Brian Artis Transcripts

Transcript of 47min Brian Artis Interview Man in America, Nicotine Is Good For You- Apr 30, 2024 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Man in America. I'm your host, Seth Holthouse. If there's one thing that I've learned the past couple of years, it's that if the governments and the major media and the education system and your local doctor, if they all demonize something that what I've learned is that that thing is probably pretty good. So this is gonna be an interview that I think is gonna really make you question some of your fundamental beliefs. And it's gonna be an interview about nicotine.

Now it's strange, I grew up thinking nicotine is bad, it's addictive, stay away from cigarettes, which I'm not advocating for cigarettes, trust me. But according to my guest today, my good friend doctor Brian Artis, nicotine is actually a magical medicinal substance. I'm not sure if you call it an herb or plant or whatever you it exists in a lot of plants, but it's something that occurs naturally and not just tobacco, but nightshades, eggplants, tomatoes, etcetera. And the information he has on this is absolutely mind blowing. So I hope you enjoy this interview, and like doctor Hartis has a good track record of doing, he's gonna make you really second guess a lot of your very fundamental beliefs about the medical system, and about certain things, and drugs, and about nicotine itself.

So folks, please enjoy the interview with doctor Brian Artis. Brian, it is always not just really informative, but just, like, an incredible amount of fun to have you on the show. So thank you so much for for coming on today. Seth, it's great to be here. Congratulations on the new baby.

Hope the wife is healthy. Hope the mom is healthy. Hope the baby's doing great. I can't think of anything more amazing than adding children into our lives and expanding expanding our families. You know, me and my wife, Jane, have 8 kids together.

So we we love family and kids and can't be more excited for you. Yeah. Everyone's everyone's healthy and happy. And I'm happy because, like, in my opinion, it's, like, the number one way to fight back against the cabal that's trying to depopulate us is just have more kids. Don't vaccinate them.

Homeschool them. Have more of those kinds of kids that become freedom fighters. So that's that's that's the goal. Yeah. I love it.

In fact, I think that there was a commandment by God, I think, to Adam and Eve when he kicked them out of the garden. Right? That they needed to go and populate and replenish the earth. Yeah. Well, science and man continue now to tell you can't have so many children.

You have to restrict how many children we can have. And, it's time to create infertility agendas with vaccines all over the world. Right? That's what they tell you. It's totally opposite of what God's plan was.

So congrats on the extended family. Thank you. Thank you. So let's talk about nicotine. I've seen you in a lot of headlines recently, and it's, you've been referred to as the other n word, which I think is quite comical.

So nicotine, these patches that we see, the gum, obviously cigarettes, it became the addictive thing in cigarettes to keep us going back. Thankfully, I never got, you know, just kinda drawn into that as a kid and and never got Sure. Addicted to cigarettes. But there's also the flip side to nicotine, which I think is really interesting. So what's going on with nicotine?

Yes. It's gonna be fun. Thanks for having me come on here, and it has been there's been quite a few, either presentations, conferences, interviews, published articles online, and in social media about my conversations, discoveries, and research on nicotine. And this last week, I was in Los Angeles and I'll just reference to the audience here. I'm about to give a whole lot of information you've never heard before.

And if you're like, there's no way this is true, I would invite you to go to the doctor artist show and go just to the patient resources tab. And there's this free section where I actually give you my entire PowerPoint presentation for free for every presentation I do. So if you go there, go to the conscious living expo. If you go there underneath patient resources, and you just scroll down a little bit, you'll click it, and there's a PDF, and it's my entire PowerPoint presentation from Los Angeles about nicotine called the other n word. So at the top there, Seth, if you go up, you'll see at the top, you'll see some running tabs up there.

You'll see patient resources. If you click on that patient resources tab and if you scroll down just a little bit, you will see that the nicotine LA presentation is on the left hand side. You see it there. And when you click that, it'll open up the whole PowerPoint. You can download this.

This is totally free, and this is the entire presentation. I did it's 353 slides. Everything is referenced with a URL address for the research paper that it goes to. I called it the other n word, but hundreds of thousands of people already downloaded this thing, and it's really exciting that they got it. So as you see right in front of you right there, go up right there.

This is how I started it. In April of 1994, our congress asked all of the top 7 CEOs of the largest tobacco companies to come in and swear under oath. You can see them with their hands to the square, swear under oath That nicotine is either addictive or not addictive. And all 7 of them said nicotine is not addictive. Every single one of them said nicotine is not addictive.

Nicotine is not addictive. Nicotine is not addictive. And the very next slide is the actual video where you can actually watch them say it. So in 25 seconds, they all 7 say that this is not addictive. And then the FDA 3 months later in August of 1994 declares that nicotine is addictive and they started this onslaught of telling everybody in America nonstop that nicotine is addictive.

Now what's amazing is this whole presentation. I just want everybody to see it. That's the actual video. If you click it, it'll actually play it live. And, anyway, this is these are the 7 people that are testifying.

Now what's amazing is is all 7 of these tobacco heads were telling the truth. When they said nicotine is not addictive. The question posed by Congress in 1994 was not is tobacco products addictive. That wasn't the question. The question was in the Oregon Senator says, we want you to sit down and under oath and with the risk of committing perjury, we need you to state is nicotine addictive or not addictive.

And under oath, they all said it's not addictive. Nicotine is not addictive. Nicotine is not addictive. Nicotine is not addictive. Now the truth is, Seth, and for their whole audience here, nicotine is not addictive and the tobacco heads knew it the whole time.

So when they're standing in front of Congress, They are telling the truth. There's a reason why none of them went to jail for lying under oath. None of them were busted because nicotine is not addictive in that presentation you just showed. And anybody can pull up for free and download. It actually tells you and shows you Harvard in 2015 Seth did a study with animals to determine how addictive is cocaine, heroin, sugar, and nicotine.

They wanted to know how addictive is nicotine. Now that label right there, you'll see the FDA 1994 started telling everybody that warning label needs to go on every product as tobacco and nicotine. So that warning is because the FDA lied to the whole world since 1994, that nicotine is addictive. It is not addictive. And the FDA knew it.

The tobacco heads knew it. So in this presentation, the question is, is why did they lie? Why did they lie now? I haven't even told you the truth yet about nicotine, but this is a guy named Joseph Goebbels. You're seeing on the screen.

And I'm going to lead this entire presentation with the guy who was responsible and called the father of propaganda for the Nazis 3rd Reich. So this guy under Hitler, Joseph Goebbels has a very famous quote, scroll down, Seth. We're going to go to his quote. So this is him with Hitler. His whole family's with Hitler here in a second.

There he is. Great. This guy says this. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such a time as the state, the government can shield the people, the innocent citizens from the political, economic, and or military consequences of the lie.

And as Joseph Goebbels continues, it thus becomes vitally important for the state or the government or the FDA to use all of its powers to repress the scent for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie. And thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the FDA. I inserted the FDA. Alright. So why did the FDA decide they were gonna lie about nicotine being addictive?

They had to why they had a huge military, economic and financial plan in place to lie to you that nicotine was addictive. And what was the plan? I mean, listen, I'm just giving you examples on this slide as you're showing where it is. The state used all of its powers to tell and repeat this lie. So you'll see it on billboards.

You'll see it on every product. You hear it in radio. You see it in the media. They will non stop tell you the lie and they keep repeating it until you believe it. In fact, it's not even lies.

If you, if it's still a lie, it doesn't matter what it is. It could be truth or a lie, or it could just be made up. If you keep repeating something over and over and over, people are gonna believe it. For example, Seth, if I say this to you, an apple a day does what? What would you say?

Keeps doctor Brian artists away. Right. Alright. So an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Why do you remember that phrase?

Because I've heard it my entire life. Yeah. You heard it your entire life. Okay. So it must be true.

It beings if, yeah, that's right. If human beings hear things over and over and over, you're gonna eventually believe it. It just becomes a part of your psyche. You just The COVID the COVID vaccine is safe and effective. Right?

This is no different than the whole all drugs and vaccines are safe and effective. Right? Every vaccine is safe and effective. It doesn't matter what it is. Even though it's made by the same companies that make every drug that have nothing but a list of side effects longer than their benefits.

All of a sudden, they create something that has no liability. It's all immune to any kind of, suit or payout compensation for injury. They the same companies that make everything that has side effects, for some reason, they've created a miracle product that has zero side effects. It's amazing. Incredible.

Alright. So these are just examples, but this lie is what I started with. The propaganda had to be held. Why? If y'all wanna know more about the presentation, go download it.

It's free. It's, it's a very thorough thing. All right. Now this is important. Why does the FDA or the state want to lie to you?

That nicotine is addictive in 2015. Harvard did a study and it's in the presentation. You don't have to show up, but they will actually take the audiences through that in 2015, the university of Harvard conducts a study and they want to know how addictive is nicotine compared to cocaine, heroin, sugar, you name it. And they start feeding animals, nicotine and water and various other addictive substances, but they can't get a single animal to be addicted to nicotine for 6 months. They can't create no matter how much they give these animals, they can't make them addicted to nicotine, but they can make them addicted to heroin, sugar, cocaine.

So Harvard in their dismay and disbelief, because all the scientists there also have heard their whole life that nicotine is addictive. They wrote FOIA requests, freedom of information act, wrote FOIA requests to the FDA, and they wanted all of their research and development papers for developing tobacco products from all the tobacco giants starting in 1970. So 9 years ago, Harvard's like FDA, we need all the documents from all the tobacco giants. We need to know how it is that they're making their products addictive because nicotine is not addictive. And what they found in those documents, Seth, and I show it in that presentation, Harvard published in 2015.

It is not nicotine that makes tobacco products addictive. It's a chemical made by man that has been added to tobacco products since 1970. And they found it in the documents of research and development papers of the tobacco industry. In the 1970s, they brought in chemists to tell them how to make their tobacco products. Because they wanted to sell more tobacco products, cigarettes, snuff, you name it.

And they learned in those documents, Harvard did that the chemist that educate educated them. If you just add a chemical called pyrazines spelled P Y R a Z I N E S You just add a chemical called pyrazines to anything humans consume. Inhale doesn't matter. They will be addicted to it. And right now, Seth and I showed the audiences that Harvard in 2015 showed the list in their paper of the 13 different pyrazine ingredients that are allowed by the FDA to be added to all tobacco products.

And that this not nicotine is what makes tobacco products addictive. Now for your audiences, before I go any further, just to clarify for everybody. Cause Mike Adams didn't know this the other day when I did this interview, I said, now Mike, there's another reason that you and I both know that nicotine is not addictive. And he goes, what's that? Because he said, I've avoided smoking my whole life.

And I was like, yeah, but you haven't avoided nicotine your whole life. He's like, oh yeah, I have. I was like, no, you haven't. So all of us who think we've been avoiding nicotine. No, we haven't.

All right. So this is how we know nicotine is not addictive. Seth whole house. Do you know what the second highest nicotine containing plant is on earth. So it's tobacco is number 1.

What is the 2nd highest nicotine containing plant on earth? Do you know? Coffee? No. But good guess.

It's actually not coffee. It's actually eggplants. Really? Eggplants. Yeah.

Now I would like to ask you, Seth, have you ever eaten an eggplant? Usually, I rolled up and smoke them. Nice. Yeah. You roll them up and smoke them.

Yeah. That's a funny answer. Yeah. That's hilarious. Alright.

So eggplants are the 2nd highest containing nicotine substance on earth. Do you know what the third is? I have no idea Every tomato on earth. So nightshades. Yep.

Interesting bell peppers. All of them have nicotine. Zucchini all has nicotine. Did you know, celery and cauliflower have nicotine in them? Did you know every single white potato on earth has nicotine in it?

Folks, how do you feel? Me? I feel great. And one of the reasons I believe I feel better is because I take Balance of Nature's fruits and veggies in a capsule. They have an amazing story how this product was developed by doctor Douglas Howard.

It's right there on their website. Balance of Nature receives over a 1000 success stories every single month. They have 100 of thousands of customers who've purchased billions of capsules of their fruits and veggies over the past 20 years. You should check it all out on their website. Their products are gluten free and non GMO, and they contain no added sugars or synthetics.

I think if you're looking for something to make you feel better, naturally, you should definitely give balance of nature a try. In fact, order today. Whether you order online or call them direct, you must use a promo code Seth, that's s e t h. To get the special offer of 35% off plus $10 off any additional sets plus free shipping and the money back guarantee. So call them at 8002468751 and use discount code Seth or order online at balance and use discount code Seth to get 35% off.

Hey. You know what's funny? None of you have ever heard a coworker at work, ask your boss or manager for a celery break or a cauliflower break because they went to a party the night before and ate celery, and now they're having the shakes and they can't get over it. Nicotine by itself is not addictive. Nicotine is actually a nutrient in multiple plants that God put on the earth for us that we consume and improves our health.

In fact, I started this conversation in this part of the presentation by showing an article that people can cure their Parkinson's by eating nicotine rich plants. Okay. So I I got a few questions here. So for one is is the reason that cigarettes have nicotine, is it is it because nicotine exists in the tobacco plant? So they're not they're not adding nicotine to cigarettes.

Nicotine just so happens to be in the tobacco plant. They're adding this other stuff that you talked about which is Pyrosines. Yes. Pyrosines. So why obviously obviously, you're getting this.

Right? This is the the big question. So why the focus? Why the demonization of nicotine? Yeah.

This is a great question, Seth. You're a great journalist and a great interviewer. It's asking you questions. You actually think linearly like I do. Like, okay.

Well, if it's not nicotine, why the effort to lie so much for years? Oh, yeah. This is the setup. In 1994, the FDA brought in all the tobacco heads to testify with Nick. If nicotine was addictive or not, they all said no.

Then the FDA just comes out and says, anyway, we don't care. We're going to tell the whole world it's addictive anyway. So they do. And they publish that nonstop. Why is that important?

Because in April of 2020, 26 years later, is a pandemic called COVID. And in order to make sure enough adults in America got sick from COVID, they had to convince you that tobacco products were dangerous, addictive, and caused cancer. And if you want to see the significant stats it's in the presentation starting in 1994, 51% of all American adults were using tobacco products, either cigarette or tobacco sucking on snuff. Okay? 51%, half of all American adults were using tobacco products.

By 2020, I showed the statistics by the same organization, the CDC. From 1994, it's half of Americans. When they start the lie that nicotine is addictive, by the year 2020, it is now less than 11% of American adults smoke or use any tobacco products. So the repeated lie. Her Joseph Goebbels quote, they said it loud enough, often enough.

And the majority of American adults believed it by the time COVID is introduced. 90% of all American adults are now susceptible to getting sick to their COVID-nineteen bio weapon and the smokers that were left, which was the minority by a 2020, or the only people not affected by COVID Didn't end up in hospitals with COVID and never died from COVID. And this is why they had to lie to us for the last 30 years. That nicotine is addictive and avoid all tobacco products. The truth is.

Nicotine was always the antidote to their bio weapon. They called COVID. And this was published in April of 2020, just 4 months into the pandemic. And I show it in the actual presentation that scientists in France who did DNA testing on the spike proteins and the virus they called COVID, they published with DNA results that the spike proteins, that is the only thing that makes people sick with COVID. These little bitty proteins were identical to 2 snakes, venoms.

And this explains, they said in April of 2020, why smokers don't get COVID because these 2 venom proteins only target nicotine receptors that control your breathing and your brain stem. And these venoms cross the blood brain barrier very easily in the prey of people that get it in mammals. And when it crosses the blood brain barrier, it binds to or sticks to nicotine receptors that control your diaphragm's ability to breathe and draw in air. It causes slower heart rates and it mimics respiratory virus symptoms. So you develop a cough fever.

Well, venom's poisonous. So you're going to develop the fever when it binds to the parts of the brain that control breathing, you're going to cough and then you're going to see your oxygen levels come down just like we all did. And they said, this is why smokers don't get COVID. That this was a perplexing thing around the world, Seth, because by April of 2020, the whole world had emptied their hospitals, preparing for them to be flooded with COVID victims. And they actually stated in January, 2020, all around the world, they said hospitals will be full primarily of cigarette smokers who develop COVID.

Well, by April, 4 months later, scientists around the world and hospital administrators and medical doctors were, like, how come smokers aren't ending up in hospitals? They appear to be immune to COVID and it was being reported all over the world. And that's why these DNA scientists in France 4 years ago, Seth, did the research and then published for the whole world and then sent their paper to all governments, including ours, and said, we encourage all governments around the world to do nicotine agent studies too quickly in the pandemic. And they actually say in the paper, we should start using nicotine patches and gums to actually stop the entire pandemic right now. It'll cure the whole thing.

So I will verify One thing really quick is that Sure. So obviously, smoking, you know, like Marlboro and commercial cigarettes is bad. Right? It causes cancer. You get you know, you you see the lungs.

Like, in to me, like, that's what it wasn't the nicotine in the addictive nature of nicotine that stopped me from smoking cigarettes. It was, you know, having the aunt that that so, you know, sounds like she's a an old man because of her her lungs and her softness are rotting away. So so obviously, there's bad stuff in cigarettes, so it's not a it's not a bad thing that all these Americans stop smoking cigarettes. My guess is that it's a bad thing that nicotine was demonized, because say, American Spirits, or there's certain cigarette companies that Absolutely. Or, like, I, you you know, used to smoke a lot of tobacco pipe, and I just get some really nice, like, fresh pipe tobacco that was very clean, no additives.

So they're it's it's actually it's not the nicotine that's causing the cancer and the death. Right? It's the cigarettes, but the nicotine was demonized and making people think, oh, if the nicotine is gonna end up making me die of lung cancer. So is that a correct way? Because I think the message is isn't, you know, from this episode is that, hey, go start smoking some dirty menthols again.

Right? Like, that's not the message. Right? The message is that nicotine on its own is a very powerful drug, basically. Like, is that is that where we're at with this?

Yeah. In fact, they demonized it, decided to declare it a drug that has to be regulated by the FDA. And I find that interesting that it's a component found in our veggies. You know, it's weird. It's it's not a drug.

It's a nutrient, actually. And then you should really ask yourself, anybody out there that believes that God created this thing called the human body. Did you know every cell in your body has 10 different nicotine receptors on it? And if that's the case, why did he put those in there? Every cell has either 10 or 12 nicotine receptors on the outside of them to bind to nicotine, to accelerate what the cell is designed to do.

Nicotine is a stimulant. So it actually stimulates cells to become more active or do whatever they're designed to do by God. So it's an incredible nutrient, actually, not as it has been demonized, a drug. So, yes, so tobacco, just to continue further this in that presentation, for those of you who are wondering, the reason why tobacco products are so bad, I show in there that the FDA allows the tobacco industry to add 5 99 different manmade chemicals to tobacco products. 5 199 chemicals to your tobacco products.

Now the products like American spirits or organic tobacco, those don't have it in there. So you can smoke those things and you're not gonna be at risk for developing cancer or addiction or terrible gum disease. That only happens with the man made chemicals added to tobacco. In fact, native Americans used tobacco plants to cure their animals and themselves of snake bites for centuries. This is why they had to get tobacco bastardized in our eyes and in our minds and make us afraid of it and worried about it and make us not accept it or use it, not have any faith in it.

But, that was the whole intent. They needed to get our society. This is amazing. Our FDA lied to us for the last 30 years. Do you know which country in in the whole world had more deaths from COVID than anyone else?

There was only 1, you know, which one country had more people die in it from COVID than any other country in the whole world by double. That was us. That was America. It's the United States of America. The, the, the world's supposedly powerhouse for health and medicine.

We spend more money than any other country in the world on healthcare, but we suck the most at keeping our citizens alive and our own institutions of health have lied to us for the last 30 years about nicotine in general. In fact, I do not recommend smoking. Did you know I've actually learned this too? Did you know that in the seventies, tobacco giant started adding to the paper of a cigarette arsenic. You know what happens when you inhale arsenic?

Arsenic is a arsenic is the cancer causing agent. Like arsenic is a known cancer causing death, causing murder. Substance you were hear about on date line in 48 hours is added to a spouse's water slowly over time, and they just die drinking arsenic. They had no idea it was being put in their water by their unsuspected spouse. So that's arsenic.

And then they started adding in the seventies, literally sugar to the tobacco leaf in your cigarette. Now, what does sugar do when you burn it and inhale it into your lungs? It gives you sugar feeds cancer. It's sugar. We know feeds cancer.

So now you have a cancer agent chemical called arsenic. You're inhaling it. And then you're inhaling sugar to feed the tumor reaction and mutating of cells called cancer from the arsenic. And now you've created a whole bunch of people believing that nicotine is addictive and causes cancer. And that is not the part of the product that does it whatsoever, but arsenic and pyrazines and sugar don't bind to nicotine receptors to prevent COVID symptoms.

This whole lie about nicotine being addictive had to be illustrated by the state orchestrated by the state. And they had to pummel us with it for 30 years in our face of billboards, radio airwaves, TV programming. They had to do that because 26 years later, they were going to release a nicotine targeting weapon. They called COVID. Now if not if 51% or higher adults in America were all smoking or using tobacco products, they would not have gotten sick nor would they have gotten the majority of American adults to demand a vaccine during COVID.

So this is why they had to bastardize nicotine. So real quickly, I need to make sure everybody has this summary. Nicotine is not addictive. The states and the FDA have lied to us that it is addictive and I can prove it. So let me just take a it throughout that presentation.

A big picture view is that, you know, tobacco has been here since God created the earth. Right? It's it's an age old plant. My guess is that it's been used for centuries and centuries in various cultures as a medicinal tool, as, you know, a lot of different for a lot of different purposes. And they big pharma comes in the medical industrial complex at Rockefeller.

All this big medicine comes in to obviously control to remove the things that actually cure us and demonize them, replace it with fake medicine that actually makes us more sick. Everyone's now very familiar with that process. So tobacco, which as you mentioned, say native Americans smoke, they use it for healing. I'm sure that was probably, you know, Mayans, may probably the Chinese. Right?

All kinds of cultures. Absolutely. I didn't use it. So big tobacco comes in now that we're used to the idea of, like, multi generational psyops, and we believe that they can exist and they do exist. The government comes in, you know, big tobacco.

They come in. They take this plant. They pump it full of other chemicals that actually do give you cancer, arsenic, piercing, sugar, etcetera. They make everyone sick and dying because of that. They then create these massive Goebbels level campaigns to demonize nicotine.

Right? Not just not just smoking, nicotine itself, which then turns everyone against tobacco with the idea that tobacco is dirty, it's gonna give you lung cancer, etcetera. So they've basically they've deleted this what sounds like to be miracle substances, miracle nutrient It is a medicinal plant. There you go. They've been referenced for centuries as a medicinal plant.

From modern society, and they demonized it. And now we're uncovering that. Yeah. And so to summarize this for a lot of people, the reason why this is still top of mind for me and I can't let it go. 2 months ago, Joe Biden came out in America and he said he will be, you can look up the press releases right now.

Joe Biden comes out and says, I am the first president in United States history who is going to demand and put into law that tobacco product companies have to lower the allowed amount of nicotine in their products moving forward. Okay. Why didn't he pick on pierazine since they all know since 2015, that's the addictive thing. And then Seth, remember 2 years ago when I released this documentary, can't believe it's been 2 years, watch the water. Remember that?

So at the top of the credits, I put the antidotes to this weaponized venom we're all being exposed to. I put nicotine at the top. Nicotine is the antidote to COVID and people around the world scrambled to go get nicotine patches, gums, and all saw amazing reclamation of their health just within a few short days of using nicotine products. It was an incredible moment. 2 weeks later after that interview came out.

Not because of my interview, although I know it's going to piss them off that I figured this crap out the all 5 of these countries in the same week, Seth Folks, how do you feel? Me? I feel great. And one of the reasons I believe I feel better is because I take balance of nature's fruits and veggies in a capsule. They have an amazing story how this product was developed by doctor Douglas Howard.

It's right there on their website. Balance of Nature receives over a 1,000 success stories every single month. They have 100 of thousands of customers who've purchased billions of capsules of their fruits and veggies over the past 20 years. You should check it all out on their website. Their products are gluten free and non GMO, and they contain no added sugars or synthetics.

I think if you're looking for something to make you feel better naturally, you should definitely give balance of nature a try. In fact, order today. Whether you order online or call them direct, you must use a promo code seth, that's s e t h, to get this special offer of 35% off plus $10 off any additional sets plus free shipping and the money back guarantee. So call them at 802468 751 and use discount code Seth or order online at and use discount code Seth to get 35% off. UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the great United States of America all in the same week.

Within 2 weeks of my watch, the water documentary telling the whole world and reminding them nicotine is the antidote to this global pandemic. These 5 countries all introduced new national health agendas for their entire countries that had to be implemented. They stated by the year 2030, it will be complete. You know what the agenda was? We are going to eradicate all access to tobacco products, nicotine products from our countries by the year 2030.

And so the UK was the first, they introduced a new tax law, like a triple tax law on all cigarette products to try to make it too expensive for people to buy Australia, decided to ban all vaping products. This is not a joke they did. And then Canada banned all, vaping products. And then the United States, Joe Biden comes out and he's like, we're going to actually stop tobacco sales in America too, by the year 2030, but we're going to start by lowering nicotine and all of their products. Okay.

That's great. New Zealand came out and said, we're going to actually be more aggressive than all other countries. We're going to eradicate access to all tobacco products commercially and all of our stores and pharmacies by the year 2025 and the whole New Zealand country got pissed. And then the parliament backed off and New Zealand had said, okay, we'll do the 2030 thing like the rest of everybody. Okay.

So that was their compromise. Anyway, you need to understand why would our governments in all of the States now take an even harsher approach to rid the world of nicotine? When nicotine's in your vegetables, did you know green tomatoes have 10 times? The amount of nicotine is all red tomatoes. Okay.

Why in the world are they trying to destroy nicotine when it's in your veggies? I mean, this is so ridiculous. However, don't you find it interesting, Seth? I just rattled off a whole bunch of vegetables and nicotine inside of, but most people in this world have no idea and have never heard that nicotine's in those veggies. In my presentation, I showed everybody how much nicotine's in every product and how much nicotine's in a cigarette.

I just showed you all, And none of us have ever had this knowledge. Now, this is why I think this is so important in the presentation. Not only did the FDA and the state have to lie to us that nicotine was addictive to prevent people from not getting sick during their plannedemic called COVID. That wasn't the only reason. Joseph Goebbels quote reads the lie itself.

The state has to use all of its powers to repress the scent, to keep it, getting out the truth of the military, economic and political consequences of their lie. So they've got a lie. And they said, there's 3 things they have to prevent the citizens from knowing what's the political reason for the lie. What's the military consequence of the lie and the economic consequence? Alright.

So if they told all of you for the last 30 years, including me, that nicotine is addictive and all of us have avoided it as much as possible. In fact, what did they tell everybody who has chronic illnesses? Make sure you don't eat nightshade vegetables. That's what they tell you. It can create more pain.

Oh, no. No. No. This this was the lie. They needed you to avoid those things.

Why? I'm about to tell you, and it's in my presentation that you can get for free. Did you know, Seth whole house that nicotine by itself is published to be a reversing agent and a cure for Parkinson's? No idea. Did you know that nicotine and I'll just so y'all know if y'all think I'm lying, go download the presentation.

I have every research article with the title and the statements of the conclusions of the scientists that in all these cases, my statements are true. Did you know, nicotine is a reversing agent and a cure for Parkinson's. Did you know, it is a curing agent and a preventative for Alzheimer's. Did you know, nicotine can prevent and cure multiple sclerosis. Did you know during the pandemic, they were able to prove and show that they could dissolve a brain tumor in any mammal with nicotine in 3 days, nicotine all by itself.

Did you know, it is published that nicotine by itself can reverse hypo thyroidism. Did you know, in this article on the screen is they're reversing Parkinson's disease with nicotine and plants. So people are eating veggies high in plants. I mean, with nicotine. So when I highlight there, go back up to this slide right above it, right there.

I highlighted in blue, right there. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state. The FDA can shield the people from the political, economic and military consequences of the lie for this quote, who benefits, how does the state benefit Seth from shielding all of us for 30 years? That nicotine is a curative product for Parkinson's, a curative product for Alzheimer's, a curative product from Ms. A curative product for brain cancers, a curative product for type 1 diabetes, a curative agent for ulcerative colitis, a curative agent for arthritis, a curative agent for all of these diseases.

What's the economic impact for the state, the FDA by maintaining this lie. It's real, real easy to hear people. If you don't know, nicotine prevents all of those diseases, you're not going to use their products and guess what you're going to need when you start developing those diseases, because you're not benefiting from nicotine consumption, This nutrient you're going to develop Parkinson's Alzheimer's, Ms. Ulcerative colitis, brain cancers. And now what can the medical profession sell you?

Prescription drugs, chemotherapy, radiation for all of those and guess who's the largest lobbying power for the FDA and for our Congress for the state who pays the state off more than anybody with bribes called lobbying money, the pharmaceutical industry, man. So in order for the state to maintain the lie, they had to lie to you. This is big. Oh, Seth. This is huge.

Okay. So in LA, I couldn't believe it. I called my I I made this presentation. It's the first time I've ever even given it. It took me a whole week to build it out because I was so excited to learn this stuff and being asked to only come do a presentation on nicotine, the reality of nicotine.

So I get there and there's a couple, a husband's on the front row and a lady next to her, his wife. She jumps up and comes running to me when I'm walking in through the back door to come do my presentation. And she is bawling crying, Seth, and she's hugs me. I can't believe I get to meet you. Thank you for being here in Los Angeles.

We, me and my husband just flew down from Alaska, doctor artists, just to come see your presentation. We're going right back to the airport after this. I'm so excited that you're you've changed my life. She's crying. And I said, I'm really glad that you came all the way from Alaska.

And she goes, no, no, no, you don't understand. I hope you're going to say something about it today in your presentation. I don't know what you're talking about, but I knew you were closer than being in Dallas to me in Alaska. So we flew down to see this doctor artists. My husband was diagnosed Parkinson's disease 6 years ago.

Our whole life has been a wreck. 6 months ago, I watched a presentation you did where you showed how separate from this LA presentation for my audiences. I did a whole presentation on how to beat Parkinson's, and nicotine patches were a part of the actual presentation. She said, doctor Artis, 6 months ago, I started putting a 7 milligram nicotine patch on my husband. Within 2 weeks, all of his Parkinson's symptoms disappeared.

He is Parkinson's free. He doesn't even have Parkinson's anymore. Our whole life has been changed because you did a presentation on how to beat Parkinson's with nicotine. And I said, Oh, that is phenomenal. Thanks for coming.

And I walked over the husband got up and greeted me and thanked me for all my presentations and research that I've done. His whole life has changed. And I looked at both of them and I said, y'all are really going to enjoy this presentation. Because in the PA in this presentation, I have 4 research studies that nicotine can cure Parkinson's. And I'm going to take all the medical professionals and all the lay people through it.

And, the people, it was just incredible. Oh, did you know, Seth? Oh my God. The last thing I did, I said, now, now that I've showed you all these diseases that can be cured with nicotine, I mean, why are they bastardizing nicotine and trying to get it out of our citizens ability to purchase it by the year 2030? Do you see the setup set?

The setup is we could sell a lot more drugs and vaccines to people that they don't know there's this miraculous nutrient that's in our food and in tobacco products that we made more evil and disease causing. And then we lied to everybody and told them that it was something else. Yeah. The nutrient. So anyway, this is a very big deal.

They're bastardizing this, but at the very end, I said, now that I've shown you all of these neurological diseases. Oh, did you, have you heard of myocarditis, Seth whole house? Isn't that one of the, the benefits of the COVID vaccine? Yes. That is one of the published benefits.

If you have a healthy heart and you wanna be able to to feel it and have chest pains reminding you that, you have a heart and have scar tissue on your heart, increase your risk of death within 5 years to 50%. You you actually get a COVID 19 shot so you can develop something called myocarditis. Myo means muscle. Carta means heart. It is means inflammation of.

So this is inflammation damage to the heart muscle. What you're gonna say here? Yeah. Nicotine cures and prevents myocarditis. Oh my god.

I actually show the world that in 14 days of 3 days of nicotine treatment within 14 days, all symptoms and damage of the heart is reversed by nicotine alone. Gosh. So there were there were cardiologists there medical doctors there. They were like, wait, what? And I said, so all of you people that have been diagnosed with myocarditis since you got the shot, has your cardiologist told you that nicotine was right for you?

I bet they haven't, but here's a proof that you can cure it. And I showed studies where they injected viruses inside of animals to elicit viral myocarditis. Well, what are we seeing in the world today? Viral myocarditis. So they're injecting them with viruses causing myocarditis.

And within 3 days of nicotine treatment, they're reversing all of their myocarditis symptoms and scarring and damage. Oh my goodness. It's g Edward Griffin. He's my my next interview coming on. So we have to He's the man.

We have to wrap up. So let me just wrap this up. Yes. So the the final words here, if someone's watching this and they're like, okay. I wanna start taking nicotine.

What do they do? Yep. Yep. So the first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go to the doctor artist, and there is what is called a nicotine PDF underneath patient resources. It's all free.

Just click it and actually take everybody through how to use nicotine, either to reverse long hauler COVID symptoms, how to how to prevent acute COVID symptoms, how to reverse vaccine injury. You'll see nicotine PDF right there. You just click it, download it. And then if you want to learn more about why the state has had to lie to us for 30 years, Jed McGriffen, I appreciate this. In the presentation, we show you during the pandemic, they reversed brain tumors called glioblastomas, which represents half of all brain tumors right now in the world being diagnosed, they could reverse in 72 hours, the entire brain tumor with just 2 different doses of nicotine for 3 days.

They actually show you they can dissolve the whole brain tumor with nicotine. Now throw on G Edward Griffin's incredible work, the world without a world without cancer book, you wrote 50 years ago and, throw in Laetrile vitamin B 17 and, oh my God, you, you have a world without cancer and prevention and, it is totally possible. And I couldn't be more proud and honored to even be on a screen where this guy is, what a hero to me and a legend. All right. So this is the last thing I'm going to say in my presentation.

For those of you who don't know, I blew everybody away there. Even Dell big tree was sitting there. I said, I got to show y'all something. Did y'all know that they use nicotine patches to reverse autism symptoms in children and adults all over the world in 7 days or less? So I showed the whole world, the studies and everybody was just like, oh my God.

I said, so now, you know, why it is the state has had to use all of its power to repeat the lie and then suppress you from understanding their economic consequence of the lie. They have made 1,000,000,000 of dollars off of lying to us about the benefits of apricot seed contents and nicotine in our vegetables and in our plants, and God gave us both of them. Incredible. If this were a live audience, there'd be, like, a standing ovation right now. So doctor Pinardis, thank you so much.

I'm flat for myself. It's always a pleasure having you, and I look forward to doing this again. And sorry we had to cut short, but I got No. I love it. You stack together.

So thank you again. It's always great talking with you. Take care and God bless. Well, it's been an honor being able to to talk to the one soul man in America. Says it behind your I I wanna meet the man, know the man, and I'm excited to be with the man and the legendary man below me.

Gevirt, it's great to see you. Y'all have a great interview. We love you. Take care. Folks, how do you feel?

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