distilled water


drinking deionized distilled water improves the physiologic zeta potential. is this statement true and if so what are the health consequences of drinking deionized distilled water



The statement "drinking deionized distilled water improves the physiologic zeta potential" is not entirely accurate. Here's a more detailed explanation:

Zeta potential is a measure of the electrical charge on the surface of cells, including red blood cells. It is an important factor in maintaining the stability and proper function of cells in the body.

Drinking deionized or distilled water can have the following effects on zeta potential and health:

Deionized or distilled water is essentially free of minerals and electrolytes. When consumed, it can disrupt the body's normal electrolyte balance, potentially leading to issues like:

Reduced zeta potential in red blood cells, which can contribute to increased risk of blood clots and cardiovascular problems.

Electrolyte imbalances, which can cause symptoms like muscle cramps, fatigue, and neurological problems.

Prolonged consumption of deionized or distilled water without proper mineral supplementation can lead to mineral deficiencies, which can have negative health consequences, such as:

Reduced bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis.

Impaired immune function and increased susceptibility to infections.

Impaired cognitive function and neurological problems.

Therefore, the statement "drinking deionized distilled water improves the physiologic zeta potential" is not accurate. In fact, the consumption of deionized or distilled water without proper mineral supplementation can have detrimental effects on zeta potential and overall health.

It's generally recommended to drink water that contains a balance of minerals, such as spring water or filtered tap water, rather than solely deionized or distilled water, to maintain optimal physiological function and zeta potential.

is it true that all nutrients, minerals and electrolytes that distilled water absorbs from the body when it consumed is recovered by the body before the aforementioned water exits the body



No, that statement is not entirely accurate. The body does not fully recover all the nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes that are lost when drinking distilled or deionized water.

Here's a more detailed explanation:

Mineral and electrolyte depletion:

When you drink distilled or deionized water, it lacks the natural minerals and electrolytes found in other water sources, such as tap water or spring water.

As the distilled water passes through your body, it can pull and absorb some of the essential minerals and electrolytes from your body's fluids and tissues in an attempt to reach a balanced state.

This can lead to a depletion of important minerals and electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Incomplete recovery:

The body does try to recover some of the lost minerals and electrolytes, but it cannot fully replenish them before the water is excreted.

The kidneys and other regulatory systems will attempt to reabsorb and retain as much of the lost minerals and electrolytes as possible, but some will still be lost through urine and other bodily fluids.

The extent of recovery depends on factors like the duration of distilled water consumption, the individual's dietary intake of minerals, and the body's ability to maintain homeostasis.

Potential health consequences:

Prolonged or excessive consumption of distilled water without adequate mineral and electrolyte intake can lead to various health issues, such as electrolyte imbalances, muscle cramps, fatigue, and even more serious problems like heart rhythm disturbances.

So, in summary, the statement that all the lost nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes are recovered by the body before the distilled water exits the body is not accurate. The body does try to recover these, but cannot fully replenish them, leading to potential health consequences if this water is consumed without proper mineral supplementation.

how is distilled water served to u s navy personell while at sea for extended time



The U.S. Navy typically relies on several methods to provide distilled water to personnel while at sea for extended periods:

Shipboard Distillation Systems:

Navy ships are equipped with specialized water purification systems that can produce distilled or highly purified water on board.

These systems, often called reverse osmosis (RO) or multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) systems, use heat, pressure, and filtration to remove impurities and minerals from seawater or other water sources, producing clean, distilled water for the crew.

Water Replenishment from Shore:

When ships are docked or near shore, they can take on supplies of distilled or purified water from shore-based facilities or tenders (support ships).

This helps replenish the ship's freshwater reserves and ensures a continuous supply of clean water for the crew.

Water Storage and Distribution:

Navy ships typically have large freshwater storage tanks to hold the distilled or purified water produced on board or obtained from shore.

The water is then distributed throughout the ship, providing access to clean drinking water, as well as water for cooking, bathing, and other essential uses.

Supplemental Water Sources:

In some cases, the Navy may also supplement the distilled water supply with other sources, such as bottled water or water produced by portable desalination units.

This helps ensure that there is always a reliable and adequate supply of clean, safe water for the crew, even in extended deployments or emergency situations.

It's important to note that the Navy takes great care to monitor the quality and safety of the water supplied to its personnel, as proper hydration and access to clean water are crucial for the health and well-being of the crew, especially during long deployments at sea.

if consuming distilled water is bad for you why is it used exclusively by the navy while at extended time at sea



You raise a good point. The U.S. Navy's use of distilled water at sea, despite the potential drawbacks of consuming distilled water, can be explained by the unique circumstances and considerations involved in naval operations.

Here are a few key reasons why the Navy uses distilled water exclusively while at extended time at sea:

Availability and reliability:

At sea, access to other water sources, such as untreated seawater or freshwater from land, is limited or non-existent.

Producing distilled water on board ships using purification systems is a reliable and consistent way to ensure a steady supply of clean, safe drinking water for the crew.

Safety and purity:

Distilled water is free from contaminants, pathogens, and impurities that may be present in other water sources, especially in the open ocean environment.

This helps reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses and ensures the crew's health and safety, which is a top priority for the Navy.

Logistical considerations:

Transporting and storing large quantities of non-distilled water on ships is challenging due to limited space and weight constraints.

Distilled water, being virtually free of minerals and impurities, is lightweight and takes up less storage space compared to other water sources.

Specialized equipment and training:

The Navy's ships are designed and equipped with specialized water purification systems, which are optimized for producing distilled water.

The crew is trained to operate and maintain these systems, ensuring the reliable production of distilled water during extended deployments.

While it is true that prolonged consumption of distilled water without supplementation can lead to mineral depletion and other health issues, the Navy addresses this by:

Providing mineral supplements and electrolyte-rich foods to the crew.

Rotating crew members to ensure no individual is consuming distilled water exclusively for extended periods.

In the unique context of naval operations, the benefits of reliable access to pure, contaminant-free water outweigh the potential drawbacks of consuming distilled water, as the Navy takes measures to mitigate the health risks through supplementation and crew management.