SCP-131's Addendum

Addendum 131 : 1

Instances of SCP-131 hold an attachment to certain toys, mainly the Monkey Plushie the Medical Department provides. Often, they can get restless when it is taken away. Depending on their mood, they can either share or not with other instances of SCP-131. They are known to act friendly and hold a bond with those who possess or give the item.

Discovered by: AmazingBKL

Addendum 131 : 2

All 131's when they bond with someone, they seem to remember alot more than just their demeanor and looks, this was found out when 131 seemed to notice a CD that was previously unkind to them under the effects of 034, it did a 360 and had to double check that it was really them, but eventually they did fall for the effects of 034, despite that, 131 still noticed something off during the test.

Discovered by: In_st

Addendum 131 : 3

SCP-131s are all seen to at some point when ending something or moving onto something else, they are seen giving gifts to the people and SCPs they have had a bad relationship with as an attempt to fix any disagreements between the two, the 131's are very forgiving and show a lot of empathy and are quite emotionally intelligent as they would much rather end things off on a good note rather than a bad one, and even if the two do disagree on something, the 131's will still make an attempt at fixing this by giving toys to others despite its disagreement on a topic.

Discovered by: In_st