Transcript to interview Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Myocarditis, Pfizer & Moderna

Transcript to interview Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Myocarditis, Pfizer & Moderna and the Causal Link 4-30-24

Hello, everyone. There's been a lot of misinformation going around the world, but today we have doctor Sukhoorit Bhakti to set it straight. Stay with us. Everyone and welcome to the beginning of the last days. My name is Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson.

I'm very excited to be with you because we have an incredible guest. We have so many on this show but, few, live up to the honor and the esteem of Doctor. Sukurit Bhakti and, he has been a voice speaking the truth since this whole thing kind of went down, you know what I mean? And, he's someone that you can rely on. As you know, I love to begin the show by reading from my precious dad's Bible.

My dad is a man who loved the Word of God. This is the the the truth in the world, I find is in the word of God, and it it asks us to be faithful to him. It asks us to to trust in him even when there's a storm. So I only read what my dad underlined, and that is very easy because he underlined almost every single page. And I turned today to Psalm 65.

And it says I'm gonna read, the 3 verses he underlined in red. It says, by terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, oh God of our salvation, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth. This is saying you, God, are the confidence of all the ends of the earth and of them that are afar off upon the sea, which by his strength setteth fast the mountains. He holds it all together, Being girded with power, which stills the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and here's an important part, and the tumult of the people. So who are the people causing noise, stress, lies, the the dissemination of of untruths.

Well, we have a good idea after the last little bit what what all of that is about, and I'll let you know that the more we listen to the truth the clearer the understanding is of what we're truly going through, what has happened, and where we're headed. And those voices of truth, those are the ones that we highlight on this show every single day. You will not see this tonight on CBC Global or CTV. You will not see this on MSNBC. You won't even see it on CNN or Fox.

You won't see people like doctor Sukhirath Bhakti that tell the truth. You won't see them because a lot of people aren't interested in the truth. They're interested in the dollars and for the dollars they tell the lies. So Doctor. Sukurath Bhakti, he's a retired Thai German microbiologist and since 2020 he's been telling the truth on what is going on in our world with respect to COVID and the outfall of all of that.

So Doctor. Sukrukh Bhakti, we welcome you to the show. Thank you very much for coming to us. I know that it is late where you are and you've stayed up to be with us, or at least, you know, you you you're not doing all the resting and relaxing things that you might do late at night, and instead you're choosing to speak to Canadians and to those across the world in fact. So thank you for being here.

Thank you for having me. I'm glad to be with you. Thank you. So we are understanding now that there's so much evidence coming out that some would say it's irrefutable, that these vaccines have caused, you know, untold harm and especially with respect to myocarditis, we've heard a lot about that in the news happening to young people and those that are willing to tell and share the truth. We know that all those numbers are up.

Can you give us, some of the work that you've been investigating to help us to understand what the the evidence is showing regarding these Moderna and Pfizer vaccines? Well, first of all, I want to say that I haven't been doing any work. I've just been reading and observing and, learning the facts, alright, which I try to transmit to you, because the facts speak a completely clear language. I mean, they they they are there for everyone to see. So there have been very, very interesting and promising new developments of late.

And I think that the easiest thing is to walk you through what we have learned the last 1 or 2 years. Alright? May I do this and bring you up to 8? Yes. Please do.

We we we had our last chat, I think, about, what, 9 months ago Yeah. I believe it was. Mhmm. And I will recapitulate what I said then with a PowerPoint presentation So let's go back to school. The first slide, please.

Chromosomes, the book of life. Chromosomes are the book of life, and DNA are the recipes in that book. The human has a very thick book given to him by God. So you have DNA on the left side, and when a recipe is needed, it is copied, and this copy is RNA. The recipe, the chromosomes are in the nucleus.

The RNA is produced in the nucleus, this copy, and then sent out into the cytosome where the factories are there to make the proteins. So for every protein, we have an RNA, and the RNA is a copy of what is in the DNA. I believe that everyone in Canada who has finished school knows this. I even believe that your politicians should know this. Now as we should also know, vaccines originally were proteins.

They were the products, okay? And these proteins were inactivated if they were to be used as vaccines so that they could produce no harm. The first proteins that were used as vaccines were the poisons, the toxins, from tetanus and diphtheria. This was done about 140 years ago by bearing. And, if you inject those inactivated proteins, your body makes antibodies, and these antibodies will be able to protect you from the the active proteins if they get into your blood body.

That's the basis of vaccination. Now, what happened when the viruses came into play and people start trying to make vaccines against viruses. At the beginning, they used proteins from the viruses. For instance, spike proteins. These are the proteins that the virus uses to open the door of a cell.

And so the first vaccines against viruses, for instance, against the flu, were these spikes, and the spikes were without life. They were lifeless, of course. You got the spike injected into your muscle, then the immune system made antibodies. And so the thought was that then when the flu virus came into the body, the antibodies would clutch it and prevent it from opening the door to the cell. Now there are many reasons why this is all not working, never had worked, never has worked, but it's been sold to you by your government, by the FDA, the Americans, the British.

And what the world has been seeing is that it's being sold fakes. Most of the virus vaccines do not work. This is a simple fact. I will not go into that now. But, there are exceptions.

That causes rabies rabies work. Okay. But why that works and why the others don't work is beside the point right now. What I wanted to say is that, when all this nonsense came up or was contrived of, conceived of because all this is a big plan. You know?

This COVID-nineteen plan has been ongoing since, what, 20 years? That's when they started over 20 years, planning the pandemic that took place in 2020. Already I wanna shine my face. After the the turn of the, of the millennium, there were people like Bill Gates and like Fauci and all these guys who said, we're going to develop a new type of vaccine, which is not composed of the proteins, but is composed of the RNA, which is the copy of the gene. And, because, then what we could do is and we take the next next no.

Will you go back, please? We we went too far. Sure. Can you go back? Yep.

Just a second. Is it that way? We are here. Yeah. We're here.

This is the first one. Yeah. Yep. We will we will we'll take the DNA, make the RNA, and there's no gene technology. Makes it possible that if you have the matrix, which is DNA, then you can make the copy RNA.

All this, in a machine, in fact. And, then they wanted to take this RNA. Next slide now. Yes. I I just wanna say I appreciate you really explaining that the the RNA is really the duplicate of what is already in the DNA.

Is is that am I stating that correctly? It's yeah. The call? Yes. Okay.

It's yes. Okay. Essentially, yes. And then you see the RNA has to be delivered to your cells in your body. Now that was a problem, because if you go around injecting RNA into your muscle, it will get degraded very quickly.

It will never get to any cell. So what was invented? Unfortunately, by people who later got the Nobel Prize for this, was that no. This was not meant by them, but but it it what was invented was a package a packaging of this RNA. In lipid nanoparticles, LNPs, which is which means these are artificial lipids, like a sort of, bubble.

Yeah? A bubble that we don't lipids? It carried it into the body. It was like the the housing the the way that it would get into the body and be carried in? Yes.

And be protected. Because these bubbles, these are the circles here that you see. Okay. These are like membranes of cells. They protect the RNA from destruction and they act as trojan horses, so that when these bubbles, these little tiny lipid nanoparticles, touch a cell, the cell is enticed, and it's it it it it wants to take it up.

Okay? Once the Trojan horse has done its work, the RNA in a cell, will escape out of this bubble and enter into the cell. Okay? Where it will direct the production of the protein that it encodes for. I hope I've been clear about this.

Right? So each injection of these, COVID 19 vaccines contain billions of these little bubbles made of artificial lipids that do not occur in nature. And these lipids are not recognized, and they're not destroyed. Okay? And so the Trojan horses, billions, reach the body.

And now the first big lie that, you all told was that if you inject these bubbles into your muscles, they will stay there. They will not reach the bloodstream. They won't go to the lymphatics, which was, of course, a lie. Anyone who'd studied medicine knows that if you inject, very small molecules into your muscle, they will always reach the lymphatics and the bloodstream. Anyway, what they did was they actually made these, RNA vaccines, and, they were put on trial, in humans, even though they had never been tested Yes.

There are 2 pathways towards production. The the next one can you show me the next one, please? Yes. There are 2 ways to produce RNA. The first pathway is you create coming out of a printer's press.

Okay? Not out of a body, but out of a printer's press. This is gene technology, and it's computer based. And then once you have the DNA that you want, the DNA for the spike, you just put it in a pot and put enzymes in, and then use it as a matrix to produce the RNA. Okay?

That was the first process pathway that was used by, the manufacturers, the German manufacturers, BioNTech and Pfizer and Moderna, to produce the first vaccines that were tested in humans, Even though these had never been used or tested in animals, the authorities allowed them to test them in humans. So it was an experiment done on 20,000 humans that served as experimental animals. And it seemed to work. So they got the approval, which was, of course, first, the approval because it was such a dangerous virus, apparently. And, Right.

That's what they said. It's a dangerous virus, so we we get these emergency approvals almost. Emergency approval. Emergency approval. Yep.

And as we know today, at the time where they, gave this approval, they all knew that this virus was no more dangerous than a simple flu virus. You know, there have been leaked documents now from the German Robert Koch Institute. They have not been leaked, but they've been forced to release them, where they write that, in the middle of March, it was clear to everyone in Germany and the Robert Koch. And if the Robert Koch Institute knows it, the FDA certainly knows it, and the English, everyone knew it. And, the experts say, well, it's, no more dangerous than than the flu, but we're going to increase the danger when we get a signal from from from the boss.

Okay? I don't know whether you heard about these leaked documents. They came out in in in in March. And they've, you know, they've produced, an outrage and scandal here in Europe, because it's now clear that the government has known this all the time. And with despite the fact that fact, they passed an emergency approval for this new type of vaccine.

Now once that, approval was was was given, they immediately started to, manufacture not 20,000 doses, but a 1,000,000,000 doses, because Bill Gates said that he wanted the whole world to be vaccinated. And, of course, these guys are working for him. So they took a second pathway, a second process, which is the process for mass production. And this uses bacterial mini chromosomes. So now we are looking at real chromosomes, but they are from bacteria not from the printing press.

Okay? They're not artificial. Now they're natural. What we need to do is, you need to grow the bacteria, and once the bacteria divide, they also divide their chromosomes. So without doing any work, the manufacturers could go off and have their champagne and whatever, yeah, salmon, and let the bacteria grow.

And after 4 days of growing in 5,000 liters, out of 1 bacterium, you would get so many bacteria you couldn't count them. And they had produced so many chromosomes, mini chromosomes, which are termed plasmids, that you could start vaccinating all states. Not bad, is it? Now the trouble with this is next slide, please. The next slide.

Just a second. Can we have the next yes. The trouble with this is the fault. Once the RNA has been produced, one would have to remove these bacterial mini chromosomes, the plasmids, Because if that was not done assiduously, then these residual bacterial mini chromosomes, the plasmids, would also be packaged into these lipid nano particles. And this is precisely what Kevin McKernan discovered over 1 year ago.

And this is what I talked to you about 7 months 9 months ago. This was really so horrifying and startling because it meant that, if it were true that these DNA contaminants were packaged within the lipid nanoparticles, then they too would be delivered to human beings, to human cells, obviously. Well, what would be so bad about that? The problem is that this mRNA, these vaccines themselves are relatively long lived, much longer than what you were lied to about. You know, Trudeau and all these guys there, and whoever you want to ask said, oh, well, you'll be expressing a gene, the mRNA.

But everyone knows that these recipes, the the the copies, are destroyed after 1 or 2 days. So your cell will be making, the spike protein for 1, 2 days. That will do no harm, and your immune system will be able to get, to to to to mount an immune response to the RNA through the spike. Now the problem about the DNA is that no one knows how long the DNA is going to persist in your cell if it's taken up. No one knows this.

From cell and animal studies, there are there have been indications that DNA that is delivered via such particles can stay active in cells. Well, the longest study was one and a half years. Okay? One and a half years. So what's bad about that?

The next slide, please. And I come back to something that I've been seeing now for 4 years. Okay. The next slide. Next next slide.

A second. It's coming. Here we go. So if a cell, is using a recipe that comes from its cell, Self proteins are in black here. This is a cell that's making a cell protein.

Then this cell protein, which might be this, is placed for inspection on the windowsill outside. Your immune system patrols your body all the time, and cells are there that will recognize whether something has come out of your genome now. This has come out of your chromosome. It belongs to you, cell Yes. I like how the t cell I like how the t cell's in a little, little cross.

I like that. And, however, if you go around making a protein that is not coming from your chromosome, like this, this is the spike protein. This is encoded in the DNA contamination and the RNA that was produced artificially. And you place this in front of your cell. Can we go to that slide again, please?

On the right hand side, the red protein is a foreign protein, non self. I cannot believe that my colleagues who have studied medicine do not know this, but it seems that most of them never learned this. They should have failed their exams, and if they now still refuse to learn this because this is in a textbook, Every child that is born has the capacity to recognize non self and will always attack the cell that is building non self. Now, in real life, in true life, the baby cells that make non self are cells that are infected, for instance, by viruses like coronavirus, common yeah. And those cells are going to be attacked and killed.

And that doesn't matter because the number of cells that are attacked and killed when a child has a cold or a cough are relatively few, and those cells can be replaced. So the wounds are repaired, and the child gets up and goes to the kindergarten again, alright, or school again. That's how all of us have trained our immune system over time since the first day of life virtually. You know, this business that a child is helpless and hapless, and that if a virus comes in, he's going to die. I mean, how stupid can you get?

You you can't you can't believe these stories because they are bound to be wrong. If they were right, we will be talking to each other, guys. Is it so difficult? I I get I get really mad about after all these years. Yeah.

It's it's it's strange. Weird. Why don't people know this? It's got to be taught in school now. Even in the Canadian schools, the Canadian teachers themselves should know this, but they don't, and they refuse to learn, although it's in all the textbooks.

And I did not discover this. I said this 9 months ago. The guys who discovered this were Nobelists. Nobel Prizes were given for these discoveries. K?

They were great. So I don't think it would be a good idea at all. Next slide, please. And, I'm showing you, this is a cut through a vessel. Okay?

So the round thing you see is a vessel, and, in the middle is blood. So we know now that these billions of packages reach the bloodstream. And what happens then, so we we we see how one package is now floating in the bloodstream. Then, number 2, the l and p l and p lipid nanoparticles enters the wall of the blood vessel and releases the RNA into the cell that walls the blood vessel. These are like the tapestry on the walls.

Alright? These are cells they take up, and then they start to make in 3 the spike protein. And these are presented to the bloodstream, okay, where the immune cells patrol all the time. You have these immune cells in your bloodstream. These are lymphocytes.

You you've heard about lymphocytes. I guess even the politicians have heard that you have lymphocytes in your bloodstream. They're going around and, you know, having a look. And, tapestry, are you making your own proteins? Oh, you're not?

Then we are sorry, but we have to attack you. Now if this happens in myriad places throughout the vessel wall, for not days, but even weeks, I don't think this is a good idea at all. And this is what we were worried about from the very beginning. No one knew how long these spikes were going to be produced, and no one knew what the effects of the immune attack on these cells would be. Now let me tell you that, okay, anyway, it was to be foreseen that the tapestry would be scraped and partially destroyed, and this would lead to clot formation because whenever you damage the vessel wall, if you cut yourself, then you get clots forming.

That's how nature works. Okay? But you will also get leakage of other packages out of the blood vessel, and then they will reach the organs of your body. And where this happens, no one knows, but it can happen from top to toe, and all organs, the lung, the liver, the spleen, the heart, the brain. And those cells will take up these packages, start to produce the non self protein, and themselves come under attack by the lymphocytes.

It was clear. It had to be so. And so we said, guys, remember, you know, organ transplantation? Ever heard about that? You get my kidney, you need my kidney.

You get my kidney, you will reject my kidney. The rejection starts in the vessels, because the vessels that I make, the vessel wall makes proteins that are mine and not yours. And even though we are 2 humans, very close, much closer than bacteria or viruses even then, your immune system will not accept another person's proteins, and that is the basis of transplant rejection. And if you go, you reject my my kidney, you do it again, then the rejection is much more fierce and fast. This hyperacute trans rejection.

And that's the same reason why if you keep on boosting these poor people, these children, these women, The reactions will get more and more serious and the adverse events will get more and more serious I can't understand that this is not understood. Cannot. If I'm not being clear in any way, Laura, you tell me. Okay? No.

You're being so clear. It's it's really good. Yeah. I understand. And and it all makes sense what you're saying, which which is just so shocking that the world isn't more in tune with what you're presenting here because they're still saying safe and effective.

Continue. No. Not the world. Now, make no mistake. There are tens of thousands of people who are now saying the same thing all over the world.

Scientists, high ranking scientists. The highest ranking are in Japan, as you may know. In Japan, there's a huge, huge, group of resistance headed by, really, some of the most distinguished professors of medicine and oncology in Japan. And they've been they're really now getting angry. Japan is Did you see the protest?

Yes. Well, I saw that, a whole bunch of media was covering some issues, you know, surrounding, the vaccines and the the protests and they have a huge, assault against this WHO pandemic treaty. They're also the people are speaking out heavily against that as well. Absolutely. And the way they're speaking out is not Japanese at all.

I've never seen so many furious Japanese losing, you know, the in in such a temper. This is not Japanese. Right. So when you go back and see look at those. Yeah.

It it's it's very, very serious. It's very serious. Alright. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing my, Japanese colleagues so immensely. Wonderful people.

Wonderful. Yeah. Now can we go to the next, please? Oops. Yeah.

This is a a cast of the microvasculature of the human brain, one little part of the brain. Look at that. You know that, the brain consumes 20% of the oxygen consumption is the brain. So each capillary, those are the smallest vessels in the brain, are surrounded by brain tissue that requires its oxygen and its nourishment to come from the blood. If the brain cells, do not get the oxygen they need for more than 4 minutes, they die.

Alright? And it was clear all the time that we had to be very, very concerned that this sort of thing would be happening in the brain. Okay? So the fact is that very soon after the rollout of this, people started seeing very, very serious neurological complications. Okay.

Thrombosis of the big veins in the brain that led to death. But pathologists in in Germany, and I'm rather proud of my pathologist colleagues in Germany because they are saving, the honor of German science, which others have destroyed virtually. And, these select small group of pathologists, they started seeing things that were so alarming. What they saw was that, during postmortems of of people who had died after vaccination, they found that many had tiny lesions in the brain. It's as if there were islands of death scattered all over the brain.

So if one little vessel goes, the cells are on, let them go. Okay? And this necroticizing, dying, multiple disseminated disseminated spread all over, encephalopathy is a new type of disease. Okay? It has been seen very, very early in people with very severe flu in the past.

But now they're starting to see this in the brains of deceased people after vaccination, Only after vaccination. Alright? And, one of these papers was published on the 1st October 2022. Oh, such an amazing paper because Michael Mertz, the author, showed that in the heart of the same person who had died with these brain lesions, he found analogous lesions in the heart, myocarditis, with islands of death in the heart. And now, and I will not tire of saying this, if these guys, the authorities, come and say, oh, well, that's bad luck.

Okay. But the incidence is has is not greater than the normal incidence of encephalopathy and myocarditis. Encephalopathy, 1 in a 100000 man years. 1 in a 100000. Okay?

Myocarditis, 1 in 10,000. However, the thing that singles out post vax syndrome is that these guys have a combination of 2 things, and the simultaneous illness is then not it's not the incidence is not 1 to a 100000 or 1 to 10000. It's 1 to a 100000 times 1 to 10000. It's 1 to a 1000000000. You understand?

So the probability that this man, did not die because of the vaccine is virtually 0. Wow. Virtually 0. Yeah. It's it's proof.

And the the the the the good thing about it is that pathologists all over the world are seeing the same thing now in many, many people. So the combination of 2 relatively rare incidences prove that it must come from the vaccine. I hope I've made myself clear. Have I? Yes.

I Now I'm understanding, yeah, what you're saying. Next next slide, please. The next slide. Now, when the first death occurred, because of thrombosis in the brain, The EMA came out and said, oh, well, yeah, very unfortunate. We've seen 9 deaths in 3 months.

True enough, and it's very, very unpleasant. But the benefit of the vaccines so far outweigh the risks that we cannot stop this vaccination. We cannot. Now, guys, listen. What is the benefit of this vaccination?

What we know today, because of work that has been published last year, is that this vaccination has never conveyed any any protection against infection in anyone, and it has never protected a third party, meaning if you vaccinate a child this vaccination is not going to save the grandmother. This has all been a lie all from the start, and it's known. Okay? So how did they base their their their their statement that that the vaccine worked? And it worked to an extent of over 90%.

And the FDA stood up and applauded when Pfizer BioNTech, published these these these findings. Please show show the picture now, please. The fact is that there was a control group of about 20,000, recipients who received placebo. First type of vaccine that was made in a printing press. Okay?

This was the less dangerous vaccine because there it was much easier to remove the DNA. Okay. But what was the outcome? The outcome was those who did not get vaccinated, the control group, out of the 20,000, 0.8 percent, which is a 150 people, got a cold, a cough, a bit of fever, and a positive PCR test. Less than 1% got ill with so called COVID 9.

They weren't really seriously ill. No one was seriously ill at all, but this damn PCR test was positive. Alright? In the vaccinated group, that number sank by 90%, so not a 150 people got a cough, a cold, a bit of fever, and a positive PCR test. 15.

But anyone who studied medicine, epidemiology, knows that this is all fake. There was no real disease, and so if there is nothing, you can't protect against it. And these numbers, look at on the right side Like were so trivial. They were so trivial, but they were sold as this that the vaccine was affected. How can anyone in the world take this?

How can anyone buy this? How could they? This was 4 years ago in the summer of 2020. Okay? What these guys never revealed, this came out a year and a half ago, was that in the control group, no one else became ill at all, seriously ill.

There were no deaths from heart attack or, you know, stroke or anything, or virtually nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary. Whereas in the vaccinated group, about 3 to 5% were so ill that they had to be taken to the ICU. They had to be, taken up in the hospital. They were not PCR positive.

Okay? But they had other things like, a stroke, heart attack, whatever what you wanted. But they were not PCR positive, and therefore, they were protected against the virus. But they may have died of my myocarditis for all we know. K?

This is what, the world has been, given. Alright? It's the greatest lie that has ever been. You know, it's it's so shocking and it's so amazing that that these lies could be sold. So the next slide, please.

Remember this forget everything else, but remember this because the w a 2 and the CDC and, the FDA have already declared that they, are going to replace all vaccinations of today with RNA vaccinations of tomorrow, as far as they can do it. And the first RNA vaccinations have already been released without any without any control. Because they say, since it has been shown that the COVID vaccinations are so safe, we do not have to keep on looking at new vaccines because the principles are the same. Now remember the principle. The uptake and expression of a foreign gene will always lead to an attack on the cell by the immune system.

And since all other RNA vaccines do not code for cell, they will always cause damage that will increase with every booster, and contamination with plasmid DNA will certainly be the rule because there is no cost effective procedure to completely separate the mRNA from the bacterial mini chromosomes plasmids. Never forget this guys. Now, the German authorities, the American authorities, the English authorities, the Swiss, what did they do when, not we, all of us told them that Kevin McKernan had discovered this? Well, the European authority said, ah, well, that is an American discovery. They discovered it in vials in America and Canada, but who knows where they got the virus from?

You know? No one has shown this in Europe. Okay? Now one big problem is that you can never get these vaccine vials. You know, it's very, very difficult to get a hold of them.

And it took major efforts for groups in Germany to get them. Now, I have news for you. The news is that, 2 groups in Germany succeeded in obtaining these vials, vaccine vials, that had been distributed in Germany by BioNTech Pfizer. And, the great news is they completely confirmed Kevin McKernan's findings in the American vials. So all the vials examined were heavily contaminated with bacterial plasmid DNA, And, one group which is associated with our society, We are we are the counterpart of d 4 c e in Germany, okay, and in in in Europe.

And we have a little team, and, this little team who doesn't want to be named at the moment, okay, has finished, a piece of work that we hope will be out as a publication in June. Okay. We're working hard to finish it. I will show you just a few pictures that are also not really ready for for the press, but they're very, very impressive. Next slide, please.

Wow. So what the team did was it is established, the method to detect the gene. We're not detecting the protein now, but the green spots are the up uptaken gene, RNA and DNA. And what they found was that the RNA and the DNA were taken up from these vials. Okay?

What they found was that the DNA was stable for days on end. It was not destroyed in the cells. Okay. The controls are on the right side and you see no green spots. The next slide, please.

Next slide. Then they stained for the spike protein, brown. K? And they found the brown pigment only in the cells that had taken up the genes. Next slide, please.

Different batches were looked at. So they wanted to see how much spike protein was produced. So they did quantitative analyses. They they sort of weighed out how much spike was made on each day. You know, these experiments are not very easy to perform, but they have been performed.

And there are 3 batches here. And what they found was also so shocking. What you see here is the expression and the production of the spike protein on day 1, day 5, day 7 no. 1, 3, 5, and 7. 1, 3, 5, 7.

These are the 4 columns. Batch 1, batch 2, batch and you see that the production of the spike protein goes up on day 3, goes up, up even on day 5 or 3 batches, starts to go down on and the experiment has now been prolonged to day 14, and it has still not reached 0. This is very bad news, guys, because if you go around attacking a cell for 14 days with your immune system, that cell is not going to like it, if it survives at all. Next slide. Next slide.

Then what they did was they measured how much of this spike was released into well, do you see me actually? Do you see me? Yep. We sure do. They put this glass as a container.

They put the cells on the wall of the glass. Okay? Then they filled it with liquid and put the vaccine into the glass. And then they measured to see what, how much of the spike protein was produced, was cleaved off and released into the soup here, into the glass. And that's what you see on the next, and I think it's the last slide.

You see how the amount of protein goes up and up and up. Oh, can you go back to that? Yep. It goes up and up and up. This day 7.

Okay? And it keeps on going up. A very, very unpleasant thought, isn't it? Because the spike protein itself is poison, as we all know now. So what we have here is the combined effects of different things that that are going to harm and kill you.

This is terrible. Yes. So, now let me end. Take this off, please. I'd like to give you a piece of news that just came out last week.

So the National US Academy of Sciences is a select group of what America considers to be its best scientist, sort of something like the Royal Society in England. Alright? You you you can only get nominated and taken up if someone nominates you, and the academy says yes. So the US National Academy of Sciences appointed a committee out of their own people. Okay?

Now over 20 experts, and they were, given the task of finding out whether any one of these 100 of illnesses, conditions that had been described following vaccination could be proven to be causally related to the vaccination. You understand? They they looked at all the literature, all the evidence, and, this was published just last week. And unsurprisingly, they said, well, there were conditions that they would think could be costly linked to the vaccination, but they were not completely sure, because time is still too short and the data are still not sufficient. However, there was one exception.

One exception. What was the exception? This exception was myocarditis. And they said, for myocarditis, it is now established that the myocarditis comes from the vaccination. Gasp!

And they wrote that further scientific investigation will not lead to any other conclusion. Read this. It's printed. Stated by the National Academy of Science, which means that every myocarditis that anyone sees in the world following vaccination is known now to be due to the vaccine? That is a piece of very good news.

Why? Because there have been several papers published over the last 2 years. One comes from Thailand, by the way, a little bit proud about this, where, trouble was taken to look very carefully with modern medical, analysis. Okay? And the ties used these techniques to see what the incidence was of myocarditis in young people.

I sent you this. And the results were completely clear. Incidents was something in the range of percent. 1 to 2%. Now you may say, this is not much.

I tell you, 1% means if you if you vaccinate 1,000,000, 10000 are going to get myocarditis. Is that a lot? You know what myocarditis is? Myocarditis is the slow killer. In the textbooks, one, as a student, learns that up to now, one has to say sadly, that of a 100 people who have get myocarditis today, something in the range of 20 to 50% will not be among us after 10 years.

So myocarditis is the one condition that is known to to shorten the life expectancy, shorten the lifespan of man. Whether young or old does not matter. If you go and vaccinate a child, the child gets myocarditis. You have shortened the lifespan of this child by decades. So this was a very good piece for me.

It's devastating and so devastating. Is this the one? This is, National Academies. Yes. Yes.

Okay. It's 300 pages. Okay. Yes. The entire household is 300, or the the Just read you you only have to read chapter 2, which is the summary.

Just chapter 2, a summary. And there's a table there, and have a look at that table. Yep. Yep. Established causal relationship.

The only condition is myocarditis. But this condition is known to shorten life's ex expectancy. Alright? So anyone who continues saying and giving this vaccine is killing people. Wow.

This is murder. This is murder. Now you go and slam that Put that to your authorities. Send it to Trudeau. Send it to the government.

And say Yes. Everyone share this. Yeah. Because the time has now come to turn the tables, guys. We can turn the tables.

They are not permitted to do this. They are not. So I think I will finish with one more, new finding, and this finding was made by, our pathologist colleague who's been at this for the last 2 years now. So he has looked at, a large number of deceased. And what he finds is that 70% have myocarditis.

They might have been subclinical. They might not have died because of the but it was there. They might have died of a heart attack, of a stroke, of pneumonia, of cancer, but they all had myocarditis. So the incidence of myocarditis is horrendous. It's horrendous.

It's at least 1%, but it may be 5%, it may be 10%. So guys, stop. Stop this madness and stop the WHO because if this program comes through, it's gonna happen again and again and again. Alright? Yes.

I I appreciate this. 1, I I just feel so angry inside because what you're presenting and and and the research that's been found clearly shows that we have a big problem with it, and yet we have, Doctor. Theresa Tam in Canada, all of the professional, you know, health ministers that we have in each individual province, we have the, you know, surgeon generals in the United States. They're not they're not highlighting this. Only the one guy in in Florida.

Yeah. That really, really takes this research and shows the people. But other than that, Doctor. Bakhti, like what you're highlighting here, this should be the end. There there should be no more giving out of these vaccines, and that's not what they're doing.

Of course. Of course. That's why I'm talking to you, and that's why you should try to spread this as well. Would you like to hear one last finding Yes. Yes.

That is also now being published? It's it's it's really yeah. You know, placentas, how they work, you have, the vessels of the child. Yeah? And the vessels of the child are covered, blood, with mother cells.

Alright? The mother's blood flows here, and then the nutrients go through this, the mother cells, and enter the vessels of the baby, the fingers. Got it? Now, also one of our team. I will not mention her name, but the the study is finished.

She looked at 80 placentas, 80, of women who received the vaccination during pregnancy. The children were born, I don't know how many were, I don't know about the children, but these placentas were retrieved, and she looked at them. And she found in about 1 third of the placenta, the spike protein in the vessels of the child. So, this vaccine had gotten through, and this is what, you know, we're saying, it's got to happen. It's got to happen.

It's going to enter the child. And this is going to be published too this year. Another thing, and I'll leave you with with this because I think that I I want to alarm, guys. You've got to get alarmed now. Yeah.

In studies with rats, the pregnant rats were given this mRNA vaccine, Pfizer. And the, offspring, the babies, were then examined. What was found, I think without exception, the rats were not normal. Their neural development was, was was, impaired, and they suffered from what is comparable to autism in rats. Wow.

So those animal experiments have been done in rats, but they've been done in so many more humans. Wow. Laura, I I I I I will stop and leave these horrible thoughts with you. I want to scare people into action. Do something.

Don't sit down. And as leave you with the last thought, I'm talking now to the politicians, to so called doctors who obviously are not, to the authorities who are none. If you don't stop this you know, I'm I'm a Buddhist. I believe in karma. And karma is, you will harvest, you will you will what what you have seeded.

And and if you if you seed evil, it's going to fall on you. You are going to be among those guys who will go to hell and die in misery. Yes. And die in misery. You and your children and grand, don't do it.

Turn back now. You can always say, we didn't know this, we didn't know this. If you do that and say, sorry guys, we didn't know this, We couldn't have known this. The manufacturers never told us this, and we never we were paid not to ask them to show us the evidence, but now turn back and stop this RNA madness. Stop it.

Otherwise, you are going to be taken to court. And you I said this 9 months ago, but now it's completely clear. You're going to receive your sentence. Doctor Badgke, thank you. You have shown without a doubt that the evidence is there, and now, we ask everyone watching to share, share, share what doctor Badke has just shared.

And, if you would also notify your MLAs, your MPs in the United States, let your senators know, let your, you know, every person that is in charge of your local community as well as your entire state and let them know the evidence is in. This is not difficult. It's not rocket science and it should be stopping this in its tracks and, as you say, there is a special place in the eternal world for those that are not willing to do what is right. Doctor. Bakhti, thank you for your time once again.

We look forward to hearing some of the latest again, when you can help us to keep sifting through all of this madness. We appreciate you. We consider you a hero, and thank you for your time today. Thank you for having me. You're welcome.

God bless you. Thank you. Wow. That is what's that? Yeah.

On what? Oh. Oh. Okay. Yes.

We do have, him waiting in the wings. Very good. I just want to show you, 15 minutes with Doctor. Mack as if you haven't seen what he's putting out there. He's showing stillbirths in Canada, this is regarding the extremely rare data from Alberta Ministry of Health showing skyrocketing stillbirths with a rise of up to 55% since COVID-nineteen mRNA vaccine rollout.

So couple that with what Doctor. Bakhti is just saying regarding the spike protein that is in the placenta and what is going on, all these stillbirths, we knew that there was a problem, it was being reported and in fact we knew somebody who was even aware of what was happening in the Abbotsford Hospital in British Columbia and I'll never forget this and we we I did report on it somewhat, but nobody wanted to get in trouble. So the person that actually had the information, was unable to speak, but there was many stillbirths going on. And so, this is it's shocking. It's sick.

When you look at all of the evidence now with regard to turbo cancers and what is coming about there, we know this is just pure evil. Well, I don't know if you need a palate cleansing, but I sure do. So I I'm really looking forward to talking, with Mark Zavoia right now. We're gonna just totally switch gears and I I wanna talk to you a little bit about some fun. And I keep having Mark on because people keep asking, can what's the name of that guy?

He's from Costa Rica and he tells us about all this stuff and there's like beautiful visuals of a completely different land and it it gets us sort of out of the pain of what we're dealing with. This just now has been so shocking, and I do hope that you're gonna be sharing this interview with doctor Bakhti, to the ones that you know, that maybe you have already in your email box. Maybe you've already emailed your MP or your MLA or your, you know, the the maybe your mayor. Somebody that I'm thinking of is, you know, Danielle Smith. And just recently, I I put up a a tweet of how, you know, she's still encouraging shots.

I don't know what's wrong with her. Like, is she complicit? Is she ignorant? Is she getting paid? Like, what is the reason that you're not actually dealing with this?

And so please share this with her with Danielle Smith. Share it with, you know, all of the premiers across Canada. That's a real good idea. So let's just let all of the pain and ridiculousness and, just thank God for his healing. Thank God that we can trust him during this storm.

And, let's bring on Mark Savoia. Mark, how are you? How's how are you doing over there in another part of the world? It's good to see your face. Good to see you too.

Wow. I was just watching that, and I'm, like, dumbfounded. I'm like, wow. And here, it's crazy. Talk about BC and Alberta.

The amount of people that are coming here right now are all Alberta and BC. Oh, really? Yes. Things are going rapid there. All all of it.

So you're seeing them show up in Costa Rica? Oh, yeah. Like, they're coming here because, you know, not allowed to be a holistic, practice anymore in BC. So they're reaching out to here. I got tons of dentists that are coming here, natural paths.

They're telling me about the 15 minute cities. Even back home in Toronto, the mayor of Toronto just announced the block cities of 46100 people. So those people are starting to wake up, and they're thinking, Mark, we thought you were crazy 3 years ago when you reached out to us telling us about what's happening, but now we see that you're sane. So what's it like in Costa Rica? I'm like, it is the eighties here.

It is fun. I was just out today with, a couple from BC, a gentleman from BC yesterday from Alberta, another person from Saskatchewan Saskatchewan. It's just insane. We're like, it's it's the momentum's picking up. And I think the big thing is that people are coming down here, and I don't think they really believe until they get down here what closer closer Riccardo is like.

How laid back it is, how relaxed it is, the beauty that's here. They don't seem to get the concept or the idea until they actually put their feet on the soil here and they're like, wow. So this one gentleman, we were actually up at Ian's house today and I peeked over. I'm like, do you know Laura? She's like, yeah.

Doesn't everybody know Laura Lynn? I'm like, well, that's her lot. He's like, wow. Because we went to Ian's house. Ian's house is just like wow.

It is just mind blowing. So we were standing up there on the second level. We're looking to the right. We saw your lot. We're looking to the left.

Oh, it is so Are people actually buying there? You know, because, Mark, I ended up there because the Lord told us to sell, like we I've told my audience numerous times, He actually led me to a scripture verse in Isaiah 12 where it said, pack your bags and go, and so I haven't, I haven't removed my physical body from Canada. I have children and grandchildren here, but I did remove my funds because I didn't trust Trudeau anymore. If he can freeze people's funds like when's the next you know, they have these hate speech laws that they wanna put in in Canada. You know, and apparently, you know, if you don't agree with certain ideologies or things they wanna teach kids or if you don't agree with their perspective on whatever, we're we're turning into a a communist country, you know?

And so, so we we just really felt a word from the Lord and that's why I've I've let and it, you know, when I got this word Mark, it said, and let everyone know so that they can see what you're doing. Like, it actually says that in Isaiah 12. Oh, sorry, it's Ezekiel 12 Ezekiel 12. So what happened was, I end up there and I've been telling everybody about Costa Rica and I have to say I also like El Salvador if you're watching what's going on there, but your government there in Costa Rica is making it very clear that he does not want criminality in that country. It's a largely catholic country, so very spiritual.

I know the last time you were saying that, like, Easter is a huge celebration there. It is. Like, it's just so big. I mean, we're getting shut down on our Christian celebrations here in Canada. Well And so are people buying there?

They are buying. So I'm gonna give you a little insight. They tried last weekend to do a drag show at one of the restaurants. And let's just say it didn't go over well, Laura. It did not go well here in Costa Rica.

As fast as they came in, they left because they were in trouble. They're They're like, you don't bring that stuff here and teach our kids, that this is appropriate because it's not appropriate. Wow. The guy came in and right away he left. He was gone because if he didn't leave, he would have physically been thrown out.

So he took off as fast as he could. So that stopped right there. People are buying here. I think a lot of people they just wanna get away from the chaos and I I find a lot of people are tired fighting. They know like not to sound negative because I was born and raised in, Ontario.

It's just how do you fight a losing battle that the elites are gonna do regardless whatever they want. And they're not even hiding anymore. They go just watching, the news and they're showing all the celebrities and they're signing their life away and they got pictures of the devil behind them and they're doing the symbolic symbols to the devil and they're worshiping the devil. They're not hiding it anymore. You know, Trudeau is not hiding the fact of what he's doing, you know, with, Christopher Land, everything they're doing to Canada.

They're just a blunt and he comes straight out and they're not saying it. This is what we're doing. You like it or not, not a big deal. You know, deal with it. If you don't like it, leave.

And then he says to the ones that, well, if you don't follow what's good for you, then you're gonna have a tough life here. We're gonna make it hard for you. You know? So, like, them coming out and saying that, you know, owning a house is not a priority anymore. Rent.

Don't worry about owning. So these 15 minute cities, you know, they're signing people up, and I've talked to a few people. They're discounting rent for them to live in these cities. So you'll get discounted rent and they'll find you a place to work within the city. So they're trying to, like, promote it and amp it up that, hey.

It's great. And like that city in Quebec that now requires you a digital ID to leave, you need to have permission to leave the city. Right? You get so many passes and that's it. People are like, what's it like in Costa Rica?

I'm like I was just reading that. They're gonna make you show your identity in order to leave the, is it the, Montreal? The the island? It's an island, yeah. Yep, an island.

Yeah. It's, got some French name, but yes, Mark, like this is crazy, you know? It's just crazyville. So when I look at those beautiful, you know, whales and and when I look at the coast guard and we were just showing the whale's tail that's there, and Uvita, the area that you're in, they've got Yes. They've got what?

They've got all this, they've got a new airport going in and, all day. Yeah. Yeah. We have, the golf course. We've got, little low rise condominiums that will have rooftop, like piano bar, lounges.

We got brand new schools that are accredited in the United States. The elementary school is gonna be ready September, which is not far from your, property. We have brand new high schools going in. Palma Norte, an hour south of us, the brand new airport's going in. There's a lot of construction going in the area, but there's a lot of expats that are moving here.

Right? They're getting away from it. They're coming here for that reason, which is nice. Now am I on the right page if JT can show the page that I got, here, of Mark's? People can find you on Facebook.

I have, I have this page with this picture. Is that, the correct one, or do you have a different one? That's it. Second. That's there we go.

There we go. And that is I also have it's, I also have now what we have out, Laura. Yep. We have a a Costa Rica playbook. The Costa Rica playbook has 45 pages of all the information you need to make the move to Costa Rica.

Anything and everything from categories of residency, banking, the culture, the history, religion. It has everything. So you don't have to ever search the Internet anymore to find out and that's it. You don't have to look anymore and and, you know, decipher what's real, what's not. Everything is provided in here.

And when people subscribe to the email, it's a free book. They'll also get the newsletter weekly that'll come to them with anything that's up to date, advanced, changes. You'll be the first to know what's happening in Costa Rica. Okay. This is fantastic.

It's kind of making it easy. There's, you know, people can make a living, they can grow their own fruit trees, I don't think like a lot of people are afraid about food because first of all everything is you know getting more and more expensive, but in Costa Rica you could literally grow avocados, oranges, lemons, like all kinds of stuff on your property. Laura, if you put a seed in the ground here, doesn't matter if you have a green thumb or not, it's gonna grow. It doesn't matter. It just grows.

It just grows. All you gotta do is protect it from the leafcutter eggs or bugs. I got a lemon tree that we planted that was only a foot tall. It's I had to cut the suckers off. It's 5 feet tall on the side of my house.

It'll start producing lemons probably at the end of this year. So anything here grows, but there's an abundance of food. There's no shortage. You can walk out any street, pick what you want. There's an abundance of meat here.

Everything is grass fed, so it's no hormones fed. You know, when you go to the grocery store and people are like, the eggs are on the shelf and they still have feathers and dirt on it. I go, yes, because it's natural. That's what you want. Or they're like, oh, the milk's on the on the shelf.

You can go to the butcher, get raw butter, raw milk, raw yogurt, right, raw honey. It's an abundance here. Even the grocery store sells it. It's an abundance. It's not illegal.

So anything and everything you need is right here. Right? It's just getting out of your familiar grounds, getting away from, you know, going to your Tim Hortons, your Starbucks, or, you know, buying eggs in a grocery store there that have been sitting in a warehouse for a year because they're sprayed with pesticides. Everything is natural here. It's getting back to your roots the way that our, you know, our great grandparents did it back in the day.

They didn't have all the modern stuff that we accumulate now. We still have our modern technology. Don't get me wrong. But if you wanna get back to the basics, you wanna live a healthier, cleaner life, you can do it. And when it comes to natural medications, you know, like Ivermectin at home is banned.

It's esteemed illegal. Right? Here, it's in every pharmacy. You can go anywhere and pick it up. You can get intravenously put into it.

Shocked. You can buy pills. It's everywhere. Same with hydroxychloroquine. I mean, they they banned it, as, you know, some help against COVID here and there in Costa Rica you just get it oh because it's FDA approved for decades both of these drugs.

So it's just nonsense. It's almost like this little tiny pearl of a country has somehow preserved something really beautiful for humanity. And, so we recommend everybody gets there. I mean, make a trip. Book a book an outing with Mark and go and see some homes, see if you'd like to live there.

Now are they gonna build more condo style, were you saying, or is or is it already there? Man, Laura, I tell people to stay away from condos. The problem is is at home, you know, we have our HOA fees, our monthly dues here. And when you have a condo, your fees could be 1 month $600 and then you could jump up to $900, $1,000 a month, $1200 a month. Always.

Yep. Stay away from condos. When you buy properties like what yourself at, you know, we just bought another parcel of land for ourselves. When you're buying properties like that, you know, we all get together and we pitch in $300 a year. We maintain the roads.

That's pretty much it. Right? The water in Uvita, it's not Wow Water. It doesn't have fluoride. It doesn't have any of that.

It actually comes from the springs in the mountain. So the water is being fed from the mountain. So that's why the the water is a little hard here. It's hard for that reason just because it's it's mountain water. It's not coming from a plant where it's treated with chemicals and then we're drinking it.

You're drinking actual spring water out of your taps here. Right? So I tell people that, you know, put a filtration system on your house, but, yeah, people are loving it. They're coming down and they're absolutely they're astound. They're loving this.

Like, they're absolutely they're they're soaking it in. And then people a lot of people are like, oh my god. Do you have regular clouds in the sky? I'm like, yeah. I'm like, fluffy clouds.

That's what they're supposed to be. Or hey. Yeah. I can see all those chemtrails. Yeah.

Exactly. Exactly. Now the north part of the country is more dry. It's more deserty. They do have a lot of pineapple fields, so they have a lot of, like, chemicals that leach into the rivers because they're spraying the fields with highly doused chemicals.

When you come here, when you come next time, when you see that big pineapple that's like a foot and a half long and it looks juicy and big, that's a big no no. You stay away from it. You want the little dwarf pineapple that looks like, it's lacking nutrients. That's an organic pineapple. So, you know, I'll show you the stores where to go when it comes time to shopping for fruits down here, the organic stores.

Same price as the grocery store, but you're getting stuff that has no chemicals or pesticides on it. I really appreciate that about you, Mark. You're really selling a whole lifestyle, and you're such a nice guy, you got your little, your your vehicle that what do you call that? That you just run around? Side by side.

Your side. I pull that by side by side. It's a blast. And it's like a whole lifestyle that you're kind of selling here, And I do I really like going on your Facebook page once in a while when I'm getting a little blue about, you know, what's going on in Canada, and I, if you could show this, JT, it's kinda cool. Just some of the pictures that you that you show, oh I am on, okay, like these are like pools, a lot of lots of these homes just even up on the hillside you can actually not be so hot right?

If you go a bit higher then you've got a view of the ocean way out, you've got your eternity pool, and, and you know the the lifestyle is that you're just pura vida they say, right? Pura Vida. Yes. Yeah. Pura Vida.

Like, love life? Is that what it means? It's called, beautiful life. It's beautiful life, Pura Vida. But now these Ocean View properties these Ocean View properties you're looking at, it's good when you bought when you bought because you can't buy any more land.

Once it's done, it's done. Right. The the Ocean View properties are skyrocketing because everybody comes here. They only wanna be, like, a 100 150 feet elevated. You still get the beautiful breeze.

You get white water views. You hear the ocean. Yeah. The prices are just skyrocketing for, vacant land if there's any available left. That's the right part.

Right. Well, you know, we were we've been trying to tell people for, you know, 2, 3 years, that JT and I did it. We knew that God was speaking, and I wanna continue to tell people because here's the thing, Mark. Like, we saw these little homes that are up higher in the mountain area. Sometimes they're older, so you just have to do a little fixing, but you can get a deal up there.

You got a pool, you've got a, I'll never forget we called it the bird's nest I think JT, and it was kind of, like a little cement house, beautiful little pool, but it was old, you know, and you knew that you were gonna have to do some work there, but you had a complete, like, 300, you know, or 180 degree view of the ocean, the whale's tail, and I remember that one that was like 400 and or what was it, JT, 4 450 or something like that? It was a bit higher. Oh, maybe 650, 650. And, but, you know, it was just, exquisite and, no matter what everyone's budget, if they can kind of just think about how far does every and what's it like here as opposed to there. And some people are ready for a move, some people can't move because they've got family and and all of that, and you know I've got my family here so I can come down there, spend some time for vacation, and you know, maybe a little bit longer if that could ever happen, I don't know, but, but but, Mark, it's totally a different life there, and I hope that you're enjoying just taking it easy because you seems like you're always busy.

Taking it easy. Yeah. Oh, it's it's crazy because we have houses from, like, I do have brand new homes starting at $300,000 So we do have Yep. Right? Starting price is at US US dollars.

Wanna get US dollars. But when you wanna get into the Umita Dominical where most of the, expats live in more of a prominent area, right, like this is like Muskoka, Huntsville or BC, whatever the nicest beach area is, you tend to pay a little bit more. But we still have houses here that, you know, TECO houses 350, 379, and then we get to Canadian American style homes for, like, 430, 440 and up. But we do offer financing for them. 50% down and people can finance the other 50% of it.

Right? A 10% interest rate. Financing now available there which that has that sort of a newer thing that's happening. And, it's an open finance too which is nice. I've got people asking about, first of all one question from Joe Michael, are there many snowbirds in Costa Rica?

So they I think that means they come down, you know, to get to escape the the winter months, and then they go maybe they Airbnb. Is Airbnb BNB a big, you know business there? It's a massive business here. A lot of a lot of homes if you have the right house. So you've got to look at things when you're renting properties here, like as if you were coming down to vacation yourself.

Would you want to be way up in a mountain? Chances are no. Do you want to be close to entertainment and restaurants? Do you want to be closer to the beaches? Now some people don't want to be right down in the flats because they don't want to hear the transport trucks or, you know, the people on the street truck or the music blaring.

So they're like, okay. It would be a little bit up in the mountains. So if you're trying to be, you know, like, 3 minutes, 5 minutes up the mountain, you're gonna pay for it. If you're on the flats, there are secluded areas that are nice and quiet. Right?

And the prices are average. So it all depends. You have to think of it as if you were coming down on vacation yourself the minute you look on Airbnb. They do do well. Now the ones that are way up in the mountains, unless you have a really exquisite home, a mansion of a house, they're a little harder to rent out because people, like I said, they don't wanna get here and then find out that they're 40 minutes of a mountain.

And when they wanna go to the beach or the restaurant, they forget something, they think, oh my, oh, man. I gotta go 40 minutes back to get what I have to get. They wanna be able to just get to where they're going fast. So you have to really think about that when it comes time if you're gonna use it as a rental property. Right, okay somebody else asking about the blue zone, and I what is a blue zone?

Yeah. So the blue zone is a protected area. Over a 100000 years ago, Uvita, Costa Rica was a volcano that erupted. So the most magnetic pole in the world is actually in Uvita itself. The blue zone is an area that like, in NuVita here, 95% of the medication for the world comes out of the rainforest of NuVita.

So it's a protected area. It's one of 3 blue zones in Costa Rica, but it's actually one of the biggest blue zones in the world. We do have 1270 5 waterfalls. We do have a lot of endangered species over here, reptiles, but the rainforest, the diversity itself, we have a library in Uvita that's called the living library. Any and every single medicinal plant, narcotic plant from like the devil's breath, which is like a truth plant that makes you tell the truth and get everything over, is housed at this living library.

And you can actually go there, get educated on it and certain plants and seeds you can buy from them. Of course, the ones that do stuff like the devil's bread that will make you surrender everything, they won't sell it to you because it's dangerous. But they wanna educate you of the diversity of the wildlife in Costa Rica so you have a better understanding. We have fruit here that tastes like Reese's peanut butter cups. Cups.

Oh, wow. Chocolate bars. Yeah. Like, we tasted it. It looks like a burnt piece of fruit.

You open it up and you eat it, and it's like a pudding, but it tastes like Reese's Pieces, Reese's Pieces. Oh, that's amazing. Which is fantastic. Oh, that sounds delicious. Wow.

Wow wow I love it. I'm trying to let people know JT also, since we brought up Ivermectin and you know we're kind of messed up people are asking about it, if you could just put that, where they can get it JT, put that, yeah there you go, proton dot me okay that's what I couldn't remember, yeah You know, I wish that we had all that stuff, here. That is super cool. And my final question, to you, Mark, is regarding some people, like, they wanna have, like, that feeling of a nice restaurant, you know, fine dining to to be out with their loved ones. You got stuff like that in Uvida and Costa Rica?

Of course we do. We have Seba, which is from Toronto, Ontario. He just won the best pizza in Central Latin America. He's got his awards. He went to Brazil to get it.

I'm, like, so proud of him. But we do have fine dining here in Costa Rica. We have Bayam, which is a brand new restaurant in Hermosa, exquisite fine dining. But it's not fine dining where you're gonna sit there and your mouth's gonna drop and you see the bill and say, oh my god. How do I afford this?

It's fine dining, but it's still reasonably priced. But we do. We have over a 105 restaurants in Uvita and Dominican. So there's tons of restaurants to choose from, from mom and pop shops, pop shops to your high end restaurants, which is nice. They are available here and we do have them.

People think Costa Rica, they think 3rd world. Costa Rica is not 3rd world. It's 2nd world and it's becoming one of the better demographic, countries in the world. You know, when you look at the debt ratio compared to everywhere else, we don't even rank in the top 15 anymore, right? Because the amount of influx of income coming into Costa Rica, it's it's substantial.

So Costa Rica is actually becoming very dependent and a place where sustainability is is being shown and produced on on a multi scale level, which is nice. So it's becoming a place that people are becoming familiarized. Now if you do want modern civilization, if you want like a root steakhouse, anything like that, if you go to San Jose, they do have the high end restaurants where, you know, your steak's a $100, a $150. They have the highest restaurants you could think of that are all over the world. But if you're looking for a beach community that you're still close to a central town like San Isidro, this is the place to be.

It's more laid back. Right now, I'm wearing my fancy attire for you. This is my fancy attire. This is what I go wear up when I show people. Nice.

This is my expensive stuff to wear. You look great, and and and you're such a you're such a wonderful person and also the people down there are wonderful too. There's such a community, down there, you know, sticking together. I'm kind of on a couple of feeds, down there, and I watch what's going on and, you know, excitement over the building up of the country, the building up of the infrastructure, more airports. I'm excited about that because an airport will be, just an an hour away or, you know, around about coming up rather than, San Jose, which is a little bit farther than that, which is a beautiful drive.

I love the drive myself. I love drives. Oh, I love it. I love it too. Yeah.

So Costa Rica everyone. That's how you get a hold of Mark Savoia. You can find him on Facebook, you can ask him questions, you used to give out your phone number but it looks like this is the way to go now. No. You can still give out my number too if people wanna reach me directly and they're like, you know, they're like, Mark, I wanna talk to you now.

Reach out to me on my phone number too, the 519. That's not a problem. Nice. A 100%. Nice.

Very nice. Alright. We love it. And I feel like I just had a staycation, you know. Like I'm still here.

It's still a nightmare in so many ways, but I just I I feel better than our last conversation which, gets my blood boiling with what they're doing to us, you know? Tell me if you want. I will put a chair on your property. I'll sit there. I'll do a video.

I'll I'll pour a glass of wine, and I'll cheer it to make it look like you're sitting there. And I'll show you what you're missing out on. Alright. Enjoy my property. I'm not there.

Alright. God bless and take care. Bye bye. You too. Oh I like Mark he's he's awesome and you know the reason that I do this is a little bit just to expand the world.

Like isn't God amazing? God made Canada, he made the United States, he made Europe, he made Costa Rica, he made El Salvador, he made, you know, what's that one that they were talking about at dinner the other night? Belize. He made Belize. And, God made these beautiful places and sometimes we get just such tunnel vision.

I remember when we weren't allowed to travel you know and I told everyone actually even though you know they didn't let anyone who wasn't vaccinated you weren't allowed to get on a plane but because I was a US citizen, I was able to fly into the United States. And, you also could fly to Mexico because Mexico did not require that and neither did Costa Rica. So that's one of the reasons that in the middle of all of the shutdown, I there's something about me. I get so mad when you tell me I can't do something. You know, and I I just I have to go, well, really?

Especially, I mean, if it's unreasonable and you're just trying to be a tyrannical nut job, I don't want anything, you know, any part of that. So I'm, you know, I'm more prone to say, well, what, you know, how do I get around this and what can I do? And so when we, heard and felt like we were hearing that that, God was giving us permission and even telling us to move telling us to get our stuff out now I see some of you in the in the feed and you're like oh I got my grandkids and my family here, and I get it. I do. We have family, and, I actually have grandchildren, and I don't want to be away from them, certainly not for long, but I think that when God's expanded a world and you can go and visit and you can also invest, so during the time when God told us to sell our property, and and basically all properties in the Greater Vancouver area and British Columbia, dropped $300,000 within 3 months.

When we purchased this little piece of land in Costa Rica, it's gone up. So we just walked in obedience to the Lord and I think there's room for for it to grow up there, to to go up. I think there's room for expansion, that that things have gone up there because everyone wants to to get there, but I think there's room for, it to continue to go up while I think Canada and the United States is gonna go through a bit of a difficulty with respect to that. Okay. So should we do the CPC leader or, so something happened with Pierre Polievre today maybe some of you know you want to see the video.

So he got kicked out of parliament for calling Trudeau's drug policies wacko. Take a look. When will we put an end to this wacko policy by this wacko prime minister? No. Wow.

The wacko committee. That is not there are a couple of things which are going on here today, which is not acceptable. And I ask all members, please, to keep themselves, to control themselves. I'm gonna ask 2 things. 1, I'm gonna ask the honorable, leader of the opposition to withdraw, that term, which is not considered parliamentary.

Mister speaker, I replace wacko with extremist. He is an ex The honorable member to please I'm going to ask the leader of the opposition once again to just withdraw that comment, please. And I'll invite the honorable member I'm going to ask the honorable leader of the opposition to please withdraw that comment and simply withdraw that comment. I'll replace it with radical leftist policy. I am not asking to replace.

I'm asking the honorable member to just simply withdraw. Yes. Ma'am, I'm not just saying here, I Put the speaker in quite the position. Oh, so what he does there is he turns off the microphones? Oh, it tells us So please withdraw that comment and simply withdraw that comment.

Withdraw his wireless. I simply withdraw and replace with the aforementioned editor. Mister Poliyev, I have to name you for disregarding the authority of the chair. Pursuant to the authority granted to me by standing order 11, I order you to withdraw from the house for the many participation by video conference for the remainder of business day sitting. Is that it?

Is that it? So so it's my understanding, that basically does he get kicked out? He he he's forced to leave. Alright. Well, you can't blame him for using that kind of language, can you?

It's a bit wacko. Right? And you've made all of these drugs legal and all of that kind of wacko. I'm glad I don't have a speaker of the house telling me not to speak. Oh, but they're gonna get those those hate speech laws in that are gonna make it difficult.

Yes. I agree, Leonard. All of them idiots. All of the politicians. Alright so NDP leader Jagmeet Singh refuses to back bc premier ebbie's call for the recriminalization of hard drugs So Ebbie is saying we've gotta, you know, criminalize these drugs again because it's not working because you've just killed even more people.

And, oh, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, he doesn't think that's a good idea. What are your thoughts on BC wanting to change drug decriminalization? What's what's clear to me is that BC has taken a position strongly in favor of making sure we address the harms being that people are are living with. I can tell you from my experience, I worked in criminal defense as a defense lawyer for a number of years, and I represented clients that were living with or struggling with addiction. I can tell you it did not help those people to arrest them, to bring them to a bail hearing, to put them through the criminal justice system, to sometimes jail them.

That did not benefit those people. Did not help them with their addiction. Did not help them with their mental health concerns. And ultimately, I believe that all Canadians wanna save people's lives. That's what we need to do.

All the evidence, including from law enforcement and other health experts is that we've gotta keep people alive in order to give them the opportunity to go to rehab, to get the supports they need, to beat their addiction or address their mental health concerns, and that's what I believe in. I fundamentally believe in that. I know that we should be saving lives and the approach that we've seen in the past of criminalizing people that need health care does not work. We also need to keep people safe though. And I understand the in importance of making sure that we've got measures in place that keep kids safe in playgrounds, and those are measures that that new Democrats, of course.

Okay. Don't like him at all. Yeah. He should go. So Trudeau, Poliyev, and Singh speak at a Khalsa parade in Toronto.

Did you see this? One of Canada's greatest strengths is its diversity. We are strong, not in spite of our differences, but because of our differences. We will rely on the great Sikh values that Guru Gobind Singh brought forward, values of equality for the common people. We need a direct flight to Amritsar, and we need a national blue seal so that professionals that come here from Punjab or anywhere else can take a test, prove they're qualified, and work as nurses, doctors, and other highly paid professionals.

Okay. So, yeah, if we can just turn it down just a little bit. I'm gonna show you some things. I mean, there's, you know, India is actually really furious about what was happening, so Kalistani supporters in Vancouver if you can share yeah oh you got mine? Yeah here I'll see if I can make this a little bit bigger.

In Vancouver have gathered in to protest India. Some are armed with swords and have full face coverings. They're calling for the boy caught of Air India their speeches are not in English in Canada. Sikhs have a special religious exemption to carry their swords in public and you know I don't know like when did this happen that people can carry these weapons in public and I guess they would refer to them as you know, not weapons. But all of it's wrong.

This is all the kowtowing that we've done to, people that have come to our land. You know, you don't let Canadians run around, with knives and all of that. You could still be showing this, JT. Yeah. Okay.

So this guy, I appreciate the work of Mocha who is kind of capturing all of this. You can see that that guy has his sword or a big knife. You know, it's just it's just interesting. So India is now saying they're very upset that the 3 leaders of our political parties stood on a on a stage and that this is creating a danger, in India and it's also creating some danger here in Canada. A whole lot of it was, where did he I know, MOCA actually put up some of this stuff that's happening.

Let me see. Sorry. So, so the Uniparty has stirred international tensions, yet they avoid calling each other out. Just a few days ago, Trudeau criticized Pierre for allegedly trying to appeal to white nationalists by attending an axe attacks protest. India here strongly protests calistan slogans at a public event attended by Canadian leaders.

So it's funny that world tensions are definitely this is what they're they're upset about the Canadian deputy high commissioner was today summoned to the Ministry of External Affairs with regard to the raising of separatist slogans on Callisthan at an event which was being personally addressed by the prime minister of Canada. The government of India's, of India's deep concern and strong protest was conveyed at such, disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked at the event. This illustrates once again the political space that has been given to Canada in Canada to separatism, extremism, and violence. Their continued expressions not only impact India Canadian relations but also encourage a climate of violence and criminality in Canada to the detriment of its own citizens, and this is the part where I'm saying to the detriment of its own citizens, we're allowing a lot of things to be said. You know, if if we're gonna put hate speech laws in, I hope it's illegal to say, you know, I am Hamas or I support Hamas or anything like that because those are pure terrorists, so is Hezbollah.

We all know it. And, you know, I've been on, you know, talks again today, with with people that will absolutely not. They've lived here for many years. Do not call these these people terrorists. Right?

Here, Brian Peckford had sent out something, share this tab instead, so Vancouver protests praise the October 7th slaughter of Jews. They mimic what is going on south of the border versus Vancouver BC Canada got in the act as protesters praised terrorists on the Vancouver Art Gallery steps. I just you know, I don't think that this, should should be happening. The Jerusalem Post reports anti Israel, protesters praised October 7th massacre and several terrorist organizations out of Vancouver rally on Friday, according to a a video published by Free Palestine Tri Cities British Columbia demanding that the groups be removed from Canada's list of terrorist entities. Are you kidding?

They're psychopaths. They're crazy. Look what they did on October 7th. Please go and watch a video that's called, screams before the the silence. You know, all of this makes me sad.

Our country was once so we were so proud of Canada in so many ways and it's only taken 8, 7 years of Trudeau to bring it to a disaster, and let's not blame blame all of it on Trudeau. Let's blame the conservative governments as well who have embraced multiculturalism which has failed, And multiculturalism, I I think at its core is trying to say that, you know, we can all, live at peace, but actually people, have their their beliefs with their core group. And now that we've taken a fundamentally Judeo Christian country like Canada, and these follow the the traditions of Jesus Christ coming from from the Jewish, you know, line. Jesus was born as a Jew, lived and died for our redemption, and whoever embraces him embraces freedom, and so we embrace that in we embrace this freedom in our countries, and that is not the freedom that is embraced in Iran where they, you know, will execute young men or women for not wearing a hijab and these men who defend women are executed, and I recently reposted a an interview that I did with a woman from Iran, speaking on what was going on there and, absolutely horrible.

So, okay. So a couple more things. Democratic Pennsylvanian senator John Fetterman so if you this is the same guy. Right? He ended up going he had a stroke or something right and he was put in a hospital but he's concerned with the amount of antisemitism in the college protest and this is a democrat and, you know, he's getting all the democrats, fairly angry with him.

Take a look. I'm not, I'm not gonna give the president any advice or anyone, only on fashion. And, you know, but but I but I will I will say this is that it's very clear that there is a very, germ of of anti semitism in all of these protests, you know, and then sometimes it flares up. And again, including one of the, one of the leaders in Colombia said some just awful things and and talking about, well, they're lucky to that I'm not killing, Zionists and things like that. And then he defended himself by saying, well, those were taken out of context.

And I'm like, well, that's very similar to the way the, the college presidents. Like, same kind of language and those kind of monocultures that, create situations and that replicates. And now it's no it's not a surprise that when you're kind of seeing this manifest itself, in in a campus like this. Now, of course, it's a great American value to to protest, but I don't believe, living in a pup tent, for Hamas is really helpful. Right.

So for Hamas, these kids that are violent and shouting these extremist, sayings and that are long stating long live October 7th. It's disgusting, despicable, and it it should be anyone saying things like that. That is truly hate speech. So you wanna bring in something about hate speech that is truly, truly hate speech because what they did on October 7th is inexcusable. There is no way around it.

You cannot, well, you have to understand the history. No. No. Actually, you do not. You do not.

No one should do that. It should be condemned around the world by all. Sadness in my heart, not condemned, not spoken against by the Muslim communities in Canada. That's my sadness and I don't I don't know where to go with that. And I tell them this to their face and I hope we can come to a resolving that we all get on the same page about who terrorists are.

I think that would be very good for all of us. Congressman Scott Perry questions FDA commissioner Robert Kalief on threats to US sovereignty if the US signs the WHO Pandemic Treaty. My question is with the potential threat to US sovereignty for decision making on whether a pandemic even exists and the prescribed remedies, including lockdowns and and and maybe maybe even medicating. Would you commit before the committee today to pledge not to adopt policies included or pursuant to the treaty until such time and if such time as that treaty would be ratified by the United States Senate? I'm not sure how to answer that question given the complexity of what you said, but I it it's hard for me to imagine that we would do something at FDA that's not a government policy.

Now you referred to the Senate in particular. I'm just not familiar or not. Well, if the Senate doesn't ratify it, it wouldn't be a treaty that we would be signatories to or at least not legally. And I just want some or to know if there's any intention on the FDA's part to institute any of the provisions within the treaty without the proper ratification from the United States Senate? I don't think that particular issue would fall within our purview.

So and I don't know enough about it to, to make a commitment. I will comment that Sure. We, you know, if we just look at the avian flu situation we're in now, the knowledge of the molecular structure or whatever the pathogen is turns out to be really, really critical to come up with countermeasures to treat it. And so I hope we can work out a way. And then, also, even for food safety, we've talked about the imported food that we get.

The, genetic composition of the pathogen turns out to be really important. So, I sure, get what you're saying. We gotta do this carefully, whatever we do. But I hope there will be a way that, for example, we don't get exposed to a new pandemic where we know nothing about the organism until it's too long. And we also I think most people in America wanna maintain their medical sovereignty, the individual medical sovereignty that we all enjoy.

Yeah. Yeah. That's right. I think I do wanna maintain my medical sovereignty because you're all a bunch of wackos out there. Because you think that you can order us to get some kind of crazy shot that Doctor.

Bhakti showed today. It's absolutely provable what it's doing to everyone's body. So, this pandemic treaty this is why I'm going to Switzerland. There is going to be a protest in Switzerland against this pandemic treaty and I am going with a bunch of great Canadians and people from around the world. I heard Desmond Mattias Desmond is going to be there.

And, I've been invited. I'm I'm really honored, and I just want to say thank you to Linda who shot me some some funds yesterday to say, that you recognize that I'm going on your behalf, and I am. I'm I'm going to represent what we believe, and y'all know that I have a big mouth. So I'm going to stand up for Canada. I'm going to stand up against this WHO pandemic treaty, and I'm going to be there right where it's it's all happening.

And I'm grateful that I've I've had this invitation to go, and I'm grateful to you, Linda, who actually mentioned it and helped gave me a little money in my coffer, to to get me there. I appreciate you so much. I also wanna thank today, someone named anonymous has donated right on this very day, and I appreciate you very much for donating anonymously. I don't know your name, but I thank you so so much for that. This is how we do everything.

So in keeping with sort of how much you know we love Costa Rica because this is a place where you know you can't even get your money into Costa Rica unless you can prove where you got it from. I mean they are just up against any criminality any kind of you know, hiding funds. And from what I've heard, there's been a problem with, Trudeau actually trying to purchase, stuff there. There was some sort of internal conflict or something happened. And and anyways, they they don't like it when people don't support freedom, and this is good news.

So in El Salvador, something really amazing is happening. Now I don't know if I can say this guy's name right, but God bless him. This is one of the greatest presidents on the planet right now. His name is president Nayib Bukele, and, I'm not sure if I'm saying it right, but basically, he gathers his executive branch officials for a surprise announcement and listen to the speech this man gives. I want this kind of president to be president, prime minister, leader of every country in the world.

This kind of man. Right here. Take a listen. I will read it out for the, I'll read it out for everyone on the podcast. Okay.

So it says, in fact, you can see that everyone here is from the executive branch. Turn it up just a bit so people know he's speaking. From the executive branch that I oversee. Except for one person, the attorney general. He's not part of the executive branch, but he's here for a simple reason.

I want to ask him publicly to investigate everyone sitting here retroactively and into the future. Oh, I love this. I imagine that there should be no problem with that. Someone once asked me are you afraid of death? I said of course nobody wants to die.

I don't want to die, but I know that I'll die someday like anyone else. Wait for this. Death is the one thing we can't escape. 100 years from now, none of us here will still be alive. None of us.

Nobody's sitting here. It's very likely that nobody here will know their grandfather's name, their grandfather or father's name. But if there is one thing I fear, It's leaving a bad legacy. There are some presidents, some in prison, and some on the run. But the most are remembered as criminals.

That's not how I want to be remembered. So I don't steal because I don't want to be remembered as a criminal or as a corrupt. But for 1 president, president Duarte, people back him. The president isn't a thief, but he surrounded himself with thieves. There was a time when he offered hope for the Salvadorian people, but even if it's true he didn't steal, then he was foolish because he was the people's hope.

He didn't touch a scent and still stained his legacy by surrounding himself with thieves. I love this guy. This that won't happen to me, he says. I won't be the president that didn't steal, but was surrounded by criminals. I want to be remembered.

Let anyone else without anyone else stealing either, and the one who put them back. There are a couple who are already there, he says. So he's basically telling everyone, I want a cabinet. I want ministers. I want people in my government that will not steal.

And he's asking the the generals there to investigate them. The the what? The attorney general. He's asking the attorney general to investigate anyone. Wouldn't that be great?

I would like that. Pierre Polieff is gonna be put in power, I think. And, wouldn't it be great if Pierre Poliyev said listen would you mind just investigating all my MPs make sure nobody's stealing and yeah while you're at it investigate all the Liberals and o the NDP. Now some investigation into anything, might prove that we're surrounded by a bunch of snakes and, scorpions in our land because they are thieves, and they are criminal, and they're hiding money, they're accepting bribes, and there is no justice in the land. So wouldn't it be good if our leaders ever stood up like that?

Man, I would be thrilled for that. My my, email, my website is Thank you for joining me today. If any of you can help us to have this kind of truth, I see that there's, you know, well over a 1000 people watching live right now and I appreciate y'all from all different, 2? We're an hour.

We're an hour or 2. I know it's a long one right JT? I know thank you for working so hard. Poor JT just has to sit there till I say it's done. Oh, it's just so fun.

But he gets me back later when he bosses me around. So no. That's not funny, hon. Not true. Not true either, he says.

Alright. Well, we love doing what we do and, every day we sit down here to be near you. We thank you that you support us. If you like this, if you like this kind of show, would you let us know by going to our website pushing on that donate button right there and you can see Eric Metaxas that was our recent one letter to the letter to the American church is what he wrote, and also religionless Christianity. I'd like to get back to some of that, but if you'd let us know, donate, and let us know that you appreciate us speaking the truth, telling the truth openly without shame, and unabashedly standing up for the principles of the word of God.

If this means anything to you, you get a tax receipt for it, by the way, and we are here to look at everyday life, everyday things that are going on in the world through the lens of Christianity, through the lens of the bible. If that means something to you, would you help us because we're not getting any funds after the things that we say on this show from the Trudeau government Canada does not the Canadian government does not support us I can tell you that right now so if you are able to help us it means the world and you can go. You can donate anonymously. If you're willing to become a monthly partner for $20 or more, I'm also going to send you my book which is called relentless redemption, which is my story from fall falling from grace and into God's wonderful sea of redemption, and that's how I got rescued many years ago. And, if you'd like to send an e transfer, you can go to If you prefer snail mail, we love it. Box 48184, Queensborough, New Westminster, BC V3M 0A7. Thank you so much. I think during the show, we have put up where you can get ivermectin if you'd like some of that.

And also, if you'd, like some gold and silver, we highly recommend speaking with Steve Merrill as we watch our economies collapse and all kinds of crazy, stuff done. So I want to leave you with the word of God today, and Ecclesiastes 12 says this, verse 1, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Remember your creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come. Does that mean after your youth, then comes trouble? Yeah, it kind of does. And the years approach when you will say, I find no pleasure in them before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain, when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men stoop, When the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows grow dim.

When the doors to the street are closed, and the sound of grinding fades, the grinding of the wheat. When people rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint. When people are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets, I'm more afraid of what's going on in the streets these days. This whole ecclesiastical chapter is talking about how life can get so dark and painful, full of crisis and pain, full of fear, anxiety, stress, and strain because a lot of bad things happen. We lose people that we love either through death or family, loved ones that turn their backs on us, so much pain.

Many of us, we don't have the money we we wish we had. We don't have the life we wish we had. We struggle. When the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper drags itself along and desire no longer is stirred. You know, sounds like he's talking about when you get old and when life gets old, and when desire no longer is stirred, when you don't dream anymore, I hope you'll keep dreaming.

I've known some people who never gave up on dreaming that God would bring about some amazing things in their life, no matter how old they were. Don't give up. Pray more. Here's what it says: then people go to their eternal home, and mourners go about the streets, remember Him before the silver cord is severed and the golden bowl is broken, before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Meaningless.

Meaningless, says the teacher. Everything is meaningless without God. We have dreams that remain unfulfilled. We have hopes. We feel tired.

We see the strain, but here's the conclusion of the matter that came at the very end of Ecclesiastes, and it's really about this: that God will keep His commandments, and we are to have the fear of the Lord. That keeps you in a good place. God bless today. You know it's not easy to deliver the truth of what our sick world is doing, but for some of us, we feel that we have no choice. Because if we are silent about these abominable things, then we are letting evil go unchecked, and we cannot do that.

For those of you wonderful people who are writing me and are sharing your encouragement, I am deeply grateful. Thank you for all the letters that you've been sending. Thank you for the deeply grateful. Thank you for all the letters that you've been sending. Thank you for the donations and the support.

I found out that in order to speak the truth, you have to become very, very strong. If you would go to my website at ww very, very strong. If you would go to my website at, you'll find all of the ways that you can contact me. Remember, my friends, all is well. All is well.

All is well. Thanks for joining.