
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-330 is a black bowl full of candy of various colors. On one side of the bowl is a rough note that labels, “Take no more than two please!!”. Players who approach the bowl are given a UI prompt to take candy from the bowl. When grabbed, the candy is not editable and acts merely as a cosmetic item.

Upon a player taking one or two candies from SCP-330, nothing will occur, as the note asks of the player.

Upon a player taking a third candy, one candy over the note’s request, the player will lose both hands and bleed to death.

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-330 is contained in a rectangular room placed on a table. There is a large viewing glass and computers outside of it. This is available to those who have met the item’s restrictions. This item is located within the Clean Rooms.

Special Research Procedures