Month of January 2024



Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-500, SCP-1200 & SCP-2398
Test Rationale: What would happen if someone swings SCP-2398 on someone infected with SCP-1200-29? 
Date of Test: 1/9/2024  
Summary of Test: SCP-2398 was able to manipulate the effects of SCP-1200. The pompous large limbs became long-drawn, thin limbs. SCP-2938 was also able to neutralize SCP-1200-29 effects and temporarily return the subject to base form.    

Aronnos5555 Test #0028 SCP-1200 X SCP-207 09/01/2024


Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049 & SCP-207
Test Rationale: Is oxymetazoline present in SCP-207 or SCP-049's cure, and are there any other possible outcomes that would allow us to determine the chemical composition of both substances? 
Date of Test: 1/17/2024  
Summary of Test: SCP-049's cure could contain traces of catechol-O-methgyltransferase (COMT) and/or monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), both of which are enzymes that inhibit adrenaline and break it down. Moreover, it is safe to assume that each person responds differently to SCP-207.    

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049 x SCP-207] - [#0009] - [1/17/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049
Test Rationale: The purpose of this test is to determine whether or not psychedleics are present in the "Cure" while also attempting to identify which hallucinogen.
Date of Test: 1/17/2024  
Summary of Test: Peyote, a type of cactus known to contain traces of a psychedelic substance called mescaline, is known to cause the flawed perception of space and time which we witnessed during the test. The other observations such as the lack of focus may be explained by mescaline’s effects on dopamine and serotonin levels, causing the individual to feel more drowsy and therefore lose focus.     

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049] - [#0010] - [1/17/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049 & SCP-457
Test Rationale: Testing whether or not genetic mutations occur in SCP-049-2 by comparing their biomass to that of normal humans in order to determine whether or not tumors have grown as a result of the cure being administered. 
Date of Test: 1/19/2024  
Summary of Test: The biomass of the subject did increase due to a tumor. This could be due to the presence of a radioactive substance or a carcinogen in the Cure. If a radioactive substance were to be present, this would cause harmful ionizing radiation, ending up with tumor growth and gene mutations. This would mean that the cognitive disadvantages could be attributed to the aforementioned causes. This theory, if it is true, would allow us to identify numerous components that compose the cure, allowing us to further understand its nature and possibly find a way to neutralize it.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049 x SCP-457] - [#0011] - [1/19/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049
Interview Rationale: There could be many causes as to why SCP-049 could be making up the pestilence. Although I am seeking to determine which, if any, exact mental disorders influence SCP-049. 
Date of Interview: 1/16/2024  
Summary of Interview: SCP-049 may be suffering from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This disorder has been found to cause a distorted perception of reality as well as delusions. This was clear throughout the interview. Another common symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is frequent lying to avoid exposing any of their vulnerabilities, this can also be applied to SCP-049, as he seems to change his answers very frequently considering the fact that my previous interview with him was only a week ago. This means that there is a likelihood that the SCP does in fact suffer from this disorder.     

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049] - [#0003] - [1/16/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049 & SCP-207
Interview Rationale: Does the "Cure" contain beta blockers and in what amounts are  they present?
Date of Interview: 1/14/2024
Summary of Interview: Though this requires further testing to confirm, there could be phenylephrine or oxymetazoline present within the cure, both of which are adrenergic drugs, when coupled with SCP-207, both drugs cause an intensified stimulus on the adrenal glands.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049 x SCP-207] - [#0008] - [1/14/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-082
Interview Rationale: The purpose of this interview is to figure out whether SCP-082's dissociated personality disorder may have been caused by previous experiences, in other words, this interview will allow us to determine whether or not the psychoanalytic theory applies to SCP-082.  
Date of Interview: 1/8/2024
Summary of Interview: SCP-082 could have developed a taste for human flesh through his childhood trauma, being isolated and alone could have caused him to hate people, therefore seeking revenge on them through eating them, and allowing him to cope with his painful memories. 

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-082] - [#0001] - [1/8/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049
Interview Rationale: There could be multiple reasons from a psychological standpoint which cause the Plague Doctor to not only attempt to cure the Pestilence, but neglect his patients’ consent to the operation in order to do so. The motive behind his journey is also unclear, whether he does it for a sense of control over the SCP-049-2 instances, or out of the goodness of his heart is yet to be discovered through this interview.  
Date of Interview: 1/9/2024  
Summary of Interview: SCP-049 suffers from a mild case of OCPD, meaning he obsesses over control to ensure that everything goes to plan, not for the sake of being power hungry. 

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049] - [#0002] - [1/9/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049 & SCP-207
Test Rationale: Does SCP-049's cure contain Scopolamine, and in what dosages is it present in the cure? 
Date of Test: 1/13/2024  
Summary of Test: Scopolamine is present in abundant portions within the cure, this is backed up by the clear signs of photophobia on the subject.  

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049 X SCP-1200] - [#0007] - [1/13/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-049, SCP-500 & SCP-1200
Test Rationale: Will SCP-049's cure will cause a steeper increase in growth hormone levels when combined with SCP-1200-29, and will there be any physical changes that will occur due to this hormone imbalance?
Date of Test: 1/13/2024  
Summary of Test: SCP-049’s cure could in fact contain narcotics. There are many observations that point to this fact. Narcotics cause dizziness and nausea which can be the cause of SCP-049-2 instances’ drowsy posture. Narcotics also decrease the activity of the pituitary gland, therefore canceling out the growth hormone stimulation effects caused by the adrenocorticotropic hormones. 

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-082] - [#0005] - [1/9/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-082
Test Rationale: Does the social learning theory apply on SCP-082? This will determine whether or not the SCP is capable of responding proportionally, and reasonably to a set of situations. 
Date of Test: 1/9/2024  
Summary of Test: The theory of social learning does not apply to a specimen like him, he is incapable of learning from the consequences others face and so we can consider Fernand's cognitive development incomplete or in progress.    

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-082] - [#0005] - [1/9/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-527
Test Rationale: What is the reasoning behind why each type of projectile used by SCP-527 has different properties. This test is provided with calculated physical quantities. 
Date of Test: 1/8/2024  
Summary of Test: Each one of these bubbles gains kinetic energy during a collision, this is of course an anomalous quality of the bubbles. They could be gaining and losing kinetic energy upon their collisions, causing their kinetic energy to remain constant.    

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-527] - [#0004] - [1/8/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-035 & SCP-049
Test Rationale: Does the  cure have an affect on SCP-035-2 and if so, what are the physical and psychological changes that can be observed on SCP-035-2, and what conclusion do they lead us towards?
Date of Test: 1/6/2024  
Summary of Test: SCP-035 had no control over the subject, but instead, SCP-049's cure cancelled out SCP-035's influence.    

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-035 x SCP-049] - [#0003] - [1/6/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Entrant       
SCP(s): SCP-035 & SCP-1200
Test Rationale: Can SCP-1200-30 override the changes caused by SCP-035 or even affect the anomaly? 
Date of Test: 1/4/2024  
Summary of Test: SCP-035 compromises the host's neutral network and utilizes it as if it is its own, so any effects that directly affect the subject's neural network, SCP-035 will be receiving the stimulus.    

SCPF - (SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-1200 x SCP-035] - [0002] - [1/4/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Junior Researcher       
SCP(s): SCP-1048-D
Test Rationale: If a subject using a vehicle were to drive through one of SCP-1048-D's dimensional tears, will they still be teleported?
Date of Test: 1/15/2024  
Summary of Test: The results were varied depending on the distance of the portals, the speed the subject traveled and the size of the vehicle. When an ATV moved slowly through close distance portals, they teleported successfully. However, when it moved slowly through long distance portals with an ATV, it glitched and flung like a slingshot. Any attempts with other vehicles immediately clipped them out of bounds.   

(SCPF - [4spha1t] - [1048] - [0007] - [1/15/24])


Researcher's Rank:  Researcher       
SCP(s): RS 0666
Test Rationale: Will RS 0666 return to there chamber if someone loops around the scarecrow in its chamber.
Date of Test: 1/7/2024  
Summary of Test: RS 0666 will not come back to its chamber to hunt someone who looped around the scarecrow when it was not precent. However, if RS 0666 was there when the personnel looped around the scarecrow, they will come back to hunt them.

[elijahdude00] - [RS 0666] - [#057] - [1/7/2023]


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-049
Test Rationale:  Hydrophobia is the fear of water. Patients infected with rabies were observed to have muscle spasms when exposed to water. Therefore, and while factoring in all the information above, the purpose of this test is to determine whether or not the rabies virus is present within SCP-049’s cure.
Date of Test: 1/19/2024
Summary of Test: The subject did indeed suffer from rabies due to it being present within the cure. This is of course backed up by the clear hesitation and turndown to making physical contact with the water, somewhat indicating muscular spasms although it cannot be fully confirmed. This of course explains many of the aforementioned symptoms of rabies observable on SCP-049-2 subjects such as confusion, vulnerability, nausea, dizziness, aggression, and submissiveness towards SCP-049.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-049] - [#0012] - [1/19/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106
Test Rationale:   I seek to determine the portion of the pocket dimension that has been discovered, by utilizing the following values: measurements of the discovered pocket dimension’s area, the total surface area of the structure it rests on, as well as the gravitational field strength.
Date of Test: 1/21/2024
Summary of Test: There are vast undiscovered areas in the pocket dimension. This is true as the estimated surface area of the structure is greater than the estimated area of the 8 corridor room. This knowledge may be used in the future to further understand the nature of SCP-106’s pocket dimension as well as explore secrets that have not been revealed yet to educate us on the origin of this SCP and its pocket dimension.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106] - [#0013] - [1/21/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106
Test Rationale:   I aim to discover, through the results of this test, the likelihood of SCP-106 attacking victims displaying signs of mental anguish verbally, compared to victims that remain silent or display signs of an optimal mental health.
Date of Test: 1/21/2024
Summary of Test:  SCP-106 chose to consume the subjects closer to him first. As to why he avoided the camera man could be due to his desire to induce fear into the viewers by allowing them to watch the majority of the subjects being abducted first (Suggested by CellVoices). His selection of this method shows signs of intelligence to some degree as he adopted the most efficient way in attacking the Subjects.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106] - [#0014] - [1/22/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106
Test Rationale: I seek to determine the approximate temperature of the pocket dimension and its source in order to improve and confirm the validity of the current model of the pocket dimension. I shall also factor in the possibility of high background radiation in the pocket dimension being present as a side objective of this test in order to further my understanding and increase the potential of further testing on this matter.
Date of Test:  1/23/2024
Summary of Test:  The effects that appeared on the Class-Ds such as the memory loss, bluffing and lack of focus as well as a narrower span of attention, are all a result of the increased thermal energy which radiates from the core of the Pocket Dimension to the surface. Of course, assuming that the temperature of the planet’s core is the same as that of Earth’s, the increase in radiated energy is caused by the decreased distance between the core and the surface.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106] - [#0015] - [1/23/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106
Test Rationale:  I plan on classifying the source of radioactivity in the pocket dimension, if there is any at all, in order to confirm and improve my understanding of the planetary structure of SCP-106’s pocket dimension, while also attempting to gather any anomalous results in order to further expand on their potential explanations in future experiments.
Date of Test:  1/27/2024
Summary of Test:   Due to the presence of common occuring structures in this model such as asteroid belts as well as the weakened gamma ray effects which have been observed throughout this test and seem to be explained by this model, I consider it to be the most plausible of the three. Click on the document to view the visual representation of this model

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106] - [#0016] - [1/27/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106 x SCP-457 x SCP-1048-D
Test Rationale:   I plan to determine whether or not tumor growth is promoted due to the presence of a subject in the pocket dimension. For this experiment, I will utilize SCP-106 to gain access to the pocket dimension. I will then make use of SCP-1048-D’s navigation and teleportation abilities to quickly locate and transport the Class-D that has escaped from the pocket dimension back to our whereabouts. Meanwhile, SCP-457 will only partake in the incineration phase of this test.
Date of Test:  1/29/2024
Summary of Test:   The selected model relies on the significant decrease in gamma ray concentrations via the absorption that occurs through the collisions and reflections with many objects, such as asteroids and the atmospheric layer in the dimension. I choose not to dive too deep into this, however according to past experiments, this theory also contains the most accuracy in terms of the temperature, radiation and general physical observations.

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106 x SCP-457 x SCP-1048-D] - [#0017] - [1/29/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher      
SCP(s):  SCP-106, SCP-662-1
Test Rationale:  Through the utilization of a flashlight, provided by SCP-662-1, determine the nature of the light originating from SCP-106’s eyes, in the pocket dimension. Apply the recorded results and observations to your theories in order to determine the underlying cause of such a phenomenon.
Date of Test:  1/30/2024
Summary of Test:   SCP-106 was able to navigate possibly through the 6th sense proposed by CellVoices until his rods were able to regenerate. As for the reasoning behind why SCP-106 may have cataracts which further increase this effect due to their light dispersing properties, we can assume that SCP-106, due to his old age,  suffers from cataracts. 

(SCPF - [Archivist_X] - [SCP-106 x SCP-662] - [#0018] - [1/30/2024])