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Transcript to 1hr Mp4  A whole new take on HISTORY: Author Christopher Bjerknes challenges everything you think you know about the history of our world may2024 mike adams interview 

Alright, welcome to today's interview on, the free speech platform. I'm Mike Adams, the founder of briteon, and today we are going to stretch the boundaries of free speech on purpose with our special guest who is a first time guest. This is the first time I'm speaking with him. He is a highly controversial author who is behind a number of books and some videos that have made people forced people to to rethink what they thought they knew about history, especially the history involving, Zionists and Adolf Hitler and World War 1 and World War 2 and other related topics? Is it possible that we've been lied to about certain elements of history?

Now I don't ask you to automatically believe anything, but rather just to be curious enough to hear our guest out and see what he has to say. And right up front too, I will also state that I may or may not agree with everything that our guest is going to say, but I do agree with his right to say it and to question the official narratives of history. So let's welcome our guest here, Christopher Bjerknes. I think I got your last name correct there. Welcome to the show, Christopher.

Thank you so much for having me. It's a wonderful opportunity for me, and it's, great to meet you, sir. Well, it's nice to have you on the show. We appreciate you taking the time to join us. A friend sent me a video that was based on one of your books, I believe, and that's what caused me to reach out to you.

And just to start this off, that video, it asserted this idea that Adolf Hitler was actually, at least in my understanding, was controlled by Zionists to exterminate the German people in addition to to to destroy German society in addition to the extermination of Jews? Or was that the message of the video or am I getting that wrong? What That's absolutely correct. He was working for both the, communists for Stalin as well as for the Zionist cause. And the proof of that is when he returned from world war one after getting gassed, he joined the Bavarian Soviet Republic that was emerging under Kurt Eisner, who was an independent socialist, really a Marxist communist, who, installed an anti monarchical rebellion in Bavaria and created a new government.

And Hitler became a part of that. He became a liaison for that government to the soldiers councils. And he became a communist propagandist. And that government went through a rapid succession of different leaders culminating in Eugen Levene who was a Leninist communist Jewish leader of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. And then Hitler was caught when the Freikorps overtook the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

And he became a spy for the rice fair. And he was working under Captain Carl Meyer who, headed an intelligence agency in the reichsvehr who trained hitler to become a, demagogue who would hold speeches, screaming about the Jews and screaming about the communists. And all of this was arranged by retired General Eric Ludendorff who went in search of what he called a German Joan of Arc to mislead the German people into their own doom. So that Stalin could take over all of Eastern Europe. And so that the Jews could take over Palestine.

Woah. Woah. Okay. That's a lot to unpack. Well it's revealed in an article that was published by Captain Carl Meyer called I was Hitler's boss.

And that is available on the Marcus University website. And it was published in 41 right when they intended the war to flip against Hitler after, Operation Barbarossa was initiated. That, after they had split Poland between remember that, Hitler was allies with Stalin and the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact divided Poland which brought England and France into the war. And then Hitler eventually flipped on the Soviet Union not so that he could defeat the Soviet Union but so that he could soften up all of Eastern Europe in this perpetual conflict and make it right for Stalin when Hitler predictably began to lose the war. And then as he retreated, Stalin took over all of those countries which were then handed over to Stalin at Yalta.

And all of this was forecast by the, president of Czechoslovakia, Edvard Benesch said in 3738 that this is precisely what would occur. And the Soviets referred to Hitler as the quote icebreaker for the revolution. Let's let's back up just a second, Christopher. Let me let me jump in with some, this is a lot for our audience and for myself to handle. So let me let me try to back up and and try to restate or make sure I understand some of what you're saying here.

So in the big picture, you're asserting that Adolf Hitler was essentially kind of a sleeper agent actually working for the interests of both Zionists and communist Soviets at the time. And his job was to weaken and destroy Germany to allow both the communist and the Zionists to succeed in their expansion plans. Is is that a fair summary? Absolutely. And he was recruited for that purpose.

These these are historical facts. They're well known. Okay. Though he was always screaming about the communists, he attended that initial revolutionary, the Jewish revolutionary independent socialist Kurt Eisner's funeral. And the man who was to become hitler's official photographer Heinrich Hoffman took photographs of Hitler at Eisner's funeral and Hitler was wearing a black armband to mourn the Jewish communist and he was wearing a red armband to show his allegiance to the Soviet International Marxist cause.

And there is also movie footage from Eisner's funeral parade where Hitler is one of the prominent marchers in that parade. Wow. Okay. So let let me ask a few burning questions about this. So with Hitler overseeing the Third Reich and its efforts to round up and and slaughter millions of Jews.

Was was this done on purpose to to make the world hate Germany or to to to make the world want to join in the defeat of Germany? Or what what what was the purpose behind all of that? That was very multilayered and it evolved in, several stages. And it was all anticipated in 18 96 in Theodore Herzl's book The Jewish State. And Theodore Herzl is credited as being the father of modern political Zionism.

He was influenced by the anti semite, Uyghur Karl Duhring to utilize the anti semites as the best means of forcing Jews to migrate and emigrate to Palestine or to some other place such as Uganda in order to form a community that would eventually produce the Jew state of Israel, which is what ultimately happened. And Hitler, took on that plan of Theodor Herzl in something that was called the transfer agreement from 1933 to 1939 in which, he coerced 60,000 of the best German Jews to emigrate from Germany to Palestine. And this is what enabled Hitler actually to finance the Third Reich after Judea declared war on Germany, which was war of boycott. The big Zionists, the Zionist bankers, and people like Stephen Wise, enabled Hitler to continue in power despite the Hitler's government. When he would transfer Jews, they would surrender, much of their assets.

And then those assets would be utilized to purchase German goods. Really? So while there was a worldwide boycott on German goods, it was actually the Zionist Jews who, went around that boycott to keep Hitler in power and to finance his government. Woah. Woah.

So what you just said there, I mean, that that's gonna make people's eyeballs pop out. Jews There's a very credible source for it Yes. In Edwin Black's book entitled The Transfer Agreement. And you'll find that this is not controversial. This is, academic scholarship and absolutely thoroughly proven fact.

Now Edwin Black, that author, I believe isn't he the same one who wrote the book IBM and the Holocaust? Yes. Okay. So that's where I've heard that before. So that book was about how IBM provided very early sort of, like, punch card technology tabulation computers for the 3rd Reich to use.

I believe that that was the premise of that book. So Which enabled them to to maintain a database of who was Jewish and who was not. So that helped to facilitate the segregation and concentration of Jews into concentration camps. But there's what you're saying with the religious aspect. With with the transfer agreement I'm sorry to interrupt, but the transfer agreement and I I apologize.

Your knowledge of this history is, you know, vastly more detailed than than my own. I'm not aware of this transfer agreement. So you're saying that this transfer agreement allowed the assets of many of the wealthy Jews who were then migrating out of Europe to Palestine. The assets were then used to fund the Third Reich war machine. Am I hearing that correctly, or am I getting that wrong?

Absolutely. And it was always planned that this, core of these, 60,000 highly educated, professionally trained German Jews. Some of the most erudite and best businessmen and best, well educated people in the world would form the core of what was to become the nation of Israel. They always knew that they could not bring more than 60,000 in because that would cause the Arabs to rebel against them and cause, make it very difficult for them to found a nation. So they wanted this initial core of people.

This was pre Nakba then. Right? You're talking about the early 19 forties here. What's the timeline of the transfer agreement? The transfer agreement was primarily from 1933 to 1939.

Okay. But then Hitler, Hitler did the Anschluss and took over parts of Czechoslovakia and he took over Austria. And then when the war kicked off and when he divided Poland between himself and the soviets it pretty much ended the transfer agreement he there was always opposition from the british to all this And the stern gang, Abraham Stern proposed a military alliance with Hitler to fight against the British. So the Zionist we have documentation from the Ankara document that the Zionist actually proposed a military alliance with Hitler to fight against the British so that they could ultimately chase the British who had the Palestine mandate out of Palestine. And Hitler was sending boatloads of people around the world in preparation for this ultimate migration to Palestine.

And it was the Zionists who stood in the way of that. Knowing that if the people who went to Palestine went, they would ultimately leave because they did not want to go there. That's when the holocaust got initiated in part to so scare the Jewish people that at the end of the war, they would feel that they were once again, persecuted as they had traditionally been for 35 100 years. And that they would feel obliged to go to Palestine and form the nation of Israel as a means of self defense so that another Holocaust could never occur. Wow.

Okay. So many questions. Top rabbis. Yes. Top rabbis before, during and after the war said that Hitler was Haman and an agent of God.

And that this was necessary for the redemption of the Jews who especially in the Soviet Union had abandoned study of the Torah. And that they had to be punished and cleansed through the furnace of affliction as Isaiah put it. And 2 thirds of them as zechariah and jeremiah forecast 2 thirds of european Jewry would have to be exterminated in order for the Jews to be redeemed from their sin and able to restore themselves to the holy land. And there the rabbi said, for example, Menachem Mendel Schneerson talked about the idea that there had to be an amputation of a rotten limb. And this was the rotten limb of the communist Jews and Jews who had stopped worshiping the Torah.

And that this was necessary and that this was a wonderful advent. Wow. Well, we we know that I mean, the history of Jewish faith is, of course, rife with, suffering, and it seems to be part of of the Jewish, experience is to endure, multigenerational suffering. But I've got so many questions here to try to unpack all the things you just said. 1 May I speak to that for just a moment?

Yes. Please. Go ahead. It's primarily Jewish leadership who insists upon that suffering because they have always held that Esau, the Gentile peoples has to have an inherent hatred of Jews so that Jews do not disappear through assimilation with gentile peoples. So whenever the Jews enter into one of the nations in the diaspora, Jewish leadership makes certain that antisemitism is fomented by their agents who they finance and educate.

Like like Hamas. It can maintain this segregation and prevent, extermination through assimilation is what they call it. Well, wow. That's astonishing that you you say that because right now, the leadership of modern day Israel certainly is doing a good job of creating enemies all over the Middle East and around the world. But, also, they have funded Hamas previously, which seems to confirm what you just said.

Maybe we can talk about that more. But I I have a I have a question about it seems to me there are many parallels from the things you just described to what Germany is doing today in 2024. Seems to me like the leadership of Germany that we've seen over the last even, let's say, decade are also in a way sleeper cells who are destroying Germany from within. I mean, it's like watching a suicide cult. They they side with America as they lose their energy source from Russia, and then the their their domestic industry collapses, massive unemployment, and, you know, energy inflation through the roof, small businesses shutting down across Germany.

Do you see any parallels with what's happening today and the events that you described in the late 19 thirties, especially with Germany? Oh, absolutely. Angela Merkel, was involved with Putin in the Stasi in East Germany. And she became chancellor That's right. Of Germany.

And she immediately began to promote mass immigration into Germany and to weaken, patriotism and nationalism in Germany. And, you got to remember that at that time all of these people from East Germany who had been schooled in marxism became part of the german nation. And they were very backwards people. And they were a great drain on the german economy and that also was very costly to germany for a long time And you had, former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder was also heavily involved with Putin in those energy contracts. You described that supplied, Germany with, energy.

But Germany is terribly America has waged 2 major wars against Germany as has the west. And the Germans are have also a terrible sense of guilt for what they did to the, Russian people during World War 2. So they have been, tremendously sympathetic to Russians. But all of that is flipping now as NATO is preparing to, enter directly into the conflict in Ukraine. Yes.

And what do you think the results of that will be as NATO forces well, I mean, the Ukrainian forces are crumbling. The Russians are advancing quite dramatically over the last, let's say, 2 weeks, taking village after village in Ukraine. Ukraine is running out of men. They can't recruit men. The equipment that's being sent to Ukraine by Western forces is a is a hodgepodge of random pieces of military equipment that have no cohesive strategy or training or logistics for repairs or supply.

So with that as the backdrop, what do you suppose is going to be the outcome here with Ukraine? As you describe, it's been a mess from the beginning. The Japanese in World War 2 had all different kinds of ammunition as you've described, which caused them, tremendous logistical difficulties throughout the war. From the very beginning, the west and Biden said that they don't want Ukraine to win. So they have subverted their own war efforts, in an insane and they completely lack any plan for victory.

And as you say, the Russians are now advancing in Kharkiv region and they are also taking very heavy losses and they are recruiting mercenary forces from around the world. So this is actually already a global conflict by proxy that's being fought in Ukraine. And I don't see any western commentators, providing a plan, a map for victory which is unprecedented in my experience in any major conflict you have in the past always had experts on in the public arena discussing a map towards victory and there is none of that it's a cluster mess And we have Macron who initially when, Putin was amassing forces, to surround Ukraine, Macron was calling for appeasement and capitulation and was engaging in talks with Putin when the rest of the west was not. And now Macron is opening up the possibility that if the front lines of the Ukrainians break and Zelensky calls upon it to happen that, he will bring in French troops. The polls are positioned to bring in Polish troops, but I can't assess, what, the potential results of that will be because they're not offering up any viable plan toward victory.

No. No. All they're saying We don't get plans. Gonna introduce themselves into the conflict. We in the west, of course, as you know, the the federal government doesn't produce plans.

It produces press releases, you know, publicity and announcements. Losses. It produces defeats. Yes. And and the destruction of equipment.

Be before we proceed, since this is the first time we've ever spoken and, of course, the first time you've been a guest here, may I ask you a little bit about your background? What is your nationality, for example, and what where are your loyalties, if any, or or what's what's your worldview that can help our audience understand sort of how you came to these topics? My father was pure norwegian. My mother's father was probably half Russian and half Russian Jewish. On her mother's side, she, is a very old American, English family.

Going back to the sons and daughters of the revolution and of the civil war in the, Maryland area. I'm a strong, American patriot. And my worldview is that the American government has been subverted, by primarily zionist Jews and by the Jewish banking cartel. This got underway very powerfully in the early 20th century when they set up the federal reserve. When they brought America into world war 1.

When they set up the IRS and they controlled Wilson. It got, even stronger when the neoconservatives started to take over the Christian Zionist Evangelical Movement and completely subvert American interests in favor of perpetual war in the middle east which was primarily targeting the US which made the US a pariah nation in the eyes of the world by design. These were Trotskyite Jews under Irving Kristol who created the Neo conservative movement beginning in the Nixon administration. Reaching a real high in the Reagan administration. I think Russia has also been subverted by a messianic apocalyptic cult called chabad lubovich putin is closely affiliated with chabad lubovich as is donald trump through his son-in-law jaredkushner and as is bbnetanyahu And I think they are artificially utilizing, Judaic Christian and Muslim prophecies in the form of their plans.

And that they are trying to bring the West and the East into a nuclear conflict which will also involve chemical and biological warfare. They have created hypersonic missile systems potentially at Mach 10 through Mach 23 which will make it impossible for humans to make war decisions. So they're going to replace the human mind with artificial intelligence which they are setting up to trigger world war 3. Wow. As a nuclear war, world war 3 is already underway.

Right. But I I think they I think they've met some difficulties in getting people to start pulling the triggers on those nuclear weapon systems. But they have a way around that as was described in in, Kubrick's doctor Strangelove. They'll simply set up a computer, a doomsday machine that'll do it for them. Mhmm.

But I I don't even think that's gonna be necessary. They are rapidly accelerating. There was an announcement in Iran by a minor official that Iran has nuclear weapons, but that they do not wanna disclose it. So there is now nuclear ambiguity involving Iran I'm not aware of any test a successful test would be the absolute tell that they have nuclear weapons Christopher, you're Israel illegally has nuclear weapons. Yes.

Yes. No. No. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to respond to what you just said. First of all, that was a very profound summary of your worldview, and I think you nailed it on so many points there.

In fact, my podcast today is entitled that, Iran has secret nuclear weapons ready to deploy against Israel and could launch a surprise nuclear attack on Israel using its precision targeted ballistic missiles outfitted with nuclear warheads. So Iran actually can nuke Israel, and that that may happen. So you and I absolutely agree on that point. The other the other thing where I agree with you now, but I would not have agreed with you before October 7th, is how the neocons have become Zionist puppets. And, again, I could not have imagined this because I always thought that most conservatives and Donald Trump and here I'm in Texas.

We have senator Ted Cruz, for example. I always thought, well, these people support the first amendment. They support freedom of speech. They're conservatives. They like small government, pro liberty, all these things.

Turns out that all it took was Hamas on October 7th to expose all these lies of the GOP to the point where I assert that GOP now stands for genocide of Palestinians, by the way. And the GOP are all just outing themselves as Zionist puppets where governor Abbott of Texas unleashed the police to brutally assault the students in Austin on campus, unarmed, peaceful students just hanging out in tents on campus lawns saying free Palestine, and they get brutally assaulted by state troopers. This is the same governor. I know you're aware of this, but just for the audience's sake, this is the same governor that says he can't do anything really on the border because his hands are tied. But when it comes to brutalizing students on campus, oh, send in the freaking army.

You know? The GOP, they've outed themselves as Zionist puppets to a degree that I never could have imagined. Senator Lindsey Graham essentially calling for Israel to nuke Gaza like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So I just wanna say that. Turn it back over to you, but you're right.

I would not have believed it, you know, before October 7th, but here we are. Before October 7th, there was 9/11. And, the neocons and Israel were strongly involved in that, And they had preexistent plans, many of which were crafted by Netanyahu calling for America to, begin knocking off all of these Middle Eastern regimes in order to provide Israel with hegemony in the region. Wow. And the neoconservative movement, the term neoconservative movement derives from these Straussian Trotskyite, Irving Kristol, his son.

You're probably familiar with William Kristol. I think it's National Review that he publishes. Bill Kristol as he's often called. Right? Absolutely.

Yes. Yeah. A pundit who is always calling for the US to get involved in another war. These people would come out of Trotskyism, communism. They are not at all paleo conservatives.

They are not conservatives at all. And what Trotsky called for is for there to be permanent revolution and permanent war. Even within the Soviet Union, they wanted there to be continual revolutions and continual wars like the Emmanuel Goldstein, character in 1984. So they have done false flag terrorism. They have created all kinds of false bogus pretext to get America involved in fighting wars for Israel.

You mean, like like the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein and how that was all totally fabricated? Oh, absolutely. And the anthrax Yep. And, That's right. The the the mythology that he was on the verge of creating nuclear weapons even though the Israelis had, bombed his nuclear facilities into ruins.

It's the same model that they utilize over and over and over again. But that model and and I agree with you. I mean, we've seen that with Libya. We've seen it in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Iraq, And now they're gunning for Iran. And, of course, Netanyahu wants to drag America into fighting Iran to the point where Netanyahu wants to see American soldiers bleeding and dying on the battlefield to fight Iran, which but but my my point here here because there is ancient plan actually if it's interesting for you to discuss.

Yes. There was, something called the prayer of Shimon Bar Yochai. And Shimon Bar Yochai was a one of the early rabbinical sages who was considered a messiah, son of Joseph of the Jews who said that even the best of gentiles deserves death and he's repeatedly quoted in the talmud as saying that only Jews are human or man or Adam but gentiles are not. Gentiles are beasts. And in this prayer of Shimon bar Yochai, it anticipated the idea that the Persian Empire would be used to destroy the Roman Empire of the Edomites.

And the Edomites are ever since Christianity arose and the Roman Empire took over Judea, they have been referring to the Romans and Europeans in general by extension and especially Christians as if the Edom of the Old Testament. And the Old Testament calls for the complete extermination of every single Edomite. So it has been their plan since this prayer of Shimon bar Yochai together with something called the Sefer Zara Babel together with many Talmudic passages and passages in the Kabbalistic Zohar say that Persia will be utilized to bring Edom, the West European Nations into a self consuming war that will ultimately produce the extermination of the European peoples. And people have to realize that Israel is no ally of the United States. It's much more closely allied with Russia and China.

And their goal is to utilize Iran, as you said, to draw America into a conflict that will ultimately produce the complete destruction of America. They predicted all the dates for this. They predicted a 9 month, they call it the birth pangs of the messiah a period in which this war between Iran and eden will take place and Eden will ultimately be destroyed. But Israel will also essentially be destroyed leaving only a remnant. So I mean, okay.

That's absolutely astonishing because I don't know what the timeline is there, but America is being destroyed. It's being destroyed from within. It's being manipulated by Israel, especially by Netanyahu and Ben Gavir and others. And eve even I've said that Israel is not America's ally. America, Israel, excuse me, is America's most dangerous enemy.

I've said that repeatedly because it's clear that Israel is trying to get America destroyed in into not just war with Iran, but there are other manipulations, some of which you just alluded to. And yet we have all these politicians in America, the senators and governors and and even, candidate Trump, for example, saying things like Israel is our greatest ally. They're the only democracy in the Middle East. Democracy, they just raided the press offices of Al Jazeera and stole all the hard drives and computers. I mean, that's not democracy.

Freedom of the press, forget it. Freedom of honest elections, forget it. I mean, Israel's not a democracy. It's a theocratic dictatorship. Wouldn't you say?

Oh, absolutely. And, they have predicted, this cult Chabad Lubavitch had the 7th rebbe named Menachem Manoj Schneerson. And from the beginnings, the origins of this cult, they always anticipated. They would have 7 rebbes and then the messiah, the Jews who will be perceived by Christians to be the antichrist will arrive. And this rebbe anointed Netanyahu to be the final prime minister of Israel.

At the culmination of his term it would hand be handed over to Mashiach ben David the King Messiah of Israel. And then it will officially become a theocracy. They will rebuild the Temple of Solomon. One of their commandments is to exterminate the Amalekites. There are 3 commandments in the Talmud in Sanhedrin folio 20b which state that for the messianic age to commence and the messiah to become king they have to exterminate the amalekites Netanyahu has called the Palestinians the Amalekites.

Yes, he has. They have to rebuild the temple of Solomon and then they have to anoint their king and all of these things are underway at the present day. So it is absolutely a theocracy. And in terms of utilizing the Persians to bring down the west, the model for this is the historic idea that the Babylonians took the Jews into captivity. And it was then the Persians who freed under Daniel and under Cyrus who freed, the Jews from this Babylonian captivity.

It was the the west living among the west and living outside of Israel. They view that as a continuation of the Jewish captivity. And it was the Persians who helped Cyrus who helped them to build the temple. So they are very deceptively utilizing Persians to bring all this about by pretending to fight against them in order to draw Edom, in order to draw America and NATO into war with Persia. And they have another mythology that's based upon the book of Job Where you have the leviathan monster which represents Christianity, the sea serpent.

They view Jesus as the serpent from the Garden of Eden who tempted Adam and Eve with knowledge. Christ came back to tempt humanity with gnosis. And that's how Christianity came out of Gnosticism. So they identify the seafaring powers of Great Britain and America as what they refer to as the Atlanticists and as the Leviathan. And you'll hear Alexander Dugan describing his Kabbalistic, Messianic, apocalyptic beliefs in precisely these terms.

And then juxtaposed to the Leviathan is the behemoth monster. And that represents the land powers of the Eurasianists. Initially it was the Muslims. So they want to pit the Muslims and the Eurasianist powers of Russia and China against the Leviathan powers of the west. And this has also been a plan that's been in the works for 1000 of years.

And I can show you this is the Midrash Rabah Leviticus 13:3. And it talks about this battle between behemoth and leviathan behemoth being the erasianist leviathan being the atlanticists of great britain and america that they're going to engage in a wild beast contest before the righteous in the time to come and who ever has not been a spectator at the wild beast contest of the heathen nations the goyim in this world will be accorded the boom of seeing 1 in the world to come. And then it goes on to describe this great battle that they are engineering between the behemoth and the Leviathan in order to pit the east and west against each other. But they don't want either side to win. There was a liturgical poem called Akhtamut in the Talmud in Bavav Batra folio 7475 describes also that they're going to consume both the Leviathan and the behemoth.

Another book called The Secrets of Shimon bar Yochai also discusses the fact that Christianity and Islam are to be pitted against one another so that they mutually consume one another and leave only the Israelites and then only a remnant of the Israelites to survive into what they call the world to come. Wow. Wow. Hold on hold on a second. So this explains then why the the leaders of European countries have been allowing mass migration of Muslims to come into the European cities to create the conflict, to set this up, this this war that you're talking about between Christianity and and Islam.

Similar thing is happening in the United States. And the the fact that Israel is carrying out genocide against mostly Muslim Palestinians is now being reflected in the uprising of the students and some academics in America, which is now causing this conflict between Christians and Muslims to be exacerbated in America. We're seeing And to weaken America as Islam is strengthened. Exactly. Exactly.

To weaken America and to even get the members of the GOP to shred the first amendment, which is the pillar of democracy of of America. And there was even one, I believe, is a member of congress. It might have been representative Mills, but I I need to double check that, who said that we should round up all the students who are protesting and take them to Gaza and put them there so that they can be bombed by the IDF using US bombs. I mean, that's insane. Trump himself said that anti Semites should be deported.

Yes. He did. He did. And he he said that Israel he says he supports Israel's right to win. And fill in the blank, by any means necessary, is what he's saying.

Atomic bombs. Exactly. Like senator Graham is saying atomic bombs. It seems to me, like, what you're saying, we're not going to avoid nuclear war here one way or another. It's coming, isn't it?

Because because the powers in charge want nuclear war. Absolutely. Absolute. And that's what I've been screaming about for 25 years That, this is coming to a head. It's it's matching the schedule that they set for 1000 of years ago to the exact year Israel was founded in 1948.

And the Kabbalists I've quoted, for 100 of years have been saying that Israel would be founded in the year 1948. And it would be founded minus 6,000,000 Jews. And all of this was forecast 100 of years before it happened. The Judaism teaches that the Christians are the Edomites. They are the descendants of Satan literally that Satan fornicated with Eve in the Garden of Eden to produce Cain.

And then Cain produced Esau's soul which then became Jesus Christ's soul which is the soul of all the European peoples. The European peoples are therefore very materialistic. They are bound to chaos, not to holiness. They are not spiritual. But like Tubal Cain and like the city founder Cain himself, They are very technologically advanced.

So they always they have been saying for 100 and 1000 of years that Jewish people themselves would have to, transfer the technology that the European Edomites generated to the forces of the behemoth. All of the knowledge, science, and technology, and wisdom that came out of European peoples including America and Australia and Canada. All of that technology would have to be stolen by Jewish people and then given to the behemoth. Not so that the behemoth would become the ultimate empire to rule the earth But so that the Jew people ultimately become the ultimate empire. Because by assisting the Muslims and by assisting the communists to obtain this western generated technology, they would then establish parity.

And once you have parity, which they are trying to create between east and west, you can then have those 2 powers mutually consume and utterly destroy each other. So they perceive that the Chinese, that, even the Russians, and the Islamic peoples are very spiritual people. They are tied to Kadusha, to holiness. And the Jews have to assist them. Hold on a second.

I'm sorry to interrupt, Christopher, but let me bring up this article from Jonathan Pollard was one of the most damaging spies in US history. This was a a Jewish spy who handed over US secrets to strategic enemies. He was an intelligence analyst here, it says, for the US Navy. This is exactly what you're talking about, Christopher.

This transfer of technology through spies working for the Zionist state. And before that, it was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and David Greenglass That's right. That's right. And dozens of Jewish communists who gave, America's atomic and thermonuclear bomb secrets over to the Soviet Union to create this system of mutually assured destruction. Wow.

Which just non coincidentally happens to fulfill this 1500 year old plan to pit the behemoth and the Leviathan against one another. Okay. Hold hold on one second. Again, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I forgot to plug your website. It's

Here it is. You've got Beware the World to Come and other books. You can buy PDF files right here and just download them of Beware the World to Come and and other books as well. So I just wanna give people your website, and your books are also available on Amazon dot com.

Here's the Adolf Hitler, Bolshevik and Zionist volume 1 and other books available there. So, is there anything else you wanna add there in terms of websites or or books? People can also find me on Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, Bitshoot, odyssey under It's my initial cjb and then books with no spaces, hyphens, or dashes. And, hopefully, I'll be up on Brighteon very soon.

Yes. We welcome you to have a channel on Brighteon. Please do so. And, of course, we'll post this interview, and we we I can't believe we're almost out of time here. We still have a few minutes left, but we we have to have you back.

Say that this is not about hatred. This is about self defense from the most hateful racist people on earth. If we can defeat this, this will be a victory against hatred and racism. There is no more racist belief system than Zionism. And the United Nations itself, issued a declaration declaring that racism is an apartheid racist belief system.

And it was only years later under tremendous Zionist pressure that that, UN resolution was revoked. Yeah. You know, and it's fascinating that so many I mean, I got some pushback when I started speaking out against Israel's genocide, just its actions. You know, why are you bombing women and children? Why are you bombing hospitals?

Why are you bombing residential buildings? Oh, it's self defense. No. It's not. It's genocide.

Right? When I started speaking out about that, I got pushback from some Christians, and I'm like, why are you you're a Christian. Why are you defending Zionist genocide? Well, then I found out about there's this whole thing called Christian Zionists who believe somehow I mean, they believe that Israel that god speaks to Netanyahu and tells him who to kill. And the Christians are supposed to obey that even though the Zionists ultimately wanna kill the Christians.

It's like, do you not see how you're being manipulated by the Zionists? I it's astonishing to me. But, of course, you've known this for many years. It's just it's new to me. That's why I'm so freaked out by it.

Well, the Israeli government has been directly involved in promoting this Christian, evangelicalism. Reverend Hagee and Kufi, Christians United for Israel have always been supported heavily by the Israeli government. They've given them tremendous gifts. And, it's not just Hagee. This has been going on since the early 19 seventies when they were trying to provoke a nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union.

And Rabbi Merrick Kahane was also trying to provoke a nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union so that they could artificially fulfill these prophecies. Wow. And what they have been telling Christian Zionists is is that they won't endure any of the suffering that they want to impose on the rest of humanity because they will be raptured up into heaven. Yeah. One of the most dangerous aspects of all this is they don't believe there will be any repercussions for them.

And that the way that they can avoid any repercussions from the nuclear war that they're deliberately inciting. Know, you're absolutely right. And You know, you're absolutely right. And we need to talk about the red heifers and all this this occultism sacrifice nonsense that's going on over there. But I I do hear quite a few Christian Zionists talking about the rapture, and they use it as an excuse to to say that, well, we don't have to prepare.

We don't have to think about the future. You know, we're not gonna have to endure anything because, you know, we're gonna float up into the sky. And I'm like, are what are you talking about? This whole concept of the rapture didn't even exist in the Bible until some guy came up with it in the 1800 and then tried to make it popular. And you probably know more about that history than I do as well.

But, I mean, tell us about the the history of the the concept of the rapture. There was a I think she was Irish girl named Maitland. And then, John Nelson Darby and the dispensationalist, took up this idea that, she had this dream that people would be raptured up into heaven when the, apocalypse took place. And all of this ultimately culminated in the very Zionist Scofield reference bible. Ah, that's it.

Yes. The Scofield reference bible. Right? Yeah. And this introduced also, very strongly the idea that Russia would be Gog and Magog and relating to Ezekiel chapters 3839.

And that America should fight an apocalyptic war against Russia. And this was at a time when Russia was a strong ally of the United States. Russia helped, the United States win the civil war against the confederates who were had judah benjamin and august belmont rothschild agents instigated the civil war, for the benefit of the Rothschild Bismarck reveal so that the US would be divided against itself and for fight perpetual wars as happened so often in Europe. So this Scofield reference bible promoted zionism and said that in order for Jesus to return the Jews would have to be restored to Palestine. And this was part of protestantism for several 100 years.

I don't want to digress too much into it but Martin Luther, John Calvin, and the English protestants Henry the eighth were all very close to Jewish bankers and Jewish Talmudic influences. So protestantism, one of the major aspects of it was to promote zionism and christianzionism has always been stronger than popular zionism among jewish people there was very little Jewish support for Zionism until Adolf Hitler perpetrated the Holocaust. But this this concept of the rapture is part of their mythology that there will be this tribulation period for 7 years, which I believe, commenced on October 7, 2023. Oh, wow. You see the WEF promoting the idea that the year 2030 is an extremely significant year.

So you have that 7 year period of the tribulation Wow. Going from 2023 to 2030. Okay. So I think you're absolutely correct. They wanna instigate a nuclear war, and they wanna do it now.

Yes. Yes. They do. It's it's clear. Okay, Christopher.

We're gonna have to leave it there, but clearly, we've only scratched the surface, and we need to have you back to go more in-depth, especially as these events are unfolding in real time in front of us. This is extraordinary. I'm I'm astonished at what's happening in the world around us. I wanna thank you for your time here today, and, I wanna give out your website again. And, Christopher, any any final words to wrap up our interview today?

Just, thank you so very much for, having me on and allowing me this opportunity to disseminate this information to a much broader audience. Your production staff has been extremely courteous and very professional and I congratulate you. You have a very wonderful staff working with you. Well, thank you. Thank you for that.

We we certainly, attempt to treat people with dignity, which I can't say for all the other countries in the world. But but that's that's what we try to do here because we are interested in your ideas. We're interested in in actually peaceful coexistence, by the way, which means we have to defeat this cabal of, this satanic death cult is what I'm gonna call it. We have We're in very dangerous times. If Trump gets elected, which it's looking like it's gonna happen, Trump is very closely aligned with this messianic apocalyptic cult of Chabad Lubavitch.

Clearly. So we will have Trump, Putin, and, Netanyahu all working together to bring this plan to fulfillment. Yeah. I've I've actually pointed out very much that same thing, but, you know, RFK Jr, his funding all comes from the Zionists. And From Chabad Lubavitch.

He has rabbi Schmuli who is the top rabbi in Chabad. And Javier, Malayi is also affiliated with Chabad Lubavitch and converted to Judaism immediately upon being elected and went to visit the grave of the messiah of Chabad Lubavitch, Manacham Mendel Schneerson. It's real and it's happening. And, we are gonna be the victims of it, and we are slated to be completely exterminated. And part of this idea is that Europeans will serve as the scapegoat.

The scapegoat has to be viciously punished and tortured to remove and cleanse all the sins from the Israelites. So they are planning to put us literally through hell so that we endure the punishments of hell as the scapegoat for their sins. And through that process they believe they will then be cleansed and redeemed for this world to come in which we will no longer exist. And they were successful in founding Israel in 1948 as they had planned to do for 2,500 years. So it's looking like they're going to be successful in exterminating us.

So we have got to become vigilant and organized to oppose it and to end it. Or we could all just say we're gonna be raptured and and just go focus on your church bingo group instead. Okay. Anyway, we're out of time today. Christopher, it's it's been really intriguing getting to speak with you.

Thank you for joining us today. And, it we'll we'll do this again. And for those of you watching, I hope you found this intriguing, thought provoking. Check out his books at, and you can purchase directly from him there with, he's got books and collections and downloadable PDFs and so on. So check them out, and, feel free to share this interview on other platforms and channels.

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And what do you know? We get to speak freely. Amazing. That's, and that's why I founded it. So thank you for watching today.

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