
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-682, also known as "The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile," is an abnormal creature of enormous size and tenacity. It is a gigantic reptile monster made out of organic matter and unknown, supposedly indestructible elements. The creature's body is extraordinarily adaptable and regenerative, allowing it to withstand almost any type of damage or containment effort. SCP-682, as is widely known, despises life in general and seeks to eradicate it. It always has a really aggressive attitude

SCP-682 possesses a number of formidable abilities, making its containment a difficult task. The creature's movements ricochet throughout the entire installation, its stomps and roars serve as constant reminders of its tremendous presence. One of its most acknowledgeable skills is its acid breath, an attack in which it vomits a deadly corrosive acid capable of easily burning through various objects and unfortunate victims. It can also effortlessly break through gates and structures that are in its way. Its immense strength is illustrated by its ability to crush victims beneath with a single stomp, leaving them with little prospect of survival. Furthermore, the creature's enormous tail allows it to hit with incredible force, hurling unfortunate individual beings away and causing severe damage, if not death. To add to its deadly arsenal, SCP-682 is also able to swallow its prey with a single chomp. Its massive size and malicious intelligence drive it to be a persistent hunter, always looking for fresh victims to satisfy its cruel needs.

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Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-682's containment chamber is designed to appease it and not containing it. It is a large 700 by 700 stud containment with natural landscaping. SCP-682's containment chamber is equipped with a weather control system to keep SCP-682 passive. 

Special Research Procedures 

SCP-682's Handbook

[ScD - SCP-682 Testing Handbook]