
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-131 is a small tear-drop mechanical SCP with one eye. SCP-131 comes in many colors such as Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange, White, Pink, and many more. SCP-131  has the same intelligence as a house cat. 

SCP-131 can move at high speeds around the site. In darkness SCP-131 can use its eye as a light source, the light will be the same color as the SCP. SCP-131s tends to also bond with Foundation Personnel who show kindness to it. 

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-131 is contained in a standard sentient SCP chamber within the Cleanrooms. SCP-131 is free to roam around PATHOS-III as it pleases.

Special Research Procedures