SCP Classifications

Containment Class

Containment class is used to explain the degree of which we can contain an SCP or its chances of escaping containment. A lower containment class means there will be fewer protocols in place. Conversely, a higher containment class will imply a higher degree of protocols needed to be followed in order to prevent a breach of containment.

Safe Class

Containment Class Safe is the lowest class an SCP can have. Mainly object class SCPs will have this classification.  These objects do not breach or are relatively difficult to cause a breach.

Euclid Class

A containment class represents an object whose behavior is not yet known whether it would breach or not on its own. These refer to objects that the Foundation can contain fairly well, but not to the degree of Safe objects. SCP objects with the Euclid class are typically unpredictable.

Keter Class

Containment Class Keter is used for SCP objects that are difficult to contain. The SCPs that are unstable, very unpredictable, or present little way of ensuring successful containment if it is even possible. These SCP objects are under constant supervision by combative personnel.

Pending Class

Assigned to newly contained SCPs awaiting classification.

Disruption Class

Disruption Classes will be used on how much an SCP object can disturb the status of the site or world at large if they breach containment. These are measured based upon the following factors: How much do the effects spread, how easily are anomalous effects mitigated or neutralized, and if a breach occurs how much will this pose a threat to Foundation secrecy.

Dark Class

Disruption Class Dark will be used on SCPs that will have very little almost zero effect on the site’s day to day operations. Effects spread minimally or not at all and can be neutralized easily.

Vlam Class

Disruption Class Vlam designates an object that has effects with the potential to possibly spread or are difficult to revert/neutralize the effects of. Objects with this designation are to be handled with caution, regardless of the threat they actually pose.

Keneq Class

Disruption Class Keneq designates an object that will cause permanent alterations that may be treated with some degree of difficulty, spreads effectively, or has effects that are harder to mitigate. Keneq objects are possible to breach and need careful monitoring to ensure that their effects do not spread.

Ekhi Class

Disruption Class Ekhi refers to objects that can cause great alterations to the facility or the world around them. These objects are to be handled with the utmost care due to their potential to spread. Alterations by Ekhi-class objects are nearly permanent with few or no ways to revert these changes. 

Amida Class

Disruption Class Amida refers to objects that can make permanent, irreversible changes to mass amounts of area up to the entirety of the universe, all of humanity, or would remove the Veil of secrecy the Foundation operates behind should a breach occur. Containment is a high priority and only personnel specifically trained with operations involving the object may interact in any way with it.

Risk Class

Risk Class is to inform us how much actual danger an SCP object poses to an individual or group of individuals. A higher risk class will require more advanced protocols. This also includes additional restrictions to access of research and information to ensure secrecy.

Notice Class

Risk Class Notice is the lowest risk class. SCPs objects with Notice Risk Class will result in little to no danger to personnel in terms of health.

Caution Class

Risk Class Caution objects express a minor threat to those around and personnel are advised to be cautious. SCP with the risk class caution can cause harm to those in contact with it if proper protocols are not followed.

Warning Class

Risk Class Warning is to be used on SCPs that can, at the very least, pose a threat to personnel in contact with the object and can, at the least, pose a fatal hazard. SCPs that can move and act on their own will always have a warning class or above.

Danger Class

Risk Class Danger refers to SCP objects that pose a serious threat to both Foundation property and personnel. Objects of this classification will require more advanced protocols on how to test them safely. 

Critical Class

Risk Class Critical are the most dangerous SCPs that the Foundation holds. These SCPs pose a serious risk to all personnel in proximity to the object’s effects, some of which may range in severity that exceeds even death.