Material Summary

This window gives you a single view of a Material Item in a side-panel. This is useful when managing stock and viewing transaction history, actual stock levels and prices at a glance.


Make sure to first set up Materials & Inventory.

Discover Material Summary

The Material Summary side-panel consists of six tabs:

  1. Search
  2. Detail
  3. Pricing
  4. Inventory
  5. Dependencies
  6. Transactions


Main Menu > Materials > Materials Summary

You can also open the Material Summary by right-clicking on a Material Item within any transaction or module and select View Material Summary.

1. Search

This tab shows all the Material Items, and includes functionality to search for a specific Material Item by using the search bar.

This is where you select the Material Item you would like to view the summary on in the next five tabs.

2. Detail

  1. General - This is where the Material Item's general information is listed such as the Code, Material Category, Sub-category, Unit and Customer.
  2. Specification - This is where unique specifications for the Material Item are listed.
  3. Instruction - Instructions for additional information on handling the item are shown here.
  4. Image - An Image of the item can be loaded here for visual identification.

3. Pricing

  1. Units & Pricing - Reflects the cost and sell price per unit.
  2. Supplier Prices - Reflects the suppliers price for the selected item.
  3. Quotations - Reflects any quotations for the selected Material Item.

4. Inventory

  1. Inventory - Shows the location of the selected Material Item. The Material Item might be in more than one location. And reflects the availability of the Material Item.
  2. Checks - This is where the history of physical verification of the quantities of the Material Item in the storage location is recorded.
  3. Movement - The movement of Material Items are displayed in chart format over time.

5. Dependencies

Material Items might be dependent on other to be complete. All dependent items for the selected Material Item will be listed here.

6. Transactions

All Transactions that was made containing the selected Material Item is listed here.