Finding Records

There are several ways for you to find records on BOS:

Searching for records

  1. Data filter - This is a date / customer / category filter that will help refine the return results for your search.
  2. Number search - Enter a number in this field, such as a Quotation number or Work Order number. Typically a drop-down menu is next to this field indicating which module to reference in the search.
  3. Text search - This is to search for text that you know is part of the description in the record you are trying to find, eg 'book' or 'leaflet'.
  4. Data grid filter - When accessing the grid view within a module, hover over a column heading to show the 'funnel' icon. This shows a tick-box selection of records to display, and can refine the displayed data within certain parameters, and help you find the desired record(s).
  5. Reset and View - BOS's default data filter is set to 'Today' with all other fields as blank. Clicking the Reset button will return the search parameters to 'Today' and clear other fields. View - The search results will only show once the View button is clicked.