Henry Makow Transcripts

Read Transcript  to 55min henry makow interview Congress Bans Criticism of Jews. What Are They Afraid Of may2024

Whenever I refer to the Jewish conspiracy, I always refer to it in terms of organized jury, because most Jews are, are just as stupid as most non Jews, and they're they're basically manipulated and lied to. They're they're irrelevant. This issue this isn't about racism, although there's a element of that in the thinking of organized jury. This is about tyranny. On my side, the Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization, contains a long long quote from Nahum Goldman.

And the key quote, as you can see, is the historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. The conversion and reorganization of global society requires 2 essential steps. First, the destruction of the old established order. Secondly, design and position of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all borders, nationhood, culture, public policy, ethical barriers, and social definitions.

Only then can the old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of the new order. The first task of our world revolution is destruction. Welcome, everyone. It is Thursday. Time for the Freedom Hub Working Group.

Another mind expanding controversial show for you today. If you're new to the channel, though, a little bit of quick housekeeping. We are at your dashmp.com. It's our website, your market place.com, as you see, hopefully. And you will, it's all about health, wealth, and freedom.

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So for Thursday's over here, Friday's, Thursday and Wednesday's on the left. So let me stop that And briefly just mention again our sponsor, which I think I can do quickly. I shouldn't say that then it might get somebody upset if they're paying. No. Anyway, snips nutri snip nutrigenomics, truly personalized nutrition.

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Right? Frequency and personalized medicine. So I think I stopped that screen share. Let me turn it over to you now, Charlie, to introduce our guest and, topic. Thanks, Jim.

You need to know what the house just passed, in congress, and, I'll let this guy do the talking. Congress is rushing to pass a law. You can hear it. Jim. Jim.

Anti Semitic speech, which includes talking about Israel. This is pretty wild. Check this out. It's called HR 6090. It just passed the house.

It's basically expanding on and reclarifying the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to outlaw anything that meets the definition of antisemitism as laid out by the IHRA. This definition they adopted in 2016, and they specify that this includes the contemporary examples of antisemitism that we're about to look at. This bill is, like, specific to any government institutions or any institutions that get government money, like universities. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm reading this as you can get kicked out of university now if you do any of these things. From the IHRA website is the one that was adopted in 2016.

It was originally written as a non legally binding working definition that is about to be legally binding. Here's the some of those examples that they were talking about in the bill. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews. Right on. I mean, like, let's not dehumanize.

What do they mean by that? Such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions. We'll come back to that. Accusing We will come back to that. So that's the the bill.

You know, you don't wanna promote harmful speech, but, you know, the first amendment says, expression shall not be infringed. So you you can't pass a law, in, you know, limiting speech. And any self thinking person knows you gotta have free speech to have progress in any kind of, free society. Censorship, thought police, such as leads to government tyranny. And so Henry Mackow, and he'll correct our pronunciation of his name, you know, is a secular Jew who has gone to war with, what he calls these the Jewish cabal that, makes up the Bolsheviks.

And for 100 of years, they've been planning the demise of their opponents and various, other ethnic groups to control the world and maintain that control. And, if the house bill passes, you can't discuss that apparently. But we want to discuss things because we like controversies, because it hones our skeptical thinking abilities to figure out what's going on in this world. And Henry's gonna take us through a few articles of his from his website. And, Henry, why don't you, say a few words of introduction, and then we'll go into the presentation.

Critical. Well, he's unmuting. Critical thinking abilities. You're still muted, Henry. Okay.

Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Yes. Okay. Well, I'm gonna just I'm just gonna cut to the chase because no one else, wants to or and everyone else is afraid to.

But, conflating, the Jewish conspiracy with all Jews is just a way to basically shut down criticism of the agenda of organized jury. So whenever I refer to the Jewish conspiracy, I always refer to it in terms of organized jewelry, because most Jews are, are just as stupid as most non Jews, and they're they're basically manipulated and lied to. They're they're irrelevant. This issue this isn't about racism, although there's a element of that in the thinking of organized jury. This is about journey.

And the, perhaps the key article on my website is, the Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization. We have to realize, you know, that, you know, we're we've been trained like Pavlov Pavlov's dogs to, not say or think anything that smacks of antisemitism. Well, the fact is that the, organized jury admits it themselves. They're out to destroy civilization. When you when you hear the term revolution, that means destroy civilization.

That means turn reality on its head. And instead of God being at the top, these, Satanist Jews and freemasons are at the top, and they basically invert all values. Now they say so themselves, but as good Pavlov dogs, we we ignore them. The the actual logo of the 2020 Democratic Convention in Milwaukee, the actual logo was, Satan, the star of Baphomet will destroy the United States. Can you believe it?

They're talking about hiding in play plain sight. But, anyway, the key article on my site, the Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization, contains a long long quote from Nahum Goldman. And the key quote, as you can see, is the historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. The conversion and reorganization of global society requires 2 essential steps. First, the destruction of the old established order.

Secondly, design and position of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all borders, nationhood, culture, public policy, ethical barriers, and social definitions. Only then can the old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of the new order. The first task of our world revolution is destruction. I mean, there it is folks.

That's the that's the explanation for everything that's happening in the world today. And, yet, nobody, not even Tucker Carlson or Elon Musk or Ron Paul will point to this. But but the bottom line is that organized jewelry believes that being, chosen people means, everyone else is a squatter on the planet Earth and ought to be eliminated. And, this is not the view of assimilated Jews like myself. Indeed, it's probably not the view of most Jews who, you you know, wouldn't believe this and are incapable of understanding this, but it is the view of organized jury and freemasonry.

And by organized jury, I'm referring to the Rothschild central banking cartel because the people we literally gave our national credit card to people who wanna destroy society. And what we're witnessing today is them using that credit card, maxing it out for their own profit, and to advance their sick agenda. I mean, mankind is at a tipping point. This is the, fruition of a centuries long conspiracy that we're witnessing it. But we have got to stop these people because they're literally satanists.

And, if you want, why don't we pull up this article on, alright. Let's pull up pull up the article on, on satanism. Right. Thanks. Basically, when you read this article, there's nothing she could call Satanism.

Satanism is the inversion of all values. And it is a flimsy pretext for the destruction of Christian Western civilization, depopulation, and the imposition of a communist new world order. Now the, inversion of all values is I'm referring to good and evil. Basically, good is evil and evil is good under satanism. Healthy is sick and sick is healthy.

Unnatural is natural and natural is unnatural, and we're witnessing this with this attack on gender. And, beautiful is ugly, and ugly is beautiful. And then you can certainly see that. And so it's just really an inversion of all values. As I say here, part point 2, man is connected to God through his soul.

Take away God, and man flounders like a fish out of water. Looking to fill the void, he idealizes anything because his God connection has been severed. Take away God, and man will create false gods, said Carl Jung. So, I mean, that's what we're what we're experiencing is a full blown attack, satanist attack, pretty well, empowered by organized jewelry, which is the Rothschild central banking cartel that prints money based on the credit of our respective nations. It's a it's a this attack has been going on for, over 100 of years, but it's now coming, to a climax.

And it's this is a very exciting time in in which we live. Can you can you pull up the, article on communism? What is communism? Right. If you can you scroll down a little?

The essentially, what we did is we gave these or these Jewish bankers, Masonic Jewish bankers, managed to finagle a a control of the nation's credit. So they basically have a monopoly on credit creation. Now, if you scroll down, I wanna read a key quote. Here we go. Stop.

Stop. Stop. Go back. Go back up. Can you go back up a bit?

Okay. Stop. Okay. In the pro this was a this was a a a interrogation that, an insider gave to the stolen secret police. His name was Haim Rakhover.

He was the ambassador, the Soviet ambassador to England at one point. He was an insider. And still but he was obtrotzius and Stalin wanted to, get rid of him. Anyway, he told his interrogator that the bankers created the communist state as a machine of total power, unprecedented in history. In past in the past, there were always room for individual freedom.

Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and governments have pretensions to absolute domination. Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. And and then he says, and then he says they they created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite and to give it the speed of sound. It is an abstraction. It's an, a credit number.

Faith. So basically, what we have is what is what is communism in its essence? Just ignore all the, window dressing about social justice. That's just a ruse to fool the the the the useful idiots. The communism is a desire to extend this monopoly over credit creation into a monopoly over literally everything.

And and and by everything, I mean, power and money and thought and behavior. I mean, this is this is what the essence of communism is. It's satanism. It's a satanic cult. We've all been inducted in it.

We've already been inducted into it, but now it's becoming, more obvious to us because they're trying to scuttle our, freedom of speech and so on. And, Freemasonry is an instrument of the Rothschild Banking Cartel. Rakovsky says, every masonic organization tries to create the required prerequisites for the triumph of the communist revolution. This is the obvious aim of freemasonry. And, revolution, that's basically it's the communist inversion.

It's sanism. It's basically inverting everything that is good and true about the human experience and destroying it. Destruction is the essence of communism. They say so themselves. Finally, let's pull up that article on, Trump and the and the left right, right.

Way to go. Okay. Scroll down a little for me. K. Perfect.

Those 2 pictures, on the pull up again. Up a bit. Okay. On your left, those are Jewish gulag commanders. On the right, are, Kibbutzniks.

In other words, on the left are Zionist are are communist, on the right are Zionist, and that's very much true. Every right wing so called right wing, which is really conservative, every conservative movement in in the world somehow has to be sanctioned by the Zionist wing of the of organized jewelry. So even if you got bright people like Orban, you know, he's basically pro Zionist, and he's not condemning the their their genocide in, Gaza. And then on on your left, you have the, the left wing, the communist. Biden is actually part of this, Soros and Biden.

They they there's there's a a rivalry going on between these two wings of organized jury. I don't think it's I think it's a charade. Nonetheless, it's got everyone wrapped up in this fake, controversy. But the bottom line is Trump is a, Zionist agent. Anybody who supports Trump is basically someone who won't learn, and, this is the way the national the the the communist and the Zionist, controlled discord.

Now if you look at the look at the 2nd World War, well, it's obviously that it's obviously that the Nazis were the Zionists. The Nazis were put in power by the Zionists because, they wanted to force the assimilated Jews of Germany to go and establish the state of Israel. And and, the communist, of course, in the 2nd World War were the was Stalin. Now in the 3rd World War, the communists are, well, no. The Zionists are the nations of the west that support Israel's genocide, and the communists are, radical Islam and, Iran, Russia, and China.

What is important to note is that these are both branches of freemasonry. In other words, this whole third world war is a charade just like the second world war. These charades are all designed to destroy, which is a stated, goal of organized jury. And and this, this we do you wanna talk a little bit about Gaza? This whole this whole thing, I believe, is designed to lead to the 3rd World War, and they have to make like they're trying to prevent it, but that's the agenda.

Every world war is between 2 branches of freemasonry, And I guess this is a good time to bring in Albert Pike's letter. Just Google Albert Pike, 3 world wars, and read what he's this was written in 18/71 to Giuseppe Mazzini. And, he basically foresaw 3 world wars, and the third one would be started by freemasons on the Zionist side and, freemasons on the Islamist side, which is like the communist side. And basically, their agents are gonna start this war, and that's what Netanyahu did by, by attacking that's what he did by, basically encouraging Hamas to to carry off the October 7th massacre, it was basically a false flag because that's the way the Zionist operate. Everything they do is a false in reaction to a false flag, something they they originated themselves.

And so, I'm, you know, I'm you know, this is none of the I don't want any of this to happen. I'd like an, you know, insanity to dawn on the human race. There'd be a 2 state solution in Israel and so on, but there's no doubt in my mind that this Gaza thing is a deliberate genocide. And, also, there's a good sign that may lead to the destruction of Israel and that and, and Israel is on record as saying they'll use the Samsung option, which is nuclear weapons. So, you know, the prognosis is is not great.

I hope we make a 180 degree turn. But, I just wanna emphasize that any, I just wanna emphasize that this pandemic, they basically took the mask off. They made it clear that they want to enslave us and they wanna dispossess us. So why this is controversial? I certainly don't know.

And, and, essentially, that's the direction we're headed into. They used the pandemic. That was a bit of a surprise as an excuse. I don't think they're gonna be able to bring back another pandemic. I think they're going the war route now.

But, the convert the proof to me that this is all a charade is the fact that the Russians who have been dealt the white hat in this, in this war, they're they've been made to look reasonable. They'll never mention that this whole that the Ukraine, and and the neocons are all Jewish. They'll never mention that, they'll they refer to the west as Anglo Saxons. You know, I kid you not. The Anglo Saxon powers are are are out to get us.

So it's all it's obviously another Jewish charade, like a masonic Jewish charade, like the 2nd World War and the 1st World War. These these wars are designed to depopulate and mostly and kill Jews, assimilated Jews, and kill as they did in the 2nd world war, and kill, and kill the Goyam, because they they believe in depopulation. They're on a record on the record for believing in depopulation. And, that's that's the direction we're headed unless we, you know, make a 180 degree turn. Okay.

Thank you for being forthright, Henry. You know what's going on. Absolutely. Let me ask you. Did we cover all those articles that that Charlie had pulled up?

Was there something else you wanted to share there, Charlie or Henry? I I I don't remember. I mean, I I, I suggested some other topics for for discussion after we are finished with the subjects I've raised. But the so I wanna I I could talk about Hitler. I could talk about the protocols.

I could talk about feminism. I could talk about romance and sex. Oh, alright. So let's go to let's go there now. Hey.

I'm I'm, I'll put this in the chat. I just finished another an audio speech by Gary Allen. You might have I'm sure you read his book. No none dare call it a conspiracy. Treason.

None dare call it treason. Well, the I have it here. But, anyway I have it. Okay. That's a different one.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're both good. When he talks about you know, we funded or not we.

They funded the Bolsheviks, Trotsky, the whole gives the whole story to support what exactly what you're saying. So, essentially, we we, the bankers, created the Soviet Union, basically, Russia and so forth. Yes. Charlie, your hand's up. Thanks, Henry, for for coming back here.

And, you know, it is kind of weird if you are a self thinking person that there are certain topics that people are just so scared to discuss. But if we actually are an equal and free people, having, over representation of a very influential and powerful group above us, and especially with this globalist tyranny, you know, that should be discussed. And, do you think it's because so many regular Jews are not part of this cabal that a lot of folks don't wanna discuss it in case there's justice for the cabal and a lot of, you know, Jews that aren't part of the cabal get, taken down in the process as collateral damage. Well, the only, assimilated Jews I know are my own family, really. And, essentially, it's a case of a comfortable lie versus an uncomfortable truth.

Jews have a great have been given a great sense of amor prop, you know, entitlement because supposedly, you know, they've been victimized. We're not told that the people victimizing them were, Jews and, Zionist Jews. And so the it's very much, like my my, sister-in-law said, I mean, I can't comprehend what you're saying. It would destroy my identity. I'm just quoting her.

I mean, these people have a very vested interest in the narrative, and they're, you know, they're they're not exactly intellectuals. You know? They're just people trying to get a buy in life, and, this is just one extra problem that they don't want to address. Yeah. Very true.

We know that that's true for a lot of people in a lot of issues these days, my family included. Charles Ford, nice to see you. You have a question. Yes. Thank you.

Henry, it was an outstanding little narrative and very much appreciated. I thought you and I would be, opposite polls, but I find that we are in agreement on about 99% of what you said. Couple of points just to, for for discussion purposes. Number 1 is, technically, nobody knows who a Jew is in today's world. The records of the bloodlines were destroyed by the Romans.

So we also know that the Ashkenazi nation elected to join the Jewish church. So we don't know who the blood Jews are and who they are not. The number 2, if you look at the word Rothschild, I've always found this very interesting. Rot means red. Child means shield.

Red shield. Well, they're they're equating themselves to Esau who sold his birthright. So I think, personally, number 3, that the Jewish Zionist, whatever you wanna call this, cabal of god haters that are, you know, worshiping Satan and using it, using that power and their financial influence to control the world, are using is are using the Jewish religion as a cover for their for their misdoings. And I think that's that I think you're spot on with that, Henry. I think you're totally right.

And I also think that we are headed towards world war 3. Number 4, I'll point out scripturally and in the Torah and the Bible that god has given this land in the mid east, this piece of land to the Jews that are blood Jews that are out of the covenant and the sons and daughters of Abraham, Abraham. Having done that, Gaza is part of that land. And before Israel withdrew from Gaza at the forced by the world for all intents and purposes in 2003, 2004, we did not have what we have going on now. Now that's just a historical fact.

You refer to the invasion of Gaza as genocide. Well, you know, was it genocide when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed 1500 Americans, and we responded by ultimately dropping 2 nuclear bombs on Japan? I don't think so. I think it's a terrible war. Genocide.

I wanna discuss, if you don't if you can't recognize that Gaza is genocide, I I don't wanna speak to you. Okay. That's fine. We can agree to disagree, and I will do so agreeably. Alright.

Fine. Thanks. You you sound you sound very much you sound very much like the typical liberals of this country. That's enough, Charles. Thanks.

Okay. Charlie, I thought, Peggy said, no. You're not. You're you're out for now. And, yeah, let's go to char Charlie.

I got a maybe a comment as well on that. Alright. So let's see here. I think we discussed this last time. If, you know, the head of the snake is the banks or cartel, and and that goes back to the political cartoon from 18 35 when Andrew Jackson killed the 2nd National Bank, and there was a political cartoon of the many headed hydra that Jackson was killing.

You know, if the if the bankster mechanism is a source of their power for the past 2 centuries, I guess ever since from the war war of 18 12, they took control of English finances, is a simple solution to end the fed? Absolutely. But, that's, that is the key to, saving, the human race and saving mankind and to and saving the the human experiment. We the the Fed has to be abolished, and they just have to retake control of their credit. The problem is the Fed is the source of all money, and people all dance to that tune.

95% of people dance the tune. In other words, and that's the way they operate. They'll pay they're paying doctors to lie, paying doctors to give toxic vaccines, and and 95% of the doctors did it. They're they they're paying, the the may the media in Canada. They're basically subsidizing them, and the media lies.

What what the whole pandemic has revealed and is that people do anything for money, and we gave the control of money to people who wanna destroy us, and that's what's happening. But Alright. Any book any Tucker Carlson or Ron Paul who doesn't say nationalize the Fed and disown the debts, they're basically, create false opposition. But on the other hand, I can't blame them because saying something like that, you know, puts you in the crosshairs. Yeah.

I'll jump in. We we are basically eternal spiritual beings. So we have many lives. It's not a big deal. Let me go to Peggy.

Peggy, you're muted. Hey, Henry. Thanks so much for your talk. And, I was gonna bring up something about the Ashkenazis and who's Israel and who's the modern day Jew, and I don't think that's so worthwhile. So instead, I was gonna ask, I, like you, think the only way to really make this turnaround is, you know, to deprive them of our money.

Right? And so what's going on with BRICS and a gold backed currency could really I don't know if it would directly affect the Fed, but it, you know, it could really do something to the American dollar. What do you think? Expert on this, but I don't think BRICS represents a real challenge to, the the bank the banking cartel. You don't?

No. I think it's just designed to I think all of this is designed to bring down the west and bring down the United States, and, that's what BRICS is all about. Well, but in bringing down the United States, it might bring how do you bring down the Fed and not bring down the United States? Our our elections are confidence in the confidence in the American economy, although the stock market's at all time high, it's obvious that the agenda is to destroy the west because the west yeah. And, I mean, you you can see this by their promotion of transsexualism in the army.

Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. I completely agree.

That kind of army is gonna be effective. No. They're they're they're trying to undermine the the American defenses. But this isn't gonna happen overnight. I I I imagine World War 3 will be an ongoing thing, a tit for tat.

Could it could could last for 5 or 10 years like the like World War 2. And, but actually, you you passed you passed over that question, but what is a Jew? In my view, the only, you know, Jews will, you know, tell you what their religion is, and and I respect that. But the only, definition of it of, Judaism that seems to be relevant is Kabbalist Judaism. It's Kabbalism, and Kabbalism is is is basically a solipsism.

It's based on the notion that whatever we think, is true is true, regardless of truth. In other words, there is no reality. There is only our self interest, and, and and that's what we're and that's what a Jew is. Someone who believes that, the self interest of the, Rothschild banking cartel, the Rothschilds being satanist, is, is reality. So, that's what a Jew is.

Someone who believes that whatever is in their self interest, you know, is is reality. But you don't believe that. No. Of course not. I'm an ethnic Jew.

I I think Judaism is satanism. Right? So, obviously, I don't believe in Judaism because I believe it's defined by capitalism and its sameness. I'm an ethnic Jew. I can't jump out of my skin, and I have no desire to.

I believe Jews have a lot of great qualities. You know, some Jews, you know, they're you know, I don't have to, inumulate them. But, you know, one I like is sense of humor, for example. I've got that. Jews are good writers, and that's all that's my only talent, writing and editing.

I can't pretend that I'm a I can't pretend I'm not a Jew, but I believe I am I am the only real Jew. I'm the inventor of scruples, not the only real Jew, but one of a small minority of real Jews. I believe God is the moral order. And so, you can't be good unless you can't feel good unless you are good. And I believe that we're all on this moral ladder climbing up to God.

God is consciousness. God is perfection. And so I invented the game scruples, so people would ask themselves what is the right thing to do in every occasion. I don't pretend to be some kind of moral model, but I do believe that God is consciousness, God is perfection, and God is what we're all seeking. It's what we all seek.

And in fact, what we're seeking as many, gurus say is something we have within us, and that is, and that is bliss, God, in our souls. We have a direct line to God, every single one of us. And that's why, and that's why organized jewelry hates, hates Christ because that's what Christ's message is. We are, you know, be be ye therefore perfect as your father who is in heaven is perfect. We have perfection within us.

In fact, I believe that we are angels sent to earth in the bodies of these apes in order to refine, become gentlemen and to refine life on earth. So it could be heaven because it already is physically heaven. We just have to catch up. Well, Henry, if it's any consolation, we have similar problems because I'm Catholic, but I saw you posted something by archbishop Vigano. And so the Catholic church is is much a mess as you likely well know.

It's been subdued. It's been I mean, subverted. Yes. Deliberately subverted. Yes.

Excuse me. Yep. Thank you. Thank you. Sounds like I should inter interject here the alien component.

Just for a second, I will, and then move. Because as some of you guys know, I've been in that, since I produced the documentary for congress in the nineties on the Roswell saucer crash. I've been hired year after year to cover events, whistleblowers, military in that area. So all I will say and that's another big, huge area of government or perhaps the the Kabbalist cover ups. And maybe they're I I suspect they are really at the top of the food chain going back to Genesis.

The Anunnaki, the Nephilim moved from heaven to earth fell. Different names for God in the Bible in the Old Testament. Apparently, the 2 brothers, Charlie knows about this. Sitchin Zechariah Sitchin, wrote about that. So it's just a wild card, and I throw that out there because, you know, we now know it's real.

2019, the Pentagon said, oh, yeah. We've been tracking these guys. There's a lot more going on. They're still not telling us. But we might have mentioned, Charlie, in one of the shows, about project Blue Beam.

That is another false flag operation. Apparently, that if things get really bad, they're gonna do a fake just like 911, but they're gonna do a fake alien invasion. And then everybody, Reagan said that at the UN. Well, it's gonna take an alien invasion, then we'll all come together as one world, one new world. And, I kinda hope that happens because I know from my work that if that does happen, if there is a an alien invasion, the benevolent ET people, races are gonna come in and shut these guys down.

We'll get our fed abolished. Everything is gonna change. That's my picture of a of a good possibility. Anyway, there's a lot of wildcards out there. That's that's all I'm saying.

Okay. Charlie, I think you were up, or was it Michael? No. We can go to Michael and then then me. Okay.

Michael. Hi. This is a 2 parter. If the, the major tactic that's been employed throughout history is to, have war by deception, use a proxy that's visible, and, you control things from behind the scene. Apply that to the idea that, the Jewish religion, in quotation marks, Jews are being used as the fall guy here, and that there's some other force, that is just staying hidden.

That's the general first part. The second is, when you said in your notes that you wanted to touch on Hitler and who he may have been. I'm curious about that because it's in my take on things, it seems that Hitler is just another one of these, individuals that got chosen, put into power. The idea that he lived in England for a stretch, learned English, and is one of a line of people like Lenin or Ayatollah Khomeini, that get chosen and then, installed into the office. So either or both.

Thanks. I'll just, you know, the the, real power is the satanist Jews, and the real power are satanist generally, and the people that are hiding them behind are are, assimilated Jews who are, you know, not and who are dupes, but nonetheless are happy to take lucrative jobs, advancing the satanist agenda. They don't really understand it. They don't read henrymaccledo dot com, and they don't and they don't care to understand it. They just care to advance their careers.

And it's a, it's a well organized process whereby organized jewelry recruits, Jews and non Jews who will advance their cause. Like, I'll just give you an example of there's a book out called educated by this girl from woman from Iowa, and she evades some sympathy for Jews who died in the holocaust. Immediately, she got a scholarship to Cambridge, and and and she was set on a a career path for life. Just look it up. Educated.

So she's basically a gentile who they, you know, one of many gentiles or even the similar Jews who they recruit because, they've, are confident that these will these people will advance their, their their narrative. As for the what was the second part of your question? The Hitler. Hitler. Yeah.

I remember Hitler. Hitler was an agent. There's I mean, you can just Google my site. Go to henrymacco.com, put Hitler in. Hitler and Bormann were both Illuminati agents.

They I'm pretty convinced they both survived the war, and and their job was to do exactly what they did, destroy Germany. And, 6,000,000 anti Semites died in the 2nd World War. Do you have any idea? That's 6,000,000 Nazis. And, and so so the 2nd World War was very, very successful in terms of killing anti Semites and killing, anybody that stands in the way of the agenda, you know, including 20,000,000 Russians.

I I believe Stalin was complicit with Hitler in in that disaster, and, the whole all wars are orchestrated. I have, I have an article on my side about how, Canaris went to see or sent sent his deputy to see the ambassador from Romania and warned him not to not to support the Nazi war effort because the Nazis are gonna lose, and this was when the Nazis controlled all of Western Europe. So all these wars are all orchestrated as this as the 3rd World War will be orchestrated, and the west will be defeated, but it will take, may take as many as 5 years. I'm not I don't know. I'm not I don't know how long it's gonna take.

Yeah. There's plenty of evidence I'm sure as you know about, that the the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, for example, we knew about it, let it happen to pull us into the war. That was planned. And I, personally interviewed Fletcher, colonel Fletcher Prouty years ago on the, JFK assassination, and he spoke about Vietnam. They were stockpiling weapons there 10 years before anyone knew where Vietnam was on the map.

And he said, this is all planned out. This is what's gonna happen. Sure enough. So, okay, Charlie. So There's a great there's a great article on my site.

It's a book review of a book called Operation JB about how the British, rescued Bormann from war war torn Berlin. And, there's no question that this book is authentic, and, I recommend you look at it. Operationjbhenrymacro.com. It's got I think the article is called smoking gun world wars are orchestrated. Something like that.

Okay. Well Okay. We have 7 we have 7 minutes left. Am I right? Yes.

Yeah. But we're not sticklers. So, you know, people are starting to realize that Bolsheviks were Jews, and they genocided white Russians. And that through World War 2, the globalist genocided Germans, and a lot of Jews died too. And, you know, there's continued arguments on that.

There's all kinds of reconfiguring numbers at various places from the work camps. And a few a few weeks ago, we had energy inventor Thomas Bain talk about his chemical expertise on predicting the next pandemic with with disease x, and he quoted a provision for the Talmud, about targeting the, progeny of the goyim to make them infertile, which the COVID vaxx did as one of its symptoms. You don't think the next great reset attack on us is gonna be a pandemic. You say it's gonna be war. Another presenter agreed with you, Jeff Boardman, and and gave us some invest investment advice how to how to protect our assets because whenever a country loses its currency value, war is the answer.

And it looks like we're going to war. To protect ourselves for this global tyranny and onslaught, there's a growing youth movement around Nick Fuentes who just got reinstated on Twitter. Do you get contacted by people who want to learn more about your articles at henrymacco.com? Do you think there's a growing movement of bravery to take on, the details of this globalist threat and who these people are? I think if there's a gradual awakening, I think as things get worse, it'll be the awakening will will increase.

But I'm still, I'm still a pariah. I don't I I I mean, everything I've been saying for 20 years is coming true, yet I, you know, yet I get, practically no attention except from fine people like yourself. You know, I they managed to just because, I put the finger, where it belongs, where I put the blame where it belongs, so, you know, it's actually dangerous. Well, it is you know, people think it's dangerous to associate with me. Well, that Slovakia prime minister just got shot a bunch of times, so, I think people do sense in their gut that there's a risk to telling the truth or at least the whole truth.

So they wanted to temper the remarks, be indirect with the wording, and globalist, cabal, whatever. Right? Bolsheviks is a good one? Satanist is a good term. Satanist is a good term because it encompasses non Jews, And God knows there's probably more non Jewish satanists than Jewish ones.

Sure. People caught up in the, avarice, right, to use this power mongering to enrich themselves and to become addicted to the lower chakra pain and the brutality. Right? Well, let no. Let me interrupt on that because I have a buddy that was a CIA, nonoperative cover agent.

And, he told me. I mean, he would go out. He his job was to, compromise politicians and CEOs of Honda, Suzuki, I mean, the big companies in Japan, get them drunk, get pictures taken, set them up, sex, and blackmail these people. So that's another avenue. Not necessarily people willingly like, yeah, I'll take the money, you know, but they're getting set up.

A lot of people. Yeah. Henry, what are you gonna work on, for the rest of this year or next month, this summer? What are some of your projects coming around? Well, I'd like to put together another collection.

You know, I have 3 Illuminati books out, 1, 2, and 3, and I'd like to put put out a 4th collection, which I hope to get done before Christmas. Is your scruples game still, on the market? Or they're on a I I was I was gonna put out a a new addition, but, it was licensed. This was before October 7th. It was licensed to an Israeli company, and and their their plans have changed.

Yeah. It makes you different scruples different scruples. Yeah. Yeah. I I it it doesn't it's not a you know, again, these, these companies these people are probably, they're not the, homicidal maniacs that the settler government is.

I mean, the government the company I'm working I was working with, they're renewable people, but it's not a good time to bring out scruples from Israel. That's for sure. That's true. Okay. I think we're any other questions?

Last couple of minutes? I'll just give you my philosophy of life is that we should never have a, you know, never ask ourselves what is the purpose of life. I mean, life is a miracle, and it's a gift, and, the world is to my mind is practically a paradise. And our purpose in life is to do God's will for us. We were all born with a mission.

My mission was to tell the truth, but a woman's mission may be to have 3 beautiful children and bring bring them up properly. Everyone's got a mission, and and everyone's got a direct line to God and, is really very simple. We just have to live up to our highest standard as best we can. And in today's world, I think having a mission is easy in in the sense that there's so much we can be doing to make it better in every area that, you know, that's why we're doing the show. Good for you.

And, your website again for people in the audience? It's henrymackow.com. Makow.com. Are you on any social media if they wanna follow you? I'm on, I'm on Twitter and Gap.