
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-034 is a black obsidian knife of ancient, unknown origin. It is about the size of a simple scalpel. 

When SCP-034 is used to impale another individual, anomalous phenomena occurs. Firstly, the impalement is lethal to the victim, regardless of what was impaled. Secondly, the victim’s attire and inventory is transferred to the user of SCP-034. Additionally, the name tag and rank tag is also mimicked to the former victim. The only parts that don’t transfer are the usernames and the ID, allowing individuals to steal identities.

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-034 is contained in a rectangular room placed on a table. There is a large viewing glass and computers outside of it. This is available to those who have met the item’s restrictions. This item is located within the Clean Rooms.

Special Research Procedures