cleaning tips

I have some old clothing for antique baby dolls. My granddaughter threw some water on them and when I finally realize what she did a few weeks later the clothes were moldy. Please specify in the step -by-step process and procedure what I should do in order to restore these baby clothes 

I'm sorry to hear about the moldy baby clothes. Restoring antique clothing requires delicate care to prevent further damage. Here's a step-by-step process you can follow to restore the moldy baby clothes:

1. Safety precautions: Before you begin handling moldy items, it's important to take safety precautions. Wear gloves, a mask, and work in a well-ventilated area to minimize your exposure to mold spores.

2. Isolate the clothes: Remove the moldy baby clothes from any other items to prevent the spread of mold. Place them in a clean, well-ventilated area or a large plastic bag until you're ready to clean them.

3. Dry cleaning: If the baby clothes have care labels indicating they can be dry cleaned, take them to a professional dry cleaner experienced in handling delicate fabrics and mold removal. Inform the cleaner about the mold issue so they can take appropriate measures.

4. Pre-treatment: If dry cleaning is not an option or if the clothes don't have care labels, you can pre-treat the mold stains. Start by gently brushing off any visible mold spores with a soft-bristled brush outside, away from other surfaces. Be cautious not to spread the spores to other areas.

5. Stain removal: Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a clean bowl or basin. Dip a clean, white cloth or sponge into the solution and gently dab it onto the mold stains. Avoid rubbing, as it can damage delicate fabrics. Allow the vinegar solution to sit on the stains for a few minutes.

6. Gentle washing: Fill a clean basin or sink with lukewarm water and a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics. Submerge the baby clothes in the soapy water and gently agitate them for a few minutes. Avoid excessive wringing or twisting, as it can cause further damage.

7. Rinse thoroughly: Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean water. Rinse the baby clothes thoroughly to remove any traces of detergent.

8. Drying: After rinsing, gently squeeze out excess water from the clothes. Avoid wringing or twisting them. Lay a clean, dry towel on a flat surface and place the clothes on top. Roll up the towel with the clothes inside to absorb more moisture. Unroll the towel and transfer the clothes to a drying rack or lay them flat on a clean, dry surface away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Allow them to air dry completely.

9. Inspection: Once the clothes are dry, carefully inspect them for any remaining mold stains. If stains persist, repeat the stain removal process or consider seeking professional help.

10. Storage: After restoring the baby clothes, ensure they are completely dry before storing them. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperature fluctuations. Consider using acid-free tissue paper to wrap the clothes and prevent any potential damage during storage.

Remember, if the mold damage is extensive, or if the clothing is particularly valuable or sentimental, it's always a good idea to consult a professional textile conservator or restoration expert who specializes in antique textiles. They will have the expertise and resources to handle delicate restoration processes and ensure the best possible outcome.