
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-049 is a Medieval Plague Doctor from the 14th century. SCP-049 wears a long black robe with a hood. SCP-049 is not wearing a mask, and his face is a part of his skull same as his clothing. SCP-049 keeps medical supplies in his robe's pocket. SCP-049 can communicate, is intelligent, and enjoys discussing his studies. 

SCP-049's goal is to cure "a great disease" known as "the Pestilence," which he can cure with his lethal touch. When SCP-049 cures a subject, they are slain and given new life. SCP-049-2 (Cured) are green in hue, walk slowly, and can attack when instructed to. When provoked, SCP-049's eyes glow red, and he either cures them or stabs them to death with his scalpel.

Special Containment Procedures 

Contained in the Moderate Containment Zone, SCP-049 is given a modified Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Chamber. SCP-049's containment is designed as a laboratory for him to conduct its own research. SCP-049 can free roam around PATHOS-III

Special Research Procedures