Scientific Support Guide

Hello, and welcome to the Scientific Support Guide page, here we will help you with any questions you may have about the department!

Scientific Department Training Tape - Introductory Tour

If you are new or thinking of joining the Scientific Department and you are unsure of what to do, this video will be a perfect place to start and help you learn the basics of the Scientific Department!

Thanks to Gavin42307 for making the video!

Scientific Department Training Tape - Discord & Documentation

This tape will go over basic ScD introduction to the Discord and documentation attached. An overview is provided over general Entrant access, and important documentation that is necessary to retain information for pursuing the progression of ScD.

Thanks to Gavin42307 for making the video!

Scientific Department Testing Support

Now that you are in the Scientific Department, as an Entrant I am sure you are going to want to start testing! This section will help you understand how to conduct a test or interview on an SCP.

Step One 

Entrant Orientation

As an Entrant you can not conduct tests until you have attended and passed an Entrant Orientation. These are Entrant Orientations hosted often by Adept Researchers, however, it is suggested you not bother the Adept Researchers for an Entrant Orientations. Entrant Orientations will be announced in #events_notice.


Before you attend an Entrant Orientation you should read all the Essential Documentation as you will be quizzed on them during the Orientation!

Step Two

Test Question

Once you have passed an Entrant Orientations then you can start testing! Before you start testing make sure to check out the Testing Restrictions Sheet so you know which SCPs you can and not test on, as well as any other requirements.  When you have found an SCP you want to test on then you will have to form a Test Question. Make sure all Test Questions are ethical and follow the Foundation Code, Code of Ethics, and Scientific Regulations. If you are unsure if an question is ethical or not, you can ask a member of the Scientific Department Command team or an Ethics Committee member.


If you need help with coming up with test questions, it is suggested that you read the SCP Directory pages to help you have a better understanding of the SCPs, if you have any questions about the pages then test them!  

Step Three


Once you have a test question and are sure it is ethical you can start testing! In your Entrant Orientation, you should already have a basic idea of how to conduct a test. While conducting your test make sure you are the regulations within the Testing Handbook


Here are a few tips that you should know when testing!

Step Four


Once you have finished conducting your test you will now have to log your test. In the #testing_information channel, you can find all the information for logging your test. When logging you will want to make sure your log is detailed. Here are some important tips to keep in mind when writing a test log, for each section.

Test Log Templates

When logging your tests, you will have to log them on a Google Document. There are two formats that are provided for you to use;


1) Go to File -> Make Copy

2) Before making the copy give the document a title such as "(SCPF - [USERNAME] - [SCP] - [TEST NUMBER] - [DATE])"

3) Press "OK"


1) Do not copy the link that is in your search bar

2) When you are finished with your test log

3) Go to the top right corner and press "SHARE"

4) Make sure to add the following google groups to the log;

5) Press "Copy Link" then post it in #scp_log_submissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request for an Actor?

You can request for an actor in the Joint Departmental Discord Sever in #event_logs. Make sure to follow the format! Also refer to the Tips section next to Step Three above!

Where do I go if I want to attend an event?

All Scientific Department events will be hosted on the official ScD Private Sever. To get there you will join SCI-PATHOS-III as normal, and in the menu, there will be a button that says "SERVERS" Click on that and click on the ScD Server. However, some events such as Department Wide Tests/Interviews and Rallies will be hosted on the main servers. 

Can I join the Scientific Department team as an Entrant? 

Yes! You can join the Scientific Department team as an Entrant, however, it is strongly suggested that you read up on all documentation before doing so. Remember you can not test until you pass an Entrant Orientation.

Where can I go without trespassing by accident?

If you are unsure where you can go as a member of the Scientific Department please refer yourself to the Site Access Regulations sheet. 

What do I do if our security escort dies while in the containment zone?

If your Security Escort dies or leaves in the middle of a test, dont panic. Stay where you are, and request another escort on the Request Channel of the radio, and wait until they arrive. 

How can I get testing credits and promotion points?

You can get Testing Credits and Promotion Points by attending official Scientific Department events, Test Logs/Interview Logs, and hosting Lectures!

Are there any regulations when it comes to wearing the Ballistic Vest?

Yes, there are regulations. The regulations for all tools can be found in the Main Handbook. Here is a brief rundown for the Ballistic Vest; You can't wear it during Protocol Blue Sky unless; you are in an event such as testing. You can wear the Ballistic Vest during protocols that could lead to danger such as Yellow Ember, Uproar, and Red Heron. It is not mandated that you have to wear during these events. 

Can  I make a custom test/interview log format?

Are you more then welcome to make an custom test/interview log. However, you must make sure you have all the follow sections;

When can I enter SCP chambers/observation areas?

Only when an approved combative gives you permission

When are Entrant Orientations hosted?

An Entrant Orientation is often hosted at least once per day. It depends on the availability of our Medium Command.

Where can I spectate a test?

Our scientific department will try to test whenever they can! Be sure to ask nicely if you want a test, but they aren’t always available.

What is BRD?

The Biohazard Research Division is a ScD sub-division that handles biohazardous SCPs. Such as SCP-009.