Month of November 2023



Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-294 & RS-0666
Test Rationale:  Since RS-0666 is a scarecrow, would it prioritize humans who look like scarecrows?
Date of Test: 11/20/2023  
Summary of Test: RS-0666 might target people who seem to have no abnormal traits too. Thus, it doesn't focus on people who look like crows.

SCPF - Wonderlnxd - 0666 + 294 - #11- 11/20


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP(s): SCP-330 & SCP-662
Test Rationale: What will happen if the holder of SCP-662 will order SCP-662-1 is to force the subject to eat 3 candies but the subject will take only 2 and refuse to take anymore candies?
Date of Test: 11/8/2023  
Summary of Test: Deeds was threatening the Class-D so they would eat it, but they refused to. Then after pulling a gun, the same thing happened. They asked the bell holder and after the bell holder said, "Do what you wish", they killed the Class-D.    

662 X 330 By Pro2256gas


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s): SCP-131 & RS-8871
Test Rationale: Is there a light source, artificial or anomalous, that does not anger RS-8871 and makes it more easily observable without compromising containment procedure?
Date of Test: 11/18/2023  
Summary of Test: After having a group of Class-Ds illuminated by a flashlight and SCP-131 inside the chamber, RS-8871 showed slight agitation and hid in the darkness, avoiding any light, but still used his tongue to grapple Class-Ds out of the light to feast on them in the dark. 

(SCPF - [Gullaschanhaenger123] - [SCP-131&RS-8871] - [Nr.23] - [18.11.2023])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s): SCP-294 & SCP-1048-B
Test Rationale: Can SCP-1048-B conduct electricity to an individual who consumed SCP-294 "LITHIUM"?
Date of Test: 11/16/2023  
Summary of Test: After a couple of events and some briefings, we headed to SCP-1048-B’s containment and I briefed the test subjects. After everything was done I had a little conversation with SCP-1048-B. Afterwards I told subject B to get in. And after he got in, Bolt used his dash ability to exterminate him over my request. Afterwards I told subject A to consume his drink and step in. He was also killed by Bolt's dash ability. At the end Bolt was rewarded. 

(SCPF - [13Dogukanyt] - [SCP-1048-B and SCP-294] - [025] - [11/16/2023]) d


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s): SCP-082 x SCP-2398
Test Rationale:  Is SCP-2398 able to deal knockback to moving targets? Would the target get launched in the direction it came from?SCP-294 "LITHIUM"?
Date of Test: 11/16/2023  
Summary of Test: After multiple tries, MTF managed to hit a CD thrown by Fern using SCP-2398. The subject went flying in Fern's direction.

SCPF - [ScD Testing Template Option 2] (SCPF - CalinCSpro - SCP-082 x SCP-2398 - #0005 - 11/25/23)