
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-527 is a humanoid SCP with a fish head. The species of fish is unknown. SCP-527 acts and talks like a normal human and should be treated as such. It is dressed in a suit, SCP-527 has many different colored suits and a red tie with a top hat and it walks with a cane, it will hit people with the cane if feels threatened.

SCP-527 does not have any direct anomalous abilities except for that it can jump higher than a normal human. However, SCP-527 has an anomalous water gun that can shoot different types of bubbles that have different effects. All bubbles can bounce off of any surface.

Special Containment Procedures 

Contained in the Moderate Containment Zone, SCP-527 is given a modified Standard Secure Humanoid Containment SCP-527 can free roam around PATHOS-III

Special Research Procedures