Vassili Kandinski (1866-1944)


Chrome Music Lab: Musiclab Kandinsky

Hivern 1 (1909)

Composició nº IV (1911)

Obres anteriors de Kandinski

Composició VI

Composició VII

Composició VIII

Estudi de color (1913)

Yelow-Red-Blue (1925)

Cel blau (1940)

In his book of art theory Concerning the Spiritual in Art (published in 1912), Kandinsky defined three types of paintings:


(1). Impressions – A direct impression of outward nature, expressed in purely artistic form.


(2) Improvisations – A largely unconscious, spontaneous expression of inner character, the non-material nature.


(3) Compositions – An expression of a slowly formed inner feeling, which comes to utterance only after long maturing. In this, reason, consciousness, purpose, play an overwhelming part. But of the calculation nothing appears, only the feeling.

Material complementari



"El que és espiritual en l'Art" (1912)

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