
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-106, also known as "the Old Man" is composed of an unknown black substance that seems to be a combination of tar-like material and living tissue. The creature's skin is partially degraded and constantly oozes a corrosive, acidic fluid, making direct contact highly hazardous. SCP-106 has a sadistic behavior and enjoys the suffering of others. He will always prioritize those in pain (low health) and fear.

SCP-106 possesses an extraordinary ability to pass through solid matter, phasing through walls, floors, and ceilings with apparent ease. It is able to teleport as well, making him able to travel between places very swiftly. A touch from SCP-106 will teleport his victim to his pocket dimension which has 8 pathways; only one leading to freedom. The correct pathway will teleport the person to a random location, back in the installation. SCP-106 is also able to set up traps on the floor which will sink the person inside it and take them to SCP-106's pocket dimension. 

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-106 is contained in the Heavy Containment Zone. SCP-106 is contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead and steel. The only opening to SCP-106's chamber is an trap door on the roof. The chamber is suspended using electromagnetic supports.

Special Research Procedures 

SCP-106's Handbook

[ScD - SCP-106 Testing Handbook]