SCP-999's Addendum

Addendum 999 : 1

Emotions of SCP-999

You can NOT request for the SCP-999's emotions for testing.

SCP-999-2 "Happiness"

SCP-999-2 is physically identical to SCP-999, except that it is significantly smaller and has a green tone rather than orange.

SCP-999-2, commonly known as SCP-999's "Happiness" emotion, exhibits the same overall behavior as SCP-999, despite the fact that it is happy in every case. It will remain happy even if someone was shown to death in front of him or shot. While all other emotion instances have the ability to tickle, being tickled by SCP-999-2 is far more common. It will often stroll with SCP-999-3 and will keep its distance with SCP-999-4.

SCP-999-3 "Sadness"

SCP-999-3 is physically identical to SCP-999, except that it is significantly smaller and has a blue tone rather than orange.

SCP-999-3, commonly known as SCP-999's "Sadness" emotion, exhibits the same overall behavior as SCP-999, despite the fact that it is upset in every case. It will remain upset even if someone was playing games with it or if it was given a candy. It will often stroll with SCP-999-2 and is afraid of SCP-999-4.

SCP-999-4 "Anger"

SCP-999-4 is physically identical to SCP-999, except that it is significantly smaller and has a red tone rather than orange.

SCP-999-4, also known as the "Anger" emotion of SCP-999. This emotion instance is unlike any other. While SCP-999 was observed to be absent of "anger" emotion, it indicates that the emotion is still present. That is, even our little buddy is filled with the emotion of anger. SCP-999-4 frequently rejects requests from people and despises everyone in its vicinity. It includes its siblings/instances. If SCP-999-4 is on the Pandora terrain, he will frequently try to tickle individuals and slide them into the Pandora Crystal. Otherwise, it will not care about anyone in its vicinity and will do anything to get rid of them.

Addendum 999 : 2

999 is able to recognize people even if they are wearing a disguise, when I re-introduced my CD now disguised in a new uniform back into 999's CC, 999 instantly jumped at the CD and started tickling him, when asked, 999 nodded when asked if it recognized the DCD.