SCP-049's Addendum

Addendum 049 : 1

SCP-049 has stated that he is displeased with the appearance of all SCP-1200-29 instances. He was hesitant about curing them, and following the experiment, he requested that they all be terminated as soon as possible. Proceed with caution when exposing SCP-049 to any instances with a mutated appearance. 

Discovered by: Archivist_X

Addendum 049 : 2

It has been reported that SCP-049 dislikes being near SCP-457, also known as "The Burning Man," and SCP-527, also known as "Mr. Fish". SCP-049 describes these anomalies as highly problematic. Additionally, SCP-049 expressed intense hate for SCP-106 "The Old Man" and considers that their existence is an impediment to their research to improve his cure for the "Pestilence". It has also been found that SCP-106 speaks ill of SCP-049's cure, portraying it in a negative light. It is recommended to prevent contact between SCP-049 and these SCPs.

Discovered by: DevPlayzOK

Addendum 049 : 3

The cure that SCP-049 administers to subjects. SCP-049 claims that there is no ingredient in his cure and that how the cure is administered can vary from patient to patient. An example he used is that the cure can apparently be done via a simple organ restructuring. There is also no apparent “textbook” method of curing someone, SCP-049 can be different as I alluded to earlier. This suggests that every single person that he has administered his cure to is special to that said person. To give an example, I can theoretically be cured via an organ restructuring, but Adept Researcher Grydor can be cured via something else. SCP-049 also alludes to the fact that he either does not use, or uses very primitive machine

Discovered by:  Geodashplayer73

Addendum 049 : 4

SCP-049 noticed a rapid decline in health in a subject he identified as “infected” with the pestilence after the subject ate an instance of SCP-500. The negative effects that SCP-500 had on a pestilence riddled subject and the rapid increase of symptoms most likely suggest that SCP-500 acts as a stimulant for the pestilence. In modern science, this basically means that SCP-500 will stimulate the pestilence, or in other words, basically make the disease go haywire resulting in an increase in symptoms.

Discovered by:  Peelyparadise

Addendum 049 : 5

SCP-049 SCP-049 noticed that a cured person can remove SCP-198 from their hand and drop it back onto the table. SCP-198 cannot otherwise be removed by a normal person's hand. Also, a cured person lost health at a slower rate after drinking SCP-198 than a normal person after drinking SCP-198. Also, when a cured person holds up SCP-198, SCP-198's liquid turns green the first time, and at the second time, SCP-198's liquid turns yellow. 

Discovered by:  proscpyt 

Addendum 049 : 6

 I've found that 049-2 generally has a higher pain tolerance, ranging from double resistance all the way to 10x resistance compared to a regular human. Attacks which would usually be fatal in one blow can be tanked several times over. Bleed is also less prevalent with 049-2 instances compared to regular people, but it does happen. His subjects have survived 035's corrosion for double the amount of time as a regular subject, survived 8 hits from 1048-C's radioactive barrier attack before dying and surviving 330's "instant death" after taking the 4th candy for 5 seconds. These personally prove to me that 049-2 instances are meant to be braindead super soldiers that 049 controls.

Addendum 049 : 7

SCP-009 does not change the physical appearance of a subject who has been  administered  SCP-049’s cure. However, SCP-009’s effects and ability to spread remains. This means that a cured subject could (theoretically) spread SCP-009’s effect and it being hard to track the cause down since there is no physical or visual indicator from another person’s perspective. Me and SCP-049 also believe that the physical tolerance of the subject (I.E. Pain, damage taken before death, and how many it takes for a subject to start bleeding out) is also increased. 

Discovered by:  Geodashplayer73

Addendum 049 : 8

After many rigorous tests, I have been able to confirm that the “Pestilence” that SCP-049 claims to seek a cure for, is indeed what I call a “Skeleton key” disease. This means that the “Pestilence” takes no set form, and depending on the case will take the form of different diseases, but always has the same identifying traits of the pestilence, that only SCP-049 himself has been able to identify so far. The “Pestilence” has even been observed to take the form of diseases not currently known to man, nor the foundation which I have also concluded means that there are certain diseases that are completely endemic to cases of the “Pestilence”.

Discovered by:  Peelyparadise