Supplier Summary

The Supplier Summary side-panel gives you a powerful summary of all the Suppliers on the database showing Contact details, Transaction history and Accounting summary. You can open the Supplier Summary from Suppliers, Supplier Age Analysis and all the Supplier Transaction modules.


Make sure to first set up Suppliers.

Discover Supplier Summary

The Supplier Summary side-panel consists of four tabs.

  1. Search
  2. Detail
  3. Account
  4. Transactions


Main Menu > Suppliers > Supplier Summary

1. Search

  1. Search/View - This allows you to search for the desired Supplier. If the search field is left blank when clicking View, all the suppliers will be shown.
  2. Name - This shows the Suppliers name.
  3. Acc No. - This shows the Suppliers Account number.
  4. Active - This shows if the Supplier is active.
  5. Supplier Name - When you select a Supplier in the data grid the name will be displayed here. The Detail, Account and Transactions tabs will be populated with the selected Supplier's data.

2. Detail

  1. General - This is where the Supplier's general details are listed. If Active is selected, then the Supplier is available throughout the application.
  2. Contact details - This is where the Supplier's telephone number and addresses are listed.
  3. Contacts - This is where all the contacts linked to this Supplier are listed.

3. Account

  1. Accounting Detail - This reflects the Suppliers accounting detail, such as the Supplier account number.
  2. Credit Detail - The Suppliers Terms are reflected here.
  3. Ageing - The Supplier Age Analysis is shown here, along with the Current and Unallocated amounts.
  4. Credit - The Supplier's Total, Credit Limit and Available balances are shown here.
  5. Activity - This graph reflects the business's interaction with the Supplier, relative to Orders and Invoices

4. Transactions

This tab lists all the transactions that are linked to this Supplier, along with the total monetary value of these transactions.

  • Time period filter - You can filter the data in the data grid by a specific time period e.g. No date (will show all linked transactions), Today, This week, This month, This year, Fin year (Financial year).