Berry Semifreddo Icecream

Step one: You will need to make a berry puree.

I used 1 1/2 cups of frozen berries - raspberry and blueberry.

To this you add 1/4 cup caster sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Heat in a saucepan over low heat until berries become pulp like.  Set aside to cool.

Step Two:  Puree the pulp.

I used my Magic Bullet to do this.

 Step Three: Whip 300 ml of pure cream with 1/4 cup sugar.

Step Four:  Whip till peaks form 2 egg whites.

Fold into cream. 

 Step Five:  Fold 150 ml of natural sweetened yoghurt into the whipped cream mixture.

Then swirl through half of the berry puree.

    Place it in a small tub. 

 The last step is to use a knife to swirl the remaining berry puree through the icecream. 

Cover and freeze. 

To serve:  Remove from freezer and let thaw for five minutes.  Use a metal Icecream scoop that has been heated in hot water.  Roll balls and serve with fresh or tinned berries or a berry compote sauce.