transcript to  9min mp4 The Secret Covenant

Hi. It's Dana Horchowski. It is October 9, 2009, and I'm going to read you the secret covenant. I only have 10 minutes. It's on the Polly Hicks section of, and this is dedicated to the Jesuits, the high Freemasons, and the high knights of Columbus, and those that have pledged a blood oath allegiance to the Luciferians, secret societies.

The secret covenant. An illusion it will be so large, so vast, it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

Our goal will be to accomplish one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of the of their experience, for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak until pretending to do the while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators, and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.

We will promise to find a cure from many of our fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, and then they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all of this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them and what they drink, eat, breathe, and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in films, and we'll grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth, we will inject the poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it's for their help.

We will start early on when their minds are young, and we will target their children and what the children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals, and that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them even sicker and cause other diseases for which we can we will create even yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow, and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so that they so that they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us, and they will do as we say. If they refuse, we shall find ways to implement mind altering technology into their lives. We'll use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We'll always hide our objective but carry out our plan. We will perform the lay the labor. They will perform the labor for us, and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and then tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently, letting them think that they are guiding themselves. We will foment anonymously between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it with by ridicule or death, whatever suits us best. We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill, kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will bind them totally and never shall they see that that from their conflicts, we will emerge as the rulers. They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. We will benefit greatly from this for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat it over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sound. We'll use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them that we are all one. This they must never know. They must never know that the color is an illusion. They must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop, we will advance in our goal.

We will take over their land, resources, and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom that they will have. We'll establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When they shall band together, they shall accuse them we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story in the world where we shall own all the media. For we will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.

When they when they shall rise up against us, we will crush them like insects for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they, will have no weapons. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, and we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not one of us. The recruits will be called initiates, and it will be ends it will be indoctrinated to believe false rights of passage to higher realms. The members of these groups will think they are, they are one with us never knowing the truth.

They must never learn the truth for they will turn against us. For their work, they will never be rewarded for with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us. Never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms for the killing, of their own kind will prevent the passage of the realm of enlightenment. This, they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face so close that they will not be able to focus on until it's too late. Oh, yes. So grand the illusion of freedom will be that they will never know how they are our slaves. When all is in place, the reality we shall we shall have created for them will own them. The reality will be their prison.

They will live in self delusion. When our goal is accomplished, a new era of dominion will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have been set we have established from the time immemorial. But if we if they ever find out that they are our our equal, we shall perish then. This they must never know.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never ever find out what we have done for what they do for what they do for if they do, they shall have no place to run for we shall have no place to run for it is easy to see who we are once the veil has been fall has fallen. Our action will have revealed will have revealed who we are, and they will hunt us down, and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives. For this reality will transcend many generations and lifespans.

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came, the fallen angels. This covenant must never ever be known to exist. It must never ever be written or spoken of, for it is the consciousness that will spawn with will release the fury of the prime creator upon us. We shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of time of infinity.

You guys can go to the abyss a 1000 years through the evil.


  transcript to 85min interview Mattias Desmet: How "Mass Formation" Weaponized Delusional Mobs With Pandemic Panic – Ask Dr. Drew 

   We are on deck a little early today because, of our guest whom I am very excited about. I've been wanting to interview him for a long time. It is Matthias Desmond. He is in, Europe, and so we are accommodating his time frame in order to be able to bring him to you today. He's a psychologist, a professor of psychology at University of Ghent in Belgium, author of the Psychology of Totalitarianism.

Dovetails nicely into the, upon the conversation we had yesterday with Jack Posavic. He has been, sort of, let's say, popularizing. He he became synonymous with the term, mass formation after an appearance, an interview with Joe Rogan. And, I was aware of mob behavior, at that time and was trying to make sense of it and glommed on to Matthias Desmond, as a source of great information, someone who'd been studying this phenomenon long before COVID. So we will get into it after this.

Our laws as it pertain to substances are draconian and bizarre. A psychopath start this He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, Fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a I'm a doctor for sake. Where the hell do you think I've learned that?

I'm just saying. You go to treatment before you kill people. I am am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. But just deal with O3.

And we used to get these calls on Loveline all the time, educate adolescents, and to prevent, and to treat. You have trouble. You can't and you wanna help stop it. I can help. I got a lot to say.

I got a lot more to say. Let's talk about aging because everyone wants to know how to slow it down. For almost a decade, I've been taking a healthy aging supplement called TRU NIAGEN. This supplement boosts NAD, that's something that cells can't live without. It's done with a patented form of nicotinamide riboside called NR or NIAGEN.

It's more efficient and more scientifically reviewed than NMN or other NAD boosters. TRU NIAGEN is truly the best way to boost NAD levels, and it's made by ChromaDex. They are the gold standard in the NAD space. Doctor Charles Brenner, the scientist who discovered the NAD boosting potential of NR, explains. And the center of the metabolism that allows the conversion of food into energy is NAD coenzymes.

And NAD gets disturbed, in the aging process. And as we're exposed to conditions of metabolic stress, NIAGEN, which is the, form of of NR that was developed by ChromaDex, is the is the best and the only fully legal form of NR. And this is really the gold standard for NAD boosting, vitamins. I love this product. I urge you to try it.

Go to for 20% off your order. That is /trunigen, trunia g e n, and enter doctor Drew at checkout, drdrew, enter it at checkout for 20% off. There we go. I just wanna pile on really quick. I was thinking about this product this morning.

To call this a supplement is a is is not giving it enough due. This is probably the most important adjunct to managing aging, let's say. We all live longer these days, and we have to accommodate that. This, I've been taking it for 12 years. If you were over 40, you need to be on this.

You'll be sorry if you are not. A 1000 milligrams a day was recommended. NAD is a key element in the aging process. It decreases, and you have to boost it up, and it reduces aging. When people say, I look younger than my age, I always assume it is that NAD because I've been on the NR for about 12 years now.

The science is to call this a supplement misses the point. This is something that every it's probably the most important chemical in the 21st century, given how long we all are aging. If you wanna age well, this is a key ingredient. Alright. Let's get to, Mattias Desmon.

Oh, and you can take it at any age starting in your thirties, and it's great for reproductive health as well. That's true. That is true. Alright. How mass formation and nudge technology has wept are weaponizing delusional mobs with constant fear and panic.

That would summarize the thought bubble over my head through COVID. I I saw the the mobs. I sort of predicted the mobs because I kept saying that, you know, when there's a lot of narcissism flying around, people tend to gather and scapegoat, and scapegoating is what I saw happen in the French Revolution. I started thinking about that as a model. Again, Matthias is a professor of psychology at University of Ghent in Belgium, author of the Psychology of Totalitarianism.

I urge you to follow him on x@desmdetmett mattias, desmet matias, which is the opposite of his name, which is matias desmet. He's flipped it for x. On the website, however, is, and then let's go go read the book, The Psychology of Total Totalitarianism is a perfect adjunct to the unhuman we talked about yesterday. Please welcome Matthias Desmond. Thank you for having me on, doctor.

It's a privilege. I've got a I've been wanting to talk to you for the longer literally since I saw you on Rogan, I would say, is when I just got preoccupied with you and your website and your materials. And, would you mind reviewing for the our our viewers what your history is with this topic and how you got involved with it and what your we will get into, I suppose, then what your basic observations have been before COVID. Yes. Let let let me try to put it in a nutshell.

I I started my academic career somewhere back in, 2003. I started to do a PhD in psychology and, rather than doing a classical research in psychology, I studied research methods in psychology and I was I I I I noticed I first got an additional master degree in statistics and to to to just to be able, as much as possible to to to study the quality of research methods. And I noticed that like most research methods in psychology, absolutely don't leave don't lead up to to to valid conclusions. And coincidentally, at about the same time, the so called replication crisis started in the sciences, which showed this crisis showed that up to 85% of the academic papers do not lead to so called reproducible results which means that they are worthless. And in 2005, John Ioannidis, a professor at Stanford, published a paper which was titled, Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.

So that was the beginning of my academic career. I just started to become aware of the fact that most academic research actually has no objective value and in in in a certain way is not scientific at all. So and and then after that, I I focused on psychological issues like I studied how language and and human speech impacts on, the human body and soul. And after that, I I I focused on mass psychology because I got really interested. I you know, to put it in a nutshell, I published my first results on on the problematic quality of scientific research and I noticed that most people in academia didn't want to listen to what they say, or at least they got angry because I revealed that most research is actually well, cannot be trusted.

And and at that at that moment, I started to realize that extremely intelligent people under certain circumstances can become completely blind for narratives that are in many respects completely absurd. And I started to understand that this phenomenon cannot be understood on the basis of individual psychology alone. You need to understand group psychology and more specific mass psychology to understand why people can become so blind even, and maybe in particular, extremely intelligent or or or better highly educated people. And, I started to focus on mass psychology then. I believe it was somewhere back in 2015.

In 2017, I started to see that, this mass psychology is very much related to the phenomenon of totalitarianism. So, like, the the totalitarian state is is something completely different than a classical dictatorship. In the beginning of 20th century, the first totalitarian states emerged. Totalitarian states did not exist before the 20th century. And and I started to understand that the reason why these totalitarian states such as the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany emerged for the first time in the 20th century was that the phenomenon of mass formation, this specific kind of psychological group formation became stronger and stronger and stronger throughout the last 200 years.

And so in 2017, I started to focus, on this phenomenon of mass formation and totalitarianism. And in 2020, the corona crisis started. And immediately, from the 1st week onwards, I started to study the statistics a little bit. I noticed that these statistics were completely off, completely absurd. I noticed that they predicted that in a small country such as Sweden, for instance, about 60,000 people would die by the end of May 2020 if the country didn't go into lockdown.

And by the end of May 2020, Sweden hadn't gone into lockdown, and only 10% of the people died. That and that that figure of 10%, 6,000 people, had been exactly what they predicted in the 1st week of the crisis. And, I noticed just that no matter how clear it had become that all these initial models and all these mortality statistics had been completely off, the narrative in the media just continued as if the statistics had been right, correct. And that was the moment when I decided that that I had to write a book. I decided to try to bring to the attention of people how an entire population can start to believe in narratives which are completely wrong and how this blind fanatic belief in certain narratives, disseminated through the mass media, are actually the beginning and the basis of of a totalitarian state and how now we are at risk of a new kind of totalitarianism, not a fascist or not the old classical communist totalitarianism, but a new technocratic and transhumanist totalitarianism.

Let, as Hannah Arendt said, not so much by gang leaders such as Stalin and Hitler, but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats. That's what my book is all about. My book is about this. How can we understand the broader cultural, psychological process that puts it as a risk now of ending up in a fully fledged technocratic, transhumanist, totalitarian state. Okay.

There's a lot packed in there. I I know my audience is interested in, going further in this conversation about the totalitarianism. I've got a bunch of things on my mind that that you brought up about the reproduction reproducibility crisis, and maybe we'll get back to that because I know people want to launch into the totalitarian conversation. My first question would be, or sort of observation would be, that in in I was speaking to Jack Posavik yesterday, and he has a theory that I agreed with, which was that the whole notion of a totalitarian government really was a monarchical idea. It was sort of a it was an administrative state that sort of reached its apogee with Louis the 6th Louis the 14th.

And the Jacobins, during the French revolution, wanted to coop that and get rid of the monarch and have people on the bottom essentially come up and take over all the bureaucratic structure. That was really their model. And even Lenin pointed out that he relied on the French revolution for many of his ideas. Are we getting all the way back to that Jacobin idea of I I I, like you, observed the media as the big problem, and I lately have been thinking that the enemy is bureaucracy. That that's this thing that just doesn't change and can't say it's wrong and can't apologize.

And it's clearly what is afoot here. But just historically, are we going back to that original concept, the Jacobins unleashed unleashed on Europe? Is that what's coming back here? Yeah. In a certain respect, it is.

But but I I think we have to really make a careful analysis. We have to really, depending on on our analysis, we'll, choose for a different strategy. So the analysis of the problem is extremely important. I think that ultimately the root cause of the problem has to be situated in our view on man and the world. Before the French revolution, the world was, the dominant fuel man in the world.

What what what what what yes. What what was the religious fuel man in the world? And with the French revolution, this changed. The dominant fuel man in the world became the so called rationalist, materialist fuel man in the world. Starting from then on, people started to consider the entire universe not so much as the creation of God, but rather as a dead machine, as a set of elementary particles, atoms, molecules who all interact with each other, according to the laws of mechanics and, most important of all, which can be understood completely in a rational way.

So starting from French Revolution onwards, people start to think about the universe in terms of a mechanical entity that can be perfectly rationally understood, predicted, controlled and manipulated. And that actually led to the emergence of a new elite and a new population, which is extremely important. On the one hand, the new elite could no longer impose its will to the population anymore through in an overt way. No. They couldn't start from the assumption anymore that God entitled them to to be the leaders of the world and imposed their will to the population.

So, they had to, impose their will in a in a in a covered way. They had to make sure that the population did what they wanted them to do without the population knowing that they did what they wanted them to do. In other words, they had to manipulate the population, and that's something that is very often forgotten. Like the after the French Revolution, after everything you just mentioned, the first institutes of modern propaganda emerged. That's extremely important.

Before the French Revolution, there also was propaganda, but it was of a completely different nature. After the French Revolution, the 1st institute of propaganda was established in France. It was called Le Bureau du Pignon Publique and this this new kind of propaganda was was first. It was different from everything that preceded it from previous propaganda because, one, it was based on scientific research into mass psychology. 2, it was industrialized.

It was based on, like, an entire industry for disseminating propaganda. And 3, it was ideologically justified. From then on, the elites started to believe that they that it was their ethical duty to manipulate the population. If they did not manipulate the population, society would fall prey to the irrationality and the destructiveness of the mass of the population. So they they started to behave to believe that it was an ethical duty to manipulate the population.

And from then on, the importance of propaganda increased year after year. In the First World War, it became it took a huge leap forward. In the Second World War, it became even more important and now we are living in a public space which is constantly saturated with propaganda without people knowing it. Google is established by the State Department of America, and there's a in the first place, a propaganda machine. Propaganda is the art of focusing people's attention on something and keeping the attention away of something else, and that's exactly what Google does.

Every time you use Google, every time you have a question and want an answer and use Google, Google will direct you according to a state algorithm to certain results, and it will keep you away of other results. To give you one other example, in 2020, the UN, in one year time, recruited 110,000 so called digital first responders, people who have no other function than radicalizing, psychiatrizing, and criminalizing everyone who goes against the UN ideology as it is stipulated in the so called development sustainable development goals, 110,000 and all the other new global institutions recruited also tens of thousands of people who have dysfunction, making sure that people on the Internet who go against the mainstream narrative are ridiculed or put in a bad daylight. And so that's just a few examples to give you an idea of the extent of the propaganda machinery that is active now in public space. So that is one thing. The French Revolution.

After the French Revolution, we could see the emergence of a new elite, a new elite which no longer imposed its will in an overt way to the population, but which used propaganda to constantly manipulate the population. Like Edward Bernoys is one of the of the of the of the of the most important founding fathers of modern propaganda. Read his book and you will see how, in the beginning of 19th century, he exactly explains everything that I'm telling you now. So that was one thing, the emergence of a new elite, which used propaganda to impose its will. And then the second thing, which is even more important, I believe, was that starting from the French Revolution onwards, we could see the emergence of a new population, and that is often forgotten.

We have not only seen the emergence of a new elite, also the population changed. The psychological state of the population state changed. The psychological state of the population changed in a very particular way. Starting from the beginning of 19th century. As soon as this as people started to consider, to to to think about the universe and about the human being in a more rationalist way, in a more mechanical way as if everything is just like a dead machine, as if human beings are only, a biochemical phenomenon, as if the soul and the mind doesn't really exist, as if it that is all a a kind of a perceived consequence of the biochemical process in our brain.

As soon as people started to think in this way I explained that in my book in the first five chapters. I can't explain it now. I just but but but as soon as I started to think about the human human being in this way, people started to feel more and more lonely. That's so crucial. As soon as the world was rationalized, industrialized as the more technology that was used, the more people started to feel disconnected from nature, disconnected from their fellow human beings, the more people started to feel lonely.

And this number of people peaked beef just before the corona crisis. Just before the corona crisis, in between 40 60% of the population worldwide reported not to have one meaningful relationship at all and to connect to other people only through the Internet. That's the that in in in in in in Great Britain, Theresa May appointed the minister of loneliness because she recognized how widespread this problem was. And in the US, the US surgeon general declared that there was a loneliness epidemic. And very importantly, the number of lonely people was very highly correlated with the use of technology and the level of industrialization in the country.

So that is the basic problem. Our society is falling apart in disconnected atomized individuals. And starting from there, you can see how spontaneously, as soon as people started to feel disconnected, they also started to struggle with lack of meaning making a purpose in life. They started to have a spontaneous experience that their life had no purpose anymore. For instance, just before the corona crisis, up to 60% of the population worldwide reported that they considered their job to be a so called bullshit job, a job without any meaning.

And as soon as you an individual is in this state, lonely, disconnected, it starts to have very specific emotional affective experiences. Namely, it starts to be confronted with so called lack of with so called free floating anxiety, frustration, and aggression. That means a kind of frustration, aggression, a kind of anxiety which it cannot connect to something. It starts to be to feel anxious, frustrated, and aggressive without knowing what it feels anxious, frustrated, and aggressive for. And once it is in this state, it is in the perfect state to be vulnerable for propaganda, meaning that starting from the French Revolution onwards, we could see these 2 evolutions, an elite which used propaganda and the population which becomes extremely sensitive to propaganda.

And it is this combination, this, what Hannah Arendt called, this diabolic pact between the masses and the elite, which leads to mass formation and to totalitarianism. As soon as you have this combination, something very specific happens. As soon as people are anxious without knowing what they feel anxious for and someone disseminates through the through the mass media a narrative that indicates an object of anxiety and a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety, all this free floating anxiety will connect to the object of anxiety and people will be willing to participate in a strategy to deal with that object of anxiety, for instance, lockdown to deal with the virus. No matter how absurd this strategy is, they will be willing to participate in it just because they feel in control of their anxiety again. That's the first step.

That's the first step of the emergence of every totalitarian state, and it happened exactly in 2020. Couple of quick, follow on. Didn't Merleu Juice come up with this idea also of the fear as the as the soil for this? You know Merleu Juced? Can you come again?

Who are you referring to? I'm probably I'm probably mispronouncing it. M e e r l o o j o o s t. Yes. He he wrote about it.

He wrote he wrote Yeah. He wrote about this He wrote this wonderful book, rape of the mind, which I read, but he doesn't you know, I think that I was the first one to explain the the basic psychological mechanisms. He he he he writes a lot about the phenomena that I described in a very interesting way. And, but I don't think, to my as as far as I know, nobody described the mechanisms that I just described, namely how all this individual psychology connects to the collective psychology, how all this individual anxiety connects to the mass, to the to the, to the collective narrative. But, of course, Miernat was an extremely important, writer about the phenomenon of totalitarianism.

He he he focused more on propaganda itself, I think, than I did. Yes. Now now I I I agree with everything you've said. There's nothing I would disagree with in in the least, but I wanna know if I wanna know your opinion about adding something to this. And that would be the notion of, how propaganda uses envy.

Now you mentioned how the 20th century is really when you see this stuff come on. The other thing that was coming on in the 20th century was narcissism. In the 18 you know, around Freud's time, they debated whether narcissism or a narcissistic disorder even existed. It was relatively uncommon. And since then, it's been coming on and it's sort of hockey sticked up in the 19 eighties nineties, I would argue, because of all the family destruction and the childhood traumas and whatnot, just childhood chronic childhood stress, interpersonal stress.

That to me is a perfect setup for, the the liability of narcissism, which is envy, and scapegoating, because narcissists do tend to gather and scapegoat. Is is there a role for understanding this that way as well, or is it just an unnecessary ingredient that may or may not be present? No. No. No.

No. No. Narcissism is extremely important in understanding what happened throughout the last 2 centuries at the psychological level, definitely, but in in a very complex way. Look. Look.

Totalitarianism, what you are going through now, is strangely enough exactly the opposite of narcissism. So, totalitarianism is extreme collectivism. It means that it means that individuals just are prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of the collective ideal. For instance, in the COVID crisis, we could see that very clearly. Suddenly, in a very strange way, all these individualist people were willing to sacrifice their health, their wealth, the future of their children, their their their their their freedom, everything, to to for this collective ideal of this absurd battle with the virus.

Okay? So totalitarianism is extreme collectivism, but that's the strange thing. This extreme collectivism happens only after a phase of extreme individualism and narcissism. So that's a strange thing. You have this you have this very strange, commune interplay between first a society which becomes extremely narcissistic and individualistic too much.

So in in my opinion, in in a healthy society, you have this balance between individualism and co individualism. Like, individuals realize that they have to sacrifice a little bit of their freedom for the sake of the of the group. But at the same time, the collective and the group realizes that they only exist for the reason of creating a a a space in which individuals, can flourish and then then and can prosper. And and in a totalitarian state, this balance complete gets completely lost. Like like, individuals sacrifice everything or 20 to 30% of the individuals sacrifice everything for the collective.

So we could indeed see in the first in the last 2 centuries that narcissism flourished as it did never before. And, in my next book which is all about, the ego, narcissism, truth and so on, I really focus on that. I really explain how why exactly why exactly as soon as the rationalist few on men of the world emerged, as soon as the religious paradigm got lost. How narcissism at the psychological level started to emerge to an extent that is much bigger than than ever before. And narcissism actually you know, I won't go too too too much in detail, but narcissism is based on a on a psychological focus on the outer ideal image.

It's to the extent that we invest our psychological attention and our psychological energy and being identical to our outer ideal image, we are narcissistic. And literally literally, the more we focus our attention, not so much on our resonating core, but on our outer ideal image, on how other people want us to be, the more we isolate from the world around us. So literally, if we invest all our psychological energy in our in the surface of our body, in our outer ideal image, we create like a prison for ourselves in isolation. We we we we get psychologically isolated. We lose our capacity for resonance and for empathy.

We get isolated and it is in this state that we start to feel lonely. And it is in this state, strangely enough, that suddenly we fall prey to propaganda, which tells us that we should all fight the same collective heroic battle without with the virus, with you with Russia, it doesn't matter. But in this isolated narcissistic state, we easily fall prey to a narrative disseminated through the mass media, which tells us that we have one collective enemy, a virus, Putin, Russia. It doesn't matter what. That's the state narcissism leads us to.

I I I I completely agree. And and, it's interesting. I I came to these similar conclusions just by sitting and thinking about things and watching the last 5 years. But, I have to take a break, and and when we get back, I wanna talk about the solution and what do we do in the face of all this. I want to, again, to add on to something you just said.

I happen to believe that, my theory is that a lot of this, collectivizing, a, because they're narcissistic, they convince themselves that it's going to be their collective. They're gonna be sitting at the apex of the collective and gathering everything from the collective. They'll be the one and only elite. This fantasy of grandiosity, number 1. Number 2, they have they have narcissistic rage.

And one of the ways to and it's a disavowed rage. And one of the ways to to manage narcissistic rage is to gather in a mob and scapegoat. What better way than to collectivize the name of the good? Perfect. The perfect way to do that.

Okay. So we agree on that. So let's take a little break here. This has been absolutely sensational. There's not a word I would argue with.

I've got a million questions even about the the reproducibility crisis and some of your statistical history and stuff. We're gonna have to leave that behind because there's too much else to talk about. But before, I I mean, we we've been reading the same stuff. I I I assume you read Le Bon, right, and his his early studies of crowds. Yeah.

I thought he kinda nailed it even though it was very primitive. And then he got completely crushed in later psychological assessments of his assessment, which, of course, because people are afraid of it, he got it right. And then Thomas Kuhn, which is really, you know, Kuhn's, assessment of how, scientific revolution so called work very much figures into what we're talking about here. Does it not? He does.

He does. Of course. Yes. Of course. Yeah.

And and I also when you refer to Kuhn, I also remember this wonderful quote of of Max Planck. I don't know if you know him, the famous physicist who won the Nobel Prize and who said like, I've never known a scientist, he said, who dropped his theory because it didn't match the facts. I the only the only reason the only reason why scientists leave their theory is because they die. He said, science proceeds one one funeral at the time, he said. That's funny.

I didn't know he said that. That's really funny. Well, I yeah. I mean, look at the history of science. People cling to stuff, and it and it it has its own kind of propaganda, you know, elements to it.

But but let's, let's take a little break. I wanna get back. If you don't mind, Matthias, I wanna talk about how we fight this back or, you know, maybe do a little bit of where you think it's going, how to predict the you know, because we this this these insights should help us predict where it's going. It also should suggest some let's call them treatments. So let's get to it after this break.

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Diaz Desmond, professor of psychology at University of Ghent in Belgium, the psychology of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is the book, which we've been flashing up here repeatedly. I suggest you get it and read it. It seems like an important read for our time. He received, 2008, received evidence based psychoanalytic case study prize of the Association For Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and in 2009 received the Wim Trinchbergs Prize of the Dutch Association of Psychotherapy.

You can follow him on x@desmet, yes, desmet matthias. So it's the opposite of his name, matthias desmet, and the is where you can go to find more. And before the break, we were talking about what to do in the face of this extraordinary, century that is, emerging. And, we have, you know, between us, complete and total agreement in terms of the assessment of what's happening to us. I, someone named Oceana on our, I think it was Rumble Rants or YouTube, asked a really interesting question.

I think a way of backing into this topic of what do we do, perhaps is by asking the question that Tociana asked, which is what makes someone resistant to the mass formation? Nobody knows. You know Great. From yeah. From from the beginning of in the 19th you know, you refer to Gustave Le Bon, his famous work, The Psychology of the Crowd, written in 18/9 or published in 18/95.

And even from from even in this in the in the in the in the in the work of Gustav Le Bon. Gustav Le Bon already mentioned that when when a when a major mass formation emerges, there is always a set of people who do not fall prey to it. Like, you a lot. Like, usually 80% or something. And but but only 20 to 30% of the people really fall prey to the massimation, but 75% goes along with it.

That's the major problem. 75% Mhmm. Is so scared is so scared of this tremendous power of the masses that they that they just go along with it. And then there's 5% or even less who who who sees what's happening and who says like, look, I have to speak out. I won't remain silent.

I won't I won't sit back and do nothing. And and he said, like, these 5%, nobody knows who they are. Like Hannah Arendt mentions the same in the the origins of totalitarianism. She mentions the same like why what characterizes these people who do not go along with the masses is something nobody knows the answer to. It's like it's the most heterogeneous group you can imagine.

It is of all kinds of political orientations or for all kinds of, economic backgrounds, all kinds of professions. But I think to serve you know, you know, I I I do believe that you have to understand the only possibility to understand why certain people do not go along with it is has to be situated at the level of individual psychology. Like like, a human being has different options to find psychological strength. And one source of psychological backbone or strength is to identify with the ideal images of the group and to obey to the matrix of social rules. Many people do that.

Many people in their entire lives will just try to do this. They will try to be what the other wants them to be. They will try to behave according to the matrix of social rules. And then there's a small subset of people who says, okay. I want to behave according to certain social rules.

But if I feel that what the group believes in is really false, untrue, I will just tell it. And that are the people who have a certain loyalty to truth and to truth speech and to sincerity. And every time we start to speak or a human being at every moment in its life is confronted with this most fundamental of all choices. It can choose to speak in such a way that other people approve it and that other people have the feeling that this person who is speaking matches the social ideal image or a human being can choose to speak in such a way that it feels sincere. A human being can choose to speak out, to articulate these words that seem sincere and honest to it.

If it chooses to speak the truth, it will jeopardize its own existence in the world of appearances. That means every time we speak the truth, we put ourselves at risk. And also the opposite is true. If we do speak and we do not feel a certain danger, we do not feel a certain anxiety, we do not feel a certain vulnerability, we probably do not speak the truth. Speaking the truth always means speaking in a vulnerable way.

It means that you choose to put yourself at risk, and it means that you put yourself at risk to lose something in the world of appearances, in the fake world. And as soon as you understand that you also win something, that you win something in the real world, then you know that the only good choice is a choice for truth. And I'm sure that here, the moment we are living now is a moment in which a metaphysical revolution takes place. It's a metaphysical revolution in which a mass, which is in the grip of propaganda, a propagandized mass, is fighting a historical battle with a group that slowly starts to emerge, a group which is united through truth speech. So that's what we are going through now.

On the one hand, we see masses in the grip of the most impressive propaganda machinery the world has ever seen. And on the other hand, we see a group of people who in this world of appearances, in this world of lies which is created by the mass and the propaganda, starts to become aware of the fundamental importance of truth and sincerity. And as soon as a people who have this feel with sincerity, really get united and energetically become stronger. And the masses in the grip of propaganda, the era of totalitarianism is over. So that's our challenge, I think.

Staying loyal to the ethical duty to speak in a sincere way, not because we are convinced that we are the only ones who know the truth. No. Just because we feel that the narratives that seize control of society now are wrong. Just because we feel like, look, there is something wrong with all these narratives, climate change and corona crisis and the me too narratives and and and and no matter what, propagandized narratives. If you feel there is something wrong, just try to articulate what you feel.

And don't be too convinced that you know what the solution to all the problems is, but just speak out, just say, I feel that there is something wrong with these narratives. And every time you do this, you will feel a certain vulnerability. You will show something which people usually hide behind their outer ideal image. You will speak from the resonating strengths of your embodied soul, And there's a good chance that certain people who are listening to you will open up, and will start to resonate with you. And that's the moment where you create connection.

And that's the moment where you take away the root cause of mass formation, which I described in the first part, this loneliness, this disconnectedness. That's the moment where you contribute to a solution to the problem of totalitarianism. That's the moment where you fight this technocratic, transhumanist totalitarianism that is emerging now. You can I cannot explain it in a few minutes, but it's so clear? As soon as you understand it, it's so clear.

Yeah. The remedy Yeah. For a society sick of propaganda and lies is sincere speech. So it's interesting. So so that 5% that you're talking about who I suppose we're a part of, already kinda knows this intuitively.

It's the people we need to get on board, the lonely people you're talking about who are also prone to the propaganda. They we need to promise them connection and meaning, meaning making by speaking the truth. And you use the word, feel a certain way. Right? You're gonna feel vulnerable, and you're going to feel like there's some BS in the narrative.

And and I do think again, I'm here trying to think what, you know, what is it in that 5% that we can kind of mine in other people? And I do have a strong sense, feeling, that intuition plays a powerful role in this. And you've talked about the bodily based phenomenology of intuition. You know, it's not just it's an embedded brain in a body that gives us our intuition. And some of us have that.

And it's interesting when when people I talk to who early saw the the, excesses of the, narrative, so called, they would say, oh, it was BS. It would I saw the BS. It seemed like bullshit to me, that kind of thing. But how do we get people to I I guess the the question I would ask you is, with all that sort of flying around, oftentimes, these narrative have a foundation in something true. Right?

There's something true at the base of it. They just take it and make it hysterical. It's true. There's a virus. It's kinda dangerous, but they make a hysteria around it.

Or it's true that, what was I thinking about something else you mentioned? Oh, it's true that climate is moving around and changing, but we don't have to be hysterical about it. You know, it's the hysteria that is the problem. It's the mass formation that is the problem. How do we get people to hear their instincts when they are faced with a hysteria and that they can under are you still there?

Did we did you freeze? Did I lose, Matthias, everybody? No. Well, I I I I mean oh, You you hang on there. I say I can hear you.

So, well, all I want I want your voice anyway, so I'm sure the video will kick back in. So what do we do? How do we get people to listen to those instincts that the, yes, there's something true there. Yeah. I hear you too.

I hear you too. It's okay. We're just gonna use your picture. You look good, though. You do hear me or you don't hear me?

Oh, there he is. It is. I do hear you perfectly. Okay. There you are.

You're back. So so what how do we get people to listen to those instincts to say, yes, there's some truth in here, but the the BS is the extra the the narrative quality that's superimposed on top of those truths. So, like, you mentioned me too, for instance. Like, okay. Yeah.

There's some excesses and things went wrong there, but the poof, the the the excesses are the problem. And people don't listen to their instincts on that, or they don't hear them, and they don't have them. How do we get them? And I think part of that is promising some sort of connection. You know, we'll connect with you on those instincts or or make meaning with those instincts or something.

What what do you think? Well, you know you know, of course, I agree with you. Like like like, I just referred to this metaphysical revolution. Like, we are going through a revolution at the mental level, at the psychological level, at the spiritual level now. That's the point.

And, you know, essentially, this revolution boils down to this. The last 200 years, we started to believe that rational understanding, as I said in the first part, rational understanding should be the guiding principle of our individual life and of our collective life. And just because we believe that the entire universe is a rational entity, it can be rationally understood. So we should be as rational as possible and and and then and think, rationally decide how we have to live and how we have to live together. Well, that's an illusion.

The the the the the guiding principle of society can only be a certain feel with, a certain touch with ethical principles. That's the point. That's the only and and and and and these ethical principles cannot be articulated in in in in definitive ultimate laws. So we have to use our intuition. We have to feel.

We have to feel what is good. And this intuition, I can describe this in an extremely concrete way. Intuition is resonance. Intuition means that you feel that that your soul, which is situated in your body, resonates like an antenna with what is outside of you. And what I what what what makes what limits your intuition is your ego.

It's your identification. The more narcissistic you are, the more psychological energy you invest in your outer ideal image and in the matrix of social rules which determines this outer ideal image, the more you isolate your antenna. Of course, it's as logical as it can be. So meaning that every time you speak in a sincere way, you do something very specific. You penetrate with sound literally and words through your outer ideal image.

You make a little hole in your outer ideal image, and in this way, through this hole, you start to resonate again with the things outside of you and your intuition improves. Everyone knew this in ancient times. The samurai culture in Japan knew this. If you want to have the 6th sense sense of the warrior, you need to be sincere. You need to get rid of your ego.

And if you get rid of your ego, you will have this intuition which tells you exactly what to do on the battlefield. You will not need your eyes or your ears. You will feel when an arrow is shot at you from behind you. Intuition is perfectly correlated with sincerity. That's the point.

And in Belgium, I give all I I give I give all these workshops in which I explain all this and in which we exercise in a practical way, through practical exercises, in the art of sincere speech. Sincere speech is an art. You cannot do it just like this. You have to practice it day after day like Mahatma Gandhi did. Day after day, you have to practice to grow, to become better in the art of sincere speech.

And in my workshops, I give all these practical exercises doing this and what you will notice in the first place is this. The more the the better you get in sincerity, the more you succeed in articulating words which go through the world of appearances, through your outer ideal image and the more you will feel connected intuitively with everything around you. And that's what we need. That's this metaphysical revolution, this metaphysical revolution now is that a society which tries to be as rational as possible which but which in the end lapses into complete irrationality, Well, this was this pseudo rational society will be replaced by society based on intuition and sincerity. And, I I truly believe that that that that this is what we are going through.

And, I can contribute a little bit to it. And we but we have to do it all together. We have to do it all together. I feel I I I look I have this my my book has been translated in 25 languages or even more. I don't know it anymore.

And I'm invited around the world to give book presentations and lectures. And, everywhere I notice that people start to become aware. Certain people, not everyone, but the group of people who resist this technocratic rationalist transhumanism, and they started to become aware all nobody really knows what is going on, but they all start to feel that there is something about sincerity, that the the real challenge in this world is to be to become more truthful and sincere, and all the rest will follow. All the rest will follow. If you become more sincere, you do not get only more resonance and connected to other people.

You also get more connected to your own body, to your own sexuality, to your own drives, to your to to the to the world around you and to through nature around to nature around you. So truth and sincerity harmonizes all fundamental relationships of the human being with something that is outside of itself. So that's that's the real challenge. That's the challenge we are facing now. Alright.

Alright. I I totally I know what you're saying. I also know what's embedded in what you're saying. There's a lot there, and and I hope you will come back, and let's have a deep conversation about the, let's call it what it is, the psychoanalytic principles that that sort of support all this as whereas as well as the neurobiological, the evolutionary. It's all our ancient past that we are disconnected from that is our most effective, our most genuine, our most, accurate aspects.

When we take the brain away from the body, everything we are embedded creatures. Our brain's embedded in a body. Our body's embedded in a in a family. It's embedded in a societal context, in historical context. We are embedded creatures, and I would argue that to get and this is what I wanna talk about next time.

To get at that sincere spontaneous primary affect, what you're talking about, the the intuitive landscape, you need other people. And you've sort of hinted at that. And I I ran a drug treatment center for many, many years, and I used to always I would just chant at them, connect to other, connect to self, connect to other, connect to self. If you're disconnected from others, you can't connect to yourself the way the way I want you to, the way you need to. And, you know, and I'm I'm a big fan of psychoanalytic, you know, interpersonal psychoanalytical thought these days, you know, sort sort of and it's you're hinting at all that.

I don't know if you're an advocate or not, but but I I know what you're talking about. I know I know where and it's interesting to me that we end up in the same place with all this. So, there there's a lot to do as you're aware. There's a lot to do here, and it it overwhelms me a bit. I'm I'm so delighted that you're there carrying the torch.

I look forward to the new book. I hope that it comes out soon. I think it may be an important ingredient in what you're talking about, because I I've often found too that people need to understand these things before they can kinda dive into them. They kinda have to be convinced that there's something here. I'll I'll let you have last thoughts.

I have to wrap up, but give me your you've been very kind and generous with your time and your thoughts, and I I it was you did not disappoint, my friend, and I appreciate you being here. I do hope you'll come back, but I wanna give you final thoughts. We we we should I I really feel the connection. I I really feel the connection. I I feel that you that you feel what I'm talking about.

And we shouldn't talk for 1 hour. We should talk for 100 hours and and or even much more because there is no time enough in the universe to articulate what we feel now. And, but, well, my final thoughts, well, you know, indeed, I I I believe that, you know, I've been talking about rationalism. And I'm not against rationality. Not at all.

We I I I really I really believe that we have to walk the path of rationality as far as possible. But if you do it in a honest way and in a sincere way, you will see that you at a certain moment, you reach the limit of rationality, and that's what all seminal scientists reached. They all concluded, oh, here we stumble upon the limit of rationality literally, like the sciences of the 20th century, literally showed that all complex dynamical systems in nature, which are almost all phenomena in nature, behave literally like an irrational number, meaning that you cannot grasp their essence through rationality. As Niels Bohr said, the most famous quantum physicist of the 20th century, when it comes to atoms, he said, language can only be used as poetry. As soon as we really understand the value of these words, we get rid of this crisis.

That's the point. Yep. Like Yep. I get it. I get it.

And I, and I I believe you're right. I pray that you're right. I instinctively think you're right, but we have to execute. We have to, and I don't mean execute the way the French did. I mean, execute a a response to all this.

So okay. Well, listen. I I do and if believe me, if you're in this country, or if I'm over there, I I would, seek an opportunity to spend at least a couple more hours with you, chewing on this material because it is so, so, so important. And it's so interesting to me. Well, before this all before the, COVID crisis, I used to call it there's a spiritual problem.

I had a sense there's something wrong, something's a spiritual issue, and now it's kinda coming clear what what the issue is. So, thank you. We'll get the book. We'll go to the website, and we'll follow you on x, and I'll hopefully talk to you soon. Thank you for having me on.

It's a great talking with you. Cheers. Well done. Okay. We're gonna change gears a little bit.

Susan, anything to follow on this? Anybody have any, you know, questions that you wanted to get at? Or you still there? Yeah. I'm here.

Okay. I'm a lie. I'm looking at the, I was just thinking, like, I took a course in UCLA about World War 1 traumatizing all of the Oh, yeah. You know, the Oh, yeah. The western Yeah.

World and, how Germany, you know, came back, failure. Mhmm. And they, they all turned to Hitler as a leader in totalitarianism based on the fact that they were just so weakened and narcissistic and traumatized. So, like, the trauma that it comes out of but then the people that go against it, are they more traumatized or less traumatized? It's really interesting question.

I, I don't know the answer to that. And what why do you say why do you ask that question? Let me maybe what's in that question? I don't know. I took a psychohist class.

It was, like, my favorite subject. And, I just wonder if the alcoholics all turn, you know, or the or the people, like, the people that really think and use their intuitive mind and say, yeah, this is this is not right. Like, I'm speaking the truth. Yep. But are they more, like or and then once they're taken over and they feel fear, like the doctors running you know, who are not willing to say, oh, we maybe made a mistake because they're they have fear of losing their license or fear of losing their life.

Fear. Just free floating anxiety, you call it. Right. I'm not I'm just sort of putting all these weird pieces together, but Yeah. But the trauma is so so much a huge part of narcissism.

Yes. Let's let's you're right. Let's, let's you and I talk about it prior you know? I know. I don't know.

Because we're just these are ideas that are flying around. I don't disagree with it. Wanna bring it up with him because I but this is some, common thread with history. So I'm wondering what's gonna come out of all the trauma that we've had now in the next 10 years. Like, what, 5 years?

He well, let's talk about it. I I got ideas. We'll see. We gotta go. Okay.

We have to party too with him now. That's what to answer these questions. Yeah. Like he said, there's you wanted to know what I was thinking. I I knew he would be like this.

But I love intuition. Knew it. And I all your intuition. And, yes, I think that's what people learn from which is kinda interesting that you live in that world a bit, you know, of intuition and stuff, and how we can bring all these things together. But alright.

Let's bring our friend, Autumn, into the conversation from Paleo Valley. As you guys know, we are Paleo Valley fans. We have we have we consume so much Paleo Valley stuff. Well, this is the bone broth that we eat every day. This is the, superfood golden milk that, Susan has.

We just got this again, and Susan was using it. Oh, you're taking a picture of me holding this all up? Yeah. I'm taking a video. Just Taking a video.

Okay. And, and, and, of course, the beef sticks. Now there are new the when I was a carnivore, I I really lived on these things. Now I use them as a snack, an adjunct, and they have a new venison, this is the chicken, venison stick, and it is since it's spectacular. I love it.

I told Autumn that. So please bring, Autumn into the program with us. There you are. Thank you for joining us. Aw, thank you for having me.

I'm one of your biggest fans, and I just really appreciate it. Well, we're it's mutual fans to say because we we are a fan of your stuff. Tell them again your story about how this all all got going and your commitment to these you know, the quality of all this and what what you're doing there as a as an organization. Yeah. Essentially, I had digestive issues that no doctor knew how to treat since I was about 10 years old.

And I resigned myself to the fact that it was just the way I was going to have to live my life. But when I met my husband and he noticed how much I was suffering every day, he decided to think outside the box. Right? And what else could we try? And we tried diet, a paleo template.

And in 30 days, all my digestive issues were gone. And over the course of the next year, my mental health changed to such a degree that I quit a job as a celebrity fitness trainer with Tracy Anderson, went back to school, and we decided that we had to figure out a way to make the nutrient dense, clean foods that I had been relying upon to improve my health available to the masses because at that time, there really wasn't any sort of super healthy snack options available. And in particular, let's talk about the bone broth. Thank you for making it taste so great. I know you've got unflavored and you've got vanilla, but we we are nutty cuckoo over the chocolate one here.

It is. And and not not only is it a great source of of, nutrient and collagen, and protein, but it it I use it kind of as appetite management too. I I'm satisfied for a long time after I have just a small amount, and it's low calorie. Right? It's a it's a very clean product.

Yeah. Absolutely. So we wanna be the company that always prioritizes health over profit and also brings back those foods that were restored or revered historically that we're not consuming anymore, like bone broth, and making it available to people who don't like the taste of bone broth. So what we did is we just take bones, and we use only water as a processing agent. And then we added organic coconut milk powder and organic chocolate and a little organic chocolate flavor, and we created something that's absolutely delicious, a very a way to get your collagen that you look for.

The carmel They Yeah. That's the new venison, isn't it? Yeah. Yes. It's so good.

You gotta make me really hungry. I know. So And so yeah. The and the bone broth, you can eat you could drink it with just water, and you can also drink it with, you know, almond milk. And the original version, you can put in soups, stews, or smoothies.

And as you're speaking to, when you increase the amount of protein you're consuming every day, it triggers a satiety mechanism so that you don't have to eat as much. It's called the protein leverage hypothesis. And a lot of us are actually undereating protein, and so it we can improve our body composition. We can improve, you know, our ability to build muscle, simply by adding more protein. And when it tastes good, it's it's a really simple thing to do.

And you're actually involved with the sources in terms of the farms and, you know, the beef and where this all come from. Talk to us about that. Yeah. Absolutely. So that is we are committed to health of consumer and of the planet, and so we do grass fed and grass finished.

Now most collagens claim or some of them to be grass fed, but they're often not grass finished, and they don't always come from regenerative farms. So we like to work with partners who are not only not hurting the planet, but are measurably improving ecological outcomes. That's kind of the heart of regenerative agriculture. And so we do work with those farmers and support them. And also, like you said, we don't process it.

When you take a hide or a hoof, which is where most collagen comes from, you have to use solvents, chemical processing agents. And so we wanted to avoid that and instead just bring something to the market that was literally bone and then water from American, you know, regenerative farmers or regenerative farmers using methods in other countries as well. And and, Autumn, you, I I don't think you you described this time as as clearly as I heard last time your your training in nutrition and how you came to understand so many of these, you know, what what your, you know, the science behind what you're doing, I guess, why you're someone that we should you know, you're you're a nerd on this stuff. You you like this stuff, and you got deep into it. I am too.

So I join me in this. I appreciate it. Yeah. I went back to school. I originally got my master's, and I'm probably about a month away from getting my doctorate.

And it's it's in holistic nutrition, and I am fascinated. Constantly fascinating. I read journal articles upon journal articles about how we can bring back these foods that modern society has lost touch with and what their benefits are, like fish roe, organ meats. Right? Bone broth.

There are a plethora of benefits, to these foods that most people don't realize. And, also, our nutrient, nutrient content of our food supply is lower than at any other time in history. And so we're trying to figure out how do we bring that back so people can actually experience the vibrant health Yeah. That they're able to experience. And yeah.

I I love that. I I I gotta tell you, I I am very concerned about that. Robert f. Kennedy's been talking about it. I mean, people who are waking up to how miserable our food supply is and all the, just the nasty stuff we put in our body.

Even the even the stuff we attempt to pay attention to can be not so great just because and I would argue, I I think it is the case that not only are we sort of deficient in terms of the food we're consuming, but our soil's deficient, and so we're not even create even we try to create foods that are up to a good standard. We we have trouble doing so. Is it and is that something unique to this country? No. You know what?

I think we've lost about 1 third of farmable land in the last 40 years. And so as long as we've been practicing agriculture, we have been depleting our soil at a significantly faster rate than is able to be built. And then we have, right, our animal agriculture industry built on factory farms, which are further degrading the soil. We have these separate entities. We have monocultures, and we've taken the animals out of agriculture.

So then we have to add fertilizers and chemicals, which further degrade that soil biology. So, no, this is happening worldwide, and that is exactly why we want to work with specifically American regenerative farmers, because even 80% of the grass fed beef in America is imported. And so we need, as we've learned with the pandemic, we need to create food sovereignty. We need to create systems and small family farms that can recreate the soil health that we're gonna need for future generations to be able to nourish themselves. And so when you think about regenerative ag, it's it's not only not hurting the land.

It's literally making it better rebuilding that topsoil so that we all can nourish ourselves and our future generations. It's a very a very important I always say I I always say if people wanna understand why one of not just the products. I love the products because they're they're tasty and wonderful and nutritious stuff, but I I keep saying, talk to Autumn Smith if you wanna know why I'm enthusiastic about this company. Please just just put her on that's why we're talking today. Just put her up on that.

Let her let her talk, and you'll understand why I'm such we're such enthusiasts. I mean, you you you it's odd to me that the whole conversation I had with, my last guest was about connecting to these primitive intuitions that, you know, humans have been forsaking for a long time. This is the this is Women are good at it. But they you are better at it than we are. That's for sure.

But but this is the this is another part of that same story of this sort of disconnecting and the, you know, the sort of, not being aware of of even intuitively aware of what we should be aware of in terms of how we nourish ourselves and how we deal with one another and how we, you know, feel, how we have spontaneous feelings and how we connect. So really is all all this stuff is about connecting to the the world at large, the the system, the ecosystem. Absolutely. And Will Harris from White Oak Pastures, he's one of my favorite regenerative farmers, and he made us so clear that humans were the first ones to come in and break those cycles of nature. Right?

And we have been doing for 1000 of years. Right? Disconnecting, believe we are separate from nature. But when we choose and support regenerative agriculture, we become part of that system again. And, I think that's exactly what we need.

Like your other guest was saying, just to move forward. Yeah. It's not it's not really going backwards. It's not like, oh, we need to farm the way Cro Magna no. No.

No. We can do we can do with all that we know, we can do in such a way we're not disconnected, and it is better, and it's more nutritious. And, well, listen. I want everyone to go to, and, you will not be sorry. This is I I don't I I don't have language to to encourage people to Eat it every day?

There's certain things that should be part of people's daily routine, and and particularly things like this product. It just, I mean, we'd you know, I'm always chanting. I I have a lot of elderly patients, and I'm like protein, protein, protein. You got you got to get adequate protein. And, these are great sources of it.

Was using it to gain weight. She gained £10 and because I gave her a bag, and she always has a hard time gaining weight, but she's gained £10. And she She still looks way too thin. She still needs a protein. The the bone broth.

And also, Caleb said that it's great for gamers because it doesn't get crumbs in your in your gaming boards. Yeah. Yeah. This this is, very Perfect. It's perfect for while I'm producing.

I mean, look look what I'm what I'm eating right now. I'm eating a bunch of non ones I know. As we're talking about it, and I'm well, I'm just waiting for my venison ones to arrive at some point. Because every time you talk about it, Drew, it makes me hungry. I know.

I know. They're really good. They're but but I just I see you eating this thing, and I wanna say so many people who are my age. This is not a space food stick, everybody. The space food stick was the opposite of this.

This is this is real food. This is real food from real beef, real venison, and, it it's carefully manufactured by by Autumn and her team, and you can rely on it. And so, we're here supporting her as best we can. So, is there anything else you wanna say before we wrap this thing up, Autumn? Well, I think that one of the interesting things about our beef 6 is it's fermented rather than using typical, you know, encapsid citric acid, which is made from GMOs and hydrogenated oils.

We ferment them, like and that's what gives them that very unique flavor profile too. So we just are so grateful, for your support and your enthusiasm, and so thanks for letting me be here. Well, we appreciate having you, and I hope everyone, that listens will get behind Autumn and, pay their value and make it part routinely part of their life. It should be. This is not something you should do just once.

This should be something that you're you're engaged with. It's certainly I I Subscribe for 20% off. I we would have a major, major, major loss if you somehow stop producing some of this stuff. I'm I'm not kidding. It would be deeply disturbing to us, so so don't stop.

And also they have no have a huge line of other products. Alright. Good. What's that? So They have a huge line of other products that you can you can get.

Like, we have the beef tallow. Show them that through Oh, yeah. We have tallow. What's that? Is this a new thing?

This is an and and if you if you want you know, we interview I don't know if you know, Shanahan, doctor Shanahan, doctor Shanahan. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. And she she is was the one of the first to bring me, make me aware that we should be using more tallow and butter and certainly less of the the seed oil the vegetable oils and seed oils, all the things that are giving us cancer, and god knows what else.

And here's the the superfood. Wait. I have one more thing people are gonna love. If you look on this, you can pronounce all of the ingredients on this label of these products. That's right.

That's how you know it's delicious and real. No. That's right. We're we're sounding we're sounding like we're getting a little preachy. I I worry because we No.

Because because it it You're eating it right now. We are. I'm literally hurting it right now, and it's going straight to my very instinctive. Up with protein right now. We are very fortunate to be genuinely enthusiastic about the people we work with, and you guys are not the exception.

So, let's let's leave it at that. You want our listeners to be healthy. We do. And is and, well, how what better partner if somebody puts health over profit, which is these guys. And so we they're the perfect partner for us.

Alright, Autumn. Well, hopefully, I'll I'm let's bring you back in soon. As I keep saying, if they if people are having questions up here in the area, just listen to them soon for a couple minutes. She'd make a great cohost. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We should we should do some of that.

No. We should do some nutritional stuff or some we should do something. That's a good actually, a really good idea. In her free time? Yeah.

Doctor Drew, I would be honored. I would love to do that. And like I said, I'm almost done with my really important stuff right now, so that would be great. And we have no intention of ever stopping with this company. I we come up with product IDs every single week.

Fantastic. And and do you do you have you determined what your thesis is gonna be yet? Do you know what your doctorate's gonna be? Yes. I'm going to, actually present next weekend.

And so I am lucky enough to be part of the beef nutrient density project, with doctor Ben Vliet. He's the head researcher and then working with the BioNutrient Food Association or the BioNutrient Institute with Dan Kittredge. And we are they are defining nutrient density of beef from different production systems. So is grain fed beef different nutritionally than grass fed beef? And are there advantages of using diverse agroecological principles, essentially rotational grazing, regenerative ag.

Are there benefits above and beyond grass fed from using these principles? And so we're cataloging in over a 100 North American farms to find that out. But pretty interesting results so far. We know there's higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids, a better profile of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids, and certain elements or certain minerals are elevated like calcium and iron. And so the data will be pouring in for the next year, but I'm pretty excited about it.

Wonder if c 15 is up in those products. That'd be interesting to see too. Alright. Well, listen. Congratulations on all this, and congratulations on your thesis.

And, we will talk to you soon. No doubt. Okay. Thanks, doctor Joe and Susan. Thank you.

Doctor And, alright. So I need to go get more coffee and put my bone broth in it, which is what I'm gonna do. Try right now. The superfood, golden milk.

It's got turmeric and mushrooms. Okay. And Oh, I forgot to ask about the lion's mane. I wanted to ask about that. Yeah.

It's got lion's mane. Lion's mane, which is I'm I'm I've been reading about that lately. I'm I'm persuaded that's a very good, nutrient to supplement. So Well, throw that in your coffee too. I mixed them together the other day.

I I I'm gonna do that right after this. I promise I will do that. Okay. So, I will wrap this thing up. It's been a very sort of almost emotional, show for me.

Let me quickly Yeah. That was a good one. Yeah. Let me quickly look at Somebody on Rumble said that almond milk is bad for you. There are issues with almond milk.

Why didn't you tell me? I drink it every day. Right? Because you love it. I I didn't wanna it's not the the issues are not This is how you're gonna kill me?

No. No. The issues are not Oh, Now. Yeah. They're not that big.

They're not they're not that bad. I mean, it's not it's not like I'm really worried about that. Milk is okay, though. Right? And by the way, most of it is sort of metabolism killer stuff.

You know what I mean? It's like you you don't have to really worry about it. I saw Vince said something about almond milk, but I didn't click on the link because Yeah. So I wanted to ask myself. Drew, the thing about people talking about you tasting, raw milk live on a stream, that's because yesterday when we raided, Viva Fries stream, that's what they were talking about was that case.

And so they now want you to try raw milk live on a camera at some point. So Okay. That's how we're gonna kill you. The issue wasn't that I want I the issue in that that interview with Barnes was not that I wanted raw milk. I wanted people to be at their liberty to produce it and go get it if that's what they want to do, as long as they understand the risk benefits of that.

So that's all. Alright. Let's wrap this up. I've got I've got other stuff I gotta get to, and so does Susan. We appreciate you being here.

We'll be back on our normal time tomorrow. Tomorrow, this is this is an insane week, by the way. Yeah. There you go. Mike Benz, and Anthony Brown coming in.

Anthony Brown is setting up a homeless shelter. Homeless really you'll see. I I nirvana homeless nirvana in Ohio. Anthony himself was homeless and drug addicted and selling drugs and is a wonderful recovering person, now a nurse and a nurse manager. Mike Benz will put all this together for us in terms of how the blob is sort of behind some of this stuff that, Desmond Mathias Desmond was talking about today.

Salty Cracker, Naomi Wolf. Look at that list. Look at that lineup. Mike Benton, Glendale, John Trump junior. It's it's, gonna be an interesting couple weeks coming up.

So do stay with us. We'll see you tomorrow for Mike Benz, 3 o'clock Pacific time right here. Ask Doctor. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.

This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at


The Geopolitics and Empire podcast is joined by the award winning and best selling investigative author, Edwin Black. He has written about the connections between American Eugenics, American Industry, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust. Mister Black believes the Eugenics Movement, has come back to life in a way as a new science he calls eugenics. Thanks for coming on with us, mister Black. And thank you for having me.

Now you've talked about this over the past few years, and you recently gave a series of talks in Mexico where in a q and a session, you commented on this Chinese dystopian social credit system, which I think you call them eugenics. The COVID 19 situation also for me kind of evokes these themes of eugenics and totalitarianism because we have the entire planet locked down under curfew. We have travel restrictions, based on health certificates that have been proposed, together with this invasive contact tracing, apps. You mean health passports? Okay.

Yes. Exactly. And So that would be an I an identification of the individual on what his deemed status was as he moved about. Mhmm. And then you can tell us, a bit about that.

And many of the actors involved now with these systems seem to be some of the same actors involved in the movement, the eugenics movement that worked with the Nazi regime a century ago. As you detail in your book, we've got the Rockefeller Foundation and IBM, and together with their modern counterparts, Google and Microsoft. And I also believe we're beginning to see signs of this beyond China. Americans are having social media accounts terminated. My viral interview with Francis Boyle discussing the possibility of COVID 19 leaking from the Wuhan lab was promptly deleted by YouTube.

Some people have even been blacklisted from travel apps such as Uber and Airbnb, even financial platforms. And so you call this the algorithm ghetto. It's quite frightening. Few people are discussing it. And given your insight into our eugenics past, in the short time that we have with you, could you break down for us this eugenics cashless society, and the algorithm ghetto?

Well, you've put a lot into your question and it's understandable because there's a lot going going on that pushed up against you and the world prior to your question. Now I did write about this, I believe the book you're referring to is my book War Against the Weak, which, is available in a 190 countries including Kazakhstan. Did did they have Amazon in Kazakhstan? Yes. We do.

Okay. It's available in, Kazakhstan. So, I actually dealt with this on my own show, the Edwin Black show, in one of the early episodes how the COVID 19 was leading to a dramatic, erosion of our personal liberties. So there's a lot to unpack. First of all, the goal of the Eugenics Movement in the United States in the 1st 3 decades of 20th century was to create a white blonde blue eyed, Aryan or nor or, Nordic, individual who would have dominance over all other humans on Earth and indeed would be deemed the only one entitled to live and propagate.

The others were to be segregated, terminated, executed, subjugated, and, that was going to be the master race. This was transmogrified into Nazi Germany, that studied our system and, the whole idea of what we're doing in the United States in terms of forced surgical sterilization, medical concentration camps called, called sanitariums, this artificial intelligence testing, the, the, designation of individuals as subhuman. All of this was replicated and amplified in Nazi Germany in a tremendous velocity and ferocity that, resulted in the holocaust and the mass murder and, and, subjugation of 1,000,000 of Europeans. The we are, as I said in my book and many of my lectures, nugenics is confronting the world now. And Nugenics will create a master race or an enriched race or an ennobled race based not on racial dogma and, national creed, but on corporate worth or corporate value.

Or you could substitute in the governmental ruling class worth or government ruling class value. That is being done right now in, China with the social credit system in which tens of, tens of thousands, indeed, hundreds of thousands of individuals are being constantly rated and re rated by who they talk to, what they do, what they say, what they think, what they post based on, facial recognition, on this massive Skynet system where everyone is under constant observation. I say Skynet not because we're talking about the movie that you wanted to see, Terminator, but but that is what it's called. And it works on every street and even in some cases in inside many buildings. It links up your face rack to your social media, to all your commercial activity, your political activity.

Based on that, you will be allowed to buy a bus ticket, allowed to buy a train ticket, a plane ticket, a better car, or if you consort with, associate with, communicate with someone who has a low ranking who's considered not in good standing with the government, you'll have your own, social credit ranking lowered, even if that's your brother or your sister. Think of the credit card system and the credit system we have in the United States. It's all financially based. In the United States, we have credit bureaus, you have credit cards, you can they don't care what kind of a person you are as long as you have, the green. That's not the case in, China, which is a totalitarian party controlled society.

And now one of, the the great dangers that has come to mankind is when this impulse of the not, of the, Chinese and many others like them, not just in China. There's North Korea, there's part of the United States, which is ranking people, comes into contact and is facilitated by these software programs, get that converse that can virtually do away with you based on an algorithm. You just said it to us. You said that your, YouTube video was taken down, And, does that mean that this will be taken down too if we complain about it? Your YouTube video was taken down.

You said something else was canceled and and, taken down. And what this means is the algorithm, Gettle, will relegate, your position from the 1st row to the 4th balcony in the rear. No one will see you. You may not see anyone else and so you'll be on the rooftops screaming at the top of your voice and no one will hear you. Your tweets will be zombied.

Your Facebook will be zombied. Your YouTubes will be zombied and you don't need to wait for a knock at the door. In fact, your problem is there probably won't be a knock at the door. No one will be knocking because you will be driven in into a nonentity. If you combine this with the cashless society, it means that even for money, you won't be able to buy bread.

You won't be able to buy milk without permission of the state. We are now running into a hyper 1984 status, and COVID 19 has dramatically boosted it like several booster rockets. And in a span of 60 to 90 days or 30 to 90 days, the world is transmogrified into, facial recognition, into an invasion of personal, health privacy. We have a law in the United States called HIPAA. It means they can't disclose any of your health information.

All that's going by the wayside. We have people we have political agendas where not more than 10 people can gather in a church, but 50 people can gather in a marijuana shop. And, people cannot, honor their loved ones on Memorial Day in a cemetery but somehow the protest movement is encouraged and enabled. Don't get together and have life as you know it, but it's okay if you're pro if you're protesting. The inconsistency of these rules, the arbitrariness of it, the fact that you can go to one of our big home homeware stores.

There's one here in the United States called Home Depot. I don't know if you have them there. But, you can buy, you can buy wood, or lumber, but you can't buy a plant. So none of these things make sense, and they're enforced. So while protesters are not arrested.

People trying to have a religious service or give a haircut in the United States are arrested for violating these social distancing rules. Now, that comment had nothing to do with the atrocity that happened to George Floyd, but there are 2 atrocities going on now in the United States. The one that happened to George Floyd, who was tortured and lynched on national television in a slow moving execution. And the, subsequent trigger of enormous violence that has struck the United States. So we're in much greater, danger than we were today, than at New Year's.

We are in much greater danger tomorrow than we were last week. We're in much greater danger next month than we were last month. And the greatest danger of them all will culminate in the 1st week of November, when, we're probably going to see conduct and actions like you would never believe we would have, in the United States. You mentioned also, in your speeches the sort of the end game, RFID, and something interesting, you know, we've heard about all these stories about You're ahead of me. I haven't written RFID yet.

I'm not that's one of my next 18 books. But, yes, RFID will be the, final cog in the wheel. Because with RFID, radio frequency identification, people will not only be tracked by their phones, not only be tracked by their face rack, they'll be tracked with, either an implant under their skin, and many people have such an implant now, or they'll be tracked with, the driver's license that's in their wallet. In other words, they'll be tracked even when they stay home and not only will they be tracked, but their garbage will be tracked. So if all the food in your refrigerator has an RFID tag and, what you throw out in terms of milk, what you throw out in terms of food, your choice of food, your all that stuff will then be thrown into the garbage.

There'll be scanners going down the street in the same way that you have scanners going down the street, collecting cell phone information and driver's license information. We're not headed to a good time. Why do you ask? Well, I mean, it's it's it's frightening. And, just to kind of see the end game, what what would it look like?

You mentioned the cashless society, the RFID. And if someone's locked out or if someone you know, we have someone who's Amish or just rejects this kind of system, I mean, will they literally starve to death? What what will it look like for people who don't wanna go along with this? And will will it be global? Do you see this, like, going beyond China to will we experience it in Europe, the US, Latin America?

It'll it'll be global. It will be like, various fires, like various trash fires or, wildfires. It'll burn in one place, it'll spread to another, burn in another place, spread to another. The burn rates will be unequal. I would say the 2 leading contenders, for the, reduction in liberties will be China and the United States.

And, what will be the end game? You don't wanna be here for it. I mean, is is there any positive no. I mean, what do people do? It seems in a way, you know, this I recall the the German pastor's quote who spoke out against Hitler who said, you know, first they came for this group and then that group and then finally came for me.

And it seems today people are just as complacent, as the Germans were in 19 thirties. I mean, what what are we to do? Well, you wanna know if there's hope. Right? And, you know, I'm frequently asked that question in that very way, and I say no.

There's no hope. But what there is is visual acuity. You can do the best for yourself, for your neighbors, for your family, and for your nation, for the world, by being aware of, what you're being asked to do and where you are going. The people in Scandinavia who lined up to, get a, an in an in an embedded chip in their, in in their hands that would allow them to go into their ordinary office building, it'd be a big convenience and, we've got, a store here owned by Amazon and nobody will use any money. There will be no checkout.

They've got grimace control. Do you know what that is? Well, there's, a little icon in your phone, and it always shows it's watching your facial expressions. So they've got grimace evaluation, grimace control, gesture control, and you'll be under constant scrutiny as you walk in and out, pick up an apple, return the apple, pick up a can of soup with a red label, put it back, pick up another can of soup with a green label, take that can of soup. It'll all be tied into your account.

You'll walk out the door with whatever you have. There won't be any such a thing as shoplifting, but what there will be is bio lifting of all your biometrics. And so that's being done right now in the name of progress. So the people who are going into that store and are be being, guinea pigged. The people in Scandinavia who said, please, chip my hand because I just think it's cool, cool, cool.

The, people who are saying, well, first, I put a chip into my dog so I wouldn't lose it. I'm gonna put chick Chip into my daughter or my, my Alzheimer grandparent so we can track him. You see, the system is always going to start with the most innocuous and understandable, applications. Oh, let's just ship to criminals. We won't have to keep them in a prison.

We won't have to give them bond. We'll know where they are at all times, but then this is how it grows. And there and there may be nothing wrong with chipping the criminals. We already have leg leg, monitors for the criminals. But now they're talking about these types of monitors being applied to regular people so that they will stay 6 feet apart or they may go or not go where the society wants them.

Who's doing this? It's unelected governance. Remember, what is democracy? Democracy is the governed giving consent to the governance. Correct?

That was born the concept of democracy was born in, in the desert when the Israelites left Egypt. And in Leviticus 25:10, it says go forth and spread liberty throughout the land. They conjured up the idea of equality. They conjured up the idea of liberty. They conjured up the idea of a judiciary, which had not existed until that time.

They conjured up the idea of judges, of of a system of equal justice. It's all in Leviticus. This took 3000 years to, maturate and was adopted by the United States into something called the American Revolution, and it created democracy. And there have been 2 impulses. You know, it's just like the universe.

The universe is spreading and contracting. So there's always the notion of widening the circle of entitlement to democratic values and systems. You will remember that America had slavery, that that women could not vote, that, the landless could not vote. All that has been changed, changed, changed, changed. More people are included.

We still have a long way to go. They're not included, they're not included, e equally. But as we make this progress, as this circle of entitlement expands and more people are enabled, there are other people who want to contract. There are other people who want to dominate. There are other people who basically say our way is better than your way, and that is the, lack of choice and approving of those who govern us.

Because when when we don't approve who governs us, we do not we no longer have democracy. I think we've, covered, a lot. If there's any final thought, you have to leave us with, and then as well as let us know where are the best, websites for we to, for us and listeners to find your work. Well, I just hope that people will understand that our our past has been tense, our present is currently tense, but we cannot self determine our future unless we are aware of our past. And for most people, there is so much falsity in the world, so much false narrative.

The loudest voice is often the most heard and penetrated voice. People don't have the knowledge to understand where the road is going. You know, in our world today, there's unprecedented information but very little knowledge. And when you have Wikipedia that can, change history at a moment's notice, when you have, YouTubes and algorithm ghettos, which can, constrict the narrative when you even have a word called narrative. Even the word narrative, when we're dealing with historical fact, fact in in context, we all need to we all need to worry.

If you wanna read some of my books, you can go to, My books are there. You can buy them in a 190 countries, including Kazakhstan and Croatia and Mexico and, all the places where you've been and, you can get them at, at Amazon. And I also have a television show on Zoom now called The Edwin Black Show, and you can go to the You can sign up for our alerts.

I think you have done that, and thank you very much for having me. I hope the next time we talk, the circumstances will be better, but I know that won't be the case. Yeah. I I would hope so too. And regarding your show, the edwinblackshow, dot com, sometimes I think myself and other people, because of the scheduling, can't catch it live, but I see I think you're putting the archives, on YouTube and and possibly elsewhere.

And so I would encourage listeners to support your work. You I mean, your books are amazing, so people can go get them at, and also to, follow your Twitter, edwinblackbook, at Twitter. And thank you for your brave and important work and for being with us on Geopolitics and Empire. And thank you for having me. I hope you enjoyed this Geopolitics and Empire podcast and interview.

I would like to remind you that our website is, and you can sign up for our mailing list that goes out each weekend with the latest podcast and a long collection of important news headlines. It's good to sign up for the newsletter in case we experience censorship and deplatforming. You can help the Geopolitics and Empire podcast by subscribing to and interacting with all of our channels such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Gabb, Minds, and Steemit. You can also help us by leaving a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform such as Itunes, Castbox, Stitcher, Spreaker, and so on. Finally, if you value our work and our mission and would like to see us continue interviewing experts from across the political spectrum, please consider leaving a one time donation via PayPal or Bitcoin or becoming a regular monthly supporter on our Patreon.

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transcript of Please Refrain from Urinating on the Rule of Law, Madam Secretary best evidence

I wanna do a series of short videos on legal issues that are related to money, because I find that a lot of these issues are very important, but they're not understood all that well. And I like to be able to go back to these short videos and refer to them kind of like footnotes when I get back into doing longer form videos, like, documentary link videos. I'm working on one now, for example, about the coup d'etat that occurred in this country in 2,008, a real coup, not a not a fake one. And I'd I'd like to be able to refer back to these short videos kinda like footnotes, like I said. The first issue I wanna cover is the rule of law and Janet Yellen's proposal to hand Russian assets over to the Ukraine and explain why that's so dangerous.

Here is the US Treasury Secretary about assets owned by a country that we are not at war with, and they're not even located in the US. I also believe it's necessary and urgent for our coalition to find a way to unlock the value of these immobilized assets to support Ukraine's continued resistance and long term reconstruction. While we should act together and in a considered way, I believe there is a strong international law, economic, and moral case for moving forward. So notice, first, it's necessary and urgent to take rush assets and give them to Ukraine because the war is not going as advertised. And only second do we hear about the legality of that act.

And even then, all we get is Janet Yellen's belief that there's a legal case to be made somehow, some way to starkly clear. Yellen's proposal is theft, no matter how you slice it. Even if she is ultimately right that there is a legal case somehow to convert Russian assets to Ukrainian assets, her entire plan, her entire process is still blatantly illegal because it puts her personal sense of urgency or personal feelings above the due process of law, which she doesn't even mention. It's just take first and justify later. Congress won't give Ukraine what I want?

No problem. I'll just end run the legal and democratic process, do whatever I want, and pay some attorneys later to justify my actions. It really begs the question where this mindset comes from. And a big clue on that score is that Janet Yellen comes from the San Francisco Federal Reserve where she was the president. It's a privately owned bank.

And the truth is that the bankers hatred of the rule of law and of due process dates back 100, really 1000 of years. In fact, the rule of law had to be invented to counter the very brand of gangsterism urged by Janet Yellen here of, take my word for it. It's a okay to take someone else's property for your own use and worry about the consequences later. Back in the year 12 15, the king of England was in bed with money lenders, and the noblemen were up to their eye balls in debt due to massive interest payments, due to usury, and their property would get seized whenever the money lenders would tell the king, take our word for it. That property is collateral for a loan and the king's men would seize the property, no questions asked.

There was no rule of law back then. There was only the rule of money lenders whose word was the law. And by 12 15, the nobleman had had enough. And they sat down with King John, and they had him sign a document. It is now called the Magna Carta, agreeing to a lot of reforms that appear to this day in constitutions around the world.

Every single one of these reforms related to debt, related to usury, related to the seizure of property, and to abuses by the king acting on behalf of money lenders. Number a piss on Just took a piss on. In front of the entire world. So give me a second and let me read it to you. No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

So there you go. No more rule of money lenders. The law of the land now controls, not the money lenders belief about what's theirs. The king can't just take That is the rule of law, not the rule of man, not the That is the rule of law, not the rule of man, not the rule of a king or a queen, and not the rule of money lenders. Whoever you are ruling, you have to follow legal procedure.

And this takes us right back to Janet Yellen, whose only basis for taking Russian assets is it's necessary and urgent, and I believe there was some legal support somewhere for what I'm doing. There is a legal term for taking property first and offering excuses later, and that term is larceny. And Janet Yellen has just revealed herself as a very dangerous criminal. Because if she can steal European assets by saying it's necessary and urgent, she can steal your assets by saying that's necessary and urgent too. Do not be fooled by her granny stick.

It's simply a gloss over a deeply criminal and psychopathic mindset. When powerful people like Janet Yellen reveal themselves as lawless thugs, as she just did, you damn well better take them seriously. The worst thing you can do is cheer her on because you like the results she's after. You're absolutely slitting your throat wide open with bad precedent when you do that. Okay.

That's it for today. For more information, see the link to my substack in the description box below. Thanks so much for watching, and I will see you real soon.