
Object Class

Spectator Clearance Required

Scientific Rank Required

Anomaly Description

SCP-999 is a small Orange SCP. SCP-999 is made of an unknown substance that resembles slime, or Jell-O. SCP-999 has two black eyes and can form a mouth to show if it is happy or sad with a smile or a frown. It can also form two arms that extend out of its body to do different actions such as waving, dancing, shrugging, and tickling.  SCP-999 has the same intelligence as a house cat. 

SCP-999 tickle people and when done so they will fall to the ground with happiness effects. These effects play music and increase the brightness of colors for personnel affected by it. 

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-999 is contained in a standard sentient SCP chamber within the Cleanrooms. SCP-999 is free to roam around PATHOS-III as it pleases.

Special Research Procedures