Ginger Oat Breakfast Biscuits


· 1 cup fine oats

· 1/2 cup plain flour

.1/3 cup fine desiccated coconut

· 3/4 cup brown sugar

· 1/2 tsp baking powder

· 1 tsp ground ginger

· 1/2 cup butter, melted

· 1/2 cup milk

· 1 egg

· 1/4 cup raisins or currants


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a bowl, mix together the oats, flour, brown sugar, baking powder, and ground ginger.

3. Add the melted butter, milk, and egg to the dry ingredients stirring until well combined.

4. Mix in the raisins.

5. Use a spoon to drop the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet.

6. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the cakes are golden brown.

Before removing from the tray, allow the biscuits to cool completely so they are firm.

The yield is 14 biscuits.