SCP-106's Addendum

Addendum 106 : 1

SCP-106's pocket dimension is entirely inaccessible by other means; in a test using SCP-1048-D and SCP-106, nearly an hour was spent as SCP-1048-D tried to break inside the pocket dimension, and it bared no fruits. In the same day, SCP-106 ended up breaching, and SCP-1048-D was somehow able to know where he was going to go before he even arrived, saving a group of Foundation Personnel in the process; which lead to the discovery of SCP-1048-D, and SCP-106, being able to detect each other's movements due to their similar portal / teleportation anomalous abilities. 

Discovered by: CellVoices

Addendum 106 : 2

SCP-106 has been proven to be incapable of taking subjects within SCP-527's trap bubble into his pocket dimension. Subjects within SCP-527's trap bubble possess complete immunity to SCP-106's touch until the bubble is popped by SCP-527. It is important to note SCP-106 breached after this interaction, and it is unclear whether SCP-106 breached due to interactions with SCP-527's trap bubble or to other factors.

Discovered by: vinkingmaga

Addendum 106 : 3

From several past tests with SCP-106, and several recent logs discovered by another Researcher, a new potential ability of SCP-106 may have been discovered. This proposed new ability is a "sixth" sense that SCP-106 may hold; a sixth sense which is so powerful, that it allows him to sense the locations, and vitals of individuals in a vast radius around him, without even seeing him. It would explain how he is able to find targets so quickly whilst within walls, and how he finds crowds, and wounded individuals so quickly. Three tests were done to support the existence of this "Hunter's Sense" by CellVoices. Two of them consisted of using SCP-294, to give a detrimental side effect of blindness to one CD. When this CD and several normal CD were presented to 106 in a group, 106 was shown emerging from the wall, but immediately prioritizing the blind Class-D, not even stopping to look at the rest of the Class-D, it was instantaneous. The second was using the strawberry drink to enhance the speed of a Class-D, which gave the CD an edge over the rest of the Class-D's. In the hypothesis, it stated that SCP-106 would likely prioritize the Class-D with strawberry for last, due to the fact there are weaker Class-D beside him, who would be easier prey. The results proved the hypothesis correct, and 106 saved the Class-D with the speed enhancer for last. The third test was utilizing SCP-035, which in the hypothesis, stated that it would have similar results to the first test with 294. The hypothesis was correct; it showcased SCP-106 sprinting to send SCP-035-1 into the pocket dimension before any other Class-D.