
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

RS-0000, also known as Trollage (Troll), is an entity created via experiments of Site-Alpha.  Further information on RS-0000 is classified. RS-0000 is a large entity with a "Troll Face" which was a popular internet meme from 2008. The subject can also change its face to other popular meme faces from the early 2010's this can also be how to determine what mood it is in. RS-0000 has a black stick body that helps him move around. Trollage can be found around the site conducting "trolls" on personnel or other SCPs.

Unlike RS-0001, Trollage can not run at high speeds, however, can walk/run faster than the average human. RS-0000 has a few abilities such as he can smack someone however this deals little damage. He can also spin his head in front of him which can kill anyone that comes into contact with it. RS-0000 also can change his face to a popular meme "imma firin mah lazer". This will result in RS-0000 firing a powerful blue beam laser in the direction he is facing. This laser will result in personnel being vaporized if in contact with it.

Special Containment Procedures 

RS-0000 "Troll" does not have a containment chamber, however, it can be found in the "isolation" rooms in the upper med bay and claims it as home.  

Special Research Procedures