transcript of Please Refrain from Urinating on the Rule of Law, Madam Secretary best evidence

I wanna do a series of short videos on legal issues that are related to money, because I find that a lot of these issues are very important, but they're not understood all that well. And I like to be able to go back to these short videos and refer to them kind of like footnotes when I get back into doing longer form videos, like, documentary link videos. I'm working on one now, for example, about the coup d'etat that occurred in this country in 2,008, a real coup, not a not a fake one. And I'd I'd like to be able to refer back to these short videos kinda like footnotes, like I said. The first issue I wanna cover is the rule of law and Janet Yellen's proposal to hand Russian assets over to the Ukraine and explain why that's so dangerous.

Here is the US Treasury Secretary about assets owned by a country that we are not at war with, and they're not even located in the US. I also believe it's necessary and urgent for our coalition to find a way to unlock the value of these immobilized assets to support Ukraine's continued resistance and long term reconstruction. While we should act together and in a considered way, I believe there is a strong international law, economic, and moral case for moving forward. So notice, first, it's necessary and urgent to take rush assets and give them to Ukraine because the war is not going as advertised. And only second do we hear about the legality of that act.

And even then, all we get is Janet Yellen's belief that there's a legal case to be made somehow, some way to starkly clear. Yellen's proposal is theft, no matter how you slice it. Even if she is ultimately right that there is a legal case somehow to convert Russian assets to Ukrainian assets, her entire plan, her entire process is still blatantly illegal because it puts her personal sense of urgency or personal feelings above the due process of law, which she doesn't even mention. It's just take first and justify later. Congress won't give Ukraine what I want?

No problem. I'll just end run the legal and democratic process, do whatever I want, and pay some attorneys later to justify my actions. It really begs the question where this mindset comes from. And a big clue on that score is that Janet Yellen comes from the San Francisco Federal Reserve where she was the president. It's a privately owned bank.

And the truth is that the bankers hatred of the rule of law and of due process dates back 100, really 1000 of years. In fact, the rule of law had to be invented to counter the very brand of gangsterism urged by Janet Yellen here of, take my word for it. It's a okay to take someone else's property for your own use and worry about the consequences later. Back in the year 12 15, the king of England was in bed with money lenders, and the noblemen were up to their eye balls in debt due to massive interest payments, due to usury, and their property would get seized whenever the money lenders would tell the king, take our word for it. That property is collateral for a loan and the king's men would seize the property, no questions asked.

There was no rule of law back then. There was only the rule of money lenders whose word was the law. And by 12 15, the nobleman had had enough. And they sat down with King John, and they had him sign a document. It is now called the Magna Carta, agreeing to a lot of reforms that appear to this day in constitutions around the world.

Every single one of these reforms related to debt, related to usury, related to the seizure of property, and to abuses by the king acting on behalf of money lenders. Number a piss on Just took a piss on. In front of the entire world. So give me a second and let me read it to you. No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

So there you go. No more rule of money lenders. The law of the land now controls, not the money lenders belief about what's theirs. The king can't just take That is the rule of law, not the rule of man, not the That is the rule of law, not the rule of man, not the rule of a king or a queen, and not the rule of money lenders. Whoever you are ruling, you have to follow legal procedure.

And this takes us right back to Janet Yellen, whose only basis for taking Russian assets is it's necessary and urgent, and I believe there was some legal support somewhere for what I'm doing. There is a legal term for taking property first and offering excuses later, and that term is larceny. And Janet Yellen has just revealed herself as a very dangerous criminal. Because if she can steal European assets by saying it's necessary and urgent, she can steal your assets by saying that's necessary and urgent too. Do not be fooled by her granny stick.

It's simply a gloss over a deeply criminal and psychopathic mindset. When powerful people like Janet Yellen reveal themselves as lawless thugs, as she just did, you damn well better take them seriously. The worst thing you can do is cheer her on because you like the results she's after. You're absolutely slitting your throat wide open with bad precedent when you do that. Okay.

That's it for today. For more information, see the link to my substack in the description box below. Thanks so much for watching, and I will see you real soon.