Reese Reports Transcripts

Transcript to 104min The Romanov Family with World War Now The  podcast with Greg Reese MAY 19, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the Sunday Afternoon Podcast with Greg Rees. I am your host, Greg Rees. Today is Sunday, May 19, 2024, and today's guests, I'm very excited to talk to, are from the podcast World War Now. I will have the link below. Their stuff is really good.

You gotta check it out. It is Conrad Franz and Dimitri Kolaghan, and they're gonna join me today to talk about mostly the Romanov family, which you guys have heard me talking about in the past few weeks. Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. It's an honor to be with you, Greg. As I was telling you off air, you're one of my favorite voices in the Infowars world, so it was a real honor to hear that you wanted to talk to us about this important subject.

I know Dimitri himself is sort of the Russian English language bridge, but I edited, you know, the big recent piece we put out on the on the ritual regicide of the Romanovs. So I'll be happy to contribute as best I can to the conversation. Excellent. It's really, it's in the zeitgeist. My friend, Celia Farber, another popular journalist in America, she's also been going down this rabbit hole kind of on her own, and we just sort of linked up and started talking about it.

And since I've been here in Russia and exploring the Christian Orthodox churches, I've learned that there's a very large amount of Russians here that are are are basically, trying to repent for allowing the Romanovs to be brutally executed by the Bolsheviks, and they feel like in order for Russia to prosper, they need to repent for that. And, I found that extremely interesting. And so I don't know much about it. I know about the Bolshevik Revolution. I know that, there was a dynasty that apparently went back a 1000 years, which is extremely fascinating, and I know nothing about it.

And I know that they were killed, and that's about it. So maybe, maybe, I guess, Dimitri, maybe you can start off and just kind of tell us about, I think a good place to begin maybe is, the monarchy. So, for example, like, as an American, I've always thought very poorly of monarchies, because I always thought of the British crown. And it wasn't really until a few years ago where I kinda heard that Russia had a monarchy. I knew they had a monarchy, but, it went back, like, a 1000 years from what I understand.

It was, like, a 1000 years of Christian rule. So maybe you can start by telling us about that, what a monarchy is, how it was I don't know if we know how it was put in place, how it works, and then we can go through. I'm sure I'll jump in with some questions. Absolutely. No.

It's wonderful to be here, Greg. And, Conrad, good to see you as well. So, of course, the the monarchy in Russia was greatly inspired and generally is seen as the, as a sort of a descendant of the Roman imperial system, especially in its Christian iteration after Constantine the Great, that the emperor who essentially converted the Roman people as a sort of state to Christianity. And here, he saw the vision of the cross in the sky and he had a dream of Christ. And this is sort of one of the Christian traditions sort of going back to 313 AD.

So the idea of the Christian monarchy in the New Testament period for Orthodox Christians and even for some Catholics, I guess, those who are more traditional, I suppose, is quite a normal thing, I would say. And, unfortunately, through Central and Western European tradition, especially after the Renaissance period and after the enlightenment generally, the idea of perhaps liberalization, especially this can be seen described quite well in the Alexander Dugan and Tucker Carlson interview recently where he described the emergence of liberalism and how it essentially promoted liberalization from various factors, especially social factors and social hierarchy, especially the position of the king or the monarch. But going back to, I suppose, the Russian concept, the Russians saw that czar or, I mean, czar can be short for Caesar. A lot of Russians saw it like that. So the czar was seen as essentially a modern version of a Roman emperor in the Russian's eyes, but, not in the sort of a bad sense.

The Roman emperor was seen as a figure in, a Christian figure who essentially was just the not just a regular Christian layperson, but something like a bridge between the priesthood and the regular lady who would attend church. And the Roman Emperor, the Tsar, that is the, you know, like Nicholas the second or any of the Romanov emperors for that particular matter, even the women, by the way. So it's completely non, sexist sort of arrangement in this particular case, especially in the Russian context, but also in the Byzantine Roman context historically. It's seen as an interpretation of what we see in the letters of Saint Paul, the second letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 2 verse 6, where Saint Paul speaks about a certain restrainer who holds back evil, essentially, holds back the antichrist. And I'm paraphrasing the letter here, but if you read 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 and the the entire chapter in this context, how the Orthodox Christian saints and even Roman Catholic saints interpreted that particular verse was that as long as there was a czar or a Christian Roman Emperor on Earth, the dark powers of Satan and, you know, and the antichrist being sort of the son of the devil and his regime would not come to power on Earth.

And, today, I think we, as many Christians, including Protestants and Christians of various denominations, see the power of evil in this, Essentially, this construct The totalitarian New World Order system that's coming to power now. Essentially, it's the forerunner of this Antichrist system which will take over. And as Russians, we, of course, see the fall of the monarchy as a precursor of this globalist system taking over because the czar, especially the last czar, Nicholas the second in particular, who we consider a saint in our church and, he's a very special figure because he was a pious, devout Christian, a very conservative man by modern standards. Essentially, this personification of what a good family Christian man should be. We see him as the one who was trying to withhold withhold this evil power from taking over.

And we're talking about, of course, the roundtable society of the British Empire, you know, run by Cecil Rhodes and the Rothschilds family. We're talking about the Federal Reserve System set up in 1913, which he had a direct, you know, those folks, those bankers, on, you know, the I guess, what we can call the Wall Street consortium, those bankers on Wall Street, in particular, and those German banking families, the Rothschilds being one of them, greatly opposed the czar in some of his policies to sort of, you know, hold back Zionism, hold back these various movements, which are sort of pushing, I guess, evil and all these various ideas today in the world. So the czar was done away with in 1917 through the revolution. And, of course, as you mentioned, Greg, the Russian people betrayed their own monarch and leader in a sense similar to how Judas and maybe even apostle Peter temporarily betrayed Christ at the time of great tribulation. So that we really, as Russians, see it in a way, and I think all Orthodox Christians see the Russians the Russian people as having failed, having betrayed their monarch and given him up, essentially, as this, you know, as the Christ like figure to the Bolsheviks who, of course, ritually murdered him on 17th July in 1918, a year after the Russian Revolution took place.

And that's a massive tragedy and this sort of sin of betrayal, I think, still weighs very heavily on the Russian conscience, which is why today, Russians, especially those getting involved in Christianity, really feel they look back at history and they see this massive moment, this sort of break away from Christian tradition, which goes all the way back to Constantine and even before that to Christ himself. So I think that's a general Generally, a pretty succinct summary of how we as Christians, especially those of the orthodox Christian tradition and that particular church, view the monarchy. And as Russians, this is kind of the a succinct version of our view. So the Russian monarchy goes back to around 300 AD, something like that? Well, essentially, the Russian monarchy itself goes back to the the 1400, roughly, give or take.

That's when the monarchy essentially came into being after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople. So as we know, historically, the Roman Empire divided. And, of course, the Russians took on that role as being this figurehead Christian monarchy, you know, in the in the figure of the tsar. And was it the Romana family back in 1400? Actually, it was that ancient family belonging to the the first sort of Russian prince who arrived in in Russia in the 8 160s AD, so a very long time ago.

And his family ruled over Russians, and and the Russian and Slavic peoples, quite, I would say, liberally. There was a lot of different there was a lot of various liberties. It wasn't as autocratic and totalitarian as we see monarchies today. And, of course, eventually, one of the the descendants of this figure named Rurik, this prince, they became and were anointed and crowned as the 1st Russian tsar around 14. I would say the the officially, the crowning occurred in 15 fifties, but since the 1400 at least, the Russian great prince or the Russian tsar was seen as this figurehead, this Christian monarch.

So that's around the time when the Russian family essentially, this this Russian the first Russian dynasty came into power. But, of course, how did the Romanovs come into this picture? Well, there was a time in Russian history called the Time of Troubles around 16 10, 16/12 period, which was a Russian civil war. It was so bloody and horrible. There was lots of pretenders to the throne.

And once the war was over, the Russians elected a nephew in law, so distant relative of last descendant of this old dynasty. And he was his name was Michael Romanov Only 16 years of age. So glad he was obviously a Virgin unmarried, completely untainted, be blessed civil war. So kind of like a figure. And tried to kill him during the civil war because of the eventually, the Russians of repented and brought the to the And then they wore oath oath before God that the civil war was so horrible in the 1600s that we we swear eternally, as Christians to rule to serve this particular house in order to enjoy.

And this oath, unfortunately, was broken in 1917. And Russians really understand that that seriously, which is why the Romanovs to this day, you know, it's been 400 years, but that that that particular family is held in such a high level and revered very heavily. So You're cutting out a little bit there from my end, coming in and out, but, basically, I from what I understood, you're saying was that, through a tumultuous time, the first Romanoff was put in at a young age, 16, and, I heard you saying something about repentance back then. Did I miss that? Yeah.

Essentially. So yeah. So after the civil war, notice that after 1917, and we read about, you know, Russian history in the 19 twenties thirties, there was no real mass repentance taking place. Like, the Russian church actually called upon its people in 19 in 16/13 after the civil war was over to massively repent. That would mean mass fasting, everybody going to church, everybody reading scripture, very strict regime.

And after this regime was sort of undertaken, this penance is still similar to, the prophet of the Old Testament who called the people of Israel to repentance, then the Russian people elected a particular heir to the throne, Michael Romanov, who was a young man sort of untainted by by the blood of the civil war. And he was seen as this new figure of hope who could, of course, bring unity to Russia people. His non involvement with the previous conflict was like a main factor in his election. And, of course, the hierarchs at the time also saw him as important new step for Russia. And his dynasty was actually quite successful in ruling Russia and, essentially, they led Russia through not only massive territorial expansion, but also consolidation as as the Russian people in and of themselves today.

Like, we owe every this family ruling over us, I think, quite wisely and more or less quite well, I would say, for, you know, for a Christian population. 300 years under Romanovs was quite quite healthy and wholesome. So the Romanov family essentially ruled since from 16/13 until 1917. And throughout their entire reign, there was this, increased progression in Christianization, not just of the Russian people, you know, of course, promotion of missionary work, but also neighboring countries. They devoted not just personal wealth, but also the wealth of the government.

They focused, you know, essentially, the services of the state to Christianize various other peoples around the world. This is, of course, including various native peoples in Alaska, you know, even on the outskirts of Canada, we can say, the West Coast of America had some, not small Russian colonies, but essentially small Russian settlements wherein they tried to promote Christianity. And, naturally, China and Japan were very big, sort of points of Russian missionary work. So the Romanov Empire was not just about geopolitical expansion and the great game or, you know, we speak about these geopolitical terms of fighting against the British Empire in this, the great game of 19th century. But the Romanov Empire of Russia was very much about the spreading of Christianity and sort of this really Christian idealized state, which is probably why the First World War and all these various conspiracies and even the revolution of 1917 really took a lot of people by surprise because the conspiratorial and regicidal, I would say, evil tactics used by these various factions, including, of course, unfortunately, the Freemasons, various, Talmudic organizations, as well as even this banking consortium based out of Germany as well as Wall Street.

I believe the Christians of Russia naively were not prepared just for the power play that would come into effect, you know, at the at the at that point during World War 1, when the country was concentrated on this conflict of world powers, there was this massive conspiracy which was brewing in order to take take the country out in its entirety. And, you know, unfortunately, they almost succeeded, I would say. If not for the modern revival we see today, we could almost say that Russia was murdered, in its entirety, but what we see today is a sort of renaissance, at least partially. Yeah. And, whatever you think about Putin, you can't really take that away from him.

Like, he he saved Russia from from the grips of death, back in the nineties and stuff. I I don't think anyone can dispute that. You were mentioning when you were talking about the 16 and 7 hun 1700, I think I heard you say the people of Israel? Yeah. That's right.

So, essentially, the Russians and the Orthodox Christians, they viewed themselves as they always made these analogies and allusions to the old testament. So and in many ways, just as the the Jewish and Israelite people of the Old Testament, which we read about, you know, in every Bible and we sort of contemplate these ideas and these concepts. And, of course, we we, even as Christians, compare ourselves to some of the righteous people of of the past, we also see the flaws and the faults and and how the Jews and the Israelites always fell into various idol worship and, of course, they fell away from God at various stages of their existence. And the Russians also saw themselves as that. In fact, this is probably if you read any sort of Christian, classical theological work, there's always these allusions to, to the Old Testament.

And, of course, we see that the Russian people saw themselves as this continuation of, you know Certainly, Russians were not Israelites. They're definitely of a different tribe, but at least spiritually, they're part of that Old Testament and, of course, in the New Testament tradition of the Christian church. So, of course, they looked at those Old Testament examples, and they also saw how, you know, the Christian betrayed. So, I mean, the Old Testament Jews betrayed figures like Samuel when they called upon a king in the face of Saul. And, essentially, they Unfortunately, the Russians even repeated that particular example in the face of, you know, betraying their own czar Nicholas the second when they called upon, you know, essentially what was, this weird masonic form of a republic, which was a complete, fiction, I guess, in the Russian context at the time.

And then they, you know, they they called for the revolution of February 1917. And just like the Jews and Israelites rejected, the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament and called for, you know, they wanted a king over themselves in the book of kings, or we can read about this. The Russians, of course, called for, a democracy, right, a democracy, a republic. They essentially called for a weird revolution amidst a world war, essentially. So World War 1 was taking place and, these Russian people and, of course, this is this is a small group of elites we're talking about here, not the majority of the population.

But, again, that's how at least we kind of view this sort of punishment scheme as well, where the Lord essentially punishes the Russian people for making these missteps, just like he punished the Israelites and the Jews in the Old Testament. We can see that again. We spoke to our good friend, Andriy Fonasyev, and he made a very correct analogy, being a Russian Orthodox journalist who's involved in the special military operation. In a way, the Russians today, for their lack of involvement with the Ukraine and lack of focus on that particular country and even what was taking place, the NATO, the integration of Neo Nazism, and all these various Banderite cults. Russians did not, you know, out of their lukewarmness, did not see that coming.

And now they're being punished by the disease has really settled in on their borders and now it's really tough to sort of get it out. And, essentially, that's what the SMI, I suppose, is all about at the end of the day, according to president Putin. But, you know, world war world war 2, I think, was world war 2 would not have happened if the Russian Revolution know, it was an outcome of the Russian Revolution in Yeah. I I would say that. Just a material sense.

The past 100 years wouldn't have happened if it wasn't, like that's what I like, I just wanna start off talking about how I've been getting into this and my friend, Celia, has been getting into this. I guess what I meant was we're realizing how important it was. Like, it it if it changed the entire century. And I got a couple quick questions, to interject. Okay.

So how does a monarchy work? Okay. So they they you have a family in rule, which I think being in Russia makes a lot of sense because I just went out, and did, like, a man on the street interview and talked to a bunch of random Russians and had them asked them if you could say anything to America, what would you say? And the answer was basically the same. Whether they were young or old, it was all about the family and how important the family is.

And it was very inspiring because I I couldn't agree more. And so it kinda makes sense to have a family ruling, especially family that lives with a good example because it's sort of a reflection of the people. You know? You don't wanna like, if you have a in America, we have a a bureaucracy of madness. Mhmm.

Mhmm. So it makes sense that that sorta ends up over time reflecting on the country as being just a country of consumers and a bureau you know? So it makes sense. But how does that work? I I I'm guessing the, the family chooses members of the government and and, similar to, like, an Aristoc or I don't know if it's Aristoc or say I can't remember what it's called where, or even in a republic.

A republic makes more sense than a democracy because you have a certain set of laws that everyone agrees to, and then you have people that are capable of of, exacting those laws and and taking care of business. So is that basically how a monarchy works? Yeah. The, I may be able to let Demetri answer a few of these things. But, yeah, as for, you know, there's you've you've heard of these things when you read even about medieval legends and courts and whatnot.

There are, of course, the the members of the court of the emperor, and he has his administrators and cabinet members, you know, much like a president. You know, in a lot of western countries, they don't even have a strong president executive figure. There's such a almost anti monarchical bias in the western world these days against, the strong leader and everything. But yeah, as far as the family is concerned, it's there's the heir, of course, and then there is I mean, at different times in Russian history, there was even a chief procurator of the Russian Orthodox Church when there was there was at one time a patriarchate, and another time there was a Metropolitan, and the crown at one point appointed the sort of lay leader of the, Synod of the church who would help protect the church and guide it from heresy. So as far as, you know, the the administration goes, a big part of it actually is something in orthodoxy.

You might have heard you might have heard people talk about this, Greg, in Russia, is symphonia, which is sort of this relationship between the church and the state that is of a different between kind of the 2 Western models we see now which are sort of the separation of church and state and the secularization of society. You know we saw in the post Reformation period sort of local princes were allowed to pick between being Catholic or Protestant. And those Protestant princes and lands, you know, they were able to take a lot of the land into the state and eventually the state sort of overtook the church, whereas in some cases, the Catholic church subsumed the state with the pope having more power than than the rulers. But in the case of Orthodoxy, we have what we call symphonia, which is this sort of we could consider it a working of the Holy Spirit, this working of the church with the state where the state protects the church from error and the church protects the state and the ruler from falling into sin and heresy and these other things. We think of the story of, Saint Ambrose rebuking Saint Theodosius after he committed a pretty barbaric act of, you know, putting down an uprising in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Saint Ambrose then refused to allow him into church to receive communion as sort of a check on his, you know, on his power and abuse over over certain people. But I mentioned this as well in the Eastern Roman Empire, and I think Dimitri had mentioned this as well, is it was so key to the Russian Empire and the Roman Empire, which in many ways Moscow considered itself the 3rd Rome, the successor to, you know, the the Roman Empire centered in Rome and then Constantinople. And then as Dimitri said, 14 53 when the Eastern Roman Empire fell, Moscow sort of took upon that Christian imperial role. And Ivan III, the grandfather of Ivan the Terrible, Ivan IV, he and his wife was Sofia Palaiologos, who was Ivan's grandmother, who she was herself a princess and direct descendant of the last Roman emperor of Constantinople. So this sort of lineage from around the 400s up till 14/53, there was sort of this 1000 years of Christian imperium from Constantine up until this final Constantinoplean emperor.

And then for another, you know, 500 plus years in Moscow from, as Dimitri explained, the line going all the way back into the 800 up into Ivan the Terrible up into the Romanov family with ending with Tsar Nicholas II. This line was sort of the it was sort of viewed even in the West, it was viewed as this sort of final Christian bastion. The Christian Empire was still alive in the Russians even if even other Christian countries would fight wars against them. It was considered this very important kind of role not just in Russia where they, of course, directly rule the state and were executing autocratic total power up until 1905. And even then, the reforms towards a more democratic republican representative form were quite minor compared to the rest of the west at the time.

This this cactaconic idea that Dimitri said that the antichrist may not even be able to reign at all while a true Christian empire reigns on earth. That was, again from Constantine all the way to Tsar Nicholas the second that was that unbroken line that we had kind of always talked about. So you talk about you know the role of the emperor in many ways. 1918 when they slaughtered him in this ritual way that Dimitri is definitely going to get into more detail about. They really tore open the gates you know for for chaos around the world And I think the fact that it's been barely over a 100 years since that happens and we saw the first two world wars as you mentioned before And now all this craziness we're seeing now, I don't think it's too insane to say that that this ritual regicide we're discussing right now may very well have been the beginning of sort of these latter days we're living through right now.

I agree. And before we get there, I just because I just wanna get these thoughts out. The okay. So right now in Russia, it's very multicultural. There are Jews and Muslims here, and it's it seems like they've probably been around a long time.

Russia's a really big place. 100 of years ago, back when, you know, we're talking about the 1500, 1600, 1700, were there I'm sure it was predominantly Christian. It was a Christian nation, but were there Jews allowed? Were Muslims allowed? Were people allowed to practice other religions here?

I think absolutely. We see, essentially, especially amongst the Russia's multicultural population, because the Russian princes, especially that first dynasty we spoke about, the Rurik dynasty and then the Romanovs always ruled over a multicultural, multi ethnic, multi religious empire or, you know, fiefdom or kingdom, essentially. So they always had subjects who essentially weren't Christians at some point, including pagans at one point. Even, Prince Svyatoslav had an entire pagan knight Viking type army. And, you know, we we read about various people.

Christianization, it took, at this point in Russian history, 100 of years at this point. And we have Muslim communities in Russia, like, in places like Tatarstan and Crimea, I think. Well, Crimea is now a part of Russia, thankfully, but Crimea has a very old, you know, Crimean Tatara population, which goes back to, like, you know, Ottoman Turkish days. So, essentially, you know, part of that particular tradition, but also a very ancient community of Jews, which we don't hear about today. These are non Talmudic Jews called Karaims in Russian or Karaites.

And Karaites, there's only about less than 2,000 of them around today. These are very particular Jews who, essentially, we're not sure what their connection is to the Old Testament exactly, but they essentially only read the Torah. They reject the Talmud in its entirety, so And they also follow very, I would say, easygoing rituals. They're not like Hasidic Jews that we see today or even the Jews we see all over Israel. They're very small, very, I will say, timid minority, which existed in Crimea.

And, in fact, they were allowed to practice almost entirely freely. The only religion, unfortunately, for that religion, for that particular denomination that was suppressed legally speaking in Russia, so was, of course, this, I would say predominantly Ashkenazi slash Sephardic because there were Sephardic immigrants community of Hasidic Jews. And, of course, before they were Hasidic, they were essentially that particular iteration of European Jewry, which dominated, I think, mostly We read about this in Polish history, Lithuanian history. They, essentially, migrated to Russia very slowly from Central Europe, from Germany, from Poland, and they tried to take over certain Russian markets around the 15, 1600. But already, in those like Renaissance era years, we see the Russian government begin to make laws suppressing certain practices such as usury, such as, these particular people of that religion holding certain government positions, so like public service, public office.

Because, again, despite the fact that Russia was a monarchy and it had all these, you know, As all Indo European Aryan societies did in the time, it was hierarchical. So people were Maybe you can say you had a caste system in and of itself. So you are part of a merchant caste or, say, a military caste, and a lot of Russian nobility were actually part of that military cast. And you can actually join a particular cast and even grow through the ranks. So there was a meritocracy to it too.

But these members of this particular religion were suppressed by law from entering into any of these arrangements in the Russian state for at least 600 years. And this was mainly due to the fact of, essentially, the Orthodox Christian religion viewing the I suppose it's the religion of the Talmud. So these teachings, these negative sort of sayings about Christ, the mother of God, Mary, and all these other, sort of, shall we say, blasphemous and sacrilegious statements, which we find in some of those texts, they viewed them as highly disrespectful. There was no other equivalence in other religions of the world. So this religion was seen as essentially toxic, and probably the equivalence would be they saw them as a mix between Antifa, Al Qaeda, and, I'm not sure, maybe BLM.

Yeah. And so the suppression was very much not because of, say, racial hatred, but it was solely based on a sort of theological understanding that these people, do not what their belief simply cannot coexist with ours in in a sort of free liberal sense. And that's probably why we see anti Semitic laws you know, I say anti Semitic in, like, the modern term, of course, that term changes and the United States legal system, as we can see, is currently looking into what that what anti Semitism even is. But anti Semitic laws were on the books for that particular purpose, to protect the Russian people because they saw, you know, these particular folks of that community as a risk for at least 600 years. I mean, that makes sense.

And, I don't really consider myself a religious person. I I I do consider myself a Christian. I always have since I was since as long as I can remember, because I I, like, I grew up in the Catholic church, and I I honestly couldn't stand it. And, and it and I considered it evil. But Christ, it's kinda like how can you have a problem with Christ?

It's love your neighbor. It's do unto others. I've never had a problem with that. I've always understood it. I've never wanted to I have a conscience.

My conscience has always been in line with the teachings of Christ, so it's just basic fundamental stuff to me. And when you guys are saying how a Christian monarchy could keep the devil out, the way I see that because once again, I'm not a religious person and I don't believe, I don't believe anything exists outside of God. I believe everything everything that exists is a part of God, and that would include what people call the devil or Satan. And so to me, the devil or Satan lives within each of us. And when we you can see it happening in America, and we're gonna we're about to get into the Russian regicide where it seems like it was deliberately encouraged by these, Talmudic Jews and the Bolsheviks to bring out this evil inside of us through temptation, through setting traps, through, you know, using our free will to lead us down the wrong paths, get us into trouble, and that's where all the trouble seems to start.

That's that's just me chiming in my 2¢, and it makes perfect sense to me. The there's a lot of talk right now in America of, like, a Christian nationalism. The term Christian nationalism always freaks me out because it makes me think of, something militant and, oppressive. I'm I'm generally anti government to the core. But the way you're describing the monarchy in Russia with Russian Orthodoxy, I'm starting to understand how that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Like, because it is Christian to allow people to practice their different religions as long as they're not, you know, bringing the devil out of people. Like, for example, you know, I've met plenty of Jews and plenty of Muslims that can easily get along with any Christian. I've met plenty of Buddhists that can easily get along with any Christian. When you're respecting each other and loving each other and taking care of your family and not trespassing against each other. That's basically all you gotta do, in my opinion.

But the Talmudic Jew tradition, which I think everyone is starting to understand more, you can see it clearly with the Zionists. And the Zionists, from my research, aren't even religious. If anything, they're well, I I I I think that's a front. I think they definitely believe in God. If anything, you could describe them as satanic.

So this little rant of mine, I guess, leads us to prior to 1917, prior to the revolution, as we work our way up to the ritual murder of the Romanov family. Maybe you could tell us how that happened. I imagine because because you're saying the Russian people feel bad about it, which tells me that it wasn't just a surprise attack. It tells me that they were somehow subverted and convinced to go along with it. So how did that happen?

Was it similar to what we're seeing in America? Was it an outside influence coming in and and subverting the people? Well, from what I understand in my research, I've been looking into this question for over 12 years at this point. So it's an ever increasing sort of knowledge. And the more I look into it, the sort of it's like that, Nietzschean quote, you know, you stare into the abyss and, of course, the abyss looks back at you.

And it does get really dark. And even the article we published, you know, it's not a light read at all. And in fact, you know, if anybody wants to look it up, it's really you need to take your time with it because it's a dark subject matter. And this fall of the Russian people falling away from Christianity first and foremost, and, of course, falling away from Christianity means tearing society apart in a revolutionary fervor, similar to how BLM does, you know, American society apart in Antifa participates. The Russians also fell into this passion, right, of essentially chasing revolutionary ideas, similar to how the French chased the French revolutionary ideas.

Because even if, say, we believe in 17/76 and the American Constitution and the founding fathers, I think even the founding fathers wouldn't have condoned what took place in the reign of red you know, essentially, that first red terror that took place in Paris and all the other provinces in France. I mean, it's just insane. When you read about the details of the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution doubled or tripled that in severity. But how how did it get to this point? Well, essentially, through long term subversion.

So on on one hand, of course, the Russian people are at fault for even going along with some of these ideas, but, unfortunately, it most likely began with the fact that Russia expanding westwards, not even eastwards because, unfortunately enough, the eastern people so we're talking about the Mongolians, the Buddhists, the Tibetans, Central Asians, the Uzbeks, Tajiks, the Muslims of Central Asia, the, even the Japanese and Koreans, they're mostly quite tame because notice how this this idea of liberalism, and liberalism in its most toxic form, right, this weird liberalization, which leads now to transhumanism. It appeared, for some reason, in Europe, on that particular continent, not in Africa, not in Asia, there's probably a cause for it. Right? There's probably a cause, and I'm I'm guessing the cause has very occult and esoteric roots based on my personal research. Perhaps it goes to the Rosicrucians, the Knights Templar, some of these Talmudic ancient groups, which brought over this old Canaanite knowledge, which, you know, we read about in the Old Testament constantly, and, of course, taught it to the the Goyim and the and the stupid Gentiles during the Renaissance in which they took on board and began developing some of these toxic ideas.

And Freemasonry, of course, appeared as a very attractive form. And Freemasonry in the 1700 migrated to Russia. Around 17 fifties, Freemasonry was if you were a man of any sort of wealth, if you were like a merchant or a noble person, especially a noble person, you you had to be a freemason. And, of course, this is very sort of misogynistic in a modern term because women weren't allowed to be freemasons. But almost every Russian noble person in the 17 sixties was a freemason.

And it was strange because freemasonry was this weird I mean, you probably know a lot about it, Greg, and it is part of, like, American history to know at least basic ideas of what freemasonry is. But for Russia, it was quite foreign. And Russian freemasonry had a very toxic anti Russian element to it because, essentially, the Freemasons in Russia taught that, well, the Russian culture and Russian Christian traditions, they shouldn't be sort of adopted and expanded upon, they should be changed because Russians are not as good as some of these Western people. Look at the Germans, look at the French, the English, we should be more like them, not just technologically and materially, economically, and not just in the way, look at these Western people, how they build these massive sea empires and expand and, you know, participate in all these incredible wars, and we shouldn't just look look at that. Right?

I know it's at this point, it seems funny, but for those days, it looked amazing. And even Peter the Great built the big Russian fleet being inspired by the shipbuilders of Amsterdam and the French. You know, he was he was enamored by the Spanish empire. I mean, these are glorious sort of constructs of Western civilization. So the Freemasons taught that.

It wasn't just that that was impressive, but the philosophy. But, unfortunately, this was probably the worst element of Freemasonry is this weird, ecuminous vision of, well, maybe all religions can be 1. And when we talk about all religions can be 1, this includes, of course, Talmudic Jewry. Right? And this is where, really, the rubber hits the road, and we begin understanding, we begin driving down this dark sort of path towards revolution because freemasons taught that Russian society needed to change.

And if, of course, the czar didn't want to change it, if the priests didn't want to change it, then perhaps it needed to be changed by force. And, eventually, these ideas, they infected mostly the higher ups in society, but they began to trickle down, especially during the industrialization period of the 1800s. There was letters that priests essentially, there were there wasn't any HR management, like, human human resources back in those days. So essentially, how priests and, clergy people acted as HR managers of massive factories all over the Donbas region, for example, outside of Pete Saint Petersburg. Like, the outskirts had massive factories which were producing things in the 1800s.

And as Russia industrialized, these factories became hotbeds of, essentially, watered down, masonic revolutionary ideas. And in a way, we can This is essentially where socialism really comes along in the 1800s and also spreads for these same avenues, for these massive gatherings of people and for these demagogues who teach these, essentially, foreign ideas and non Christian ideas. Because Karl Marx, as we know, you know, he was a grandson of a rabbi. Who knows where exactly his vision of building a utopian kingdom of the socialistic communist kingdom on Earth you know, came from. Right?

Who knows who the progenitors and who whispered into his ears? You know, probably the devil. But which humans sort of contributed to him? And I think, you know, Karl Marx did have, you know, he had one of his, 3rd cousins actually, who was a poet, Henrik Heine, who and his poetry was actually written on the walls of the parts of house where the Romanovs were ritually murdered. So there's a direct connection between even Karl Marx and this particular murder, but socialism essentially used the same mechanisms as freemasonry to infect the Russian people and progress these ideas of change.

We need change. We need change now radically. And, of course, this, I guess you could say it's not there's there was nothing righteous about the Russian revolution, unlike perhaps the American revolution, which had probably benefits to it in terms of the British empire really being capitalistic in this massive, like, industrial machine, which was forcing a lot of people to essentially, forcing a lot of people into slavery. And this is including not just the native people, but a lot of white Western Europeans into essentially working for this massive monster, which then they came, of course, enthralled by the banking capital of Central and Western Europe. And the British Empire really wasn't wasn't the same.

And I would say the British king was unfortunately, even his power was severely limited by, I think, these various Talmudic, capital interests, unfortunately, at that time. But this is most likely this is a summary of how the Russian people essentially were infected as through this, for these western unfortunately, the worst western ideas came to Russia. Not just the best ones such as the technology and, you know, how to industrialize and things like that. We will see all these countries benefiting from these ideas of capital. Russians were always, by the way, mercantile and very capitalistic.

Just for, and I use capitalistic in the most crude sense because we see Russian merchants all the way back to the 80 800, 900 trading with the Greeks using these massive, you know, really long Viking type ships to trade furs and honey and, you know, wine and beer and, you know, maybe even the early forms of vodka to the Greeks and the people in the south and in the Mediterranean. Russians were always into entrepreneurship, exploration, very similar to how the Americans had their wild west, the Russians had their wild east. And, of course, expanding eastwards through Siberia, through the tundra, the forest, the mountains, and even into places like the south southern Urals, the Yekaterinburg region where this murder takes place, exploring some of these ancient, you know, sometimes very cursed sites, it led Russia to sort of really enrich itself. And I think culturally speaking, communism was very, very foreign to Russia. And this is why it was rejected, like, by essentially the Russian immune system after about 70 years.

The Russians just stopped believing in it. And hopefully, the toxic ideas of liberalism will also be eventually rejected by the Russian sort of antibodies who are working, I think, pretty much overtime at this point. Oh, that's it. It's very interesting. And, basically, what I'm hearing is that the the main infiltration came from the crown because that's where freemasonry comes from.

Freemasonry is obviously a mixed bag. Every time you bring up Freemasons and their shenanigans, everyone's like, oh, come on. My uncle's a Freemason. They're fine. And I think that's they're very clever.

That's part of the game is they recruit. Like you said, back in the day, everyone had to be a freemason. And then, you know, later on, you didn't have to be a nobleman. It was just if you were a concerned citizen and you wanted to hang out with your neighbors, you know, outside of government in a private setting, it makes sense. But then within that group, they're able to recruit.

I would say in my research, like, when people talk about the power of Talmudic Jewry and Israel and Zionism. I'm always amazed at why the crown gets such a pass. Everyone, like, ignores the British crown. If it was not for the British crown, there would be no Israel. I don't see the, the the Talmudic Jews as having that much power.

They don't have as much in my opinion, they don't have as much power as the crown or the Vatican. And the crown and the Vatican empowered them and used, in my opinion, used them as a tool. It was a very useful tool for their needs. And, I mean, this is no slight against the British people, but it seems like the the crown and to get a little weird here, you know, David Icke talks about the the reptilians, and he's not the only one. There are several people that do that.

The Talmudic Jews, in my research, seem to worship some type of dragon, from what I can tell, and, some type of beast. And it seems like maybe the crown does too, and maybe they just have the same demon god. Maybe there is a devil. You know, I was saying earlier the devil lives inside of each of each of us. Maybe there is an external demigod reptilian creature that these people are are following orders from.

I don't know. I I digress. But would you how do you feel about that, the the the influence mainly coming from the crown? It seems like the crown has a long history of of trying to take control of everyone. Well, Greg, it's a really interesting point you make as well because you're pointing out the difference, I guess, between sort of the post, you know, Christian, I guess, post schism in many ways, monarchy, quote unquote, that rose up in the West as opposed to what we would consider, as we've just discussed, the true successor to Christian imperium, which is the Russian Empire in the East.

And we could get all into Charlemagne and Pepin the Short and and eventually all of the other, you know, Holy Roman Empire and these other things that sort of went away from the original vision of a Christian Rome and how it was originally concepted and how its successor was in Constantinople. But you mentioned Freemasonry and its connection with the British crown. Of course, we know that King Charles in his capacity as king of England is the head of all of the Freemasons and lodges in the UK. That's not even debated. I've spoken with multiple royals around the world that have actually talked about how they've sent letters to King Charles trying to get him to perhaps curb the masonic influence that he takes in when he is thinking about what he does as both the head of the Church of England, the head of state of England, and of course the head of British Freemasonry.

But we've discussed this on the show before in many ways. Freemasonry is is People have said this before, Judaism for the Gentiles. It's this, I guess, lower version of this higher Talmudic, Kabbalistic understanding that, in my opinion, at least exists for a lot of people to usher them into low level, you know, kind of devil worship, ritual, you know, bad rituals, kind of paganism. And then for the people that get into the higher up levels, they get into the Scottish Rite and the other kind of offshoots of your average local Freemasonic Lodge that end up into the 32nd, 33rd degrees and these sorts of things. It gives them a sort of, we know, the eyes wide shut kind of little idea that they're getting initiated into the secret society and perhaps then they do meet a bunch of Talmudic Jews and network with them.

But we've talked in the past a little bit about the the deeper lore with Freemasonry with Haram Abiff and all of the Solomon Temple stuff. But as far as far as how that relates to, you know, the monarchy in Russia and everything, we've talked about Hazaria as well in the past, the relationship between, you know, the the Jews that, you know, went into the diaspora, you know, the conversion of Caesarea to Judaism, these sorts of things. Even the idea of a new heavenly Jerusalem in Ukraine and that this war is perhaps being fought to secure a second Jewish homeland. I'm sure, Greg, you're more than familiar with some of these ideas. But the the the the reason with the whole crown versus versus and Judaism thing is I I would personally say that there are certain degrees of Jews that would usurp the Vatican and the British crown and certain other things in power, for example, especially when you look at even we just did a fantastic show with a good friend of ours, Gregory Hears, on the life of Saint John Vatazes, who was the emperor of Nicaea.

That might not sound like a super relevant empire. It was a brief era when the papists, the Roman Catholics controlled Constantinople for about 50 years. And so the Byzantine Emperor was basically exiled to this area of Nicaea and he was understood to be the successor to the Roman Empire at the time. And one of the big things he did was he refused to allow usury. He refused to sort of engage in religious ecumenism like worship with the Catholics or worship with the Muslims or these any groups.

And he stuck strong to Orthodox Christianity. And ultimately, you know, he himself, you know, was able to preserve this this Byzantine Empire that ultimately we believe, as we said before, came ultimately to be the, the Russian Empire as the 3rd Rome. But the hold on. I'm trying to find this this this prophecy right here. We we talk about how, of course, it's been about a 100 years since the death of the final emperor, but there are many prophecies from saints that had things to say about the war also sort of cataconic status as a resistor of Talmudic also sort of catachonic status as a resistor of Talmudic Judaism and as a resistor of the antichrist, We talk about the fact that the Jews have this eschatological figure, Armillus, who's sort of like their version of the Antichrist that has to come before their you know, Messiah comes and in their version of the story it's a it's a Christian emperor who, you know, stands for virtue and these sorts of things.

And eventually the Antichrist comes and kills him and then rules and, you know, ushers in the rule of, you know, the Jews and all these sorts of things. But remember Saint John Vatazes, he was Nicene. He was from the area of Constantinople, the Eastern Mediterranean. This is from a Siberian saint. This is Martyr Eldris Danushka of Siberia.

She passed away in 1918. Right around the time of the czar, she prophesied that, the czar will leave the nation, which shouldn't be, but this has been foretold to him from above. This is his destiny. There's no way that he can evade it. For this, he will receive a martyr's crown on earth for which he'll receive subsequently an eternal crown, a heavenly one.

And it's also known that a famous Russian saint, Saint Seraphim of Sarov, which, Greg, I'm sure you've seen images of him and heard his name being in Russia, he supposedly handed, these nuns before he died a note. Then he said to hand this note to the czar that will canonize me as a saint, and that ended up being Tsar Nicholas II. They handed him the note, and it said that he became very somber and reserved after reading this note and it's claimed that it prophesied his martyrdom. But the real prophecy I'm getting to here, it says that Russia will be supreme in the world. Her name will be Holy Rus'.

This is from the Siberian Eldress again. Her name will be Holy Rus'. All sects and religions will pour into orthodoxy, but orthodoxy and essentially speaking religion will draw closer to what what it was in apostolic times. In those centuries to come, there will no long there will no longer be any czars or quarrels. In Holy Rus', Niaz, which means prince or duke, will reign who will come from the nation that gave us our religion.

And the footnote here says that that means Byzantium, so the sort of Greek areas. He will be supremely spiritual person. He will provide the opportunity for uplifting the moral fiber and the spiritual principles of the nation. So these prophecies about the return of the tsar, I mentioned Saint John Vatazes, the emperor of Nicaea, there's prophecies of him returning as this marble king who is currently residing under Constantinople that he in fact was only really just asleep as opposed to reposed or died in the 1200. And this prophecy from a Siberian old elder woman talks about a future emperor, Prince of Russia coming from Byzantium.

And these are prophecies from 100 of years apart, disparate times, different languages. So the fact that these Greek and Russian prophecies are coinciding so much in this sort of imperial, monarchical, eschatological form is is very fascinating to me, and it's one of the things that we talk about the most on our program. That's one of my favorite things about orthodoxy is the the open mindedness to prophecy. It's like anyone, you know, is or they recognize that prophecy can come from almost anywhere. Okay.

So I'm starting to, you know, one of my biggest questions I've always had is I don't understand the idea of I guess, satanism is one of the best words to use, but maybe a better word is anti antichrist, anti Christian, because that's really what it seems to be. It seems to be, an attack against Christianity. I never understood it because like I was saying earlier, I've always found the teachings of Christ to be quite appealing. You know? Not just appealing, but, easy.

You know? Like, I I'm not a perfect person. I do have temptations, but I don't really ever have temptations to dominate another person or to control another person or to, I mean, the few times I have trespassed against my neighbor, I felt quite bad about it, and it's not something I wanna do. And it seems like these anti Christian forces, freemasons, Talmudic Jews, it seems like that's what they want. And, you know, the the only way I've ever been able to wrap my head around it is maybe they're more like savage animals, and they, they don't like the idea of not being able to, you know, rape and pillage and steal and murder.

And and they hate that, so they just wanted to get rid of Christianity. Which leads me to, natural law really quick before we get into the the regicide, because the Mark Papasio, I'm a big fan of his. He's a I guess you could say he's a former satanist whistleblower for the church of Satan, and, he teaches natural law. And, basically, what he says is he says that these dark occultists, that's what he calls them, and I guess that's what I'm referring to as Satanists, anti Christians. He says what they're doing is is they know that, if we abide by natural law, which is basically not it's basically Christian law, I think you could easily argue.

It's it's not stealing in any way, not killing, not stealing, not lying, being a decent person, being, like, a Christian like person. If you abide by that law, then God will bless you. You will live in a in a peaceful, healthy environment. You can your family will thrive. This is basically what you guys are saying as far as the idea of a Christian monarchy.

If if the people if you have a righteous Christian monarchy that supports the Christian law, then then you're gonna have a thriving place. And according to Mark Passio, these dark occultists that are, you know, behind all these nefarious organizations we're talking about, basically, they know this, and what they're trying to do is tempt us and trick us into not just disobeying natural law, but, you know, inverting it, basically, and bring about, chaos. And, why they would wanna do that, I have no idea. But I think that's a that's a segue to what happened in 1917. You mentioned at the beginning of this discussion, you referred to the murder of the Romanovs as a as being ritually murdered.

This is something that I never really heard before until I came to Russia. And I I often hear when I've talked to people about this, they always add the word ritual to the murder. There's even pictures at the church I went to. They have a museum for the Romanovs, and they have, like, Kabbalist Jews, like, cutting a chicken's head off as a symbol of this. I'm friends with the man who made that exhibit, by the way.

Okay. So maybe you could talk about that. Like because it makes sense, everything we've been talking about, that I mean, the murder of the Romanov family itself was a ritual. Right? It was getting rid of this Christian rule to make way for a very dark time.

And so, and I don't even know exactly what that entails, There you know, how they were murdered. I just heard it was bad. So maybe you could you could take us there to what happened to the Romanov family in 1917. Certainly. So as as we spoke about earlier, Greg, and, frankly, it's it's very important, actually, what you said about the satanic, whistleblowers from that community, of course, those who turn to Christ telling us all about, you know, what took place in those particular cults.

I think someone like Ted Gunderson, I just wish he was alive today to sort of witness some of these massive awakening changes that are taking place because his testimony was, I think, really powerful. I think some of his lectures really taught me a lot about that sort of dark side of American occultism or at least what was happening in the United States behind the scenes. And, interestingly enough, a lot of what Ted Gunnerson spoke about, the the tunnels, the the weird rituals, the summoning of, you know, evil powers or sort of these dark passions and demons. Right? Spiritual beings through these, weird rituals, especially criminally, shall we say, violent rituals.

Right? These rituals involve bloodletting, murder at times as well. Because as we know, all over the ancient world, murdering of animals, especially and and even humans, we see this all over the Old Testament. And even when God, of course, ordered Abraham to, let's say, ritually murder Isaac on top of, on top of the Mount Moria, Abraham was not surprised because that was the common practice in the ancient world. All the pagan peoples around the world, whether it be Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, you know, Italy, you know, Scandinavia, everybody was sacrificing humans and animals around the world.

Blood bloody sacrifices was the common trait. Why? Bill, of course. I'm sorry. I gotta jump in really quick because this is something that I often like and and this a lot of the things I say, I'm sure, could probably trigger and offend religious people, but I often question like, the the Bible tells us that Yahweh was God, and and I I don't, personally, I don't feel like I'm praying to Yahweh.

Like, the God I'm praying to you, I don't think would want genocide, murder, and sacrifice. Maybe I'm just not privy to to the reasons. Maybe I mean, I that's why I'm interjecting. Why why do you think prior to Christ that was the norm? That's the thing.

It was the norm in those who followed religions, which were worshiping false gods. So in, you know, in our sort of understanding, these various Egyptian gods, these Mesopotamian deities, these Canaanite deities, these Phoenician gods, Moloch, Baal, Astarte, who we mentioned in the article about the regicide, these deities were not related to, you know, the Holy Trinity, God the Father, or even Jesus Christ in any capacity. In fact, they were essentially just like David Ickes speaks about reptilians taking over various governments, you know, taking on the form of people. These fallen angels were taking on the form of spiritual deities, sometimes even positive deities, like they would perform healing miracles or things, you know, special spiritual events would take place in temples and other so called holy places. And in return, they would demand sacrifices of animals and sometimes even humans, including, of course, babies, which is it gets really dark, but a lot of Phoenician cults and especially we read this in Roman history during the Punic Wars, children will be sacrificed by the Carthaginians before battle and even the king sacrificed his own children.

We don't see this in the Old Testament in terms of the actual Jews who followed God, as in God, Yahweh, the God the Father, the Holy Trinity. Those who follow the correct God did not sacrifice humans. In fact, it was forbidden, and especially that's accentuated in the Torah, so the 5 books of Moses. And Aaron, of course, forbid any sort of occult sacrifice. In fact, only animals were sacrificed in a very specific way as as a sort of demanded by the Old Testament, sort of rituals which we read about in Deuteronomy and these other books.

And that was sort of their liturgic practice. Of course, the liturgy in the new testament is very different, which is focuses around communion. But ritually ritually speaking, sacrificing that which you hold most dear, Greg, was part of that particular idea. We see this in the Old Testament story of Cain and Abel. So Cain and Abel, Cain was, of course, looking to sacrifice an animal.

The smoke didn't rise high enough. You know, I'm really, you know, really paraphrasing this, but Abel, so Abel sacrificed an animal, the smoke rose. Cain was trying to, you know, sacrifice his harvest, you know, to burn it up for God. Essentially, it didn't work. This was a form of prayer.

And this was essentially passed down throughout the ages and various other religions as well. The thing is people would sacrifice that which is most dear to them. It's similar to giving a large donation, I would say, in modern terms, to a charity of your choice. Right? So philanthropy, essentially.

But imagine if you have you own only 3 cows, and you give one of those cows up to the temple once every 5 years to be sacrificed to God. I mean, this is a big loss for you. You really feel it and you also this is a way of you sacrificing something for for God. And, of course, God accepts that. Your sins are forgiven and your flaws are essentially, your flaws are forgiven by him.

And this is how it worked in the old testament. But some of these fallen angels are like mislead people. Sorry. Because this is this is really interesting. I've always wanted to understand sacrifice more.

When someone would sacrifice 1 of their cows every year or whatever, would people get to eat that cow? And the reason I asked is because, like, that if they if they are, that almost makes sense because it's like you said. It's similar to giving money to the poor. But if they just sacrifice the cow and and let it go to waste, I mean, that seems like it doesn't make any sense. No.

No. You're completely on point. I think the majority of the cow would actually be be burnt up completely because we're talking about massive pyres. So but those parts which were left over were eaten by the priest, and I think, certain other denizens around the temple would would receive some, I think, the poor as well. So, make no mistake, it's not even about the same material loss.

Or actually, it is because the material loss puts the person into a certain contemplative state. When you lose something, like even a loved one, you you it changes you inside. You feel and if you lose something material, even, you know, be it a cow or a car or even wealth like gold, money, donating. Right? This is where, of course, church donations ended up coming from and even tithing.

Right? This idea of giving 10% of your income, not as a tax, but as a, conscientious free, not a socialistic where the state forces you, but tithing where you give 10% of your your wealth, your income to, say, the church or the temple. I mean, that's a difficult thing to do. I I personally it's something that's really hard to stick to in even in the Orthodox church, a lot of people struggle with that sort of thing. Yeah.

Yeah. But that brings you into that shows God that you don't care about the material as much as you care about the spiritual. It's it's it's almost preparing you like like teaching a child of how to it's preparing us for the future heaven, wherein material things won't matter as much as those, you know, those positive virtuous traits of the spirit. So, essentially, God is teaching us like children by sacrificing material things. And in the ancient world, it was accentuated by the sacrifice of you know, animals and those who couldn't afford cows or, say, goats.

They would sacrifice little things like chickens or like birds. But, I think it's a similar concept. Unfortunately, demons would request that people sacrifice to them and sacrifice really, you know, evil things. But in this regicide, there's this weird concept of sacrificing a king, which again brings up has this has nothing to do with sort of old testament worship or even Christianity. It's almost as if this idea of king sacrifice, which we also see all over the pagan world, it really, it really it's really dark, but it that seems to be what took place on 17th July, unfortunately, in the middle of Russia in the southern rural mountains.

And, I mean, I don't wanna get too dark, but, I mean, I'm sure people some people are curious. Like so they didn't just like, what was rich like, I mean, how did they kill him? What do we know? Okay. So yeah.

So I'm gonna be straight up with you. And, Conrad, I hope you I mean, we've we've spoken about this in private. But most likely, they they brought the 11 victims, including the 7 members of the royal family, so the 4 daughters, all of whom were virgins. And this is, like, very important because there was this false idea being thrown around, especially in the 20th century, in the 19 sixties, that there was rape involved and, you know, weird things like that. But those were that's misinformation sort of thrown in essentially to confuse people, sort of misdirect like a red herring.

They use 4, 4 young princesses, the grand duchesses, the parents. The tsar just turned 50 years of age. His wife, I believe, Empress Alexandra, was 46, and a young child who wasn't 16, was considered 18 of the day, but I believe he was 14 or 15. So all the children were virgins. The 2 parents, who were all very pious, believing Christians, they loved Christ, they loved their own family, they loved their people, and their 4 servants were brought down.

The chef, the staff member, the female aide to the queen, the, the doctor. And so these 4 other people were also brought in. And why is this important? This is really bad. They needed to complete the number 11, and this is based on, like, really dark numerology.

Again, it's based on the idea of the 11 apostles who remained after Judas betrayed Christ. These people are really into numbers and really into making making a scene, making turning things into almost like a play, like like the Joker. Like, they like to accentuate things. And it's almost like, why are they doing this? Why are they Exactly.

I was just gonna say why because they they definitely are. They're obsessed with it. It's it's crazy. We see this in the Brooklyn tunnels. Right?

We see, like, why are they making such a scene out of most things? And even this bombardment of, you know, Palestinian children, like, everything has to be very graphic, very emotional. It's because emotions, of course, feed these dark entities, these demons. And, again, it's ritualistic for them but they have a different sort of church they follow, right? The sort of dark mass and we don't really even know exactly what kind of rituals.

But going back to the murder. Right? They get taken to the basement of this stone house, which was built in the in the 1800. The stone house is located on the highest point in the city of Yekaterinburg. I'm not sure if you've ever visited that particular area.

It's where Siberia meets Europe. And Siberia, so Asia so sorry. Asia and Europe meet on the rural mountains. And the southern tip of the rural mountains has the highest peak. It's like essentially a hill.

It's called Ascension Hill, Vyaznyanskaya Gorka. And on Vesnyskaya Gorka, on this hill, this stone house was built. Now the stone house, and this is like was essentially back in the day, a place of where really dark things took place just to be to begin with. So the ritual zone was prepared ahead of time, but let's get back to the actual murder day. And that's pretty far from where the family lived.

Right? Because the family I'm guessing I mean, I'm pretty ignorant on it, but I would guess they either lived in Moscow or Saint Petersburg. Yeah. They lived in a look, they lived in southern south of Saint Petersburg, about, 40, 50 kilometers away. There is this, village called Tsarskoye Silo, which essentially means Tsar's village.

And today, it's just full of museums. It's just a bunch of, Versailles type mansions and a few churches and just a sort of like a summer place. This is where the Tsar lived. This Ural mountain zone was super far away and very difficult to control. Like, there was no point for the Bolsheviks with Sverdlov, Lenin, Trotsky, and, you know, even Stalin was a junior rank Bolshevik at this point compared to these big boys.

But these Bolsheviks, why did they take the family all the way to the southern Urals to a place where they could have lost control of them? Like the family could have escaped, they took them to there And then, of course, that might, in July, they took them down into the basement, these 11 people. And initially, how it took place, this is based on, of course, the memoirs of the murderers themselves and, of course, the material evidence we have. Most likely, they shot and most of the bullet holes are actually at leg level, so and towards the floor. They shot them probably in the knees and below that area.

Once once all the victims were lying there probably, in pain, there was probably ritual stilettos were carried out. We know we know that the Bolsheviks stabbed them with with, cold weapons. So we're talking bayonets. Most likely, they were taken off the rifles, and they were stabbed. There was a lot of blood spilled.

There was lots of descriptions of a few of the murderers, in their memoirs, they write that they were vomiting, they couldn't stand it. Something was taking place in the basement. Then the bodies were wrapped up in white linen. Most likely, these were taken from beds. It was specifically white because a lot of them, and mind you, these are memoirs of the actual murderers and the criminals themselves.

So even in a criminal court of law, like, you know, without cross examination, we can't really take it. We have to take a grain of salt. So unfortunately, the evidence is really, at some point, speculative, but this is I'm kind of summarizing it. The bodies, they were still alive. They were bleeding, their mouths were closed in some sort of form in order to follow the Talmud.

In the I believe, in the in the book of Zahar, which is part of the Talmud, it mentions how when victims are being killed, they need to be quiet, so that their mouths need to be shut. And this is why a lot of the witnesses didn't mention any screaming. The bodies were taken, picked up, wrapped in this, in these bedsheets, this white linen, And there was a truck waiting outside. They were taken, dropped onto the back of this truck. It was like a pickup truck of sorts, with wooden planks sort of, as the platform.

And they were taking some people most likely were on that platform with them, keeping them alive, administering first aid to them. Now they were bleeding into the linen, so, of course, the white sheets were soaked red. The truck took them to a swampy area outside of the city. This entire process took about 3 hours. So if they were murdered around 1 AM, most likely, they they passed away around 3 or perhaps 4 AM in the morning, that night.

And they were most likely, and this is again, we'll write about this in our second and third installments because this first installment is quite lengthy, but it doesn't cover. This is kind of behind the scenes information. They hung them upside down, and they drained them, like in a slaughterhouse, drained them of blood, specifically. After this, of course, after they would they would have died, they, chopped their bodies up into pieces. Specifically, their heads were chopped off.

We know that there are at least 2 accounts which are, at least, they hold very strong weight. One of them was from a French general who stated that the head of the tsar, so the head of the family, this is the head of the, you know, the katikon, the anointed ruler of the Christian empire, His head was placed into a large Vat jar filled with, you know, some sort of alcoholic substance for preservation and shipped to Moscow by a man under the nickname of Apfelbaum. So this is a seems to be a Jewish Yiddish last name, probably a code name of sorts. He took this that with the Tsar's head. There were no teeth found anywhere, which points towards the, evidence that perhaps all of the all 11 heads were cut off at one point, or perhaps at least 7 heads.

But there were no teeth found at the at in the swampy area where the bodies were cut up into into pieces. After they were cut up, these Bolsheviks professionally had these some sort of containers brought over, which they filled with acid. The bodies were, of course, partially dissolved in acid, after which they they then proceeded to burn them. And they burnt them so well and so professionally because one of the Bolsheviks actually involved, mister Vykov, was a professional chemist. So he knew exactly what he was doing and the Bolsheviks in the past have, especially Yankel Yurovsky, who's a very, this is the main murderer actually at the scene.

He's doing everything Yakov Sverdlov tells him to do. And Yakov Sverdlov is the secretary of Lenin. Yurovsky is executing all these plans which were given to him from Moscow. And who knows where else from? Right?

Who knows who these Moscow Bolsheviks were following in the first instance? Were they listening to Wall Street? Were they listening to the city of London? Some sort of sacred Talmudic base in Switzerland, we're not actually sure. But what we know is Yakov Yarovsky organized he's he was organizing the murder of people before he knows.

He knew how to burn the bodies. His bodies were burnt. And, of course, the the sheets right? This the sheets were soaked in so much blood. And what was that used for?

We have at least we have testimony of the main investigator. This is a prosecutor, professional Russian imperial lawyer named Nicholas Sokolov. And we mentioned him in the article quite a bit because he he worked so very much on this case for the next 12, 13 months gathering evidence, interviewing, cross examining various witnesses in order to gather evidence as to what took place, like, how did this murder happen. He's a proper prosecutor, like, you know, a professional lawyer. And he he found a very interesting, place.

So next next to the swampy area where the the burning of the bodies was taking place, he found a, like a like a opening amidst the forest. And in this opening, there was a tree stump. So a certain tree was cut off at one point. Around the tree stump, he found eggshells. Now you might ask, well, what are eggshells doing in the middle of this forest?

Somebody must have had breakfast here. So allegedly, 2 days 2 days before the murder, Yarovski requested exactly 50 eggs to be brought to the house in which the royal family was staying in. So I was like, okay, what did these what did these guys preparing for in the middle of July? It's really hot summer. The eggs were boiled, and the eggs were consumed in a ritualistic fashion by Yourovsky as well as probably a group of these other people who were followers of the Talmud.

That morning on 17th or maybe even 18th July outside of the city, and they were sprinkled with the ash from the burnt, from the burnt burnt bedsheets and linen, which was soaked in the royal blood. And most likely, the other blood was also used in some other ritual, but we have no accounting of that. Perhaps it was even collected and quite different from others, shall we say, blood Labelle type cases. Because in other blood Labelle cases, the bodies of the victims would be left outside for show. And we noticed in the Delish case, the Saratov case, the famous 1915 Bayless case, even modern cases like the Krasnoyarsk case in 2005 where Russian boys were found outside of the city of Krasnoyarsk, their bodies drained of blood, in a in a sewer.

Right? So even modern ritualistic murders, they always have the bodies preserved somewhat or at least left for, you know, the families of the victims to find. In this case, the bodies were destroyed, so the ritual was somewhat different. But, yes, going back to the bedsheets and linen, these bedsheets were burnt. The ash was collected.

Similarly, we mentioned recently, you might have heard, Greg, that they were killing those red heifer cows on the Mount of Olives outside of Jerusalem. The idea of collecting the ash was is also very Old Testament esque and these people, of course, interpret the Old Testament in their own type of way. So collecting of ash is a thing they do. And so they collected the ash from these bedsheets, which were stained in royal blood, which they considered, you know, I guess, in their own way special. Who knows what these people exactly think?

And they sprinkle the eggs with this ash, and then they ate the boiled eggs on that morning in and what what is this weird ritual, like eating boiled eggs, right? It sounds like eating the Sprinkled with ash? Eating the bodies in a in a ritual. That's right. It's Yeah.

It's it's a and we find this out actually. The investigator, Sokolov, he just writes like, these guys were eating a bunch of eggs. Like, what's going on here? He he didn't really lead to any conclusions. But in the 8 in the 19 eighties, investigators actually, because, you know, a lot of information was, you know, gained.

And, of course, now with the Internet, we can actually compare, like, where does this egg eating ritual even come from? In the 19 twenties, there was none of this information available. A number? Yes. It was about 50 eggs.

So the most likely, it wasn't just, mhmm. That's cool. And Luke, I wonder if that's a Talmudic thing they threw in that movie. That kinda hurt that kinda bums me out. It's one of my favorite movies.

Night. Well Fifty eggs. That was a it was a good It's a good film. It's a great film. And that was, like, a 12 But it's a very but it but it's an esoteric film.

Right? It's a pretty symbolic film about, you know, imprisonment and freedom and these sorts of things. Right? So Yeah. I I didn't mean to I just just No.

No. No. That's look. This entire thing is really unnerving. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. It is. Yeah. It it gets even worse because, like, I'm trying to look at this from a skeptic perspective despite being an orthodox Christian.

I I wish this was just the, oh, they were taken into the basement and shot and the bodies were burnt. Like, something simple without any acid. Unfortunately, there's acid involved. There's the chopping up of the heads. There's all this is the blood collection because royal blood to these people was sacred.

And we know this because there was almost no blood left on the on the actual in the swampy area where they died. It's almost as if they collected even the ground which was stained in his blood very, very delicately. But they left jewels because the Sokolov investigation in 2020 found rubies, diamonds, sapphires, things which the royal family, well, held on them. Right? Because they fought, so it's interesting that you and you read this in all the memoirs as well, like, of the investigators that they found jewelry in this particular area of of, you know, outside of the city, but they almost found no teeth.

They found no blood. So the blood was almost more sacred to these particular criminals than than the jewels themselves, which says a lot. But going back to the eggs. Right? This is a particular ritual which we find out later on, in in the modern age when we have access to all this literature and especially occult sort of writings.

It's called, sido amafrakis. Now Pseudo amafrakis is this term which came to us from and actually an Orthodox Christian monk. And I was like, what the heck? Like weird connection. But in the early 19th century, so this is during the Napoleonic Wars, 1800s, Greek monk, he he was a Jewish man, He was from a very well esteemed, well established, sort of Talmudic rabbinical family.

So essentially similar to Karl Marx, I would say, coming from a Jewish elite family in the Ottoman Empire, converted to orthodoxy. I believe he went to the holy mountain of of Athos, became a monk, just completely devoted himself to Christ. And he wrote he, essentially, became a whistleblower on this entire Talmudic cult. And he wrote a book called The Book of Monk Neophyte. In this book, which was only roughly a couple of 100 pages, he describes that on 9th of Av, this is a Orthodox Talmudic Jewish holiday, when they mourned the destruction of the second temple by the Roman emperors Titus and Vespasian, a really pious Jew must use And, you know, this may may sound quite antisemitic, but they use the blood of innocent people.

They, you know, they usually soak something they soak a certain material in their blood, they burn it up, turn it into ash, they sprinkle an egg, and they eat the egg with the ash on it as a symbol of, sort of penance in sorrow. And they have to contemplate the destruction of the second temple. This sounds and I'm like, hold on. It's identical. Yeah.

And, yes, in the modern day, we actually found an identical ritual to that which took place almost more than a 100 years ago. And it's it's scary because we realized finally that what took place back then had a direct connection to some of these really dark rituals which were described in the 19th century. And it's concerning because, again, mainstream media and mainstream history lies to us by telling us that the Romanov family almost deserved that they were shot like criminals. It was a firing squad. And you have to ask questions like I mean, Greg, you've probably shot, you know, weapons.

You Americans, you guys have all kinds of guns and stuff. You guys know how firearms work. If you get into a small basement with windows and you have 11 victims and 11 shooters in a very small tight place, They all pull out revolvers, some of them have had rifles, and they begin, you know, you have a firing squad in a small tight basement, there will be ricochets. The windows would have been at least broken. But you'll blow your ears out too.

They Exactly. It'll be crazy. Back then, you know? It's not viable at all. And yet, that's the official version of the story that 22 people crammed in this basement began.

11 began shooting at the other 11, and they were executed by firing squad inside of a bit. Like, seriously? This is the mainstream version. Yeah. And You know what blows my mind?

Mhmm. Is, you know, you hear all these people talk about the Talmud having all these, bad passages in it. And the ones I hear, they don't bother me. The ones I hear are just like, you know, they don't like Christians, basically. And it's like, you know, I'm like sticks and stones that break my bones.

I don't care. You you can hate me all you want. It doesn't bother me. But I never heard about the Talmud describing how to murder someone or how to or how to ritually eat people. I mean, that I have a problem with.

You know? That is enough to outlaw it from your country. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know why I haven't heard that before because that is crazy. Well, it also permits intercourse with Goyam girls 3 years old.

So No. I have heard that. You're right. I I I I apologize. I have heard that one.

I have heard some bad ones. Yeah. I just never heard that one. Mentioned the you you mentioned the anti Christian ones. From a Christian perspective, we would definitely say though that the sort of perspective of Christ is, you know, burning in hell and burning feces and semen.

We would say that's not just a, oh, we don't like this guy Jesus because we believe he was not was the fake Messiah. We believe in many ways there's sort of this acknowledgement that, you know, like, we mentioned this, there's other religions, they say nice things about Jesus, but Judaism are the one are the only ones that abhor Jesus in many ways. And that's because you mentioned that even you, as someone who doesn't consider himself supremely religious, is attracted to the teachings of Jesus, the person of Jesus. He really doesn't offend you. Yet that he does offend Jewish people.

Like Jewish people don't like you know, when you talk about Jesus, they don't like when you want to hear about it. Yeah. I don't understand. I really don't understand that. Maybe I'm too, maybe I'm too easygoing and open minded sometimes.

I don't know. This is very okay. Well, that's how you're in Russia and able to treat Russian people with respect. Most people are not that open minded. Yeah.

He's pretty open minded. I I it's part of my, nature is to be extremely open minded, mainly because I'm I have a a a thirst, and I'm very curious for knowledge. So the only way you can really learn is to, you know, keep the blinders off. Anyways, unless you wanna unless I interrupted you and you have more horrifying things to tell us and you can. I'm not trying to say you can't.

I mean, I was when you were in the middle of that whole thing, I was like, wow, man. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. But, unless you have something to add to that, I would be curious to, segue to okay. Because for for well, for one, you were saying how, you know, the people were led to believe that they were bad people and they deserved it and they were executed. I find it very interesting that he was 50 years old in 1917 because the Federal Reserve Bank was just a few years before that.

He he's he's, in his prime. And from what I understand, he was a very devout Christian, so he probably was a huge I can see clearly why he was a huge threat to Wall Street. Like you said, maybe it was Wall Street that ordered the hit. I would not be surprised. They're all they all seem to be anti Christian, satanists, whatever you wanna call them, the dark occult, whatever.

That seems to be a global cabal. So I can see why he was a huge threat. Right? Because they had business to do, and their business had nothing to do with Christianity or being like Christ or anything like that. So what I'm getting to is and this is another thing I don't know anything about.

All I know is that I was told that years after 1917, there was the release of the diaries of the Romanov family, I guess, into the public. And the diaries told us that, they weren't that they were they weren't just, clowns and bad people. They were actually highly respectable, highly impressive, devout Christians. So could you like I said, unless you unless you need to wrap it up and I interrupted you, I'd be curious to hear about these diaries. When they were released, who released them, and and what they entailed.

Yeah. So very interesting because the the diaries of the Tsar and the the empress, his wife, the Serena Tsaritsa, they were released, in the in the 19 twenties in a Soviet historical work. It was a multi term sort of work, so they were part of this massive collection. And they were, of course, prefaced with all these various, things such as, okay, look, this is like the diary of a tyrant. This is the guy who ruled us on on unworthily, etcetera, etcetera.

And this is how most Soviet, authors and historiographers, of course, released some of their works. Now when these diaries came to light, there was a big question of, well, are they actually redacted in certain places? Potentially, I would say. There's there's 2 views of the diaries. Right?

When they were released in the USSR, and, of course, they made their way because, again, they were in the possession. They were at this house. So the murder house, the criminals had complete control over the actual diary itself. And the diary was kept and held, like the Tsar actually wrote in all the way up until the murder. At least, this is what we're told if we take that the diaries are genuine.

There's no reason to believe that they're not at this point, but we do need to skeptically assess the fact that the Bolsheviks were not just regular criminals. It's rare to find people more criminal than them in world history. These people are the, like, the epitome of organized criminality. This was the it's a combination of the mafia and the neocons, like, in 1. And, of course, maybe even the middle, the assassins of the Middle Ages.

So highly conspiratorial, highly criminal organization released these diaries. And the diaries themselves are quite, quite telling because the the czar, of course, reflects on his personal life, reflects on his family matters. He's very calm. He's very cool, calm, and collected. And he's also it shows him as a knowledgeable figure who actually knows statecraft and knows what's happening in his, in his, so I suppose, his kingdom, his empire.

And, it shows him to be a very good Christian man. In fact, there's almost nothing that displays him as being somewhat unworthy or being a bit weird or anything. It's it's not unlike the the Biden diaries, which there's a big discussion about today. This is completely different. And, of course, the Bolsheviks the reason why they needed to release this was probably because there was a lot of talk about these diaries.

This is a written culture. And the interesting thing is, Greg, that the diaries of Stalin were never released, were they? So Stalin also kept diaries, but they were never published. They're still actually in the Garf, the government archive, the Russian Federation archive somewhere. Top secret.

We don't know what Stalin wrote about. One day, perhaps, the Russians will declassify these. You know, you can't get, like, a freedom of information type application out. Russia is very strict. So we actually don't know what the Bolsheviks wrote in their diaries because, unfortunately, they're still under very top secret, classification in Russia.

But the Tsar's diaries were published. And my guess is perhaps certain days, especially during 1917, were redacted because we don't see any of the czars' opinions on famous like the famous leader of the Freemasons like, Alexander Kerensky, the leader of the grand he's the the literal grand master of the grand lodge of the orient peoples, of Russia. So this is the main conspirator who brought around the revolution in the first place, and he later let the Bolsheviks into power, etcetera. We don't see the Tsar's opinions of this character who was extremely demonic, and I would say, with very bad influence on Russian politics in 1917, that Tsar doesn't speak about him at all. And what's curious is that there's a really famous Soviet historian.

This is probably the number one Marxist historian of the 19 twenties thirties. He's literally like the chief of staff of all historians and he he's the king of, like, mar Marxist historiography as well. So he's basically invented everything socialist and antifa BLM people believe today about, like, world history. His name was, Mikhail Pokrovsky. Now Pokrovsky commented on the diaries in 19 twenties, and he wrote these like, I think he was reading the 1917, that particular year.

Like, what what was the Tsar's opinion? He's like, wow. If this stuff was ever published, we would destroy the liberal opposition in this country. This is crazy. But we read we actually read the 1917 diary, and there's nothing crazy in it.

So what was Pokrovsky remarking about in his, like, personal memoirs? We don't know. And that's just and I'm not saying the diaries are fake. I'm saying I think the I think the Bolsheviks intentionally censored them because they had personal probably the czar because the czar doesn't write about politics that much in the diaries. And that's really curious because think about it.

He's literally, like, not just at a level of, say, executive presidential power. He's not just like a Donald Trump figure. He has as much power as, say, 3 presidents of the United States. He's the entire cabinet personified in one person. And yet he doesn't comment on the political, you know, standing of his country.

Like, come on. Are you serious? He has a legal education. He has a military education. He has a very he knows 5 languages fluently, and he doesn't comment on the politics of the time.

Like, it's really unbelievable. And also, Pokrovsky's remarks, I think, speak a lot. So I believe the diaries are authentic, but they come with redactions and censorship, which perhaps make them a bit more palpable for the communist and liberal audience that sort of read them. And, of course, we as orthodox Christians accept them as they are. We don't have any alternative sources, so we just kind of take it.

But, again, perhaps with a little bit of, like, a grain of salt. You know? Good to be critical. Yeah. Maybe, you know, they're so diabolical and understanding human psychology so well in a demonic way.

Maybe they redacted the political stuff because, to to because they didn't want anyone reading anything negative about them, but they released Mhmm. The stuff that revealed how good they were just as part of the ritual, just to sort of rub it in everyone's faces. Be like, look. You you killed them. You know?

Like, you were a part of this. You know what I mean? I don't know. Totally. Totally, totally.

I recommend everybody read the book, The Romanov Royal Martyrs, What Silence Could Not Conceal. It's probably the best treatment of their sanctity, of course, in the English language. And it also does a good job of defending the rulership of Tsar Nicholas the second. We would probably go even further than the book would in defense of his actual rule. The history I'm sure you've read the History of Central Banking by Stephen Mitford Goodson.

Greg, that's a great book just because the section on the Russian Empire and the czar is probably the most well researched in detail that has some great numbers on how the czar was able to employ the best economy with the fastest growing population with the lowest taxes because of his anti central banking perspective and in many ways their segregation of the Jews and thus, Usurius capital from, you know, from the mainstream of society. And this this whole thing about the ritual you mentioned about the Freemasons earlier, and, Greg, one of my favorite episodes you've done recently was with Austin Witsit about the Taurus field and about some of those Oh, yeah. I enjoyed that. Small. That was great.

Cosmological subjects. In many ways, these people are gonna be like, how the heck is he gonna tie these two things together? Well, I'm sure you've heard in that more alternative cosmological community that freemasons, the powers that be, some would say the Jesuits, depending on who you think are most interested in this, I would say it is actually still an element of Jewry, is that they did an alchemical transmutation on the world mind into a fantasy based reality to convince us of this heliocentric infinite space, big bang model. That's how I view it, just how in many ways the ritual murder of the Romanovs was an alchemical transmutation of the world from a place where basically the reign of Christ had been incarnated on earth into a Christian empire that had supported the church to a point where that instantiation of it had died and the church was basically forced almost worldwide into the catacombs. Like we all know it was in Russia specifically under the communist yoke, but this ritual that they conducted almost alchemically transmuted the world mind into into that prison planet, you know, into that Saturnian symbol that we know, you know, exists up there.

So I think in many ways, this is the kind of scale we're talking things at. I know when you talk about the Taurus field, you say that's kind of the number one mind bending red pill. I tend to agree, but I'm I mean, I'm I'm making this connection because this is almost at that level of of of eschatological transmutation, you know, total deception of the reality of our our world. Yeah. Yeah.

There's a, when I I I mentioned I did a man on the street and talked to some Russians the other day, one of them asked me if I've seen the the Romanoff series that's out right now. I think he was is that is there a a new series out for people to watch on the Romanoffs? Do you know of? Maybe it's old. Maybe.

But in the, he I'm not if if there is, I'm not doing my due diligence. Okay. I think it's new because he says, have you seen the new show on the Romanovs? Has it been translated yet for you? And, and I was able to answer because I have I'll let you know.

I have a I have a bit to say about the Romanovs. But if there is, I wanna check that out. Before we wrap it up, this is kind of since you brought up the Taurus field, I'll bring up something weird too. I just have this jotted down. In America, there's a whole new conspiracy theory rabbit hole about Tartaria, about a and I don't know much about it.

I just know I've seen the people are showing old maps that show what looks like a a good amount of the land here was a place called Tartaria. I know that there I never even heard of it before, but I know that there are Tartars. Like, I've actually met a few since I've been here. They have their own language. I've even learned that there are Tartarian nationalists that don't like Russia too well.

And, but, basically, I think the story is that and I might be getting it wrong, is, like, there was a 1000 year reign of Christ here that we in a play where we call Russia, but it was called Tartaria, and then this has been somehow erased from history or hidden up. I just bring it up because I'm curious, I guess, especially if Dimitris, if you've heard anything about this or if there's any if that sound because I have mentioned it to a couple people here, Russians and Tartarians, and they haven't looked at me like I was crazy. They were kinda like, oh, you know, maybe. I don't know. I think it's an interesting theory.

There were there were these legends that were brought up in the 17th century, so the mid 1600, 16 fifties, when there was a schism in the Russian church. And a portion of the Russians began sort of believing in, say, maybe a more Protestant type of Christianity called the Old Believer Church. And they kind of left A lot of them went eastwards, and they settled down in these communities, amidst, like, the Altai Mountains and these valleys. And they spread these legends of Bilovodje, this white river area. That's these wonderful valleys like this Shangri La type of place.

And so these legends of, like, an eastern lands, more like a land of milk and honey somewhere out there in Siberia always kind of was popular in Russia, at least the last 300 years all the way up to the revolution. But Tartaria, why is it on all these renaissance maps? Right? We see it when especially the we speak about flat earth and the circumnavigation of the, you know, the the globe, etcetera. That's a kind of not really my my my field study, but the, you know, Europeans begin charting these massive maps.

And so you have this blank area somewhere around Siberia and what They needed to name it something. So they just simply named the term that was used by the Romans, the Greeks used call the Mongols, especially when they conquered, Russia and all these, other countries, they used to call them Tartars. And the Mongols themselves don't call themselves Tartars. So this is kind of like, you know, like the the the word Greeks. The the Greeks themselves call themselves Hellen.

But, you know, we call them Greeks because that's just the Anglicized sort of form and came from the Romans. But Tartaria, I've in my personal opinion, it's probably, just a misinterpretation of history. I I don't think this land ever existed. There were massive Khanates and these kingdoms ruled by Mongols in Central Asia and in Siberia. Like, the Russians didn't just conquer the Wild West.

Like, it wasn't just like Native Americans living there on horseback in Siberia somewhere. No. No. These were properly functional states, which were, yes, semi nomadic, you can say, but they were they had their own, you know, taxation systems, and they had certain institutions in place. It wasn't like Australian or Maori Aboriginals or anything like that.

These these were people civilized, and they had, especially, the Siberian Khanate, and this is really far east, which the Russians needed to first, they traded with them. And, of course, eventually, there were violent clashes similar to how American, you know, settlers had issues with certain Native American groups over time. Russians had the same with these, Tartars and Mongols, descendants of, Genghis Khan, essentially. And, yeah, I would think Tartaria is maybe a general term, but me, personally, I don't know, maybe Conrad has a different theory, but my sort of historical knowledge didn't bring me to view this Siberian area as being ruled by this one massive, maybe even Christian kingdom in the past. I think it's, something I wouldn't mind looking into.

But, perhaps I'm more intrigued by theories like, you know, the the empire of Kazaria, the this Talmudic Judea Kingdom, which existed in the northern Caucasus and that sort of area. How much do you know about that? War is taking place. How much do you know about that? A little bit more.

Because maybe we could do another podcast and talk about Kazaire. Because I did a report on it. But from my research, all I'm familiar with is the, what is it, the 13 tribes, Kessler. I'm I don't know if I'm saying his name right. That book.

That's the only book I'm aware of that that covers Kazaria, and then a lot of people say, oh, Kazaria is not that's that's a there's no truth behind that. But what I find very interesting, which doesn't seem to be disputed, is that an entire people all converted to Judaism the same couple years, which is very interesting. So if you know more about that subject, we should definitely do another one of these podcasts, talk about that. I feel like I'm gonna have to add a copy. I was just telling, to you listeners, before we started the podcast, I was just telling these guys before we hit record that I'm working on a report, Jews versus Zionists, pointing out that that, not all Jews are bad.

But after today's discussion, I feel like I need to add in something that at least say that all Talmudic Jews are bad. Because this because I'm starting to I'm starting to get it more now. Like, like, it is just straight up satanism. And I am starting to understand more the importance of you know, one of the reasons I'm so anti authoritarian and anti government is because I'm an American and because my entire life I grew up with an evil government. So it gave me this idea that all governments are bad.

But one of the things I'm learning about here in Russia, for example, is this compared to the Russian government, compared to the American government, the Russian government isn't that bad. You know, I do catch myself, like like I said, I'm I'm almost like an extremist when it comes to this. You know, like like, any any any, what am I trying to say? Any rules or censorship of any kind is bad, but I'm starting to understand that's not true. You know?

For example, living through COVID, seeing how sheep like people are and how easy it is to influence people, it does make sense to censor certain things if you want the people to be healthy. You know? Keep certain negative bad things away from the people because it will it'll bring out the devil and make things bad. Any last things you guys wanna say? Any last thoughts before we wrap it up?

Well, I just had some thoughts on your great little little comments there, Greg. I mean, it's true. Like, do you want a libertarian putting up, like, porn billboard right next to where your kids play, you know, just because they can. Right? I mean, there's all sorts of things.

I think that any person that understands the deeper things in life and God and good versus evil could understand how a society could both limit certain expressions while maintaining a free speech atmosphere. You mentioned kazari. Yeah. Well, I'll be sure to send you our episode on the new heavenly Jerusalem at some point where we talk about basically the plan to make a new kazari in the current, you you know, southern region of Ukraine by certain Jewish elites on both sides, actually. Please do.

I actually heard a little bit about that. I'll probably make a video out of it. Yeah. I wanna check that out. Yeah.

Yeah. We'll send you, we've done some work on that. We'll send that to you. And we'd love to talk about that and some other Kazarian stuff on a part 2, and maybe we'll have you on the show to discuss some other stuff as well. But as far as last words, I really appreciate it, Greg.

It's really great that you had us on. This is such an important subject, the ritual of the Romanovs. Because our show, World War Now, we talk all about, you know, the connection with Constantine, you know, the the the Christian the root, I guess, of this monarchical idea, how it collaborates with the clash of Jewish power, and then, of course, its connection to prophecies regarding World War 3 today, the return of an emperor perhaps in the future before the rise of the Antichrist and how that ties in with the clashing eschatologies of Judaism and Christianity where we know that Christ will come back in the end and, you know, judge everybody. Whereas the Jews before that, they're gonna have their whole messiah thing going on in in Jerusalem. All these things ultimately do really come back to this topic of the ritual regicide of the Romanovs in 1918, which, like like I said before, I really do believe started this current epoch of chaos and sort of like the era of judges, like, from the Old Testament that we're in now when there was no king in Israel.

We're like that now. There is no king in the land. That's why my bio on X says there is no emperor because for about over a 100 years, we've been in we've kind of been playing on hardcore mode with no emperor here. I think it's kind of where where I'm at as far as the perspective on it goes today. Very interesting.

And, Dimitry, anything to say? It was a wonderful discussion. Even eye opening for myself. Some of your insights, Greg, are incredibly fascinating. And look, I think this subject matter may sound like it's pure history, but I think the the more you look into it, the more it's only been a 100 years, maybe even less, especially if you consider what took place during the 2nd World War and even after that.

I mean, history is essentially politics, but turned into the past as that, you know, Mikhail Pokrovsky's quote, the Marxist historian, he viewed his his history and historiography as simply an extension of politics. And so your interpretation of history is just as important as your view of, you know, who holds power today and who you can vote for and who actually wields the reins from behind the scenes. So it's always important to investigate these things. And, there's no better time at the moment, especially regarding these cults, and we noticed the element of religion coming back into the mainstream. So it's good to kind of view all of that through the lens, perhaps, maybe of even a Christian person, which is what we do in our show, World War Now, kind of look at politics and history through that Christian perspective.

Especially now, we can see that in Palestine, Israel, we see religion as an element coming back, but it's not always Christianity that comes back. So I think we will see a reemergence of some of these, unfortunately, bloodthirsty, inhumane, and perhaps demonic cults rise again as we enter this final sort of eschatological phase of human history, unfortunately, here in 21st and probably onwards into those centuries. So I think it's good to sort of view these things. And, especially, we see that in Ukraine and Israel today. And as we're moving into the American election, which everybody's saying is the most important election of our lifetime, I'm starting to believe it.

So I wanna have, you know, I wanna have sort of a sober perspective on that as well and take into account these various power players behind the scenes. And that's why we research, and that's why myself and Conrad, we do what we do to have a really clear understanding. Awesome. You guys are great. Thank you very much.

I had a great time talking. We'll have to do it again. If you guys want more of them, you can check out their podcast World War Now. I'll have the link below. I'll have the article that they're talking about, the Romanov regicide article.

And, that's it. Thank you. Love you guys. See you next week.


Planet puppet masters on So say we all hire side chatters from the sunshine state. I'm Greg Carlwood. And it seems like a person's mental state and out outlook on the world usually comes down to what they focus on. Are you seeing the complex symphony of synchronicity that guides your life? Tapping into your higher self?

Observing the abundance of natural systems and properly appreciating the life promoting power of sunlight, the magic of structured water and living in alignment with the many wonderful gifts of our unadulterated ecosystem? Or is your attention captured by the iconically inspired artificial, industrial, and now digital layers of the capstone cabal's carefully constructed control matrix, the fear based stress inducing news cycle, the diminishing returns of a never ending paper chase, the shallow dopamine drip of blue light beaming from your scrolling screens, the nutrient devoid drive through offerings, and the tempting tug of self sabotaging drugs to numb you from the nagging feeling that you were meant for more? Well, most likely whichever of these two worlds holds most of your attention will determine your level of contentment and the quality of one's life. And it is the long time conspiracy researcher who confronts the raw darkness of the big machine and emerges from the deepest rabbit holes unscathed that knows this best. And one such man is today's guest, Greg Rees.

He is a self described writer, researcher and disseminator of hidden truths who produces the ever popular Rees report for Infowars and banned dot video. He also does the weekly Sunday afternoon podcast on his Substack page and it is a true honor to have him here. The deep diving, free thinking, truth seeking, tree of life climbing powerhouse himself, Greg Rees. Welcome to THC. Thank you, Greg.

That's a great introduction. I could tell that you I can tell that you're familiar with my work. Yes. And I'm very excited for this one. Your Reese report videos are so diverse.

I could've gone many different ways with that intro, but I think separating out the natural and the artificial systems we live within is a good framing for the things we might weave back and forth talking about. I actually feel more aligned with you than I do many guests who might have a more narrow focus on one specific thing rather than the big picture. Because after a couple of decades researching anything and everything, I think we both circle around a lot of the same answers to the big questions from what I've heard you talk about before. And one of those things being that you've, quote, made peace with the world going to shit. Let's start there because I think many people that would be listening are gonna have to do that if they haven't already.

It's true. You wanna hear about how I made peace? I would love to. With the world going to shit? Yeah.

I think it's an interesting story, and the timing of it is very interesting to me. It's like life is like a movie being played out, in my experience, when I look back at my life. I guess you could say I had my red pill moment. I mean, I've had many awakenings throughout my life, but the real big one that really changed my life and floored me was around 2004, and I started dreaming about a great awakening immediately. I actually went outside that night in the fresh night air, and I was almost expecting to see a bunch of other people coming out of their houses looking at each other as if what just happened to me happened to everyone else.

You know, it was very powerful. And after about, I don't know, roughly 10 years, I kind of gave up hope. It was Obama's second administration, and I just started witnessing people falling deeper asleep than ever before. It was very frustrating to me, and I was thinking, this is never going to happen. This dream of mine's never going to happen, and so you're going to have to learn to deal with it.

If we're slipping into tyranny and we're gonna go into this nightmare of a future, then, you know, what are you gonna do? Just be depressed and miserable? I was already on a bit of a spiritual pilgrimage in my life, so I went to one of my favorite places, which was this yoga ashram that actually honors all religions and all teachings, which is something I admire. I'm open minded, and I believe everyone I respect everyone's path. So I went there, and I actually lived alone in a temple for about 3 years.

And the whole objective, it wasn't to gain enlightenment. It wasn't it was just very specific. I wanted to make peace with the world going to shit, as you put it, or maybe I guess as I put it. And I accomplished that. In 2017, I reached this level of acceptance and peace and surrender.

And then interestingly enough, immediately following that, there was actually a Q post that inspired me. And I wasn't really following 4 chan or conspiracy stuff at that time. I was mostly focused on more spiritual stuff. But somehow, I saw the very first cue post on the very same day it came out. It caught my attention very strongly.

And then I started paying attention to the Trump administration, which I wasn't really paying attention to before. I assumed the fact that he got elected. I assumed at the time that he must be part of the plan. And it got my attention to the point where I decided that I wanted to then get involved. And so from day 1, I got involved in this with a very good attitude, in that I wasn't expecting to change anything.

I wasn't expecting the world to change. I was just in the moment accepting the world, going to shit, and just doing my small part to try and bring about this awakening, which, in my opinion, is the only thing that's really gonna ever gonna change anything, is it's a numbers game. The more people that wake up and see it is really our only hope. Yes. I totally agree, and I love a dream trigger for these sorts of things.

I think it's one of those mechanisms that lets us know we're on the right path or puts us on the right path, and what catches our attention is such an important thing. Many people talk about how the brain and our senses filter out more than it lets in. It makes sense of a chaotic soup of sensations and things we could see in a light spectrum that is way beyond what we can visualize. And so, that to me is a breadcrumb to being like, well, what your subconscious directs you towards to pay attention to is important. And we should maybe think about that as more significant than just something arbitrary throughout our day.

And now, if we were to zoom out a bit, I think it's safe to say we know we live within a vast tapestry of lies about who we are, where we are, what life should really be about, our historical timeline, and who the puppet masters of the power pyramid might truly be. But you do end up realizing there is a sort of sliding scale of secrets that the big they think are important to keep us from understanding. And assuming you'd agree with that, let's just go for it. What do you think are those highest priority secrets to them for us to never realize? That's a good question.

Because, I mean, I'm a very curious person. The reason I feel like I was born to do the work I do is I've been questioning things and digging into things since I could think, questioning things since I could talk. And, you know, my family has been ridiculing me. Most of my family has been ridiculing me since I was a kid because I've been questioning the official narrative for that long. And that's probably the question that I'm always after too is what's the biggest secret out there?

You know, I don't know is the short answer. But to make it more interesting, if I had to guess, I would say that the biggest secret is who we really are and meaning. And I think I'm still trying to find that out, But I believe that we are living souls that have incarnated into human beings to learn something. I don't really consider myself a human. I consider myself a living soul, a child of God.

I believe we are all parts of God. We are all broken up pieces of God that we are experiencing having this experience in unique ways. For you and I and most of the people listening, we are having an experience as humans. And I think that even though this might be the biggest secret, I also kind of think, and this is just because I've made peace with it, that the controllers ultimately, the goal is for us to figure it out. And that's why it's the lie.

I'm not angry at these people. I see them as teachers. For example, when I was in the Marine Corps, my favorite time in the Marine Corps was boot boot camp. I appreciate learning. I appreciate learning the hard way.

That's usually how I learn the best is the hard way. And I tend to believe that's what we're experiencing right now, because we're learning lessons and these the they that we're always talking about, and everyone's so busy trying to find out who they are and accuse them of being the villains. And I'm not condoning anything that they're doing. However, I do tend to think that they are teaching us. They are playing their role, whether they know it or not, to teach us this lesson because once again, if we were all to have this awakening, if we were all to pull back the curtain and figure out what's going on, not only would that change everything, but it would make us better and stronger than we ever have been in the past.

And so, therefore, isn't that, in the end, potentially something that's good? Mhmm. Yeah. I'm on that page too. I think that's the evolution is you start to realize how captured society is, how absolute that capture is, and all of our assumptions about ourselves in the world, and how so many things are inverted.

It's more likely that we came to this place through a fallen state rather than an evolution from the tadpole. And just so many things seem to be inverted. And you used the term life is like a movie. I often use the term this is like a soul school. Every movie needs a villain.

Pressure makes diamonds. I believe that they are there to apply pressure and facilitate that learning, as you say. And something that really resonated with me, I think it was Sam Tripoli you were talking to about this, but this idea that we live in a system of cyclical cataclysms. I do think that if you were to have some of the highest ranking elite in a room, the thing they would fight tooth and nail to keep from getting out is that fact, that we live in this system of cyclical cataclysms, and it explains a lot. It explains why when archaeologists dig down, they find ruins beneath cities, cities beneath cities, and they say that the more complex stuff seems to be at the lower levels, which completely doesn't jive with the story we're told about ourselves.

There's so many pieces that fit within that context, but that was a big resonant moment for me when I heard you say that. Talk to us a little bit about what brings you to that conclusion. What are some of the clues and pieces you pick up to come to that ultimate realization that we are in this system and it's a big secret they want to keep? Okay, so 2004 was this big dramatic moment I had where, you know, I guess you could say that was my red pill moment. And since then, I've been obsessively researching.

Like, that's clearly been the theme of my life since 2004, is obsessively digging in and going down rabbit holes and trying to find answers and figure out where we are and who we are. And from the very beginning in 2004, I came across this cyclical cataclysm, and every subject that I would find myself digging on, every single one, Eventually, in the rabbit hole, I would get to cyclical cataclysm to the point where after several years, I started questioning myself, and I started because, you know, I don't I question my own mind as much as I quest I try to, at least. I try to question myself as much as I question anything else. So I understand that the self deception quality of being a human. And so after several years of this, I started wondering, is this like a schism that you're suffering?

Are you suffering some type of self destructive attraction to doom and gloom? Is that why you keep finding it in your search? So I started questioning that. And the conclusion I came to was, no, that's not what it is. It is just simply there.

And pick a subject. It doesn't just have to be geology or astronomy or astrology. It could be literally anything. You're gonna get to this cataclysmic end. And I guess I've maybe thought of it, but I never gave it much thought until yesterday.

I was interviewing doctor Michael Sala yesterday for my own podcast and I asked him about cataclysm because, like you said, that is probably my most the subject I find most interesting. And his answer was very interesting to me. He said basically that the cataclysm is a cyclical thing, but it has more to do with our awakening like it's a reflection of what we are going through collectively. So basically, what he was saying is that we're in this 25000 year some odd cycle, the apocalypse, where the unseen is being seen. We're starting to see behind the curtain.

We're starting to have this awakening. It's happened regularly for, you know, who knows how many times in the past. And often in the past when this happens, because our emotions and our thoughts affect reality, and some would even say that the nature of reality is an illusion that we are holding together with our thoughts and our emotions, which I can accept that. I've definitely manipulated my own reality through changing my thoughts and my emotions. Some people call it the law of attraction.

I believe there's some truth to that for sure. And so I have thought before that, collectively, that could have an effect on it. I've even thought many times that that is the main reason why the Dark Occult use Hollywood and the media to make us think of certain things. They almost project the reality that they want us to create and make us create it. That's something I've heard a lot of people mention, and I think that's very interesting.

And so, basically, what he was saying is if we could avoid a violent cataclysm by awakening more to love instead of fear. And so basically what he was saying is that the cataclysm becomes more violent as we awaken into this massive fear vibration, which I thought was very interesting. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah.

I somewhat agree with that for sure that they are filling our heads with very negative things. I've seen comments recently that a lot of the TV shows that we are served up are just a bunch of people yelling at each other, and obviously, ultraviolence and all sorts of drugs. I mean, the big shows are about drug trades and all kinds of crime. Yeah, I think that's true. I think that on one hand, they know that mechanism of our thoughts create reality.

And then on the other hand, they know that this is meant to be a soul school, and they're happy to waste as much of our time as they can through entertainment, through social media, through the endless scroll, even through stupid things like 2 factor authentication, trying to log in to my own bank account, or just Twitter to post a show. It's like, we sent a code to your phone. Go find your phone, and then give us the code so you can do your job. It's like, man, at the end of the road, how many hours have been wasted with that stupid shit? So I really just think they do the calculation.

Most people have 80 to a 100 years. How much of it can we completely waste if they are never willing to step forth and take charge of their life, we have an endless list of things to keep them entertained, numb, and just waste the whole damn thing. But on the subject of cataclysms, there are a lot of people talking about that and the fact that one might be coming up soon. And and I kind of step back from that and look at this idea that it seems like people are always expecting the end of the world in their lifetime. So I have to acknowledge that fact.

People talk about the rapture, the second coming. It just seems to be in the mix. People want to see the climax of the big show, and they all know they're gonna die, so I might as well die at the end of the movie. And so that's there. So I don't know if a lot of this stuff, these clues that seem to suggest that we might see the next wipe are just a part of that or if it's a a real thing.

I know you have talked about Jason Brashears. I've interviewed him. I've talked to him about the Phoenix reset. He seems to think it's gonna be coming between 2040 and 2046. A lot of people that I got comments from were on the fence about some of that.

It's a pretty epic body of work. But you tried to vet it and read from some of the same sources, and you think that maybe he's got something here. Well, first, let me say in the great book, I've mentioned it all the time on my podcast. I don't know if it's my favorite book, but it's up there. It's my top five.

The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. I've read it several times. Great book. He's a historian. He does a very good job of sourcing all of his material.

It's a very scholarly piece of work. And he points out clearly that just about every 100 years, like you said, everyone almost believes that there's the end of the world that's going to happen in their lifetime. He points out how just about every 100 years, it's pushed by the controllers. So it would make sense that people think it's gonna happen because it's constantly being pushed. And now is no different, this idea that we're hearing it now.

It's not a unique thing. So that is interesting, and that should be something to take into account, that that does seem to be part of this soul school, you know, this idea that it's all coming to an end, you know, which kind of makes sense because it makes you reflect a little bit. If it's all coming to an end, it should cause a person to do some reflection. And I imagine that's important in the Soul School. It's probably one of the most important things.

As far as it happening in 2040, 2046, there are several researchers. I did a video on this. There are several researchers that pin it in that same time frame. Most people do. And I think it's mostly based on the sun cycles, because that seems to be what the majority of the people are saying.

There's even, I just saw on Tucker Carlson, I think it's, Dennis Quaid. I might be getting him wrong, but some Hollywood actor was just on Tucker Carlson talking about the Carrington event and how that's going to happen and it's going to take down the entire grid. And I think that's very interesting. It's interesting. I see Tucker as CIA.

I can't help it. I have trust issues. And so it's very interesting to me to see what he's been talking about lately because he's been talking about the aliens, and now he's talking with a Hollywood actor about this solar event that's gonna take down the entire grid and send us back into the stone age. So it's very interesting to me. Lately, I guess today's answer because you know I vary, but today's answer to your question I would say that it almost seems to me that that is part of the plan.

I don't know if it's a natural event or not, but it seems like this event that's coming is scheduled. You know, it's interesting. I'm living in Moscow, Russia currently, and one of the most interesting things I've learned from being here is that the Russian Federation is very openly talking about a pole shift that they're expecting within the next decade or 2. They're not talking about global warming. Like, on the subject of cataclysms, I remember many years ago when I first heard about global warming, immediately, I thought, oh, that's a cover up for the poll shift.

That's exactly what that is. They've created a cover story to hide this cataclysm that's coming. And, I mean, here, everyone knows about it. The Federation is preparing for it. They expect the Arctic to thaw.

They're building massive infrastructure up in the north. They're incentivizing homesteading in Siberia. And everyone knows about it. You can go to a bar. I went to a bar and talked to some 20 year old bartender, and I asked him.

I was like, have you heard anything about the pole shift coming and the Arctic thawing? And he was like, oh, yeah. They talk about all the time here. So that's very interesting to me. You know, who knows what's true and what's not true, but it what is a fact is that Russia is dealing with this thing, whatever it is, much differently than the West.

Mhmm. Yeah. In one of your videos, you talk about the government decreed starvation operation that is happening all across Europe. Pretty much every country in Europe has farmer protests or has had in the past couple of years. It seems like, you know, through the UN's green initiative, it's really an attack on that, and then you contrast it with Russia giving incentives to farmers and trying to help them create more food because they're trying to weather a coming storm, it seems.

And our people are doing the exact opposite. But if you think about things through the context of resets, There's 2 really interesting ways to go. You can talk about the things they've done the last few years as if they're getting ready for a reset to occur, And you can look back to the last potential reset and the idea of repopulation and reestablishing control as if this cycle just happens every time. And in terms of the things they've done recently, obviously, we hear about the elite building bunkers, This idea of total surveillance and embedded IDs under our skin and central bank digital currencies and UBI and 15 minute cities and the testing of lockdowns. It's almost like if you were preparing, if you were gaming this out, and you're like, look.

The whole system's gonna get wiped clean. The Etch A Sketch is gonna get shaken up pretty bad. The anthill is gonna fall. We wanna be protected in our bunkers, but we wanna make sure that people on the surface are in as much trouble as possible. People talk about the lower fertility rates.

Ding ding ding. They don't want us up here toiling around, mating, creating more people. They wanna know where each individual person might be because they know that with a cataclysm, there are some survivors. It might wipe out 80%, 90% of people, but that still leaves a lot of people to manage. So you want to get these things in order.

A 15 minute city keeps everybody close and locked in together. So, when you have to go reestablish control, you know where to go. The people are mainly in these areas. The testing of how lockdowns could work. You roll that out again when you need to.

Just the chemicals that crush our fertility and just make us generally weak. The fact that nobody grows their own food anymore, we're all reliant on the system and the grocery store. So they rug pull us on that, and we're totally screwed. I think there's a really interesting case, even the term the great reset, like, they have to tell us what they're doing, so they say. Well, maybe if they are playing a role of teacher, they maybe do because you have to have the eyes to see and you have to be given the bread crumbs to get to the realization.

But you could put a lot of that stuff in the context of some kind of preparation. Wouldn't you say? Well, I mean, we see things very similarly on this subject. In fact, I'm the first one to always say, I don't know what's going on. As I noticed, we're living in an era right now where a lot of people are very confident that they know what's going on, and I don't believe any of them.

I don't think any of them do, and I don't either. But the only thing that makes sense to me, if I had to guess, if I had to guess, I would say it's this cataclysm because that does as you laid out, it explains everything. And as I mentioned how Russia's dealing with it differently, here's how I explain that. And this is just, obviously, a theory, but this is my theory because it does explain everything. But, you know, I don't believe for a second that there are any governments, especially as big as Russia, that are acting independently of the secret society network.

I think that's very naive to think that, so I don't think that. So what's happening then? Why is there this opposition, which there clearly is? I don't believe it's all theater, I believe, you know, things are handed down through the secret society network and people just play their roles, and sometimes their roles are fighting each other, and there are serious fights, like one is going to perish and one is going to be the victor. While you could say it's theater, in a sense, I believe it's theater with dire consequences for these actors.

So they're not acting. Their emotions are real. But it's just a game that's being played that we're not aware of. So how would I explain that is I would explain that as in, for example, you laid out this perfect picture for America. The 15 minute cities, the underground bases, all of that makes sense, especially if we're getting this close to the event.

2030 is the date that they want to have this UN agenda 2030 cinched up. They wanna have everyone out of the wildlife areas and into these small city areas, And that's exactly what you'd want to do if you were planning on going underground to survive this thing because they've obviously got the bases set up. They've had them set up for years. They obviously have them occupied and being run and maintained. But they're getting to the point where they're gonna wanna start traveling to and from on a regular basis to get ready because I'm they might not know the exact date or maybe they do.

And so it would make sense to have everyone corralled into these small 15 minute cities to depopulate to a certain extent, to do all of these. It really explains everything. If they want to go underground, if they are expecting the result of this cataclysm to be very negative for that area. I had someone point out the science of the ice age coming. I've heard many different angles of the ice age coming to North America.

The movie The Day After Tomorrow was written by scientists based on the science of the, I can't remember what it's called, but it's the water flow dying, specific waterfall that goes through the Atlantic that's going to cause some type of ice age. And so why is Russia not doing that? Because Russia is not doing that. Russia is encouraging people to thrive. They're encouraging people to have more babies.

They're building infrastructure, preparing for a thaw. They are creating the new economic system, which was handed to them by the big banks because if you look at BRICS, it was out of the western banking system. The international banking system is who wrote the original paper, so it's not like they came up with it. It was handed to them. So maybe there are people that not only know this event is coming, but they know which way the wind blows, and they know that certain areas are going to be perhaps an ice age, or there's not going to be food growing there, or maybe even they'll sink underwater, and certain areas are going to thaw.

And maybe they know. Maybe Russian Federation is right. Maybe it is going to thaw. And that's not why I'm here because I'll let me just say right now, like, I my lease is up at the end of the year, and I plan on probably moving back into the other the Western Hemisphere. Because I don't know.

I mean, I I have no idea. And I'm not gonna, you know, bet in my you know, I'm just gonna keep going riding the waves and seeing where I end up. I'm not really too concerned about the future. I'm just, you know, like I said, I made peace with it. I'm just riding the waves.

But it would explain the difference that you're seeing in the two areas. You know, you can look at maps of Antarctica from the past that show Antarctica was not always frozen, And the clock there's a famous clock from Prague. It's very similar to the Mayan calendar. It's like a circle within a circle that moves around the outer edge of the circle. If you're having a hard time visualizing that, you can just look up prog clock.

And if you threw in for lack of I mean, it's not a good description, but it'll work. If you throw in flat earth if you throw in prog flat earth clock, it'll come right up. You said it now. And the idea is is that every time one of these pole shifts happen, the sun in its current circular pattern slightly shifts to another area of the surface causing certain areas to thaw, certain areas to freeze, changing the entire landscape like a giant clock face, which I find to be a very interesting theory. And maybe that's what's happening.

Yeah. I'm with you. I'm unsure about these things. These are just the best ideas that I have pulled out of the rabbit holes. Like, there's many many ideas down there and the ones that make sense that are congruent, that seem like pieces of a bigger puzzle are these things that we are talking about.

And it's pretty wild, but it seems like if you look back, almost every culture had a way more complex timekeeping system than we have today. And that should be something that people take note of. And I think the reason for it is there's probably rounds in these resets, these cataclysms, where people were probably a bit more open. The whole Tartaria thing, like, I'm not gonna go there, but the ideas under that umbrella are that there was more community across the world and more sharing of information. So that's probably why a lot of societies had pyramids where the sun at a certain point makes the serpent or comes down the center hallway at the equinox.

Like, these are timekeeping monuments, and you have the Mayan calendar, as you mentioned, And it seems like even native Americans and people embedded in nature had really robust timekeeping systems. Then today, it seems like, well, there was a reset. Royal families emerged across Europe that were all strangely related. You would think that the king of Spain would be Spanish, the king of Italy would be Italian, and there's not much more to say about it. But, no, it's one big family, as if they were clued in on something that was going to occur.

And if they could only be the first ones out of the gate, they might be able to craft the whole thing. And it seems like it's very ambitious, but it seems like through secret societies and brotherhoods that are loyal to each other amongst above all other things, that probably occurred. And now all that information is locked away in the Vatican vaults, in the masonic basements, and they burned down the Library of Alexandria. All these vast troves of disinformation are gone now. We discover them every once in a while.

The Nag Hammadi texts. There's stories of monks climbing down mountains in the Andes and they break open a wall and there's scrolls inside. So, you have this idea that a lot of people at a previous time thought it was important to hide certain scrolls and information in barely obscure places. And then the elite thought it was really important to go to every corner of the earth and spread their message and reeducate everyone and destroy those records of any native people, which is, again, very ambitious. So, I mean, that's kind of the story that I see emerging.

What do you think? Are you pretty much in alignment with that? Do you have anything to add or elaborate on? Well, I think that kind of goes along with the cataclysm thing in a way because it's almost like the current model has been liquidation and preparations for an event that's gonna wipe everything clear again, you know, as opposed to building things and this world that's deeply connected with community, which does seem like that seemed to be in the past, it's a different phase. It's the death phase.

It's the liquidation phase. And, if you look at the great year compared to the Vedas, talk about the Yugas, and we're at the end of the kala yuga, which is the iron age, I believe, and then the next stage is the golden age. And the kali yuga is described where everything is turned upside down. Everything becomes inverted and very dark. I even heard a Hindu scholar say that you'll know you're at the peak of the kali yuga when humans are bred for consumption.

And I remember I heard that probably 10 years ago, and I thought it was, like, wow. That's horrible. And then I recently, a few years ago, I was, like, well, wait a second. We're there right now. I mean, that's that's exactly what's happening right now.

So, and according to the timeline, we are at the, that's the end of the shift, that's the end of the age that we're at right now and the beginning of the Aquarian age. We are at the end of the dark ages and the beginning of the light ages. And the work of, a gentleman goes by Logan. He's got a YouTube channel called Decode Your Reality. I'm a big fan of his work.

It brings peace to me, and I think it is a very scientific job of demonstrating that the reality of fate in that it really makes you I've always questioned how much free will do we actually have and how much of our life has already been determined at our time of birth? I've been asking that question for my whole life, and what he does, if you haven't seen his work yet, I highly recommend it. He'll take anything from a rock album to a very famous world figure and spend about 3 hours breaking them down using astrology, numerology, Chaldean numerology, pi, phi, prime numbers, and, basically, he's just showing a redundant code. The same code keeps showing up no matter what method he uses to decode it. And this redundancy and repetition show that, in my opinion, show that a lot of what we call conspiracy, a lot of what we assume is somehow planned out as a ritual or something, which is that used to be my thought before is, like, a lot of these things are ritualistically planned out, you start to realize that a lot of it isn't.

A lot of it is just a preprogram that we are naturally living out, like he did Trump. I found myself angry at Trump because, like I said at the beginning of our interview, kind of what got me into my work was q and Trump. I started thinking these ideas that maybe there's, like, some white hat thing going on. And I'm only human, so I got caught up in that. And then I came to the conclusion that that was a lie, and then I felt betrayed.

And then I watched his work on Trump, and he's done several videos on Trump. And in my opinion, what his work does is it shows that Trump had no choice. Trump is just being Trump. Trump is living the life that he was born to live. You could read his code from the day he was born and know where he was going.

And, I had him do me. I I hired him actually to decode myself, and that's exactly what I got too after 3 and a half hours of him going over my own code. You know, it's not surprising because you know yourself, but what's surprising is that it's all there in the code. And I was like, wow. And to me, that brought peace because it's like there's no reason to get mad about any of this.

And this is actually what a lot of the sages and gurus and masters in almost every religious teaching will tell you, that the physical world has already been written. What we are experiencing has already happened in the higher realms and what we're experiencing in the present is something that's already been written. And so if you really want to affect physical reality, then you can write it, and it'll come out in the future, you know, if that makes sense. I agree. And there's guests like Chris Knowles who we've had here many times who focus on synchro mysticism and seen a lot of these codes throughout pop culture and world events and award show rituals and the symbolism and all that.

And I use the term that when you really get into the details, it seems too precise for human hands. And that's kind of the conclusion I came to too. It's like there can't be a room of people crafting a reality this specific when you really hold some of this stuff up to the light. So, yeah, it seems cosmic in a sense. Maybe there's a a higher plane where it's planned out, But I do think that there is, like, a gravity, to use a very loaded term, or a magnetism to certain plot points.

And you can maybe connect the dots however you want, but there's going to be these certain beats, this rhythm to things. And within the rhythm, between the dots, the line that connects the dots, that's you, and you do have a little bit of flexibility on how you get there. And I think that's how I reconcile free will with fate and all that sort of stuff. But it is super fascinating. From astrology on down, it seems like this whole thing is coded.

And we could talk about the matrix code, the artificial overlay that seems manipulative, but there also is a natural code baked into reality that is quite impressive and esoteric and beautiful. I told you that the first video of yours I ever watched was the one about the heart, and I love that kind of stuff. I have had doctor Gerald Pollack here before talking about the 4th phase of water. But in this video where you talk about the heart, and it's always been a thing. When I heard that the heart is not a pump, that gel state water in our blood cells has a negative charge, and it's kind of what pushes through our body, I always thought that was fascinating.

And you add the inside of Steiner who said the heart is a 7 sided regular form that sits in an imaginary box in our chest, almost like a 6th platonic solid. And, according to the guy who you say has operated on more hearts than almost anyone, Paco Torret Wasp, if I caught the name, he says that the heart is more like a cell water slash blood cell vortexing machine. And so you get into these esoteric aspects of life and nature that suggest things are pretty magical. And, even if you just start growing your own food, you see that a tree can provide a lot of abundance, but we just don't do it anymore. And so, I really like looking at that layer of reality, the natural layer.

Just think about if all the suppressed healing devices and energy systems that we've digested. What if they were allowed to be out there? And what could life really be like? That's what the Totaria people fantasize about. It's like a crazy utopia.

But the thing is, is we don't even have the right paradigm. We're stuck in viruses and explosions, and we don't even realize that nature kind of has hidden clues to things like vortex ing and magnetism and light and structured water. And if you live in that world, life's pretty great. Wouldn't you say? I agree.

That's my favorite world. In fact, I dream a lot about doing work exclusively in that area. Recently, in the past year and a half, actually, I've been questioning my work, like, questioning, am I helping to generate this fear by focusing on these things? If I believed that were true, I would have stopped. I just questioned it.

And I tried to what I've done is I've tried to keep a positive angle as much as I can, and I try to stay away from the fear. But, I mean, to be honest, a lot of my work is, like, ringing an alarm bell, you know, being like, danger. Danger. Danger. Right?

Which I think is important still, but that's just where we're at right now. But then again, I think that, really, the only real solution and I don't have a whole lot of faith that we're gonna actually pull this off or we could pull it off, but you never know. I'm still optimistic. But really, we could turn it all around if all we did was start creating the world that we want to create, start focusing on the world that we want to. For example, I, in my free time, I mostly watch Bigfoot Sasquatch documentaries.

That's been my, it brings me joy and peace when I'm just trying to relax on the couch and stuff. And Sure. I started doing it almost as a joke because I thought it was a goof, and I was like, this is funny. And then the first night, I was like, oh, no. This is about as real as anything else.

And one of the things I'm understanding about Sasquatch is, 1, Sasquatch is kind of, as one researcher put it, they are the managers of this place that we live in. They manage it. That's their job, which I thought was very interesting, and it just stuck in my mind. And then it makes you think, okay. Well, what is their main message then?

If they're the managers, what is their main thing? And one of their main things is to encourage us to leave the world of technology and embrace this world of natural wonder, which is, as you pointed out, magical. You know? The vortex, the energy that exists in nature, the ether, all this stuff is right there if we want it. And this synthetic world of technology that we've been focused on and building up around us is really almost like a cage to keep us hidden from this miraculous incredible world that we were given that is ours if we choose.

Yes. Absolutely. And even the thought that our ideas create the reality, You could say it another way and say, well, the reality is there. The ether is there. It's just what you think in your mind is possible.

And if you're convinced there is no ether because you read it in a academic textbook, well, then, functionally, there is no ether. You're not harnessing it for anything. If you don't believe in the power of nature, then it might as well not exist. And, thus, your thoughts are creating a reality where green paper rules all, and the scarcity of that green paper is the middleman between you and the actual abundance. You think about how much they throw away at a grocery store because people didn't come in with enough green paper, goddamn it.

You know? Like, it's just so silly. But it is a mental construct mainly. And before we run out of time in this this first hour, I wanted to throw in a little more about things I've heard you say regarding the last reset or the potential of a last reset. You've talked about this order of the Odd Fellows and we don't hear much about them, but according to their basic Wikipedia page, the Odd Fellows is an international fraternity consisting of lodges first documented in 17/30 in London.

The first known lodge was called Loyal Aristarchus. Lodge number 9 suggesting there were earlier ones in the 18th century. Notwithstanding, meetings were held, quote, in much revelry and often as not, the calling of the watch to restore order. Names of several British pubs today suggest past Oddfellow affiliations. King George the 4th of the UK admitted in 17/80 while he was Prince of Wales to be a member, and was the first documented of many Oddfellows to also attend freemasonry.

Although the societies remain mutually independent, some grand lodges imply a Judeo Christian affiliation. The American based Independent Order of Oddfellows enrolls some 600,000 members divided into approximately 10,000 lodges in 30 countries. In total, members of all international branches combined are estimated in the millions worldwide. Probably a surprise to many people, but their website is full of images of adults smiling with children. We could say families, but we could also say it a different way.

And a lot of references to management duties. And I think you made an interesting case for how they could fit into the big picture, and we could get into the orphan train story that is talked about a lot. And I've seen many images of these world fair incubators. And this idea that they are making their own people for such a purpose that they can put wherever they want. They have no context.

Hiram Abiff, you've said, is known as, like, the grand orphan. It's, like, all about orphans, and we've talked in previous episodes about predators, and pedophiles, and Hollywood, they seek out people with like divorced parents, or broken homes, and then they manipulate those people. If you can make your own people from the ground up in some human farm or some kind of, just pillaging of orphanages, This is where you would find people that are highly moldable for whatever operation you have going on. But I thought the Odd Fellows was interesting, something that was kinda new to me. It's hard to find new things on my plate anymore, but talk to us about some of your thoughts regarding if there was a big previous cataclysm, some of the techniques that might have been used to repopulate, and where we see little breadcrumbs of that.

Yeah. The Odd Fellows is probably the most recent mind blowing thing I've learned is probably the Odd Fellows. That was maybe a couple years ago when I came across that. I have a paywall in my substack, and one of my videos for paid subscribers is about the Oddfellows. The Oddfellows and these orphan trains.

And it's not that hidden. Like, you can go to Wikipedia and check this stuff out, but no one really talks about it. And I would say that at the very least, what it is is it was the British crown repopulating America after they took total control of it after the Civil War, which is obviously a history that we're not taught. But that would be on one end of the spectrum. If it's nothing else, it's just that.

It's simply that the British crown completely gained control over America after the Civil War, and then that was their method of filling the country up with people that were beholden to them, because like you said, and it's very accurate. If you have a child that was born in your home without parents in your society and then you raise them up the way you want, they're gonna be loyal to you. They're not gonna be loyal to a mother who loves them. They're gonna be loyal to their secret society brotherhood. It's the perfect slave.

The only reason I never thought of it before the Oddfellows is because I I tend to have be one of those humans, like, I think most of us, who has more empathy and compassion and a gentle nature. You know, I don't think about controlling others. That's not something I spend a lot of time thinking about, but if you were to think about that, then obviously what you'd want is your own people, and you'd want to make them yourself. Makes perfect sense when you think about it. But when you start looking into other strange anomalies during that time, You mentioned the world fairs.

I don't know what to make of the world fairs. I also have a video about that on my subs tech where, you know, a lot of people will say that there was a society, a worldwide society, that was full of these Greco Roman buildings all over the world and that the world fairs were a way of hiding that. And it is interesting because several of these world fairs, they all had the same type of architecture. We're told officially that they were built temporarily using wood, plaster, and linen. And while some of these buildings obviously were that, many, many, many others were obviously not.

100 of them were bigger than anything that exists today, bigger than the wonders of the world. And in almost all these cases, there were mysterious fires that broke out, that burned everything, that were never investigated. And it does look as if there was they were trying to hide history, and I don't trust history anymore. A lot of it started from the the Oddfellows. Once I started looking into the Oddfellows and these world fairs and then I saw a documentary on the Russian the Bolshevik Revolution made by a Swiss filmmaker.

I can't remember the name of it. But in that film, they basically pointed out how America, even America in 17/76, was contrived and created by the British crown from day 1 to create a proxy that the British could control, and that this whole idea of 17/76 is a lie and an illusion, which I can accept that. One of the reasons I can accept it is because it completely formed who I am today. Like, I grew up from a very young age being deeply inspired by the constitution, by the first and second amendment, the idea of independence and freedom, the idea of opposing tyranny, these shaped who I am today. And so because of that, it's very easy for me to accept that it was done on purpose as a form of mind control because it worked.

You know what I'm saying? Like, if that was the case, then I am a test subject to affirm that, yes, that was effective because it took that hold on me. And I'm sure that many people could say the same. The thing about the Oddfellows and the Orphan Trains is God only knows what the hell that was all about. It really makes you question history.

That's what it did for me. Like I said, it was the final thing that made me be, like, throw my arms up in the air and be like, you know what? Who knows? History is up for grabs, and there's no way I'm putting my faith in any of it. Yes.

Yes. Well said. And, of course, I wanna talk to you about where we are, the place that we seem to be in, maybe called the last Sephiroth, the last Sephiroth on the tree of life, and, of course, NASA and all those ritualistic things. But just to close-up this first hour and add just a little more context to what we have talked about, people might consider the British royal family's day to be over, like, they're kind of a waning power, but you say in one of your videos, they are the largest land owners on earth. They own 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world, 1 sixth of the surface of the Earth, if you believe the math.

But that's obviously super significant. And then you have another report titled underground tunnels and hybrid breeding programs, and you cover Phil Schneider's claims about stumbling into a network of deep underground bases with nonhumans in them under Dulce, New Mexico. Phil died about a year after going on this whistleblower speaking tour, and a lot of people think what he said was just too sensational. But you go on to add that Dulce is a 170 kilometers from the Four Corners area known as a skinwalker cryptid hotspot for beings that some say live underground. It's a 160 kilometers from Scientology's Trementina Base, which is an underground complex they built for some reason, and it's 200 kilometers from Epstein Zoro Ranch, which has an 8,000 square foot underground level and is said to go even deeper.

And, of course, Epstein talked to people about his hopes to seed the human race from this facility after a cataclysm. So more logs for the fire. Those pieces are starting to fit. Wouldn't you say? Yeah.

If you really wanna get to the truth of the matter, you have to factor in nonhumans and an underground world an underworld. In my opinion, that's really what is at the heart of what's going on, is nonhuman manipulation. I mentioned Sasquatch as being the managers. They're not the only managers. I would say at the top of the pyramid, you're going to find bankers, but they're just Judas, goats, and managers for something else, which I would say are nonhumans.

The royal family, I always use the term the crown rather than the royal family because it's somewhat enigmatic exactly what the crown is. They do seem to have more power than everyone else. It seems almost like they have more power than the Vatican. The Vatican and the crown are at the top, but I would say the crown is at the very top. They also seem to have a method of invisibility where they don't take a lot of heat, which is surprising when you look at all the meddling that they've done throughout the world and the bragging of it, you know.

The British were very clear, you know, like, nothing sets under the sun that isn't part of the British crown. And yet they seem to evade almost all criticism. No one's pointing the finger at the Crown. So it is very interesting. And there are several people that have said that the members of the royal family are shape shifting reptilians.

That gets said. That sounds a little kooky and crazy, but but more than one person has made that claim. And when you really get into what reality is, the idea of solidity and physicality is an illusion that even they teach in chemistry 101. Chemistry 101, they'll teach you that the only reason you can't move through a wall is because of a particular electron in the outer valence shell of your body that is charged a certain magnetic charge that it repels. So this idea of solidity and physicality is really a magnetic repulsion, and really all reality is is sound, frequency, and vibration, and light.

And so if that's the case, then then why couldn't, reptilian beings shape shift and hide into a human form? And the underground bases is, yeah. I mean, that's I love Phil Schneider's work, and he's not the only one. And when you start getting into, like, the idea for lack of a better term, I don't like the term because it puts an image in people's minds that I think is ridiculous. But the flat earth rabbit hole when you get into the flat earth rabbit hole and you start seeing the underworld and the implications of of all that, like, the underworld is everything.

There's so much hidden from us, not just under the surface of the Earth, but in the oceans. I mean, we're really on a very we're on the smallest part there is here on the surface. Mhmm. All really great points. And I would just add that you go on to say in that underground tunnels and hybrid breeding programs report, there's a lot of other details that might make people think.

Like you say, high level freemasons allegedly believe in a hollow Earth where a nonhuman species rules from an underworld called Agartha, and their most guarded secrets seem to revolve around a cyclical cataclysm event. Phil Schneider also built submarine bases and said that most were connected to the vast network of deep underground bases. Valane Maxwell had a submarine license and was known to transport people to Epstein Island through an underwater submarine port. The US military built a submarine base on Saint Thomas Island, which is just 13 kilometers from Epstein Island. And right next to this submarine base is Water Island owned by Joe Biden's brother and their business associate.

You then say in a recent interview on iconic, Juliet Bryant who was kidnapped by Epstein for 2 years, said that she never witnessed any of the dozens of girls there being trafficked to any men other than Epstein, but she did wake up once paralyzed on a table and witnessed Epstein shape shift into something else. Wow. Wild stuff, but I love the connections. I know people who have gone to shamans in the Amazon and undertaken various ceremonies, and they say that with the dancing flickering campfire light and the substances they're on and the chanting and the ritual, you can see the shaman take on the form of various animals. Jaguar, eagle, you know, all the main totem animals that people discuss.

And it's not like you would think a physical shift happens. It's not like some transformers thing where they go from robot to car in a real, literal, physical sense, but they're like a facade drops or a new facade, a new mask comes up. I saw it happen and I wasn't under the influence of drugs or trans. It was in the middle of the day while at a place practicing breathing and meditation, which is, you know, like a hyper awareness, actually. And I saw someone shape shift into a reptilian.

So, I mean, it's, like, anecdotal, but there are several people that claim the same thing. It's very interesting. Yeah. It really is. But, man, I really, really enjoyed this.

I love trying to tackle the big picture stuff. I agree with you. I get excited about new ideas as long as there's a case to be made and it's somewhat believable and not completely silly. I mean, that's the nature of the term. You blew my mind.

I like having my mind blown. It's why I do what I do. It's It's why you do what you do. But before I cut you loose, let the people know how and where to get your stuff and anything else you might be working on next, Anything we wanna plug. Give them the links and all that good stuff.

This is why we do the dance. Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm I'm not very good at this, but I need to adapt, and I have mentioned it a couple times. I mentioned the Oddfellows video and then the video I'm working on now, which is part of a 4 part series on the I'm calling it aliens on Earth, for lack aliens is the term everyone goes by, but I don't think these creatures are alien at all.

I think they've been here as long as we have for the most part. So on my Substack, you can go to Substack and search Greg Rees and you'll find me, or search Rees Report, or you can go to pretty much all my posts on Twitter and Band. Video. I send a link to my Substack. Or, actually, here's the best one.

Just go to, and there's a link to my Substack. And if you become a paid subscriber, then there are exclusive videos. I think I've got 7 of them, and then I'm about to put out the 8th one, which is the part 2 of the aliens on Earth, which just gets into the whole German thing mostly. I would say half of part 2 of this alien thing is the German history just because I I find it so interesting. And, yeah, that's the best way to support me Because of this substack and because of the support, it has given me a lot more independence in my work.

My next public video is the great Maria z from Zmedia from Australia. I think she's from Australia. That gal never misses a thing. She pretty much gets all the crazy stories before I do, before anyone else does. And she just put out this thing about how some professor from an Israeli university that partnered with Pfizer, They were doing lectures on nanotechnology, nanobots in injectable fluids using a syringe.

You could inject it in, say, like, a vaccine or something. Back in 2015, 2013, they were showing that this was already a technology that existed, And then they have photographs in this lecture that look exactly like what these people are finding in this experimental shot. And Pfizer went dark years ago, like they started scrubbing the Internet of this information as if they didn't want anyone to know about it. That, to me, is very interesting, so that'll be my next report. If anyone out there did get the experimental shot, I feel for you.

But on the other hand, I have to say, you know, the human body is a miraculous divine creation that was made to cleanse itself and heal itself, And I believe that we can heal ourselves from anything, any toxins and any poison, with a little self discipline and self love and nurturing. So hope is not lost. Amen. I agree with you there. The only thing more impressive than the amount of poisons and toxins they throw at us is the fact that we keep on going.

And I look forward to that work. From one Greg to another, you are the man, and we laid a really good foundational place where, most of our major ideas are laid out. And I hope maybe further down the road we can do it again and build off what we did here. I hope the people respond. And if they do, you'll know it's a place that's worth your time to come back to.

But until that potential day, take care, and I'll be watching that flat earth debate too. Yeah, Greg. I appreciate it. And if your audience is anything like you are, then, yeah, I'm sure that everyone's going to enjoy this because we're obviously on the same page with many of these things. And I appreciate you reaching out to me.

It was super fun to hang out and talk about this stuff. Heck, yeah. I appreciate it. Thank you. Of course, man.

Thank you. And boom goes the dynamite pulling back into the station after quite a wild ride. Greg Reiss bringing the heat. Man, I hope people liked this as much as I did. A guest like Greg is gonna be few and far between.

Someone who can get past conspiracy 101 stuff and really get to the heart of some of his overall thoughts on the situation we're in, what really motivates them, what the biggest, most important things to control are for them. And it's speculative stuff for sure, but cyclical catastrophe makes sense to me. And I've said many times I'm not a flat earther, but the fact that it's censored on the level of COVID stuff probably makes me more curious than any other thing. If it's a psyop, I don't think my buddy Robot Polisher would be on his 3rd round of social media accounts. Ignoring all the rest, I just get curious as to why that would be on their removal radar, because they definitely aren't worried about deceiving us.

You know? And regardless of the local composition, the idea that our overall structure is as a sphere in a Tree of Life like configuration is compelling. Adding in that these spheres would have actually been mapped out and understood in ancient systems of magic, even more so. You can fold a lot of the big epic spiritual narratives into that model, and it's pretty internally consistent and compatible. I just really had a good time with this one.

It was fun. I know when we talked about Antarctica, I relayed the Flat Earth argument that Antarctica has never been And before I get comments, yes, I know that if you Google it, you can read about Captain Cook's trip and a few others, but these are covered in the Flat Earth Arguments. And the conventional story we're told is that Antarctica has 11,000 miles of coastline, but these expeditions talk about going much, much further than that. Captain Cook's story is that he traveled over 60,000 miles to get around, and that doesn't add up. But to say that he went all the way around the ice wall until he got back to his original position where the same geography was north of him, 60,000 miles for the outer ring makes some sense.

But the counterpoint there is that Cook didn't just go around Antarctica. He surveyed the ocean overall. He was zigging north. He was zagging back south, and that's where the added mileage is accounted for. So, again, I stay agnostic on the issue, but I do digest the points and the counterpoints, and I just let it be what it is.

But that was plus show talk, I think. And, also, in the plus show, we mentioned that big Infowars flat earth debate. Well, it did happen, and it was certainly respectful, but it wasn't full of facts. Harrison, who does some really good reporting as another one of the Infowars hosts, He took the heliocentric globe model position, and he basically said right out of the gate, I'm not coming to this with a scientific case to be made. It just looks and feels like the conventional model is right to me.

And most of the time he talked, it came back to that core stance. And that's okay to feel that way, but it's not really the correct way to go into this sort of debate or even the best way to be entertaining. I would have liked to see a more detail oriented debate and not just an argument about how it feels. But that was just a small thread that my buddy wanted me to ask Greg about, so I fit it into the Plus show. Shout out to Robot Polisher.

But if you filter all the major actions of the Elite through a lens like cyclical cataclysms, a lot of it does make sense. So many researchers now are talking about feeling as if the elite are on a timeline, and it's being rushed. Well, how do you interpret that? Do you think about some higher level boss just yelling down their necks, I want results. Maybe.

But why? If you control the world, why would you be worried about the pace, really, if you're winning? Why do you care about hitting some exact milestones on the timeline? You think you would control all of it, so you might control the ongoing events of the world, but not the timeline. That would be interesting.

That would speak to cyclical cataclysms to me. Something they expect but can't control. People talk about that 2025 Diegle report that shows the world's population or the US's population dropping by, like, I think it's the world, 70, 80% or something. Well, people now are saying, oh, I think that's probably the vaxx, but maybe it's a natural event. Who's to say?

Good stuff, though. And this really only came to be because of a synchronicity of sorts. I guess I could tell that story, but I had seen Greg's report on the heart and that is what really got me interested in his work. So I asked Mystic Mark of my family thinks I'm crazy because he has a lot of contacts that I can't seem to find and sure enough he came through. And I just added Greg's email to my big list of people I want to have on, and it was there for a couple of months.

And then I sat down to plan the next month of shows, and I just felt a tug to fire off an email to him specifically. And he responded saying that he wasn't familiar with the HireSite chats the day prior, but he just so happened to be doing some research on Richard Hoagland's work, and that led him to have been listening to my interview with Richard at the same time he opened an email from me. I mean, what are the odds? The universe did step in and nudge us and made sure we actually would get together, and this is what came out of it. Hopefully, the universe is pleased, and you never know.

Was it our higher selves or a manipulation of some trickster spirit? The possibilities are endless, but I hope we all had a good time. If you liked the first hour, treat yourself to the second. The full 2 hour show is always better, but don't just take my word for it. Use the 7 day free trial right at the top of your show notes, and hear it for yourself.

Life is short. $8 is less valuable than ever. Double your pleasure, double your fun for crying out loud. Now the last episode was with the man himself, Isaac Weishaupt. Many people do seem to really love the area of research that he focuses on.

And as for what the plus rating was, we landed on a 4.7 right back to the top tier. And just saying, when I reacted to the reactions of the doctor Hillman show, that initiated a lot of positive reactions from people who previously just liked it and didn't feel the need to express that until they heard that there was backlash. And in the end, the overall feedback definitely evened itself out. And now instead of a, what, 3.7 or a 3.8, it's now a 4.1. So the needle was moved in the right direction, and all is right with the world.

But Isaac seemed to be a lot more universally liked, and I might imagine the same would be true for today, but we shall see. Some people have the same knee jerk reaction of I'm just done with this. If there's even any entertaining of something radically different about the Earth shape and Earth model. That's just a fact. Who knows how big a factor it might be?

But I appreciate Greg Reese's willingness to be bold and his ability to say, I don't really know, but we're just talking about my best guess. I try to express my own ideas with the same caveats. But that is it. Let me tell you about the upcoming community events on the meetup calendar before we really call it in. The next one is coming up on Star Wars Day, May 4th in Ashland, Oregon at the Caldera Brewery.

May 12th, Salem, Virginia at Parkway Brewing. May 16th, Flame International Restaurant in LA. That is a monthly recurring meetup. And May 19th, we got one at the witch's hat in South Lyon, Michigan. And another one that's been added is May 23rd, The Earth Cafe in Pasadena, California.

I like it. for more details on any of those events so you can RSVP if you plan to go or make an event of your own at a place that you'd like to meet some other local THC fans at. Also, last thing, big shout out to my buddy, Tony Pardy, because we worked on another parody cover song, and it's been a fun way for us to keep in touch since I moved away. And you end up getting to hear something new. So it's a win win.

And this one might not be the best fit thematically for this episode, but it is in the mix. I mean, the grand unified conspiracy theory does cover all. So enjoy. I've done my part. Your move, power pyramid puppet masters, grand deceivers, and cosmic terrarium runners.

Your fucking move. You can try your best, but you won't succeed in the transhumanistic Tech is a curse. It's just 1 chip behind your face and some parts below that we can replace. Progress leaves no time to waste and enlist To fix you. Your computational powers grow while you run-in these loops of cat videos.

Profits will soar and cash will flow. Increase your worth. Lights The people that first get it should have a massive advantage over people that don't have it yet. Well, I mean, it's the kind of thing where your productivity would improve, dramatically by a factor of 10 with it. So you could definitely just, you know, I don't know, take out a loan and do it and earn earn the money back real fast.

Yeah. That'd be super smart. When do you think you're gonna do it? How long will you wait? Mind for all the human race, a big dream, a new face.

Stand by. Our big dream, a new face, a high, mind for Holly human race, A big dream. A new face. Stand