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transcript to 27min podcast Why viral infections are necessary dr stillwagon
Human characteristics are wrongly placed on viruses. The virus wants to attack us. The virus wants to selectively mutate in order to survive. The virus is under tremendous pressure. None of that is true.

Viruses are not living things. They are genetic information surrounded by a shell made of proteins and sometimes fats and proteins depending upon their origin. They cannot think. They cannot metabolize. They can't move on their own, nor can they reproduce.

Viruses are manufactured by replication in the cells of other living organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, and even other humans. The viruses are then secreted or released or shed by the cells of these organisms. And as we discussed in module 1, this is theory. We have the biological explanations as to how this can happen, but nobody has actually seen it happen, nor will we ever be able to see it happen. So what happens is the virus particles ultimately end up in fluids, excreted waste or exhalations, making it possible for the transmission of viruses or genetic material from one organism to another so that the genetic information in them can be utilized.

And this happens all the time, regardless of lockdowns, social distancing, or even masking. It happens whether you have symptoms or not. This is nature, and it cannot be stopped any more than you can stop the ocean tides. So the bold new thinking is that the genetic material, the genetic information contained in virus particles is necessary and can be used to make proteins or help us gain function in other ways to adapt to our ever changing environment. Now once we make physical contact with a virus, the virus is either eliminated by our innate immune system or it is allowed to attach to receptors on that barrier that we talked about.

So the fact that our cells even have receptors that will accept the virus indicates that we were meant to communicate with them. And once the virus particle attaches, its genetic material is not injected by the virus. It is actually pulled in by the cell. The intelligent living cell is making this transfer happen, not the non intelligent nonliving virus. Our innate immune system is also communicating with universal intelligence and other innate immune systems from other humans around us by exosomes, which are virus like particles.

Now many philosophies and religions have stated that we are all connected, and we are all connected. And it is not by magic or some invisible thread. It is chemical, biological, and atomic, and some of the connection is physical, and these exosomes or virus particles that contain the genetic information are part of the biological connection. Even some doctors who deny the existence of viruses admit that there is genetic material that can be transferred between humans. Now the mechanism of the transfer is debatable.

What is not debatable is that you can find this genetic material in people with symptoms and people without symptoms. The PCR test proved that. Millions of people tested positive for the presence of genetic material, but they never got sick. So the genetic material can transfer, but the symptoms do not transfer. This is clearly evident by the simple observation that members of the same family can eat the same food, breathe the same air, and drink the same water, yet only one family member gets symptoms and the others do not.

So whether or not a person will display symptoms seems to have something to do with the condition of the immune system on two levels. 1st, its ability to prevent the infection from happening in the first place, And secondly, how it reacts to the infection if and when it does happen. Now we discuss these concepts in describing the innate immune system that protects you from infection, primarily with the actions of these 3 cells, the natural killer cell, the dendritic cell, and the activated t cell. And we also discussed the adaptive immune system and how that reacts to infections primarily with the production of antibodies. So the ability to prevent the infection, as you learned, happens at this epithelial barrier.

Now you can, of course, bypass that protective barrier and inject something directly through it. And as I have said many times, the easiest way to spread a bioweapon is to convince people to willingly inject it, thinking that it will somehow be able to protect them. Slowly but surely, science is recognizing that stopping the virus at the point of entry will prevent infections, while injecting something into the body will not be able to prevent infections. Fauci is clearly admitting this now. So they will try new ideas like spraying IgY antibodies that are created in birds, like chickens, directly into the nasal passages of humans.

These IgY antibodies will block some virus particles from attaching to human receptors, thereby preventing the infection right on that barrier. They will try the same idea by having you swallow them to get into the intestinal mucosa, but they will also learn the hard way that sometimes infections are necessary to keep humans alive on this planet. Blocking these infections from happening could have serious consequences to the survival of the human species. So the bold new idea that was presented earlier is that sometimes virus infections will need to happen. This will allow the genetic material from the virus to get into our cell lines to make new proteins that changes cellular function so that we can adapt to the environmental changes that we ourselves created.

This can affect one cell line in particular, the liver cells, for example. If the genetic information needs to spread through the human population, the virus particle will be replicated in the epithelial layer and allowed to go back out into the environment so that it can be experienced by others. This is called horizontal transmission. If man tries to block the horizontal transmission by using shots called vaccines or other drugs. APOBEC enzymes within our cells will intelligently mutate the virus so that it can continue to transmit.

The mutations occur not because of pressure on the virus. The pressure is on our species to continue the necessary transmission. The virus has absolutely no ability to direct or cause these mutations. Now random mutations will always occur in RNA viruses like the SARS CoV 2 virus, because when they are being translated into proteins, occasionally, the letters get mixed up. But these are meaningless and will not propagate through the population.

The mutations that will propagate are directed by the innate intelligence within us that is in communication with universal intelligence. So when you hear scientists talk about the vaccine driving viral mutations, that is absolutely true, but it is not the virus mutating itself. It is us mutating the virus. If the genetic information needs to be permanently integrated into the human genome, it will do so by affecting the sperm or egg so that the new human will have the new genetic information in every cell of the body, and that will pass on to future generations. This is called vertical transmission.

So for any of this to happen, the genetic information must get inside the body. Once that happens, the body must have a way to stop it from happening over and over again, and that is called immunity. Now how does this genetic information get in? Well, the way it gets in is from a natural infection by contacting the epithelial barrier, either by breathing it in, swallowing it, or having it directly contact the surface of the eyes. There can also be contact in the genital urinary tract through sexual activity.

Now all of those areas are covered with mucus where the particle will get trapped. Now if the person has been previously naturally infected, there will be IgA antibodies present to attach to the virus or bacteria and neutralize it so that an infection will not take place. Now remember, the virus is not intelligent, and it does not have the desire to attack you. If there are no IGA antibodies in the mucus or it penetrates the mucus and nears the epithelial tissue, the next step will happen. Now the virus is not inside of you yet.

It is still outside of you on this epithelial barrier. There will be an attachment of the virus particle to the receptors that are on the epithelial cells. Now this attachment is purely biochemical based on proximity. The virus has no intelligence, no ability to move on its own and no desire to attack you. And just because there is an attachment does not necessarily mean that it will be invited inside.

The instant this attachment happens, Toll like receptors that you learned about that are on these epithelial cells will notify the immune system through cytokine signaling exactly what is going on. Now here is where it gets really fun and interesting. The dendritic cells that you learned about reach through the barrier, grab the particle, take it inside of itself, and chop it up into smaller protein parts. These parts are then shown on MHC one sites to memory t cells that are near the epithelial barrier to see if they remember any of those parts from previous infections. If they do remember them, these t cells immediately become cytotoxic and will order these epithelial cells to kill themselves by apoptosis before you even get infected.

But this is a unique new virus particle with unique new antigens. So those memory t cells do not get activated. The dendritic cells will then migrate in the lymphatic system, and eventually, naive t helper cells will be found that match the unique new antigen. And this is due to the VDJ recombination that we talked about that makes it possible for these naive t cells to recognize any possible protein that could ever exist in the entire universe. Even one scientist like Fauci haven't even thought of yet.

This is what will protect you from any bioweapon that they could ever think of. So this is the T cell training now that is so important for helping B cells to make proper antibodies and for T cell memory for all parts of that particle, not just one little piece of it. So while that t cell training is going on, there will be an intelligent merging of the membrane on the virus particle with the membrane that's on the epithelial cell surface. This involves what is called cleaving of the proteins in the receptor binding domain so that they will change shape, and that allows the merge to occur. Remember, as we learned, there are toll like receptors on those epithelial cells that will instantly notify the immune system that something is attached to this barrier.

After the merge happens, the contents of the virus are then pulled into the cell, not injected by the virus. It has no ability to do that. Another thought is that the entire virus particle is pulled into the cell in what is called an endosome, which gets broken down late later. Now these are biological explanations as to how this can happen, but we will never be able to see either of these things happen live, real time. That is why some doctors and scientists will deny the existence of viruses as you learned about in module 1.

The virus particle is now inside of the cells that make up the epithelial barrier, but you are not infected yet. The particle must be inside the barrier, in your blood or lymph for you to be infected. And when science figures out a way to easily detect the genetic information in your blood, not out here in your snot, the way we look at communicable diseases will change forever. So now that the virus is inside the cells of the barrier, their MHC one sites that you learned about will disappear. The natural killer cells that you learned about in module 3 will recognize this and will normally send a signal to the cell to kill itself by apoptosis.

But this is new genetic information that needs to be there. So interleukins that you learned about are secreted and have switched off the ability of the natural killer cells to send that apoptotic death signal. But you are not infected yet. You now have viral DNA or RNA in the cytoplasm of the cell, Ribosomes and other organelles within the cell that we didn't even talk about, including endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, and Golgi apparatus are then used to package a new virus particle. These are then released back into the mucosal layer to transmit to other humans.

They are also released to the inside of you, into your blood and lymph to affect other cells that are inside of your body, and now you are infected. So as these new virus particles make their way through your blood and through your lymph, Some will get phagocytized by antigen presenting cells chopped up, and the parts will be shown to these t cells. But many will not get phagocytized, so the infection will continue. But as these t cells become educated and become activated cytotoxic t cells that you learned about at module 3, they will clone themselves so that many more are now available. And within a few days, the innate immune system in healthy individuals without involving antibodies will be able to completely eliminate the viruses from the body.

This is done mostly by these activated t cells that have been trained to recognize all parts of the virus. Bacterial infections are not like that, though. If bacteria or other large organisms get in the blood or lymph that do not belong there, they are attacked immediately either by phagocytosis or direct activation of the complement system that you learned about at the very end of module 3. Bacteria. In your blood or lymph that do not belong, there are dangerous because they secrete toxins that can hurt you.

So alarm signals go off right away and the immune system will immediately go after these things. There are complement proteins that react to stuff on the surface of those large organisms, and the complement cascade cascade is then activated so that the membrane attack complex will put holes in the membranes of these organisms so that they will leak and die. But this is a virus particle, so it is allowed to move around for a while. It must use receptors on tissue cells inside of your body to attach. So, obviously, it will only attach to tissues that have those receptors.

And when the particle is pulled in by those tissue cells, April Beck enzymes that you learned about help decide whether or not to replicate the virus or just use parts of the genetic material that's in the virus to make new proteins. Or part of the genetic information can be integrated into the DNA of that particular cell line, and it will remain there for the rest of that person's life. This viral replication and translation into proteins is modulated by the interleukins that you learned about in module 2 so that this process does not become overly inflammatory or out of control. Now, depending upon the condition of these individual immune systems, many different levels of symptoms will occur from none to mild to severe and even to death in some people. Remember you learned in module 1 that 70% of all poliovirus infections are completely asymptomatic yet still will result in lifelong immunity, and less than 1% end up with lasting paralysis.

What we should be doing is trying to figure out how to make the less than 1% group look like the 70% and not injecting something into everyone, trying to protect the less than 1%, an idea that clearly does not work. Now while this replication and protein manufacturing is happening inside of the tissue cells, The t cells are communicating with b cells to make perfect antibodies for all parts of this new virus and remember them for the rest of your life. Most of the time, the infection is completely gone by the time these refined perfect antibodies show up. Again, it is the cells of your immune system that are going to clear the viruses, not antibodies. Antibodies are only there to mark the pathogens for destruction.

Here's how that works. If the person's immune system was weak and the infection has persisted, these new perfect antibodies will now attach to the virus particles, blocking them from entering new cells. The tails of those antigen antibody complexes will then attach to phagocytes like macrophages, monocytes, and neutrophils. And over a few days, the viruses are completely eliminated, and the infection is over. The plasma cells that made the antibodies now turn into long term memory b cells that will reside in the bone marrow to quickly react to subsequent infections if and when they happen.

And the t cells that got trained will also have memory to all parts of virus and will be deployed to areas near the epithelial barrier to protect you from further infections. These are called tissue resident memory t cells. The t cell memory is what prevents infections from happening. If this didn't happen, we would not be immune to anything ever. Kind of like what the jab people are experiencing now because their T cells got trained to remember a protein created from the shot, and this protein does not exist on natural viruses anymore.

Therefore, they will continue to be infected. So as the infection winds down, about 90% of the T cells are going to end up killing themselves. 10% of them are going to become these tissue resident memory T cells. And when they see the intruder again, they will become cytotoxic and will destroy the cells with the viruses in them before you get infected. Now this only works where the original infection was, like your nasal membranes.

So there are going to be effector memory t cells then. And these are the ones that patrol your lymph and blood looking for the same antigen that activated their ancestors just in case one sneaks in elsewhere. Then you're going to have what are called central memory T cells that stay in the lymph nodes and will produce more cytotoxic t cells if they recognize something. This system is so powerful that when you come in contact with the virus again, and you most certainly will, You won't even notice it, most likely for the rest of your life.



Archbishop Vigano: Yes, thank you for giving me this opportunity to address you on this occasion.

And I share with you some matters regarding the present situation in the world and in the church.

For the past four years, we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of world depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and imposition of her false vaccine, which you now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases.

Many of our friends and acquaintances have died or been severely damaged by the adverse effects of these experimental gene serums.

Many have discovered too late that they have been the victims of a global plan with a single script and a single direction.

What is even more serious is that this new Malthusian project of mass extermination, to which is added the will to control each of us through graphene oxide nano structures, has been announced to us for some time by those in the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum who conceived and implemented it.

The rulers of the western states, hostage to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, have become accomplices to this crime, demonstrating their malice and premeditation by their behaviour of falsifying data on alleged infection, doctoring statistical data to attribute death and adverse effects to covid-19 but not to the gene serums, prohibiting effective treatments and imposing harmful protocols that have no scientific basis, banning autopsies and preventing accurate reports to authorities.

In this attack, unprecedented in the history of the human race, we have witnessed the complicity of all national and International institutions, the entire medical profession, and the media.

A social engineering operation has been carried out to manipulate consensus through terror threats, blackmail, and the violation of citizens’ most sacrosanct fundamental rights.

The Judiciary has been silent.

The armed forces have looked the other way.

The teachers and priests have zealously cooperated.

We are well aware of the perpetrators of this crime against God and Humanity.

Of course, the multinational pharmaceutical corporations have profited disproportionately from mass vaccination and they are now prepared to accumulate still more billions of dollars from the need for treatments against the turbo cancers that their serums have caused.

Those who peddle the vaccine and profited from administering this poison to pregnant women children and elderly, have funded the self-styled experts, paying them to propagandize false efficacy and safety through the mainstream media.

Multinationals have profited and due to the lockdowns they have taken the place of small businesses, restaurants and local shops.
Energy suppliers have profited and are still profiting out of the crisis created by the system.

They have made huge profits by the costs of electricity and gas that are forcing businesses to increase prices and close.

Those who took advantage of the restrictions to work from home, those who sold mask that were not only useless but actually harmful, those who provided plexiglass barriers and hand sanitizers, and those who manage the measurement of fever in public places also took their cut of profit.

Many of them who understood perfectly well what was happening preferred to remain silent so as not to miss the opportunity to make money off the lives and health of the rest of us.

But it’s not just money that is the motive for this crime.

Behind the motivation of many is the will to power of the subversive Davos elite, which aims to establish the New World Order.

The psycho pandemic has been a dress reaction for the attack they are now making against the economy, the social fabric and indeed the very life of humanity.

15-minute cities, digital identity, returning money and the destruction of agriculture and ranching all serve the same purpose stated in the agenda 2030 and the Rockefeller foundation’s great reset project.

The wars in Ukraine and Palestine have also the same purpose, to destabilise the international order, create permanent crisis, and fuel conflict that will impoverish individual Nations and feed the globalist Leviathan.

Gaza’s oil fields are tempting targets for those who want to appropriate them in order to keep Europe and United States under blackmail, especially when the same people are imposing insane energy policies in the name of a fake climate emergency.

Today the perpetrators of these crimes have a name and a face, their accomplices in governmental institutions are guilty of high treason and very serious crimes.

All come from the World Economic Forum and were students of his program called Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Others like George Soros supported them by means of philanthropic foundations that fuel social strife, Civil War and colour revolutions around the world.

This Global coup d’état must be denounced and those responsible must be tried and judged by an international Court.

But above all it is necessary for all of us to understand that this all-out war against humanity is not motivated only by their lust for wealth and power but mainly by a religious motive, a theological reason.

This reason is Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s creation and hatred of man who is created in the image and likeness of God.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and their hundreds of servants whom they blackmail in government all hate God, and they hate life, which only God can give.

They hate love which comes only from God.

They hate peace, which can reign only where Christ reigns.

As Tucker Carlson said a few days ago, we are facing people who serve Satan and the Demons of hell.

Just as the normal people worship and serve God.

This is a battle in which body and soul, matter and spirit, are made the objects of mortal attack by men and spiritual powers.

But let us not forget that if our enemy avails himself of the help of infernal Spirits we have on our side the Lord God of all armies arrayed, Dominus Deus about and all the hosts of angels and Saints infinitely more powerful.

God is Almighty.

Let us never forget that.

He is father. He does not abandon his children in time of crime.

And therefore, I exhort you dear friends to fight this battle with the spiritual weapons that God places at your disposal: prayer, trust in the Lord and the awareness that this enemy will not be defeated where it is most organized and fearsome but by striking it where it is weak.

This weakness comes from his corruption, from his being subservient to evil from the (toll) of all sins that it has committed and still commits: sins against God’s little children.

Because the men and women who in these four years have submitted to enduring lockdowns, violation of their rights, job deprivation and social segregation are not willing to tolerate the crimes that this cursed network of perverts and paedophiles commits against children.

Therefore, bring to light and courageously denounce the network of complicity and crimes of politicians, bankers, actors, journalists, prelates and famous people who are united by their blood pact.

And the whole castle of lies and deceptions that they have hatched will collapse, dragging with it the entire Globalist plan, woke ideology, gender theory, the fake climate emergency and fraud and digital currency.

“Simul staben, simul caden” says the Latin maxim: “just as they stand together, so also they will collapse together”.

Stay strong therefore under the banner of Christ and in the army of God, who is Almighty and who won the cross, has already won the world that is now entering in his final stages.

Gather around the Lord, call His holy name and this will give impetus to your battle.

Remember the words of Saint Paul: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”.

May God bless you all.

Charles Kovess: Thank you. Thank you, Your grace. That is that is most powerful important and thank you so much for sharing.
Stephen. Please say hello to the Archbishop and we got started because we had him at the start.

Stephen Frost: So Archbishop Vigano I’m so grateful to you for actually seeing my email. I thought you hadn’t seen it. But you had and thank you for coming on and standing with us and speaking to us today. That’s so nice of you.

Archbishop Vigano: Thank you. I will, just had that but I mentioned that several times in my intervention that also the church and in particular the Holy See had been infiltrated in this battle from the side of Satan.

This is the situation for that we need now to to for ourselves this and use this weapon spiritual weapons that I mentioned in my address. May God bless you.

Stephen Frost: Thank you.



read transcript to 54min podcast Bombshell interview with Dr. Murakami reveals global plan for self-replicating vaccines. 

Welcome to today's interview here on I'm Mike Adams, the founder of Bryteown, and I believe that the interview we're about to engage in may be one of the most historic international interviews that you've ever seen on this platform. We're about to interview researcher and immunologist, doctor Murakami. He's joining us from Japan today to raise the alarm about a new emerging technology that appears to point in the direction of self amplifying, never ending replication of mRNA technology in human subjects. Now, to introduce doctor Motokami is, Michael Young, well known by this audience.

Welcome, Michael. Great to see you. Thank you, Michael. Yeah. I'm here actually with Masako Kanaha as well.

She'll be translating if if if there's any difficulty at all. Actually, doctor Murakami Hello, Masako. She she's off to the side. You'll see her in a moment. Now, yeah, as you know, normally, when you see Masako and and me somewhere, we're somewhere incredibly important such as the dairying gap or Netherlands on the food supply issues.

And likewise, now in Japan, many Americans are asking why are we in Japan? Because this self replicating mRNA vaccine, quote, unquote, we know that's not the right word, is absolutely deadly and absolutely as existentially threatening as the non borders that we have. Right? I mean, literally, the open borders will kill the United States. We know that, but so will this.

Right? That's why we're here because Japan is the epicenter for this. This is the Yeah. Yeah. This is it.

So and and doctor, Murakami will tell you all about it. So he's also good friends with the discoverer of ivermectin. That's another very important, side channel to to talk about. It's very important to talk, and he speaks English well, as well. Another another very important thing is doctor Murakami was friends with former prime minister Abe, Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated.

And there's an incredibly important story to tell about Russia, Ukraine, and, his I'll let doctor Murakami tell the story. I need to get offline now because what he has to say is incredibly important. We are we're we're very honored to have you on, and thank you so much for speaking to our, American and English speaking audience about your research. And we wish you prayers for the assassination of Abe who was, you know, very much highly regarded by many in the international community. But, please, I I introduce you as a researcher with a background in immunology.

Can for our audience, can you please describe a little bit more about your focus of research before you get into your findings? Yeah. Okay. I have I have been working on on nimmunology field for 30 years. I produce all sorts of antibodies, including influenza antibody, which which are utilized for, influenza type a type b b diagnosis.

And it is used in all over the world. And the share was almost 90%. So many companies are using my antibody for in order in order to detect influenza virus. All can all countries. So you you have you also looked at topics like, interference RNA?

Yes, I do. Yeah. I am doing lots of experiment using RNAs as well. And originally, I was working as, various viruses, including SV40, adenovirus, and so on. I was originally a biologist.

And after that, I moved I moved to immunology field. Okay. So this explains then your understanding of the application of this technology in human biology. I mean, you you are able to bridge both of these fields. Yes.

That's right. So actually, I I am very good at immunology as well as, virology. Okay. So Yeah. Why I understand the mechanism of mRNA vaccines early on.

Okay. Yeah. Then let's now we're gonna show some clips from your presentation here while while you're talking. I watched it before the show and I thought it was a very very good summary explanation of the fact that this technology you're talking about today allows the replication. This is the replicating replication of the mRNA.

Injected mRNA will be replicated in the new format. That's an important thing. Yeah. Right. Exactly.

But what you're bringing to light that very few people have spoken about is that this replication expands beyond just the spike protein sequence. The replication also replicates the replication engine. All the sequence will be be replicated. All mRNAs, all mRNAs will be replicate in the injected people. So that allows for the replication engine itself to be replicated.

That's right. Yeah. In other words, now we're talking about a exponential production of the Spike Pro 2. That's right. Yeah.

You are exactly right. Yep. And then you expressed concerns about whether this could then cause passage of the self replicating payload from one person to another person? Yes. Yeah.

Yeah. I think I think it it is very likely. I think it has to be, denied before application. Applying to In other words, what you're saying is that in in in terms of safety, it's critical that we prove it cannot happen in order for it to be considered safe and that that proof has not been achieved. That's right.

Yeah. Okay. So there remains a possibility that this can replicate from person to person? Yeah. Yeah.

That's right. Yeah. Yep. Yep. If that's the case, you mentioned in your presentation that there's no stopping.

There's no what what term did you use? No stopping at all. Yeah. So this if this replicates in the way that you're concerned it may and spread from person to person, it can never be stopped. That's right.

And then we're talking about unknown consequences for humanity. That's right. You're exactly right. And we already know that the spike protein itself is attacking nervous systems, heart tissue, cardiovascular tissue. Yes.

It yeah. Yep. Highly toxic proteins. Right. That's why.

So is it possible that the the entire human race then could be subjected to a scenario where there is a wave of of spike proteins being expelled by from the bodies of of everybody walking around who hasn't yet died from it? Yes. Yeah. I do not want to imagine the situation, but, it it may be happen. Important thing is yeah.

Yeah. In October, injection of that new format of embedded blockchain will start in Japan to a large large number of people. That's a real problem. So just just to explain the contrast to our audience in a normal vaccine, not mRNA, if something has gone wrong with the vaccine, it may harm the people injected, but it cannot harm a second generation of people beyond that. But with this technology, the self replicating payload of replication, if something goes wrong that may be discovered even years later, it can never be pulled back.

That's right. Yep. And are you aware of this technology being prepared for deployment in actual vaccines for humans at this point or is it still only in the research phase? Yeah. That's the most important problem.

In Japan, injection will start in October. It will start this year? Yeah. That's right. The doctor, 4,000 more than 4,000 already injected.

Already many people have been injected of this new vaccines already. Do you have any knowledge about, in the US, the FDA status of this technology? Only Japanese government have approved that. So so Okay. As far as I know, I yeah.

As Japan with the BG, only country which will inject new mRNA vaccines. Okay. So so Japan appears to be then as far as you're aware, is Japan the the the first start date of this in the world? Fasting fasting's out loud. Injecting many people, 1,000,000 people and so on.

And how what is the mood in Japan in terms of embracing this technology? Are there are there many people who are very actively seeking this out? They want this? Yeah. We we are making big ram to to many people, but, you know, major media do not, incorporate our information.

Not at all. So all reminder, media is presenting our stuff, our information. Yeah. Would you say that the the alternative media in Japan is gaining audience and gaining ground in terms of of questioning the safety? Yes.

Yeah. Yeah. In Twitter, essentially, essentially, many people are watching my movies, and I think they have already realized the danger of that new vaccines replicating mRNA vaccines. Yeah. I've seen many videos, some sent to me by Michael there, videos of Japanese people marching in peaceful protest against the the vaccine, vaccine mandates or vaccine rollouts.

Are those kinds of, public reactions? Are they growing in scale now in Japan? I think growing a lot, but important thing is major media did they do not, focused on that. They neglected. Yes.

Yes. Absolutely. And and let me apologize in advance for asking this, such a sensitive question. But given the history of Japan and the use of technology to harm large numbers of people, are you concerned that this may repeat some of those same mistakes now in our modern age? So important issue is like this.

If, essentially, in Japan's, government with new technology, Essentially, replicating mRNA vaccines. If it's okay, I think USA you US US government will import that into your country? Well, Japan is known as such a world leader in technology in so many areas, you know, excelling in, precision manufacturing and sciences and medical technology. But You're right. But why in your view why has the precautionary principle seemingly been abandoned in this case because technology without caution can be very dangerous.

Well well, so one reason for that is Japanese government is controlled by a US company like Pfizer, Moderna, American, and so on. Well and so is our government, in the US. Our government's controlled by the corporations as well. And there's, many people would say that there's such a strong American government influence in Japanese policy also that is there a sense there that that the Japanese government is being pressured to embrace this vaccine technology in order to benefit western corporations? Yes.

Yeah. I think it is very likely. I do not have a strong evidence, but it is very likely, I think. Yeah. Do you feel and, again, please accept my apologies for asking such direct questions.

But do you or do do people in your movement there, which I would loosely call a health freedom movement or a health awareness movement, is there a sense that the Japanese people are being unethically exploited as human experiments by the pharmaceutical companies in order to test this in a modern country. That's right. Yeah. I I have I have been alarming to, many peoples, But, yeah, my, my effect is limited to 11,000,000 people like that. How how can we help you expand the reach of your of your warning?

So it's important, yeah. Important question. If you people in US have a strong discussion about the 3 replicating work genes, it should be very useful It it will be very important. You know, the the United States of America is well known for engaging in what we call economic imperialism where yes. And and and I understand that economics perhaps is not not your area of focus, but let me provide some context to our audience.

The United States has used economic sanctions against countries in the past like Taiwan in order to force Taiwan to accept marketing of Marlboro cigarettes, for example, or the US has economically punished European countries for trying to block, genetically engineered organisms or GMOs. Is there a sense or is there do you have any knowledge of is the is the US threatening economic sanctions of any kind or coercion against Japan, in order to try to push this technology into Japanese mainstream medicine. Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

I think yeah. It may be useful. As a Japanese government, have a strong influence over USA government. So it is very important, I think. Yeah.

Are the Japanese people aware of how many injuries and deaths have already occurred following the the initial COVID vaccines? Yes. They have. Yeah. Yeah.

Yes. They have. But, I think the number is still limited. So maybe 1 tenth of the old population maybe. In your knowledge of the homogeneity of the Japanese genetic code, is there any advantage or disadvantage to the Japanese people compared to American people who are very genetically diverse, or diverse, in terms of exposure to this possible self replicating spike protein payload?

Well, well, yeah. It is also important question. I think, yeah. I think there is one possibility. We may be okay for a new technology, but in USA, many people will be affected by, new vaccines.

We are relatively homogeneous in terms of human genomes. So we may be okay, but you know, in USA, you may be either way, very harmful. Right. Right. Possibly, they they might roll it out in Japan and say, oh, hey.

No problems in Japan. So let's take it to America and then suddenly there are more problems. My other question is the Japanese diet is well known to involve the intake of more, for example, seaweed which contains iodine and other beneficial different different substances that are found in seaweed that that are that support and enhance, immune function. Is there a dietary advantage to the Japanese people because of their traditional diets that may offer them protection against this vaccine that's not that the American people don't benefit from. I yeah.

It is also likely. I think it is possible. As part of your research in immunology, have you looked at, phytochemicals or phytonutrition in terms of immunological modulation? So essential I say vitamin d is very important in order to have a strong immunity as well as zinc. Absolutely.

Usually Japanese people are taking iodine as well. But but the Japanese people, I would think, right now, in the modern age, suffer from a lack of vitamin d in the same way that most Americans do because they live their lives indoors and they work indoors. Yeah. I think so. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You are right. The important thing is Yeah. Yeah. I think here is one important thing. Many people have already injected mRNA vaccines.

It did work against immune system. So it will weaken immunity to, virus and the stool muscles. So I think Japanese people have very weak immune ability in these days after injecting mRNA vaccines. About IC models, 80%. See, I I think I think the American people share that.

I think I think immune function has been strongly compromised across the United States. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And because in part because of the spike protein injections, but also I think, because of the of the atrocious diets that look, The American diets, as you know, are among the very worst in the world, nutrient depleted, heavily processed foods, full of calories, but lacking nutrition. So recently, many Japanese people are learning food over the USA. They are taking American style food as well. Increasingly, yes.

I I'm I'm aware of that. The the the American fast food chains are very popular in Tokyo and, other other Japanese cities. Yeah. Something like that. Right.

But but this brings up then the question of, comorbidity factors. So this new technology you're referring to, the self amplifying mRNA technology, what are the possible interactions of this with existing comorbidities such as, obesity or, early cardiovascular disease or diabetes or or blood glucose disorders? We we do we do not have the answer yet, but, yeah. We have to look at it. Yeah.

Carefully. In your research, is there any hint of which which, physiological systems may be most susceptible to spike protein damage? Probably not yet. Yeah. If we start injecting many peoples, we can easily observe the efficacy, effect of the injection easily.

But right now, only one fraction people injected the set of duplicative actions, in this moment. So, yeah. Okay. Alright. Next question then is concerning the the non vaccines, they inject a certain mass of, mRNA.

Let's say, 250 micrograms or maybe maybe less, maybe more, something in in that area. And and that only affects a certain number of cells in the body that then produce the spike protein proteins. But through the self replication mechanism that you're describing, if that then spreads to other cells in the body, takes over other ribosomes in those cells, is there a point of oversaturation where the cells that normally produce the the normal proteins necessary for sustained human physiology, they are occupied producing spike protein instead and the normal human proteins are not getting manufactured in sufficient quantities? Well, I think it is very important important aspects. And we have no evidence of such phenomena yet.

Because we do not have the, real action. Yeah. We we do not have access to the real ampl self amplifying work chain. Okay. So but what would we look for?

So you say it's going to be released in October, I think you said. And I'm I'm gonna call this the spike protein storm. So the spike or spike protein tsunami in the body. Okay? Spike proteins flooding the body from the inside.

If the if the normal spike proteins I'm sorry. If the normal human proteins are not being produced in the quantities that are needed for human life, what symptoms would would emerge that we would be early warning signs to us that something's going wrong? Okay. So I think there is one important issue, I g g four issues. Do you know IgG4?

IgG4 is inhibiting the regular immune system. And if you have a high level of IgG4, your immune system doesn't work. So you're talking about hyper autoimmune Hyper autoimmune. Hyper autoimmune. Hyper hyper autoimmune.

And as far as, we analyze many Japanese people has high level of IgG for antibody against spike protein. And it's not so good. And it will inhibit you regular immunity against tumor and also viruses. So is it when I say hyper autoimmune disorders, is is that is that a fair description of of what you think might happen? I see IgG4 is a different issue.

Highpower autoimmunization is also important issue as well. So Okay. Alright. So essentially what I think you're saying is that we won't know until until the injections begin. And once the injections begin, it may be too late to ever stop whatever it's unleashed upon humanity.

No. That's right. Yeah. Okay. Why why I am alarming strongly to many people.

Now in your lectures and presentations about this, have you brought people's attention to the fact that let me share this with my audience as some context. But back in the 19 nineties in South Africa, the apartheid regime was heavily researching self replicating vaccines as a genocidal weapon against black Africans. So I'm I'm just bringing in some history here, and this was thought of as a genocidal weapon system to exterminate a particular ethnic group. At the time, the technology was not mature enough to be fully deployed. Otherwise, well, you know, all the black Africans in South Africa might have been murdered, you know, decades ago.

So thank goodness that technology did not exist, but the technology does exist now. And instead of it being presented as a genocidal weapon against a specific group, it's being presented as medicine to cure co or, you know, whatever infection. Yep. You are right. I think yeah.

I think introducing mRNA method is very important. Recently, do you know it? Repeat nano particle. That's a very important method to, introduce mRNA into human cells. And and okay.

I I didn't quite follow that. Can you explain more? Yeah. So, usually, introducing mRNA into inside of the cell is very difficult. By using lNMP, it it becomes easy, very easy and effective introducing mRNA into cells.

Oh, okay. Okay. Lipid nanoparticles you're referring to? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Lipid nanoparticles. Yeah.

I mean, I I believe that that is widely deployed in the current technology. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So are you saying that the lipid nanoparticles combined with the self replicating payloads of the mRNA technology that you're announcing?

Yep. Yes. That's right. Yeah. Exactly.

Now we're talking about increased permeability of the cell membranes? Yes. That's right. Yeah. So, introduce deprecating mRNA effectively into human cells by using the Gnab heat method.

What has been the reaction to your warning by the the, the Japanese science medicine establishment? Any question. I think, it is very question. One fraction of researchers are, yeah, accepting my alarm. But majority people do not believe self replicating vaccine is dangerous.

I don't know the reason. I think they are accepting money from, I think they are accepting research money from Japanese government. So I said they do not want to, follow my alarm. Are there are there sectors of science and medicine in Japan that are recognizing the importance of the alarm that you are sounding and recognizing the precautionary principle as as a as a key pillar of science? I hope so.

But, actually, yeah. In reality, very small number of the scientists are alarming like this. Only one fraction, only small number. Okay. So what, what is going to be necessary, you do you believe, in in Japan in order to change that equation and bring more people to the awareness that you are alerting people about?

Yeah. We we are having a numerous meeting, and we have movies aligned with Japanese people, and we are conflict distributing. We are doing many things. But still, effect is limited. Now let me ask you about the Japanese American people.

Yeah. Japanese Americans. They there was very high vaccine uptake among Japanese Americans during COVID. Yeah. There was also high uptake among Chinese Americans, Korean Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and so on.

For whatever reason, the Asian American populations tended to be much more compliant with vaccines. Yeah. Whereas black Americans and Native Americans said, no. Maybe not. Maybe I'm gonna say no.

Do you do you think that that will hold true with this this vaccine techno self replicating vaccine? Will will Asians in America and elsewhere around the world continue to be more, let's say, compliant? I see. Yeah. It is a very difficult question to to answer, but, yeah.

Very well. I don't know. Okay. Alright. Well but, I mean, clearly, you are willing to speak out against the the mainstream consensus.

Right? And there are many others. I mean, you have Masako there, and and I've seen you know, you have some of your protests have been tens of 1,000 or more people. So, you know, clearly there's a contingent of of population in Japan that is, concerned about this. Now what about let me ask you about relatively recent history, what, 12 or 13 years ago, but also involving science, which was the promise of safety of the nuclear power reactor at Fukushima.

So yeah. Yeah. Fukushima accident. Yeah. Yeah.

Yes. The accident. So isn't that another case where the government largely told the Japanese people, don't worry, everything's fine. It's engineered perfectly. There's no risk.

It's perfectly safe. And that turned out not to be true. Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

We have a big accident in Fukushima, but interestingly, new factory for mRNA vaccines are in Fukushima. What? Really? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. New new self replicating vaccines are really produced in Fukushima. I almost can't make this up. It's like, I guess, the ionizing radiation is really helpful for mutating proteins. Okay.

That's that's bizarre to me. But but also I wanna point out that the Fukushima nuclear power facilities were engineered by an American company, General Electric. Right? So here's another case of an American technology that has been deployed in Japan with assurances of safety from the American government and American industry. And and now just as Fukushima then was actually right next to a fault line, they should have anticipated a tidal wave, you know, a tsunami.

Is this vaccine, which is also I I I believe most of the technology is initially engineered in America, Isn't this potentially following the same path? I think so too. Yeah. Yeah. Amazingly, new factory is at Fukushima, located in Fukushima.

Essentially, they are preparing numerous amount of mRNA vaccines, which will be sufficient for all the population all over the world. Okay. So so I don't again, I don't mean to be insensitive, but how is it possible that the that many of the Japanese people have so quickly forgotten Fukushima? What happened there? How they were lied to by American companies about the safety of their technology?

I was I was also learning the yeah. I was also learning the, the danger of the radiation as well. But recently, Fukushima people have accepted the mRNA vaccine. Okay. So so let's talk about this.

So as you know, radiation has a half life. Right? So after 10 half lives, the radiation is considered to be mostly gone. And I believe one of the key isotopes in Fukushima was the cesium 137, and the half life I believe is 29 years or so. So 3 centuries before that will be, you know, gone, so to speak.

However, the inverse of half lives is self replicating technology, which is what you're talking about with vaccines. So whereas radiation can disappear or dissipate over time according to the laws of decay in physics, the self replicating vaccines exponentially multiply over time. That's right. Yeah. One reason for why Hashima has built up the new new facility for emerging network chains is, in that area, almost no people at all in that area.

So all the people are gone from Fukushima area. So in that area, we have a lot of space space therefore constructing anything. Essentially Japanese government is working for that. They are supplying large amount of money to the companies. That's the reason why they have a large mRNA blockchains, factory in Fukushima.

So so the government is providing economic grants to try to rebuild Yes. Yes. Affected areas? Yeah. Almost 1 100 100% of cost for building the factory.

Okay. Alright. That that that's interesting, but but I I wanna redirect you back to my my last point, which is that even in Fukushima, the mistake vanished over time or the catastrophe will vanish over time. This potential catastrophe with self replicating mRNA will never vanish if your worst fears are correct. It will multiply over time, and it can never be stopped.

So it's it's very important because human beings do not understand exponential growth. The the the mind thinks in a linear fashion. Right? Does not accurately model exponential phenomenon, in the real world. So is it possible that the Japanese regulators who are approving of this technology are cognitively incapable of accurately assessing the future ramifications of a present day mistake?

That's one reason why I am alarming to that government. They are ignoring me. It's okay. Safe. It is not dangerous.

Yeah. I am yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

I am lying or something like that. And we we appreciate you so much for sounding the alarm and also for taking the time here today. May I ask Masako, Masako, am I leaving anything out here? I'm I'm asking the questions that come to mind, but what am I missing? So maybe it's, very interesting for you to ask doctor Murakami about, the scientist who discovered Ivermectin.

He is Absolutely. Friends with doctor Omura. Doctor Omura. Yeah. And, along with this line, you would like to ask about, prime minister Abe trying to, make ivermectin and other medicine that's or effective available.

But what happened to him is Okay. May possibly those kind of topics. Okay. Thank you, Masako, for that reminder. Yes, please.

We are all fans of ivermectin here on this channel. Actually, essentially, early days of this pandemic, I was working with Prime Minister Abe. I was making lots of lots of advices. And, yeah. We have we have a discussion with Abe san, Prime Minister.

And he he understand he understood the real story of this pandemic. And he he do not he does not want to start injection of the mRNA vaccines. I insist I insisted that we should not do that. But after, after that moment, he became ill and he he stepped down from the prime minister. Okay.

Okay. Wow. Now now Ivermectin, it's a it's a Nobel Prize winning medicine as I understand it. And wasn't it originally discovered from soil microbes? Soil yeah.

That's right. Yeah. In Japan, even in Japan, we can get it from a Japanese company. We are importing from India. You know, Ibermectin is originated in Japan and important medicine.

Even even in this situation, we cannot obtain hyphen vaccine in this country. We have to import from India. I actually Wow. Well obtained lots of hyphen vaccine from India India company. Well, I mean, India has a lot of economic advantages for synthesizing molecules.

That's that's very clear. And and they also I mean, India is is very good at that. But, yes. I'm sorry, Michael. I think he means because the Japanese government's not letting them get.

Is that true? That's right. Yep. Oh, it's more than just a cost issue. Yeah.

That's right. Yeah. Important thing is our government allowed, allows the company to sell them. So So so we need to yep. Well, so this is a case where Japanese innovation created one of the most important molecules or or I should say discovered and then and then harnessed one of the most important molecules for human health, arguably.

And then the Japanese government doesn't allow That's right. Japanese companies to manufacture it. Against against to Ivermectin. Wow. Wow.

You know, in order to, in order to accept new medicine from Merck and Pfizer, Merck and Pfizer, I've been mixing Do not have to to be effective. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah.

Yeah. You know, emerging medical, emerging medical usage. In order to accept emergency emergency medical usage of the, Max, Max drug and Pfizer Drug. Ivermectin should not be effective. Well, I I mean as a general rule I say, yes?

May I ask one question? Yes. Doctor, when did the Japanese government forbid Japanese from getting ivermectin in Japan? Originally, the minister Abe wanted wanted to accept Abelemycchi and Avigan as well. But Khosero, image LW, Ministry of Health was against for that.

And Abhishek was, yeah. He was blocked to accept hyphenmectin and Avigan in Japan. So do you think that this was one of the one of the reasons why Abe was targeted for assassination? Yeah. It is very important question.

1 one day before his assassination, I have been we have a meeting with people over Amazon's office. And we are we are negotiating about the schedule for mRNA work change movement. In order to stop mRNA vaccines, we would like to have a meeting with Prime Minister Abe and his wife. And one day after that meeting, he was assassinated. My goodness.

Okay. Okay. And I I I would offer this as as an American to to anybody in Japan who may watch this interview, never trust large American corporations because what they export to Japan is toxic. They export poisons in the food, in the personal care products, in the vaccines, in the nuclear, power plants are are not safely designed and so on. It's it's like I'm ashamed of the fact that as an American, I have to say this, but it's true.

The American corporations are exporting poison to Japan, not to mention, you know, also cultural poisons and things like that that are beyond the scope of this interview. But always beware of American corporations. So recently, I think Japanese people are something like experimental animals. Like mouse, mouse, rat, injecting, you know, new style of mRNA vaccines in Japan first. So we are like experimental animals.

Well, the the US has a long history of that, using secret biological facilities in Africa and running, experiments on African people. There are bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine that have been exposed in the last 2 years. So this this is something the US is known for, sadly, is experimenting on humans. I see. I think another reason why Abhisatt was assassinated was, he was very he was familiar with Russian president Putin.

He was a nice friend of Putin, and he was going he he was going to peace meeting with Ukraine and Russia. Wow. Wow. In that time. Yep.

Uh-huh. He was concerning the meeting, and I think that is the most strongest reason why he has been assassinated. Because because nobody in the west wants peace. I mean, the the leaders don't want peace between Ukraine and Russia. Yeah.

Yeah. No. We're we're seeing other evidence of that as well. Anybody who calls for peace is being called a traitor. No.

It's it's it's a crazy situation. Alright. Doctor Murakami, is there anything else you would like to add here that I have failed to ask you? Yeah. I think that's all.

Yeah. Yep. It was a very interesting meeting. I was very excited to have a discussion with you. So Well, I'm I'm thrilled to have a discussion with you.

I understand you have your own you have a laboratory. I have a laboratory too. I have a mass spec laboratory in America. Oh, mass spec. Okay.

Yeah. Yeah. We do a lot of mass spec testing for, food, food contamination. What what kind of lab do you run? Actually, I have essential molecular biology laboratory and we have also animal health as well.

Oh, wow. Okay. So molecular biology. Molecular biology and also, yeah, immunology. We are raising many antibodies for using animals.

Wow. Okay. Well, the only animals in my lab are my lab techs, and they, they they run the ICP MS instruments. But that's fascinating. But, in these days, usually, Japanese people are like experimental animal.

That's a real problem. You know, they will Absolutely. Need type of replicating waxing. Absolutely. Weedingly.

That's the problem. That that's what's extraordinary to me because I I think what you and I both agree on and also Michael Jan there and Masako, we all agree on the dignity of human life. That's right. That every human being, Japanese, American, African, Ukrainian, Russian, you name it, Chinese, you name it, all have value in our world and must be respected as a human being. Yep.

I agree. Yep. And the technology you're talking about, it's almost like the self replicating mRNA payload technology is a disassembly virus for human biology. Yeah. Almost like a new virus.

Atif Sarovirus. Almost like Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

But a virus that disassembles human biology, like, it the spike protein takes apart neurology and cardiovascular systems and blood viability through clotting mechanisms and so on, reproductive systems, endocrine systems, you name it. Right? Wow. Well, thank you, sir, for sounding the alarm on this, and, we we honor your efforts here in America. Thank you very much.

Yep. Alright. Thank you, doctor Murakami. And, thank you very much. We honor you.

We appreciate you. Michael or Masako, do you have anything to put on the end of this? Yeah. I would like to introduce you, this organization. Doctor Murakami is the vice president of this organization.

It's called United Citizen for stopping mRNA vaccines. This is the organization who are in the epicenter of this battle. Awesome. And what's the website for that? So if you type United Citizens for stopping mRNA vaccines, then you can find the website.

And, also, recently, he joined FLCCC. Now he's a senior fellow. Fantastic. Now is that website available in both English and Japanese? Yeah.

English version will be available very soon. I will promise. Okay. Okay. Fantastic.

Alright. Well, we will share that website with the viewers. Yes, please. Yes, please. Yep.

Okay. Anything else anybody would like to add? Okay. How about how about the Michael? Michael?

That was easily one of the most important interviews I've heard in years. Really? Wow. Well well, thank you, Michael, for helping to arrange, and Masako and doctor Motokami. We will we will do this again, and, I'm at your service.

If there's anything that we can do to help you get the word out, please, let us help. I would appreciate it. Thank you very much. Okay. Thank you.

Have a wonderful evening or day there. Have a nice day. Have a wonderful day. Okay. You too.

Have a have a wonderful day. Yep. I I will. Thank you so much. Okay.

For those of you watching, I hope you learned a lot from this interview. Of course, you are free to repost this interview on other channels and other platforms. Of course, I'm Mike Adams, the founder of, and we are here building the infrastructure of human freedom to serve humanity and to honor humanity across our world in every nation, every ethnicity, every color, every religion, you name it. So thank you for joining us today. We are on team humanity.

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Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’ 

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.

By Emily Mangiaracina

Global Research, May 27, 2024

LifeSiteNews 14 May 2024

Region: Asia

Theme: Science and Medicine


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The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “essentially murder.”

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

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He pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

As a tragic example of the fatal danger of the COVID shots, the oncologist shared the story of a 28-year-old man who was found dead by his wife when she tried to wake him in the morning, five days after he received his second Pfizer shot. 

“The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated,” Fukushima said. “And even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be.”

He pointed out that these severe harms, including death, have been afflicting people – post-jab – who have a history of good health.

“It’s serious. It’s essentially murder. In the end, I want to state clearly that this is my view,” the doctor said.

He lamented that the media, including newspapers, generally have not reported on these harms, and that in fact those who question the safety of the COVID shots – just as with the flu shots – have been characterized as anti-science “heretics.” He described the attitude of those who shut down the voices COVID “vaccine” critics, however, as far from scientific, and “more akin to faith, hysteria or even cult behavior.”

“I am now deeply concerned not only about a serious crisis in medicine but in science and democracy,” Fukushima said.

He highlighted the fact that countries that most aggressively pushed the COVID shot, such as Israel, saw the highest rates of death and infection, as shown by studies comparing Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arranged a special deal with Pfizer to use Israelis as lab rats in a national injection program with the Pfizer Covid “vaccine.”

“Israel led in early and widespread vaccination but also had the highest death and infection rates. The less aggressively vaccinated areas saw less harm,” said Fukushima, noting that “Israel was quick to halt the vaccine.” 

There were problems, moreover, with the very technology used to administer the mRNA – the lipid nanoparticles – that the doctor said result in “off-target effects” on various organs, including the ovaries, brain, liver, and bone marrow.

Worse, the spike proteins produced by the mRNA have been detected in the human body more than a year after the administration of the COVID shot, noted the oncologist, indicating “a severe problem.”

The doctor took aim at the World Health Organization (WHO) for “hastily” pushing the COVID shots without proper investigation, and moreover for trying to enforce a one-size-fits-all approach in countries with widely varying “medical circumstances, habits, and systems,” calling it “somewhat absurd.”

He argued that it is “crucial” that the WHO take responsibility for the harms of the COVID shots, which he called “an abuse, a misuse of science and an evil practice of science, to be frank.”

Fukushima pointed out that the WHO is “aware” of harms from the so-called vaccines because they are compensating for these damages in certain countries, and yet they are not properly addressing the COVID shot-induced death and injury through an investigation and report.

“Imagine finding your spouse dead in the morning. It’s no joke. A vaccine that causes such outcomes, even a single death, is unacceptable,” said Fukushima, adding that in Japan alone, the government has documented 2,134 deaths reported due to the COVID shot, which is likely a low estimate.

“There are tens of thousands of people who must see a doctor because of vaccine-related issues,” he continued, asserting that a big chunk of them – 30 percent – are “suffering from ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or chronic fatigue syndrome.” 

This is just the beginning, according to Fukushima, because the rates of all sorts of diseases have been spiking since the COVID shot rollout, including “autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections.”

“It’s as if we’ve opened Pandora’s box… We must take these damages seriously and address them earnestly. Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn’t happen are frankly the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science,” Fukushima said.

He called on scientific and medical institutions, led by the WHO, to directly confront these outcomes through research efforts in order to “shine the light of science” on the shots.

“We should never again use such vaccines,” he said. “This is a shame for humanity. It’s a disgrace that we did this.”


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“Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster”: An Interview with Professor Masanori Fukushima 


On November 25th there occurred a singularly rare event in the ongoing COVID-19 saga – truth was spoken to power. A distinguished medical doctor and infectious disease expert was given free rein to interrogate a government official, unmediated and without apparent time restraint. The doctor in question was the distinguished oncologist, professor emeritus at Kyoto University and Representative of the Learning Health Society Institute (LHSI) Masanori Fukushima. His rigorous and passionate berating of an official from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) on COVID-19 vaccine safety and government transparency made for gripping viewing. A recording swiftly went viral, elevating Doctor Fukushima to a new status as leading critic of the COVID-19 vaccines in Japan.

I interviewed Professor Fukushima via Zoom on December 28th. He began by giving me some background to his career and explaining why he had become involved in the COVID-19 vaccine issue before moving on to the specific harms, his views of the Japanese Government’s response and the way ahead.

Philip Patrick: Professor Fukushima, thank you for allowing me to speak to you. Could I start by asking you to give me some background to the event on November 25th and how you came to be involved in the COVID-19 vaccine safety issue?

Masanori Fukushima: I majored [in] biochemistry at Kyoto University post graduate school and actually I am the eldest medical oncologist in our country. I opened in the academic sector the first out-patient clinic for cancer patients in 2003 when I was Professor at Kyoto University. I [became involved in] pharmaco-epidemiology in 2000. This is the study of stop[ping] drug disaster[s]. That’s the mission, the raison d’etre. That’s why I’m involved with the COVID-19 vaccine problem. Because no scientists and only a few physicians have spoken out about the problem of vaccines.

So, when I heard that Government and EU and USA started the messenger RNA program my first impression was this is so stupid. Because messenger RNA is evolutionary, and the cell system is degraded always in a very short time. Messenger RNA is fragile and should be degraded promptly in the body. But this vaccine is modified and manipulated to be stable and to be incorporated in nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are the second problem as it is always incorporating in any type of cells, particularly stem cells. Stem cells are very important for repairing any types of cells. And the third problem is that there is no specificity of delivery. It (messenger RNA) is injected into the body and goes all around the body expressing spike proteins. This is a major problem. The spike protein is very dangerous.

So, when I first heard that the Government was using this vaccine and the PMDA [the Japanese regulatory agency, equivalent to the FDA] had approved it I was very, very concerned, But it has became a kind of religion. Still, they believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine – it’s like a Messiah.

PP: Why is the spike protein dangerous?

MF: The spike protein binds to receptor proteins which [are] expressed [in] most cells. So it [the spike protein] attacks all types of cells particularly endothelial cells in the vascular system, which can lead to coagulation. If the endothelial cells bind to the spike protein coagulation is triggered.

PP: So, we’re talking about heart attacks?

MF: Yes, if the major artery is affected it can lead to major impacts, such as heart attacks or strokes. And the FDA has detected the signal of the frequency of pulmonary thrombosis.

PP: And you have written in your reports [published in a Japanese journal] that there have been 2,000 deaths reported to the Government [MHLW] as very likely to have been the result of the vaccine. But in one of your reports, you described it as “the tip of the iceberg”. How much bigger could it be?

FM: One estimation is five-fold. The reports are mainly from doctors who cared for the patients, but most vaccination is not done in clinics but in vaccination centres run by the prefectures with the injection done by the nurse [so in most cases doctors are not directly involved in the chain of event and unlikely to report vaccine problems].

The cases are accumulating but the Government has denied causality even for the autopsied cases, in which the pathologist has pointed out the causality. There is clear evidence of a significant increase in heart problems and vascular problems such as strokes and pneumonia-like symptoms and others.

PP: But the argument that people who believe in these vaccines always put forward is that despite a few problems the vaccines are saving far more people than they are damaging. What is your response to that?

FM: I asked the government to disclose the COVID-19 mortality in vaccinated and non-vaccinated people. This statistic is critical. If there is no difference, then the vaccine induced deaths do not justify the use of the vaccines. I officially requested this information with my attorney on August 1st. And the first answer was “wait two months”. And then the final answer was “no, we do not disclose”. So, the next step is to sue the Government.

PP: You are planning to sue the Government?

FM: Yes, based on the Information Disclosure Act.

PP: So, they are refusing to disclose vital information which the public need to know and which could save lives?

FM: Yes, that’s right. It’s like a joke. Because the Government disclosed such information last year. And there is evidence that for under 65 year-olds the mortality rate for unvaccinated people is lower than the vaccinated people. It is funny – no, not funny because there are many deaths, so we don’t laugh; but the behaviour of the ministry is very stupid.

PP: So, they previously disclosed and then stopped disclosing, presumably because it is embarrassing. So, it is impossible to find the information that we need to find out if the vaccines are working or not? At one point in the video you said “it looks like you are hiding data”.

FM: Yes, and I think they were upset. There are so many deaths. It is an unprecedented vaccine disaster. I can’t imagine how many people have really died. 2,000 is the minimum, the tip of the iceberg.

PP: And it is all ages, isn’t it? One of your reports had a 28 year-old man who died after the second vaccine with no health problems?

MF: That’s right, no health problems. Five days after the second vaccine. It’s very tragic.

PP: Do you think the scale of this is so enormous and the scandal is so big that the government simply cannot accept it? They would prefer to go on and pretend the vaccines work than admit the scale of the disaster? Is that their position?

MF: So… it’s not an appropriate analogy but you say if you kill one person, [it] is legally murder, but kill so many people and it’s like war and you don’t go to jail.

PP: Someone once said that the bigger the lie the easier it is to get away with. Why are the Japanese still getting vaccinated?

MF: But I think the rate is going down. Many people are stopping. And apparently mass media do not encourage vaccination as much as previously.

PP: So, in the media there is less encouragement, there is nothing on vaccine injuries, but less encouragement to get vaccinated? The message has subtly changed.

MF: Yes, that’s the Japanese way. But this problem is growing bigger and bigger. One very popular magazine is publishing a series on the vaccine problems. Their influence is very big, so next year a change will occur.

PP: And three other doctors have come forward (Kojima , Sano and Nagao). What is the feeling among doctors generally?

MF: Yes, Dr. Nagao has got in touch with me and wants a dialogue. And Professor Sano was with me at the meeting on November 25th. He was on the same table. And there is also Professor Kojima from Nagoya University. Professor Kojima is a very significant person who identified the vaccine problems using very important analysis.

PP: So, the group is getting bigger?

MF: Bigger, but I am not [organising it]. I am involved because I was asked to write papers about COVID-19, and one was on how to avoid COVID-19 and deal with COVID-19. I advised appropriate use of steroid therapy without delay. When COVID-19 arrived in Japan for the first time in February 2020 I gathered information from China and concluded that the critical point was to stop the development of interstitial pneumonitis. The answer is to detect the drop in oxygen level in the blood. If it is below 95% then check the CT and if there is an infiltration sign, start the treatment.

PP: So existing treatments were enough?

MF: Principally yes, and if you attack the virus with an anti-viral drug it [just] evolves. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc. All viruses evolve through communication with the host. This is a biological principle.

PP: So, the vaccines are useless?

MF: Useless. I think so.

PP: One theory is that interventions such as lockdowns, separating people, closing schools, etc., have influenced the development of the virus, interrupted its natural evolution, possibly causing it to become more transmissible. Would it have been better simply to behave normally, allow the virus to spread, and just treat the sick promptly, as you have described?

MF: This is quite difficult to give a clear-cut answer [to]. The virus evolution is based on communication with host so we can’t [exactly] predict the evolution of the virus but in general viruses develop to become more symbiotic with the host. At first, I thought COVID-19 would be similar. The mortality rate has decreased and plateaued, and I cannot totally disprove that vaccines have been effective but really, we have to think that doctors have improved their techniques and that the virus has become less toxic.

PP: So, it’s not justifiable to link reduced mortality to the virus. It’s post hoc ergo proctor hoc reasoning.

MF: Yes, and one more point – the clinical guidelines for treating COVID-19 is now in its 8th edition. It’s very meticulous and helpful. If the practitioner adheres to it the patient will be more likely to recover.

PP: A few more medical points. In the recording you said that the Japanese were relatively lightly hit because they had prior immunity perhaps because of previous exposure to coronaviruses?

MF: Yes, and this finding is very important. There is evidence from doctors at Kanagawa Dental University and they found that non-vaccinated non-infected care givers had high percentage of cross reactive IgA to SARS-Cov2 virus in their saliva. This is very important because if we make a vaccine for such a respiratory disease, we have to make a mucosal or nasal vaccine, not [an] injection, because injections make only IgG, not secretory IgA anti-bodies. Injection type vaccines only produce serum level IgG just blocking the virus in the body. We need to make an oral or nasal vaccine, but it is still difficult.

PP: Finally, in your reports you said, perhaps particularly the booster shots, are damaging people’s immune systems, opening them up to all kinds of problems?

MF: Yes, this has been known from the early days of the vaccine, that it may trigger ADE which is when the antibody accelerates cellular infections. And if you are repeatedly dosed this can lead to original antigen sin. The first-generation vaccine was designed to attack the first variant and second Delta. This was already clearly demonstrated by Catherine Reynolds’ report. So, vaccinated people do not produce appropriate anti-bodies for Omicron. The vaccines can shut down the innate immune system due to the first design of the vaccine.

PP: People are finding that old conditions are coming back because the immune system has been damaged by the vaccine?

MF: Yes, yes.

PP: I don’t know if you know Dr. Aseem Malhotra in the U.K. He first defended the vaccines, then his father died, and he is now an articulate and powerful critic of the vaccines. And his position is that they should be stopped immediately – until a thorough analysis of vaccine harms has taken place. Would you agree?

MF: Yes, of course. Stop immediately. Governments around the world have the data. Release the data. Stop the immunisation and start the scientific discussion. And we need to examine the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccines. The Government should not hide and manipulate the data.

PP: Thank you professor. And thank you for speaking truth to power.

Philip Patrick is a freelance journalist based in Tokyo.


Japan: 'Billions of Vaccinated Will Die - Those Responsible Must Pay' 

Japan has issued a formal apology to the unvaccinated, admitting that the government bowed to pressure from the international elite to employ totalitarian psychological warfare tactics on the public to brainwash citizens during the pandemic. According to Japanese officials, it's time to prepare to say goodbye to vaccinated loved ones because billions of people will soon be dead as a consequence of a crime worse than the holocaust, and the world will never be the same again. As the tsunami of deaths among the vaccinated continues to accelerate and the Japanese people continue to rise up against the elites, the truth is starting to emerge. And the villains behind the pandemic are left with nowhere left to hide. Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven't already.

Join the People's Voice locals community to join our incredible team and support the channel, and check out the brand new free speech forum at community dot the peoples voice dot tv. Governments around the world fell into line during the COVID pandemic and gaslit their citizens into giving up their freedoms and complying with draconian orders, including unscientific mask mandates and experimental mRNA gene therapy techniques. Remember the White House's claim that the unvaccinated would suffer a winter of severe illness and death. For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the hospital will soon overwhelm. But there's good news.

If you're vaccinated, you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death, period. Number 2, booster shots work. 3, boosters are free, safe, and convenient. About 60,000,000 people have 1 have been boosted. So go get your shot today.

Go get boosted if you had your first two shots. If you haven't, go get your first shot. It's time. It's time. It's past time.

And we're gonna protect our economic recovery if we do this. We're gonna keep schools and businesses open if we do this, and I wanna see everyone around enjoy that. I want to see them enjoy the fact that they're able to be in school, the businesses are open, and the holidays are coming. The history books will remember that as the moment the illegitimate US president told citizens to be happy while they were injected with their dose of life shortening poison. It wasn't only the US.

How about the w f captured UK government stark warning that unvaccinated family members were set to begin dropping like flies? I've gotta be clear. We all gotta be clear. This is the worst public health crisis for a generation. Some people compare it to seasonal flu.

Alas, that is not right. Owing to the lack of immunity, this disease is more dangerous, and it's going to spread further. And I I must level with you, level with the the British public. More families, and many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time. There was no season of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.

You can't find an unvaccinated person who regrets their decision. Meanwhile, the Internet is full of vaccinated people desperately seeking remedies for their manifold health problems. Unfortunately, for those who believe the likes of Biden, Johnson, and the world's most powerful doctor Bill Gates, the season of turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, facial paralysis, and dying suddenly has arrived. The vaccinated are dropping like flies. And for some reason, nobody is allowed to talk about it.

Could it possibly be because the mainstream media is kept afloat with big pharma dollars? This portion of CBS This Morning sponsored by Pfizer. Good morning. America is brought to you by Pfizer. CBS Healthwatch sponsored by Pfizer.

Anderson Cooper 360, brought to you by Pfizer. ABC News Nightline, brought to you by Pfizer. Making a difference, brought to you by Pfizer. CNN tonight, brought to you by Pfizer. Early start, brought to you by Pfizer.

Friday night on Aaron Burnett out front, brought to you by Pfizer. This week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer. Pfizer. Today's countdown to the royal wedding is brought to you by Pfizer. And now a CBS sports update brought to you by Pfizer.

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With a deep sense of sincerity, Hariguchi extended his condolences and took responsibility for the failings of the government who pushed the jab on the masses. I apologize to all of you. So many have died and they shouldn't have, he said. Part of, bandivomectin, a drug developed by doctor Satoshi Amura, which could have played a significant role in combating the pandemic. As Harigashi explained, economic interests were prioritized over public health.

Haragashi then shared a deeply personal story about his own experience with the jab. After receiving the vaccine, he developed an aggressive form of cancer and lost his eyebrows and hair. This devastatingly honest account of his battle with turbocancer, which included significant physical changes like hair loss, struck a chord with the audience. After all, many of them have loved ones who suffered the same fate. Japan's leading oncologist has slammed the mainstream media and big pharma in the west for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world.

Professor doctor Masanori Fukushima was ordered by the Japanese government to investigate why excess deaths soared by an enormous 400% after Pfizer's 3rd dose booster shot was rolled out in 2021. Fukushima's findings were conclusive. MRNA has destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora's box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. The professor has a dire warning for those in the west. Do not listen to mainstream media and big pharma as they're not engaged in science, but rather a eugenics experiment.

And they have proven themselves to be enemies of the people. These are critical times. And here at TPV Towers, we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before it's too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the channel and joining the People's Voice locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.

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