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Transcript  of 45min podcast WorldWideTube two docs with Ed Dowd

Welcome back, our faithful audience. We really appreciate you turning back in to the 2 docs, and, of course, it's my cohost, doctor Reni Moon, pediatrician of 25 years, and myself, doctor Jim Thorpe, gynecologist and maternal fetal medicine specialist of, 45 years this month. So we had a combined clinical experience of 70 years. And, wow, I'm really excited today because looky here. We got the, dear colleague, world renowned, mister Ed Dowd is with us.

And, Renny, I recall, if I'm not mistaken, that Ed was with you and I in one of the senate, testimonies with senator Ron Johnson. Is that right, Renny? Yeah. That's that's where Ed and I first met was and and I first met you there as well, was in the conference room of senator Johnson's office. Right.

And actually that reminds me, you know, Jim, this is our this is our sort of, 1 year anniversary, you and I, of June 29, 2023 of our termination for speaking. It was it was Saturday. Saturday. And I thought about you. And I thought about SSM Health, the $10,000,000,000 health system that was bribed by $307,000,000,000 and called me their their their model employee, yet fired me for for no cause.

You know, what do you know? You know, same day you got fired. Yeah. My employment, as you recall, was terminated for by nonrenewal of my annual faculty, contract for having spoken at that senate hearing actually and for voicing my concerns about the fact that this COVID shot was being given to our precious children. So, you know, this this world has just gone crazier since that, but it is our 1 year anniversary.

So happy anniversary. Happy anniversary, Ronnie. And I just wanna give a shout out to the CEOs of of, SSM Health, the $10,000,000,000 Catholic health care system, the 35th largest health care system in the United States of America, mister Kevin Ellich, the CEO, and missus Laura Kaiser, who fired me. I took $307,000,000 a bribe to push the lethal COVID vaccine narrative, not only on all their patients, killing and injuring 1,000, I'm sure, but also on their employees. So, Laura Kaiser, if you're listening, god love you.

Hope you're having a good day. And Kevin Ellige. And I am so grateful that I didn't take the $100,000 ride that you tried to give me with, that you tried to stiff me with so that I wouldn't talk. And I had so much fun talking about this for the last year. So God bless you, Laura Kaiser and Kevin Ellich.

It's been a blast, and I look forward to another year of it. And I'm gonna take a minute and just do a call out to for medical freedom. You know, scientific discourse, dialogue, discussion, it's the basis of medicine. It's the basis of science. And what the medical school did to me, did they did to all of us.

This is happening nationwide. This is not just one place. This is happening nationwide. Our free speech has been shut off. The the truth is coming out, and we have to be able to speak about our concerns and what we're seeing directly in front of our eyes.

If we can't do that, you know, we don't have any freedom. And and actually, that brings us to the next topic, which is that this is the 4th July weekend. And so, again, in honor of all the the departed veterans, the people who are still alive and with us, who fought for our freedom, all of our military, we honor you. We respect you. We love you.

You know, I know for 1, I used to say every year to my to my family, you know, freedom does not come free. Freedom is not free. And I always kinda step back and I thought to myself, what does that even really mean in today's world? Well, now we really understand much better what that means. It means that we have to fight for the truth.

We need to speak out and fight for the truth or this nation will continue to lose our freedom and we will fall into a situation that we don't wanna be in. But, anyway, happy 4th July to everyone. Please, let's remember our our fallen soldiers. They brought us many, many decades of of freedom, and we need to help do that for future generations. So I actually, Jim and I love to show on on this show some of the the really the propaganda and the baloney that is infiltrating the medical newsletters that your physicians are reading.

And so by way of introduction actually of our of our, our speaker's topic today, I wanna show you what your physicians may have read last week in an AMA rounds newsletter that came out. We're gonna show you this article. This is just one of many articles that your physician may glance at, that's coming from the American Medical Association. And this says energy drinks may increase risk of sudden cardiac arrest in people with underlying heart disease. So I'm gonna read part of it because I think it's important.

Energy drinks may increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in people with underlying heart disease according to a new analysis published in Heart Rhythm. Although, quote, it is too early to know for sure, researchers wrote, the evidence suggests it may be time for an early warning about the potential relationship between these highly caffeinated drinks and adverse cardiac events in patients with genetic heart disease. I'm not gonna dispute that. We you can certainly have. If you drink an energy drink and have some really rare genetic problem, you might have an issue.

But these are rare problems. Yeah. What in the world? What in the world? It's like, Ed Dowd said, you know, I I I listened to one of his interviews, which was incredible.

It's like, okay. In the latter part of 2021, this massive rise in mortality, and people are talking about of course, it's after the vaccine, but, earlier in the that year. But, people are talking about, oh, suicide. Oh, fentanyl overdose and drug drug drug use overdose. And then, oh, you know, missed cancer screenings.

Well, you know, as as Ed Dowd brings up in this interview, oh, how how interesting. All three of those just happened simultaneously in in in the Q3. So Yeah. I'm really excited to hear from Ed. Yeah.

No. For sure. You know, but they're they're trying to obviously, this is this is, ridiculous how they're trying to cover this up and normalize the unusual rise in cardiac arrests, which brings us to our guest. So we're gonna bring on Ed mister Ed Dowd, and we're very grateful that you're on with us today. A gentleman who many of you know, someone who has spent his entire career working, in the financial world, a large chunk of that time on Wall Street, with BlackRock, with other organizations, wrote this book, author of Cause Unknown.

And, we would love to welcome you to the show today and hear what your thoughts are about, what happened, what you saw, and just kinda walk us through that. Hey. Great to be here, doctor Moon and doctor Thorpe. Thanks for having me on. Yeah.

No. My journey began in 2020 when I started to look at what was going on pre vaccines, and I saw interesting, phenomenon. There was a push of propaganda, the likes of which we've never seen. There was a, lots of misinformation, and I saw what was going on and it alarmed me. And so I was very suspicious when I saw a Federal Reserve President on May 3rd on Face the Nation talk about, how we're gonna open up the economy.

And he said, oh, well, we luckily have new surveillance technologies, and we can issue immunity badges where we test daily. And that's when I said something's not right about this whole phenomenon. It seems like there's all sorts of other agendas that they're trying to push. So I knew they were gonna introduce a vaccine before the vaccine was even mentioned. I knew that would be the solution.

And I, as I learned more, I heard it was an mRNA technology, and I knew enough from Wall Street to know that it'd never been successful, never, passed any animal trials, and all the rats died. And so I was wondering why they would, in in their wisdom, push such a technology that had never been vetted before. And one of the companies involved in the vaccine trials was a company called Moderna. And what what did I know about Moderna? It never had a successful product ever.

It was a one of those biotech companies that was always on the come of having a new product. So it was always doing what we call serial capital raising. They were just, you know, they were always gonna discover something new. They would raise capital. People would speculate on it.

And sure enough, out of nowhere, these guys were awarded a contract for a vaccine. So I knew something was up. I also knew that it took 7 to 10 years for vaccines to be developed. From a safety perspective, you know, you had to do all sorts of tests before you introduce the arms of people that was dispensed with. And then, of course, Operation Warp Speed, which I knew anything rushed like that, you know, to produce to go from a laboratory to billions of doses, that is, that that's not a small task, and I knew safety corners would be cut.

So when the vaccines came on, I tried to convince all my loved ones not to take it. And to no avail, the propaganda was thick and heavy. And then when the mandates hit, that's when I became, you know, activated and started going to, protests on Maui. I ended up, meeting doctor Malone, and I told him that I would monitor, if the vaccine was what I thought it was gonna be deadly and and and and cause injury, it would show up in the insurance, company results and the funeral home results. And then it did.

And then, I, you know, eventually, hooked up with a team of finance experts. We now have a company called Finance Technologies, and we decided to embark on just analyzing government databases and looking at, excess death and disabilities and what we call injuries. And the big the big kill shot for me and the the smoking gun for me has always been the Q3 of 2021. And in the in the there's a there's a little known unknown world to most people called Group Life Insurance. And Group Life Insurance is basically a freebie you get when you onboard to a fortune 500 or midsize company.

And when you sign when you when you get your you know, the first day of employment, you sign your health care plan, and then you sign your your group life. And all it is is signature and you name a beneficiary. And if you're married, it's your wife or your husband. If you're you're single, maybe it's your mom and dad. Maybe it's your brother.

Who knows? But you don't really think about it because it's free, and it's it's you and and it's a great business for insurance companies because people that are working, especially age the ages, between, 1665 tend not to die, especially at these Fortune 500 companies, because they they have access to the best health care, they're the most well educated. Well, in the Q3 of 2021, millennials this is between ages of 2540, 44, we saw a 80%, excess mortality in the Q3. Prior to that, it had been running between 20 30. And then all of a sudden, it's it just jumped up to 80% excess mortality.

And for the whole year of 2021, the age group in in the age group between 16 and 65 in the group in this subset group like policy, they had 40% excess mortality. So what happened in the Q3 of 2021? Why did the millennials experience that sudden temporal spike? Well, I obviously believe it was it was a vaccine mandate. Wall Street had already started, mandating the vaccines.

Corporate America, before even Joe Biden wrote the executive order, were mandating it. So the Q3, you had a choice to make, take the job or lose your job because that that's what was going on. And by the the Society of Actuaries' own, report that came out in 2022, there was 40% excess mortality. The whole nation in that year 2021 experienced 32% excess mortality. So one of the most healthiest groups in the country experienced excessive death compared to the whole nation.

And we know from their from their own studies they've done that that group of individuals dies at 1 third the mortality rate in any given year. Because, you know, they're the ones working and able-bodied moving around. So that was, for me, just a smoking gun. I I never understood why we didn't shut it down after I discovered this. Why my information was suppressed.

I was kicked off Twitter, and it never really went anywhere. And then we started looking at disabilities, and we discovered something horrific, a disabilities which did not occur in 2020. There were excess deaths in 2020 due due to, quote, unquote, COVID, but we were discovering that was due to, the procedures that were going on in in 2020 mostly. There were no disability excess disabilities. Then disability started taking off in February 21, And we use the US government, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLF, saying people who put out the, you know, the monthly, you know, payroll numbers.

And this is the survey. So it's it's it's pretty accurate real time monthly survey. It was running around 30,000,000 for the prior 4 to 5 years. And then in February of 2021, it took off, and and and and and it's one of the most, start graphs you'll ever see. It's like this, and then it goes like this.

And, we added 4,000,000 additional, disabled people in America. And that's, that's that's a lot of people. I went for for senator Ron Johnson recently in February where we did what I call the pandemic scorecard. So, you know, forget about what the cause of it is. How did the policy makers how did they do against what they implemented?

Well, they failed. In in 2020, there were 500,000 excess deaths in the US. Between 2021 and 2023, there were 1,100,000 excess deaths and 4,000,000 disabilities. And then we calculate injuries as measured from work time loss. Work time loss, jumped off the rails, and absences jumped off the rails after the the vaccination program, not before.

And, we saw a deviation from a 20 year trend, and we were able to calculate there are probably about 28,000,000 people that are suffering from a compromised immune system that are chronically sick. So all told, there are about 33,000,000 people in the US who are either dead, disabled, or injured. That's our those are our numbers. We think they're conservative. And, we obviously think it's the vaccine.

And for those who don't believe it is the vaccine, well, what is it, and why is no one really talking about these numbers? Because the numbers are the numbers. Yeah. Yeah. The numbers are staggering.

You know? And, again, the fact that everyone was silenced about this is just it's it's a catastrophe. Unbelievable. We're gonna actually need to cut to ad break here in just a minute, but when we come back with, Ed Dowd, what we're gonna talk more about what the numbers mean and where we are moving forward, with this, catastrophe. So we'll be back after ad break.

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Welcome back. We're really, just honored to have mister Ed Dowd with us, the famous Wall Street analyst, BlackRock. Been working closely with senator Ron Johnson, throughout 2021. And, before ad break, he was sharing some just stunning numbers with us. Not only excess mortality, but but also excess, disability.

Please carry on, Ed. Well, just to give your audience an idea what 40% excess mortality in the group the the group life policy meant, by the words of one of their CEOs in January of 2022, he was talking on a Chamber of Commerce, meeting, and he mentioned the 40% excess mortality in his book of business, which ended up being what the whole society of actuaries saw across all of their companies. He said a 10% excess mortality in this age group was a once in a 200 year flood, statistically. It was a what what a 10% a 10% increase would be 3 standard deviations, and a standard deviation is a way to measure something you observe from the mean. That's 3 standard deviations, and in my world in finance, that's called, the beginning of a black swan event, meaning it doesn't happen that often and you take note when you see signals like that mathematically.

While 40%, he said was off the charts. It's it's the standard deviation that's just, you know, beyond thinking about. So and and and for people that don't understand standard deviation, a 3.8 standard deviation is the chance of you getting hit by lightning at least once in your lifetime. So it's not supposed to happen. It's it's out of the norm.

A 5 standard deviation event is the chance of you giving birth to a 7 foot, eventually, a 7 foot giant. So these are these are things that do not happen. They're they're anomalies. Well, in our work, we've, you know, in especially in 2021 22, we saw excess death in not only the US, but all across the globe in the western nations. And we've gone even deeper.

We've looked at, some causes like cardiac, and and we focused on the younger age groups because these are supposed to be rare events. You know, 15 to 44, we found in the UK, cancer, 16 standard deviations, cardiac arrest, you know, 10, 12. These are just off the chart signals. And, you know, we're just a bunch of guys that download government databases and would figure out these trends. And you would think with, the health authorities with the 1,000,000,000 of dollars of budgets that they have, they see the same numbers we see, and there seems to be crickets on this issue.

We also have Ed, I had a question now just to clarify. Am I remembering this right? Was it this mister Scott Davidson of One America from the Indianapolis, Chamber of Commerce that whose figures you're quoting? Yes. Correct.

And, you know, we did also a deep dive on, the US disability data is just a yes or no, you're disabled. It's not granular. In the UK, we did an analysis of what's called the personal independence payment system where you can apply, you get disability payments. And we analyzed, new claims versus versus baseline that we calculated from the years prior. Well, starting in 2021 and 2022 and 2023, it went off the rails.

And the total disabilities, that, are we call excess new claims, rose to 76% by 2022. And in some of these and we on our website, we have an interactive chart. You can see these claims more in all the different body systems, all the different, underlying causes to the body systems. And if you just go through our work, you'll see strange things. Cancer started taking off, neurological issues, psychological issues, muscular skeletal issues, hematological issues, just everything went off the rails.

So, you know, when we discovered this, we said it's one of 2 things. The UK has a massive fraud problem or something changed, and, of course, we think that's something with the vaccines. These numbers these numbers are undeniable. It's insanity. And and just to keep it very simple for the listener because this is this is these are staggering numbers.

These are catastrophic numbers. So we are seeing this in the financial world, thanks to the work that you have done with your colleagues. We are seeing this coming from Department of Defense. We are seeing this coming from the medical world. And to be very clear, the data that is being looked at that is the most concerning, I think, is from the young people.

Right? These are young people in the prime of their lives. They're the healthiest people that we have. The young workforce, the young soldiers in our military, the people that we have reported, in VAERS with adverse reactions and fatalities, and yet crickets and silence. And and these are not just data.

These are these are cases that we are all aware of. I personally know a number of people who have young loved ones who are now disabled. They're on disability in their twenties because of the COVID shot. They were they received the COVID shot, developed myocarditis within a week or 2, and are still on disability from permanent apparently permanent heart damage. It's been over a year or 2 now since their shots were given.

So they're on disability now at the prime of their lives. This is this is a typical atrophy. Yeah. This is this is just awful. You know, Ed, there's a lot of naysayers out there.

It's and and take for example, you know, this whole athletes that are really the healthiest people, arguably even more so than the the people in the workforce in the Fortune 500. And, you know, they they quote this study. I I I don't I I think it's from Europe sometime in the nineties or early turn of the century. Well, look at it. It's you know, there's 29 athletes a year were dying back then.

This is nothing new. What do you say to that, Ed? Well, we talked about this in my book, and it's it's anecdotal, but I took the anecdotal because everyone's talking about the athletes dying. We found a study that suggests only 29 a year died. And now what's going on?

There's way more than 29, so the frequency so this is a phenomenon that happened before. It was not something that didn't happen, but we you know, just in our book alone, there's probably, you know, a tenfold increase, of of sudden athletic deaths. But that that is anecdotal. What what what we did in our book is then we transitioned to the metadata. And the metadata just is is really, you know, case closed as far as I'm concerned.

And and, you know, you're not you're not if you're if you're new to this information, you're not insane to think, gee, athlete's dying didn't really happen when I was growing up. You are correct. But then we link that to, you know, we take that little anecdote, that story of what you're seeing, and we link it to national databases, and it's yeah. You are correct. This is a phenomenon that did not occur with the with the alarming frequency that we're seeing now, and their story after story in the mainstream media.

That didn't happen when you and I were growing up. And when when it did, it was a big deal. Len Bias, died and that was a big deal and that was a it was yeah. He abused cocaine, but the the we were talking about that for months months months, just one athletic death, and now these get reported and kinda tossed aside. It's they're trying to normalize this phenomenon, which is not anything but normal.

Can you explain, just for our audience, in in real simple terms, you brought up metadata, and when you analyze it with metadata, please expand on that for our audience. Well, it's just it's just population level data. So we go into the, you know, we we analyze. 1st, you have to set up a baseline. What's baseline the death rate?

And, you know, get to remember, the insurance industry has a whole business based on this. Deaths, deaths are pretty predictable over time in in in the big numbers, aggregates. So, you know, but we calculated and we came up with our own methodologies to adjust for population growth, so we could look compare country to country. We wrote methodology papers on how we calculate the base. So you calculate a baseline and then excess debt or anything above that baseline.

And so all we're doing is using CDC data, We establish a baseline, and anything above that is excess debt. And, it was, it was the the biggest excess debt in the US room, 2021, came down to 22. They're back to kinda normal in 2023, but, you know, there's some pull forward effect because when you when you kill a lot of people, you know, you need more people to die for that to go above excess. So, that doesn't mean that that people aren't still dying from the vaccine. It's just that it's it's it's it's subsided a little bit.

The problem now though is we're seeing the medium term effects, these cancers, these muscular skeletal issues, the, psychological and neurological effects, which we've documented. And, we just put out a paper on neurological excess deaths, and they're continuing in 2023. So, as we get further and further away, we we're gonna see more and more, it's gonna be harder and harder to link to the vaccine, but people are gonna be sicker and dying strange things. And, you know, I think, anecdotally, what a lot of doctors are doing now is did you get the facts? They're quietly asking.

And if you didn't get the facts, you know, you just go you know, you maybe just an an an an a very unhealthy person that's, you know, gotten a normal a normal, problem. But, as we roll through time, we're gonna, you know, figure out, you know, what the the ultimate damage is. So the rate the rate of deaths has come down. Other countries are different though. Some countries are experienced Australia is still accelerating, mildly.

Norway's got a problem with their young people. I didn't wasn't even aware of it. It's it's in our database, but someone put on the Internet, on Twitter, that Norway's, youth are experiencing 50% excess deaths. So I checked our database and sure enough, that's probably accurate. 50% excess deaths currently in 2024, 2023.

For for Australia or for United? Nor Norway. Norway. Norway. Yeah.

And so Have you been able to to link it to the number of vaccines? Have you been able to get that detailed with it? What We we ran correlations. The the the the disability data, is correlated 0.92 to the vaccine rollout. We don't know, you know, the problem we have and this this could all be solved if we had the access to who died and who was vaccinated or unvaccinated.

But they that obviously is that is not available to us. And you're you're speaking specifically of time cohort series. Correct? Yeah. And and and the vaccine rollout and the number of doses.

We're just looking at number of doses to it was a number of doses in the rollout cumulative to the disabilities. Right? And it was the correlation now again, they'll state correlation is not causation. But, hey, it's, you know, 0.92 is pretty nice fit. You know, 1 one is the perfect fit.

0.92 is wow. That's a rare that's rare statistical to get a 0.92 correlation. Yeah. So, and if you look at our website, finance technology, spelled with a PH, and go to our disability section, we think that's the biggest because the numbers are bigger than the deaths, and we linked it to the mRNA adverse events. Our disability data, we think, is really tells the the picture.

Something really happened in 2021. There's a national health care crisis regardless of what you believe the problem is, but yet, again, no one wants to talk about it, especially our health care authorities. What I hear you saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm paraphrasing maybe for our audience, what that there's continuing, injuries and death from the vaccine in the United States of America, but the constitution of the deaths appear to have changed, morphed as we get out from the vaccine to different disease entities. Is that correct? Yeah.

That's correct. And there there there you know, there there was a lot of sudden deaths around the vaccine shot, as booster uptake is abysmal at 4%. So no one's really getting boosters. So now we're stuck with the medium to long term effects, and we're trying to track that. And those are the, you know, there were no long term studies done on this vaccine, as you know, which is a joke.

There was you know, we rolled it out and we didn't even know what the long term effects would be. Now we're starting to figure it out. Cancer is seeming to be a problem. Lots of us I'm not a doctor. We don't, you know, but we we just we just measure what's going on, and cancers are upticking.

And when people refer to turbo cancer, what they're referring to is there's no such thing as turbo cancer. It's a term used to describe the speed with which it manifests. And we've all heard the stories of, I know so and so's wife. She got diagnosed with cancer and was dead 4 weeks later. You know?

From from the discovery to the depth, there's a very short time period. So, Ed, you're about, is this your summer for your 40th reunion for, graduating from high school? If so, did you go? No. I'm I'm 57, so I I and I don't pay too much attention to graduations.

Because because I I know a few people that went to their 40th reunion, just this past week. And I'm not gonna name any names, but it's pretty close friends, pretty. And, one of them was in the state the great state of Texas, and another one was in another place. Well, you know, in the great state of Texas, there's a massive die off at this 40th reunion. People are talking about cancers and strokes and heart attacks and neurological disorders and and just nobody would connect the dots.

Yeah. The dot the dots are hard for people to connect. And, you know, you've not you mentioned, a whole host of different things going on. What I find interesting is people have this anecdotal, observation where they notice the people who took the vaccine have aged quite a bit. Well, if you go to our UK disabilities, site, collagen, diseases of the collagen seem to have a spike quite quite a bit, elasticity in collagen.

So the the the this vaccine is affecting all sorts of things. Yeah. It it, it it it's just an incredible thing. We're we're coming up on a break here, not not right. We we have a little bit of time, but I'm I'm really interested to bring up maybe the Diegal report and and this government association, you know, it seems like this has been around for decades, and it's predicting global population as in as well as population in every country in the world.

And it seems like this would be right up your alley. Were you part of the government committee that that has been doing this over the last 10 or 20 or 30 years? No. I'm not. I was on Wall Street.

Do do you have any knowledge? Were you consulted about it? Or what do you No. I've I I have no I I don't know the report you're referencing. Okay.

Alright. Yeah. The Diegal report has been a governmental organization for quite some time, several decades, And, in 2014, inexplicably, Ed, they projected, and you can go to their website, deagel, d as in dog. And, what they projected was, out of the blue, all of a sudden, the United States population, in 2025 was projected to be down by 70%, down to about, you know, whatever we're we're at, 330,000,000 down to, like, 90,000,000 or a 100,000,000? Have you not seen that or no nothing?

No. Interesting. Well, on the flip side of of the, it's it's always been really enigmatic to me that why that all of a sudden sprung up in a United States government, program that's in multiple agencies involved with that for for decades, and then all of a sudden that happens in in the Obama administration. What did they know that we didn't know? I I don't know.

On the other side of the break, we want to hear more of your story, Ed, and and where you see this going. We'll be stay with us. We'll be back shortly. Hello. I'm Brandon House, and I wanna tell you about Numi.

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Welcome back from Adbreak. We're here today with Ed Dowd from the financial world. Just going over, you know, where we go from here and and sharing really catastrophic and shocking data that has been uncovered really for several years now and completely ignored, but but uncovered in the financial world, sharing excess mortality statistics, disability, statistics that are just really just catastrophic. So terrible, terrible information. It's terrible that we have not been able to, have discussions about this.

And I think, you know, to our viewers, to our listeners who may be on the fence about, you know, what is this? This is the first time I've heard about this. You know, we would just ask you, when when we have data like this, is it okay to have silenced people and to not be allowed to discuss it? I mean, clearly, clearly, that is wrong. I I think we would all be in agreement about that.

So so where do we where do we go from here? What do you see happening? What do you think this looks like moving forward? Well, it's 2 things. There's the awareness of the of what just happened is slowly getting out there.

We do have 5, states' attorney generals suing Pfizer. We have 5 states now. We have a bunch of, individual lawsuits that are starting to get traction. I saw one today where someone was awarded over $600,000 for being wrongfully terminated for not taking the vaccine. That's that's a precedence.

So things are happening, and there seems to be, more and more people starting to ask questions, and I think it's getting, you know, to critical mass where despite mainstream media lockdown, it'll be word-of-mouth. That's good. Let's talk about the long term implications of what just happened. So, there's a lot of financial implications and economic implications. When you, disable this many people and and compromise their immune systems.

You have effectively hobbled the most productive people in the country, those working, because most of the people that, were were working had to take this thing, those who, were retired or, you know, that were personally employed didn't have to. So we we've just kinda, for lack of a better word, poisoned a lot of people in the workforce. So the disabled will be I have to be taken care of. That's economic resources for workers that have to drop out of the workforce. You've probably noticed all over the place the last several years, health wanted signs, that they say it's because, you know, everyone got lazy after COVID and didn't wanna work.

That's not true. The COVID goodies have stopped. And if you were on the COVID goodies, they've ended, you need to go get employed. So we have a, we have a a smaller workforce. We have a military that's been devastated by this.

Colonel, lieutenant colonel Theresa Long is a friend of mine. She said that, it's this if the if the if the injuries, deaths, and those who quit who didn't want to take the vaccine in addition to the recruitment issues continue to occur, we won't have a standing military in 5 years. This also has implications for the employment number. The employment number, employment rate is pegged at 3.6% or something ridiculous like that. If you take we've calculated that the the payroll people are miscalculating that because of the disabilities.

If you add that, the unemployment rate is really about 5 a half, 6%. And that's important because the Federal Reserve looks at these numbers to determine economic policy with regards to interest rates. We think that they're keeping interest rates too long and too high and too for for too long, which will cause a massive economic contraction. So these what just happened to us has long term implications in the workforce, the labor force. Anecdotally, I have a friend of mine who works for a ginormous, national, real estate, company.

Everybody gets when you join these companies, you get, you know, you get you get health care, you get, group life, and you get disability, and that's all free. Well, she got offered supplemental disability because more and more workers, I think, are getting sick, so they need to increase the pool of money available. And she missed the deadline, and they extended the deadline, and it's only $50 a month out of her paycheck. I told her to get it, just because, you know, if they're gonna give you this kind of free supplemental disability. So more and more companies are starting to become aware of the cost of doing business are gonna go a lot higher, and inflation, unfortunately, is gonna be here to stay because of that.

Yeah. You know, really devastating news, and we obviously have national security. It's a national security crisis with the law Absolutely. From our military. I mean, this is this is something that is, far beyond anything that we would even be able to dissect on a on a program like this, but but clearly catastrophic and hitting us from all angles.

I also would be wrong to not point out that this shot still sits under emergency authorization on our childhood shot schedule. And so we still, as pediatricians, are getting phone calls from from very parents around the country and their attorneys, usually in custody battles where one parent still wants to inject us into children. You know, also, our medical schools and our law schools, many of those are still mandating, I don't know about the law schools actually, but the medical schools and nursing programs, many are still mandating these shots for young people to be able to attend those health professional training programs. So really just just catastrophic all around. I'm curious.

What are you seeing in the the business world with your colleagues? Do you think your colleagues are beginning to wake up to this? Are they, you know, are they seeing things as well? What are your thoughts? Well, most people are still reluctant to, poke poke the harness nest.

They so a lot of people, I think, have stopped taking boosters. They know what's going on, but they don't wanna speak. So there's kind of this waiting for other people to be brave, I guess. You know, the the thing the other thing that people need to think about is the health care profession was very heavily mandated to take the job. And and and there's going to be, I suspect, the health care, doctor and nurse shortage.

I think that's already beginning. A lot of doctors who didn't wanna deal with this retired, wanted to get out, didn't wanna deal with the unethical behavior, then you have, you know, the the the the mysterious death plus the disabilities. You're gonna see health care system kinda slowly grind. It's gonna become very difficult to see people and get things done. It's gonna take a lot of time.

And I've heard anecdotally, like, radiologists, there's a scarcity of them. So in the in the old days, you go get your scans and you get an answer back in the day, or that day or the next day. Now it's you know, you might not get a a beat of your your your your scans until 2 weeks later. So this this these have knock on downstream effects that are gonna continue for years to come. Yeah.

And we're already seeing that in the health care world. You know, we're seeing colleagues who are talking about retirement in their forties, physicians who are wanting to get out of the system in their forties. It's it's and even younger, honestly. People have had enough. They've seen way too much, and they just wanna get out.

How do you think, you know, how do you think we get people to speak up more? I I actually am someone who is starting to increasingly think that we need, like, a day where everybody stands up and starts to speak, like a be brave. This is the day day in America. What are your thoughts? Oh, that would be great if somebody could organize that, and we've got enough of a buzz going.

It'd be great. You know, the more I've seen this on Wall Street. So let me teach describe the phenomenon on Wall Street. So you have a thesis that's, you know, not very popular because you're you're seeing something that no one else sees, like, let's let's call it the vaccine or a stock or a trend that's about to change. Everyone calls you insane, then as the momentum of that trend starts to build, more and more people hop on.

And then, eventually, it becomes consensus and everyone's like, oh, I always believe that. I always said that. Mhmm. And, you know, honestly, you know, given what happened, that's gonna be we're we're all gonna be annoyed by these people, but we need those people to turn the tide, unfortunately, when they they they they can stay with the crap the herd is saying. And I think we're getting closer to that moment where it's gonna be safe for everyone to say something.

And, you know, James Woods is a famous Twitter influencer actor, very conservative. He finally wrote something about the vaccine on his Twitter feed, raising questions. I'm curious. And he started you know, he basically said everything we already knew. Late to the party, but welcome aboard.

So, you know, we have to have grace for these people that maybe didn't have the the the kindness to speak to start speaking and just, you know, welcome them aboard and not point fingers. There were a lot of cowards, but, you know, I guess we're gonna need those cowards to turn the tide. No. I I agree. I my mom, who, as you as many people know, escaped from escaped from communism, shares that.

She says that it does get to a critical point where, you know, all of a sudden it turns into, oh, everyone was speaking out and doing their level best the whole time, and you get very annoyed by that. But at least it's flipped to the right direction. We we just spoke of that last night, Renny, in our long conversations. You you said the exact same thing Ed said. Yeah.

That great minds think alike. Yeah. We need a day. We need to label it. We need to have a day, and I don't know what we'll call it, but it how about a free America day or free the world day?

I you know, we need to draw a line in the sand for this because this is this is outrageous. I we know colleagues know. Our colleagues in medicine, many of them know. And, frankly, if they don't know at this point, they really shouldn't be practicing medicine. Let's just be real.

If they can't see what's directly in front of them, we've all seen too much. Look at look. No. Given what you're seeing out in the field with all these new, upticks and all these things Mhmm. If anybody in the medical profession hasn't at least started internally to question it, they're brain dead, and then you're right.

They should lose their license. They're not they're not with us on this planet. And let's not forget the data. Now, overwhelming data, and I've published on this for over a year just from the various governmental data. And now there's 2 or 3 published studies that verify what I saw.

The increase of cognitive deficits, intellectual thought process, also psychiatric illness, suicide, and suicidal ideation. There's huge breaches of safety signal using the c d CFDA's own database and own methodologies with COVID 19 vaccine compared to other vaccines. Huge. So that could contribute to some of these, intellectual people, physicians, that are still pushing the vaccine in pregnancy. Yeah.

I agree. This this is a point you just brought up a point I I forgot to mention. I I introduced on Twitter about 8 months ago a concept called the volatility of thought, meaning that we're seeing these things show up in the data with psychological issues, neurological issues. And, I think we're gonna see, unfortunately, a lot of unhinged people in positions of power that have been compromised by the vaccine and don't even know it, And their their thought processes aren't with us. I think Thursday night's debate, we could speculate the vaccine probably added to his decline faster than anybody could have imagined.

Personally, I have that issue in my family. Someone took the vaccine who's on their their their older and they're in they were fine. Now their cognitive decline has begun, and it's become obvious to all. And this is gonna be happening across the nation. I call it the volatility of thought, and we're gonna have to, you know, realize that we're not speaking to people that have, the ability to process what we're saying.

Yeah. You know, I I, I have a lot of, I pray a lot for people like doctor Peter Hotez. God bless him. But, this is a gentleman that that I'm very, very concerned about that just can't seem to connect the dots, you know, and continues to push the vaccine and doesn't. And I'll name another person, doctor Vicki Mayo, who is a young lady, and a very strong Twitter presence, and she continues pushing the vaccine, not in the general population, in the most vulnerable, my patients, pregnant women, preborn, and newborns.

And I just wonder, you know, why? What contributes to their inability to see what is obvious from multiple different sectors of our society? And, like you said, we should pray for them. Yeah. No.

You're you're very right. Hey. We're we're nearing the end of our program today, but I really wanna thank Ed Dowd for coming on today. Your your contributions to all of this have been monumental. And, you know, on behalf of all of us, we thank you for the data.

Again, the financial world data added to Department of Defense data and those brave whistle blowers there, and the medical world data has has brought us to this place where it's clear. There's just an avalanche of data. There there's beyond any doubt. Closing thoughts, Ed. Yeah.

Look, I wanna give a shout out to people like you, the the brave doctors who stood up. And my contribution was to synthesize what you were seeing so that you could say, not only do I know I'm right, I have data to say I'm right. So my contribution is to, you know, help all of you, for standing up and seeing what you knew in your gut was wrong. You had anecdotal data, and I was just able to provide bigger datasets so that there's no doubt in your mind. And I'm glad you have helped, and I I really applaud your bravery.

Reset. Thank you. Yeah. It's been a real team effort. And and, again, we're really doing this for future generations, all of us.

Right? This is for children and grandchildren, to come. So, anyway, thank you for coming on today. It's been a really interesting conversation. I'll I'm gonna let Jim close this out.

He with his brave words. I'll just, freedom's not free, Americans. And listen, this is a spiritual war. This is Satan versus God. If you don't know who your lord and savior Jesus Christ is, it's time to figure that out pretty quickly.

So with that, be blessed, Do not be afraid. Do not be scared, but be prepared and be spiritually ready for the balance of this year. It's gonna be a wild ride. God bless you all. Come back to join us next week.

Thank you.