On today's show, Dr. Chetty discusses how he successfully treated thousands of patients with COVID, saving them from hospitalization and death. And how the nation of South Africa is targeting him because of his treatment. 


TRANSCRIPT TO  PODCAST kimberley-isherwood-dr-shankara-chetty-on-freeman-report-with-james-freeman  MARCH 21 2024

From beanies to carry bags and from shoes to caps, browse our shop now at TNT radio dot live. The conversation continues with James Freeman on today's news talk, TNT radio. Hello, and welcome to the second hour of today's Freeman Report. I'm your host, James Freeman, and it is Thursday, the twenty first of March twenty twenty four. If you just joined me, I've been talking about geopolitical risks faced by America with John Hulsman and entities like the Bilderberg group with Tony Gosling.

Tony, I think he he must have covered about every single, conspiracy theory there is out there, all in the space of about fifteen minutes. We literally went about a hundred miles an hour through all of that. Really, really interesting some of the stuff he was saying. And John Holzbern, absolutely fantastic analysis from him. You know, I think a lot of us are looking at what's going on geopolitically around the world with a massive lot of dose of, pessimism, about what's going on.

But he was actually very, very positive, and he actually taught some sense. So we'll definitely need to get John back on at some point, I think, to talk about what's going on this year. He thinks that Biden will be the Democratic nominee. I'm not so sure. But he does think that Trump will win the election.

So there you go. Maybe I should have had a bet with him. If you wanna listen back to the first hour of the show, it'll be uploaded in the next few hours. Just head over to TNT radio dot live and click on the episodes button. And there, you'll be able to watch or listen to all of my previous shows, on TNT.

Right then. Coming up this hour of the show, I'll be discussing compulsory sex education in Welsh schools and the legal case to challenge this with children's rights campaigner, Kimberly Isherwood. And then in the second part of this hour, I'll be speaking with the amazing doctor, Shankara Shetty, who's been a voice of truth in South Africa. He's now come under attack, for his treatment of COVID patients. Pretty amazing stuff from him, really.

He's treated more than fourteen thousand patients, suffering from COVID, and not one of them required, hospitalization. Let me repeat that. He treated fourteen thousand COVID patients, and not one of them needed to be admitted to hospital. No oxygen, no deaths, and most importantly, no need for COVID jabs. Patients came from all over South Africa to be treated by him, the old, the young, the infirm, and the chronically sick, including those with comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

And he successfully treated all of them. Now if we didn't live under corrupt governments and medical systems that are captured by big pharma and global interest, then doctor Chetty, should have been given, a a medal, for all of the stuff that he said. He should have had awards and been put on a task force to share his knowledge far and wide. Sadly, we know this is not the case as doctor Chetty has been attacked, censored, and condemned as an anti vaxxer. A familiar story that we've seen played out globally, doctors who successfully treated COVID via early treatment using existing medicines have been vilified across the globe, labeled as dangerous by politicians and medical authorities, and stopped from practicing in many countries.

The Health Professional Council of South Africa charged doctor Chetty and asked him to attend a disciplinary, inquiry, last year in May, when he was found guilty for using unscientific COVID nineteen treatments. Now the shocking thing about this case is that the council never refuted the success that he'd had in treating COVID successfully, which says everything you need to know about the agenda of the South African medical establishment. His charge sheet makes a complete mockery of fundamental human rights and the constitution and demonstrates the extent to which which South African medical regulators are compromised. Anyway, I'm delighted that doctor Chetty will be joining us later in this hour to tell us his story and let us know what is happening in South Africa right now. I know that the issues we're facing have moved on from COVID, but it is important that we keep focusing on what has happened.

Because as many of us know, this is not the end of it. Not while the World Health Organization tries to get legal powers over member states, to be able to push all of this on us again next time that it declares, unanimously, by the way, no democratic accountability there when it declares a global pandemic. And we also know that the globalists are also talking about disease x, which they argue is imminent, which highlights the sinister agenda of the globalist who continue to play with viruses in labs to make them more lethal despite it being blatantly obvious to the rest of us how utterly stupid and dangerous that is. So make sure you stick around for my conversation with doctor Chetty in the second part of the this hour. Right.

Okay. Right. Okay. So over to now the winner of the tickets for the weekend truth festival, which is taking place on the third, fourth, and fifth of May. Kate Schammerani, Katie Hopkins, Matt Letizier, and a whole host of other truthers will be speaking at the festival.

So who is the lucky viewer? Well, drum roll. Mark Not of the Beast. You have just won two tickets to the festival. After the show, I'll message you, via x, so that you can get you can give me your details, which I will pass on to the festival organizers.

So, Mark, not of the beast. Whoever you are, you've just won two tickets to the Truth Weekend Festival. Well done, Mark. If you wanna get in touch about anything on the show, then email me at james freeman at t n t radio dot live. And if you wanna join in the conversation, as ever, get yourself over to t n t radio dot live and click on the chat icon.

My name is James Freeman, and this is the Freeman Report for today's news talk, TNT. The facts. No spin or agenda. Not enough with the lies. We need the facts.

This is today's News Talk Radio. TNT. Mark, not of the beast. What a fantastic name, Gemma. It is.

Yeah. Brilliant. I mean, that's the great thing about TwitterX, isn't it? It's just that you can be where you wanna be. I I lurk around on there sometimes and, and I kind of my name, not really my name.

And, and just for research, I don't I don't post or anything like that. But you do see some really cool names. It's brilliant. We certainly do. We certainly do.

Gemma, give us the news. Well, one of the headlines is the same as the last hour. It's a really, really big story, for the UK government, and that's this ongoing campaign by the WASPs, the women against state pension inequalities. They've been running this campaign for decades now, trying to get parity, with the men when they when they argue that their retirement age was raised, to from sixty to sixty five. They weren't told properly.

They weren't given the adequate information. Millions of women born in the nineteen fifties lost out financially. They get they quit their jobs at sixty expecting a state pension, and we're told no, the law has changed and they didn't really know anything about it. The second part of a government ombudsman report much long awaited, government ombudsman report has come out today saying the women weren't told properly, the government should do the right thing and compensate these millions of women who missed out on on state pension handouts. That that will land the government if they follow through with those recommendations.

And they are only recommendations that have no legal basis, but it will land the government with a bill for billions of pounds for women that say they weren't informed, they weren't told properly, and they lost their livelihoods. Second, headline, a leading women's charity has called for all police officers and staff accused of violence against women and girls to be automatically suspended when accused of crimes while investigations are carried out. At the moment, there's no obligation amongst police forces to suspend staff unless they're actually been charged and, going through the court system. Refuge, the charity Refuge, has today taken a petition of more than fifty thousand signatures to Downing Street saying it's an absolute travesty and disgrace that with officers are not suspended, when while investigations are carried out and are able to still interact with women and girls. This comes after the damning report into the MET police last year, which shows that racism, misogyny, and homophobia were rife within the force.

The archbishop of Canterbury has waded into the Kate Gate row, and that he says that the so called conspiracy theories surrounding Kate Middleton recently are nothing more than village gossip that can now go around the world on an unhealthy scale. He says we're all obsessed with conspiracies and it's bad for our mental health. And the last headline, spookily enough, James, following on from what we were talking about at the top of the last hour, and that's reforms ever increasing threat to the Tory party here in the UK. They're only five points behind in a in a big poll that was, results of which released today. A senior Tory, another one, the conservative mayoral candidate for Manchester, Dan Baker, has today in the last three quarters of an hour defected to the reform party.

He's made his statement. Yep. I know. He's made his statement, and he said he's made his switch. He's made his defection because the party of reform, he says, reform UK, represents the true home of conservatism.

And, of course, this comes just after the deputy chair, Lee Anderson of the conservative party, also defected last week in a very high profile and very public manner and went on a tour around his constituency in his new capacity last Friday. So another one bites the dust for the Conservative Party. We were just talking about this in the last hour. And, look, you were saying what a disaster it was for the Tories. Dan Baker, mayoral candidate for Manchester, has just proved it.

Okay. I was just that was gonna be my first question, actually. So he's not an MP at the moment then? He was the Conservative Party candidate, so he is a member of the Conservative Party, but quite a high profile one enough to be standing for mayor of Manchester. Not to say he would necessarily won that that role, but no, not a sitting MP, but somebody who was rising through the ranks and somebody who was who's great to great fanfare, much like Lee Anderson, it's all over his social media feed and is garnering a lot of traction.

Another one defects to reform. And it does beg the question of all the sixty two MPs that have now announced they're not standing as a conservative MP in the next election. Will we see them popping up for reform, as more and more of the members of the party just slough over to that particular political, organization who they say represents the the the the views of Britain better than the Tories actually do. I bet Nigel Farage and Richard Tice are making their plans for the Easter holidays, the the parliamentary recess. They won't be, I'm I'm sure in Easter eggs, they'll be meeting up with Conservative MPs.

Because that, you know, what what a gift to be given that poll right at the start of this recess of Rishi Sunak, I'm sure, will be worried now. He's gotta be worried because we've got is it three weeks of parliamentary recess, I think, now? I think so. Yeah. If if recess begins yeah.

Because that's why the the Rwanda bill can't be looked at even though it's gone back to the comments from the lords last night. Yeah. They haven't got so they haven't got time to look at it before recess. That's right. Yeah.

They get a nice lot of breaks, don't they, MPs? Oh, they sir they certainly do, don't they? But, yeah, three weeks when, the politicians are not in Westminster, sitting down with the whips. That's three weeks when they can, I'm sure they'll have gaps in their calendar where they can meet up with, potentially Richard or or, Nigel. Tories are really in trouble, I think.

I think we could see actually Rishi Sunak, ousted, not because it makes any logical sense, but just out of desperation because I think at the moment with the the polls I mean, I just cannot believe that it's, it's just five points between them now. That is extraordinary. Absolutely extraordinary. So I think we could see some fireworks, over the coming weeks. What what else, am I gonna comment on there?

It does seem a bit ridiculous, Gemma, that police officers are autumn are not automatically, suspended if they're accused of, of, you know, abuse of, women or or or children or or any other crime for that matter. You can't have people enforcing the law that are being investigated for breaking it, can you? No. Exactly. And that's exactly the point that the charity Refuge, a leading women's domestic violence charity in this country, was making.

Is that any other profession, automatic suspension would be a given. And when you think about some of the things that people are automatically suspended for in the workplace, I I mean, I'll just recount my own, you know, I was, I went to anti lockdown rallies. That was it. As soon as my bosses found out about that, the BBC, I was automatically suspended pending an investigation. And into that, that was just doing something, a peaceful protest in my own private time.

These are officers accused of sexual, violence against women and girls, police officers and staff. Staff may be working for police organizations and maybe in a clerical capacity. And this is why they took the petition to Downing Street today, more than fifty thousand signatures, and they're calling for a change to police policy. The response from police is that there is no obligation at the moment to do that. Only if somebody is charged with a crime and going through the court system, will they then be suspended?

And and absolutely, campaigners want a change in the law. And this comes off the back of Sarah Everard, obviously, the Sarah Everard case, Wayne Cousins. That's what sparked this whole investigation into, firstly, the MET police and then other police forces in the country. I know that Devon and Cornwall police are facing a raft of accusations from partners and former partners, former partners now of police officers who say they were raped and attacked and beaten in their own homes by their partners, and complained to the force and no action was taken. That has been a headline that's been doing the rounds recently.

So there is a still of a very, sinister culture, like against, women within forces. You would have thought it would be automatic suspension when you're accused of something so serious. Let's hope this petition today delivered to Downing Street by refuge, does have some effect. Yeah. And, of course, this is another thing we can pin on the conservatives as well because when they came to power as part of the coalition government in two thousand and ten, the first thing they did is lay off ten thousand police officers.

Now the ones that they laid off were all the ones with experience that had been around for years. They clearly wanted rid of them because, you know, they couldn't get away with doing a lot of the things that they've done if they had those offices in place. And what they've done since is they've rehired, or not rehired those people, but they've rehired a whole new generation of police officers. And we know the vetting that has taken place has been absolutely shoddy Shoddy. We've heard numerous stories of people who've got patchy, histories behind them.

Some of them up to all sorts of things, and yet they've made it through the recruitment process to become police officers. So I think given the fact that we're in that situation, suspending people, if they're under investigation, I think, is the only right thing to do. Right, Gemma. Thank you very much for that. Look forward to speaking with you again tomorrow.

Right. Okay. To the rest of you, we've got a packed second hour of the show. My first guest is Kimberly Isherwood. She is a campaigner against compulsory sex education in Wales.

She is taking the government to to, to court. So be really eager to find out what how that court case is going. So stick around with us right here on TNT. TNT's Chris Smith. I can tell you that Donald Trump is projected to win primaries in the states of Texas, Minnesota, Colorado, Virginia, Maine, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and North Carolina, and in a little bit of a turn up, a little bit of a turn up, the northeastern state of Vermont looks to have gone to his rival, his final rival, the former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley.

Now Nikki Haley's team has said that she won't be, speaking tonight. That has been construed by many of the reporters in that location as she's about to exit the race in the next twenty four hours. Chris Smith on today's news talk, TNT. At the top of the hour We'll keep on top of the news. Is the most important thing we can do.

On today's news talk, TNT Radio. Okay. We're gonna talk about a topic which is close to my heart. I've got two kids, at school in Wales. And I'm not that happy, to be honest with you, about the fact that they're being taught, and it's compulsory being taught all of this nonsense to, you know, sex education, relationships, and and all of this.

And, you know, my my son, he had lessons the other day, and it was a full day of lessons. They had dedicated lessons. He actually took the day off. Don't tell anybody, by the way. But, yeah, I'm not gonna support that nonsense.

But, anyway, I'm delighted, that Kimberly Isherwood is with me. Kimberly is obviously fighting against this. So, hello, Kimberly. Hiya, James. Thanks for having me on once again.

Yeah. Obviously, thank you for coming back on the Freeman Report you've been on before. I wonder if you wouldn't mind start by just reminding everybody what the situation is in Wales and what you've been doing to fight back against it. Okay. So first of all, the situation is not just in Wales.

What's happened in Wales is we've had legislation for this new sex education from age three to sixteen with no parental opt out. However, all four countries in the UK adopted this at the same time. We're just all in different stages, and people are talking about whales because we've got this legislation. Well, we took the Welsh government to court in a judicial review, and we had proven that this was a global sex education that all four countries have adopted. Which is all at different stages of it right now, and this education was adopted with the view for legislative changes.

So what's happened here in Wales will affect the whole of the UK. So as I said, we took the government to court on this because this sex education, starts from age three. It's very sexual, very graphic. They're teaching children that you could be born in the wrong body, very, very dangerous. So we've proven all of this as fact in the high court.

However, we lost one argument, a very important argument, James, and that is the parents' rights do not exist. So we went in to fight for parents' rights to have an opt out on this sex education. However, the Welsh government in the high court argued using case law across Europe that parents' rights aren't a thing. They simply do not exist. And if they did exist, they would be minute anyway.

So that was buried by the media, which is a massive concern for the whole of the UK. The government successfully argued in the high court king's bench division, the parents' rights do not exist. We simply have responsibility. This is a massive concern because with this education, our children have special rights called sexual and reproductive rights. And, that within those sexual reproductive rights, the state can administer medication to your child without consent.

This is concerning, as you know, with everything that's going on with the gender ideology. The NHS has just ruled that they're not gonna give children, puberty blockers anymore, but wasn't that something they were saying they wasn't doing anyway, James. You know? We are in a mess here, and our children are falling foul to it. Kimberly, you obviously speak to parents a lot, across Wales and the UK.

What do they say to you when you tell them that that how the court case was lost on that one question, the fact that they don't have any rights as a parent? Although, they they they're just amazed. They're absolutely amazed because everybody believes that we've got parental rights. Like I said, because the media didn't accurately cover or report that caused court case, which is high profile, people are in disbelief. And it's not until they actually go to exercise those rights, or they then get a nasty shock, you know, a nasty surprise.

Schools are involved in local authority departments as well with these concerns. It is a massive mess, James, and we are very much, fighting this from the ground up now, empowering individuals. Yeah. And when we talk about rights, because, obviously, we don't have a like, we don't own our children. But, do you know, surely, what what does the law say about in terms of, you know, who is the primary carer?

Because I've I've had an argument with, with one of my children's schools about the fact that I was sent to an email, and it basically said very similar to what you said there that, you know, we were rolling out the the vaccines. It was actually flu vaccines, not COVID vaccines, but they've since sent sent exactly the same letter on COVID. But, basically, they were saying, you know, we're gonna offer them, if your child expresses a wish to have the vaccine, not only, if if they can be proved to be competent, are we gonna allow them? But we're also not gonna tell you that your child, the, you know, the the the the person you care for, has actually had the vaccine. That's incredible, isn't it?

Yeah. Well, this is something we are seeing playing out all across the schools. Like you mentioned there with the medical intervention, Same thing is happening with the sex education. Children not even being given the right information to make an informed decision for a start. And then, you know, children will be given these medical interventions.

Parents at home don't know what's going on. It's the same as happening where they've been encouraged to have abortions as well. Children are being taken for abortions and just sent home like like nothing's the matter. Apparently, this is not the safeguarding concern, and they got this confidentiality clause now within schools that children aren't to tell parents what happens at school. That is a safeguarding concern.

We know children should never keep secrets. That's a big safeguarding thing we've been promoting for years. And now suddenly, within these institutions that we know, Bruce exists within these institutions mind. These institutions are now teaching children not to tell parents what happens at school. And we've seen this with a five year old mentally disabled child who we've been fighting for now.

They've told him in the classroom that he's not to tell anyone what happens at school, and now he will not tell his his mother what he's learned in school. You know? So where does this lead him to, James? Well, I mean, if I was treated like that by the school, I would take my kids out of that school, I think, and just homeschool them and be done with it. My kids are pretty clued up.

They know what's going on, and, and so I don't think that's gonna happen. But, yeah, I find it absolutely disgraceful. Now, Kimberly, we we've seen a big change in Wales, but is it gonna result in a change? What are your thoughts on Vaughan Geffing becoming the first minister of Wales? Vaughan effing?

Well, I think we're gonna I look. At the end of the day, we haven't exactly got a great punch to choose from anyway, have we? So regardless of who had that job, I wouldn't have any faith. The whole of the government, they have they've let us down. There's no democracy in Wales anyway, and Von Gethen's have supported all of these things with the the sex education, the twenty miles an hour.

We're still in a dictatorship. Simple as that. There's only one way out of this, James, and that's bottom up. And that's what we are about is empowering the individual to ask questions, keep the people busy at the bottom, flood their inboxes, take up all of their time, and cause trouble from the bottom up. You know?

We're not really bothered about one guessing because like I said, we have no hopes anyway in anybody. Who's there? Who is there that's actually gonna make change? Who is there that's gonna protect us? There is nobody there.

Bring on the next election, I see. Yeah. Absolutely. I am looking forward to the next Welsh elections because it seems Labour is in trouble for the first time since we had the parliament created twenty years ago. It does look, you know, lots of us can smell blood, at the moment.

Kimberly, we're gonna take a quick break now. But when we come back, I'm not sure if you will have seen it, but there's a report out from the Institute of Fiscal Studies today, and it's talking all about the performance of Welsh scores. So, I'll tell you what the report says, and we can talk a little bit about that after this short break right here on TNT. Well, what's the news? TNT Radio News.

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We'll talk about the tribunals. Right. Okay. Kimberly, before the break, we were talking about this, institute for fiscal studies report, which has come out I think it's come out today. I was looking at it this morning.

It's talking about the PISA results, for scores in in Wales. And what it basically, the conclusion of it is is that the, the average performance of those in Wales is at the bottom end of the performance, in England. So it compares to those in in deprived areas and the performance of children in those areas. It's not looking great, is it, for the Welsh education system? No.

It's not looking great for the Welsh education system, And I do know there's a lot of rows surrounding this, involving the Welsh language. And as an English speaking parent with children who went to a Welsh speaking school, by choice, my day at, we do need more support there, but we've got the English speaking schools who are being forced to speak Welsh. And I think that's where the drop in results has come massively. I know this has been hot on the political agenda, in recent months and massive massive investments made into the wrong areas, basically. Children are being forced into areas they're not coping with, and now that is impacting the rest of that education.

Like I said, from as an English speaking parent whose children went to a Welsh school by choice, that was my choice. A lot of families are not getting these choices. The ones who choose this path are not getting the right support, and the ones then who don't choose that path are being forced into and is impacting their overall education. That's my personal belief, and that is the feeling I get from other parents as well. Yeah.

And, of course, the Welsh government has also, brought forward lots of changes to the education system in Wales recently. So I think they're proposing new more changes as well. So they're gonna get rid of all the individual sciences, so we won't have individual biology and chemistry. And, of course, like you said, they're bringing Welch into all of the lessons. So they're trying to break down the barriers between topics so that they're bringing in relationships and sex education they'll be talking about in English classes and and other topics as well.

It all seems to be going in the wrong direction then, though. Do you think, Vaughn Gething will listen to what these, scores are showing and actually make any changes? No. So what Vaughan Gethin will say is he'll look at the scores in the Welsh speaking schools, and their scores are slightly higher. And he will then argue the point that these schools are doing far better with Welsh.

But what Von Gethin fail will fail to recognize is there's a lot of children who are additional needs who did not progress in the Welsh speaking schools because they get told that they cannot learn more than one language. So then that keeps the score high within these establishments then, you see, because it's very few children level additional needs to bring that score down. So I that's what I predict the debate is gonna be on us with the argument. It's gonna be on. You try addressing this Welsh language issue with them, and you're just gonna fall flat on your face.

But where are going to be that supports this this way of promoting things, and they will argue their way out using stats that just suit their narrative, basically. Yeah. As you said, bring on the next election, really, because the NHS in Wales is an absolute joke, much worse than than in England. We've got a poor education sector. We've got twenty mile an hour speed limits everywhere.

The Welsh government wasted a hundred and fifty million pounds on the m four relief consultation and then just declared, a climate emergency and just said, right. We're not gonna do it, and and wasted the whole hundred and fifty million pounds. So, absolute car crash, I think, here in Wales. Now, Kimberly, tell us about these tribunals, that you've been going to. Right.

So I haven't actually been attending the tribunals. We've been supporting parents. So in the curriculum and assessment act, Wales, there are two exemptions from RSE, section forty one exemption and section forty two. One of the exemptions a headmaster can apply. One of the exemptions a local authority can apply.

So the most recent tribunal was of a five year old mentally disabled child where we try to, safeguard this child from being told he could be born in the wrong body, introduce the terminology which is inappropriate and things like that. So, basically, we've gone through this tribunal. We've accessed emails through subject access requests from Welsh government to local authority to the school, and they're all in on it. So, basically, we've got the Welsh government saying things like, yes. This can be disciplined, but just tell mom this anyway.

And And then we've got other emails echoing back saying, tell, I don't know why mom is carrying on. She soon realized it's a waste of time. So we've actually got all this way now to a tribunal now where all these different organizations are involved, all lie in, all pass in the back. We get this tribunal over the judge and two panel members cherry picked by Welsh government. And, again, they refused to safeguard that child because no harm has actually occurred yet.

This is a mentally disabled child. If this if the exemption does not apply to this child, this child let me explain how severe he is. He doesn't eat. And the reason why he doesn't eat is because he just stopped. If psychologically stopped eating, he now gets fed through a pack.

These are psychological issues. He is mentally disabled. You know? These are these are things we're trying to overcome. He cannot meet his own basic needs by eating.

However, they wanna teach this child about scrotums and vulvas and being born in the wrong body and things like that. So we really are struggling here. If a tribunal will not award an exemption to this child, then who are they gonna award this exemption to? We've got local authority departments denying this exemption actually exists. That exemption is there for a reason, safe to safeguard our children, and the tribunal is not supporting it.

The high court is not supporting it. The local authority departments and the Welsh government are just mocking the parents within their emails. The subject access request is showing us exactly what they're saying and exactly what is going on. Yeah. And the really sinister thing with all of this, as you'll know, Kimberly, is that it's not just as case of, you know, today we're going to teach this.

What the Welsh government wants to do is integrate all of this in across the lessons so that, you you know, the the borders between teaching sets education, relationship education, you know, they'll be teaching that as part of English courses and and all the other topics as well. So it makes it very, very difficult. I mean, I was lucky enough, like I said, that my son had a whole day of this nonsense the other day. It was, a full day of lessons, so he just took the day off. So that that was fairly straightforward, but but we know the Welsh government is trying to integrate this across, the topics, like I said, which is very, very sinister.

Kimberly, do you have, I'm sure you've got a website where people can go and support you. Where is it? It's w w w dot public child protection wales dot org. We have several social media platforms as well. But if you follow our YouTube channel, PCP Wales, you'll find lots of stuff on gender and queer theory every Monday on there from Nigel Thorne's work.

But our website is the place to come, guys. W w w dot public child protection wales dot org. Thank you very much. Kimberly Isherwood, late ladies and gentlemen, thank you, Kimberly, for all of the work you're doing. Like I said, this is close to my heart because I do have two children, at school here in Wales.

So thank you for all the work you're doing. No. Thank you, Jim. Thank you all at TNT. Thank you, Kimberly.

Right. Okay. We're gonna take a quick break now. And when we come back, I'm gonna have the amazing doctor Shankara Shetty. He's being vilified in South Africa for all of his great work, treating people there.

He's treated over fourteen thousand, COVID patients. Not one of them has been hospitalized or had any further problems. Not one of them has died. And yet he's being vilified in the country and called an anti vaxxer. So I'm actually delighted that he's gonna join us just in a just a moment to tell us his story right here on TNT.

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Right. So anybody who's followed me, and my show over the past few years will know that I've spent a lot of time talking about COVID, about the COVID jabs, about all the damage that it's done. I've spoken with many, many doctors from around the world, but I've never spoken to my next guest. So I'm delighted that doctor Shankara Shetty is now with me here on The Freeman Report. Hello, doctor Shetty.

Hello. Hi, James. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Thank you for coming, on the Freeman Report.

I said in my introduction, you know, you've treated over fourteen thousand COVID patients. Not one of them has been hospitalized, and yet you're under attack. Tell us about what's going on. I think, I think I pose a threat to them, James. The, I think, the the journey through COVID, explains why they basically attacked me.

At the start of the pandemic, I endeavor to see patients physically and understand the illness itself. I saw an insert in the genome of the virus and knew that it was probably lab made and that the presentation clinically of the illness itself will give me an understanding of how to treat it. So I made the effort to actually physically see patients. Very early on, I noticed with physical examination that I was dealing with the biophasic illness. Patients got the virus and got better, every one of them.

But there was a subset of patients a week later suddenly took ill again, even though they thought they were completely recovered. And this decompensation was very, very rapid. Sudden in onset, very rapid, very aggressive. Yet a majority of these patients were fine the next day. So I there's a very few pathologies that would be so aggressive.

One is a severe allergic reaction to an allergen. The second is an exposure to a venom. And so I thought I'm having an allergic reaction to whatever that insert was was was, coding for in in the vaccine in in people that had COVID. And so I started treating it as such as an allergic reaction starting on that day. I had miraculous recoveries.

Patients with eighty percent sets were perfectly fine the next day. So it was an allergic reaction occurring in the lungs of these patients and not a viral pneumonia as the world thought. And so I continued seeing patients. My staff insisted I must publish these miraculous, understanding that I have. I published an article in modern medicine at the end, August twenty twenty explaining my understanding of the pathophysiology of COVID illness and, of course, the treatment that was so successful.

I then, in the subsequent wave, realized that the insert was coding for spike protein, the infamous furin cleavage site. And so I realized that the illness was not about a virus, but more about a pathogenic protein that people were being exposed to. And so the deaths that we've seen from COVID were not because of, coronavirus. They were because of spike protein. And it became abundantly clear in that second deadly wave in South Africa, the spike protein was the primary pathogen of COVID illness.

And, of course, that's, that shone a light on the vaccines. The vaccines were intending to use spike protein as the base for the vaccination campaign. And so straight away, I looked at it and thought, well, this is not the right thing to be doing. If it is the pathogen of COVID illness, why would you want a body to make that kind of pathogen? And I foresaw the problems that we were gonna have.

And so early on in the pandemic, I started speaking out against the toxicity of spike protein, the fact that it was likely to have been man made, and, of course, all the toxic domains on it and what we're likely to see. It is that video that I made early in twenty twenty or mid twenty twenty one at a conference that's drawn all the, all the, regulatory, oversight into my work. And so, a professor here in South Africa who is conflicted was part of the, Together trial on ivermectin, was part of the, the the cohorts that was supposed to look into safety of the vaccines and as well as supplying PCR test to the government, thought that I'm a challenge to his business and made a complaint with the council. Council now has seen it fit to charge me, and I have a case coming up on the eighth to eleventh of April for unprofessional conduct, which I intend to challenge. Now, I mean, the first question I've got is, are the is the tribunal aware of all of your patients that you've treated successfully?

Yes. Yes, James. They they actually are. A lot of people have asked me to publish data. The records that I have with my patients weren't meant for data collection.

I was more interested in saving lives. And, of course, if you've got, I stopped counting, a year ago. I'd reached fourteen thousand patients, and if fourteen thousand patients that have recovered completely is still anecdotal, then there's no point me counting any further. I have subsequently trained doctors around the world. Many thousands of them influence certain governments, both in the Caribbean and a country called Megalaya, North of India.

I've I've been awarded, around the world for the work that I've done. Certain cancer societies have actually awarded me for telling their patients not to take the vaccine if they're in remission. So, yeah, I think they, the truth will prevail, and it will set me free, so they must bring it on. And are you feeling that there's been a change in South Africa at all? Because we've seen, an open parliamentary, debate WHO treaty, that that we we've hardly seen any debate at all, globally in different part at, governments, whereas we have seen that that debate in the South African parliament.

Are you do you think that there is more open mindedness now? Because, of course, this charge against you was brought quite a while ago. What do you think the mood in South Africa is at the moment? I think it's, very optimistic, James. South Africa is a relatively new democracy.

We're well aware of the collusion and corruption that afflicts our government. So we're not very, quick to believe the narrative. As such, we've only had about a thirty percent uptake of vaccines in our country. We've had a lot of people speaking out against it. We're not censored in South Africa.

And, of course, the regulatory authority, I think, is obligated to take on complaints, and investigate them. So I see this as a great opportunity to hear the truth, and I really don't care the outcome. At the end of the day, it was the lives that we saved that, meant more to me. So I think South Africa is an ideal destination to start this movement and explore the truth in a in an open, non corrupt dialogue. Yeah.

And you say thirty percent up uptake. I always knew that the uptake wasn't anywhere comparable with, you know, with a lot of western countries like the UK and and and the US where I think it's more like seventy percent, I think. The government will tell you it's ninety percent, but it is not that high. Have there been many vaccine injuries in South Africa? Which vaccines did, South Africa use?

Initially, it was the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was given to health care workers and all the essential workers, and then the Pfizer vaccine rolled out. The general population was exposed, to the Pfizer vaccine more than the Johnson and Johnson. We are seeing vaccine injuries across the country itself. That seems to be my work every day dealing with the vaccine injured patients. But I think South Africa has woken up to the reality of what's happened.

I would say about seventy percent of our country know what's going on and are looking for answers. So, yeah, the case coming up is, is an ideal opportunity to hear that. Yeah. And, what what are the potential outcomes for you? I mean, I know you say you don't care.

For you, the priority is actually airing the truth. But, you know, could you lose your medical license over this? Yeah. I could, could I could be suspended. Look, James, the case itself is going to cover everything about gold because I've contributed to the understanding of the pathophysiology, which is considered controversial.

I've, cons I have with that, contributed to the early treatment, and every medication I used has subsequently been in peer reviewed study shown to be of benefit in COVID. And, of course, alluded to the, dangers of taking the vaccine. So the case covers a broad diversity of things. Now when it comes to the outcome, they can suspend me. That is an option.

But I think the suspension is meant more to silence me than anything else. And, of course, I don't care the outcome. I am a natural science biologist with an understanding of biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, and advanced biology. And I think, things happen for a reason. So if it's a medical fraternity that refuses to listen to the truth and is involved in harming patients, then I would gladly not like to be a part of it.

Well, good on you. Good on you, doctor Chetty, for for taking that approach. And we'll have to get you back on the Freeman report, after the after the hearing to to find out what happened. Now you you say that the population are aware of what's going on. There is an awareness in South Africa.

Do you have the support of any politicians at all? James, I've been doing this for three years, and I've been one of the most controversial doctors on the planet. So I've been approached by many of those in the religious fraternity. I managed to get a fatwa issued by the Muslim community here in South Africa. I tried to do that in Malaysia with the, Muslim, leader of the world, the king.

Of course, the United Arab Emirates had already started their vaccine campaign, and it was going to be proven to be controversial. I have a lot of the Christian, faith supporting me. Amongst the politicians, I have a few political parties, the ACDP, the Christian party, the Freedom Front Plus, the NFP, and, someone considered a state elder, Jay Naidu, who served in the Mandela government as a minister in parliament, who's given me his wholehearted support. So, yes, there's a broad support for my case here in South Africa. But I think, James, the support for the case is not going to impact on the outcome.

We have a a bias that's been brought on by COVID, and I think that needs to be addressed. And it's the first thing I will address in my case. The vaccine, rollout was plagued with propaganda and prejudice. A lot of people were forced to take this vaccine and those that didn't take it were ostracized, prejudiced, not allowed to travel, freedom's taken away. So there was an there was a deliberate attempt to divide society based on vaccine status.

And I think in an effort for me to have an unbiased fair hearing, the adjudicating panel needs to, disclose their vaccine status to me as it's the most confounding thing in my case. And to have a fair trial, I should have a panel consistent of half vaccinated and half unvaccinated if ever I'm going to have an unbiased judgment against me. So I think that's the first thing the world needs to address in what we're in going forward. We're having people that have taken the vaccine, holding judgment over those that are against it. So it's always easy to fool someone, but more difficult to convince someone they were fooled.

And I don't think it's my place to try and convince an adjudicating committee that they were fooled. That ain't gonna happen. Fantastic. And, what do you think about this WHO treaty? Obviously, you said that there is an awareness now in South Africa.

Treaty has been debated in the parliament. Are ordinary South Africans, are they talking about this? Are they aware that the WHO is trying to get legal powers so that next time around, WHO is trying to get legal powers so that next time around that it declares a global pandemic, that it can force member states to take on these measures. Are ordinary South Africans aware of this, do you think? Yes.

It's been a topic in our country, James, for the past three years, since since the pandemic started. I think, the the the general public is aware that the World Health Organization mismanaged the pandemic in many ways. They put out information that really was nonsensical, conflicted, withdrew information, gave advice on medications that doctor should and shouldn't use, which is beyond their scope. And I think the public are well aware that this, new treaty coming out of their amendments to the international health regulations are just a power grab, an attempt by an unelected, unregulated body, international body to overpower our government. And being a young democracy, we're very, very protective of our individual sovereignties and are very cautious about who we give that to to administer.

And what about the press in South Africa? That has been a big factor, I think, in lots of countries, over the COVID era, the fact that the press and the government have really been one voice. Was that a similar thing in South Africa, and what would you say is the situation at the moment? Are the press covering your case in South Africa? And if they are, how are they talking about it?

James, I think we've had the same problems the rest of the world is having mainstream yes. The the case, there was a lot of silence around the case until, Jane I just spoke out and did an op ed about my my plight and my achievements and the re the reasons behind my prosecution. Subsequently, there are a few news outlets, mainstream outlets that have actually looked at the case itself. And I think there's a growing voice in South Africa for for this to be aired, the truth to be told. And I think it's, it's for the mainstream media to actually get on board and report the truth.

I think the case that comes up on the eighth of, April provides us the opportunity to force the mainstream media to actually look at it. So it's about it's about getting, a lot of, people involved in the case itself. I've got global expert witnesses, that are going to testify, that I've influenced around the world, doctor McCullough, doctor David Martin. So, yeah, I think at the end of the day, the mainstream media will be left out if they don't, come to terms with what has happened. They can spin it whichever way they want, but the truth needs to be told.

This is I mean, this is fantastic news. There's not many countries, where this is going on. Obviously, we've got the COVID inquiry in the UK, but it's all turning out to be a bit of a joke, really. It's asking all the questions that nobody wants answers to and ignoring all the questions we want answers to. But it does sound like South Africa is, going in the right direction.

Have there been calls, though, in South Africa for an official COVID inquiry? There have been, but, of course, we have a compromised judiciary. We brought a case against, Pfizer, the FASA case. We've had the Pfizer, documents revealed, the contracts with the government itself that created a huge stir in the country. We all are aware of the initial trials with Pfizer and the outcomes of that.

So I think the South African population is pretty awake to what has happened and, looking forward to a COVID inquiry. I was speaking to doctor McCullough recently, and we're hoping that sometime in August, we can hold a COVID nineteen symposium in our country, inviting all the players that actually contributed to this pandemic in positive ways. And, really, the truth. Medical science needs to move on. We have a planet that has been potentially injured by a vaccine vaccine that has no safety or efficacy, and someone's in the future someone in the future is gonna have to deal with that.

And I think it's the medical fraternity that needs to step up, to realize the mistakes we made, to realize that there's an agenda out there, to realize the mistakes we made, to realize that there's an agenda out there. And it's, it's it's to come together and assist those that were injured. And what do you think the answer is, for, South Africa? Because, of course, this is a global issue, isn't it? The the the lobby that is, big pharma is incredibly powerful.

So a country like South Africa can, solve this problem itself. What do you think is is the solution? I think the solution, James, we we coming through a system that's been there for a few hundred years. And being a new democracy, we have the ability to change that. We started a hundred years ago or so with master system of master and slave.

Yes, we developed a middle class that fought for our freedoms and supposed democracy, but we never changed the systems that were in place. Education, health care, politics, economy. And, of course, those systems were never designed for equity. They were designed to maintain a system of master and slave. And I think it's time we break those systems and redesign them completely.

We cannot change the law. The law is like a spider's web. And if you break one, there are many others to hold the narrative up. And so I think we need to sidestep it to realize that we're not going to fix this and, sidestep it and realign realign with a more equitable future for all. Well, listen.

All the best in your hearing when it comes up. Please do come back on the Freeman reports, to tell us what happened. The fantastic doctor, Shankar Shetty, everybody. Thank you for so much for joining me on the Freeman Report today. Thank you.

Thank you, dude. Right. Okay. What a fantastic guy. And by the way, we've got Johnny Vedmore coming up for his first show this afternoon at four o'clock.

So don't go anywhere. Stick with us right here on TNT.