the Holocaust? Well, where is it? Where was Hashem in the Spanish inquisition? Or the destruction of the second temple?

Or the first temple? Or many other atrocities that happened to our nation. Where was Hashem? When when you're asking where was Hashem in the holocaust, well Hashem was there creating the Holocaust, igniting the fire. Sorry to tell you, that's the reality why you think that a bunch of psychopaths, inhumane individuals, they decided what to do.

They were the axe in the hand of the woodchopper. That's where Hashem was in the death camps, in the gas chambers. And Nazis we're in the same level Nobody forced Hashem told him, I'm not for I'm not bending your arm. Okay. So you can argue and say but Hashem hardened his heart.

But only in the first few plagues, in the first few plagues says you have free choice. You can still let them go. Once you didn't let them go, the first, the second, the third, the 4th, now all hard in your heart. But Pao was hired to do his job. Same with Aman, same with Hitler, same with everybody else.

Our sages say that before is going to come, they're not saying before before the redemption. It's gonna be extremely difficult to appoint that attracted Sanhedrin. It says when they're talking about the redemption, it pages 1998, 97, 98, 99. It's talking about the Gogu Magog war and all the atrocities that are gonna be before the coming of Moshiach. And And the conclusion is I don't wanna be there.

I don't wanna see it. Arseigi says, the darkness, the chaos, the insanity is going to be so crazy. I don't want to even see it. So now we see it in front of our eyes. So Are you seeing it here?

We started seeing it and, let's hope we're not gonna see more of it but we're going to see more of it. So you can call it You can call it however you want. We already concluded a few times. I told you that doesn't have to be nuclear bombs. Gog comes from the word, the zohr calls it, thoughts.

I explained that already many times that the war doesn't necessarily have to be with weapons. The war is in our thoughts. War of, mind control, more of, deception can be in many different ways. It can easily erupt to a nuclear war. But right now, we're not in the state of the nuclear war.

We're in a war of, thoughts. People are brainwashed, mind mind control, thoughts manipulation, and many more. Propaganda. We don't see it really as a war, but CBS, Fox News, Auj Time, Auj, all these all these channels, what do you don't think? That's mind controlling propaganda, manipulating the city of the truth.

That's mind control. That's Milchemet Giggim. That people are glued to a screen and whatever they say on the screen Okay. There's a there's a pandemic. Okay.

Who said it? So our sages explained that the darkness and the power of evil is gonna be so out of control before the redemption that it's gonna be extremely extremely extremely hard, but from that will come the redemption. So now let's ask a quick simple question. What is going to bring the redemption? Let's start this now.

Let's get to cut to the chase. Some people they talk a lot but what's going to bring the redemption? I mean if there's anything that I can do I will do. If not then I'll go back to my home and sit there and I don't know what. What's going to bring the redemption is the merit of the minority that will merit to have real Now, say it again.

What will bring the redemption is the merit of the minority that will gain to have real emunah. Yesterday I told you, I promise you we'll do that. I promise you we'll make a class about the whole story with the. Right? Was king.

He, David was the king. Then he, died. They didn't know who to give the king to be. The candidate to be the king was who was Gedolador, by the way. Gedolador, the top top rabbi of the generation.

Eventually, it wasn't him because he wasn't from the house of David. Sholem Aleic became king. Yehovah benevat went, build a fake Bet HaMikdash, fake altars and made a whole show. At the time of Sukkot, 7,000 people went to Beit HaMikdash, 45,000,000 people went to the fake Beit HaMikdash of Erovan Bnebat and were practicing idolatry on sukots, bowing to fake bulls. Was Mahdi Hrabim, the one who was, in charge or the in control of making many, many sin.

It says was the one who made everybody sin. The book of if we're ready from it yesterday, 7,000 people went to Sukkot to Beit HaMikdash. When 45,000,000 went to bow down to a gold bull that Yirovain Benava did. So I told you I'll do a class about the entire story because it's very important to understand that the Gdol HaDol, the leader, the rabbi of the generation didn't get the position he wanted to and he took with him the entire nation to the highest level of heresy. And from that, I told you yesterday we read from the book of Melachim, came already all the the false prophecies that brought forth the type of idolatry that they they were giving their kids to sacrifice.

Giving the kids to the baal, to the samikhmem. So why am I saying that? Not because I promised you 10 10 times I'll do the class, because the minority went to Beta Mikdash. You know that the Revan was able to pull with him Koonim. The most prestigious families of Koonim went with him to the show, to the circus.

While the real services in Betam Iqdas, only 7,000 people came. So what is going to bring the redemption? It's the merit of the minority that will gain and merits to have real And what is real That Hashem is hiding in the darkness, in the evil and sowing the redemption. Weaving. Use whatever poetic word you wanna use.

Now again, we can understand clearly why Moshiach King David came out of darkness, out of a very dark place And you know what? When you're going throughout our history, all of our great leaders came out from darkness. You know, there's one individual that is called, has a title, because all of our sages and leaders have a title. Right? Moshe Rabeno.

Avam Avino. Aaron Akon. Shmuel Hanavi. Right? Everybody gets titles.

There's only one who got the title Had Sadiq. Yosef Had Sadiq. Why? Why? Why?

Why? Why? You know why? So let me tell you a little story. I'm sure you know that.

Yosef was a young individual, 17, 18. He was, kidnapped and sold by his brothers to a convoy of Egyptians or or Arabs, whatever, sold him to Potifar. He was the servant in the house of Potifar. Then they called him Potifar. Really, his name was not Potifar.

His name was Epstein. Potifar. He had a little mansion in the eastern part of What if I was, is there a nice word of saying it? He was a pervert, basically. He bought Yosef to be his toy.

I'm not saying that. Rashi says that. Yosef was a handsome teenager and Potifar bought him to play around with him. Nothing happened, Baruch Hashem. But his wife, she had his her eye on Yosef.

Oh. Every day, different set of clothes. Givenchy. Monday, Chanel. High heels, tight clothes, nails done every day.

Seducing him Wherever he goes, she's Hi. Now what are you expecting from a teenager? 17 year old, 18 year old? In his prime, this gorgeous woman is seducing him. There wasn't Internet then, so he gets it live.

One time, there was some holiday, they all left. She decided to stay home. She says she doesn't feel good and she says today I'm going to get him. And you know what? You don't know the whole story but Josef got undressed already.

He was going along. And after he got undressed and excuse my language, he was already prepared or as a he was erect, erected, whatever it's called. A vision came in front of him of the portraits of his father. And he caught himself and ran out. But a sin still happened.

Sperm came out of him. Still a sin. He didn't sin with her, but sperm came out. Specifically, 10 drops came out of him. That's 10 drops that came out of him later had to come 10 martyrs to die, to rectify the fact that 10 drops came out of him, but he still did a sin.

Now how do you call him Yosef Atzaddik? You know why? Because he did shuvah. First of all, he stopped himself from sinning with her. The fact that some sperm came out of him, that's a whole different thing, but he didn't sin with her.

Can you imagine you're already undressed? And then you're saying, sorry, I gotta leave? So he's called a. Our sages say In a place that a great sadiq stands sorry, the other around. In a place where a stands, a great sadiq cannot stand.

Because at tzadik, either he doesn't have a or either he's, you know, in the level that is one of his challenges. He fights. He, she, same thing. I told you that story a 100 times, I'll tell it again. That you understand what's about Shuba.

So, I'll tell you the short version of the story. There was once a king, he wanted, successor the next to be the king. He told all his advisers, go and find me the best man in the kingdom to become the next heir to do to take the kingship. So they go and they run ads everywhere. 10,000 people came for the monitoring, for the examinations.

From 10,000 they brought it down to a1000. From a1000 to a100 running them all sorts of tests and whatever. And after a few months of a lot of checking, they narrowed it down to 3 people. They come to the king and they said, master, we have narrowed down the options to 3 men. What should be the last challenge to determine who's gonna be the next king?

The king says, we're gonna lock them all in a room for 24 hours, and each and every one of them is gonna get a bottle of my wine, the greatest of all wines. And the one who's not gonna drink from the wine will be able to hold himself. That will be the one who becomes the next king. Now for us to understand the temptation of the wine, it's like putting a pile of heroin in front of a heroin addict. Okay?

Okay. They lock them all up in their rooms and the countdown starts. And then when the 24 hours is over, all the cameras are there. CBS, Fox, you name it. They're all there.

Live broadcast in Facebook. Everybody's waiting to see it. So they're coming and unlocking the first room. Everybody's biting their nails. The drum roll in the background they open the door.

Let's see the guy is sitting like this. The bottle is sealed. He didn't touch the bottle. Wow. Everybody's starting to whisper.

Maybe that's the key. I think that's the key. That's good. Everybody's like putting their beds. They're opening the next room.

Everybody's biting their teeth, their their nails, drum roll in the background. They're opening the door, they look on the floor, the guy's lashes on the floor, The ball is completely empty. Okay. That's not gonna be the next one. Now let's see what's gonna be in the 3rd door.

What's gonna happen? All the tension is killing everybody. They're unlocking the door. They're opening the door. They see the guy sitting on the bed upset, angry.

The bottle is open and this much is drank from the bottle. Everybody's like, okay. Number 1 is gonna be the king. The king says, no. He's gonna be the one.

Yeah, but you said that whoever drinks from the wine is gonna fail the test. He says, you're right. The first one didn't drink from the wine. Okay. We'll give him some honor.

We'll know what patience, what power to overcome the the temptation. But the third guy drank a sip and for 24 hours he was looking at the bottle, knowing how it taste, and he still didn't touch it. That's the man that's gonna be the next leader. And that's the analogy between a atsadiq and a balshuva. Thatsadiq doesn't know the taste of the sin.

The balshuva knows how it tastes. You know what what powers you need to hold yourself not to go back? Knowing how it tastes? That's a Baal Sheba. So Yosef was about Suva, so he got the name at Sadiq.

Now I have to understand again why all this has to happen. Why the good is being developed while it's in bad? If we're taking nature, the fetus, the child is developed in the mother's womb. So I hear good has to be developed in bad. That's a Balshuva.

A Balshuva, a person who repents, goes back from their evil path, he can only I'm saying the word he, he, she, can only develop from bad. You cannot reach to your level if you didn't visit the dark side, and each individual to their extent. And I'm just saying it as a disclaimer even though I say it over and over. When I'm saying about Jiva, convert involves Jiva is the exact same thing Because a convert is a person who was born a gentile and fought to become a Jew, left their family, left everything. Most of them don't even talk with their families and they went through hell and they chose to become observants.

It's exact same thing in my eyes. Balchuba converts, same thing. And even a person who was born observant can also be a Balchuba. I know many of them. They were born in Blenbrock, they went off the path and went back.

We all need to be about Tubal. Moshe Rabenu was also about Tubal by the way. And you know what? Mashir is also gonna be about Tubal. Because when a person sins and he goes back, he climbs and climbs climbs and you sin and you do chuvah.

You sin and you do chuvah and eventually you climb and you climb and you become stronger and bigger and higher. And like I told you, I know a lot of people don't like hearing it. Moshiach is also has to be about. How do we know that? Because we pray 3 times a day.

Right? We're talking about What's a semach? Semach is a plant. Plant grows. Moshiach has to grow from below to above.

Which means that the bow the Mashiach has to grow. It's not gonna be born like that. Now let's conclude. What do I do? What do we do?

So I told you in the beginning, the ones who are asleep, let them sleep. If you didn't wake them up in the last 2 years, you're not gonna wake them up. And that's the ratson of the kadosh boh, that's the will of Hashem. When you're talking about population control, Hashem is doing population control, by the way, through the evil individuals. But the ones who see what's going on and they are afraid, they are worried, they are uncomfortable, etcetera, What do I do?

That's the question that I get. What do I do? So I'll tell you what to do. There is, Mishnah, a very famous famous Mishnah, an attractive sotah that it's talking about what's gonna happen right before Moshiach comes, and you know how it ends? I'm sure you heard that Mishnah once.

We have nobody after all the atrocities. I know I I know I promised that too, but we're gonna have to learn that Mishnah. Because it says, what's gonna happen before Moshiach comes? The, the regime, the government is going to be heretics. They're going to go against Hashem.

It will be extremely expensive to live and the the the freshness and, it's all gonna go out of control. It's retailing what's going to happen and you're really seeing it. And, you know, it says. The face of the generation is gonna be the face of a dog, which for years nobody understood what it means. Now everybody walking in the street with a muzzle, so you can understand that the face of the generation is gonna be a face of a dog.

So this Mishnah concludes after all this chaos, and we have nobody to lean on but our father in heavens. Again, our father is in heaven. Why you saying our father in heaven? You know why? Because for generations and generations and thousands and thousands of years, all the evil individuals pushed Hashem to the heavens.

We don't want you here. We don't want you here. We want you to be in the heavens. Right? Leave us alone.

What do secular people say? Let me live my life. Let God be in the heavens. I don't I don't need him here. The first of all rebels, Nimrod, who started the the the paving the path.

Let him stay in the heavens. We don't want him here. Let's build us a place here. We'll make ourselves a a name. We don't need him.

And when we're gonna go and fight him, we're gonna go up to the heavens to fight him. So why are you telling me our father in heaven? Because for 1000 of years Hashem was pushed out of this world into the heavens. We don't want you here say evil individuals. Before the time of the redemption, Hashem is gonna be considered in.

Before the time of the redemption, you're not gonna see God in this world. At this time of the temple, they saw God. At the time of the giving of the Torah, they saw God in this world. But our sages are hinting to us at the time of the redemption, Yehba Shamayim. It's gonna be in the heavens.

Nobody wanna hear about Hashem. He's gonna be kicked out of here with gay parades and evil regimes and psychotic decrees and also some weird things. We don't want a sham here, say most of the population of the world, by the way. So when it comes to population control, Hashem says, I'm gonna control control the population. When Hashem got angry the first time, he controlled he completely uprooted the population with a flood.

And then, you know, there were many other times that Hashem says, okay, we're gonna have to destroy a chunk with the city of Zdom and many others. The majority of the population of the world says, we don't want God here. He can stay up there. Here, we wanna rule. We wanna run the show.

So our sages 25 100 years ago already hinted to us with all this headache. What's gonna be your hint? That Jesus is in the heavens and not here. And when it says we have nobody to lean on, there's a problem in this world, both in the Jewish faith and the non Jewish faith, that people worship people. I spoke about that a year ago.

When I was couldn't fathom then where is Hashem? Even in the Jewish faith, people worship. Rabbis. Where's Hashem? Remember that lecture?

There's only a Shem to worship. People worship people. Jews, non Jews? Why you worship a man? Worship God.

So it says is telling us you have to be very careful that you don't fall into the category that you worship a human being. You worship only God. And when you don't worship God, you're gonna have an issue. You can admire a human being. Don't worship a human being.

Doesn't matter in what form or shape it comes. That has to stop and I spoke about it a year ago, over a year ago when I was saying clearly, and odd milvado, there's nobody but Hashem. I told you you can admire great scholars and that's it. They're human as you. Somebody told me one something very, very rude.

I'm gonna have to say it because it was no. He wasn't telling it to me. It was in a place that somebody was really putting a certain individual on a pedestal. And you know what he told him? When he goes to the bathroom, it stinks like yours.

He's not God. Don't worship human beings. That's why our sages says, and you can only trust the master of the universe. And what does that come what does it say to us? Why would you be afraid of anything?

You can only be afraid of Hashem. Whoever is afraid of the one will not be afraid of anyone. That means you're not allowed to you shouldn't be afraid of anyone or anything. Anyone, not a regime, not a government, not a virus. Why you afraid of a virus?

How come you weren't afraid 20 years ago of a virus? There was viruses then according to what you're saying. Right? So now you have to be afraid of a virus? 2 years ago, you weren't afraid?

Why are you afraid of anyone? Suddenly you're afraid of Bill Gates? He was evil also 20 years ago. Now you decide to be afraid of him, of Schwab or any other other psychopaths. Why weren't you afraid of them 10 years ago?

Why are you afraid of anyone? You're afraid of the government? You're afraid of a policeman who's gonna give you a a ticket for not wearing a mask? What are you afraid of? That's the problem with most people.

People are afraid to lose their job. You are afraid to lose your job. Who provides you your job? The master of the universe. Find yourself a different job.

I told you right in the beginning how many messages I get. I'm afraid to lose my job. I had to get the vaccine if not I would lose my job. Excuse me? So lose your job.

It's like I've been in a new job. No, my It's You don't have trust in Hashem and he'll find you a new job. So you don't trust in Hashem. I'm sorry to tell you. You don't believe that he's the master of all worlds.

Hashem has a problem to provide you with a new job, a new place of education, Can't travel from one place to the other? You're putting all your faith or fear into the hands of a human being? Are you listening to yourself? What is required from you right now is to be strong. Is to be a hero.

Is to fight. I'm not telling you to go to the Knesset now and fight. That's not what I'm telling you. Listen, if it's going to come to that, also. He went as they said, push comes to shove, and then, you know, it called for it.

So he took his sons and went and fought. They fought a whole army and they won, by the way, because they had a. Avraham Avinu goes to a war with 4 kings, wins the war. Okay. So the Torah says he went with 317 men.

Wow. He went with his, servant Eliezer. That's it. He won 4 4 armies. Like me going to war now against China, North Korea, America and Russia.

You think Obama had an issue? You know, he wanted them with sand, he just threw sand and the sand turned into spears. So you are afraid of anyone or anything? What is required from you right now is to believe in Hashem and to be a hero and not to be afraid of anything. Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I shouldn't have any fear.

What are you afraid of? Whoever has true is by default connected to Hashem that knows that Hashem is hiding behind evil, so I need to be afraid? Yeah. You see the the the absorbed here? And people go like this for the mask.

Let me tell you something. Because we spoke about Adam HaRishon and the day that he was created, which is Rosh Hashanah. That's when he sinned. Remember the whole thing. I know we're talking already for 2 hours, but I'm sure you remember that we start with Adam Rishon.

I don't know if you noticed. Well, in a few weeks, it's gonna be refreshing our memory. But at the time of the creation of the world, everything that was created was used with the word Right? Everything that was used to be created was with the word in English, and it was or let there be. The only thing that was created that was not used with the word is when Adam HaRishon was created.

Wasn't it doesn't say Everything was used with the word k? The translation is and it was let there be or let it be. With Why a damarishon is with a nase? Nase means let us do, let us make, asiya doing. I told you before that what counts is.

The action is what what counts. Talk is cheap. You can talk all day long. The problem with talking is that talking is the biggest poison of the world. That's what destroys everything.

People talk. Now, Beel Hazar says, all my life I have grown amongst the giants. And I didn't find anything do good for for my body, my health, my spiritual growth is silence. Close your mouth. Your mouth is the biggest trap you have.

The evil forces will do anything in their power to prevent a human being from reaching his true potential. Why? Because when you reach your true potential, you know what you do? You do a correction for the world that will bring the redemption. I will say it again.

The evil forces, doesn't matter how they manifest into the world, will do anything in their power to prevent you from reaching your true potential. Why? Because when you reach your true potential, you will bring the redemption to the world. 1 person can bring the redemption. That's why Adam Harishon is called Adam.

Not Adam, Adam. Because he has the same numerical value of the word redemption. Numerical value of Adam is 45. The numerical of is 45. One person can bring the redemption if he fulfills his true potential in the world.

So the evil forces will do anything to make you fail. And what is the most powerful thing that the evil forces will make you do? Talk. That's where you show your weakness, your stupidity, your lying, your cheating, you curse. That's it.

That's where the entire world was created with speaking. Hashem spoke because the purpose of the man forward slash woman. Do. Don't ask questions now. Do.

And if you don't do, you know you just talk. Then if you're full of talk then then you you you're not. Talk is cheap. If you don't do, don't talk. You're just mambling.

A lot of people talk. I'm talking about talking about, let's let's pray. Let's bring the redemption. Let's just What are you doing? It's very nice to hype everybody up and But do.

I told you that so many times. My father told me when I was a child, when I was a teenager, that was a bag bag of baggage to my parents. I was a restless individual. I was always getting in trouble. And one time, I asked my father in a simple conversation.

He was rebuking me and I told him, What should I do? So he told me, Just do. Don't, how do you say it? Walk around the bush. Do.

Don't talk. That's why everything that was created prior to Adam was created with Debu, with speaking. Why? Because the Debu, the speaking affects the exile. After Adam was created, he was created with action.

The redemption is dependent on action. Do something. Get off your do something. And I'll tell you what's the problem is that our leaders for 1000 of years have been lying to us. The political leaders, kings, ministers, and so forth and also religious leaders relying to us.

And I dare to say that because a lot of the religious leaders, and I'm saying the word religious leaders, lie to you. I'm not religious. You religious? I'm not religious. You?

I'm a human being. Happens to be that I follow what the Torah tells me. So you can call me maybe a God fearing Jew or at least trying to be a God fearing Jew. I'm not a religious person. Don't call me religious.

Don't call yourself a religious individual because religion is a man made thing. You know where we learned that from? I'm gonna give you now a surprise. Who were the 2 biggest troublemakers to the 1st Redeemer? Who was the 1st Redeemer?

Moshe Rabenu. Golyshon. Right? Who are the biggest troublemakers? Datan.

There's your answer. Datal comes from the word dat, religion. He was preaching religion. Moshe says, I'm not religious. I'm teaching you Torah.

No. We're religious. You know how the minister in Israel called Sarah Hadadot, the minister of religion. He's not my minister. You're not a minister.

You are politician. Now who's the other rebel? Aviram. Aviram, power, control, money, politics. There were politicians.

They went against the redeemer who was teaching Torah. That and politics. Religion and politics. The 2 deadly powers in the world. So we, not we, I'm excluding myself from the we.

You choose yourself who you're excluding from. I don't follow religious leaders. I will follow a scholar, a sadiq, not a religious leader. You know that our leader walks with a yamaka. That's what I have to say.

You think you're convincing me with your funny looking yamaka? Putting pictures on Facebook with Filan? Madonna puts Filan on. Why are you convincing that you're supposed to be? You're pretending you're religious?

Don't give him the Prime Minister of Israel by the way. I told you already. Same junk. And he's pretending love of Israel, love the Torah. Who are you fooling?

You're fooling 8,000,000 Israelis? Well, not so much, but he's not so popular. You're not fooling everybody, pretending you're a religious leader. You're not a religious leader. You are a.

You're preaching religion. You're throwing religion. I'm not religious. So the religious establishment, especially in Israel, all corrupt. You're gonna believe them?

I'm not taking orders from them. So our leaders have been lying us for years. The politicians have been lying us all the time. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Oh, okay. Everything will be fine. The the prime minister said, we'll be fine. And many religious leaders pray. Go and pray, but I'm praying everyday.

Learn toa. When I'm learning toa, what now? Don't worry. Don't worry. That's your answer?

Don't worry. So don't get ready. Don't be fooled by the religious leaders. And I'm not talking There's a big separation between religious leaders that are dressed up as religious people. They're not religious at all.

Maybe they are. I don't think they're God fearing. So what if they have a beard and a yamaka and a suit? Big deal. I know people they don't have a yamaka and don't have a suit and they're more religious than them.

You know that the greatest of all said they give never looked religious. And the the sad is that most people are sheeple and they'll follow and you know that most religious people that I ask if they got the vaccine, you know, they tell me my rabbi told me to take it. Excuse you? Your rabbi told you to take the vaccine? I didn't see anywhere in the that the rabbi has the right authority, the need, or the power to tell you to take a vaccine.

Rabbi is a spiritual leader that needs to teach you Torah and answer your halacha question and give you inspiration, not to tell you if they inject in your body a substance or not. Why are you not asking a rabbi? Go and ask a scientist or a doctor. Now I told you the is very clear that if the doctor is suspicious of murder, you can't listen to him. So if a company like Pfizer or Moderna are suspicious or suspect for murder, then I'm sorry to tell you, I can't take any medical advice from you.

The Peleoettes, you know he lived here in Sfat. The Peleoettes says clearly, if 99 doctors will tell you about something that it's okay, one doctor will come and tell you there's a maybe a risk. You have to listen to that one doctor. That's in the Pelayonets. And he running to you, Rabbi.

No disrespect to the rabbis. Most of the rabbis who tell to take it don't know nothing. They don't know what's going on. Because they are prevented from getting the truth. People throw Rabbi Kanevski name in the air.

Rabbi Kanevski said to say take the vaccine. I told you already. Show me show me. I wanna see the video where he says, dear, we are attacked by a deadly virus. I'm begging you to take the next Did you see a a video like this Arabic Kenevski?

So why are you saying he said to take the vaccine? Did you see Did you see a a ruling? With a signature? I didn't see any. So why are you flagging the name of a Rav Kharevsky that he said to take the vaccine?

I don't buy the videos that people send. They're putting now their daughter says I'm here in the name of the father. I didn't ask you if you're in the name of the father. I want to see the father. He can speak.

I wanna see Rav Kanievsky standing on a podium and saying, I'm Israel, take the vaccine. And I got to my halacha ruling based on a, b and c, then I will run to take it. Until then, you're listening to a rabbi. You know how many doctors, scientists, rabbi try to get an appointment with the Rabbi Kanevsky to show him papers? This is what's in the vaccine.

This is what's in the shot. Have you seen a fair trial? A Dayan, a real Dayan, a real Jewish judge looking at both sides and then coming to the ruling. So any rabbi that comes out and says, well to take the vaccine. What are you basing it on?

I wanna see. I wanna see your research. If you're a Rav, what research did you do? Have you invited the professionals that are against? I'm sorry to tell you.

That's corruption, That's manipulation and I don't believe individuals like that. I'm sorry to tell you. You can unsubscribe right now. Sorry to tell you that's the truth A true rabbi, a Rav, a real rabbi will say, okay. Let me hear one side and all their explanation.

Now let me hear the other side. I guarantee to you that any great rabbi in our generation that will sit in front of cameras and having both sides showing what they have and will still rule to take the vaccine, I take my hat off. Or as they say, I'll eat my shoe. I'll eat whatever you want if you can show me such a thing. The Israeli horrendous evil government has everybody under their control.

They established the religious establishment called so they can control the rabbis because they're getting paid by them. Don't buy every show that you see. There's rules in the Torah. If a rabbi comes through the ruling, show me the p'sak halacha. That's it.

Show me. I once was in a lecture. Somebody handed out some food so I can say. They brought me a fig, I made boreprijets. They brought me a kiln bumper camper, I made boreprijets.

I wanted to say charcoal. I took my hand into a pile of bamba, which is, like a like a snack. And I said Somebody in the crowd. What are you talking? It's it's I said, no, it's not.

According to where I go, it's says rules and it's I say, okay. You're right. But it happens to be that his son, who has the famous series of books, rules against him. Of blessed memory says that and when his son challenged him and ruled against him, I have it in the PDF if you wanna send it to you. 18 pages how he came to the that No.

Holds that because it's peanuts. He has a ruling. Show me where you're bringing me from. Show me all the sources for Bamba. And for the ones who don't know what Bamba is, it's a snack.

It's a it's a peanut snack. And for that is a halacha ruling with pages over pages of how did the rabbi come to the conclusion that this should be the blessing that we say. And for vaccine, no papers, no research, no ruling, just run after because some rabbi say go get a vaccine. And most religious people when I ask them, oh, I took it because my rabbi said so. Excuse me?

And you know that's a belief in That's a belief in the It can drive me insane and you're worried about the way the Americans left Afghanistan. Who cares if they left Afghanistan? I care to see people standing in the gas chambers willingly going and getting a vaccine. Convinced and they're sure I heard this individual says that he got all 3 shots and he's sick with corona, and you know what he said? Luckily I took the vaccines because if I won't take the vaccines imagine how bad it would be.

What? You took 3 doses of vaccine, you still got the disease from what? Oh, so what are you vaccinated from? And luckily, you took it because how much worse it would be if you wouldn't take it. I'm sorry to tell you, this is a new rare specie of stupidity that I can't even understand how people are so.

I don't wanna say the word. Okay. I'll say it. Dumb. I need a moment to to I I I And people are worried why the, U.

S. Troops left Afghanistan. Who cares about Afghanistan? We are being slaughtered. We're in a holocaust.

Such a sophisticated holocaust that people are so blinded they don't even notice where they're going, what they're doing, who's saying the Who's calling the shots? And you're afraid to lose a job? People call me. What should I do? Leave.

Relocate. Relocate. Yeah, relocate. People call me from the United States, from Canada. Somebody called me from China.

I told him move, relocate. I can't. So why are you asking me? What do you think I'm gonna tell you? I told you already that one time somebody tried to get a hold of me.

Not that I'm some, big shot but Baruch Hashem, thousands of people are trying to get a hold of me. So if it's any viewers online trying to get a hold of me, it's nothing personal. We get thousands of emails every day. Thousands. Somebody gonna upset me the other day.

I sent you a WhatsApp message. I told them within 5 minutes, you already buried down the 500 messages. I don't see the message. So one person was very persistent. I have to talk to the rabbi.

It's a matter of life or death. Finally, he gets me on the phone. He tells me I'm not gonna take much of your time. I know you're busy. I have one question.

Am I allowed to do this? Tell me something. I said no. Are you sure? And I said, yeah, I'm very sure.

You're not allowed to. Are you sure I'm not allowed to do it? I'm like, you're not allowed to do it. He's like, you're the 10th rabbi who told me I'm not allowed to do it. That's why you called me?

You thought maybe I'm the one who's gonna say yes? That's why that's how sometimes people, they're. So as I said before, too much talk, nothing is done. Nobody's doing anything. You can say all the slogans.

Talk is talk is cheap. Walk around the bush. Whatever. Talk the talk, walk the walk. Our sages Forget all these slogans.

Our sages say clearly. The action is what counts. Stop talking. So first of all, and most important what I told you, you have to understand. You have to believe.

You have to know that the master of the universe is hiding in the darkness. Don't be afraid of your government. Don't be afraid of any doctor. Don't be afraid of anything. If you are afraid of something, you're giving it all its power, all your power.

Don't be afraid of anything. Stand firm. You're a fighter. Hashem will be with you. When you fight, it disappears.

I'm not telling you to take now a bat and go and hit government officials. I'm not telling you to riot to do violent things. I'm telling you to fight the deception. Don't be fooled. Don't be taken to a ride.

Yes, I'll be Have some guts. What's the big deal? Stand for the truth. Shame is with you. You have to understand that in this darkness it's not evil people, they are puppets.

They're just full of talk. 90% of what they say never happens. It won't happen. People all day long watching the videos, sending me videos all day long, stop sending me videos. I don't wanna see them.

I'm getting the same videos from the same people. I don't need those videos. I know the truth. I know the master of the universe runs the show. I don't need to see another 5,006 132 videos of a person having a side effect from the 3rd third dose.

I saw all the videos. I know all this. I don't wanna waste my time. It's a waste of time. Don't waste your time.

Be honest with yourself on the hours a day you're wasting on all these videos. Oh, it's only 3 minutes and 42 seconds. It will go like that. Yeah. But you're watching another 100 of them.

You know the truth? Move on. If a person is out for lunch, don't put so much effort there. You're not gonna be able to convince people that are completely brainwashed, and people are brainwashed. Calling everyone.

It's brainwashing. It's mind control. People are zombies. All the movies that are coming out is all zombies because people are zombies. They sit in front of a screen and whatever the person says on the screen, that's it.

And if you know the truth, then you are one of the few that has the merit that Hashem somehow opened your eyes. Then the first and most important, you have to come to the conclusion and expose this belief. There's all this all this it's a it's a screen of smoke. Don't fall into sadness, despair, worry, anxiety. People don't sleep.

I'm gonna how am I gonna support my family? Oh, so what? People ran from the holocaust with nothing. My great grandfather was a multimillionaire. I said that a 1000000 times already.

Ran away from Berlin with nothing but a suitcase. The guy was a multimillionaire. After months of traveling on boats and ships and being denied entry to Canada, to Great Britain. It's not so great by the way. Finally, he came to Australia.

He was a schlepper. You know what's a schlepper? Moving boxes. He was a mover. He had to put food on the table for his wife and kids.

He wasn't spoiled. He was a multimillionaire. And he went to work as a schlepper. So you move. Oh, his family was murdered.

You know, when he left, I said that story so many times. You can look it online. I have many lectures that I'm talking about it. When they left Berlin, he was well connected to the to the government and to the police. He got a call from a secret police agent who told him, run away.

He didn't ask questions. He didn't ask why. He took his bag, his wife, his 3 kids. That oldest kid is my grandmother. They ran away from Berlin.

There wasn't credit cards. There wasn't money transfer Paypal, Shmaypal, bitch, Schmidt, whatever it is. He took whatever he could and he ran away. On the way out of Berlin, they go to his wife's mother. Come, we're running.

There's more place in the car. Running? Yeah, yeah, we're running. The Nazis are coming. Come on.

It's fake news. What? You would believe that? Nothing's happening. No matter.

We're running away. The Nazis are coming. Stop it with your conspiracy theories already. And they ran away. The next night, Berlin was on fire.

They ran away night before crystal. So some people, yeah, you see what's coming, you get up and leave. You see that the Canadian government is psychotically I mean, I get up and leave. Why are you staying there? And don't you think America is gonna follow?

Canadian government is saying openly, they're gonna put in camps the ones who are a threat to the population. They're basically telling you we're coming to put you in a concentration camp. And you're still there? You get up and you live. You go to a better place.

And I'm telling you the most, you know how when you go on a social media, you go on YouTube, it says most views. So I can tell you the most questions that I get is the same question. And my answer is always the same, just get up and leave. But my family So stay with your family. Stay dead with your family.

What do you want me to tell you? You see what's coming, get up and leave. Now they're openly saying how the American and Canadian government is bribing the farmers with 1 and a half times the value of the crops to burn the crops. And if they don't do that, then they'll tax them. Planning straight out there, a food shortage and you still have questions?

You don't see the writing on the wall? I don't get it. Am I the only one? Well I'm not the only one, but HaShem does many. But my question to you is why are you afraid?

You're afraid of some psychopath? And if somebody has to die, he's gonna die. That's what's gonna happen. I'm also afraid of many loved ones and friends and family. If that's what Hashem wants, I tried my best.

I did my part. That's it. What can I do? So a, when you're leaving this class, you have to start developing this real and to conclude that Hashem is in the darkness. He is everything.

He creates everything to secretly plan the redemption. The evil people will know what the plan is because they would do anything to sabotage it. Don't you think? They don't know the plan. They're evil.

They're psychotic. You know that the Vatican took control over the, tomb of David. Of course, with the gracious, present of the Israeli government. And, you know what their psychotic plan was? To dig the grave out, to take DNA samples of the bones of King David, so then they can come with a q tip and push it up your nose and get your DNA sample to track maybe who can be mashiach so they can kill him before he comes?

That's what P'or did. Right? The sorcerers, the stargazes of Paro told him, today, the redeemer was born. What did he say? Any boy that was born, throw him into the water.

We're not taking any chances. So why do you think they're putting a q tip up your nose? If the virus is so contagious that I have to put a mask on, then why can't you take saliva sample to see if I have it? I'll spit on your q tip. No?

Why do you have to put a q tip up in my brain? Unless you're trying to push something in there, which they do, or you're trying to take a DNA sample. And you really think they can see if you have it with a q tip in your nose? Come on. Now with this, test, the poking of the finger, I told you already you cannot find antibodies from blood that didn't come out of a vein.

Ask a a real doctor. They'll tell you. So I'm not making it up. So you have to bring yourself to the place of believing and knowing, laughing all day long. It's Hashem.

Hashem is hiding in all this chaos. All this darkness that you see, that's a Hashem plan. Very soon he's gonna go, ta da. It's me. I'm doing it.

Now if you get overwhelmed by it, it's gonna capture you. If you ignore it, it doesn't affect you. It doesn't even affect you if you completely believe that everything is a sham. I don't walk with a mask. Did you see me walking with a mask?

I was never pulled over or get a fine because I don't fall for it. So when I don't fall for it, I don't attract it to me. Okay. I also don't put myself in situations but I, you know, I I it doesn't bother you. How many times when there was the mandatory, mask?

I never walked with a mask. Because you don't you you you walk with it, you attract it. And then the people put it here. Yeah. Right.

You know, when you eat I was there not too long ago. I went to take the car into the garage. I'm sitting there in the waiting room. Some guy sits next to me. He's like, if you're not eating or drinking can you please put a mask on?

Excuse me? Are you talking to me? I'm not talking to you. Why are you talking to me? From eating or not eating or drinking or put the mask on?

Leave me alone. I'm not telling you what to do. Don't tell me what to do. You you you how do they say? You're the mister Kennedy.

You're putting me in danger. I'm not putting anything in danger. You're already a lost case. So you cannot be overwhelmed or captured by the deception of evil and be overwhelmed and scared by it. Rule number 1, be scared of Hashem.

It's the only thing you have to be and can be scared of. But you have to understand that you cannot take you cannot fall for the deception of what's going on around you. And when I say sample whatever when I said that you have to do actions, some people are completely numb. There's nobody to talk to. But a lot of people say, let's go and make a a world pray, a day of prayer.

Okay. So pray. We pray every day anyways. What are you giving me? We pray 3 times a day.

You're not doing anything new. That's retailing. We're retailing every day anyways. And if you don't, then retailing. And some people tell you just learn to Well, we learn to talk every day anyways.

Give me something new. Give me something to do. And what to do means that I believe in Hashem and strength some stand firm in your belief. And I believe in Hashem before I believe in anybody else, which I don't believe in anybody else. I live believe only in Hashem in the Torah.

And yeah, you have to be zealous. You have to be brave. You have to be a hero. Why you to tell me what to do? I can't stand it when people tell me.

You're gonna tell me what to do. You're gonna run the show, I'm gonna Yeah. I'm gonna not bother my life style because of you. It's time for me to pray now. It's time for me to learn Torah now.

You're gonna limit me if I am. Pray outside. Pray inside. What is this nonsense? So when you wanna know what's happening now in the world, is Hashem weaving the redemption.

Not evil psychotic individual trying to destroy the world. That's just part of what's going on. Hashem is preparing the redemption. Align yourself to Hashem because that's what gonna give you the merit. Nothing else.

Prepare for the coming of Moshiach. Prepare for a lot more evil decrees to be bestowed on us. I don't care. You can do whatever decree you want. And even if you have to take my body, then take my body.

I'm not gonna fall for any bullying, any tyrancy. I'm not telling people to go out and do violent acts. It's not what I'm telling you. But when you fight evil with fear, evil will take over. When you fight evil with bravery, it will step down.

It will step down. It will move back. You cannot give it any power. When you fall into fear, you're feeding evil because they get what they want. You in fear.

You under control. Don't be afraid of anything. Be afraid of Hashem. Love Hashem. Be in a state of happiness.

What did they tell me yesterday? It's all about being in the state of happiness. So what if they say have some crazy decrees. So the school, the kids giving you issues, they move them to school. School them at home.

What's the big deal? The city where you are is going out of control, then move a city. Going gets tough, the tough gets going. No? That's like another slogan from Hollywood.

Another great place to grow in. So to conclude, when you're asking yourself why is this so much evil? I'm going to repeat myself like a broken record because Hashem is hiding in the darkness and he wants you to believe that. And when you believe that, and when you believe that all these tests, all these challenges, all these difficulties are really Hashem. And when you come through it with great belief, then will be a miracle.

Because miracle is an s. An s is the is the short way of saying this ao, a challenge. And you know what's gonna be the miracle? That you're gonna see things beyond nature. Things are gonna just happen in a miraculous way because Hashem is above nature and if you attach yourself to the light of Hashem, the light of the redemption, you'll be above nature.

You're not gonna be full to the ruling of nature. Then you become this minority that's marching with I believe in Hashem. With real with all this insanity, that's Hashem. Look at the irony. Look at the look at the sense of humor of Hashem.

See that Hashem is doing it all. And if you believe for one second, one of these psychopaths have a control or or a a hand or say here, then I'm sorry to tell you, at this point, you fell down in your level. They're all puppets. Don't be afraid of neither one of them. It's all one big show, one big man and you know it's the the joke is they can't send each other, they're gonna end up eating each other.

Don't worry. Let Hashem do what he needs to do. Don't be overwhelmed and captured in this insanity. Stand aside and you with Hashem. And spread the truth and don't be afraid to spread the truth and don't be afraid to stand on your ground.

Don't be afraid of anything. People died on Kiddush Hashem. And if we have to die on Kiddush Hashem, then we'll die on Kiddush Hashem. What's the big deal? Yesef Karo, the author of the Shulchan Aruch begged Hashem.

Kill me on Kidoosh HaShem. So we'll down Kidoosh HaShem If we have to. But at least I'm dying with Hashem. Hashem wants some honor and respect in this world. We have to mix place to Hashem.

And you have to do. Sitting on your doesn't do anything. And a lot of people a lot of people, they like following orders and taking orders. Then find who to take the orders from. Because don't be so, gullible that any person with a yamaka and a beard tells you what you need to do.

And other than putting you to sleep, they're numbing you. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Say chapter 32 in T Elim and everything will be fine. Excuse me?

I've been saying that for the last 30 years. Nothing changed. Know who you're taking your inspiration from. Who you're taking your your Torah from. Unfortunately, there's a lot of deception out there.

With all the good that comes on the internet comes a lot of bad, a lot of nonsense, a lot of lies. Don't be so quick to believe any individual that says anything. Rabbi so and so said so. Really? That's another one of the common ones that I hear.

But rabbi so and so said, so? Where did he say that? Somebody today emailed me. I heard from somebody that you said in one of your last videos you're not going to fast on Yom Kippur. Really?

Can you send me that video? No, he can't find it. So he can tell you also that I said that I'm a margin and I have a tail. So what? So he said, asthma, can you show me what what Did I said that?

Show me that I said that or maybe I'll declare a moment of insanity. I didn't say such a thing. Why are you coming with some nonsense? Because so and so said. So just know that 90% of what you hear is so and so said.

It was never said. Not by him and not by him. Do your own research. Do your own investigation. So what if so and so said?

So just to conclude, we are in the best time of the history of mankind. We are moments before Moshiach is coming. I know a lot of people tell me, yeah, but you've been saying that for the last 10 years. It's still moments. And if if decides to wait another month or 2 or a year or 2 which is a 100% in the hands of Hashem, I'll wait.

We waited so long, we'll wait a little bit more. It's not gonna be more than a few years Hasb Shalom. Should be a day. Should be now. But we're in the most exciting era of our history.

And you have the chutzpah to be worried, to be upset, to be angry, to be can you imagine the Jews sitting in Goshen when Moshe Rabinow walks in? 80% were glued to Netflix and to CNN and believed that the Moivians went out of Afghanistan. Yeah. Yeah. Marshall Rabeno is here.

He's willing and dealing. He's moving things. Things are in motion. The redemption is starting. 80% were glued to the screens.

They had screens. They saw everything in, witchcraft, in. They didn't have a flat screen TV. They were able to see things in, how do you say? Sorcery.

And 80% didn't believe and stayed behind. So don't be from those 80%. Believe. Hashem is sending us his redeemer. All that you were seeing now, that's a proof that Hashem is already in the final stages.

You think Hashem is a friar? Sorry that I'm saying that. The last time that Hashem revealed himself in the world, you know what happened in the world? That was the time that we got the Torah. Do you know what an event it was?

Do you know what a production it was? It wasn't some stinky mountain and some fireworks. You know what happened in Matan Torah? All the heavens, all the firmaments open. Can you imagine looking and seeing the firmaments open?

Can you imagine seeing that fire? People think it was like a fire, like, from the circus when they put some gasoline and go, that wasn't that. It was white and black fire. Have you seen white and black fire? No.

Seeing the sounds and hearing the visions and what do you know when a production was there? Millions of people were standing around the mountain. Millions. And miraculously, I was standing on this side of the mountain, you were standing on the other side of the mountain and we both saw the same thing. Can you imagine what was going on and what a production it was?

So you think Hashem is a fire is next time he's coming to the world, he's just gonna come with like, oh, hi. You know what a production Hashem is preparing to us? They're gonna make Hollywood look like a joke. I think the Moshiach is just gonna come in, okay guys. Hashem is preparing a production that we can't even fathom what we're going to see.

After so many years of exile you think Hashem is just gonna waltz in? It is weaving and planning that all the evil people of all generations are back in bodies in this generation. Titus and Nivuhad Netzer and Paro and Nimrod. They're all here. I would love to see who's who.

That would be interesting. Who's the incarnation of who? But all the evil people that ever existed that rebelled against God and made evil decrees against the nation of Israel and anybody else are all incarnated in the all these false leaders of our generation and moments. Have some trust. I'm telling you buy a big more moments.

Have some trust. I'm telling you buy a big box of popcorn and ready to see the show. The show is coming and you have the time to be worried about a mask or some vaccine or some decree of some psychopaths. I told you already not once and not twice. Maybe 500, 303, 32 times.

It says in tractors and handling in the Talmud. If we do if we repent, then we will be redeemed right away. And if we don't I will put on them a king. That that his decrees are worse than Haman. And the decrees are gonna be so evil, he's gonna make them become religious.

So so don't you We have a haman. I don't know which one he is right now. But the decrees are going and becoming worse and worse and then then follow the the the Talmud. Repent. Go back from your evil path.

I know you think that you're pious. We we have we have what to fix. You know what you need to work on. Work on it. Do a favor to mankind.

Stop lying. Stop cheating. Stop slandering. Stop looking in the wrong places, Etcetera, etcetera. You know what you need to do.

Don't you, you'll do a favor to the man to the human race. But you know the ballastania says, when you when you cry on the destruction of the temple and the length of the exile, don't cry because it's hard for you. It's because the Shekinah is in exile. Don't cry because you have financial problems, marital problems, health problems. That's not a reason for Moshiach to come.

Cry that Hashem is in exile, that he has to be hidden in filth. Cry that the Shechinah, the feminine aspect of the divine is in exile. So do something. It's time to do. Not just talk.

Do. I guarantee to you. We say it's not that I'm bringing it from my own. Guarantee. And the ones of you who are holding on to Hashem.

Means good. Means you live. Of course I'm alive today. Means entertain the day the moshiach comes. 'Yom' the day you'll be alive.

You'll see it. But you have to hold on to Hashem. You can't depend on the government. Can't depend on the World Health Organization or any other psychotic organization, the CDC. All these acronyms coming from, I don't know, where from the.

That's what you depend on, on the research because the FDA the FDA, that's a nice way of saying the mob. That's what it is. It's a it's a kind of a legal mob. Organized crime with a suit. And that's what you depend on.

It's approved by the FDA. It's not approved. It's approved for emergency. Come on. You depend on Hashem.

You don't depend on anything else. You hold on to Hashem. You believe in Hashem. You live with Hashem. You die with Hashem and you wait for the redemption to come.

And the more of us that live like that, the redemption will come faster because when a person reaches their highest potential and they know how to expose their true light, that is what brings the goula. Not me screaming. Screaming doesn't do anything. The redemption is dependent in action. That's it.

End of story. So do. What to do more than what you're doing now? I know a lot of people are gonna say, oh, I'm doing enough. You told me to do, 3 chapters of tilim.

You told me to do. You told me to read this. You told me to do that. You want me to do more? Yeah.

Get off Facebook and do more. Watch 3 less videos on WhatsApp every day and do more. Do what you can. Stand with Hashem. We're gonna marry to see very soon the coming of Moshiach with kindness, with love, with mercy.

We should celebrate the new year already with Moshiach in Betamikdash. And all these horrible decrees are gonna disappear like as if never happened. This whole insanity will be removed like a cloud of smoke. And that day, that day Hashem's name will be 1. We'll see Hashem's glory and we'll see and understand that everything was just one big show.

So don't get excited from the false show. Get excited from the real show that is about to happen. It's not very soon in our days.