
Corkwood, Duboisia myoporoides is a fast-growing tree that provides birds with black berries that ripen around midsummer. We rarely find seedlings of it, possibly because it germinates best in open areas.

Below are the 3-mm long seeds that have been washed free of fruit tissue before sowing. The seed has to be cleaned in this way to get rid of inhibitors of germination present in the fruit. Normally, passing through the gut of a bird accomplishes this very well!

Below is a flowering branch in November.

The leaves are rather fleshy. Like many other solanaceous plants, it grows best in places that are well-supplied with nitrogenous fertiliser. For this reason, it is a good tree to grow in areas where dense privet has been killed, once the roots rot and liberate their nutrients.

Below is a seedling - it's not a very distinctive plant!

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