
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-082, also known as "Fernand the Cannibal", is a French civillian. In appearance, a huge humanoid figure with green skin tone. Fernand possesses powerful muscles that allow him to easily lift and hurl people. Fernand also has a powerful jaw, allowing him to consume entire humans in a few bites. Fernand is an outgoing person who may occasionally connect with staff and even hold tea parties.

As previously stated, SCP-082 is frequently observed interacting with personnel or anomalies. SCP-082 is provoked when he or any of his "friends" are insulted. When provoked, SCP-082 will begin punching the victim to death, throwing them away, or eating them. SCP-082 will occasionally dress up as many different characters where he will act as them aswell. SCP-082 refers to people using nicknames, primarily food-related nicknames.

Special Containment Procedures 

Contained in the Moderate Containment Zone, SCP-082 is given a modified Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Chamber. SCP-082's containment is designed as a bedroom from a medieval French noblemen's bedroom with a dining room. SCP-082 can free roam around PATHOS-III

Special Research Procedures 

Outfits of SCP-082

Napoleon Fernaparte

SCP-082 will disguise himself as France's savior general. He will occasionally narrate made-up stories about his time as a General in France. General Fernaparte will gather foundation/Class-D personnel on occasion, train them, and lead them to battle.

Chef Ferdinand

SCP-082 will disguise himself as a qualified chef. He will occasionally gather personnel within Site-Phi and take them to the kitchen within the cafeteria where he will host a cooking show.

Dr. Fernestein
"Mad Scientist"

SCP-082 will disguise as a mad scientist. He will occasionally host tests similar to tests the Scientific Department hosts, but with far more ridiculous concepts and hypotheses. Dr. Fernstein will gladly spectate any tests hosted by the Scientific Department. 

Monsieur Fernando
"Rich Fern"

SCP-082 will disguise himself as an arrogant billionaire. He will brag about his wealth. Monsieur Fernando looks down on lower Security-Class personnel and will mainly host tea parties amongst those who he deems rich. (Security-Class 3+, AD, FI)

The Great Fernando

SCP-082 will disguise himself as a powerful wizard. He will occasionally host sorcery shows where he will perform absurd rituals in order to showcase his "magic" (While Fernand doesn't have any "magic" properties, he will pretend as if he does in this outfit).

Detective Ferlock

SCP-082 will disguise himself as a famed Detective. SCP-082 will occasionally look for cases to search upon (Murder, thievery, trespassing, law-breakers, et cetera). Detective Fernlock will look for any clues during those cases and when he reaches the suspect, he will either hand them over to proper authorities or kill them.


SCP-082 will disguise himself as a tourist visiting the installation. Fernie may also host public tours around the installation to have a company with him while he wanders around the installation. He will visit numerous sites and name them differently.

Sheriff Fern

Sheriff Fern will nearly always utilize Western slang in his discourse. Sheriff Fern frequently mentions 'his town,' which refers to the installation, its outlaws (Class-D personnel), and how he interacts with them. He will frequently assert that he is the law and that he guards this "town." He lies about practically everything he does and greatly exaggerates it.


Fernstein claims he is cured of SCP-049 which has the same abilities as SCP-082. It took SCP-049 all day to create Fernstein.

Captain Fern

Captain Fern is always on the look for treasure and to sail the seas. The captain is always looking for a crew to join him in these adventures around the seven seas. 

Santa Fern

Santa Claus has come to town! Fern is here to spread the Christmas cheer around SCI-PATHOS-III. He is always looking for more elves to help him make toys for all the good boys and girls around the world. Be careful and dont be a Grinch around Santa!