SCP-082's Addendum

Addendum 082 : 1 

SCP-082 has nicknames for each team on site they are as followed;

Addendum 082 : 2

SCP-082 has a liking towards SCP-127 and his projectiles. SCP-082 claims that SCP-127's projectiles are "delicious" and that they helped them take his mind off of rude personnel. However, when asked if SCP-082 would prefer SCP-127's projectiles or other personnel, they still presented a liking towards eating other personnel rather than SCP-127's projectiles. SCP-127 could be utilized to calm down SCP-082 in an event he is upset or angry.

Discovered by: vinkingmaga

Addendum 082 : 3

SCP-082 has stated that he is displeased with the appearance of SCP-1200-58 and SCP-1200-29 instances. He was hesitant about eating them in the end of the experiment he didn't ate any of the altered Class-D  and was confused on what happened to them. Proceed with caution when exposing SCP-082 to instances with mutated appearances.

Discovered by: ardababapro1010

Addendum 082 : 4

This test has shown that SCP-082 is able to eat Class-Ds affected by radiation without getting harmed in any way. This might show that SCP-082 is immune to radiation or needs much higher amounts of radiation to be affected by it. However, he is not keen on the taste of these Class-Ds affected by radiation and reports their taste to be sour and zingy. In addition, he said that he would rather not eat the Class-Ds affected by radiation as he dislikes the taste. 

Discovered by: cancanblox

Addendum 082 : 5

According to my observation in this test, SCP-082 had shown dislike to CD due to SCP-1200-15's effect. He hated the intense light and demanded to get rid of it. After the effects of SCP-1200-15 worn off from the CD, SCP-082 decided to not eat him as he described the CD as "too foul to eat". It is recommended to proceed with caution when exposing SCP-082 to individuals with SCP-1200-15's effect and any objects that can illuminate with intense light.

Discovered by: AdamSidious

Addendum 082 : 6

SCP-082 dislikes eating people with altered skin from a variety of SCP-294 drinks, he was hesitant to eat them when I offered them to him and instead politely declined stating that seasoned food made his stomach hurt. He then also said that he prefers oranges plain and without any altercations from SCPs, other than that he didn’t treat the CDs any differently showing them kindness and respect.