Month of June 2024



Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-A, SCP-1200(-29)
Test Rationale:  What happens if a CD consumes SCP-1200-29 after getting affected by SCP-1048-A's scream? Will the ears be enlarged?
Date of Test: 06/09/24
Summary of Test: The size of the ears on the CD who chewed SCP-1200-29 from 1048-A’s scream had a slight yet noticeable size increase on the CD’s body, along with the ears being spread out. This also accelerated the amount of time it took for both 1200-29 and 1048-A’s scream to kill the CD. 

[ScD] SCPF - cameronlikesmilk - SCP-1048-A, SCP-1200-29 - #0010 - 06/09/24


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-610
Test Rationale:  If an instance of SCP-610-2 was electrocuted via a taser gun whilst under the influence of SCP-610-1, would SCP-610-1 lose control over SCP-610-2 like what happened when SCP-610-2 was hit with SCP-1048-B's beam, or will it simply have no effect?
Date of Test: 06/10/24
Summary of Test: A standard taser, when used on SCP-610-2 whilst under the control of SCP-610-1, failed to serve the connection. The reason as to why is still unclear, but it is most likely due to the low concentration of electricity discharged from a taser as compared to the concentration of electricity discharged from SCP-1048-B or a potential unknown anomalous effect of SCP-1048-B’s beam.

Research Log #0015


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-914
Test Rationale:  Can SCP-914 change the density, mass, and volume of a lollipop when upgrading/downgrading an item? If yes, what is the new density, mass, and volume compared to the original lollipop or the upgraded item?
Date of Test: 06/14/24
Summary of Test: The lollipop and the upgraded item were both affected by SCP-914. The weight of the CD who had the items in their inventory was altered when holding the items compared to without holding said items. The results of this test show that SCP-914 affects the factors used in the test (Density, Mass, & Volume) when upgrading an item. 

[ScD] cameronlikesmilk / SCP-914 / #0011 / 06/14/24


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1025 x SCP-662
Test Rationale:  My last test involved trying to make SCP-662-1 read SCP-1025, in which, sadly, SCP-662-1 refused, after which I decided to end the test. Common Cold is very infectious, being spread by coughs or by touch. If we managed to infect a Class-D with the Common Cold using SCP-1025 and then proceeded to try and make the Class-D touch or cough on SCP-662-1, how would SCP-662-1 react?
Would he try to avoid the Class-D, so  he can not get infected or would he ignore the Class-D? And in the case that he in fact does get infected, how would his immune system react to it?
Date of Test: 06/29/24
Summary of Test: From the test, I've learned something else than I anticipated. SCP-662-1 will in fact react aggressively if his life is actively being put at risk. He may also try to hurt people if they keep lying to him about something which could in fact hurt him. He will also definitely keep distance from anything that may cause any damage to his body, even something as simple as the Common Cold.

SCPF - [PiaskowyNinja] - [662 x 1025] - [#005] - [29.06.2024]


Researcher's Rank: Research Specialist
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-C
Test Rationale:  Throughout the duration of this interview, I aim to establish a clear psychological portrait of SCP-1048-C as well as to learn more about what he thinks of himself, and his capacity.
Date of Test: 06/18/24
Summary of Test: Nuke is docile and prone to cooperation if asked to in the context of tests, even if this goes agaisn't his own principle. He is somehow forced to follow orders even when they go agaisnt his will or his principle

Interview || Maxaot - 1048-C - 018 - 18/06/2024


Researcher's Rank: Research Specialist
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-B
Test Rationale:  It has been determined that SCP-1048-B is fairly docile and can be domesticated / manipulated through the use of electricity, whether it comes from a taser or a defibrillator. Throughout the duration of this interview, I aim to learn more on SCP-1048-B perception of these objects, his relation with electricity, and overall behavior.
Date of Test: 06/13/24
Summary of Test: SCP-1048-B does not require electricity or any form of electricity in order to work, however he still enjoy it and it has some kind of effects on his behavior, furthermore : He is able to get overcharged, though it is not known what are the effect of overcharge

Interview || Maxaot - 1048-B - 017 - 13/06/2024


Researcher's Rank: Research Specialist
SCP(s):  SCP-082
Test Rationale:  In an objective to record, register, and discover / Analyze SCPs behavior, I will interview SCP-082 “Fernand” on his personality, his behavior, and overall anything about how he thinks, and his perception of his world.
Date of Test: 06/2/24
Summary of Test: Fern acknowledges he is indeed a canibal, by saying that Oranges are human. He appears as if Fern has some kind of hiearchy when it comes to human life, as he rather save a foundation scientist over an orange

[ScD - Interview || Maxaot - 082 - 014- 02/06/2024]


Researcher's Rank: Research Specialist
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-J
Test Rationale:  In previous tests and interviews with SCP-1048-J, I have determined a number of psychological and emotional facts about him, one being that he does not feel regret after killing. Throughout this interview, I wish to further my understanding of his emotional status and intelligence, trying to understand and identify underlying mechanisms.
Date of Test: 06/2/24
Summary of Test: Jimothy seems to feel emotion is a different way that we do, he isn't familiar with certain concepts of emotions and seems confused when asked how he feels. That could show either a lack of emotion, or a lack of experience with emotions.

INTERVIEW || Maxaot - 1048-J - 013 - 02/06/2024