Month of April 2024



Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  1048-G
Test Rationale:  I have noticed that SCP-1048-G has a strong will to help, no matter the cause or the individual, if it is not someone which directly hurted them (the group) for example SCP-682, throughout this interview my main topic will be to determine SCP-1048-G and identify potential underlying mechanism behind this behavior.
Date of Test: 04/03/2024
Summary of Test: SCP-1048-G has a big sense of priority when it comes to healing, he alway seeks to help, and this desire to help might come from SCP-2295

Maxaot - 1048 - 005 - 03/04/2024


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  1048-G
Test Rationale:  We know from previous interview, observation and test log that SCP-1048-G loves his fellow bear, however he seems to have preference when it comes to certain matter, this is the example of SCP-1048-J and SCP-1048-M conflict where SCP-1048-G often take side of Terrence, throughout this interview i will attempt to understand why that is and identify potential other social conflict or interaction between SCP-1048-G and other member of the SCP 1048 Group.
Date of Test: 04/12/2024
Summary of Test: SCP-1048-G loves all bear but seems to have preference within the group, and seems to mind when other bear harm people he seeked to heal / help.

INTERVIEW || Maxaot - 1048 - 006 - 12/04/2024


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  1048-G
Test Rationale:  We have determined through previous interview and test, that SCP-1048-G is made out the remnant of SCP-2295, but it is also recognized that he will be dodgy, or has no knowledge of the event that occurred to SCP-2295 in Site Alpha. My interview topic will go as follows: “What is SCP-1048-G knowledge of SCP-2295 ?
Date of Test: 04/14/2024
Summary of Test: Patches does not seem to posseses any knowledge of SCP-2295 but still seems to know what happened in Site Alpha, Builder bear never talked to 1048-G about the death of SCP-2295 explaining the lack of knowledge of Patches.

INTERVIEW || Maxaot - 1048-G - 007 - 13/04/2024


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  1048-G
Test Rationale:   We know from previous interview and tests that SCP-1048-G and all instances of SCP-1048 may be rebuilt by SCP-1048 (Builder) but we also know that SCP-1048-G is made out of the remnant of SCP-2295 throughout this interview, I will interview SCP-1048-G to identify potential special link with the “rebuild” process and learn more about this process from the bear themself.
Date of Test: 04/18/2024
Summary of Test: SCP-1048-G and other instances of SCP-1048 does not know what they are made out of, they retain memory and capacity after being rebuilt, and can be rebuilt as much time as needed

Interview || Maxaot - 1048-G - 008 - 17/02/2024


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-049 & SCP-500
Test Rationale:   Will SCP-049 view subjects that have interacted with an instance of SCP-500 differently to subjects that have not interacted with any instances of SCP-500? And does SCP-500 really have negative effects on those infected with the pestilence or does SCP-049 simply view anyone who has come into contact with SCP-500 as having rapidly decreasing health?
Date of Test: 04/6/2024
Summary of Test: SCP-049 did not show a very interesting outcome. He proceeded to split up the pairs diagnosing them with either the pestilence or other random common diseases. It was interesting however as he identified one of the subjects that had interacted with SCP-500 and had the pestilence as not having a rapid decline in health. This completely contradicts earlier theories and raises questions about the information obtained from Test Log #004, which this log is a continuation of.

Research log #0006


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-049
Test Rationale:   What is the procedure of curing Pestilence, according to SCP-049 and when did SCP-049 begin his duty?
Date of Test: 4/3/2024
Summary of Test: According to SCP-049, there are many different methods to cure his patients. This is depending on the condition of SCP-049’s patients. SCP-049 also stated that The Pestilence can temporarily remain inactive in an individual for an unknown period of time and will be spread in an unpredictable way.

(SCPF - [Dr. AdamSidious] - [SCP-049] - [#004] - [4/3/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-527 & SCP-1048-C
Test Rationale:   Can SCP 1048-C projectiles penetrate through SCP 527 bubbles?
Date of Test: 4/14/2024
Summary of Test: SCP 1048-C when in contact with those bubbles, did use his projectiles and did not destroy the bubble however, when used multiple attacks it has destroyed the bubble.



Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-1048-C X SCP-1200-15
Test Rationale:   Is it possible to prove the existence of Uranium within Nuke’s crystals via repeating the experiments Henri Antoine did in the 1800’s to find uranium?
Date of Test: 4/20/2024
Summary of Test: I had Nuke place his crystal on a window and had a CD consume -15. This was used to test if Uranium existed within Nuke's crystal via Henry Antoine's famous experiment in the 1800s. The test restulted in no markings on the glass, but heavy theorization on how Uranium COULD exist within the crystal via uranium glass, vaporized Mercury, and an unkown 3rd heat source.

SCP-1048-C Test #0001 - Y333t3rs0n


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-049 X SCP-999
Test Rationale:   Can SCP-049-02 instance display “happy” emotion?
Date of Test: 4/21/2024
Summary of Test: Upon in physical contact with SCP-999, SCP-049-02 began to fall to the ground and move abnormally due to being tickled by SCP-999. This unusual behavior was temporary, which lasted around 20 seconds. It was also reported that SCP-049-02 was overjoyed by the effects of SCP-999's tickle.

(SCPF - [AdamSidious] - [SCP-999- SCP-049] - [#010] - [4/20/2024])


Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-527 x SCP-1048-D
Test Rationale:  Can SCP 1048-D knife penetrate through fish bubbles?
Date of Test: 4/23/2024
Summary of Test: SCP 1048-D could penetrate through the trap bubble (CD's being trapped inside there) but however the other bubbles such as normal, kinetic or bullet proved too strong for void.



Researcher's Rank: Researcher
SCP(s):  SCP-527 x SCP-914
Test Rationale:  Would SCP 527 bubbles be destroyed on rough? If not, will it be upgraded?
Date of Test: 4/8/2024
Summary of Test: Aside from SCP 527 trap bubbles sending the CD's to the abyss inside of 914. We have tried normal, kinetic and bubble and none has been destroyed or upgraded.



Researcher's Rank: Research Specialist
SCP(s):  SCP-610-2
Test Rationale:  Since 610-2 are protective over the the core would they be able to notice a CD attacking it/going directly towards it without directly seeing them and being preoccupied with chasing other CDs.
Date of Test: 4/27/2024
Summary of Test: Each strike to the Core of 610's containment with 2398 caused 610-2 to be hesitant to get closer to the CD attacking the Core and closer to the middle in general.

(SCPF - [In_st] - [SCP-610 x 207 x 2398] - [030] - [04/27/24])