Quick Pickled Cucumber Ribbons With Onions

You Will Need: 

One medium sized cucumber

Pinch of chilli flakes or 1/2 teaspoon of Chilli Sauce.

2 teaspoons of minced ginger paste.

1/2 cup of rice wine (or Sushi) vinegar

1/4 cup of fine white caster sugar

 1/2 a thinly sliced red onion


Peel long ribbons from the flesh of one medium size cucumber.

Place in a bowl with the red onion, ginger, and chilli.

In a small pot, heat the vinegar and the sugar.

Stir until the sugar is dissolved.

Add the ginger and chilli. Mix.

Add the onion and the cucumber.

Place in refrigerator for 2 hours before using, tossing to mix at least once during chilling time.

Makes about 1 cup.
