
The core of the Trail system is the trails

There are over 3 miles of trails in the Salemtowne Trail System, along with several connectors trails that link some of the trails in certain places.  These connectors allow walkers to vary their walk or to cuts their walk short by taking a shorter way back home. There are also several places where the trails intersect or cross, which allow for shortening or lengthening a walk. Some trails had established names, such as the  Muir Trail and the  Buckalew Trail, while others were named for their location or destination.

The Muir Trail is the longest of the trails (1.2 miles). The shortest trail is the Zinzendorf Park Trail ( about .1 miles)

Trail Maps

Trail Access Points

Buckalew Trail

Hillside Pond Loop

Inner Perimeter Walk of Salemtowne

Lakeside Trail

Muir Trail

Wildflower Loop Trail

Woodlands Trail

Zinzendorf Park Trail