Month of March 2024



Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP(s):  1048-G & SCP-662
Test Rationale:  Identify the different tools and capacity used by 1048-G to heal both humans and bear
Date of Test: 03/04/2024
Summary of Test: 1048-G is able to heal both humans and bear, they are directly linked to him meaning they cannot be replicated, and 1048-G possess three main healing ability

Maxaot - 1048-662 -002 - 04/04/2024


Researcher's Rank:  Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-527 & SCP-1048-P
Test Rationale: What would happen if someone were to be bubbled by Mr. Fish and then be grabbed by one of Poe's vines?
Date of Test: 03/11/2024
Summary of Test: The bubble was able to carry the individual past SCP-1048-P's vines, however, the vine was still able to latch onto them and damage them. Once the bubbled popped, though, the individual was teleported back into the grasp of SCP-1048-P's vine. 

(SCPF - [LuxxOfAstora] - [527 & 1048-P] - [009] - [11/3/24])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-P
Test Rationale:   Can 1048-P go through photosynthesis?
Date of Test: 03/15/2024
Summary of Test: After exposing -P to Co2, Water, and 1200-15's light all at the same time, Poe sprouted many roots and appendages and then reported increased energy after it.

(SCPF - [In_st] - [SCP-1048-P x 1200-15] - [013] - [03/15/24])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP(s):  035 X 294
Test Rationale:   Can the healing effects of the Green Tea drink be used to work against the effects of the Possessive Mask? Can the healing effects have a change on or alter the effects of the Possessive Mask? Can these changes have an effect on a player’s health? Can a method of outhealing be developed? For how long would it last? Can it be used in combat for a good or bad purpose?
Date of Test: 3/04/24
Summary of Test:  The effects of Possessive Mask win against the effects of Blood of Eternal Champion drink in a clash. If both are used the Possessive mask will override the other. To come into conclusion, you cannot outheal the Possessive Mask nor can you heal at all with the Green Tea. Maybe with another you can, but not with this one. The effects can be combined but it will negate the effect of the Green Tea. This could be like a simulation of being in combat. And could be used to outheal the bleed, or save yourself time until you can get to or use a field bandage. 

(SCPF - [D1harvard] - [294 and 035 (Coffee Machine and Possessive Mask] - [Test #3] - [3/1/2024) (7:48 PM)