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Read Transcript to 17min podcast DR SUCHARIT BHAKDI On Covid vaccine and clot formation May 2024

The good news today is that, scientific publications have just appeared that put an end to the whole narrative

 What one has been made to believe up to now is that the SARS CoV 2 virus is so new that our immune system will not recognize it, and therefore, when the need arises, the immune system will not respond in time with the production of antibodies, that they could save our lives. And that's why we need to be vaccinated. That's why the whole world needs to be vaccinated.

Because it turns out that the corona SARS CoV 2 virus and its descendants are not so different from the old normal coronaviruses that it would not be recognized by the immune system. 

Now, I'll try to explain this with this chart here. This is the immune system, and the immune system can make many, components. One of them are the antibodies that the immune system will make when it meets a new opponent, a virus. Now, depending on whether the immune system recalls that it has seen this virus before or not, the response will be slow.

A first response is always slow, takes about 4 weeks for the antibodies to be made, and these antibodies are called IgM, Immune Globulin M. 

If, however, the immune system has seen this virus before and remembers it because the immune system has a memory, then it quickly makes other antibodies, which are called IgG and IgA. 

These are recall antibodies. Now these antibodies serve principally 2 functions. One function is that if it's a virus that the antibodies are supposed to combat, the antibodies can try to prevent the entry of the virus into your cell. This is what the antibodies to corona are supposed to do. They are called protective antibodies because they protect the cell from getting infected by the virus.

 If, however, the cell does get infected, then lymphocytes are there behind the scenes that will come out and recognize that the cell is infected, and these killer lymphocytes have their duty to kill this cell. 

So once the cell is killed, the virus factory is destroyed, the virus can't be produced anymore, and you get up and go back to work. 

The other function of antibodies, major function, is that if it is, if the antibodies are directed against a bacterium or a fungal, then these antibodies will bind to the bacteria and that will cause another arm of the immune system to be activated.

This is so called complement, because it complements the action of the antibodies, and leukocytes. Leukocytes are the cells that eat. These are cells that are in your blood, and they are circulating all the time, and they're waiting for these bacteria to come into your blood, be coated with the antibodies, and then they will come and eat them. And thus, are you protected by your antibodies against bacteria? So we have actually 2 major arms of the immune system.

1, the lymphocytes that are directed against viruses and virus infected cells, and the others are leukocytes that are directed against bacteria. It's like the Navy and the, Air Force. Air Force, Navy. And both are really deadly. They take care of all the viruses that you are confronted with and all the bacteria normally.

So, the question is now, is our immune system really blind to the new, so called new, SARS CoV 2 virus question. Now this can be answered very simply, and that for that, what one has to do is, one has to inject this virus or the virus gene into the body and see how long the immune system takes to make the antibodies against this gene. And this was done by 3 independent American research groups in the last weeks and published. So everyone can go and have a look at these papers, and everyone should look at the papers because two questions arise. 1st, was the antibody response fast or slow?

This would be fast, and this would be slow. 30 days, 10 days, or 5 days. And if it were fast, did the antibodies carry the correct label, IgG, IgA, or the wrong label? So, what do you think? I am going to ask you.

The Americans measured in the blood the appearance of the antibodies every day. The people who are telling you that you should get vaccinated are going to say, of course, they were IgM antibodies because this was blind to them, but the fact is the opposite. All groups found out that everyone who had been vaccinated responded with IgG and IgA antibodies within days after the vaccination, which is absolute proof That is a recall response to something that the immune system has recognized. You may ask me, how can this be? The answer is very simple.

Look, this is the hand, the grasping hand of the virus. This is the spike, and the spike is there to grasp the handle of the door to your cell to get in. The antibody comes and forces itself into the jaw like a crocodile. The mouth is open, it stops the crocodile from closing its mouth. Of course, this is not co completely correct, but it will do as a picture for you.

Alright? Now, this key that enters into the mouth, of course, is not a perfect fit. So you could change a finger or 2 and it will still go in. And this is the difference between coronaviruses and influenza virus. Influenza are flu viruses, the real flu.

Alright? Which has really caused pandemics because flu viruses can completely change the whole hand, so the hand looks like this suddenly. Okay? And then your antibodies don't fit into that. But this is something that the coronavirus can never do.

They can't. It's and so they can only change the shape of the fingers, and that's not enough to fool the immune system. It's that simple. And this applies to all the variants. So forget it if someone tells you that you are not immune against the variants.

The fact is, of course, that the immune system doesn't splurge. It keeps its antibodies in a locker just like you have money on a bank. You don't go around throwing your money out of your pockets, you get the money out of the bank when you need it. And that's what happens to the immune system. And wonderfully enough, another publication coming from Denmark, another one, showed that true infections with this SARS CoV 2 do exactly the same, meaning that everyone who has had an infection, even if he's asymptomatic, you know, no symptoms.

The the virus just gets into your throat, multiplies a bit, and gets thrown out again. But even then, the immune system responds by making IgG and IgA antibodies, meaning that you have the money on the back. This means, dear fellow citizens, that the herd immunity is already present, but kept under lock and key like a treasure. But it can be mobilized at any time you want. And in this, you know, this is like, a dog and his master.

The dog is the immune system. The master, in this case, would be the virus. Alright? So, the moment the virus comes near to the house, gets back, the dog senses that the virus is is coming, begins wagging his tail, begins barking, throwing out the antibodies to say hello to the master. So you see, this virus always first enters through the front door, goes into your throat, and it takes days to multiply.

It takes days to multiply. And if it multiplies in your throat, it doesn't matter. It only kills you if it gets to your lungs. But now we know that this is enough time for you and me or anyone, because the Danes showed that over 99% of all people running around have this treasure in their trove. They have the treasure and they could mobilize the IgG and IgA antibodies even when the virus was only in the throat.

The pandemic is not existent as a mortally dangerous new disease. Now, the second piece of news I have for you is that this will not only cause vaccination to be unnecessary, but also says, if the vaccination  contains danger, then it is the duty of the doctors and the authorities not to undertake vaccination.

 they vaccinated, they found that the IgG and IgA antibodies came immediately, then they waited for another 2 weeks or 3 weeks, and then they gave the people a second shot.

What did they see? They saw that the IgG and IgA levels immediately continued to rise, which is what a booster is supposed to do. However, now listen very carefully. Look at this. This is a vessel wall.

This is your blood. It is now known that the genes that are injected into your body will enter the bloodstream. And it is absolutely certain now that these genes are going to enter the cells that line the vessel wall, because these are the cells that they contact. Now what happens when the cells that line the vessel walls begin to produce these spikes? The spikes will then be produced by the cell and protrude from the cell surface into the bloodstream.

Alright? Now, these cells are going to be recognized by your lymphocytes  to kill those cells that are making the virus or the virus protein, any virus protein. So these lymphocytes are going to mount their attack on your vessel walls. This is the first way towards clot formation, that as wNow at the beginning, after the first vaccination, this danger is bad, and is already terrible in itself if your killer lymphocytes start trying to kill you.

But at that time, during the 1st 7 to 10 days, there are still no antibodies. There are not yet any antibodies. However, after 3 or 4 weeks, there are masses of antibodies all over the place in your blood. And if you dare to repeat this performance and start to put those spikes out into your blood, God help you. Because now, not only the killer lymphocytes are going to attack, antibodies and complement and leukocytes are also going to attack thinking that your cells that are producing these spikes are bacteria, and they are going to try to eat your vessel wall cells.

Now, this attack of the air force and the navy on a single cell target has never been seen before. There is no situation because either you're combating a virus or you're combating a bacteria. Mixed infections that, go through the body are actually virtually unknown. So we have the unique situation that has been created by the vaccination that is, in a way, extremely interesting, because no one knows what the outcome will be. However, the vision is so horrible, and so awful, and terrifying that I myself don't really want to know the answer, and I don't want this answer to become known.

I want you to decide to not take the is going to place your life in danger. That is what I am convinced of now, especially because of the publications that have just appeared. So I think that was the most important thing I have to say today, and I hope people will sit down, look at these papers, talk about them, and I hope that my colleagues, physicians and scientists, will do the same and get together to see whether this may have a grain of truth. Because if it does, the consequences are absolutely endless. Or, the consequences are very simple, We just have to stop everything now.


DNA at risk – mRNA vaccines extremely dangerous! New article by Prof Bhakdi, Prof Reiss and Dr. Palm


New findings confirm all previous warnings. In their latest article, Prof. Bhakdi, Prof. Reiss and Dr. Michael Palmer explain in a scientifically precise but understandable way for the layperson why so-called mRNA vaccines are fraudulent and extremely dangerous. A subsequent report by an affected person shows the dramatic consequences that the described correlations can have for those already affected.

 Read transcript of 30min podcast DNA at risk – mRNA vaccines extremely dangerous! New article by Prof Bhakdi

3 days after the 3rd coronavirus vaccination on January 17, 2022, I fainted. And when I came back, I was completely confused and my legs could no longer hold me up. I just couldn't walk anymore. The instant Spike protein and multi organ inflammation was detected in vaccines weeks and even months after the injections, and this was associated with severe and often fatal illness. What earthly reason could there have been and could there still be for long lasting production of an mRNA encoded protein?

KLA TV published professor doctor Sukurit Bhagdi's warning letter on the never ending dangers of RNA vaccines in several languages at the end of 2023. Now professor doctor Sukurit Bagdi, together with professor Korina Reis and doctor Michael Palmer has published an article at the end of March 2024 in which new findings confirm all the warnings made at the time. They explain why so called mRNA vaccines are fraudulent and extremely dangerous in a scientifically precise but understandable way for the layperson. This well founded article is ideal for passing on to anyone who has not yet familiarized themselves with this topic. It is available as a printable PDF below this broadcast.

In the following, professor Bakhti is recording the article for you. A subsequent report by Lara shows the traumatic effects that the correlations described by professor Bhakti can have for those already affected. She is one of countless corona vaccine victims and tells her story of suffering as part of the MWGFD Press Symposium, vaccinated damage denied and now. Why RNA vaccines are fraudulent and direly dangerous. Chromosomes are the books of life containing DNA encoded recipes for the production of protein molecules.

When needed, the book is opened and a copy of the required recipe is made. The copy is mRNA, which directs production of the protein, after which it is disposed of. RNA vaccines resemble such short lived copies of chromosomal recipes that direct the production of selected antigens, such as the SARS CoV 2 spike protein. More than 1,000,000,000 copies RNA molecules are administered with each injection. Mass production of mRNA requires mass availability of the DNA recipes.

How can this be achieved? The solution represents a founding pillar of gene technology. The billions and trillions of copies of the DNA recipes are derived from bacteria. The recipes are contained in minute bacterial chromosomes that are termed plasmids. The division time of the bacteria is approximately 20 minutes.

The number of cells increases approximately eightfold every hour. Literally, countless bacteria with the plasmids could therefore be harvested from fluid culture in just a few days. Plasmids are easily manipulated. Foreign recipes, that is genes such as those encoding for viral proteins, can be inserted. Following bacterial multiplication, the plasmids are harvested and used as the templates for production of the mRNA copies.

The RNA molecules are then packaged into tiny fatty globules termed lipid nanoparticles, LNP. The essential components of LNP are man made and are known to be toxic in their own right. Moreover, the particular compounds used by Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna had not even been tested on humans before the mRNA vaccines containing them were granted emergency use authorization which implies an undeniable and unnecessary health risk. The LNP packaging is essential to protect RNA from destruction so that it can travel in the bloodstream to reach all organs of the body. There, the globules act as Trojan horses.

They're taken up by cells, and their cargo is then released. Production of the spike protein and triggering of the immune response will follow, leading to formation of specific antibodies that are supposed to protect against further infections. However, the immune system recognizes and destroys body cells that produce foreign proteins, such as occurs when they become infected with viruses. This ability to recognize non cells is given at birth. It protects us throughout life because virus infected cells are thus effectively eliminated.

It cannot be suppressed. Therefore, if mRNA encoding for any non self protein is introduced into a cell, that cell will come under attack by the immune system. Transplant rejection tellingly illustrates this elementary fact. You receive my kidney, you reject my kidney. You receive my second kidney, the second rejection follows faster and more furious.

The same principles underlie the ever intensifying of injury incurred by vaccine boosters. The numbers of packaged RNA copies administered with each injection are gigantic. Myriad immune attack events will erupt throughout the body that can only halt when production of the alien protein comes to an end. How long will this take? Just a few days as the vaccine manufacturers and regulatory authorities have always asserted?

An alarming finding surfaced over the past 2 years that was irreconcilable with that assertion. Spite protein and multi organ inflammation was detected in vaccines weeks and even months after the injections. And this was associated with severe and often fatal illness. What earthly reason could there have been and could there still be for long lasting production of an mRNA encoded protein? A possible and frightening answer came with the discovery of McKernan and colleagues that was published 1 year ago.

In the vaccine production process, the plasma DNA templates must be removed from the generated mRNA before the latter is packaged into LNPs. Otherwise, plasmids cannot but also end up in the lipid globules. McKernan discovered that this crucial step of removing plasmid DNA had not been assiduously undertaken. Huge amounts of plasmid DNA were found in many batches of Pfizer's and Moderna's mRNA vaccines. Kevin McKernan's findings were belittled by the collective mainstream.

Even mainstream. Regulatory authorities stated that the presence of DNA had been disclosed to them by the manufacturers and that this had not deterred authorization because the reported levels had been within the permitted limits set by the WHO. But where do these limits originate? In adopting its limit of 10 nanograms of DNA per vaccine dose, the European Medicines Agency, EMA, referred to a WHO report from 1998. In this technical report, we read The current state of knowledge suggests that continuous cell line DNA at up to 10 nanograms per purified dose can now be considered acceptable.

The new upper limit does not apply to products derived from microbial, diploid, or primary cell culture systems. We note that the WHO report distinguishes 2 kinds of DNA. One is considered more dangerous than the other, and its amount is therefore restricted to the aforementioned value. But which of the 2 categories does the plasma DNA found in the mRNA vaccines fall into? The more or the less harmful one?

It belongs to neither, actually, because the WHO guideline implicitly assumed that any DNA contained in the drug or vaccine in question will be just that, naked DNA, whose uptake into the cells of our body will be very inefficient. In contrast, the LNP packaging of the mRNA vaccines will ensure a far more efficient DNA uptake into the cells of our body. It would therefore be necessary to establish a safe level of residual DNA with new carefully planned experiments that employ the LNP delivery technology. But for the sake of argument, let us, for now, accept the EMA's stipulated limit, in some cases, by about 1,000 times. In its already cited report, the EMA asserts that all vaccine samples it had received from Pfizer BioNTech before approval had been in compliance with its own limit for residual DNA content.

Apparently, however, the EMA and likewise, all other regulators globally did not ensure continued quality control after the approval. This is from Kevin McKernan to Schlieffen. This must be concluded from Kevin McKernan's findings since confirmed by others that DNA levels in all tested vaccine batches exceed the WHO's and EMA's limit. So the incredible realization dawns. Production fateful vaccine, which was destined to be injected into hundreds of millions of human beings, in some cases, by about 1,000 times, was carried out without any oversight, and the resulting preparations were in gross violation of the terms under which they had been authorized.

Now it is forbidden to inject a medicine that does not meet the specifications stated in its authorization. Injection of these vaccines is, therefore, today, nothing less than a criminal act. This is what unknowing governments have been lured into doing on their own people. Take good heed. The responsible authorities in Western countries have actively declined to undertake any action to clarify whether McKernan's team might be right.

They chant in unison. There's no reason to assume that the DNA will make its way into cells. And should this occur, it will quickly be broken down and destroyed. Furthermore, the nucleus is separated from the cell cytosol by an impenetrable membrane so that foreign DNA will never be able to enter into the compartment where it might unfold its function. The good thing about this frightful story is that these responsible authorities have betrayed themselves.

They are now out in the open and stand with their backs to the wall. The governmental institutions are obviously in league with the perpetrators of a monstrous crime. McKernan's findings set the alarm bells ringing in the head of anyone who has the slightest inkling of biology. Packaging of plasmid and plasmid derived DNA in LNP must be expected to result in their efficient delivery to cells. The nuclear membrane breaks down whenever a cell divides, and foreign DNA will then become enclosed in the newly formed nuclei of the daughter cells.

And even without genomic integration, foreign DNA can invoke abnormal events and the prolonged production of encoded proteins. McKernan's findings were confirmed in other laboratories in the USA and Canada. We now report on experiments conducted with BioNTech Comerty batches by a team of experienced German researchers. First finding? Large amounts of bacterial DNA were detected in all 6 batches examined.

All genes encoded on the plasmid were identified. Moreover, the plasmid contains a special element, the so called s v 40 promoter, whose presence was not revealed to the public and not declared to the authorities. Presence of the s v 40 promoter was discovered by McKernan in US batches, and the German team now confirms this finding in German vials. Now why Pfizer BioNTech put the s v 40 promoter on their plasmid is the most interesting question. The element is not required for production of spike mRNA, and it is not present on Moderna's COVID spike plasmid.

The s v 40 promoter has the fascinating capacity to smuggle itself and attach DNA sequences across the intact nuclear membrane even in nondividing cells. We leave it to you to ponder over what this means. On to the next question. Will plasma DNA be taken up and persist in humans for any significant length of time? The answer, yes.

The team has found that DNA uptake occurs rapidly, and the genes persist in the cells for many days, remaining detectable even after a cycle of cell replication. The assertion that uptake in DNA is rapidly destroyed is damningly false and constitutes dangerous medical misinformation. In the laboratory, it is possible to insert plasmid DNA into the book of life. The possible consequences of such insertional mutagenesis are unending. Disruption of the exquisitely tuned network that controls cell division and differentiation can lead to cancer.

Alteration of genes involved in the immunological network can cause its dysfunction. Disruption of genes in cells of the brain may lead to any disease described in neurological textbooks. Mutations in sperm and fertilized egg cells render altered traits inheritable. The last question now. Is there any earthly reason to fear that bacterial DNA from the vaccines may become inserted into human chromosomes?

To approach this question, the German team sent their transfected cells to Kevin for whole genome sequencing. The results can be viewed on Kevin's substacked. And the answer, yes. The evidence is presently almost complete. If it happens in isolated cells, is there any reason why it will not happen in the body?

Today, here and now, we are facing the realization that governments around the globe have installed a satanic program that has maimed, killed, and genetically modified millions of hapless humans around the globe. The program has ex is being expanded. Since the WHO intends to generally replace conventional vaccines in human and veterinary medicine with mRNA injectables. The WHO tells us that the COVID vaccines have shown their safety, so any quality control of future agents is not necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Dear fellow citizens, for the sake of your loved ones, never forget this. Uptake and expression of a foreign gene will always cause attack of the immune system on the cell. Since all other mRNA vaccines will encode non self, they will cause harm that will worsen with each booster. And for sure, contamination of mRNA vaccines will be the rule because no cost effective procedure exists to reliably separate mass produced mRNA from the plasmids. The WHO program threatens mankind.

It threatens you and your beloved. Nations of the world unite and save us from this criminal madness. Stop the mRNA vaccines. Stop the WHO. Hello.

My name is Lara, and I'm going to tell you my story today. My name is Lara, and I turned 20 a month ago. My name is Lara. I'm 20. And 2 weeks before my 18th birthday, I was suddenly unable to walk.

3 days after the 3rd corona vaccination on January 17, 2022, I fainted. And when I came back to myself, I was completely confused and my legs couldn't hold me up anymore. I just couldn't walk anymore. I won't forget that date. After an hour, I also had difficulty breathing and was taken to the children's hospital.

Yeah. My condition didn't change much in the following time. Even my hands couldn't grab objects properly. I spent my days in bed. I couldn't read because by the third word in a sentence, I had already forgotten the first two words.

Music and videos kept me company. Incontinence came on top of that. I didn't even know the word. I was in bed for 10 months. I had just turned 18.

For me, that would have been the time to go out, to meet friends, to be free. But I was tied to a bed. Friends left one after the other. On the one hand, it was a great pain for me. But on the other, what can you do with someone who's only acting crazy?

I can't explain the whole way of the cross. It would go beyond this time frame. I will describe it in note 4. Acupuncture got me back on my feet. I have to repeat the school year.

I managed 2 short trips, Paris and Rome. Hooray. But September 2022, a lead in fatigue sets in. Relapses start. Can't walk again.

I try to repeat the class, but I can't. Change of school type. Okay. No more a level school, but the change is good. I get crutches that I can go to school even on the bad days.

The time of recurring so called relapses begins. The crutches no longer help me because I've become too tired for them. I have to accept what I never wanted, The wheelchair. But I can go to school. Then I lived in a kind of relapse rhythm.

I have since learned to live with these relapses. Since that day in January 2022, my life has become like a roller coaster. Relapse, break. Half relapse, break. Severe relapse, break.

It's not easy, but I can do it. I want to make it. I have a lot of dreams. During these 2 years, I have been particularly preoccupied with something that may seem unimportant. I didn't know what kind of sickness I had.

Nobody knew. I remember the day my mom found out on the Internet that my nameless illness had a name after all, postvax syndrome. Now I can laugh about it because that's not actually a disease name, but I was happy. Now I know why it was so important to me because someone had suddenly seen me, and my condition had a name. Because I shared my illness with others, I was no longer alone.

And it was liberating. After many examinations where I was always told everything is normal, I now finally have 2 diagnoses, Small fiber neuropathy and fatigue syndrome. I haven't just had bad medical experiences on this long journey. A few doctors were decisive. They helped me a little further, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

I'm still on the roller coaster. It's not over, but it's flattering now. I hope it stays that way, and I hope I can get off this roller coaster completely at some point. It would be nice to stand on the ground with functional legs. Keep researching.

We all need a perspective. And I need you. Thank you. Thank you. The association, MWGFD, has conducted further impressive and moving interviews with mRNA vaccine victims in the series vaccinated damage denied.

You can find them under the link on the screen In view of the fact that mRNA technology is also to be introduced for other vaccinations or more accurately gene therapies, it is all the more important to publicize these dramatic reports of vaccine damage. Please spread the word about these interviews. You can also help to make the extent of damage caused by mRNA vaccinations visible by entering vaccine injuries from your environment at vidopedia.org.


read transcript of 5min mp3 Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi may2024 how spike proteins creates blood clot

It is now known that the genes that are injected into your body will enter the bloodstream, and it is absolutely certain now that these genes are going to enter the cells that line the vessel wall, because these are the cells that they contact. Now what happens when the cells that line the vessel walls begin to produce these spikes? The spikes will then be produced by the cell and protrude from the cell surface into the bloodstream. Alright? Now, these cells are going to be recognized by your lymphocytes that are born or given to you by the dear Lord to kill those cells that are making the virus or the virus protein, any virus protein.

So, these lymphocytes are going to mount their tack on your vessel walls. This is the first way towards clot formation that, as we know, is happening all over the place all over the world. Now, at the beginning, after the first vaccination, this danger is bad, and is already terrible in itself if your killer lymphocytes start trying to kill you. But at that time, during the first 7 to 10 days, there are still no antibodies. There are not yet any antibodies.

However, after 3 or 4 weeks, there are masses of antibodies all over the place in your blood. And, if you dare to repeat this performance and start to put those spikes out into your blood, God help you. Because now, not only the killer lymphocytes are going to attack, antibodies and complement and leukocytes are also going to attack, thinking that your cells that are producing these spikes are bacteria, and they are going to try to eat your vessel wall cells. Now, this attack of the Air Force and the Navy on a single cell target has never been seen before. There is no situation, because either you're combating a virus or you're combating a bacteria.

Mixed infections that, go through the body are actually virtually unknown. So we have the unique situation that has been created by the vaccination that is, in a way, extremely interesting, because no one knows what the outcome will be. However, the vision is so horrible, and so awful, and terrifying that I, myself, don't really want to know the answer, and I don't want this answer to become known. I want you to decide to not take the second shot. Not only the second shot, but any shot thereafter is going to place your life in danger.

That is what I am convinced of now, especially because of the publications that have just appeared. So I think that was the most important thing I have to say today, and I hope people will sit down, look at these papers, talk about them, and I hope that my colleagues, physicians and scientists, will do the same and get together to see whether this may have a grain of truth. Because if it does, the consequences are absolutely endless. Or the consequences are very simple. We just have to stop everything now.


Transcript To 9min Dr Mark Trozzi MD This Overview Of The Canadian Situation,  Insights From The Esteemed Dr Bhakdi


So many people listening are part of that very significant percentage of humanities that wide awake and they're doing everything they can and they've been fighting for years Having this chance to talk with you and to tap into some of that wisdom, we can just go back to the to the what we call the 30,000 foot view from your position, doctor Bakhti. What's going on in the world? What advice do you have for us? Well, I'm afraid to say, something very bad is going on with this world, and that is evil, pure evil, that is emanating from the USA with the participation of England, London. I'm sorry to say this.

I used to believe in America. I used to worship England, Great Britain. I don't anymore. And I'm afraid that the third part is the church. This is something that does not derive from me.

The last 3 years, I've spent reading reading up on history, on politics, and on the world, not on science. And I have learned from others that all of this is part of the most evil plan that has ever been conceived in humanity. And this plan, as I said, is rooted in America and England and the church. And unfortunately, the Commonwealth, which is Canada, Australia, New Zealand. They tried to get South Africa in as well, but they didn't succeed.

But it's Canada and Australia and New Zealand that are being used and are being the important areas of experimentation. So that's what happened to you. I'm sorry to say, Mark. You know, my dear friend and colleague, Michael Palmer, was a professor of biochemistry at the University of Waterloo in Canada. He stripped of his position.

He's lost his professorship. He was one of the most knowledgeable people that you had in Canada, and they have gotten rid of him. How can you do this? You Canadians you Canadians once were the heroes of the world. You know, I used to admire you so much.

My wife, Carina, said the one wish she had was to be able to go to Canada for holidays for a month because it was the most wonderful country in the world that one could conceive of. Now, no way. You have lost your identity to your so called government, to this guy Trudeau, who's one of the most evil people on earth, one of the most evil beings, creatures, creatures, the whole family. Why do you tolerate this? How can you?

Don't you see that you're being murdered, butchered? Don't you see this? Is it so difficult? Now, my dear Mark, I taught this science, infectious disease and immunology, for 40 years. Your father is 90.

I'm going to be 78 this year, soon, so I'm not much younger. Don't think that I don't know, because I do know. And what I know is so devastating, so horrifying, so ghastly, and so terrible that I do not understand how a nation as great, as proud as Canada can take this standing up. You must get rid of those guys who are putting you in slavery. You are becoming slaves to these guys, Trudeau and his friends.

Get rid of them, for god's sake. Now I'm a Buddhist. When I say for god's sake, you know, this is very, very earnest. The whole COVID thing was planned, as you know, Mark, as I know, and as Canadians should know, was planned. And these plans were made decades ago, at least 4 decades ago, maybe 5.

And at the corral of all of this was the US military, as we should know, you should know. Canadians, don't you realize that you are being used by the Americans? It's the US military that has been creating wars throughout the last century, causing people to kill each other, causing wars from which they profit and all these Americans, starting with Rockefeller, but I won't mention any more names because if I do, I could get into trouble. However, it's all in the books. Look them up, for god's sake.

For god's sake. Don't be so stupid. I just returned from Vienna, where I told them the same. Europe is being used by the Americans. You Canadians are being used by the Americans and the English.

The British, the royal house, my god. How can you be so stupid? How can you be? Be proud. Know that you are Canadians.

You could be at the top of the world, but you are plunging into oblivion. You're going to hell. You're being led to hell, and you don't do anything about it. Sorry. Doctor Bakhti, I I really appreciate that.

If you were to just say, hey. Nice to see you in Canada, you'd just be lying. You're being honest, heartfelt, and very informed what you're saying.



  The National Academies of Sciences says that "it is now established that the myocarditis comes from the vaccination...one has to say, sadly, that of 100 people who get myocarditis today, something in the range of 20 to 50% will not be among us after 10 years...this is murder."🚨

Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and former Chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, describes for Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (


) how the

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine—a congressionally chartered organization that serves as the collective scientific national academy of the United States—has confirmed that both Pfizer and Moderna's COVID injections cause myocarditis. 

Estimating the rate of myocarditis post COVID injection based on a study published in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease in 2022, Bhakdi says it's likely that one to two percent of injection recipients will develop the heart condition. Meaning out of every 1,000,000 injection recipients, up to 20,000 will develop myocarditis. Of that cohort, Bhakdi says, we can expect up to 50% to die within the next 10 years. 

"[T]hey looked at al the literature, all the evidence" and for most conditions possibly caused by the COVID injections, "they were not completely sure and the data are still not sufficient," Bhakdi says of the National Academies injection analysis. He notes that "For myocarditis, [they said it's] now established that the myocarditis comes from the vaccination...And they wrote that further scientific investigation will not lead to any other conclusion."

This means that "any myocarditis that anyone sees in the world following vaccination is known now to be due to the vaccine," Bhakdi adds. 

He goes on to highlight the paper published in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, saying that the team, made of Thai researchers working in Thailand, "used [modern medical] techniques to see what the incidence was of myocarditis in young people, and the results were completely clear: incidence was something in the range of...1 to 2%."

One percent means if you "vaccinate" 1,000,000 people, 10,000 are going to get myocarditis," Bhakdi notes. He adds that myocarditis is a "slow killer" that will wipe out 20 to 50% of those affected by it within a decade. 

He notes the injections have doubtlessly "shortened the lifespan of [affected children] by decades."

"[T]his is murder," Bhakdi says.


Piece of news that just came out last week. So the National US Academy of Sciences is a select group of what America consider considers to be its best scientist, sort of something like the Royal Society in England. Alright? You you you can only get nominated and taken up if someone nominates you, and the academy says yes. So the US National Academy of Sciences appointed a committee out of their own people.

Okay? There are over 20 experts, and they were, given the task of finding out whether any one of these 100 of illnesses, conditions that had been described following vaccination could be proven to be causally related to the vaccination. You understand? They they looked at all the literature, all the evidence, and, this was published just last week. And unsurprisingly, they said, well, there were conditions that they would think could be costly linked to the vaccination, but they were not completely sure, because time is still too short, and the data are still not sufficient.

However, there was one exception. One exception. What was the exception? This exception was myocarditis and they said for myocarditis it is now established that the myocarditis comes from the vaccination. Gasp.

And they wrote that further scientific investigation will not lead to any other conclusion. Read this, it's printed, stated by the National Academy of Science, which means that every myocarditis that anyone sees in the world following vaccination is known now to be due to the vaccine. That is a piece of very good news. Why? Because there have been several papers published over the last 2 years.

One comes from Thailand, by the way, a little bit proud about this, Where, trouble was taken to look very carefully with modern medical analyses. Okay? And the ties used these techniques to see what the incidence was of myocarditis in young people. I sent you this. And the results were completely clear.

The incidence was something in the range of percent. 1 to 2%. Now you may say, this is not much. I tell you, 1% means if you if you vaccinate 1,000,000, 10,000 are going to get myocarditis. Is that a lot?

You know what myocarditis is? Myocarditis is the slow killer. In the textbooks, one, as a student, learns that up to now, one has to say, sadly, that of a 100 people who have get myocarditis today. Something in the range of 20 to 50 percent will not be among us after 10 years. So myocarditis is the one condition that is known to to shorten the life expectancy, shorten the lifespan of man.

Whether young or old does not matter. If you go and vaccinate a child, the child gets myocarditis. You have shortened the lifespan of this child by decades. So this was a very good piece. It's devastating and so devastating.

Is this the one? This is, National Academies. Yes. Okay. It's 300 pages.

Okay. Yes. The entire article is 300 or the the Just read You only have to read chapter 2, which is the summary. Just chapter 2, a summary. And there's a table there, and have a look at that table.

Yep. Yep. Established causal relationship. The only condition is myocarditis. But this condition is known to shorten life's ex expectancy.

Alright? So anyone who continues saying and giving this vaccine is killing people. Wow. This is murder. This is murder.

Now you go and slam that. Put that to your authorities. Send it to Trudeau. Send it to the government. And say Everyone share this.

Yeah. Because the time has now come to turn the tables, guys. We can turn the tables. They are not permitted to do this. They are not.



Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi at the German Parliament | "Anyone who claims that vaccination rarely causes serious side effects is either incredibly ignorant or infinitely evil"

Mar 29, 2024

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi at the German Parliament | "Anyone who claims that vaccination rarely causes serious side effects is either incredibly ignorant or infinitely evil"

GlobalResearch.ca | Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi


“…The vaccination turned out to be the greatest blessing for the money and world’s elites, for the pharmaceutical industry and politics. They could pursue their own interests, under the common slogan “Everything for public health”, “everything for the well-being of the general public”. To achieve this goal, they created the WHO. This non-democratically elected people, basically a private association that is in the process of gaining power over the healthcare system in the 190 Member States” “

"Kevin McKernan discovered that this crucial step of removal of plasmid DNA had not been carried out conscientiously. Huge amounts of plasmid DNA have been found in packaged form. This ensured their successful delivery to the cells. Kevin’s discovery has now been confirmed in several other laboratories, Also in Germany. Large amounts of DNA contamination were found in all 27 batches examined so far. Four weeks ago, the Canadian medical authority even confirmed the discovery of plasmid DNA. However, the authority does not see this as a sufficient reason for to withdraw the approval. By the way, question for the interested public, has the responsible German authority, the Paul Ehrlich Institute of the Federal Ministry of Health carried out reliable scientific measurements? Question, answer, no. Not to this day.”

“Who hasn’t heard about the mysterious sudden cardiac deaths occurring around the world? They are just the tip of an iceberg. Heart disease caused by vaccinations is on the agenda of young and old alike. Fortunately, to save the honor of German science, well-known pathologists stood up and carried out the world’s first research work, who discovered the connection between vaccination and severe organ damage. Professor Arne Burkhardt, who recently tragically died in an accident, and his dear friend Professor Walter Lang, who spoke to you today. Dr. Michael Mörz in Dresden and the world-famous Professor Peter Schiermacher, director of the Institute of Pathology at Heidelberg University. Thanks to their work, it is now scientifically proven. And so it says in this work from Peter Schiermacher’s group, Literally, it has been proven beyond a doubt that vaccination can lead to fatal myocarditis.” “

"Anyone who praises RNA vaccines as safe and effective, Anyone who claims that vaccination rarely causes serious side effects is either incredibly ignorant or infinitely evil. And they are committing a crime. Just like everyone who actively or passively pursues and supports this vaccination. Because it is now scientifically proven that vaccination can only have negative effects and this to a life-threatening extent.”

Original Article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-sucharit-bhakdi-german-parliament-vaccination-turned-out-greatest-blessing-money-world-elites-pharmaceutical-industry-politics/5853314