the ability to tell truth from a lie

Is there an English word whose definition is the ability to tell truth from a lie? 


There doesn't seem to be a specific English word that describes the ability to tell truth from a lie. However, the word "discerning" is often used to describe someone who has the ability to distinguish truth from falsehoods 

. While it may not be an exact match, it conveys the idea of being perceptive and able to make accurate judgments.

It's worth noting that the ability to always tell truth from lies with 100% accuracy is not something that exists in reality. Human perception and judgment can be influenced by various factors, and people can be deceived or mistaken at times.

Certainly! While there isn't a single word that precisely encapsulates the ability to discern truth from falsehood, there are related terms and phrases that describe different aspects of this skill. Let's explore a few:

1. **"To Tell the Truth"**:

   - This phrase is commonly used to indicate that someone is stating what they genuinely believe or think to be true². It doesn't specifically address the ability to differentiate between truth and lies, but it emphasizes sincerity.

2. **"Honest Lie"**:

   - An interesting concept! An honest lie refers to telling others something that you incorrectly believe to be true³. In other words, it's when you unintentionally deceive by sharing information you genuinely think is accurate.

3. **"Dissembling"**:

   - This term characterizes the behavior you described—telling the truth in a way that misguides or obscures the full picture. It involves being intentionally vague or evasive while technically not lying¹.

4. **"White Lie"**:

   - Although not an exact match, a white lie is a partial truth told with good intentions to cover up a more serious or hurtful truth. It's a lie of little consequence meant to protect someone's feelings¹.

Remember that language is nuanced, and sometimes we need a combination of words to capture complex ideas. While there isn't a single word that perfectly fits your description, these terms provide insight into the various ways we navigate truth and deception. 😊⁴

Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/17/2024

(1) To tell the truth Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. .

(2) Is there any word or phrase for when someone in fact says the truth .... .

(3) Is there a word for the person who hides truth in order to deceive?. .

(4) Lie - Wikipedia.

(5) Getty Images. .


The English word whose definition is the ability to tell truth from a lie is "discernment".

**Here are some skills and techniques that can help improve one's discernment:**

**1. Active listening:** Pay close attention to what people say, both verbally and nonverbally. Notice their tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions. This can help you pick up on cues that may indicate deception.

**2. Ask questions:** If something doesn't seem right, don't be afraid to ask questions. This can help you clarify information and get a better understanding of the situation.

**3. Be aware of your own biases:** Everyone has biases, but it's important to be aware of them so that they don't cloud your judgment. Try to be open-minded and consider all of the evidence before making a decision.

**4. Seek out multiple sources of information:** Don't rely on just one source of information when making a decision. Get input from multiple sources to get a more complete picture of the situation.

**5. Take your time:** Don't rush to make a decision. Give yourself time to think things through and consider all of the factors involved.

**6. Trust your gut instinct:** Sometimes, your gut instinct can tell you more than you realize. If something feels off, it's worth paying attention to.

**7. Practice critical thinking:** Develop your critical thinking skills by analyzing information, identifying fallacies, and evaluating arguments. This will help you make more informed decisions.

**8. Learn from your mistakes:** Everyone makes mistakes, but it's important to learn from them. Pay attention to the times when you were wrong and try to identify what led you to make a mistake. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

**9. Be open to feedback:** Ask for feedback from others and be willing to listen to it. This can help you identify areas where you can improve your discernment.

**10. Practice mindfulness:** Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused, which can make it easier to detect deception. When you're mindful, you're more likely to notice subtle cues that may indicate that someone is lying.

**Here are some ways to practice critical thinking skills to improve your discernment:**

**1. Identify your assumptions:** Pay attention to the assumptions you make about people, situations, and information. Ask yourself why you believe these things and whether there is evidence to support them.

**2. Challenge your beliefs:** Don't be afraid to question your own beliefs. Consider alternative viewpoints and be willing to change your mind when presented with new evidence.

**3. Gather evidence:** Look for evidence to support or refute your beliefs. Be skeptical of information that is presented without evidence or that seems too good to be true.

**4. Analyze information:** Break down information into its component parts and examine each part carefully. Look for patterns, inconsistencies, and gaps in the information.

**5. Evaluate arguments:** Pay attention to the arguments that people make. Identify the evidence they use to support their claims and evaluate the strength of that evidence.

**6. Be aware of fallacies:** Fallacies are errors in reasoning that can lead to false conclusions. Learn to identify common fallacies and be on the lookout for them in arguments.

**7. Practice problem-solving:** Work through problems and challenges in a systematic way. Identify the problem, gather information, generate solutions, and evaluate the effectiveness of your solutions.

**8. Seek out diverse perspectives:** Expose yourself to different perspectives and opinions. This will help you challenge your own assumptions and beliefs and develop a more well-rounded understanding of the world.

**9. Be open-minded:** Be willing to consider new ideas and information, even if they challenge your existing beliefs.

**10. Practice mindfulness:** Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused, which can make it easier to identify fallacies and other errors in reasoning.

**Here are some examples of common fallacies to be aware of:**

**1. Ad hominem:** This fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person making an argument rather than the argument itself. For example, "You can't trust what she says, she's a known liar."

**2. Straw man:** This fallacy occurs when someone misrepresents an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack. For example, "You say we should raise the minimum wage, but what you really mean is that we should give everyone a free ride."

**3. Red herring:** This fallacy occurs when someone introduces an irrelevant topic to distract from the main issue. For example, "We shouldn't talk about climate change, we should be talking about the economy."

**4. Circular reasoning:** This fallacy occurs when someone uses the conclusion of an argument as evidence for the argument itself. For example, "God exists because the Bible says so, and the Bible is true because it was written by God."

**5. Equivocation:** This fallacy occurs when someone uses the same word or phrase in two different senses in an argument. For example, "We should ban assault weapons because they're dangerous, but we shouldn't ban hunting rifles because they're not dangerous."

**6. Anecdotal evidence:** This fallacy occurs when someone uses personal anecdotes as evidence to support a general claim. For example, "I know someone who got cancer from eating genetically modified foods, so they must be dangerous."

**7. Confirmation bias:** This fallacy occurs when someone seeks out information that confirms their existing beliefs and ignores information that contradicts them. For example, "I only read news sources that agree with my political views."

**8. Gambler's fallacy:** This fallacy occurs when someone believes that a random event is more likely to happen after a series of unlikely events. For example, "I've flipped a coin five times and it's come up heads every time, so it's more likely to come up tails next time."

**9. Post hoc ergo propter hoc:** This fallacy occurs when someone assumes that because one event followed another, the first event caused the second. For example, "I got sick after eating at that restaurant, so the food must have been contaminated."

**10. Slippery slope:** This fallacy occurs when someone argues that a series of events will inevitably follow from a particular action, even though there is no evidence to support this claim. For example, "If we legalize same-sex marriage, then next thing you know, people will be marrying their pets."

The straw man fallacy and the ad hominem fallacy are both logical fallacies, but they are different in the way they are constructed and the target of the argument.

- **Straw man fallacy:** In a straw man fallacy, the arguer misrepresents or oversimplifies the opponent's argument in order to make it easier to attack. The arguer then attacks this distorted version of the opponent's argument rather than the actual argument. For example:

**Opponent's argument:** "We should increase the minimum wage because it would help reduce poverty and inequality."

**Straw man argument:** "You want to increase the minimum wage just to give everyone a free ride and make businesses suffer."

In this example, the arguer has distorted the opponent's argument by claiming that they want to give everyone a free ride, which is not what the opponent actually said. The arguer then attacks this distorted argument rather than addressing the actual argument about reducing poverty and inequality.

- **Ad hominem fallacy:** In an ad hominem fallacy, the arguer attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself. This can be done by attacking the person's character, intelligence, motives, or other personal characteristics. For example:

**Opponent's argument:** "We should invest more in renewable energy sources because they are better for the environment."

**Ad hominem argument:** "You only care about the environment because you're a tree-hugging hippie."

In this example, the arguer is attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself. The arguer is trying to discredit the opponent by calling them a "tree-hugging hippie" rather than engaging with the actual argument about renewable energy.

In summary, the straw man fallacy involves misrepresenting the opponent's argument, while the ad hominem fallacy involves attacking the person making the argument. Both fallacies are logically flawed and can be used to undermine the validity of an argument.

**Here are some tips for avoiding fallacies in your own arguments:**

1. **Be clear and concise:** Make sure your arguments are clear and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not be familiar with.

2. **Define your terms:** Clearly define the terms you use in your arguments. This will help to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

3. **Support your claims with evidence:** Use evidence to support your claims. This can include facts, statistics, studies, or expert testimony.

4. **Be open-minded:** Be willing to consider different viewpoints and opinions. Don't be afraid to change your mind if presented with new evidence.

5. **Be respectful:** Be respectful of the people you are arguing with. Avoid name-calling or personal attacks.

6. **Focus on the argument:** Stay focused on the argument at hand. Don't get sidetracked by irrelevant topics.

7. **Be aware of common fallacies:** Familiarize yourself with common fallacies so that you can avoid them in your own arguments.

By following these tips, you can help to improve the quality of your arguments and avoid using fallacies.

Yes, the word "discernment" fits well for describing the ability to tell truth from a lie. Discernment refers to the ability to judge well, including distinguishing between truth and falsehood.

Another term that can be used is "perspicacity," which refers to having a keen insight or the ability to notice and understand things that are not obvious, often involving distinguishing truth from lies.

While these words are not exclusively used for detecting lies, they encapsulate the ability to make judicious and insightful distinctions, which includes differentiating between truth and falsehood.
Yes, there is an English word that describes the ability to tell truth from a lie. The word is "discernment."

Discernment refers to the ability to judge or discriminate between things, especially the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood. It involves critical thinking, perceptiveness, and sound judgment.

Some key points about the word "discernment":

- Discernment implies the skill or wisdom to see through deception and recognize the truth of a matter.

- It is often associated with good judgment, insight, and the capacity to make wise decisions.

- The word has roots in the Latin "discernere" meaning to separate or distinguish between.

- Discernment is considered an important quality, especially in fields like ethics, politics, and interpersonal relationships.

So in summary, "discernment" is the English word that describes the ability to distinguish truth from lies or falsehoods. It refers to the critical thinking skills needed to determine what is genuine and what is deceptive.

Yes, there is an English word that encompasses the ability to tell truth from a lie: "discernment." Discernment refers to the ability to judge well and perceive differences accurately, including distinguishing between truth and falsehood.

Another word that captures this ability, particularly in a more specific context, is "veracity." Veracity means accuracy or truthfulness, and while it often pertains to the truthfulness of statements or information, it can imply the capability to recognize and uphold truth.

For a more nuanced term, "truth-detection" can be used, though it's less commonly found in dictionaries as a single word and more often seen in contexts like "truth-detection skills" or "truth-detection ability."

In summary, "discernment" is the most fitting word for the general ability to tell truth from lies.

How Do I Discern Truth From Lies?

By hugh.alcorn|Oct. 2nd, 2017 

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How Can I Discern Truth From Lies?

How Can I Discern Truth From Lies?

Why do we believe what we believe?

The hard answer is that because we were trained to. Some of us were brought up in families that hold onto religious dogma. Others are led to a certain church and adopt the church’s doctrines. This is not because it is necessarily true, but because the leader behind the pulpit says it is so. And we, as children in the various faiths, are ignorant of the truths of the Bible for we were babes. But leadership influence told us what the “truths” were and so we swallowed them hook, line and sinker without question.

Then you get the rebels – usually young up-starts. These hear different doctrines that appeal to the flesh and they disrupt the church with their new ideas. They are adamant that they are right, and just like many leaders, will not test what they believe with scripture and reason, but will dogmatically hold fast to their belief despite being refuted by truth.

This post is designed to help those of you who struggle to accept some of the doctrines that are taught you. It will enable you to discern truth from lies (unscriptural doctrine) more easily. However, it is difficult to give up something that you once had such faith in. But at the end of the day, those who discover truth, no matter what contrary dogma they have been taught, will be able to walk in the freedom of the Spirit of Christ and will be able to join in with the early church that Peter described:

and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,

(1Pe 1:8)

If the above verse does not describe your current experience then know for sure that you do not have the truth.

There are three fundamental principles used to discern biblical truth from lies.  We ought to apply these principles to everything that we hear, think or do.  But the first question we need to ask ourselves is:

The foundation of all that we believe is based on what we have chosen to accept as truth – i.e. our perception of it. This means that we can choose to believe something based upon choice, and not on reasonable evidence, therefore, willfully deceiving ourselves. Many have chosen to believe that which is contrary to truth, and few test what they believe. This is because discovering the truth obligates them to live by it. For knowing the truth, requires us to forsake the pursuit of many temporal pleasures that the deceptions of sin have promised. And this is our problem; our cultured selfishness naturally chooses against truth, even though we know sin to be harmful, and truth to precede blessings.

However,  for those who wish to be freed from sin and to come to the knowledge of the truth to live by it, and consequently receive the blessings it brings, the three principles to discern any “truth” from lies is that it must be true to scripture, reason and life.

This means that the proposed “truth” must be synonymous with not only scripture, but the spirit of scripture also. One can find many scriptures that by themselves seem to support their belief; but unless what these singular scriptures say is in harmony with the spirit of scripture as a whole of God’s revealed Word, it cannot be true. God inspires all scripture through holy, faithful saints, and therefore it is infallible. It can never contradict itself. This is what makes God’s Word trustworthy as the foundation of truth, and the yardstick for all moral beings. For if any part of scripture was to be found contradictory in nature, then on what basis could we find the whole of it trustworthy? It would then undermine the trustworthiness of God and everything that we have come to learn of Him as truth.

Note: I am not talking about seeming discrepancies in recorded details where the author records from his perspective, or in Mark and Luke’s cases, where they have learned of details from others (for neither were witnesses with the twelve); or errors through translations. But I am talking about the recorded principle of truth. This cannot contradict! This is why a truth must be supported by a number of scriptures to bear testimony of its meaning as well as being supported by the spirit of scripture.

Truth is not dogmatic. It is reasonable; and God invites us to reason with Him (Isa 1:18). If what one says is not reasonable then it cannot be truth. God never expects us to believe or do anything that is unreasonable. His Word says that His commandments are not burdensome (1Jn 5:3), this is because the reasoning mind finds them reasonable.

Whatever opposes truth is unreasonable because it’s based on selfishness. Conversely, whatever God says is always reasonable (Jas 3:17); for it is founded on His character, and revealed in the benevolence of His heavenly kingdom.

If the testimony of life does not support what one teaches then we ought not to believe it. If, for example, the Bible commands us to  be holy (as it does), and yet there was no testimony of anyone having lived a holy life, then there would be no grounds for it to be true. Consequently, there would be no obligation on our parts to live holy lives.

One needs to use all three principles to discern truth from lies,  and all three must co-exist. One cannot have one principle without the others. Therefore, if the “truth” presented does not bear all three principles, then we should not regard it as truth.

Principles of Discerning Truth

Principles of Discerning Truth

If one says that God is holy but we do not need to be holy to have fellowship with Him, (despite His eternal sacrifice through Christ to bring us to repentance of our sins), we can apply the three principles of discerning truth to see:-


says that God commands us to be holy (1Pet. 1:16); it says that it is our sins that separate us from Him (Isa. 59:2); and that two cannot walk together unless they be in agreement (Amos 3:3). These scriptures and hundreds more like them prove that God requires us to be holy.


shows that a holy God could only remain so if He did not accept unrepentant sinners into fellowship with Him; and further, if He did, He would have nullified the value of Christ’s purpose in His earthly life and sacrifice, which was to save us from our sins (Mat 1:21). A holy God requires a holy people. For God to accept unrepentant sinners into His heavenly kingdom (as Universalism would suggest) would contaminate the purity and benevolence of heaven and make Him unjust, and therefore not trustworthy.


demonstrates that it is contrary to truth – the history of man reflects the wrath of God executed because of man’s sin from the beginning of  time. God expelled Adam and Eve from His presence in the Garden. The entire world, save eight persons, were drowned in the flood. Israel was taken into captivity. Jerusalem was destroyed. The Roman empire fell to ruin after a thousand-year reign of the world.

All of these historical examples and countless more, demonstrate God’s wrath and His abhorrence of sin and His judgement on the sinner. But He reveals His delight to those who live holy lives before Him. Peace, joy and true happiness (regardless of their stature in life) emanates from them.

The principles are easy to understand and learn, but we need to be willing to apply them to our lives so that we can walk in agreement with our God and Father, obtaining as a result, His good pleasure and the blessings that follow.

 I shall now rephrase these Laws of God and Creation in simple terms.

1. If you truly love Creator God for giving you life, freewill, knowledge of good and evil, discernment, wisdom and His creative power to co-create with Him, you will not love anyone or anything else in place of Him.

2. If you love Creator God you will not make any idols or images that you honor in place of Him. 

3. If your love is sincere, you shall love and honor Creator God with your entire life and being.

4. If you love Creator God, you will not dishonor His name.

5. You shall respect each new day as being sacred, for each is a gift to you from Creator God.

6. If you love yourself, you will honor your mother and your father who gave you life.

7. If you love your fellowman, you will not murder anyone.  Killing to preserve your life or that of your family is not murder.

8. If you truly follow the Law of Love, you will have sex with no one other than your life-long marriage partner of the opposite sex.

9. If you love your fellowman, you will not steal anything materially or emotionally from anyone.

10. If you love your fellowman, you will not desire to have anything that belongs to anyone else.

11. If you love your fellowman, you will not impose your freewill upon the freewill of anyone else.

12. If you love your fellowman, you will not judge anyone as a human being.  Rather, you will judge wisely their actions that are contrary to the Commandments of Creator God.

13. If you love yourself, you will behave wisely so that the energy you send out will be the energy that you desire to have returned to you from ten to one hundred times.

14. If you have love, you will honor all commitments that you make in service to Creator God.

15. If you truly love Creator God, yourself and your fellowman, you will obey the wisdom of Creator God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.

16. If you love your fellowman, you will treat others the way that you wish others to treat you.

17. If you love yourself and your fellowman, you will learn the signs of evil and avoid them.

18. If you truly have love, you will not enslave any human being of God, either physically or emotionally.

      Again we find that these eighteen aspects of the Law of Love are subjected to ego interpretation.  As an example let us examine the seventh Law, "You must not murder your fellow man".  This should not be hard to understand, yet human ego often greatly distorts the meaning or interpretation of this law.  We have great controversy today over abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and war.  Why should that be?  All are murder!

      Creator God's Love is unconditional, and His interpretation of His Law of Love is unconditional.  The eighteen Laws of God and the Creation are unconditional, yet man's ego wants to challenge that which is absolute.  That is our choice.  We have a freewill to choose, but the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is also absolute.  There are always consequences for our choices, and we will repeat our lessons in soul growth until we have learned them.  That, too, is absolute.

 I shall now rephrase these Laws of God and Creation in simple terms.

1. If you truly love Creator God for giving you life, freewill, knowledge of good and evil, discernment, wisdom and His creative power to co-create with Him, you will not love anyone or anything else in place of Him.

2. If you love Creator God you will not make any idols or images that you honor in place of Him. 

3. If your love is sincere, you shall love and honor Creator God with your entire life and being.

4. If you love Creator God, you will not dishonor His name.

5. You shall respect each new day as being sacred, for each is a gift to you from Creator God.

6. If you love yourself, you will honor your mother and your father who gave you life.

7. If you love your fellowman, you will not murder anyone.  Killing to preserve your life or that of your family is not murder.

8. If you truly follow the Law of Love, you will have sex with no one other than your life-long marriage partner of the opposite sex.

9. If you love your fellowman, you will not steal anything materially or emotionally from anyone.

10. If you love your fellowman, you will not desire to have anything that belongs to anyone else.

11. If you love your fellowman, you will not impose your freewill upon the freewill of anyone else.

12. If you love your fellowman, you will not judge anyone as a human being.  Rather, you will judge wisely their actions that are contrary to the Commandments of Creator God.

13. If you love yourself, you will behave wisely so that the energy you send out will be the energy that you desire to have returned to you from ten to one hundred times.

14. If you have love, you will honor all commitments that you make in service to Creator God.

15. If you truly love Creator God, yourself and your fellowman, you will obey the wisdom of Creator God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.

16. If you love your fellowman, you will treat others the way that you wish others to treat you.

17. If you love yourself and your fellowman, you will learn the signs of evil and avoid them.

18. If you truly have love, you will not enslave any human being of God, either physically or emotionally.

      Again we find that these eighteen aspects of the Law of Love are subjected to ego interpretation.  As an example let us examine the seventh Law, "You must not murder your fellow man".  This should not be hard to understand, yet human ego often greatly distorts the meaning or interpretation of this law.  We have great controversy today over abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and war.  Why should that be?  All are murder!

      Creator God's Love is unconditional, and His interpretation of His Law of Love is unconditional.  The eighteen Laws of God and the Creation are unconditional, yet man's ego wants to challenge that which is absolute.  That is our choice.  We have a freewill to choose, but the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is also absolute.  There are always consequences for our choices, and we will repeat our lessons in soul growth until we have learned them.  That, too, is absolute.

More on how to tell truth from falsehood - Part Two 

I previously posted a blog where I suggested that the practice of "keeping an open mind" is not a good practice. Since there is only one reality, there is, and there can only be, one true idea about any aspect that would correspond to that reality.

So, rather than endlessly trying ideas, in order to discover if there is anything in them, (which is the policy of keeping an open mind), I suggested that one should develop an Active mind.

An active mind is one that is not open to suggestion but is, rather, a mind that is more discerning.

An active mind is not an open mind.

An active mind is forever sifting, deciding, and rejecting most ideas. It is endlessly searching for the one idea in the many, the one idea that most properly corresponds to reality.

An active mind, as Sherlock Holmes said, is attempting to "eliminate the impossible, since whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".

That is the essence of my previous blog.

Since then I received some valid criticism from a reader who wrote:

"(This blog is) Incomplete. Does not identify how one can separate truth from falsehood e.g. by testing against a given criterion etc. Also the beginning is too long, more should have been written about the ways truth can be recognized rather than on the need to separate truth."

This is good criticism, since it is true!

The piece does need more content on the ways truth can be recognised from falsehood. Here is my attempt at fixing my error.

How to recognise truth

The method by which truth is distinguished from falsehood is logic.

Logic is defined as "the art of non-contradictory identification of the facts of reality".

Logic is the means and the standard by which truth can be discovered.

Logic, not faith, not intuition, not mystic revelation, not gut feel, not majority opinion or tradition, provides the basis of all tests of truth.

The first rule of logic is the need for definitions

So in order to discern truth we must first define TRUTH.

"Truth", like the word "power" or "freedom", has more than one meaning.

I want to suggest that there are five main meanings for the word "truth", and each one gives us clues as to how to discover it. The five main aspects of truth are:

Truth as Existence

Truth as Identification

Truth as Induction

Truth as Deduction

Truth as Honesty

Let us examine these five aspects and each one will give us some pointers as to how to discern truth from falsehood.

Truth 1

Truth Level one is existence as such. Existence "as is". Truth is Existence. Existence without any reference to a mind, knowledge or judgement. Truth1 is "that which is".

Truth 1, Existence, cannot be "false". It cannot be wrong. It is not an opinion. It is a brute fact. Truth 1 is that which logic strives to identify without contradiction. Truth one is Existence.

Truth 2

Is Identification. This is the ability of a mind to correctly identify the existence and nature of an object.

For example, with your various sense organs you may perceive a cat, as a blob of colour, a certain smell, a purring sound, and a warn soft touch. After a certain age, you integrate your sense impressions to the point where you perceive more than a blob of colour, and a smell, you perceive the cat. You identify the cat.

Truth 2. is Identification

But Identification is not automatic. Identification is an intellectual process that can, and does go wrong. You have the capacity to correctly identify the facts, (That is a cat on the mat.). But you also have the capacity to misidentify the facts. You may misread your sense impressions and come up with a wrong identification.

To the degree to which you make true identifications of the facts, as revealed to you by direct sense perception, is the degree to which you are likely to make correct decisions and survive another day.

But to the degree to which you fail to make true identifications is the degree to which you are in danger of not making it through to the end of the day.

For example, if you think you have seen a pussy cat, but it is, in reality, a tiger, then you are in deep trouble. You have made a false identification. And false identifications are dangerous.

If you think that drink is pure water, but it is, in fact, pure bleach, and you swig it down, then you are in deep trouble.

Here is the first breach between truth and falsehood

Have you correctly identified the true nature of that which you have perceived?

Your first brush with truth verses falsehood is the degree to which you make true identifications of the facts, as revealed to you by direct sense perception.

How can you verify the truth of your identifications?

A true identification will contain no contradictions.

The first and major test for truth is no contradiction.

If there is a contradiction in your thinking then there is something wrong. If the "cat" feels ice cold and as hard as steel, then is not a cat.

If the "water" smells like bleach, then it is not water.

Since truth level 1 (reality) is an integrated whole, all true ideas must be non-contradictory.

All true ideas do not Contradict your observations and

All true ideas must not contradict themselves, (true ideas must be self-consistent) and

All true ideas must not contradict your broader knowledge base, meaning they must be capable of being integrated with the rest of your knowledge.

If your ideas break any one of these rules then you should begin to check your thinking.

Ask yourself:

Is my idea self-consistent? Or does it have internal contradiction? (It looks like water, but smells like bleach).

Does my idea contradict observation?

Is this idea capable of being integrated with other established fields of knowledge, or not?

Truth level 3

Truth level three is inductive logic.

Truth is obtained by Logic.

But you need to know that logic has two main branches: inductive and deductive.

Inductive logic is the act of taking instances and deriving valid general principles, based on the observations.

Deductive logic is the act of applying the general principles and applying them to a new observation.

Inductive logic gives us truth level 3.

Truth level three is inductive truth: meaning have you properly induced correct conclusions from the evidence of the individual instances.

For example, you might see the first cat on the mat. Then you see a different cat on another mat. Then you see a third cat on a third mat. You may, if you are careless, induce the following general principle: "Based on my experience, I can say, without a doubt, that all cats are to be found sitting on mats."

You have made a faulty induction.

You induce general principles based upon your experiences. But your experiences are limited.

You are constantly making generalisations based upon limited samples.

Many people make firm rules about the world and other people by means of faulty induction.

Jon's wife leaves him and Jon comes to the conclusion that "All women are no good"

Jayne gets booked by the police for speeding. She concludes that "All coppers are against women drivers"

Hasty generalisation, faulty induction, is the source of many false ideas. Hasty generalisation is caused by taking a sample size that is too small and generalising too soon. (For example, all cats sit on mats).

The cure for hasty generalisation, faulty induction, is to look at the sample size and to look for counter examples.

If you come to the idea that all "Men cannot multi task" then, the logical thing to do is to look at more men and see if you can find counter examples: can you find men who can multitask. And in addition, see if you can find some women who cannot multitask.

Do you know any multitasking men?

Do you know any non-multitasking women?

If yes then your original idea is probably wrong.

Do not ignore counter examples

Think about the sample size

Make sure the sample size is sufficient to give a high probability of an accurate inductive generalisation

Level 4 truth

Deductive truth. Deductive truth is the act of properly applying general principles to new concrete examples.

As described above, you arrive at your general truths by induction. By now you have a vast portfolio of general principles that you apply, every day, to new examples, as they arise.

This process of applying principles to new instances; (deductive reasoning) can be done properly without contradiction. This will lead you to true answers. (Answers that correspond to the reality 1).

Or your deductions can be false. Here is an example of a false deduction.

All fish live in the sea

All whales live in the sea

Therefore, all whales are fish

Here is an example of a correct deduction.

All life as we know it requires a good supply of water

The moon has no good supply of water

Therefore, the moon has no life as we know it

Deductive logic is an established science and some people make it a specific study. But most people don't study the laws of logic. Therefore, many people make rookie mistakes in their reasoning and thus come up with illogical and false conclusions.

The contrast on this level of truth seeking is to have valid (true) reasoning or invalid, (untrue) reasoning.

I suggest that you would benefit greatly if you were to study the laws of logic.

Level 5 truth. Moral truth.

The final truth is moral. This is "the truth verses a lie".

A lie is where one person is actively trying to deceive another person, by wilfully claiming as true, something he knows to be false.

Again the key to discerning lies is to search for contradictions.

The person who is lying will almost always create contradictions.

Contradictions between his statements and what can be proved factually.

Contradictions between his own statements. Meaning his own statements do not hang together. It is not a self-consistent story.

In addition look for "secondary gain".

People will tend to distort their meaning if there is a personal gain to be had.

So the "expert witness" will interpret the evidence in the way that he is paid to do so.

The tobacco company will interpret evidence in the way that it would pay them to do so.

People tend to interpret their meaning in ways that would pay them to do so.

You should be aware of this tendency to "bend the truth" to whatever would give the speaker a personal gain. We call this personal gain, "secondary gain".

Look for signs of secondary gain. If there is secondary gain, then examine the person's statements carefully.

20 ways to discern the truth

Recognise that "truth" is not one thing. It is five things. Existence. Identification. Induction. Deduction. Honesty.

Recognise that the method of distinguishing truth is logic.

Logic is the act of non-contradictory identification of the facts of reality.

If you want to search for truth look for Non-contradictory identification.

Ask yourself "Have you correctly identified the nature of that which you have perceived?"

All true ideas must not contradict observations.

All true ideas must not contradict themselves, ( true ideas must be self-consistent) and

All true ideas must not contradict your broader knowledge base, meaning they must be capable of being integrated with the rest of your knowledge.

Look out for false inductions: hasty generalisations. "Men cannot multi task".

Look for counter examples.

Look at the sample size.

When trying to induce conclusions from experience, look for the validity of the intellectual leap from the individual instances to the general principle. Ask yourself, "Is there sufficient reason to justify making the leap from particular examples to a general principle?"

Make sure the sample size is sufficient to give a high probability of an accurate inductive generalisation. Don't generalise on the basis of too small a sample or a distorted sample.

Check to see if the key terms are defined, or are there equivocations on the meaning of key terms. Look for tight definitions. No equivocation.

Look for Coherence. No contradiction.

Look for an arguments explanatory power.

When applying a general principle to a particular instance, look for valid deductive reasoning.

Is the deduction following the laws of deductive logic? (Or does this guy think whales are fish because they live in water?)

Be scrupulous in your application of the laws of logic.

Look for signs of secondary gain. If there is secondary gain, then examine the person's statements carefully.

Look for moral Honesty. No intent to deceive

How to tell when someone is lying (blog). 

Welcome to Worldview Matters, discussing controversial issues, discerning current events, defending biblical Christianity. No topic off limits. And now, here's your host, David Fiorezzo. Hey, guys. Welcome to the show.

Thank you so much for your support, for tuning in, for praying for us as we get the new show out there to more and more people. It's helpful to know we've got your support, and you're sharing it on social media. Important topic today with doctor JB Hickson. He's back with us from Not by Works Ministries. Of course, we've had him on the show.

He's one of my favorite guests. That's why we will continue to have JB, Lord willing, because, man, I just love his worldview. I love his teaching. I love his how he can explain things and help us all understand what's going on. And today, very important topic.

We've been talking a lot about Bible prophecy in the past and Israel and other very important issues. But today, how to interpret the news and discerning truth from lies in the media, which JB affectionately refers to as the Luciferian, media. JB Hickson, welcome back to the show. Hey. Thanks, David.

Always a great, great to be with you. And I love the open, that you have on your program there. You know, controversial issues, no topic off limits. That that's right up my alley because I feel like I can, speak freely, and I love that about Worldview Matters. Yep.

We can say anything. I think people need to hear it straight talking, and we don't have time anymore, JB. We're in the last days. We know as we see world events now, we're getting closer and closer and closer to the end. We've got a gospel to preach.

We've got souls hopefully to save and we've got a body of Christ to try to awaken, right, and encourage and equip. So JB, today, interesting topic, and I know you recently spoke on this at a Baptist church where? In Arkansas, actually. Alright. So, yeah, so we're talking about interpreting what we see on the news.

This is the subject that got me blogging years years ago in the first place. When I was watching the news, even on Fox News and others, I was going, okay, What why aren't they saying certain details, or why are they leaving this out? Why do they give this impression? And most media, as you know, will only interpret or only show one side, and they're very biased. I used to call it the liberal democrat media, but I think it's great.

I I love JB's phrase, Luciferian Media. So before we get into some of the topics, JB, the Luciferian conspiracy, you talk a lot about that, and you've got a very important there we go. I want to put up that graphic with Satan in control of all this. Explain this in light of the median, what we're talking about today. Yeah.

So, absolutely. So the the Luciferian conspiracy is not only, it's not my term at all. It's their term for themselves. It's all through the literature, but it's also a biblical term. Of course, we know Lucifer comes from Isaiah 14.

It's Satan's name. And, so the Luciferian conspiracy is just a conspiracy involving Satan, his evil spirits in the unseen realm, demons and the like, and his human earthly coconspirators, his accomplices, in in human flesh. And so that's the conspiracy. They're trying to take over, the world. We we know this has been the case, from the beginning of time when Satan staged a coup in heaven, and, of course, it failed.

And he took 1 third of the angels with him, and he's been, setting his sights on the earth ever since then. The whole world is under the sway of the wicked one. He's he's trying to take over this world. And so, what I've really focused for the last 17 or 18 years of my ministry on and written 4 books about it actually, is the earthly aspect of that conspiracy. How is Satan conspiring with, earthly, people, world leaders, to try to take over the world?

So in my book, Spirit of the Antichrist volume 1, I diagram this out and explain it in a couple of chapters. But it's straight out of Psalm 2 that the earthly kings and rulers are working together to defeat god. And so there's a top level to this conspiracy, 6 or 8 families that are literally praying to Satan, David, like you and I pray to god. They're taking their marching orders from him. Then at the second level, you've got, you know, banking and business industries and secret societies all kind of working together to try to steer the world towards this one world system that will ultimately be led by the antichrist and the false prophet.

And at the bottom level, you've got a number of other sectors out there, which includes what we're talking about today, and that is, media and how they are really controlling, the narrative. And so I did this message, last weekend or a couple weekends ago on how to interpret the news. I encourage folks to see the full video of it. It's totally free at not by But I wanna just touch on that, today because we've got a lot of misinformation and disinformation out there, as the world is hurtling, towards this one world system.

So you mentioned, but, obviously, your website, your books can be bought there, and I've got the spirit of false prophet. We'll probably touch on this a little bit today, but you've got the series, the 3 book series at or Correct? That's correct. Yeah.

That's where they can go to, read the preface, to my newest book. Again, it just came out in, September. We've got 12 books overall over the 30 years of ministry, but these last three, I think, are the most, critical for such a time as this. So if they go to spirit of the false prophet dot org, they can read prophecy, the entire table of contents, see what it's all about, and then, yeah, purchase it if they want. Yeah.

You also mentioned Psalm 2, and I don't wanna gloss over that because we do have maybe some, new listeners, watchers, viewers, and some that maybe are younger in the faith that really don't understand all this yet, JB. So I want to just read a couple of verses from Psalm 2, and then we'll go back because it's this is the spiritual war the battle underlies all this. There's spiritual warfare behind all this that we see playing out in culture, in the world, the globalist attacks on every and the media. But here it says, why are the nations restless? Another translation, why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?

The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers conspire together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, 'Let's tear their shackles apart and throw their ropes away from us.' And then verse 4, I love that one, it says, He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord scoffs at them and says, then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury, saying, but as for me, I have installed my King, capital k, upon Zion, my holy mountain. And it goes on, but I just wanted to give a feel for that because the attack is against Christ. The attack is against God, creator, the biblical worldview, the Judeo Christian worldview. Share your thoughts on that.

We'll get back the media, JB. Yeah. It's very important to remember just what you said, that ultimately, this is a cosmic battle between good and evil, between God and Satan. Satan wants to take over this world. He wants to be God.

That's what we read about in scripture. So everything else that happens, all of the other battle lines that are drawn between, you know, the left and the right, the progressives and the conservatives and all of those types of things have to be seen ultimately through the lens of the spiritual battle. Paul says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. And it's it's not a earthly battle. It's ultimately a a spiritual battle.

And, as we talk about the media, 2 of the main principles that I think are so hard for people to get their hands around, but you've got to nail these down, or you're you're almost always gonna be led astray as you watch the news. And I talk about these in my full, presentation of this, which you can get at our website. But number 1 is almost nothing is as it seems, and number 2 is it is seldom about what it's about. So right now, we see, you know, Israel and Hamas. And and, yeah, that's that's biblically prophetic.

It's it's you know, we're seeing a lot of things happen over there. It's, it's horrific what these, terrorists are doing to the the Jews. It's horrific the way the world is responding, to that and the anti semitism that we see out there. Mhmm. But even that isn't really where it stops.

That's not the end game. The end of it is a global conflagration that is gonna draw America in and other nations in as scripture tells us, and as the Luciferians themselves have been telegraphing for a 100 years, that bring brings about World War 3 and ultimately brings down America. They've got to get America out of the way Yeah. In order to usher in the one world system. So, you know, you have to you have to nuance what you're hearing and not get caught up in, you know, the the immediacy of the moment?

How does this fit with bible prophecy, and how does this fit with the globalist plan? So, we've got a couple more minutes before we take a very brief break, but I came up well, I didn't come up with this. I found different charts online of the median where they're at, whether they're positioned to the left or to the right. And you've talked a lot about this false left right paradigm. And one of the charts, by the way, there's one right there.

By the way, you can get a really good one over at Cheryl Atkinson's site, but this one, it just shows the left and the right in the center. You can look at by the way, I'm looking at some of these, and I don't think this is completely accurate. But because I think every one of these of most of them, 80% of them, let's just say, have moved over to the left. So if it says center, you might as well say left. Left.

If it says right or leaning right, you've got to say center because, it's just the way it is now, unfortunately. So JB, your quick thoughts on this and the overall media because we were talking about how you can put up as many of these as you want, but they're all owned by what? 4? 4 companies? Yeah.

They're all owned by the same globalist. It's all part of the Luciferian agenda of called the Hegelian dialectic to create a false, left right paradigm and have controlled opposition. So but I wanna hasten to add. It doesn't mean that the issues aren't real. There really is a philosophical and ideological and moral left and a moral right.

We get that, and you should champion the causes of, you know, the the that come from a biblical worldview. But, when we think about the media and you're really an expert on dissecting kind of where everyone falls in the media, we just need to remember that even they are controlled. It's all controlled. It's, Operation Mockingbird, which I talk about in, my spirit of the antichrist books. And and and similarly to my newest book, you can go to spirit of the to read about the other 2, the other 2 books.

But, yeah, it's, it's these all of these companies again, it's not about the left center right. It's about God versus Satan when you really get down to it. What was one of the things you said? It's not it's not about what it's about or how do you put it? Sell them about what it's about.

Yeah. It's all about something else at play. Yeah. There's another expression. The issue is never the issue.

Oh, I love it. The issue is the revolution. Mhmm. So the issue is never the issue. What they're putting out there, the media wants you to see.

It's almost like the magic you talk about magic in the book, the sleight of hand. Right? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No.

They're and that's what we need to be careful of with this latest, Israel flare up. I mean, it's I think it's not gonna simmer down. I think it's gonna get worse and worse and and expand out, but we need to you know, while all eyes are on the Middle East and we've got all these ships and subs and everything in the Mediterranean and more moving in from all kinds of countries, keep your eye on the south, Southeast Asia because, you know, like a magician, these Luciferians love to be doing one thing where your attention is, but behind their back, they're doing another. So let's take a break real quick. We'll come back.

We'll talk more about how to interpret today's news in the media with JB Hickson on WorldView Matters. Today's show is brought to you by Harbingers Daily, world news biblically understood. Stay informed at Well, JB Hickson, couple headlines here. A trust in major media dwindles to an all time low.

Media outlets show overwhelming bias against Israel, but listen to this, JB. In a recent poll just last month, a Harris poll, strong majorities of Americans support Israel over Hamas. You would not know that if you watch most news outlets. Your thoughts on that, brother? No.

They're not. And what's amazing is, you know, the the battle with Israel goes all the way back really to Genesis 315 when God, predicted that ultimately the seed of the woman, that's Jesus Christ, and a reference there to the virgin birth, is going to defeat, the the seed of the serpent. And so there's this there's the big the battle lines being drawn right there. But then you you trace, you know, Genesis through, and you see the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12. You see, you know, the battle with, you know, Isaac and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You know, each each of them kind of continue to reaffirm the covenant. You see Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael, and that's where the battle is. And so it's this isn't a new battle. It's certainly not new since the days of modern Israel in 1948 forward. It goes back, millennia.

And so, you know, it's it's stunning, how people don't see that that that this is, you know, this is bigger than just one little piece of real estate over there in the Middle East. And, you know, what strikes me and and I at a special conference I did recently, someone made this comment, and I thought it was really profound. You know, with any other people group, if you had people in various parts of the world talking about, you know, wiping, you know, all of, you know, black people off the earth or all Asian people off the earth or any other people group, all women off the earth, that kind of a thing. Man, you would have a universal outcry, and nobody would tolerate that. And yet you've got so many nations out there saying we gotta wipe the Jews off the face of the map.

And, you know, while some people, conservatives in particular, you know, are aghast at that and realized, hey. This is a pretty serious threat and serious enemy. It's it's met with a collective yawn by most people. Now that just shows the bias of, against Israel. And, but Israel's God's chosen nation.

He's not through with them. It is their land. They have the title deed to the land going all the way back to Abraham. And, I mean, this is, something that's not going to to slow down until the king of kings comes back and takes the throne in the holy land on the temple mount. So JB, we also have in that same article, it was just 3 years ago in another poll, 9 percent, a measly 9% of Americans said they have a great deal of confidence that journalists act in the best interest of the people.

If we go back to journalism school, one of the principles of journalism is to serve the people, report to the people you're serving and you're you're just giving them the information and you're allowing the people to decide what to think about it, But we have that ship has sailed, hasn't it, brother? Oh, no question. And, you know, and and really, this isn't new. I'm I'm surprised it's 9%, quite frankly. You you go back to the church committee hearings in the 19 seventies, and they exposed the fact that the mainstream media, the print media, the television media, the radio media had all been taken over, in a concerted effort by the CIA to plant, you know, stories and to control the narrative.

I mean, that we've got under oath testimony from some of the top executives of the major media conglomerates. You know, we've got, Carl Bernstein, talking about this, in a Rolling Stone article. The the CIA and the media, that was from 1977. And, you know, he just it's all it's all out there. And so and the funny thing is or not the funny thing, but the important thing is this never stopped.

They claim it stopped, but we know that the CIA director at the time, h w Bush, said, no. We're just gonna make it voluntary. So now they're no longer paying, on the CIA's budget all of these media, personalities, but they're still controlling them. And so it's all by design to push a particular narrative. And, of course, it's not universal.

They can't control everything. And and sometimes they intentionally let, you know, truth tellers in there and conservatives in there just to give us you know, throw us a bone, so to speak. It's called the Hegelian dialectic controlled opposition. But, yeah, this is, this is the nature of the media in our country for the last 100 years or so. So JB, you go way back.

You've been researching this, you know, for quite some time. And, I mean, you mentioned the Rockefellers. You mentioned other, you know, the big families, the rich families, the wealthy families that are controlling a lot of what we'd be surprised, I think, to really know how much is being controlled. But you even have a quote from Leonardo Leonardo da Vinci. Why don't you share that with us?

I I found that to be interesting. Yeah. This was the epigraph in my book, Spirit of the Antichrist Volume 1. He said there are 3 classes of people, those who see, those who see when they are shown, and those who do not see. And really, our driving passion at NBW Ministries, since my wife and I kind of woke up to this reality.

See, we've been in ministry 35 years, and Not by Works has been around since, 1999. But when I first, woke up, it was around 2007, and, I tell that story in the introduction to volume 1. But, you know, I've just been so burdened and and frankly so angry at myself for allowing myself to be deceived for so long. You know, a student of the word, grew up in a Christian home, saved at a young age, trained in seminary at the master's and doctoral levels, and yet never quite connected the dots biblically to see how this conspiracy, is clearly taught in scripture and how it's playing out right in front of our eyes. And so, I now see, and I want as many as I can to wake up to that.

1st test 5, 6, you know, talks about how we need to not sleep as others do, but be awake. And so that's really, in these great last days, what has been, you know, kind of our primary focus is the urgency of the hour as we as we share the gospel. The talk about the economy and finances and in the spirit of the false prophet. There's a chapter called Now You See It, Now You Don't, and this is JB's book that I'm reading from here, Spirit of the False Prophet. You talk about the Rothschilds.

We don't know a lot as much about them and we we are more familiar with the Rockefellers, JB. And then you've got a quote from Paul Ricci. Maybe I'll I'll just share a little bit about that, but tell us a little bit about the Rothschilds. Yeah. So if if you go back to that chart we looked at earlier, at the top tier, there are, several families that are actually, you know, taking their marching orders from Satan and and pulling the strings and passing them on to others.

And the Rothschilds are are at the tip of the spear there along with, the Netherlands royal family, queen Beatrice, and several others. I recommend, Fritz Springmaier's a great work. He's written a couple of books, that really exposed going all the way back before the middle ages. Of course, we know theologically it goes all the way back to Satan in the garden, but the the bloodlines of the Illuminati and and the the, evil folks that are pulling the strings there. But, yeah, the Rothschilds are right at the tip of the spear there.

Wow. Let me just read a little bit of that quote and you can talk about it if you'd like. So I just found this to be very interesting because it's, let's see, Paul Ricci, which you quote extensively in this chapter, and he wrote an article called Background on the Federal Reserve and Money Supply. And he said from 18 36 to 19 13, the United States went without a central bank. This is probably the greatest period of economic growth in the US that the US has ever seen.

In fact, the growth rate in this experiment with freedom was so fast, it created immense fear in the banking powers of Europe, so much so that the European Rothschild family latched on to the slavery debate in 18 50s and used their influence over the media end the trade to stoke the slavery divide between the North and the South in order to split the country in half, weakening the nation, preserving their own power and influence. I gotta stop right there, JB, because that's a lot to take in because you're thinking someone had that much power, they could put out propaganda. And so but this is what we this is part of our history, isn't it? Absolutely. And remember what we said.

It is seldom about what it's about. There's there it's nothing as it seems. And so, absolutely, they took over in the early 1900 with the help of the, Rockefellers and Carnegies and Fords and DuPonts and a lot of the other Luciferian global elites, and they set about to control the American, economy. That's when we started the privately owned Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, most people know by now, I hope, is no more federal than Federal Express.

It's a privately owned bank. 6 people, get wealthy, from it, every time we borrow money from the Federal Reserve. That's why every bill that you have in your wallet says Federal Reserve note. It's a debt instrument. It's not actual money.

And they're happy to keep printing money because every time we get them to print money, we pay them interest on those notes. So they started the federal reserve. They started the income tax. They took over medicine. They took over big pharma, big education, big agra, big business.

So, yeah, they've been setting about trying to bring down this country, for a long time. But I know these things are kind of heavy, and so I really encourage folks to pick up the book, and you can kinda read it and digest it more slowly, Spirit of the False Prophet. Because the whole point of that of that of this latest book, which just came out last month, is to show how the stage is being set for the rise of the antichrist and false prophet to to usher in their full spectrum planetary control grid, which of course has an economic, aspect. But if I could throw in real quick, I know this is heavy stuff, and that's why we need to remember what we started the program talking about, and that is the spiritual aspect of it. And if you're listening to this program and this is unsettling, let me encourage you to just evaluate your own heart and make sure there's been a time in your life when you've trusted in Jesus Christ and him alone for salvation because he's the only way.

That's what matters most is your personal salvation and he came to the earth lived a perfect holy sinless life died on the cross for your sins rose again the 3rd day, and he offers to you the free gift of eternal life if you'll trust in him for it. Thank you for bringing it back to the gospel, JB. Thank you. Really, I mean, that's that should be our focus. Almost every guest I talk to on this program, it just seems like we're getting closer and closer, and we can see by world events and the deception and delusion is off the charts today.

And even our own government, I get your your thoughts on this before we wrap up. The misinformation our own government puts out there. I mean, the White House press secretary and even during COVID, you know, Fauci and the NIH and the and the World Health Organization, the misinformation, and then they point to us, Christians, conservatives, you know, Jews, the conspiracy theorists, Republicans, you know, and they say, no. That's misinformation. And people are really they're going, wow.

They're confused about that. Just share your thoughts on where we're at. Who do you trust at this point? Yeah. You know, there's a great quote, and I think you've got it there by William Casey.

He was Reagan's CIA director for almost the entire 8 years of his term, but William Casey famously said, we will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes as a lie. So it's not, again, it's not about republicans, democrats. The republicans say the democrats are putting out misinformation. The democrats say the Republicans are putting out misinformation. The fact is they're both right.

There's a lot of misinformation out there. You mentioned, you know, Fauci and that bunch. Well, what about Trump and Pence standing up there and saying 15 days to, you know, to to stop the curve or to slow the curve? Flatten the curve. You know, flatten the curve.

Yeah. And then, of course, you know, several years later during the Biden administration, we finally put an end to that executive order that Trump issued on March 13, 2020. So, yeah, it's there's there's enough misinformation to go around, but that just tells you you gotta you gotta have your true north. And that's why, you know, I I love your show and love what you've written, your books, because you're anchored to the word of God, which is the absolute truth and the only standard for our beliefs, attitudes, and practices. It starts there.

If you've got a true north, then you can tell whether it deviates. And, you know, even though both sides are controlled, and even though sometimes we resonate with what some of these, conservative pundits say because, you know, we agree with them philosophically, we say a hearty amen, we need to remember that they're just actors on a stage. They're out there promoting an ultimate agenda that is bringing both sides against each other but still headed in the same direction. There's a quote you maybe think of by Justice Clarence Thomas. He said, North is still North.

Right is still right, even if you stand by yourself. He said Amen. He's pointing to the truth. Like when you have a compass, everybody's compass might be pointing to themselves, to other things, but he said north is still north. Man, JB, it goes by fast, doesn't it?

It does. It sure does. But always a pleasure. You get you guys are doing a great job, and, I just really appreciate the opportunity to kinda share my heart. Yeah.

Well, thanks for coming on. I I love this topic because people need to know where to discern the news, to discern the information, what's the truth, what's the lies, and they need to know where it's all coming from. And I like how you paint the Luciferian conspiracy, which the spiritual battle we forget. We tend to forget that this is all a spiritual battle, but JB Hickson, not by, pick up this, the latest guys, spirit of the false prophet. JB, God bless you.

We'll talk to you soon, brother. Thanks, David. Alright, guys. Let me see. Oh, tomorrow, Doctor.

Jake Jacobs. Man, we're going to have a wonderful conversation on what's going on with the propaganda in the college campuses, the university system, and how that impact impacts our culture and society and what's going on, their reaction the Middle East and Israel. So doctor Jake Jacobs tomorrow. Guys, thanks again for sharing the show. God bless you.

And as always, keep speaking the truth about things that matter.