Month of February 2024



Researcher's Rank:  Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-E, SCP-1048-P and SCP-1200-58
Test Rationale: Could the subject eat 1200-58 while being frozen or vined down by 1048-E or 1048-P? What would happen if the refresh activated while they were trapped?
Date of Test: 02/18/2024
Summary of Test: The subject was able to eat SCP-1200-58 while being frozen and vined down, and when the refresh was activated, the subject was freed from both being frozen and vined down. The refresh removed the ice, but still left the vines in the ground still. It should also be noted that the ice had a unique reaction with the gum, where it became transparent as well when the subject ate the gum inside the ice.

SCPF - (SCPF - [TheFidgetBoss07] - [SCP-1048-P x SCP-1048-E x 1200-58] - [0011] - [02/18/24])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-C &  SCP-1048-P
Test Rationale:  How does the radiation affect the plant that Poe places down?
Date of Test: 2/23/2024  
Summary of Test: It doesn't get affected.

SCPF - [Log-9 - cancanblox - Poe X Nuke]


Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s):  SCP-049 & SCP-1048-C
Test Rationale:  How resistant are the instances cured by SCP-049 against the radioactive activity emitted by SCP-1048-C, also known as "Nuke"? 
Date of Test: 2/4/2024  
Summary of Test: The test showed that there was a clear resistance of the subjects towards the radioactive material emitted by SCP-1048-C. This test gave me an idea of a possible element present in the cure developed by SCP-049 that would be confirmed after some research, [The Radium].    

SCPF - [ScD Testing Template Option 2] (SCPF - [DevPlayzOK] - [SCP-049 x SCP-1048-C] - [014] - [02/04/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-049 & SCP-1048-F
Test Rationale:  What would happen if an SCP-049’s cured instance interacts with the fire attacks of SCP-1048-F?
Date of Test: 2/8/2024  
Summary of Test: The test proved the enhanced durability of SCP-049's cured beings towards the fire generally. The testing managed to resist almost all the attacks of SCP-1048-F, including the use of magma. The cure developed by SCP-049 may contain warmth, pure oxygen, and some kind of fuel. 

(SCPF - [DevPlayzOK] - [SCP-049 x SCP-1048-F] - [017] - [02/08/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106, SCP-049
Test Rationale:  I plan on determining, through thorough observations of SCP-106’s abduction patterns in a sample of 6 subjects, 3 of which are normal, and another 3 which have been cured by SCP-106. I plan on utilizing such knowledge to my advantage in order to determine whether or not SCP-106’s sixth sense theory applies, while also factoring in uncontrollable variables in order to come up with plausible and reliable theories regarding the nature of both SCP-106 and the Cured instances.
Date of Test:  2/1/2024
Summary of Test:    The order at which they were killed was fully based on convenience as opposed to preference. The SCP attacked those who were nearest to him as the speed disadvantage was not bad enough to factor into his kill pattern. This means that the sixth sense is likely present and quite strong, however the SCP’s instincts were overshone by the convenience of capturing the nearest subjects.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106 X SCP-049] - [#0019] - [2/2/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher      
SCP(s):   SCP-207 & 1048-E
Test Rationale:  How fast is somebody with SCP-207 and how fast is somebody under the effects of 1048-E’s snowball? What would happen if they applied at the same time?
Date of Test:  2/9/2024
Summary of Test:   Using the base speed of roblox(5.3 meters/second), I was able to conclude that people under the effects of SCP-207 go approximately 3x faster and people under the effects of SCP-1048-E’s snowball go approximately half base speed. I was also able to determine that whichever effect applied last, overided the effect applied first.

SCPF - SCPF - [TheFidgetBoss07] - [207 x 1048-E] - [0006] - [02/09/24]


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher      
SCP(s):   SCP-914 x SCP-294
Test Rationale:  Would 914 change the state of matter of the gas liquids produced by SCP-294 (Oxygen, Chlorine and Tear Gas).
Date of Test:  2/4/2024
Summary of Test:   For tear gas, it disappeared from the subject's hand and took a little bit of damage when they came out of the machine when placed on the “Fine” setting(implying that it did become a gas.). For the other 2 liquids, they seemed to change drink entirely, but they were both noted to be damaged according to a CSU’s medigun, implying that the liquids did in some way turn to gas before changing.

SCPF - (SCPF - [TheFidgetBoss07] - [294 x 914] - [0003] - [02/04/24])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher      
SCP(s):   1048-E,1048-P and 1200-58
Test Rationale:  Could the subject eat 1200-58 while being frozen or vined down by 1048-E or 1048-P? What would happen if the refresh activated while they were trapped?
Date of Test:  2/18/2024
Summary of Test:   The subject was able to eat SCP-1200-58 while being frozen and vined down, and when the refresh was activated, the subject was freed from both being frozen and vined down. The refresh removed the ice, but still left the vines in the ground still. It should also be noted that the ice had a unique reaction with the gum, where it became transparent as well when the subject ate the gum inside the ice.

SCPF - (SCPF - [TheFidgetBoss07] - [SCP-1048-P x SCP-1048-E x 1200-58] - [0011] - [02/18/24])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-1048 (All Instances)
Test Rationale:  If SCP-1048-J, SCP-1048-M and SCP-1048-G are told to direct the bears to attack a CD, but another bear (SCP-1048-B for example) instructs them not to, who will they listen to? If they listen to SCP-1048-J, SCP-1048-M, SCP-1048-G, is there a hierarchy of command
Date of Test:  2/18/2024
Summary of Test:   SCP-1048-J, SCP-1048-M and SCP-1048-G have more authority over the other instances (not including SCP-1048). SCP-1048-M and SCP-1048-J frequently fight over power, and sometimes these altercations get violent. They are usually resolved when SCP-1048 steps in. When instances of high command give conflicting orders, the other bears will be confused and not follow any order. They instead will flock to SCP-1048 for guidance. Those in higher command do not follow a voting system, even if there is a 2:1 decision on an order.

(SCPF - [4spha1t] - [SCP-1048 (All Instances)] - [#0016 ] - [2/18/24])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  1200-58 x 1048-C
Test Rationale: Will radiation harm a Class-D under the effects of 1200-58, or will it just pass through the Class-D.
Date of Test:  2/21/24
Summary of Test:  The radiation will still hurt the Class-D, (Also found out that when a Class-D is dead and 1200-58 refreshes, they become alive).

SCPF - [Astro_Iogical] - [SCP-1048-C X SCP-1200-58 - [#009] - [2/28/2024]