
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-457, also known as the Burning Man is a sentient being that is nothing but pure fire. SCP-457 can grow into four/technically 5 stages, which each stage having it being bigger than the last. SCP-457 can grow when given "fuel" which can be humans or more fire. It can also shrink with a fire extinguisher.

SCP-457 is capable of speech, however, its intelligence depends on what stage it is in. When in lower stages it can not speak as much other than "FUEL" and basic words. In the later stages, it can have better conversations. Each stage increases its size and strength; giving him even more abilities. 

SCP-457 Stages

SCP-457 may also split itself into two using the Fire Bomb ability. (Two actors required)

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-457 is contained in the Moderate Containment Zone, within an Fireproof containment chamber. One door must be closed at all times when entering the Containment Chamber. 

Special Research Procedures 

SCP-457's Handbook

[ScD - SCP-457 Testing Handbook]